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Welcome Jill,

Sorry to hear about your neck pain! We do talk about meds sometimes and I think

it's ok to ask questions about them; did you have any specific questions? Have

you ever had a muscle relaxer, like flexiril? That can help quite a bit for the

spasms. I'm interested in learning more about the omega 3 fish oil. Also have

you ever heard of Curamin? It's a natural product that has some pain relieving

properties for some people. It's sold at natural health stores, if you are

interested I can tell you more or you can google it. Best of luck to you!



From: sufi1313 <sufi1313@...>

Subject: new here

neck pain

Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 2:50 PM

I'm new here. My problems don't seem to be as severe as many of you. However,

right now I don't have anyone else to talk to in my life who has similar

problems. Since mid-December, I've had an episode of muscle spasms in my

neck,sometimes going down into my back. Had xrays and MRI, and was diagnosed

with bone spurs in my neck with compression.

Tried PT for awhile but it didn't help much. My chiropractor has been helping.

It's just tricky because even though the spasms have quieted down, it doesn't

take much to trigger them and that makes compression worse- sort of a viscious


I know we aren't supposed to discuss meds, but just wanted to say I had a bad

reaction to Naprosen, so apparently I can't take that category of drug. I take

some Omega 3 fish oil for the inflammation and that helps. But, that is all I


Any ideas appreciated,


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Two thing..

1. ask for some other med that might be helpful...Naprosen is in a class of

drugs that can be bad for a lot of people stomach especially.. Kadian

might be good for you it is a time release opiate(morphine) that they prescribe

in low doses and go up until they find the right fit...

2. people often look at the physical symptoms but ignore the mental

issues.. You should see if your insurance can help you see a mental health

professional because chronic pain often will be accompanied by depression...

Finding relief in that area is verrry important...

Best wishes

: )


In a message dated 4/16/2009 1:55:11 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

sufi1313@... writes:

I'm new here. My problems don't seem to be as severe as many of you.

However, right now I don't have anyone else to talk to in my life who has

similar problems. Since mid-December, I've had an episode of muscle spasms in


neck,sometimes going down into my back. Had xrays and MRI, and was

diagnosed with bone spurs in my neck with compression.

Tried PT for awhile but it didn't help much. My chiropractor has been

helping. It's just tricky because even though the spasms have quieted down, it

doesn't take much to trigger them and that makes compression worse- sort of

a viscious circle.

I know we aren't supposed to discuss meds, but just wanted to say I had a

bad reaction to Naprosen, so apparently I can't take that category of drug.

I take some Omega 3 fish oil for the inflammation and that helps. But,

that is all I take.

Any ideas appreciated,


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Hi Jill,


   Just wanted to say Hi! and that my neck pain has quieted down a lot since I

strengthened my upper back and shoulder blade muscles which resulted in much

better posture. I was on high dose Celebrex and that did something bad to me. So

I'm really pleased to be able to do without that stuff. Have a PT show you how

to reallly stand up straight so you don't have foreward head and have stressed

out neck muscles all the time.and how to pinch your shoulder blades in back and

also how to strengthen those back muscles.  Good luck.



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Hi Jill,


   Just wanted to say Hi! and that my neck pain has quieted down a lot since I

strengthened my upper back and shoulder blade muscles which resulted in much

better posture. I was on high dose Celebrex and that did something bad to me. So

I'm really pleased to be able to do without that stuff. Have a PT show you how

to reallly stand up straight so you don't have foreward head and have stressed

out neck muscles all the time.and how to pinch your shoulder blades in back and

also how to strengthen those back muscles.  Good luck.



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> What is the 1st step in getting help?

For school, you need to request a " full and individual " special education

evaluation IN WRITING. You should give a list of your concerns as well as a

list of all areas you want tested. Call your school district special education

office for particulars, such as whether they have forms for you to fill out and

who the contact person is for your particular school. After they receive this

written request, they have a certain amount of time to either do the evaluation

or give you written reasons as to why not. You still want to do your own

evaluations though, both for your own information beyond school issues and to

validate whatever they do.

> I tried to contact a developmental pediatrician that came recommended to me,

but was told there was a 28 wk waiting list. Is this typical?

Yes, very. I think it is because many medical/mental health professionals who

specialize in autism spectrum disorders don't take insurance for various

reasons. So, those who do have long waiting lists. That is actually a good

sign that you are in the right place.

Welcome to the list! I'm mom to a 14yo son with Asperger.


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How is your son sleeping at night with his band? My son has not slept since Tuesday night. I am exhausted. We had a apt this mornng and they made adjustments to his helmet. They are hoping it will make him more comfy.

From: Karin Stuart <jason_karin@...>Subject: new hereplagiocephaly Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 8:24 PM

Just wanted to formally introduce myself!I'm Karin, mom to 7 month old twins, and . got his band on Friday and we started the wearing schedule on Saturday. He seems to be doing well with it, a little cranky at times but overall not bad.His measurements are (I just wrote this down today ;o)asymmetry- 13 cm (moderate)cephalic ratio-92% (severe)We wrestled with this decision for a while but decided to go for it.Glad to find this group and hope to get to know you guys!Be still and know I am God Psalms

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He's not sleeping very well. At night he's up every few hours and today he took two 15 minute naps and is VERY CRANKY!!Be still and know I am God PsalmsPlagiocephaly From: tracyagee2003@...Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 08:51:41 -0700Subject: Re: new here


How is your son sleeping at night with his band? My son has not slept since Tuesday night. I am exhausted. We had a apt this mornng and they made adjustments to his helmet. They are hoping it will make him more comfy.

From: Karin Stuart <jason_karinhotmail>Subject: new hereplagiocephaly Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 8:24 PM

Just wanted to formally introduce myself!I'm Karin, mom to 7 month old twins, and . got his band on Friday and we started the wearing schedule on Saturday. He seems to be doing well with it, a little cranky at times but overall not bad.His measurements are (I just wrote this down today ;o)asymmetry- 13 cm (moderate)cephalic ratio-92% (severe)We wrestled with this decision for a while but decided to go for it.Glad to find this group and hope to get to know you guys!Be still and know I am God Psalms

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


First of all, I really feel for you. I have experienced many of the

same symptoms, including major recurring swelling of knees, plus

pain in shoulders and hips. I too am seronegative for RA and have

experienced migratory pain in small joints.

An immediate remedy for swollen knees is for a rheumatologist to

drain the excess synovial fluid and inject cortisone. Following this

procedure, my knees have been as good as new, but only for a few

months. I also had arthroscopic surgery in both knees and in one of

my shoulders. These surgeries helped, but after a few months the pain

came back.

I have been through many ups and downs with my condition, which

started in 1999, and have been through four diagnoses by four

rheumatologists: rheumatoid arthritis, then pseudogout, then

polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), then reactive arthritis, also known as

Reiter's syndrome. I am hopeful that this last diagnosis is correct.

A scary thought: not only can't doctors treat arthritis effectively,

they can't even diagnose it consistently.

A Google search on reactive arthritis brings up many pages, including

http://www.aafp.org/afp/990800ap/499.html. This paper states, " Very

large knee effusions, in excess of 100 mL, are not unusual. " It also

follows other papers in naming microorganisms as the cause of

reactive arthritis. These can include mycoplasma, chlamydia and

others. Reactive arthritis means that the arthritis is in reaction to

an infection. Doxycycline, which is sometimes used in the antibiotic

protocol (AP), is one of the treatments. In my case, the AP worked

for four years, from 2001 to 2005, but after I considered myself

practically cured and reduced the dosage of Minocin, the knee

swelling came back.

I am currently one 1 mg of Prednisone per day, to be stopped

completely in 3 weeks. I am also on four Azulfidine capsules per day.

This treatment has been effective for six months. I pray that it will

continue to work.

I recommend that you ask your doctors to consider reactive arthritis.

Also think of any acute bacterial condition that you may have had

prior to the onset of your disease.

Sincerely, Harald

At 11:38 AM 5/14/2009, you wrote:

>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.





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Hi, :

It is most likely that you actually have AS and should be tested for HLA B27

antigen.  It sounds like it was triggered by a reactive arthritis.

Antibiotics work, but not those prescribed by RBF physicians and DIET is

ESSENTIAL when using these agents.  Go to www.kickas.org for more info and avoid

the trainwreck of the Main Forum in favor of the NSD Forum.

Good luck to You,

From: julie.king@... <julie.king@...>

Subject: rheumatic New Here


Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:38 AM

Hi All,

I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum negative

rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years, and it suddenly got

very bad this January. Went to orthopedic surgeon, and was told I have a bad

case of hip dysplasia. I limped badly until last week when I got a total hip

replacement done. My new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.

Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started swelling. No pain,

just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders started hurting as well as one

large toe joint. Blood work showed elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA,

lupus. My knees were so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to

rheumatologist who prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got

rid of the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone, my

upper body pain came back.

Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt badly. My toe

pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my right thumb. The pain

scares me, and I wake up every morning wondering what new pain I will have and


I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months. None of my

doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a doctor in Newport,

Washington who is on a list of doctors who will. Has anyone heard of Dr.

Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with him in June.

I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?

I welcome any comments or feedback.


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I consider you to be one of the most intelligent sources on this list.  So, I

hope you don't mind me emailing and asking you these questions. 


I, too, have reactive arthritis (more than likely).  My symptoms are very much

like yours and 's: large knees, seronegative RA, and I am also HLA-B27

positive.  My arthritis began one week after a bladder infection. 


Do you not believe that AP therapy will work for this arthritis?  I see you are

taking sulfasalazine.  I am just a little confused here and I don't want to stay

on AP if I'm not going to benefit from it.





>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.






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, and Group,

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) may be a variant of reactive arthrits,

also known as Reiter's Syndrome. It is part of a set of arthritic

diseases called Seronegative spondyloarthropathy.

AS affects joints in the spine and the sacroilium in the pelvis,

often with pain referred to one or other buttock or back of the

thigh. As for reactive arthritis, it is likely to cause pain and

swelling of large limb joints, particularly the knees, and about 90%

of the patients have a genetic predisposition with the HLA-B27

genotype. Treatments are also similar, including DMARDs such as

cyclosporin, methotrexate, sulfasalazine (azulfidine), and

corticosteroids (prednisone).

, I recommend that you have your doctor order an HLA-B27 test to

help strengthen or confirm the suspected diagnosis of ankylosing

spondylitis (AS) or reactive arthritis. Also look for uveitis, an eye

inflammation which is one of the diagnostic markers for these diseases.

Sincerely, Harald

At 10:29 PM 5/14/2009, you wrote:

>Hi, :


>It is most likely that you actually have AS and should be tested for

>HLA B27 antigen. It sounds like it was triggered by a reactive arthritis.


>Antibiotics work, but not those prescribed by RBF physicians and

>DIET is ESSENTIAL when using these agents. Go to www.kickas.org for

>more info and avoid the trainwreck of the Main Forum in favor of the NSD Forum.


>Good luck to You,







> <<mailto:julie.king%40vandals.uidaho.edu>julie.king@...>

>Subject: rheumatic New Here


>Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:38 AM


>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.






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For everyone, to amplify Harald's information:

AS is the result of a reactive arthritis--KRA (Klebsiella-Reactive Arthritis),

but there are many different diseases in this family--Crohn's, Reiter's (true

definition is it MUST be caused by STD Chlamydia but it evolves into AS within 2

years, typically), Behcet's (HLA-B51), and several non-arthritic conditions, but

until a person exhibits fusion they can have a diagnosis of " Pre-AS. "

AS can lead to severe fusion of the entire spine (poker spine or bamboo spine)

and causes osteoporosis that leads to dowager's hump (kyphosis) and height

loss.  Although the hallmark diagnostic is fused SIJs, if a person is B27

positive and has lumbago, sacroiliitis, iritis, or chronic sciatica and back

problems they shold be treated early enough to avoid the damage (see Ebringer's

lecture bit on YouTube if interested).



><mailto:julie. king%40vandals. uidaho.edu>julie.kingvandals (DOT) uidaho.edu

> <<mailto:julie. king%40vandals. uidaho.edu>julie.kingvandals (DOT) uidaho.edu>

>Subject: rheumatic New Here

><mailto:rheumatic% 40groups. com>rheumatic@grou ps.com

>Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:38 AM


>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.






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Hi Harald,

it is interesting Azulfidine helps you!

I was talking with a doc from Europe that treats ra with antibiotics and he

mentioned he always employs the help of sulphasalazine on top of antibiotics

when there is a history of streptococcal infections.

is that your case?

the knee cortisone shots, did they really lasted that long? you are lucky.

whenever they injected my knees with cortisone, the effect lasted for a day and

the knees swelled up big after the shot.

were you ever positive for h. pylori or klebsiella?


Join me


From: hweiss@...

Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 20:53:22 -0700

Subject: Re: rheumatic New Here


First of all, I really feel for you. I have experienced many of the

same symptoms, including major recurring swelling of knees, plus

pain in shoulders and hips. I too am seronegative for RA and have

experienced migratory pain in small joints.

An immediate remedy for swollen knees is for a rheumatologist to

drain the excess synovial fluid and inject cortisone. Following this

procedure, my knees have been as good as new, but only for a few

months. I also had arthroscopic surgery in both knees and in one of

my shoulders. These surgeries helped, but after a few months the pain

came back.

I have been through many ups and downs with my condition, which

started in 1999, and have been through four diagnoses by four

rheumatologists: rheumatoid arthritis, then pseudogout, then

polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), then reactive arthritis, also known as

Reiter's syndrome. I am hopeful that this last diagnosis is correct.

A scary thought: not only can't doctors treat arthritis effectively,

they can't even diagnose it consistently.

A Google search on reactive arthritis brings up many pages, including

http://www.aafp.org/afp/990800ap/499.html. This paper states, " Very

large knee effusions, in excess of 100 mL, are not unusual. " It also

follows other papers in naming microorganisms as the cause of

reactive arthritis. These can include mycoplasma, chlamydia and

others. Reactive arthritis means that the arthritis is in reaction to

an infection. Doxycycline, which is sometimes used in the antibiotic

protocol (AP), is one of the treatments. In my case, the AP worked

for four years, from 2001 to 2005, but after I considered myself

practically cured and reduced the dosage of Minocin, the knee

swelling came back.

I am currently one 1 mg of Prednisone per day, to be stopped

completely in 3 weeks. I am also on four Azulfidine capsules per day.

This treatment has been effective for six months. I pray that it will

continue to work.

I recommend that you ask your doctors to consider reactive arthritis.

Also think of any acute bacterial condition that you may have had

prior to the onset of your disease.

Sincerely, Harald

At 11:38 AM 5/14/2009, you wrote:

>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.





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Hi ,

I just noticed your e-mail and I need to ask you what is the NSD Forum?

I went to kickass.org and found lots of references to immuno-suppressive drugs.

Did I go to the wrong site?



Join me


From: anzaltopo@...

Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 22:29:50 -0700

Subject: Re: rheumatic New Here

Hi, :

It is most likely that you actually have AS and should be tested for HLA B27

antigen. It sounds like it was triggered by a reactive arthritis.

Antibiotics work, but not those prescribed by RBF physicians and DIET is

ESSENTIAL when using these agents. Go to www.kickas.org for more info and avoid

the trainwreck of the Main Forum in favor of the NSD Forum.

Good luck to You,

From: julie.king@... <julie.king@...>

Subject: rheumatic New Here


Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:38 AM

Hi All,

I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum negative

rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years, and it suddenly got

very bad this January. Went to orthopedic surgeon, and was told I have a bad

case of hip dysplasia. I limped badly until last week when I got a total hip

replacement done. My new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.

Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started swelling. No pain,

just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders started hurting as well as one

large toe joint. Blood work showed elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA,

lupus. My knees were so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to

rheumatologist who prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got

rid of the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone, my

upper body pain came back.

Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt badly. My toe

pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my right thumb. The pain

scares me, and I wake up every morning wondering what new pain I will have and


I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months. None of my

doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a doctor in Newport,

Washington who is on a list of doctors who will. Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton

Kersting? I have an appointment with him in June.

I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?

I welcome any comments or feedback.


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Hi, :

Here is the link: 

http://www.kickas.org/ubbthreads/postlist.php?Cat=0 & Board=starch


From: julie.kingvandals (DOT) uidaho.edu <julie.kingvandals (DOT) uidaho.edu>

Subject: rheumatic New Here

rheumatic@grou ps.com

Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:38 AM

Hi All,

I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum negative

rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years, and it suddenly got

very bad this January. Went to orthopedic surgeon, and was told I have a bad

case of hip dysplasia. I limped badly until last week when I got a total hip

replacement done. My new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.

Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started swelling. No pain,

just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders started hurting as well as one

large toe joint. Blood work showed elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA,

lupus. My knees were so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to

rheumatologist who prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got

rid of the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone, my

upper body pain came back.

Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt badly. My toe

pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my right thumb. The pain

scares me, and I wake up every morning wondering what new pain I will have and


I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months. None of my

doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a doctor in Newport,

Washington who is on a list of doctors who will. Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton

Kersting? I have an appointment with him in June.

I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?

I welcome any comments or feedback.


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Hello Group,

I am about to start sulphasalazine and only this medication. Has this helped

anyone?????????side effects??????????????/

Thank you

Re: rheumatic New Here


First of all, I really feel for you. I have experienced many of the

same symptoms, including major recurring swelling of knees, plus

pain in shoulders and hips. I too am seronegative for RA and have

experienced migratory pain in small joints.

An immediate remedy for swollen knees is for a rheumatologist to

drain the excess synovial fluid and inject cortisone. Following this

procedure, my knees have been as good as new, but only for a few

months. I also had arthroscopic surgery in both knees and in one of

my shoulders. These surgeries helped, but after a few months the pain

came back.

I have been through many ups and downs with my condition, which

started in 1999, and have been through four diagnoses by four

rheumatologists: rheumatoid arthritis, then pseudogout, then

polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), then reactive arthritis, also known as

Reiter's syndrome. I am hopeful that this last diagnosis is correct.

A scary thought: not only can't doctors treat arthritis effectively,

they can't even diagnose it consistently.

A Google search on reactive arthritis brings up many pages, including

http://www.aafp.org/afp/990800ap/499.html. This paper states, " Very

large knee effusions, in excess of 100 mL, are not unusual. " It also

follows other papers in naming microorganisms as the cause of

reactive arthritis. These can include mycoplasma, chlamydia and

others. Reactive arthritis means that the arthritis is in reaction to

an infection. Doxycycline, which is sometimes used in the antibiotic

protocol (AP), is one of the treatments. In my case, the AP worked

for four years, from 2001 to 2005, but after I considered myself

practically cured and reduced the dosage of Minocin, the knee

swelling came back.

I am currently one 1 mg of Prednisone per day, to be stopped

completely in 3 weeks. I am also on four Azulfidine capsules per day.

This treatment has been effective for six months. I pray that it will

continue to work.

I recommend that you ask your doctors to consider reactive arthritis.

Also think of any acute bacterial condition that you may have had

prior to the onset of your disease.

Sincerely, Harald

At 11:38 AM 5/14/2009, you wrote:

>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.





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Guest guest

Hi, :

It is important to be patient when taking this drug.  I have AS and it does help

(in fact it can help avoid episodes of iritis), but there are several important

things to remember:  Take 1mg folic acid daily and only use the ENTERIC-COATED

version (Azulfidine-EN or Salazopyrin-EC I think) since it is many times more

effective and can help avoid nausea.  Stay out of direct sunlight while taking

SZ and it is best to avoid hard liquor.

My side effects varied early-on, but I felt like I was living underwater at

first, and still occasional nausea.  Therapeutic levels are 3.5g or even higher

and require about two months to work up to while maintenance dosages are about

2g daily.

I found out much later that this is the most effective DMARD, and Professor

Ebringer used it combined with his London AS Diet for many years at his

Middlesex AS Clinic.


>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.





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Hi, Beth. I, too have reactive arthritis for a bunch of years. Sulfasal did

nothing for me and I wasted 6 months of misery waiting for it to work. However,

I have been so successful, first with doxycycline and now with minocin. I suffer

a lot more in the winter, related to the miserable NY winter, but, I fell

amazing in the summers. I'm even back at work now. Good luck to you.


Re: rheumatic New Here


I consider you to be one of the most intelligent sources on this list. So, I

hope you don't mind me emailing and asking you these questions.

I, too, have reactive arthritis (more than likely). My symptoms are very much

like yours and 's: large knees, seronegative RA, and I am also HLA-B27

positive. My arthritis began one week after a bladder infection.

Do you not believe that AP therapy will work for this arthritis? I see you

are taking sulfasalazine. I am just a little confused here and I don't want to

stay on AP if I'm not going to benefit from it.



>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.






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The antibiotic protocol (AP) should work with reactive arthritis

since the disease is most likely caused by microoorganisms, and

Minocin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

I am currently not on the AP, since Minocin can cause thyroid tumors

and may have done so in my case. Statistics show that 20% of single

thyroid nodules and 10% of multiple thyroid modules are malignant.

70% of thyroid cancers are capillary carcinomas, one of the more

treatable forms of cancer.

Minocin by Lederle includes a fact sheet with these warnings:


Dietary administration of minocycline in long term tumorigenicity

studies in rats resulted in evidence of thyroid tumor production.

Minocycline has also been found to produce thyroid hyperplasia

[enlargement] in rats and dogs. In addition, there has been evidence

of oncogenic activity in rats in studies with a related antibiotic,

oxytetracycline (ie., adrenal and pituitary tumors). Likewise,

although mutagenicity studies of minocycline have not been conducted,

positive results in in vitro mammalian cell assays (ie, mouse

lymphoma and Chinese hamster lung cells) have been reported for

related antibiotics (tetracycline hydrochloride and oxytetracycline).


MINOCIN minocycline HCl has been observed to cause a dark

discoloration of the thyroid in experimental animals (rats, minipigs,

dogs, and monkeys). In the rat, chronic treatment with minocycline

hydrochloride has resulted in goiter accompanied by elevated

radioactive iodine uptake and evidence of thyroid tumor production.

Minocycline hydrochloride has also been found to produce thyroid

hyperplasia in rats and dogs. "

Sincerely, Harald

At 06:53 AM 5/15/2009, you wrote:



>... So, I hope you don't mind me emailing and asking you these

>questions. I, too, have reactive arthritis (more than likely). My

>symptoms are very much like yours and 's: large knees,

>seronegative RA, and I am also HLA-B27 positive. My arthritis began

>one week after a bladder infection. Do you not believe that AP

>therapy will work for this arthritis? I see you are taking

>sulfasalazine. I am just a little confused here and I don't want to

>stay on AP if I'm not going to benefit from it.







> >Hi All,

> >

> >I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

> >negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

> >and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

> >surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

> >badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

> >new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.

> >

> >Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

> >swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

> >started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

> >elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

> >so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

> >prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

> >the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

> >my upper body pain came back.

> >

> >Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

> >badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

> >right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

> >wondering what new pain I will have and where.

> >

> >I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

> >None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

> >doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

> >Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

> >him in June.

> >

> >I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?

> >

> >I welcome any comments or feedback.

> >

> >Thanks!

> >

> >


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Thank you ,

Tomorrow is D day for me. Hoping that this drug will work and return me to my

former health and hope that I will be able to walk at my son's wedding in

November. You haven't mentioned are you still on the drug? I tested negative to

microplasm's but RF factor is 979, at present. Am so swollen in nearly every

joint. Have been told that my left knee will need a total replacement all

because I did nothing as I was too frightened to take either abx or mtx.

thank you heaps for your help

From: Merchant


Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 3:32 AM

Subject: Re: rheumatic New Here

Hi, :

It is important to be patient when taking this drug. I have AS and it does

help (in fact it can help avoid episodes of iritis), but there are several

important things to remember: Take 1mg folic acid daily and only use the

ENTERIC-COATED version (Azulfidine-EN or Salazopyrin-EC I think) since it is

many times more effective and can help avoid nausea. Stay out of direct

sunlight while taking SZ and it is best to avoid hard liquor.

My side effects varied early-on, but I felt like I was living underwater at

first, and still occasional nausea. Therapeutic levels are 3.5g or even higher

and require about two months to work up to while maintenance dosages are about

2g daily.

I found out much later that this is the most effective DMARD, and Professor

Ebringer used it combined with his London AS Diet for many years at his

Middlesex AS Clinic.


>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.





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Hi, :

Good luck with it.

I no longer take SZ because I can control my AS with diet and antibiotics so

effectively, and I never took it during summertime, since I love too much to be

out in the sun, but it was very effective during the several years I was on it,

even stopping and restarting ('they' say that it looses its effectiveness if you

stop and resume, but I did not observe that problem, also some say that it is

more for peripheral disease than axial--but I don't buy that one, either).

Your RF factor is so high that I wonder about ESR and CRP, too!  If this does

not do the trick I have more information on RA relating to the cause and

mechanism that might better be reduced to practice, in the absence of the

Brown-proposed mycoplasmas.


>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.





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Hi ,

My ESR & CRP are also high along with my RF. The new doctor I am seeing has

advised me that SZ is safe(hope she is right). She is looking at this drug

forever, something I don't want. That would mean no more watching life's beauty

off my verandah, as this is where I tan. You mentioned diet any help would be


still searching

Re: rheumatic New Here

Hi, :

Good luck with it.

I no longer take SZ because I can control my AS with diet and antibiotics so

effectively, and I never took it during summertime, since I love too much to be

out in the sun, but it was very effective during the several years I was on it,

even stopping and restarting ('they' say that it looses its effectiveness if you

stop and resume, but I did not observe that problem, also some say that it is

more for peripheral disease than axial--but I don't buy that one, either).

Your RF factor is so high that I wonder about ESR and CRP, too! If this does

not do the trick I have more information on RA relating to the cause and

mechanism that might better be reduced to practice, in the absence of the

Brown-proposed mycoplasmas.


>Hi All,


>I am just starting on a journey of what my doctors think is serum

>negative rheumatoid arthritis. I have had some hip pain for years,

>and it suddenly got very bad this January. Went to orthopedic

>surgeon, and was told I have a bad case of hip dysplasia. I limped

>badly until last week when I got a total hip replacement done. My

>new hip feels great. I am 33 and otherwise super healthy.


>Soon after my hip pain increased in January, my knees started

>swelling. No pain, just bad swelling. Then my elbows and shoulders

>started hurting as well as one large toe joint. Blood work showed

>elevated sedrate and crp and negative for RA, lupus. My knees were

>so swollen I had to get crutches to walk. Went to rheumatologist who

>prescribed prednisone. That helped my upper body and I got rid of

>the crutches although my knees were still swollen. After prednisone,

>my upper body pain came back.


>Almost two weeks now after surgery, my arms and shoulders hurt

>badly. My toe pain and swelling is gone, but it has migrated into my

>right thumb. The pain scares me, and I wake up every morning

>wondering what new pain I will have and where.


>I have been reading about antibiotic therapy for several months.

>None of my doctors will prescribe any antibiotics, but found a

>doctor in Newport, Washington who is on a list of doctors who will.

>Has anyone heard of Dr. Clayton Kersting? I have an appointment with

>him in June.


>I live in northern Idaho. Any feedback on doctors in Idaho or Washington?


>I welcome any comments or feedback.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the group

I have a daughter - who's nearly 3 - she was diagnosed with Pauciarticular -

then changed to polyarticulra last year in September

She's had steroid injections and is on Methotrexate and has been great since

Love - Devon, UK


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of wandavanhorn

Sent: 22 May 2009 19:39

Subject: New here

I just found this group and thought I'd intoduce myself.

I have a 7 yr old with JRA. She was diagnosed at age 4.

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  • 2 months later...
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I am by no means an expert on apraxia but my son is 26 months old and he has

been officially diagnosed by his SLP with apraxia. At this time, does not

show any autistic features so we don't have concerns about autism. When we

first saw our SLP for a consult in April, was 23 mos old and had about 5

or 6 words. Since he had so few words, her initial diagnosis after spending an

hour evaluating him was " suspected apraxia " but she said she would proceed with

treatment assuming he had apraxia. After seeing him for a few months, she

officially diagnosed with him with apraxia. After 3 months of treatment twice a

week for an hour each (plus my working with him at home most other days for

30-45 minutes), he now has 50+ words and is putting 2 words together and 2-3

syllables together although he still has frequent deletion errors and variable

performance of words.

Here are some characteristics of verbal apraxia I got in a handout from a parent

seminar on CAS:

frequent deletion errors (i.e. leaving off sounds)

groping postures present

increased errors with increaed linguistic complexity

variable performance of words (this is what you are talking about when you say

his pronunciation can change with the same word)

highly unintelligible

vowel distortions

limited vowel, consanant and syllable structures

We are also taking for a consult with a pediatric neurologist at our local

Childrens Hospital next week since in addition to the apraxia he also has other

mild neuro issues like hypotonia and sensory processing disorder so I just want

to see what the neurologist has to say.

My best advice is to make sure your SLP really understands and has experience

with apraxic kids because in my opinion, the right SLP and the right treatment

makes all the difference. Our current SLP is the 3rd one we saw for a consult

and the depth of her knowledge about apraxia vs the first 2 SLPs we saw blew me

away and I give all the credit for 's progress to her.

Good luck and please keep us posted.


> Hi, all. I'm new here. I have a three-year old son, who has not yet been put

on the spectrum. I say not yet, because he is showing some fairly good social

skills, interaction, etc. But he does have " autistic features. " That aside,

Jake's SLP has mentioned possible apraxia, but because of his age, from what I

understand, that would be hard to diagnose. In any event, my son has not yet

seen a neurologist, which I believe he should, not only because of his speech,

but also my concerns with this strange blinking thing that he occasionally does.


> My question is what neurologist to see? And can a neurologist diagnose



> Because I live in the Washington DC/Baltimore area, the two names that come to

mind are Dr. Mott with town and Dr. Zimmerman with Kennedy

Krieger. Jake has been to Kennedy Krieger several times to see a developmental



> Does anyone have any opinion on either of these doctors or perhaps a

recommendation other than these two?


> Also, one of the problems with my son's speech is that his pronunciation can

change with the same word. Is this a sign of apraxia?


> Thank you in advance!


> Debbie


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Hi, . Thanks so much for responding.

I'll be sure to check with Jake's SLP her qualifications and experience

regarding apraxia. Can you tell me how regular speech therapy differs from

therapy for apraxia? And how much therapy a week do they recommend?

Thanks again!


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