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From someone who is more of a reader than a contributor, welcome to the

group. Sorry if I sound ignorant, but what is an SBTHR? Hopefully, your OS

will respond open-mindedly, but don't be surprised if he/she does not favor

resurfacing. Same goes for your insurance company.

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It's possibly an acronym for simultaneous, bilateral (both hips done in the

same operation), total hip replacement... late, Rick from Chico, California


>Reply-To: surfacehippy

>To: <surfacehippy >

>Subject: Re: new member

>Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 23:30:40 -0400


>From someone who is more of a reader than a contributor, welcome to the

>group. Sorry if I sound ignorant, but what is an SBTHR? Hopefully, your


>will respond open-mindedly, but don't be surprised if he/she does not favor

>resurfacing. Same goes for your insurance company.




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It sounds as though you are " getting the message " that many of us have

already and acted upon.

I have to be fast but I was a 49 year old, almost cripple!

No bone defects so resurface was easy.

I'm now 19 months post double BHR.


Run - Football - Cycling - Squash - All night sleeping - Pain free -

etc, etc, etc, etc.

Don't let anyone take part of your femurs away (my opinion). If ever I

need a review (unlikely) then;

1. I have my bones

2. I'm sure that there will be revision devices that are re-resurfacing.

Good luck, whatever your decision.


In message <9ili00+rkpbeGroups>, tmr2@... writes


>I come here via Totally Hip Support Group which is fantastic. I just

>figured out resurfacing today. I've got a call in to my OS (he

>didn't return it), have a 27 page report to read about it and will be

>making more calls around the country on Friday to the places that do

>this. I have till 7/24 to decide if I am going to pursue this to the

>end or go thru with SBTHR. I'm thinking my biggest obstacle will be

>the insurance. I know I can go out of state I just don't know how

>picky they are about new stuff. This just makes sense to me. If I go

>for it and it doesn't work I can still go for the THR. Right??? :)

>Trudy (53 " loose hips " in Chattanooga)




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  • 5 months later...

WOW… Congrats on the first 100!...

New Member

Hi everyone,

I just joined WW last Tuesday and

I've joined several support groups to keep me motivated! This looks like a fun

group! I like the subjects :) Some of you might have seen me in other lists.

I'm not new to dieting, I've been steady dieting and chatting on weight loss

lists for 3 years. I lost 100 + lbs in 1999 and I've been maintaining up and

down the same 20 lbs since. I still have 100 + to lose so maintaining isn't

something I want to be doing *lol* Looking forward in participating with the




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

I just joined WW last Tuesday and I've joined several support groups to keep me motivated! This looks like a fun group! I like the subjects :) Some of you might have seen me in other lists. I'm not new to dieting, I've been steady dieting and chatting on weight loss lists for 3 years. I lost 100 + lbs in 1999 and I've been maintaining up and down the same 20 lbs since. I still have 100 + to lose so maintaining isn't something I want to be doing *lol* Looking forward in participating with the list!



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Welcome to the group Machelle!! CONGRATULATIONS on your loss in the

past!!! That is something to be very proud of!!!

I look forward to getting to know you!


> Hi everyone,


> I just joined WW last Tuesday and I've joined several support

groups to keep me motivated! This looks like a fun group! I like the

subjects :) Some of you might have seen me in other lists. I'm not

new to dieting, I've been steady dieting and chatting on weight loss

lists for 3 years. I lost 100 + lbs in 1999 and I've been maintaining

up and down the same 20 lbs since. I still have 100 + to lose so

maintaining isn't something I want to be doing *lol* Looking forward

in participating with the list!


> hugs

> Machelle

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Machelle -

Welcome to our community. We look forward to hearing more about your journey and successes.

Sherrie K (MN)

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." -- Dean8/01/01 - 180.5/139/135

____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

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Glad to have you here, welcome, welcome! I am sure you will find

this one of the best groups you've ever joined, I do! and Yes, it is

fun! These guys are the best!

> Hi everyone,


> I just joined WW last Tuesday and I've joined several support

groups to keep me motivated! This looks like a fun group! I like the

subjects :) Some of you might have seen me in other lists. I'm not

new to dieting, I've been steady dieting and chatting on weight loss

lists for 3 years. I lost 100 + lbs in 1999 and I've been maintaining

up and down the same 20 lbs since. I still have 100 + to lose so

maintaining isn't something I want to be doing *lol* Looking forward

in participating with the list!


> hugs

> Machelle

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


Read your post and I don't know where you live. We live in PA, and though Jackie (age 6) is an epileptic, we are fighting for her to be tested. THe testing is done through our Intemediate Unit, which is supposed to work in conjunction with the school district. SOmetimes it takes a while, a long while, before everyone gets on the same page. We had an IEP meeting, (one) in which we discussed several behavior problems Jackie was having in kindergarden. Part of the problem with the IEP (Individual Education Program) was the principal of her school (a person of unique properties-none of them good!), and also there were five people from the school and me. The meeting was set up in which their terms would be dictated, and I was supposed to agree. NOT. First of all, I took the chairs seat, and I ran the meeting. The upshot was that Jackie had to behave in school, stay in her chair, and not wander, and she has. HOwever, she still has not been tested, and we're still fighting with the school.

Since starting the diet, life and school has improved dramatically. Anyway, I digress, the IU (intermediate unit) is probably where I'd start first, and ask about testing. Do you have a good neurologist? Ours in good, willing to work with us, and best of all admit mistakes and do house calls! SOmetimes seizures as you see them, are merely the tip of the iceberg. There are seizures called absence seizures, where the kids seem to "zone out" . Jackie has those, grand mals, and a host of others. However, since the diet, and the resulting tweeking, and the strep incident (which brings on more seizures), she is doing much better. There is a great book on epilepsy by Dr. Freeman, which I'd recommend reading. I don't know of anyone else whose thrown up, but that doesn't mean that theyre aren't. The ladies and gentlemen of the Keto Klub, are great sources of information and support. Sometimes it feels like you're flying all by yourself, and it's good to know that there is someone to listen. '

mother of Jackie

age 6, feeling better.

PS: look at the Atkins diet, if you want to learn more about the keto. It's not the same thing, but can give you an idea how the diet might help your child.

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Found your post, I have done a lot of 'quick' deleting lately. Have you had

sufficient replies?

Hill in NZ

New Member

> Hello I am the mother of two boys. The youngest of whom has been


> (last summer) diagnosed wth epilepsy. I have many questions as I am very

> ingnorant about the disease and it's affects.

> Let me tell you a bit about my boy. He is five and was five when


> had his first seizure. (Last summer) His first seizure was very scary


> me. We (he, my older son, who is going to be 7 in march, and myself) laid

> down for an afternoon nap. We had been sleep for about an hour, when in


> sleep it seemed as though I could hear my son making a gurgling sound. I

> woke up and I saw that my son was vomited in his sleep. I was alarmed and

> wondered how long he could have been this way. I looked to make sure that


> was still breathing, and he was. My next thought was to get him to the

> bathroom and put his head forward to the toilet, to try to get him to


> any vomit that might still be in his throat or mouth. Oh, I forgot to

> mention when I woke up, his eyes were going up and down, over and over


> but he did not respond to me.

> To make a long story short he vomited more in the toilet, and I called

> 911. We spent a lot of time in the emergency room, and he received a cat

> scan. They then could only tell me that the symptoms seemed to be


> to a seizure. But they could not be sure until they did an EEG.

> He got one done about a month later and it showed abnormal brain


> especially but not exclusively, when he is sleep or and on the verge of


> He has only had four seizures so far, including the first one that he

> had. They come on the average every three months, though the last one was


> lot closer than they were coming. The third one was in the last week of

> December, and the last one was on this past thursday. They usually last


> about two to five minutes. They have all occured while he was sleeping,


> the exception of one where I know he was sleepy, and probably would have


> sleep if I had not told him to sit up properly and listen to his social

> studies lesson. ( We homeschool) I think in most of the situations it


> a little warm. The last one he had he was in front of the fire place when


> fell asleep. The first one the weather was hot, and so was our room. He

> always vomits either right after or later on after he has had a seizure.


> couple of times he has complained of a headache after waking up.

> He is not on any meds and has never taken any, and I would love to


> it that way.

> I think this is about all. The lady that was giving him Sacro-cranial

> therapy is hard to keep up with. Plus paying is a bit difficult at times.

> But I will try to start this back up. I think that she works at the


> that you are speaking of, but I usually have it done at her home. She

does a

> good job.


> I have a few questions that I would like to pose. I my son would be

> considered by many to be a little slow but by no means handicapped, could

> this be from his neurological disorder?

> Since his seizures are so mild, and are not frequent, should I put him


> a diet or just use supplements. If diet which one. If Supplements which

> ones. I really want to keep him drug free.

> Is common for epileptics to be tired natured? He is often tired.

> Are there any further tests that I need to do on him at home? If so

> which ones?

> I am really confused as to which form of action I should take next, as


> have only recently been informed that if no action is taken his condition

> will more than likely worsen.

> All help will be greatly appreciated.


> Thank you,

> Kareemah


> Proud mother of Musa, age 5 Kindergarten. Homeschooler and SAM (Stay


> home mom.



> " The Ketogenic Diet....a realistic treatment option, NOT just a last

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 7/13/03 7:40:32 AM US Eastern Standard Time,

kanapal12000@... writes:

> I am worried about something though....Will I really be able to eat

> just a cup of food each meal for the rest of my life? Will I be able

> to get enough nutrition to HELP prevent other diseases like cancer

> and heart disease? I would love to hear how other long term, post-

> WLS-patients are doing with this. I know that I have to completely

> change my mindset - eat to live instead of living to eat!


> Thanks for your opinions!



> 287


Hi ,

I'm nearly 7 months post op and I eat around 6 oz of food. I don't eat

much bread or anything like that, but I DO eat some fruit or veggies if I crave


Eating this way has become second nature to me and trust me, before the

surgery, eating WAS MY ONLY life. All I thought about was food and how quickly I

could get to Mcs or s that day. Now I have NO desire to eat that

way. It's something that comes with the surgery process. You adapt because you

want to :)

Good luck to you!


Lap RNY 12/19/02


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...yes, we will be portion-restricted the rest of our lives.

You can circumvent this by stretching your pouch, but why would you

want to? Believe me, if you follow the rules, you will not be

hungry. I know a cup doesn't sound likie much, but you'll be

amazed. Sometimes I can't even finish my meals because i feel full

and the " fullness " lasts for a long time if you don't flush out your

pouch by drinking with your meal.

> Hi Everyone,


> I just joined the group and have already learned so much from you

> all! I have struggled with weight gain since I was a child. Yo-yo

> dieting, extreme exercise - I've done it all.


> I just got initial approval for a WLS program and have started the

> long process. My Dr. says if I complete the program, surgery

> probably won't be till winter. That's OK, because I really need to

> go through all the steps to be successful.


> I am worried about something though....Will I really be able to eat

> just a cup of food each meal for the rest of my life? Will I be


> to get enough nutrition to HELP prevent other diseases like cancer

> and heart disease? I would love to hear how other long term, post-

> WLS-patients are doing with this. I know that I have to completely

> change my mindset - eat to live instead of living to eat!


> Thanks for your opinions!



> 287

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In a message dated 7/13/2003 8:40:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

kanapal12000@... writes:

> I know that I have to completely

> change my mindset - eat to live instead of living to eat!




Welcome to the group I am a pre-op so all I can tell you is do your research

and learn as much as you can and remember there are no definites here

everybody has different opinions and it seems that every surgeon does things

there own

way. I am not worried about only being able to eat 4-8 oz of food for the

rest of my life because when your stomach is reduced you will feel full and as

long as you don't stuff yourself you can refrain from throwing up of feeling


Now instead of cramming our faces with whatever we like ... we will have to

make better choices in our protein and carbohydrates. We will have to drink a

lot of water to keep our systems hydrated and cleansed, we will have to take

vitamin supplements and maintain our yearly or monthly check ups. I personally

don't find that this commitment is to much to bear. We have been living fast

and free and when other people controlled what they ate and exercised

regularly we ate whatever we liked and did not take good care of ourselves.

When my

thin friends would pass up something to maintain their girlish figures I would

just laugh and swallow down the doughnut and I would actually feel sorry for


Now I am the one seeing the errors of my ways and Thank God for it. I am so

happy that I am getting off the crazy food train now at a young age and that I

still have the strength and energy to enjoy life. I have no physical

problems with being 277 at 5'3 and 34 years of age. I have fabulous clothes and

shoes and guys find me attractive and I have no shortage of a love life but I


that it is not healthy to be this weight and my good luck can't last forever.

I have not been obese since childhood I put on weight with pregnancy and

never took it off although I tried and tried. Now 14 years later and I finally

have the opportunity to be free from this weight. So all I am trying to tell

you is that everything comes with some level of sacrifice and a healthier body

and a stronger level of self esteem is a definite plus as far as I am


Lori Anne

pre-op Lap RNY


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In a message dated 7/13/2003 12:39:51 PM Central Standard Time,

Grimmlah1@... writes:

> eat to live instead of living to eat!


Now this is what we should all live by....this is what we should have put on

t-shirts and wear them . WOLFIE

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