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Newbie with Questions

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Thanks for everyone's replies and help.


> Challenge tests can be dangerous and really hard on the kids

because docs

> are using such high doses of the chelators.

We did 2 challenge tests. The first one, I hardly got any urine, so

we had to do it again (used a urine collector bag because my 2 1/2 yr

old isn't potty-trained yet & it leaked into his diaper). But

Nicolas is fine.

Also, a lot of kids don't pull

> mercury until months down the road, so this is not a good TEST of

whether or

> not the child got mercury.

Really? High mercury showed up in the test results. Interesting

that no lead showed up.

> Re: [ ] Re: Newbie with Questions



> > Hi Anne,

> > My son can't say " fan " either. He cannot pronounce the F sound.

> > Why is the challenge test not helpful? Is it not accurate

enough? We

> > already did the hair test, and a ton of other tests. The urine


> > elements test showed no lead. What do you mean most of you are

on here

> > because you listened to the doctor w/o doing research first.

Isn't that

> > what the DAN doctor is for? I can read up on this and do

research, but

> > I'm not a doctor and don't feel qualified on what method to use.

Why do

> > you all prefer DMSA to DMPS? Is it because it's FDA approved and


> > isn't? The more I think about this, the more I am convinced that

he has

> > mercury in his brain... just listening to him trying to talk. I

think the

> > chelation is definitely worth a try.

> >

> > Patty

> >

> > anneecbrynn <abrynn@s...> wrote:

> > Hi Patty,

> >

> > I am chelating my son who has a diagnosis of Apraxia and would

have a

> > PDD diagnosis if I sought one. My son is 3.9. From what you have

> > said, my son sounds more severe than yours. At 2.5 my son


> > say " fan " because he couldn't figure out how to motor plan the " f "

> > sound followed by the " an " sound. I have only chelated him for 8

> > rounds of low dose DMSA and ALA, but between that and


> > him, my son is now speaking in sentences. There is an inorganic

> > element to his speech that we are overcoming, but that is no


> > He can pronounce anything he is asked to pronounce, so it seems

to me

> > that we have seen the apraxia start to fall away. Interestingly,


> > more the apraxia falls away, the more PDDish he seems. I'll take


> > I would definitely think you should consider chelating your


> >

> > BUT, and this is a big BUT! You should do your research and be

> > careful. Most or many of us are on this board because we

listened to

> > the doctors without doing our research first. Don't make that


> > again just because the doctor you are dealing with is a DAN

doctor. I

> > use one too, but that is no substitute for research. I see DAN


> > recommend dangerous stuff all the time. You need to know when to


> > yes and when to say no, and to drive your son's therapies

yourself. In

> > fact, many on this board chelate their kids without docs.

> >

> > The reason I bring this up so fervently in this post is because I


> > you did a DMSA challenge test on your son. Many people on this


> > think not only that this is not helpful for diagnosic purposes,

but is

> > downright dangerous in that you can cause metals in the system to


> > unnecessarily redistributed, including to the BRAIN. Not

something we

> > need to do. On this board it is generally recommended that you

opt in

> > for 5 rounds of low dose DMSA (with or without ALA) on a 3 day on


> > at least an equal amount of days off cycle. If you see progress,


> > chelation is a good idea. If you don't it might not be.

> >

> > Have you had a Doctor's Data hair test (for essential elements)


> > This is an incredibly helpful test. And I would also have a

> > comprehensive blood test done (CBC, Comp. Metabolic Panel, Free


> > Free t4, ferritin). I am sure there is other stuff that I can't


> > of, but hopefully someone else will chime in on this. The blood


> > should be able to be done at your local lab.

> >

> > And finally, where apraxia is at issue, I would use DMSA and not


> > Some have found that many apraxic kids have high lead, and this

is true

> > for my son. DMSA is a very effective lead chelator (moreso than


> > I think).

> >

> > I am sure this is too much information, but hopefully it helps.

> > Further recommendations: buy Andy Cutler's Hair Test


> > book, read the files section, post any questions, and DON'T RELY


> > ANYONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF to make decisions for your son.

> >

> > Sorry if this is rambling. I just feel strongly about this stuff.

> >

> > Best,

> >

> > Anne

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >>

> >> Has anyone who has a child with speech apraxia done chelation?


> > so,

> >> did it help.....is your child speaking normally now? My 2 1/2

yr old

> >> was diagnosed with PDD and speech apraxia. He is at the very


> > end

> >> of the spectrum, but he can't put more than 2 words together, and

> > just

> >> says single words. We've been seeing a DAN doctor and did the

> >> challenge test for chelation with DMPS. It showed a high amount


> >> mercury, yet it wasn't in the red zone, so I am not sure whether


> > do

> >> chelation. I would appreciate any feedback.

> >>

> >> Thanks,

> >> Patty

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > =======================================================

> >

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  • 4 months later...
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What I have learned you need to follow these steps to good health




Here's an example would you run your car without ever changing your oil your

body is no different you have to flush it out.

About discontinuing your drugs that is a personal decision you will have to

make that call. It is not an absolute necessity to stop doing what your doing

but as you said take responsibility for your own health figure out what you are

doing wrong and change it.

At first when you get into this natural healing it is a bit overwhelming but

really it is pretty simple.

The closer and organic that you can eat from the earth is what going to give

you your optimum nutrition, just always remember fresh is always best.

The thing with gluten and sugars people eat way to many of those items it is

meant to be eaten in very small quantity what happens with Gluten/wheat it will

stick to your intestinal walls like wallpaper glue and it will build up over the

years to the point your body will no longer be able to absorb nutrients. The

good news is you can get rid of this problem. When I did a 37 day fast I really

worked hard on the colon and I got 14 ft worth of old dried black gunk out of

me, it was that unreal. This is a major reason why people are sick there not

flushing the organs. Only if people paid as much attention to there bodies as

they do there cars.

The way nuts and grains are meant for consumption is to soak them from 8-12

hours reason they have enzyme inhibitors so if you soak them your body can

utilize the enzyme properly a great cookbook is by Sally Fallon " Nourishing

Traditions " she explains the why and how it all began with food and why you

prepare it the way she explain, she is very knowledgeable.

I have healed myself of MS if you would like to read my first story go to

www.ginakopera.com . My son started with seizures 1 1/2 ago and know It has been

2 months since a simple headache, we are on a roll. Let me know if you have more


agnesnow <agnesnow@...> wrote:

Hi all -

I just found this group from curezone where I've been looking into

some cleansing suggestions. Then got a bit nervous starting a

cleanse after reading that meds should be stopped, and also the

change in absorption that would occur. I hope someone might have

some suggestions on where to start, what works, and some of your own

personal experience.

Here's my story: I've had 3 seizures in my life. First when I was

19, after taking too many antihistamines for a cold, then driving all

night (no worries, I was not driving, but sleeping in the back seat

and as the sun came up it created a strobe effect through the

trees). I was diagnosed at that time. Then I had two in one year

when I was 24. One at the beginning of the year, another towards the

end. I've been on lamictal 300mg/day ever since. I'm now 30 and

thinking it's time to take some responsibility and action. I was

told that my type has to do with hormonal change, hence it started in

late puberty, and that in 80% of cases the epilepsy hides again

during another hormonal change later in life. I think in a way I've

been in denial about it all these years thinking I would be one of

the 80% - but i'm now realizing that even if I was, my seizures will

be with me always lurking somewhere. I just had another EEG, but

haven't gotten the results yet. In either case I am wanting to know

what I can do for myself, and maybe get off the meds at some point.

There's so much conflicting info out there, no gluten, yes gluten but

sprouted, no nuts, yes nuts for the good oils etc. I've also read

about the ketone diet for children, but that doesn't sound inherently

good for my body. What I've done so far over the years: Switched

completely over to organic foods, make sure I sleep enough, try to

keep stress levels down and keep my alcohol intake to a minimum.

Ideally, I'd like to find some kind of " partner " be it this group, or

perhaps an acupuncturist/naturopath that specializes in seizure

disorders. I live in San Francisco, so if anyone has suggestions,

I'd greatly appreciate it.

What do I do next?

Many thanks in advance your insight and advice (and for reading my

long post!).


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Hi -

Thanks so much for your reply. Is there a product or regimen you

recommend for colon cleanse? Should I do it the same time as a

parasite cleanse? I know the order should be colon, liver, kidney.

Is that correct?


> Hi all -


> I just found this group from curezone where I've been looking into

> some cleansing suggestions. Then got a bit nervous starting a

> cleanse after reading that meds should be stopped, and also the

> change in absorption that would occur. I hope someone might have

> some suggestions on where to start, what works, and some of your


> personal experience.


> Here's my story: I've had 3 seizures in my life. First when I was

> 19, after taking too many antihistamines for a cold, then driving


> night (no worries, I was not driving, but sleeping in the back seat

> and as the sun came up it created a strobe effect through the

> trees). I was diagnosed at that time. Then I had two in one year

> when I was 24. One at the beginning of the year, another towards


> end. I've been on lamictal 300mg/day ever since. I'm now 30 and

> thinking it's time to take some responsibility and action. I was

> told that my type has to do with hormonal change, hence it started


> late puberty, and that in 80% of cases the epilepsy hides again

> during another hormonal change later in life. I think in a way


> been in denial about it all these years thinking I would be one of

> the 80% - but i'm now realizing that even if I was, my seizures


> be with me always lurking somewhere. I just had another EEG, but

> haven't gotten the results yet. In either case I am wanting to know

> what I can do for myself, and maybe get off the meds at some point.

> There's so much conflicting info out there, no gluten, yes gluten


> sprouted, no nuts, yes nuts for the good oils etc. I've also read

> about the ketone diet for children, but that doesn't sound


> good for my body. What I've done so far over the years: Switched

> completely over to organic foods, make sure I sleep enough, try to

> keep stress levels down and keep my alcohol intake to a minimum.


> Ideally, I'd like to find some kind of " partner " be it this group,


> perhaps an acupuncturist/naturopath that specializes in seizure

> disorders. I live in San Francisco, so if anyone has suggestions,

> I'd greatly appreciate it.


> What do I do next?


> Many thanks in advance your insight and advice (and for reading my

> long post!).

> Agnes









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The person for the colon Dr Schulze www.herbdoc.com and if you get his product

the formula #2 helps smother parasite too. What I did for my son after Dr Hulda

es http://curezone.com/diseases/parasites/clarkia.asp parasite program then

I did Dr Schulze Formula #2 to sweep up the left over parasites. He has not as

much as have a headache since and it has been 2 months, so it is looking good so

far. Yes the parasite can be done in conjuntion with the colon cleanse. You also

can get started on the kidney's at the same time just by drinking water with

lemon in it is an excellant kidney cleanser but I would wait till the end to

add herbs if your health is not in trouble. Let me know if you have any more


agnesnow <agnesnow@...> wrote:

Hi -

Thanks so much for your reply. Is there a product or regimen you

recommend for colon cleanse? Should I do it the same time as a

parasite cleanse? I know the order should be colon, liver, kidney.

Is that correct?


> Hi all -


> I just found this group from curezone where I've been looking into

> some cleansing suggestions. Then got a bit nervous starting a

> cleanse after reading that meds should be stopped, and also the

> change in absorption that would occur. I hope someone might have

> some suggestions on where to start, what works, and some of your


> personal experience.


> Here's my story: I've had 3 seizures in my life. First when I was

> 19, after taking too many antihistamines for a cold, then driving


> night (no worries, I was not driving, but sleeping in the back seat

> and as the sun came up it created a strobe effect through the

> trees). I was diagnosed at that time. Then I had two in one year

> when I was 24. One at the beginning of the year, another towards


> end. I've been on lamictal 300mg/day ever since. I'm now 30 and

> thinking it's time to take some responsibility and action. I was

> told that my type has to do with hormonal change, hence it started


> late puberty, and that in 80% of cases the epilepsy hides again

> during another hormonal change later in life. I think in a way


> been in denial about it all these years thinking I would be one of

> the 80% - but i'm now realizing that even if I was, my seizures


> be with me always lurking somewhere. I just had another EEG, but

> haven't gotten the results yet. In either case I am wanting to know

> what I can do for myself, and maybe get off the meds at some point.

> There's so much conflicting info out there, no gluten, yes gluten


> sprouted, no nuts, yes nuts for the good oils etc. I've also read

> about the ketone diet for children, but that doesn't sound


> good for my body. What I've done so far over the years: Switched

> completely over to organic foods, make sure I sleep enough, try to

> keep stress levels down and keep my alcohol intake to a minimum.


> Ideally, I'd like to find some kind of " partner " be it this group,


> perhaps an acupuncturist/naturopath that specializes in seizure

> disorders. I live in San Francisco, so if anyone has suggestions,

> I'd greatly appreciate it.


> What do I do next?


> Many thanks in advance your insight and advice (and for reading my

> long post!).

> Agnes









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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

I hope all your answers are posted to the group. I would love to see the

responses since I'm new to this group!

My 7 year old is my unofficially diagnosed Aspie/ADD. No food allergies,

had him tested after having child #2. But..I want to share with you what I

know about food allergies.

I have a " normal " son with severe food allergies, now age 4. Showed from

the beginning on breast milk. This site was on and now they

have their own web site. It is POFAKS, parents of food allergic kids. It

is awesome. They have an excellent recipe area. Sadly I'm not a member

since I use my same recipes over and over and have found what works for use.

We follow a dairy, soy, wheat, gluten, oats, peanuts, peas, all legumes,

eggs, bananas, strawberry free diet. There is a cost to join and will do so

again when we start doing more food allergy challenges and I feel like we

need more ideas and support. I could not have gotten through it without

that support system, they are awesome. Many will also share with you

behavior issues with food allergies too. Very interesting. We also had

eczema issues but with his diet, no issues. We also have seasonal maybe

cats too.

We also did a little of the Feingold for my 7 year old about 4 years ago.

Joined, got the material, didn't get totally there, but honestly, I didn't

see it affecting my son at all. Didn't see no changes with diet. Great

success stories and would still recommend. I think basic home cooking,

staying away from processed foods, fresh fruit and veggies. Just basic


But I would like to ask. This book, Enzymes and Autism. Is this a good

place to start? We tried Daytrana for only three days last week, his

behavior at school, they saw no changes and I thought I had one ugly kid

each night. We need for focus, attention. He has no desire to complete a

task if at all challenging, won't focus, constant reminders, spacing out.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to learning more.


Newbie with questions

Hello, My name is H. I just finished reading 's book on

Enzymes and Autism. I have a 6 year old son who is not autistic, but is

definitely ADHD. He also has some moderate to severe sensory issues (as does

his father and grandfather, interestingly enough...there has to be a genetic

predisposition with the SI, in my opinion). Jack also has some behaviors

that I could only classify as " odd " , and which may push him a little farther

onto the Autistic Spectrum, in my opinion. He has never been evaluated

formally, because he is homeschooled. He is in K this year, and already we

are having some big learning problems. He is extremely bright, but has

difficulty with attention, learning, focus, behavior, and his overall desire

to learn (i.e. he doesn't want to!).

He has had eczema since about 4 months old, at which time he was tested for

food/environmental allergies. He came up positive to just about everything

under the sun (wheat, corn, egg, dairy, peanut, molds, grasses, trees, cats,

dogs, etc.). Once I removed peanuts from my diet (he was breastfed for 2 1/2

years), the eczema was dramatically reduced, though not eliminated. He is

anaphylactically allergic to peanuts, but eats all other foods. We've

retested his allergies every year using blood tests, and new

foods/environmental allergens keep appearing. Just last month, we discovered

a latex, cantaloupe, and banana allergy. I understand that these three are

all connected...cross reactive, etc. He doesn't seem to suffer much effect

from eating these allergic foods, except for a very stuffy nose a lot of the

time, and of course, his behavior. I tried eliminating all these foods, but

it was too much for me. I just couldn't do it. However, we are

well-established on the Feingold diet, to which his behavior responded

dramatically. Incidentally, dh with sensory integration issues also

responded dramatically, so we are on FG as a family now.

SO. :) That brings me to my newbie questions! I've read the entire Enzymes

and Autism book, and I'm ready to begin. We are using classical homeopathy

with Jack, and we are seeing slow improvement in some areas. But I'm hoping

that enzymes will also be a piece of the puzzle for him, too. So here we go

with the millions of questions...

1. Could all his allergies be from leaky gut? Will enzymes likely help with

these multiple allergies if it heals the leaky gut?

2. Will enzymes help with his learning problems at all? I intend to pursue

other roads here...I think he may have some learning disabilities that need

diagnosis and treatment. But will enzymes help with the ADHD aspect of his


3. Where do I start? From my reading, I think that starting Peptizyde on the

low and slow method is what I should do first. Correct? Then adding

Zyme-Prime in slowly as well? I'm thinking I should avoid fruit based

enzymes, due to his salicylate sensitivity...correct?

4. When should I try the No-Phenol for the salicylate foods that Feingold

eliminates in Stage 2. He currently does not tolerate any stage 2 items, but

just being able to add these in would be like heaven for us. I can live the

rest of our lives without artificials, but would love to add in all the

stage 2 fruits and veggies. Anyone using No-Phenol for sals, would love you

experience and input here.

5. I'm assuming I should start with the Houston Nutriceuticals products

here. They were the ones mentioned most often in the book, and seem to be

the gold standard. Any reason not to?

6. I also want to start him on regular Culturelle...any good online

resources for the cheapest price? I've used it before for myself, but always

bought it at Walgreens..very expensive.

Thank you all SO much for indulging all my questions. Much thanks in

advance...and more questions to come, I'm sure. :)

in CA

Wife of 9 years to Phil

Mother to Emma (8), Jack (6), baby Graham b/d 6-2-05, and Liam

(11 months)

Homeschooling for our 4th year

Our blog about our kids: http://philhalpin.

<http://philhalpin.com/blog/kidsstuff.html> com/blog/kidsstuff.html

" Be gentle to all, and stern with yourself. " --St. Theresa of Avila

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Hi ,

Welcome. I have been here for just a month or so and am facing the

same challenges you are. Your son sounds just like my 7 yr old who

can learn but doesn't care to in any conventional way. Hates to write

and can't pay attention long enough to a 'work' task to show what he

can do. We have tried meds, but they only worked for a little while

and I hated giving them to him.

We started enzymes because milk was always a problem for my son and

once we took milk out, we had great behavior improvements. I wanted

to try enzymes before I attempted a gluten free diet for my very

picky, very thin little man. We have been on for them about 6 weeks

with some improvement in appetite and but no major changes in

behavior yet. However, I believe he may have a yeast problem, so we

just started that and he got the flu. I'm not stopping there.. I

intend to investigate viruses, bacteria, and metal toxicity, but one

step at a time.

We started with pep... then added zyme... then added no fenol and he

now has one of each with every meal. I just started a yeast protocol

of threelac, which is the only thing I can get him to take. He then

got the flu and we see possible signs of yeast die off with the white

coating on his tongue actually getting worse. I am hopeful. Since

being on the yeast protocol, he has been a much happier child,

despite having the flu.

My next step is to try metal toxicity. That is a big issue as well

that some people have said needs to be cleared (if you have it)

before any yeast or gut issue will ever work in the long run.

Again, this is just what I have summized for my reading, I am a work

in progress. But just wanted you to know we are in the same boat and

I'm gonna keep trying until I find the answer. I would start with

the enzymes and don't look back.

Have a good one,



> Hello, My name is H. I just finished reading 's book


> Enzymes and Autism. I have a 6 year old son who is not autistic,

but is

> definitely ADHD. He also has some moderate to severe sensory issues

(as does

> his father and grandfather, interestingly enough...there has to be

a genetic

> predisposition with the SI, in my opinion). Jack also has some


> that I could only classify as " odd " , and which may push him a

little farther

> onto the Autistic Spectrum, in my opinion. He has never been


> formally, because he is homeschooled. He is in K this year, and

already we

> are having some big learning problems. He is extremely bright, but


> difficulty with attention, learning, focus, behavior, and his

overall desire

> to learn (i.e. he doesn't want to!).


> He has had eczema since about 4 months old, at which time he was

tested for

> food/environmental allergies. He came up positive to just about


> under the sun (wheat, corn, egg, dairy, peanut, molds, grasses,

trees, cats,

> dogs, etc.). Once I removed peanuts from my diet (he was breastfed

for 2 1/2

> years), the eczema was dramatically reduced, though not eliminated.

He is

> anaphylactically allergic to peanuts, but eats all other foods.


> retested his allergies every year using blood tests, and new

> foods/environmental allergens keep appearing. Just last month, we


> a latex, cantaloupe, and banana allergy. I understand that these

three are

> all connected...cross reactive, etc. He doesn't seem to suffer much


> from eating these allergic foods, except for a very stuffy nose a

lot of the

> time, and of course, his behavior. I tried eliminating all these

foods, but

> it was too much for me. I just couldn't do it. However, we are

> well-established on the Feingold diet, to which his behavior


> dramatically. Incidentally, dh with sensory integration issues also

> responded dramatically, so we are on FG as a family now.


> SO. :) That brings me to my newbie questions! I've read the entire


> and Autism book, and I'm ready to begin. We are using classical


> with Jack, and we are seeing slow improvement in some areas. But

I'm hoping

> that enzymes will also be a piece of the puzzle for him, too. So

here we go

> with the millions of questions...


> 1. Could all his allergies be from leaky gut? Will enzymes likely

help with

> these multiple allergies if it heals the leaky gut?


> 2. Will enzymes help with his learning problems at all? I intend to


> other roads here...I think he may have some learning disabilities

that need

> diagnosis and treatment. But will enzymes help with the ADHD aspect

of his

> learning?


> 3. Where do I start? From my reading, I think that starting

Peptizyde on the

> low and slow method is what I should do first. Correct? Then adding

> Zyme-Prime in slowly as well? I'm thinking I should avoid fruit


> enzymes, due to his salicylate sensitivity...correct?


> 4. When should I try the No-Phenol for the salicylate foods that


> eliminates in Stage 2. He currently does not tolerate any stage 2

items, but

> just being able to add these in would be like heaven for us. I can

live the

> rest of our lives without artificials, but would love to add in all


> stage 2 fruits and veggies. Anyone using No-Phenol for sals, would

love you

> experience and input here.


> 5. I'm assuming I should start with the Houston Nutriceuticals


> here. They were the ones mentioned most often in the book, and seem

to be

> the gold standard. Any reason not to?


> 6. I also want to start him on regular Culturelle...any good online

> resources for the cheapest price? I've used it before for myself,

but always

> bought it at Walgreens..very expensive.


> Thank you all SO much for indulging all my questions. Much thanks in

> advance...and more questions to come, I'm sure. :)


> in CA

> Wife of 9 years to Phil

> Mother to Emma (8), Jack (6), baby Graham b/d 6-2-05, and Liam

> (11 months)

> Homeschooling for our 4th year


> Our blog about our kids: http://philhalpin.com/blog/kidsstuff.html


> " Be gentle to all, and stern with yourself. " --St. Theresa of Avila






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My best advise for parents beginning this journey is to find a good

DAN doctor (there are sites that list them by state. Google 'DAN

doctor'). Whether or not your child is on the Autism Spectrum or

some other diagnosis, the symptoms and problems overlap. A DAN

doctor can really help serve as a guide, but will not replace your

need to constantly read and research. Best of luck,


Western Michigan University

Office of University Relations

300 Walwood Hall


Fax: 387-8422

>>> otis_floyd <lrfwood@...> 03/01/07 11:09 AM >>>

Hi ,

Welcome. I have been here for just a month or so and am facing the

same challenges you are. Your son sounds just like my 7 yr old who

can learn but doesn't care to in any conventional way. Hates to


and can't pay attention long enough to a 'work' task to show what he

can do. We have tried meds, but they only worked for a little while

and I hated giving them to him.

We started enzymes because milk was always a problem for my son and

once we took milk out, we had great behavior improvements. I wanted

to try enzymes before I attempted a gluten free diet for my very

picky, very thin little man. We have been on for them about 6 weeks

with some improvement in appetite and but no major changes in

behavior yet. However, I believe he may have a yeast problem, so we

just started that and he got the flu. I'm not stopping there.. I

intend to investigate viruses, bacteria, and metal toxicity, but one

step at a time.

We started with pep... then added zyme... then added no fenol and he

now has one of each with every meal. I just started a yeast


of threelac, which is the only thing I can get him to take. He then

got the flu and we see possible signs of yeast die off with the


coating on his tongue actually getting worse. I am hopeful. Since

being on the yeast protocol, he has been a much happier child,

despite having the flu.

My next step is to try metal toxicity. That is a big issue as well

that some people have said needs to be cleared (if you have it)

before any yeast or gut issue will ever work in the long run.

Again, this is just what I have summized for my reading, I am a work

in progress. But just wanted you to know we are in the same boat


I'm gonna keep trying until I find the answer. I would start with

the enzymes and don't look back.

Have a good one,



> Hello, My name is H. I just finished reading 's book


> Enzymes and Autism. I have a 6 year old son who is not autistic,

but is

> definitely ADHD. He also has some moderate to severe sensory


(as does

> his father and grandfather, interestingly enough...there has to be

a genetic

> predisposition with the SI, in my opinion). Jack also has some


> that I could only classify as " odd " , and which may push him a

little farther

> onto the Autistic Spectrum, in my opinion. He has never been


> formally, because he is homeschooled. He is in K this year, and

already we

> are having some big learning problems. He is extremely bright, but


> difficulty with attention, learning, focus, behavior, and his

overall desire

> to learn (i.e. he doesn't want to!).


> He has had eczema since about 4 months old, at which time he was

tested for

> food/environmental allergies. He came up positive to just about


> under the sun (wheat, corn, egg, dairy, peanut, molds, grasses,

trees, cats,

> dogs, etc.). Once I removed peanuts from my diet (he was breastfed

for 2 1/2

> years), the eczema was dramatically reduced, though not


He is

> anaphylactically allergic to peanuts, but eats all other foods.


> retested his allergies every year using blood tests, and new

> foods/environmental allergens keep appearing. Just last month, we


> a latex, cantaloupe, and banana allergy. I understand that these

three are

> all connected...cross reactive, etc. He doesn't seem to suffer



> from eating these allergic foods, except for a very stuffy nose a

lot of the

> time, and of course, his behavior. I tried eliminating all these

foods, but

> it was too much for me. I just couldn't do it. However, we are

> well-established on the Feingold diet, to which his behavior


> dramatically. Incidentally, dh with sensory integration issues


> responded dramatically, so we are on FG as a family now.


> SO. :) That brings me to my newbie questions! I've read the entire


> and Autism book, and I'm ready to begin. We are using classical


> with Jack, and we are seeing slow improvement in some areas. But

I'm hoping

> that enzymes will also be a piece of the puzzle for him, too. So

here we go

> with the millions of questions...


> 1. Could all his allergies be from leaky gut? Will enzymes likely

help with

> these multiple allergies if it heals the leaky gut?


> 2. Will enzymes help with his learning problems at all? I intend



> other roads here...I think he may have some learning disabilities

that need

> diagnosis and treatment. But will enzymes help with the ADHD


of his

> learning?


> 3. Where do I start? From my reading, I think that starting

Peptizyde on the

> low and slow method is what I should do first. Correct? Then


> Zyme-Prime in slowly as well? I'm thinking I should avoid fruit


> enzymes, due to his salicylate sensitivity...correct?


> 4. When should I try the No-Phenol for the salicylate foods that


> eliminates in Stage 2. He currently does not tolerate any stage 2

items, but

> just being able to add these in would be like heaven for us. I can

live the

> rest of our lives without artificials, but would love to add in



> stage 2 fruits and veggies. Anyone using No-Phenol for sals, would

love you

> experience and input here.


> 5. I'm assuming I should start with the Houston Nutriceuticals


> here. They were the ones mentioned most often in the book, and


to be

> the gold standard. Any reason not to?


> 6. I also want to start him on regular Culturelle...any good


> resources for the cheapest price? I've used it before for myself,

but always

> bought it at Walgreens..very expensive.


> Thank you all SO much for indulging all my questions. Much thanks


> advance...and more questions to come, I'm sure. :)


> in CA

> Wife of 9 years to Phil

> Mother to Emma (8), Jack (6), baby Graham b/d 6-2-05, and Liam

> (11 months)

> Homeschooling for our 4th year


> Our blog about our kids: http://philhalpin.com/blog/kidsstuff.html


> " Be gentle to all, and stern with yourself. " --St. Theresa of







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> 1. Could all his allergies be from leaky gut?


>> Will enzymes likely help with

> these multiple allergies if it heals the leaky gut?

They usually help, yes.

> 2. Will enzymes help with his learning problems at all?

Many times, yes.

> 3. Where do I start? From my reading, I think that starting

Peptizyde on the

> low and slow method is what I should do first. Correct? Then adding

> Zyme-Prime in slowly as well? I'm thinking I should avoid fruit based

> enzymes, due to his salicylate sensitivity...correct?

Probably would be a good idea. Also, consider No-Fenol enzyme.

> 4. When should I try the No-Phenol for the salicylate foods that


> eliminates in Stage 2.

You can start the enzyme any time you want. Add the foods one at a

time tho, because the enzyme might not help with all of them.

No-Fenol helped my son with many fruits, but not all of them.


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Hi -

Armour and Lugols or any iodine product are not the same and should

not be compared as such. Armour is porcune(sp?) thyroid hormones,

meaning it comes from pigs and is natural as a result. It is actually

the best thyroid product you can take and the fact that your doctor

prescribed it means he is more educated in thyroid treatment than

most. Armour is given to substitute for the hormones that your

thyroid gland is not producing.

The thyroid gland does need iodine and about 1/3 of the people who

begin an iodine routine are able to quit the thyroid medication after

taking iodine. However, I would not recommend that you discontinue

your medication until you are able to determine, either from tests or

symptoms, that you no longer need it. Without good thyroid function

you can get sick in other ways because the thyroid is a very important

component for the correct functioning of your body. Before I knew

that I had thyroid and adrenal issues, I became very ill and was sick

for 3 years.

There is a great group for us thyroid folks called

NaturalThyroidHormones. I highly recommend it as most doctors don't

know how to correctly treat this common malady. They can answer your

thyroid questions there.

Ginger Coleen

Nutrition & Wellness Consultant


> Hi! I've been reading some of the links to old posts, but still have a

> few questions, if you'll bear with me.


> I have been diagnosed with low/normal thyroid. My dr had put me on

> Armour, but I went off of it a few months ago (after a little under a

> year of use), because I would rather find a more natural way to

> strengthen my thyroid. I have only noticed one minor effect of this

- a

> slowing of my cycles (they were VERY sparse and erratic before Armour).


> While at the hfs yesterday, I noticed the cashier had a patch test on

> her arm, so I asked her about it and it turns out they have just


> selling Lugol's. So, I picked up a small bottle of it.


> Do I use the Lugol's to do the skin test? Seems like this tiny bottle

> would be gone very fast if I did. Or, am I supposed to buy the


> at the pharmacy for the skin test and use Lugol's internally?


> Is it equally effective to do the patch test on the stomach or inner

> thighs? I'm down along the Gulf Coast, and it's warming up quite


> - I'd just as soon not have to answer 30 questions a day about " that

> brown spot " on my arm.


> IS Armour as good as Lugol's for treating thyroid? Is it

> better/worse/treats differently (so perhaps complimentary)?


> Thanks so much for your patience with this newbie!



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If you are only experiencing low thyroid function..I would definitely try to use

a different approach than supplemental hormone. Armour did very little for me,

and the edema I had as a result was nasty. I know everyone is different, but I

no longer take any hormone, and i'm only taking a kelp supplement, and doing

very well.

As far as the patch test goes..I would imagine you could do that in a less

obvious area.AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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  • 5 months later...

Live Right 4 Your Type lists the foods by secretor & non-s.

If you first try getting rid of *all* foods that are Avoid for both S &


And limit ones that might be avoid for one or the other.

(Oats are one of those split foods.)

Concentrate on meats, fruits & veggies (real food). Limit grains - packaged


Fruits & veggies mostly raw. Simplify.

Keep learning


On 9/1/07, valerie2854 <jvjones@...> wrote:


> I am just starting out with the ER4YT for my family. It is quite

> overwhelming to find out nearly every meal is affected. Does finding

> out if you are a secreter or non secreter mean there may be more foods

> that can be eaten that are not on the list or fewer foods on the list

> that can be eaten depending on the secreter status? Does that make

> sense? Where is the list of secreter and non secreter foods?


> I also noticed that oats is an avoid food but one of the recipes in the

> book was for granola. First ingredient was 4 cups of oats. Obviously

> I am missing something. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks,







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  • 3 months later...

> Hi there> > I have gotten interested in iodine and have questions to which I have> not been able to find the answer. > > 1. Is the painting of iodine mostly done with regular iodine (eg.> Betadine) whereas Lugol's would be more for internal use?

Generally painting is done with Lugol's to get both Iodine and Iodide.> > 2. Can you do painting with Lugols?

Absolutely - that is what I use.

> > 3. Is painting with Lugols considered the same as painting with Betadine?

I don't know many who paint with betadine. If any at all.> > 4. Is painting a lets say 1 inch square patch every day on young> children (under 5) safe?

I don't know much about painting children. There is an issue with it irritating the skin so with them I would be careful. A better option is to use Detoxified iodine. It is a weaker form and what I gave my kids until they were older. They are 5 & 8 and take 6.25 mgs of Iodoral now.> > 5. Is a drop of Lugols a day in a drink for young children safe?

I would say yes as that is generally 6.25 mgs which is what I give my kids.> > 6. It's probably a bad taste, but is a drop directly in to the mouth safe?

It's a little harsh for that and does taste bad. Some can do it but I wouldn't do it for kids.> > 7. Is painting / taking Lugols internally every day safe for me who> has 7 amalgam fillings?

I took 50 mgs of Iodoral when I still had my amalgams. My husband still has his and takes 50 mgs of Iodoral. It does move mercury out. He also takes Selenium which is a good support for glutathione production.> > 8. Is painting / taking Lugols internally every day safe for me who is> trying to get pregnant?

Not sure where you would paint it. As I said it can be harsh to the skin so painting may be a problem.


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Thank you so much , very appreciated!



> > Hi there

> >

> > I have gotten interested in iodine and have questions to which I have

> > not been able to find the answer.

> >

> > 1. Is the painting of iodine mostly done with regular iodine (eg.

> > Betadine) whereas Lugol's would be more for internal use?


> Generally painting is done with Lugol's to get both Iodine and Iodide.

> >

> > 2. Can you do painting with Lugols?


> Absolutely - that is what I use.

> >

> > 3. Is painting with Lugols considered the same as painting with



> I don't know many who paint with betadine. If any at all.

> >

> > 4. Is painting a lets say 1 inch square patch every day on young

> > children (under 5) safe?


> I don't know much about painting children. There is an issue with

it irritating the skin so with them I would be careful. A better

option is to use Detoxified iodine. It is a weaker form and what I

gave my kids until they were older. They are 5 & 8 and take 6.25 mgs

of Iodoral now.

> >

> > 5. Is a drop of Lugols a day in a drink for young children safe?


> I would say yes as that is generally 6.25 mgs which is what I give

my kids.

> >

> > 6. It's probably a bad taste, but is a drop directly in to the

mouth safe?


> It's a little harsh for that and does taste bad. Some can do it but

I wouldn't do it for kids.

> >

> > 7. Is painting / taking Lugols internally every day safe for me who

> > has 7 amalgam fillings?


> I took 50 mgs of Iodoral when I still had my amalgams. My husband

still has his and takes 50 mgs of Iodoral. It does move mercury out.

He also takes Selenium which is a good support for glutathione


> >

> > 8. Is painting / taking Lugols internally every day safe for me who is

> > trying to get pregnant?


> Not sure where you would paint it. As I said it can be harsh to the

skin so painting may be a problem.



> www.naturalthyroidchoices.com


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  • 3 months later...
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First let me say you need to Run from this Dr. he does not know what he is

talking about. I would love to see him walk around with his levels at 173 for a

Year. WTF is he thinking about he should have treated you feeling this way

when your labs were if the low 400's.

Yes your Testosterone levels can come up 200 to 300 points if you have very

high Estradiol and this jerk will not even test it. I say jerk because any good

Dr. would tell you he does not know anything about treating this and send you

to one that dose.

Yes if you have sleep aphea this can lower T levels but not this bad. You

need to see a Dr. that is up on this and knows how to test and treat you. You

need to know why your so low I feel your in the shape your in because of this so

how in the hell can you fix it feeling this way.

Many things can low your levels but to be this low your testis are not working

or you have a pituitary problem. Bottom line is get to a good Dr. and find out

why first before treating this. When I was first got sick I was 40 yrs. old

weight was about 175 they never tested my testosterone levels and after much

other testing they told me I am suffering from Major Depression I lost 5 yrs of

my live do to this bull crap. I was off work on sick leave for 5 yrs. Then

when they found out I am not depressed but have low T in 30 days on treatment

I was back to work.

You don't mess with OTC supplements to lower Estradiol unless you know it's

low. If you try to treat this with out knowing you can drive it down to low and

this is just as bad as to high.

You need a Dr. that can test and treat you if you live near MI. you would do

good to drive or fly to see Dr. after he sees you once he can test and

treat you by Email or phone.

Or see Dr. Shippen he did the book " The Testosterone Syndrome " or find a good

DO Dr. here is a list to help you. Also go to the files section and read

Finding a male hormone Dr. so you know the questions to ask when you call them.

This is a good link to read. Here is a link to Dr. 's site


American Academy of Osteopathy

Find an osteopath in US and some other countries


Find an osteopath


General Osteopathic Council

Find an osteopath in almost any country



Find an osteopath near you in the US. Also links to site to explain what an

osteopath is.


*I recommend avoiding osteopathic endos. They seem to be the same as regular


You need to read my story so you don't go down the dam road I did.


Also I don't know if your Dr. will do this but ask him if he will work with

Dr. over the phone to test and treat you. This longer you go like this the

worst it will get.


dempseysgym <dempseysgym@...> wrote:

Hello everyone. Hope you guys don't mind if I aska few questions

right off the bat.

I am a 41 year old male, 6'-0 " tall and 295 pounds with approx 40%

bodyfat. Lots of fat around my waist. I take 25 mg of Lisinopril ,

25 mg of Toprol, 150 mg Zantac, and 10 mg of Zyrtec everyday. I

haven't been very active for the past 5 years or so, and have been

experiencing weight gain, fatigue/drowsiness, decreased sex drive

etc. Spontaneous erections are a thing of the past. Normally my

blood tests have not shown anything terribly out of the ordinary,

except for my fasting glucose which began to creep up around 2 years

ago (into the mid 90's)

Last week I went for a checkup because I spent all the previous

weekend sleeping. My Doctor ordered a glucose and insulin level to

be taken 2 hours after a heavy meal. The glucose came back in the

low 90's, but the insulin came back around 115. The only other test

he ordered was for total Testosterone which came back at 173. The

last time he ordered this was in 2003, and then it was 426.

My doctor is very conservative and wants me to take a test every

quarter for the next year to insure my levels are in fact low, at

which point he will prescribe enough Androgel to get my testosterone

level back into the mid 300's.

I do snore and will be going in for a sleep test in a week and a


I assume a large part of the diminished T level is due to the

testosterone converting to estrogen. I say this because of my

central obesity, and also because I sometimes have very sensitive,

itchy nipples. I asked the doc to test my estridiol levels but he

just looked at me with an amuse smirk.

My question for you is this…

If I were to lose 100 pounds or so, and take whatever steps

necessary to deal with the sleep apnea, could I expect a dramatic

increase in test levels or is it time to look at exogenous

replacement? Also, what is your opinion of the over the counter

anti-aromatase supplements like Chrysin, 4-Etioallocholen-3,6,17-

trione, cruciferous vegetable extract, etc…

Thanks for your input!

Co-Moderator " Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. "



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Walking will help and GasX will help to an extent, but TIME is the only thing

that will really help. You are just 1 day post op. Expect a couple more days

for the gas to work its way out and then you'll get real relief. btw,

CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a bandster!!!! Sometimes being a loser is a

GOOD thing! 5'11 " 306 / 258 / 189 PreOp / Now/ Goal Banded 09/14/06

@...: caramelluvr316@...: Thu, 24

Apr 2008 19:41:25 +0000Subject: Newbie with questions

I just got the lapband yesterday and i'm experiencing alot of gas pains, but i

can't release it. I can't burp, cause everytime i try, my stomach hurts. Has

anybody experienced this? If so can u help me. I tried buying Gas X, and tried

walking around my house. None of those are working. I'm hoping somebody can help



Back to work after baby–how do you know when you’re ready?


& ocid=T067MSN40A0701A

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Hi - and welcome !

I'm afraid gas pains are normal for the first few days. but there ar

several kinds of " gas " - the intestinal gas that causes burps and

passing gas, and the left shoulder pain from the CO2 gas used during


I'll assume you mean intestinal gas ? I've found in the last 4 yrs of

banding that those whose docs allow solid foods the day before

surgery often have a lot more intestinal gas. When the bowel is

paralyzed during surgery, the food in the gut from a meal the day

before just sits there and ferments and causes painful gas. few docs

understand this, i'm afraid. The ones who do a bowel cleanse the day

before surgery DO, but the whole bowel cleanse is not neede,imo -

only no solid foods for 24-48 hrs before surgery.

Too late to change that, but the Gas X often helps - sorry it is not

for you!

Burping is often also swallowed air that the swollen stoma will not

let back up. tyhe stoma will heal in a few days, and burping and

swallowing will be easier. but it's important to minimize the air you


1. Never shake things to mix them (now or later)or hip madly ina

blender. both add lots of air tha comes back as burping, and can be

very painful. Instead, stir gently with a spoon (not fork) to mix,

anduse the lowest blender setting.

2. sip slowly and carefully. After you take a sip into your mouth,

exhale thru your nose before you swallow. you'll only need to do this

a short time until you're better.

3. lots of walking around to mobilize the gas

4. gas X will not hurt5. stop all milk products, for now. You my be a

little lactose defiient, and the mik is reating extra gas. you can

use soy milk if you like, and are allowed full liquids now.

5. no straws - increases swallowed air.

unfortunately, you probably have lots of swallowed air by now, if

your doc ddn't go over all these things wth you before surgery. it my

take a couple days of these better eating habits to get better

6. be sure no carbonation - now or later. a basic band rule.

7. put a warm heating pad on your chest. this will relax and open the

stoma so you can swallow ad burp eaier, and it will also speed healing

8. warm and hot drinks only - cold ones shrink he stoma and make

everything worse.

You should be much better in a couple days, alhough i know it's tough

now. hang in there! It will all be SO worth it! promise!

Sandy r, BSN, MN

at goal > 4 yrs


> I just got the lapband yesterday and i'm experiencing alot of gas

> pains, but i can't release it. I can't burp, cause everytime i try,


> stomach hurts. Has anybody experienced this? If so can u help me. I

> tried buying Gas X, and tried walking around my house. None of


> are working. I'm hoping somebody can help me.


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it will pass. sorry i'm not there to pat you on the back.



> I just got the lapband yesterday and i'm experiencing alot of gas

> pains, but i can't release it. I can't burp, cause everytime i try,


> stomach hurts. Has anybody experienced this? If so can u help me. I

> tried buying Gas X, and tried walking around my house. None of those

> are working. I'm hoping somebody can help me.


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  • 1 month later...
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I don't think anyone can predict with accuracy the course of this disease; but

if you are not getting the proper treatment, i.e. DMARDS or other drugs

specifically aimed at reducing the physical damage caused by PA, you are likely

at risk for more pain and possibly irreversible joint damage. You are probably

not a candidate for the biologics at this point but the DMARDs, like MTX, have

been used for years and any serious side effects are reversible. I would

strongly urge you to talk to your rheumatologist to get advice.

I assume that you have had a full workup and are not anemic; but I was anemic

when I was diagnosed with PA about a year ago and anemia does go hand in hand

with PA - especially at the beginning. It went away with treatment. Another

thing to ensure your doctor has checked is Vitamin D deficiency. Fatigue,

however, does go hand in hand with PA and the extent to which it goes away

depends on how severe your disease is, what DMARD you take and how well you

respond to it.

Good luck but please don't try to continue a regimen of just using NSAIDs. They

only mask the pain from any potential damage that could be occurring.

Joanna Hoelscher

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I just wanted to clear up an error about METHOTREXATE It is not an entry level

med for PA like the NSAIDs. It is a very strong immunosupressant if you take

a higher dose like 50 mg IM

once a week like I did for a few years pretty successfully.

While the side effects like the nausea and fatigue were unpleasant, they

were manageable with Zofran and Folic Acid for me. Unfortunately, it stopped


Michellle S.

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I think MTX is referred to as an " entry level " drug only because so many

insurance companies want you to try it before you go on to the biologics.

Joanna Hoelscher

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<<I think MTX is referred to as an " entry level " drug only because so many

insurance companies want you to try it before you go on to the biologics.


I agree with . Methotrexate is a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug

(DMARD) and most rheumy will start with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

(NSAID). Methotrexate has many possible side-effects, and I can't imagine

anyone using or even referring to it as an " entry level " medication for PsA.


North Jersey

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Do not hold off on the DMARDs. I said the same thing last year and now have

done additional damage to my joints. These can slow or stop the destruction

that is occurring daily in your body. Talk to your Rheumy and come up with a

plan that works for you.

Bets of luck,

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Hi, ,

It is very hard to say whether a mild case might stay that way. Each

person is so different. Personally, I have had remissions and flare

ups. My rheumy tells me the goal is finding the right combination of

drugs to force remission of symptoms. When one of my symptoms improves

all the others tend to do the same. When my joints are better the

fatigue is better. DMARDs have helped me achieve that. Improving my

sleep by better overall disease control, using splints for troublesome

joints and using other drugs for better sleep have all helped with the

fatigue. Hope you find what works for you.


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What is Zofran and how did you use it? Also, did you take the folic

acid the day before and after the mtx or regularly? I have had a

very hard time with nausea and fatigue from the mtx and can't take

phenergan for the nausea. I have been trying to reduce the mtx (with

rheumys ok) because the nausea and fatigue had become so bothersome

but the result has been some flare up in my joints. I am really

interested in anything that will help with mtx side effects.


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Angie - when I took MTX I took the folic acid regularly. Also, have

you tried taking Zantac? I would take Zantac just the day of the MTX

and sometimes for a day or two after if needed. It totally eliminated

the nausea! You wouldn't expect that because it is for reflux, but my

rheumy said that most of the feelings of nausea from MTX actually do

come from reflux even though you don't feel the typical heartburn

feeling. I was skeptical - but it worked!

I used the generic Zantac, called Ranitidine. Very cheap.

best regards,

sherry z

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