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You have come to the right place for help and advice. Tim.


My child has just been diagnosed with autism. He's 4 yrs of age and

non-verbal.I had him immediately after college and nothing could have

prepared me for this. I cannot stress enough how fine I thought

things were. Good education, good job, first baby and a loving

partner then one day my life changed forever. I have since opted to

be a stay-at-home mom.I am one of those people who had not heard of

autism until it struck me and for a while I thought I would not live

again. I met a mother yesterday at a theraphy class and she refered

me to your group. I've been reading the posts and I cannot tell you

how encouraging it is to hear what others say. My son is not on

wheat/dairy free meals. I've read a lot of posts on supplements any

suggestions on what I could start him on?. I hope to hear from you



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  • 6 months later...
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Hi Sharon,

Welcome to the list, so sorry to hear that you and your children have been

sick for so long with this damned disease. Hunterdon County, NJ is one of the

worst areas in the state with high incidence of Lyme and other tick-borne

disorders. Someone told me there was no support group in that county.....is

that true?

I will try to answer your questions, but they are only my opinion, as you know,

no one really knows the real answers about this disease.

Questions: How long do we need to stay on these drugs?

Answer: My Lyme doctor and others I have read state you should stay on abx

until you are two months without symptoms.

How accurate is the Lyme Urine Antigen Test from Igenex?

Answer: I have never had one, I hear that many people feel it is a good

indication that one has Lyme disease as the test measures dead spirochetes in

the urine. I am not sure if the MIGHTY INSURANCE COMPANIES agree though.

Can you explain in Lyme brain terms how it works?

I hope someone else will explain the test since I never had it, but I

believe the Igenex web site has a good explanation.


Has anyone pulsed their oral drugs? I pulsed IV.

I have never pulsed my oral meds, but I know many have, hopefully someone

who has will respond to you.

Is anyone out there well over 3 years without relapse?

Has anyone tried Flagyl with success?

I don't know of anyone who has gone three years without a relapse, and I am

doubtful there if anyone on this list will be able to respond positively to that

one either, if they weren't still sick, they'd be spending their time doing fun

things. But I am sure there are some people who have gone on to be cured of

their Lyme disease, so do not lose hope.

The jury is still out on Flagyl, some respond to it, while others do

not....another one I haven't tried myself.

I am sorry I could not answer all your questions, you must admit they were

hard ones, I hope you enjoy the list.

Best to you,

Marta (NJ)

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In a message dated 7/10/99 5:59:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

mlmccoy@... writes:


Is anyone out there well over 3 years without relapse?

Has anyone tried Flagyl with success?


I functioned for 5 years without a relaspes. Due to working too many hours I

reasped last July. I hope this time to get better and never have a relaspes

again!!! People with Lyme have to take care of themselves.

Feel better,

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Yes, the same thing happened to my daughter more that once...stress and

not enough rest would cause a relapse...she's doing well now, but I

always remind her about getting enough rest...hard for an 18 yr. old to

do! Joan LI, NY

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  • 1 month later...

What I have come across is the herb astragalus/Huang Qi. It helps your

immune system, and it increases the rate of survival in chemotherapy. There

have been Chinese studies showing this. It is my opinion that what helps your

immune system helps against cancer. If you search under www.dogpile.com (no

joke), it will give a number of sources that talk about astragalus. My

M.D./homeopathic doctor recommended it to me for my sinuses that have been

infected for a year and a half. It works well, and is supposed to pretty safe,

but do not take it when you have a fever.


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There are a couple good books about cancer and natural ways to beat it. The

book by W. Diamond " The Definitive Guide to Cancer " , and Hulda s

" The Cure of All Cancers " . This should help get you started. My husband is

fighting melanoma and we have done all alternative. The only conventional

thing we tried was a vaccine. He's been fighting it now for 2 1/2 years.

We have done juicing fresh fruit and vegetables, we do ozone, rife, organic

diet, laetril(vitamin b17), a bunch of herbs and amino acids and vitamins.

About 6 weeks ago he had 2 root canals removed, because I had talk to many

MD's that were naturalpath doctors as well. They told me until we treated

his root canals, he was not going to heal. When we had the root canals

removed, they were infected. He also had all 8 silver filing removed. He

was also toxic with mercury and is getting chelation for the removal of it.

The doctors just told us yesterday that his cancer is stable and doesn't

appear to be growing. These two books should get you started. If you have

any question feel free to e-mail me directly if you want.



[ ] New Member

From: SnottyKat@...

Hi Everyone,

My name is Sharon. Last August my 68 (then 67) year old mother

discovered a rather large lump in her left breast. She has been afraid

of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't check

her breasts.

We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen them

without fear. We went to see a Naturopathic doctor up in Canada. He

said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as such.

He " treated " her for many months. Finally some time in May after the

lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.

His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor and

get this diagnosed ASAP. He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

my mom could be die from waiting so long.

She agreed to go to a conventional doctor. It was cancerous. She had

surgery to have the breast removed.

A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies under


Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

prevent further cancer. All of her nodes were positive. She had cat

scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable spot on

her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she does not

know of ever having these) or it could be a spot of cancer. I guess it

is in the area where cancer would settle.

The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom getting a

recurrance by 30 percent. She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according to her


We went to see the half holistic/ half conventional doctor today. He

recommends the Tamoxifen. I told him about a book that I " ve been

reading called " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " by

Dr. Lee. It is an amazing book. It gives so much info on how

natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't make

money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural to

make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.

Reading this book has really gotten me upset. It's all about money.

Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but because

there is big money in allopathic medicine. And I believe that a lot of

doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.

Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and that's

why he recommends the Tamoxifen. I don't like the idea of the

Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at least

have her try some alternative therapy in conjunction with it. Part of

me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too long

and may not have much time to play with.

I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way for her

to beat it.

I would like any info that people on the list may be able to provide...

also links to websites. I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

Lorraine Day (my mom's name is Lorraine). I'd appreciate the URL to

the site if someone could provide it.

I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.

Does anyone know about natural progesterone cream? The book that I

mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

progesterone levels. From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream, but I

just dont' know enough about it to make that type of decision. I asked

her doctor today and he didn't know if it would help her. He did

refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

conventional doctor. The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

believer in holistic at all. He will discuss them, but only basically

to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

Thanks for any info that anyone can provide. I'd really like to speak

with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their own

breast cancer.

Warm Regards,



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Hi Margie,

There is one good source of info that may be extremely helpful to many

people. It is from Dr.Johanna Budwig, perhaps Germany`s most outstanding

scientist today. Her whole approach is a simple one to follow and is based

on getting into the body what is needed for the immune system to do its job

and above all understanding what has happened to our food chain

manufacturing and distribution approaches these last fifty years. This is

done by explaining what must be eliminated in our diet and what must be

included immediately to reverse the effects of unhealthy foods, that are

causing so much misery, including the life threatening dideases of

arthritis, heart problems and cancer, among others. She has advocated Flax

Seed oil(exceptionally good oil),mixed with low fat cottage cheeses

(protein) and a bit of honey. Anyone can follow it for such a small amount

of money. She has cured many people who were " given up " by doctors as

hopeless and her diet has snatched people some of these people from Death`s

Doorstep. The regimen is easy to follow and this lady has been repeatedly

nominated for the Nobel Prize. Her outspoken views are a great credit to her

integrity and honesty in science and as a humanitarian. Check her out. Two

of her eleven books have been translated from the German and are now

available at & Noble, Amazon Books, etc.,and perhaps some health food

stores. Regards, Mike Cinelli


At 09:13 AM 8/17/99 -0500, you wrote:





>There are a couple good books about cancer and natural ways to beat it. The

>book by W. Diamond " The Definitive Guide to Cancer " , and Hulda s

> " The Cure of All Cancers " . This should help get you started. My husband is

>fighting melanoma and we have done all alternative. The only conventional

>thing we tried was a vaccine. He's been fighting it now for 2 1/2 years.

>We have done juicing fresh fruit and vegetables, we do ozone, rife, organic

>diet, laetril(vitamin b17), a bunch of herbs and amino acids and vitamins.

>About 6 weeks ago he had 2 root canals removed, because I had talk to many

>MD's that were naturalpath doctors as well. They told me until we treated

>his root canals, he was not going to heal. When we had the root canals

>removed, they were infected. He also had all 8 silver filing removed. He

>was also toxic with mercury and is getting chelation for the removal of it.

>The doctors just told us yesterday that his cancer is stable and doesn't

>appear to be growing. These two books should get you started. If you have

>any question feel free to e-mail me directly if you want.





> [ ] New Member



>From: SnottyKat@...


>Hi Everyone,


>My name is Sharon. Last August my 68 (then 67) year old mother

>discovered a rather large lump in her left breast. She has been afraid

>of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't check

>her breasts.


>We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen them

>without fear. We went to see a Naturopathic doctor up in Canada. He

>said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as such.

>He " treated " her for many months. Finally some time in May after the

>lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

>brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.


>His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor and

>get this diagnosed ASAP. He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

>my mom could be die from waiting so long.


>She agreed to go to a conventional doctor. It was cancerous. She had

>surgery to have the breast removed.


>A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

>also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies under



>Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

>prevent further cancer. All of her nodes were positive. She had cat

>scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable spot on

>her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she does not

>know of ever having these) or it could be a spot of cancer. I guess it

>is in the area where cancer would settle.


>The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom getting a

>recurrance by 30 percent. She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

>without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according to her



>We went to see the half holistic/ half conventional doctor today. He

>recommends the Tamoxifen. I told him about a book that I " ve been

>reading called " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " by

>Dr. Lee. It is an amazing book. It gives so much info on how

>natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't make

>money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural to

>make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.


>Reading this book has really gotten me upset. It's all about money.

>Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but because

>there is big money in allopathic medicine. And I believe that a lot of

>doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.


>Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

>nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and that's

>why he recommends the Tamoxifen. I don't like the idea of the

>Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at least

>have her try some alternative therapy in conjunction with it. Part of

>me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too long

>and may not have much time to play with.


>I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way for her

>to beat it.


>I would like any info that people on the list may be able to provide...

>also links to websites. I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

>Lorraine Day (my mom's name is Lorraine). I'd appreciate the URL to

>the site if someone could provide it.


>I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.


>Does anyone know about natural progesterone cream? The book that I

>mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

>progesterone levels. From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

>that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream, but I

>just dont' know enough about it to make that type of decision. I asked

>her doctor today and he didn't know if it would help her. He did

>refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

>conventional doctor. The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

>believer in holistic at all. He will discuss them, but only basically

>to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

>Thanks for any info that anyone can provide. I'd really like to speak

>with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their own

>breast cancer.


>Warm Regards,






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Hi Sharon

I've come across a top research doctor that has worked with cancer.

He spoke in April in Pennsylvania to some of the country's top oncologists.

The initial clinical study began with breast cancer and they continue to

document the progress both old and new cancer patients have made.

In my fight with cancer, the product studied made a major difference

in my life. My local dr. said he was baffled at what he saw, after using

it for a small period of time. I just heard from a woman who has breast

cancer, used a regimen recommended by this dr. and is seeing positive

progress with her cancer.

I would be glad to give more information if you are interested.

There is an abstract for his presentation in PA as well on the cancer

research his team did.

I have heard of more than one instance where someone's cancer in

the later stages, not long to live and the SelGuard combined with some of

the products he recommended in their individual regimens turned things

around and they saw their cancer cell markers go down with each lab report.

The dr.'s been busy, hundreds of phone calls since he spoke, but I

have been able to get in touch with his assistant who relays the message to

him, and gets back to me and possibly you can connect with him directly.

Let me know if you would like information.

Hope I can be of help. I really appreciated the hope I was given.


PS I forgot to mention that these nutraceuticals also work with prevention.

There have also been studies about that aspect. Also the SelGuard is all

natural, kills the cancer cells, not the good ones and is non-toxic with no

side effects.

[ ] New Member

From: SnottyKat@...

Hi Everyone,

My name is Sharon. Last August my 68 (then 67) year old mother

discovered a rather large lump in her left breast. She has been afraid

of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't check

her breasts.

We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen them

without fear. We went to see a Naturopathic doctor up in Canada. He

said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as such.

He " treated " her for many months. Finally some time in May after the

lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.

His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor and

get this diagnosed ASAP. He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

my mom could be die from waiting so long.

She agreed to go to a conventional doctor. It was cancerous. She had

surgery to have the breast removed.

A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies under


Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

prevent further cancer. All of her nodes were positive. She had cat

scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable spot on

her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she does not

know of ever having these) or it could be a spot of cancer. I guess it

is in the area where cancer would settle.

The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom getting a

recurrance by 30 percent. She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according to her


We went to see the half holistic/ half conventional doctor today. He

recommends the Tamoxifen. I told him about a book that I " ve been

reading called " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " by

Dr. Lee. It is an amazing book. It gives so much info on how

natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't make

money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural to

make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.

Reading this book has really gotten me upset. It's all about money.

Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but because

there is big money in allopathic medicine. And I believe that a lot of

doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.

Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and that's

why he recommends the Tamoxifen. I don't like the idea of the

Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at least

have her try some alternative therapy in conjunction with it. Part of

me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too long

and may not have much time to play with.

I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way for her

to beat it.

I would like any info that people on the list may be able to provide...

also links to websites. I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

Lorraine Day (my mom's name is Lorraine). I'd appreciate the URL to

the site if someone could provide it.

I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.

Does anyone know about natural progesterone cream? The book that I

mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

progesterone levels. From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream, but I

just dont' know enough about it to make that type of decision. I asked

her doctor today and he didn't know if it would help her. He did

refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

conventional doctor. The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

believer in holistic at all. He will discuss them, but only basically

to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

Thanks for any info that anyone can provide. I'd really like to speak

with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their own

breast cancer.

Warm Regards,



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Hi ,

My name is Sandy. Would you e-mail me more information on this? Was is

SelGuard - where do we get it etc. What is the name of the doctor - where

is he located?

Would appreciate it immensely!


----Original Message Follows----

From: " H " <1eagles9@...>

Reply- onelist

< onelist>

Subject: Re: [ ] New Member

Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 21:00:15 -0500

From: " H " <1eagles9@...>

Hi Sharon

I've come across a top research doctor that has worked with cancer.

He spoke in April in Pennsylvania to some of the country's top oncologists.

The initial clinical study began with breast cancer and they continue to

document the progress both old and new cancer patients have made.

In my fight with cancer, the product studied made a major difference

in my life. My local dr. said he was baffled at what he saw, after using

it for a small period of time. I just heard from a woman who has breast

cancer, used a regimen recommended by this dr. and is seeing positive

progress with her cancer.

I would be glad to give more information if you are interested.

There is an abstract for his presentation in PA as well on the cancer

research his team did.

I have heard of more than one instance where someone's cancer in

the later stages, not long to live and the SelGuard combined with some of

the products he recommended in their individual regimens turned things

around and they saw their cancer cell markers go down with each lab report.

The dr.'s been busy, hundreds of phone calls since he spoke, but I

have been able to get in touch with his assistant who relays the message to

him, and gets back to me and possibly you can connect with him directly.

Let me know if you would like information.

Hope I can be of help. I really appreciated the hope I was given.


PS I forgot to mention that these nutraceuticals also work with prevention.

There have also been studies about that aspect. Also the SelGuard is all

natural, kills the cancer cells, not the good ones and is non-toxic with no

side effects.

[ ] New Member

From: SnottyKat@...

Hi Everyone,

My name is Sharon. Last August my 68 (then 67) year old mother

discovered a rather large lump in her left breast. She has been afraid

of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't check

her breasts.

We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen them

without fear. We went to see a Naturopathic doctor up in Canada. He

said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as such.

He " treated " her for many months. Finally some time in May after the

lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.

His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor and

get this diagnosed ASAP. He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

my mom could be die from waiting so long.

She agreed to go to a conventional doctor. It was cancerous. She had

surgery to have the breast removed.

A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies under


Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

prevent further cancer. All of her nodes were positive. She had cat

scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable spot on

her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she does not

know of ever having these) or it could be a spot of cancer. I guess it

is in the area where cancer would settle.

The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom getting a

recurrance by 30 percent. She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according to her


We went to see the half holistic/ half conventional doctor today. He

recommends the Tamoxifen. I told him about a book that I " ve been

reading called " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " by

Dr. Lee. It is an amazing book. It gives so much info on how

natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't make

money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural to

make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.

Reading this book has really gotten me upset. It's all about money.

Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but because

there is big money in allopathic medicine. And I believe that a lot of

doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.

Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and that's

why he recommends the Tamoxifen. I don't like the idea of the

Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at least

have her try some alternative therapy in conjunction with it. Part of

me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too long

and may not have much time to play with.

I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way for her

to beat it.

I would like any info that people on the list may be able to provide...

also links to websites. I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

Lorraine Day (my mom's name is Lorraine). I'd appreciate the URL to

the site if someone could provide it.

I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.

Does anyone know about natural progesterone cream? The book that I

mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

progesterone levels. From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream, but I

just dont' know enough about it to make that type of decision. I asked

her doctor today and he didn't know if it would help her. He did

refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

conventional doctor. The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

believer in holistic at all. He will discuss them, but only basically

to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

Thanks for any info that anyone can provide. I'd really like to speak

with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their own

breast cancer.

Warm Regards,



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I have brochures and other literature which I'd be glad to mail if you wish.

I'm not very adept at sending attachments or I'd do that. SelGuard is the

name of the main product used with cancer; however there are others. Dr.

Simon Hsia is the Chief Scientific Officer for Viva America. He is on the

Medical Advisory Board along with Dr. Block, Director of Oncology at

Harbor-UCLA. Dr. Block was a past president of the American Cancer

Society-LA chapter. He conducted the soon-to-be published clinical study of

VIVA SelGuard in a medical journal.

If you are interested in ordering, I would be glad to mail you a form

you can send directly to the company. If you would like to go straight

through the company, email me and I can give you a number. Again, I would be

glad to send you info if you send your address in a private email.

Hope this answers your questions.


[ ] New Member



>From: SnottyKat@...


>Hi Everyone,


>My name is Sharon. Last August my 68 (then 67) year old mother

>discovered a rather large lump in her left breast. She has been afraid

>of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't check

>her breasts.


>We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen them

>without fear. We went to see a Naturopathic doctor up in Canada. He

>said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as such.

>He " treated " her for many months. Finally some time in May after the

>lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

>brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.


>His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor and

>get this diagnosed ASAP. He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

>my mom could be die from waiting so long.


>She agreed to go to a conventional doctor. It was cancerous. She had

>surgery to have the breast removed.


>A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

>also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies under



>Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

>prevent further cancer. All of her nodes were positive. She had cat

>scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable spot on

>her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she does not

>know of ever having these) or it could be a spot of cancer. I guess it

>is in the area where cancer would settle.


>The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom getting a

>recurrance by 30 percent. She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

>without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according to her



>We went to see the half holistic/ half conventional doctor today. He

>recommends the Tamoxifen. I told him about a book that I " ve been

>reading called " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " by

>Dr. Lee. It is an amazing book. It gives so much info on how

>natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't make

>money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural to

>make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.


>Reading this book has really gotten me upset. It's all about money.

>Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but because

>there is big money in allopathic medicine. And I believe that a lot of

>doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.


>Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

>nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and that's

>why he recommends the Tamoxifen. I don't like the idea of the

>Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at least

>have her try some alternative therapy in conjunction with it. Part of

>me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too long

>and may not have much time to play with.


>I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way for her

>to beat it.


>I would like any info that people on the list may be able to provide...

>also links to websites. I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

>Lorraine Day (my mom's name is Lorraine). I'd appreciate the URL to

>the site if someone could provide it.


>I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.


>Does anyone know about natural progesterone cream? The book that I

>mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

>progesterone levels. From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

>that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream, but I

>just dont' know enough about it to make that type of decision. I asked

>her doctor today and he didn't know if it would help her. He did

>refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

>conventional doctor. The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

>believer in holistic at all. He will discuss them, but only basically

>to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

>Thanks for any info that anyone can provide. I'd really like to speak

>with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their own

>breast cancer.


>Warm Regards,






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If you read my email to Sandy, it will answer a lot of your questions.

SelGuard works with pretty much all cancers; however usually they recommend

a regimen individualized based on the type of cancer.

I have information I can mail, like the abstract from PA, etc. If you

would like it, just send me a private email with your address.

By the way, Dr. Simon Hsia will be speaking in Rochester around Sept

25. He will also be speaking in Colorado in Greeley and Denver, and in

Iowa. If you are near to these locations, when I verify his schedule, I can

post it. Any more questions, I would be glad to help.


Re: [ ] New Member

>From: Kris Makl <kjmakl@...>


>I'd also like this information. Is this strictly for breast cancer or for

>any cancer?




>At 06:39 AM 8/18/99 PDT, you wrote:

>>From: " Keyes " <sandra_keyes@...>


>>Hi ,

>>My name is Sandy. Would you e-mail me more information on this? Was is

>>SelGuard - where do we get it etc. What is the name of the doctor - where

>>is he located?


>>Would appreciate it immensely!






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I too would like this information. Do they have a web site to look at their



Margie Bander


[ ] New Member



>From: SnottyKat@...


>Hi Everyone,


>My name is Sharon. Last August my 68 (then 67) year old mother

>discovered a rather large lump in her left breast. She has been afraid

>of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't check

>her breasts.


>We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen them

>without fear. We went to see a Naturopathic doctor up in Canada. He

>said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as such.

>He " treated " her for many months. Finally some time in May after the

>lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

>brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.


>His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor and

>get this diagnosed ASAP. He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

>my mom could be die from waiting so long.


>She agreed to go to a conventional doctor. It was cancerous. She had

>surgery to have the breast removed.


>A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

>also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies under



>Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

>prevent further cancer. All of her nodes were positive. She had cat

>scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable spot on

>her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she does not

>know of ever having these) or it could be a spot of cancer. I guess it

>is in the area where cancer would settle.


>The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom getting a

>recurrance by 30 percent. She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

>without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according to her



>We went to see the half holistic/ half conventional doctor today. He

>recommends the Tamoxifen. I told him about a book that I " ve been

>reading called " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " by

>Dr. Lee. It is an amazing book. It gives so much info on how

>natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't make

>money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural to

>make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.


>Reading this book has really gotten me upset. It's all about money.

>Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but because

>there is big money in allopathic medicine. And I believe that a lot of

>doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.


>Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

>nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and that's

>why he recommends the Tamoxifen. I don't like the idea of the

>Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at least

>have her try some alternative therapy in conjunction with it. Part of

>me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too long

>and may not have much time to play with.


>I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way for her

>to beat it.


>I would like any info that people on the list may be able to provide...

>also links to websites. I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

>Lorraine Day (my mom's name is Lorraine). I'd appreciate the URL to

>the site if someone could provide it.


>I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.


>Does anyone know about natural progesterone cream? The book that I

>mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

>progesterone levels. From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

>that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream, but I

>just dont' know enough about it to make that type of decision. I asked

>her doctor today and he didn't know if it would help her. He did

>refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

>conventional doctor. The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

>believer in holistic at all. He will discuss them, but only basically

>to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

>Thanks for any info that anyone can provide. I'd really like to speak

>with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their own

>breast cancer.


>Warm Regards,






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I'd also like this information. Is this strictly for breast cancer or for

any cancer?


At 06:39 AM 8/18/99 PDT, you wrote:

>From: " Keyes " <sandra_keyes@...>


>Hi ,

>My name is Sandy. Would you e-mail me more information on this? Was is

>SelGuard - where do we get it etc. What is the name of the doctor - where

>is he located?


>Would appreciate it immensely!




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I would be very interested in the Colorado date(s) when you know them.



At 12:10 PM 8/18/99 -0500, you wrote:

>From: " H " <1eagles9@...>


>If you read my email to Sandy, it will answer a lot of your questions.

>SelGuard works with pretty much all cancers; however usually they recommend

>a regimen individualized based on the type of cancer.

> I have information I can mail, like the abstract from PA, etc. If you

>would like it, just send me a private email with your address.

> By the way, Dr. Simon Hsia will be speaking in Rochester around Sept

>25. He will also be speaking in Colorado in Greeley and Denver, and in

>Iowa. If you are near to these locations, when I verify his schedule, I can

>post it. Any more questions, I would be glad to help.

> H.

> Re: [ ] New Member



>>From: Kris Makl <kjmakl@...>


>>I'd also like this information. Is this strictly for breast cancer or for

>>any cancer?




>>At 06:39 AM 8/18/99 PDT, you wrote:

>>>From: " Keyes " <sandra_keyes@...>


>>>Hi ,

>>>My name is Sandy. Would you e-mail me more information on this? Was is

>>>SelGuard - where do we get it etc. What is the name of the doctor - where

>>>is he located?


>>>Would appreciate it immensely!






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I tried to send you my address via private e-mail, and it came back to me

twice. Could you try sending me a private e-mail and see if I can




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, I am also new to the list. I have been using various alternative

methods to cure my breast cancer for about 2 1/2 years, with very good

results. I am always looking for new things to supplement my regimen and

would be very interested in hearing about SelGuard. Would you advise me as

to how I would find out about this product/regimen. Thank you. Kathy.

[ ] New Member



> From: SnottyKat@...


> Hi Everyone,


> My name is Sharon. Last August my 68 (then 67) year old mother

> discovered a rather large lump in her left breast. She has been afraid

> of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't check

> her breasts.


> We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen them

> without fear. We went to see a Naturopathic doctor up in Canada. He

> said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as such.

> He " treated " her for many months. Finally some time in May after the

> lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

> brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.


> His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor and

> get this diagnosed ASAP. He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

> my mom could be die from waiting so long.


> She agreed to go to a conventional doctor. It was cancerous. She had

> surgery to have the breast removed.


> A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

> also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies under

> him).


> Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

> prevent further cancer. All of her nodes were positive. She had cat

> scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable spot on

> her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she does not

> know of ever having these) or it could be a spot of cancer. I guess it

> is in the area where cancer would settle.


> The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom getting a

> recurrance by 30 percent. She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

> without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according to her

> doctor).


> We went to see the half holistic/ half conventional doctor today. He

> recommends the Tamoxifen. I told him about a book that I " ve been

> reading called " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " by

> Dr. Lee. It is an amazing book. It gives so much info on how

> natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't make

> money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural to

> make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.


> Reading this book has really gotten me upset. It's all about money.

> Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but because

> there is big money in allopathic medicine. And I believe that a lot of

> doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.


> Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

> nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and that's

> why he recommends the Tamoxifen. I don't like the idea of the

> Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at least

> have her try some alternative therapy in conjunction with it. Part of

> me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too long

> and may not have much time to play with.


> I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way for her

> to beat it.


> I would like any info that people on the list may be able to provide...

> also links to websites. I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

> Lorraine Day (my mom's name is Lorraine). I'd appreciate the URL to

> the site if someone could provide it.


> I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.


> Does anyone know about natural progesterone cream? The book that I

> mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

> progesterone levels. From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

> that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream, but I

> just dont' know enough about it to make that type of decision. I asked

> her doctor today and he didn't know if it would help her. He did

> refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

> conventional doctor. The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

> believer in holistic at all. He will discuss them, but only basically

> to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

> Thanks for any info that anyone can provide. I'd really like to speak

> with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their own

> breast cancer.


> Warm Regards,


> Sharon



> ---------------------------

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Hi Diane,

I'm in Colorado Springs - nothing yet on me - but a family history of cancer

................. every morning I do 4Tb of flax meal & 2 Tb flax oil w/enough

honey to suck down - also a glass of buttermilk ........ I've read several

things on this helping everything that could possibly hurt you :o)



Re: [ ] New Member

From: Diane Naasz <dianelnl@...>


May I ask if you have used any traditional type treatments? I was

diagnosed in May of this year with breast cancer, but found my lump in

Feb., 2 weeks after my mother passed away from the same thing. I've only

used alternative therapies, and I feel great. How are you measuring your

progress? I was told about a blood test, but no-one up here knows about

any blood test for women who already have cancer. I'm in rural Montana,

but am planning a move to Colorado here soon.



At 06:48 PM 8/22/99 -0400, you wrote:

>From: " K_Ingham " <K_Ingham@...>


>, I am also new to the list. I have been using various alternative

>methods to cure my breast cancer for about 2 1/2 years, with very good

>results. I am always looking for new things to supplement my regimen and

>would be very interested in hearing about SelGuard. Would you advise me as

>to how I would find out about this product/regimen. Thank you. Kathy.

> [ ] New Member



>> From: SnottyKat@...


>> Hi Everyone,


>> My name is Sharon. Last August my 68 (then 67) year old mother

>> discovered a rather large lump in her left breast. She has been afraid

>> of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't check

>> her breasts.


>> We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen them

>> without fear. We went to see a Naturopathic doctor up in Canada. He

>> said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as such.

>> He " treated " her for many months. Finally some time in May after the

>> lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

>> brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.


>> His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor and

>> get this diagnosed ASAP. He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

>> my mom could be die from waiting so long.


>> She agreed to go to a conventional doctor. It was cancerous. She had

>> surgery to have the breast removed.


>> A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

>> also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies under

>> him).


>> Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

>> prevent further cancer. All of her nodes were positive. She had cat

>> scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable spot on

>> her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she does not

>> know of ever having these) or it could be a spot of cancer. I guess it

>> is in the area where cancer would settle.


>> The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom getting a

>> recurrance by 30 percent. She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

>> without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according to her

>> doctor).


>> We went to see the half holistic/ half conventional doctor today. He

>> recommends the Tamoxifen. I told him about a book that I " ve been

>> reading called " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " by

>> Dr. Lee. It is an amazing book. It gives so much info on how

>> natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't make

>> money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural to

>> make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.


>> Reading this book has really gotten me upset. It's all about money.

>> Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but because

>> there is big money in allopathic medicine. And I believe that a lot of

>> doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.


>> Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

>> nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and that's

>> why he recommends the Tamoxifen. I don't like the idea of the

>> Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at least

>> have her try some alternative therapy in conjunction with it. Part of

>> me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too long

>> and may not have much time to play with.


>> I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way for her

>> to beat it.


>> I would like any info that people on the list may be able to provide...

>> also links to websites. I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

>> Lorraine Day (my mom's name is Lorraine). I'd appreciate the URL to

>> the site if someone could provide it.


>> I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.


>> Does anyone know about natural progesterone cream? The book that I

>> mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

>> progesterone levels. From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

>> that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream, but I

>> just dont' know enough about it to make that type of decision. I asked

>> her doctor today and he didn't know if it would help her. He did

>> refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

>> conventional doctor. The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

>> believer in holistic at all. He will discuss them, but only basically

>> to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

>> Thanks for any info that anyone can provide. I'd really like to speak

>> with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their own

>> breast cancer.


>> Warm Regards,


>> Sharon



>> ---------------------------

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May I ask if you have used any traditional type treatments? I was

diagnosed in May of this year with breast cancer, but found my lump in

Feb., 2 weeks after my mother passed away from the same thing. I've only

used alternative therapies, and I feel great. How are you measuring your

progress? I was told about a blood test, but no-one up here knows about

any blood test for women who already have cancer. I'm in rural Montana,

but am planning a move to Colorado here soon.



At 06:48 PM 8/22/99 -0400, you wrote:

>From: " K_Ingham " <K_Ingham@...>


>, I am also new to the list. I have been using various alternative

>methods to cure my breast cancer for about 2 1/2 years, with very good

>results. I am always looking for new things to supplement my regimen and

>would be very interested in hearing about SelGuard. Would you advise me as

>to how I would find out about this product/regimen. Thank you. Kathy.

> [ ] New Member



>> From: SnottyKat@...


>> Hi Everyone,


>> My name is Sharon. Last August my 68 (then 67) year old mother

>> discovered a rather large lump in her left breast. She has been afraid

>> of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't check

>> her breasts.


>> We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen them

>> without fear. We went to see a Naturopathic doctor up in Canada. He

>> said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as such.

>> He " treated " her for many months. Finally some time in May after the

>> lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

>> brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.


>> His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor and

>> get this diagnosed ASAP. He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

>> my mom could be die from waiting so long.


>> She agreed to go to a conventional doctor. It was cancerous. She had

>> surgery to have the breast removed.


>> A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

>> also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies under

>> him).


>> Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

>> prevent further cancer. All of her nodes were positive. She had cat

>> scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable spot on

>> her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she does not

>> know of ever having these) or it could be a spot of cancer. I guess it

>> is in the area where cancer would settle.


>> The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom getting a

>> recurrance by 30 percent. She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

>> without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according to her

>> doctor).


>> We went to see the half holistic/ half conventional doctor today. He

>> recommends the Tamoxifen. I told him about a book that I " ve been

>> reading called " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " by

>> Dr. Lee. It is an amazing book. It gives so much info on how

>> natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't make

>> money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural to

>> make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.


>> Reading this book has really gotten me upset. It's all about money.

>> Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but because

>> there is big money in allopathic medicine. And I believe that a lot of

>> doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.


>> Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

>> nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and that's

>> why he recommends the Tamoxifen. I don't like the idea of the

>> Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at least

>> have her try some alternative therapy in conjunction with it. Part of

>> me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too long

>> and may not have much time to play with.


>> I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way for her

>> to beat it.


>> I would like any info that people on the list may be able to provide...

>> also links to websites. I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

>> Lorraine Day (my mom's name is Lorraine). I'd appreciate the URL to

>> the site if someone could provide it.


>> I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.


>> Does anyone know about natural progesterone cream? The book that I

>> mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

>> progesterone levels. From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

>> that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream, but I

>> just dont' know enough about it to make that type of decision. I asked

>> her doctor today and he didn't know if it would help her. He did

>> refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

>> conventional doctor. The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

>> believer in holistic at all. He will discuss them, but only basically

>> to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

>> Thanks for any info that anyone can provide. I'd really like to speak

>> with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their own

>> breast cancer.


>> Warm Regards,


>> Sharon



>> ---------------------------

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Hi Sharon,

Thanks. I'm actually planning on moving back to the Springs area. I am

only doing a Tb of flax oil in my juice in the morning. Maybe I'll

increase to 1 in the evening as well. I'm not doing any dairy at this

point. I'm also limited on what I can get up here, and haven't seen flax

meal??? Another reason I will be happy to get moved. I love the Wild Oat

in Springs, and Mountain Mama. :) I also just ordered the books from

amazon by Dr. Budwig, so will be interested to read them. Thanks again.


At 05:48 PM 8/22/99 -0600, you wrote:

> Hi Diane, & 2 Tb flax oil w/enough honey to suck down - also a glass

>of buttermilk ........ I've read several things on this helping everything

>that could possibly hurt you :o) KIT [ ] New Member



>>> From: SnottyKat@...


>>> Hi Everyone,


>>> year old mother

>>> She has been afraid

>>> of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't

> check

>>> her breasts.


>>> We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen


>>> He

>>> said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as


>>> " " Finally some time in May after the

>>> lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

>>> brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.


>>> His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor

> and

>>> He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

>>> my mom could be die from waiting so long.


>>> She had

>>> surgery to have the breast removed.


>>> A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor who

>>> also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies


>>> him).


>>> Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

>>> She had cat

>>> scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable

>spot on

>>> her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she

>does not

>>> I guess it

>>> is in the area where cancer would settle.


>>> The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom

getting a

>>> She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

>>> without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according

to her

>>> doctor).


>>> He

>>> " ve been

>>> " " by

>>> It gives so much info on how

>>> natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't


>>> money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural

> to

>>> make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.


>>> It's all about money.

>>> Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but


>>> And I believe that a lot of

>>> doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.


>>> Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

>>> nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and


>>> I don't like the idea of the

>>> Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at

> least

>>> Part of

>>> me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too


>>> and may not have much time to play with.


>>> I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way

for her

>>> to beat it.


>>> I would like any info that people on the list may be able to


>>> I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

>>> I'd appreciate the URL to

>>> the site if someone could provide it.


>>> I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.


>>> The book that I

>>> mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

>>> From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

>>> that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream,

but I

>>> I asked

>>> He did

>>> refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is a

>>> The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

>>> He will discuss them, but only basically

>>> to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

>>> I'd really like to speak

>>> with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their


>>> breast cancer.


>>> Warm Regards,


>>> Sharon



>>> ---------------------------

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Hi Kathy

Being a new member, I'm not sure what you all have read. As I've said

before, I'm not very good at the copying, pasting, etc. with emails; so I'm

consigned to snail mail to pass on the info I've gottenn myself. If you

send me a private email with your address, I'd be glad to send whatever I


If you have specific questions, I can try and answer them. I've been

trying to get a hold of a lady who has breast cancer and has seen much

improvement to ask any questions you might have. Let me know if you do as

I'll be trying to reach her tomorrow.


Re: [ ] New Member

>From: " K_Ingham " <K_Ingham@...>


>, I am also new to the list. I have been using various alternative

>methods to cure my breast cancer for about 2 1/2 years, with very good

>results. I am always looking for new things to supplement my regimen and

>would be very interested in hearing about SelGuard. Would you advise me as

>to how I would find out about this product/regimen. Thank you. Kathy.

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I buy flax seed at the health food store & grind it up into meal - got to keep

it in the frig........ I've heard those two stores are wonderful - I live in

Monument & go to the little shop up here normally ...... I bought 1 of her books

from amazon also - haven't read it cover to cover - just pull info as


If you haven't yet - check out www.barleans.com - they have great testimonials &

literature on the benefits of flax.

[ ] New Member



>>> From: SnottyKat@...


>>> Hi Everyone,


>>> year old mother

>>> She has been afraid

>>> of doctors and said she didn't want to know anything and didn't

> check

>>> her breasts.


>>> We have believed in alternative practitioners though and have seen


>>> He

>>> said that he would assume the lump was not cancer and treat her as


>>> " " Finally some time in May after the

>>> lump had gotten bigger, I decided that it was time that I tell my

>>> brother (in another state) about my mom's lump.


>>> His wife is a nurse and he told me that my mom must get to a doctor

> and

>>> He said that cancer can spread so fast, that

>>> my mom could be die from waiting so long.


>>> She had

>>> surgery to have the breast removed.


>>> A few months back, I found a doctor who is a conventional doctor


>>> also believes in holistic (he is similar to Dr. Weil and studies


>>> him).


>>> Now the doctors want to give my mother a drug called Tamoxifen to

>>> She had cat

>>> scans and there was no cancer found, but there is a questionable

>spot on

>>> her lung, which may be a scar from bronchitis or pneumonia (she

>does not

>>> I guess it

>>> is in the area where cancer would settle.


>>> The Tamoxifen would supposedly decrease the chance of my mom

getting a

>>> She now has a 60-70% chance of recurrance

>>> without treatment (in 5 years) and 80-90% in 10 years (according

to her

>>> doctor).


>>> He

>>> " ve been

>>> " " by

>>> It gives so much info on how

>>> natural substances cannot be patented and the drug companies can't


>>> money on them, so they have developed products that are unnatural

> to

>>> make money, drugs that our bodies do not do well with.


>>> It's all about money.

>>> Natural medicine is shunned, not because it does not work, but


>>> And I believe that a lot of

>>> doctors have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.


>>> Anyhow, I asked the doctor about holistic therapy and he said that

>>> nothing has been proven as far as holistic cures for cancer and


>>> I don't like the idea of the

>>> Tamoxifen, but even if my mom does go for the idea, I'd like to at

> least

>>> Part of

>>> me is afraid to have her not try Tamoxifen because she waited too


>>> and may not have much time to play with.


>>> I do truly believe that there is a natural cure for this, a way

for her

>>> to beat it.


>>> I would like any info that people on the list may be able to


>>> I saw that someone mentioned a site of Dr.

>>> I'd appreciate the URL to

>>> the site if someone could provide it.


>>> I'd like links to any sites that might be helpful.


>>> The book that I

>>> mentioned above is basically about estrogen dominance and low

>>> From what the book says, I thinks it's possible

>>> that my mom could be helped with the natural progesterone cream,

but I

>>> I asked

>>> He did

>>> refer us to an oncologist who would be open to alternatives, who is


>>> The doctor who did my mother's surgery is not a

>>> He will discuss them, but only basically

>>> to tell me that they don't work, that there is no proof.

>>> I'd really like to speak

>>> with women who have sucessfully used natural methods for their


>>> breast cancer.


>>> Warm Regards,


>>> Sharon



>>> ---------------------------

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Thanks Sharon.

I have some seeds so will grind them up. I was wondering if that was it???


Thanks for the website, and Monument is a beautiful area.


At 04:22 AM 8/23/99 -0600, you wrote:

> & & go to the little shop up here normally ...... I bought 1 of her

>books from amazon also - haven't read it cover to cover - just pull info

>as needed......... If you haven't yet - check out www.barleans.com &

>literature on the benefits of flax. -----Original Message-----

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Yeah - if you just sprinkle the seeds on food & don't grind - you really don't

get the benefit ......... they just " pass " through the system unused :o)

Re: [ ] New Member

From: Diane Naasz <dianelnl@...>

Thanks Sharon.

I have some seeds so will grind them up. I was wondering if that was it???


Thanks for the website, and Monument is a beautiful area.


At 04:22 AM 8/23/99 -0600, you wrote:

> & & go to the little shop up here normally ...... I bought 1 of her

>books from amazon also - haven't read it cover to cover - just pull info

>as needed......... If you haven't yet - check out www.barleans.com &

>literature on the benefits of flax. -----Original Message-----


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Thanks again! :)

At 07:19 AM 8/23/99 -0600, you wrote:

> & " " through the system unused :o) Re: [ ] New Member




>Thanks Sharon.


> I was wondering if that was it???



>Thanks for the website, and Monument is a beautiful area.




>At 04:22 AM 8/23/99 -0600, you wrote:

>> & & shop up here normally ...... I bought 1 of her

>> read it cover to cover - just pull info

>> If you haven't yet - check out &

>> -----Original Message-----





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