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Check out the website at www.clos.net

One of the things I was impressed with was that Dr. R put the good AND the

BAD in his patients comments area. I think that his website is incredible

for the amount of information that he has ammassed on it and the ease with

which it is accessed. I hope this helps and as far as the food goes, I am

still pre op but from what I understand, we are able to add those foods we

enjoy back into our diets the amount is just limited and there are SOME

things that people cannot tolerate after surgery! Hope this was of help! :)



>Reply-To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

>To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

>Subject: New Member

>Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 16:28:06 -0800






>My name is Joan. I am considering having bypass surgery but am nervous


>doing it. I would like to hear from people who have gotten down to

>their desired

>weight and are now just maintaining. I know that I am always happy when

>I am

>actively losing, loving to hear all the compliments, etc. I think that

>I would

>have no problem sticking to the eating rules during that time. But will

>I get

>bored with that and want to eat all my old favorite things after the


>slow down? Also, I have always been someone who eats from boredom or

>stress, not

>just hunger. How will this surgery change that motivation?


>I'm also looking to hear from people who have had bad experiences. I

>know I can

>find people who are glad they did it. But are there also people who

>wish they had

>not? And why not? I have not yet seen a doctor but have been reading

>as much as

>I can find on the subject. But nothing I read means as much as hearing


>people's stories.


>Thank you so much for any help you can give.








>Did you know each week we feature a ONElist story?


>How has ONElist changed your life? Please share your story.


>This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass List at Onelist.com


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" But nothing I read means as much as hearing


people's stories. "

Dear Joan (and all),

I usually e-mail my 'story' in private, but this list is so large now, that

I thought I'd just send it to the whole list. It will answer many of your

questions, Joan. Hugs.



My name is Merritt and I'm a 37 y/o married, mom of 2. I had surgery

with Dr. Rutledge on January 4th, l999. And here's my story:

I started thinking about weight loss surgery over a year and a half ago

after seeing a segment about it on TV. I realized after starting my

research, that some people were having the procedure done laparoscopically.

I knew that most people, however, were still having it done 'open'. I knew

that I personally wanted it done lap. So... the search began. Over the

internet, I found that there were only a few doctors doing this surgery lap.

One of them was Dr. Rutledge in N.C. I called and made an appointment and

within a few months, I was having my first consult with him. What a

wonderful guy he was. So nice and kind. So easy to talk to. After that

visit, I was certain that this was what I wanted/needed and that Dr. R was

the surgeon for me.

Then the insurance battle started. My insurance policy clearly stated that

they did not cover any type of weight loss procedures. So, my request for

coverage was quickly denied. Suffice it to say that for ALL of 1998 I

'climbed the ladder' of my insurance company until I was finally talking

with the actual policy makers. The higher up the superiority ladder I

got..the more sympathetic ears I found. To make a long story short...my

insurance company decided to CHANGE their policy concerning weight loss

surgery and ADD it as a covered benefit effective Jan. 1, l999. WOW!!!

1998 was the hardest and longest year of my life. The internet support

group called OSSG (Obesity Surgery Support Group) kept me going and I knew I

wasn't alone in my slow battle with insurance companies. I encourage you to

join this list to get tons of support and information. The address is:

ossgonelist . Keep in mind that this is a huge list (around 600

members) so it's time consuming...but if you're serious about surgery,this

is the best place for info. and support.

Well...I waited for Jan. 1 to get here and by Jan. 4th, I was on the table.

I had waited so long. But I must admit that going into this surgery was

scary to me. I have two small kids and have never had surgery before. I'm

fairly healthy and wondered often if I was doing the wrong thing. What if

something went wrong??? I think the emotional stress of the pre-op period

is the most difficult part of surgery. I really do. But my surgery went

fine. And when I awoke, I was so relieved that I'd made it. But I did feel

pain. Dr. Rutledge was there and asked me about my pain. I told him that

my back hurt and my chest and I was a bit nauseous. Once they started the

pain meds. ( morphine pump ) I slept comfortably. I would push the pump

when I needed to. The hospital room I had was small, but clean and the

staff were very nice.

I was up and walking the evening of surgery and had no tubes or drains..just

an i.v. in each arm. The catheter was removed the next morning with no

pain. And the rest of my stay was uneventful. I was able to sip on ice

chips and have clear liquids the day after surgery.

I was required to have an x-ray study done on my tummy before they allowed

me to drink anything, but since Dr. R isn't requiring this terribly awful

procedure any longer, I won't take the time to go into how nasty that stuff

is that they make you drink. YUCK!!

I was discharged on Wednesday around lunch time. My husband and I stayed in

town (in a hotel) for the remainder of the week. I felt tired and a little

sore, but fine other than that. On the Sat. following surgery, I went to

Dr. R's clinic and had my staples removed. (There's only one staple in each

incision - 5 total). And then we drove home.

My kids to this day don't know that I had surgery. My daughter is 10 and my

son is 5. Neither do any of my close friends. So, you can see that I must

have appeared 'normal' enough to them. I was able to sleep on my tummy by

day ten. And my energy returned around that time as well.

I have lost 95 pounds as of today and feel better than I have in many years.

I have not thrown up, had any major problems with reflux or severe nausea.


stools are loose, which is to be expected, but it's not a big deal. The

only thing that

I really notice these days is that my hair is thinning. So far no one has

noticed, so I'm

hoping it won't turn into a big deal, but even so...... Am I

happy I had the surgery? You BET I am!! In fact, if I didn't lose another

pound, it would still have been worth it.

You simply can't out eat this surgery. People ask me if I'm hungry when

I've stopped eating after only a few bites. And my answer is that I 'feel'

like I've eaten the 'whole thing'. I'm satisfied with a few bites and the

truth is, if I try to eat too much my stomach will hurt and I'll feel

miserable, so I avoid that. I allow myself to have whatever appeals to me,

but only a few bites. This surgery is so wonderful. I could never have

lost this weight without it. For the first time in years, I have true hope

for a happier, healthier life. A life free from the bonds of obesity.

Thanks goes to Dr. Rutledge who is such a pioneer in this new and still

controversial procedure. I thank him in my prayers everyday. I wish you

well in your pursuit toward this surgery. Don't give up the fight. This

surgery is worth the battle, no matter how great or long it might be.

Please feel free to write me again if I can help.

Take care.


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  • 4 months later...

Hi Darlene,

I praise my surgeon because I was in surgery for over 6 hours because I did

have alot of scar tissue, layers and layers but he fixed it. I am doing great

now. I have no complications except for my legs swelling which was a

pre-existing problem and had nothing to do with the surgery. What state do

you live in? I live in NY.


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> My name is Glendora and I had an open RNY on June 10th, 1999. So far I


> lost a little over 100lbs. I will know exactly on Nov. 2nd. I just wanted


> introduce myself. If there are any questions you would like to ask me


> feel free to ask anything. I also had a VBG in 1994 that failed.


> For gastricbypass and Graduate-OSSG lists, I am letting you all know

that I

> will be elfeline@...'s angel. I will post to let you know how she is

> doing during her time at the hospital. Please join me in saying a prayer


> her for a safe surgery and a speedy recovery.


> Glendora >> >>



I had the Rny done Oct. 97 and have to have a revision done in about 10

days. My surgeon told me that if I have a " ball of scar tissue there " he

may not be able to do the surgery.

I was wondering if you could share your experience the second time around

and I you had any problems post op

Thanks in advance.

Darlene in Pa.

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome Kathy!! Hi everyone!! Kathy, I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia

and irritable bowel syndrome, also. I had alot of sleep problems, too, before

the dr. prescribed an anti-depressant. It is so nice to finally be meeting

others who understand that some days (and you never know WHEN!!) you just

physically feel ROTTEN!! Hope everyone feels GREAT!! :-) Lynn

KAKENT48@... wrote:

I am glad to receive so many e-mails that provide support for those of us

with pancreatitis. I thought I would give a brief history of my disease.

I was diagnosed with chronic about a year ago following an ERCP. I got very

ill from the ERCP and was in the hospital a week. I've never been much of a

drinker. I don't smoke. I am overweight; so my diet has had more fat than

it should. I had my gall bladder removed 4 years ago but got no relief. My

current doctors figure even though I had stones I also had pancreatitis.

I've seen a specialist in spinchter surgery; but it is very dangerous. I'm

not ready to consider this option.

I currently have to work just a 6 hour day, 4 days a week instead of my usual

40 hours. This has been quite tough on me to admit. I have pain, nausea,

diarrhea, and vomiting. I also suffer from fibromyalgia, several forms of

arthritis, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and irritible bowel syndrome.

Needless to say, my energy level is zip. For several years all I've done is

work and come home to collapse. I''m approved for long term partial

disability, so I'm hoping by cutting back a day I can get some strength for

former things such as dancing class, etc.

I've done well the last two weeks. It is very unpredictable for me. I take

creon and have medications to treat pain, nausea, when needed. I've been

hospitalized three times this year. I'm hoping to build up my exercise

program. I've moved where I have a pool, so I can get non stress aerobic

exercise. I'm 51 and female. I really enjoy yoga. I have to deal with my

joint pain and stiffness as well as the digestive problems.

Hope everyone could enjoy the holidays. I appreciate the network of support.


Click Here

Lynn :0)

" The kindness planned for tomorrow doesn't count today. "


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tori,

My name is Jody. I am a fairly new member here also. I was only diagnosed

with acute Pancreatitis but have had some of the same symptoms. I have not

gone through all the tests and problems as those with chronic Panc have but I

like being here.


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In a message dated 1/8/00 9:53:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

gr8mommie@... writes:

<< i also like being aware of what's going on and what to look for or expect

when/if it does get really bad... >>

Lynn, me too! I thought acute meant short term, but mine is becoming long

term. I like reading what everyone goes through so I am aware.

Last night I had a super bad " tummy ache, " and it hurt to breathe in. I

thought I might go to the ER but I finally fell asleep after taking lots of

pain meds. I do not want to go back to the hospital, but I don't want to

mess around with Pancreatitis either. I feel OK right now so I hope it stays

that way. If the pain comes back I may go to the ER.


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hi tori, hi everyone, hope ya'll are all feeling good!! my situation is not as

serious as alot of those here either...but i like hanging out with ya'll!! LOL

i also like being aware of what's going on and what to look for or expect

when/if it does get really bad... Lynn :0) PS-welcome tori...jump right in!!

Spodieodie12@... wrote:

From: Spodieodie12@...

Hi Tori,

My name is Jody. I am a fairly new member here also. I was only diagnosed

with acute Pancreatitis but have had some of the same symptoms. I have not

gone through all the tests and problems as those with chronic Panc have but I

like being here.



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Lynn :0)

" The kindness planned for tomorrow doesn't count today. "


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Hi Tori and Jody,

I too am a brand new member but, unlike you guys, am suffering from Chronic

Pancreatitis. This group has already been beneficial to me in the short time

I have been a participant. I have picked up information that confirms some

of my suspicions as well as share some of my past successes and failures. I

am looking forward to having people ho finally understand what I mean by the

intensity of the pain we experience on a daily basis. I am still trying to

stay employed but only have 10% of my pancreas remaining after my surgery 3

years ago. This surgery was the culmination of over 10 years of 7 deferent

types of surgeries to repair my pancreatic duct (I was diagnosed with

Pancreas Divisum. It is a disease whereby one of my pancreatic ducts, the

larger one, was completely closed while the smaller duct was too small to

handle the flow of pancreatic juices, causing my particular malady).

It would be my pleasure to try to share my past experiences with you or

anyone within the group. I am just thrilled to be a part of this group and

am already receiving benefits.


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you might want to write down what you ate, and whether you were stressed out,

etc. when you have those " bad tummy aches " !! you might see a pattern where you

could change something and help it!! i have noticed a pattern with mine where

if i am stressed it will like spasm and if i don't do some deep breathing and

lay down and try to relax it will become pain and eventually an attack!! just

my opinion :0) i don't like the ER at all!!! Lynn ;0)

Spodieodie12@... wrote:

From: Spodieodie12@...

In a message dated 1/8/00 9:53:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

gr8mommie@... writes:

<< i also like being aware of what's going on and what to look for or expect

when/if it does get really bad... >>

Lynn, me too! I thought acute meant short term, but mine is becoming long

term. I like reading what everyone goes through so I am aware.

Last night I had a super bad " tummy ache, " and it hurt to breathe in. I

thought I might go to the ER but I finally fell asleep after taking lots of

pain meds. I do not want to go back to the hospital, but I don't want to

mess around with Pancreatitis either. I feel OK right now so I hope it stays

that way. If the pain comes back I may go to the ER.



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Lynn :0)

" The kindness planned for tomorrow doesn't count today. "


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I am going to send this out for a test. I am not sure if you sent it to the

group. When you respond to it, simply hit the reply button, it will be

addressed to Pancreatitis@.... ONElist sorts all mail and send it to

each member

(Written by Onofrio)

Hi Karyn:

I think I have the right page now..but the posting light isn't on and it

still says I'm not a member even though my E-mail said I was.

In any case, thank you for the welcome.

I have been suffering with this menace now for almost 12 years. Ironically,

it saved my life. When I had my first attack in 1987 it brought me to the

hospital where they found not only Pancreatitis but colon cancer. As a

result, my cancer was cured but the Pancreatitis never left. Initially the

attacks would come somewhat infrequently..once every two or three months,

mostly when I overate or over indulged in alcohol. I went on a strict diet

and all attacks stopped for about 6 months. I went back to having an

occasional drink and the attacks resumed. Over the years since, the attacks

would come once or twice a month. Now they come almost weekly.

It seems I've also developed an ulcer in my esophagus which they say is due

to acid reflux, but I think is caused by the repeated pancreatic attacks. I

generally take hydrocodone which helps most of the time..but lately I've had

to go to the emergency room several times for a shot of Demerol to relieve

the pain.

The worst part is not the attacks since the Demerol and Hydrocodone works

fairly well..the worst part is the withdrawal that follows because I don't

want to get hooked on the stuff.

That's the sum and substance. I've studied nearly every resource there is

to find on the subject and I think I know what causes my problem and it's not

the alcohol...at least not directly.

However, because the answer is peculiar to me, I won't bore anyone with the

details of what I think it is, although it may be responsible for the attacks

others get as well.

Thanks again for the welcome. It's good to be able to talk to other who

understand this awful condition

Onofrio (Fred) Laurino >>

<A HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/karynwms/myhomepage/business.html " >Pancreatit

is Support Network</A>

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  • 1 month later...

I would think long and hard before you let anyone take your pancreas out.

Pain controll is a must if you start having alot of pain again I suggest you

seek help from a pain management physician.

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  • 1 month later...
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dear rechelle, so much of your story sounds like mine. i too had gall stones,

i had my gall bladder removed. i spent 2 1/2 months in the hospital and i was

given a 5% chance of survival. but then it stopped as far as our comparison.

you did not mention if you had been or currently on tpn. this might explain

your weight gain. most people with chronic pancreatitis do not gain weight

unless with the fluid overload with tpn. just because you are nauseated and

are vomiting you should have a hard time keeping weight on. are you currently

under doctor care. if not with your current symptoms i would suggest you see

your doctor at once.i understand about that nausea and vomiting and that is a

sympton of pancreatitis. usually your doctor will prescribe an antacid to

prevent the acid buildup inside your stomach. please write back and let us

know about your current condition. dr,tpn etc

jim s.

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Hi there,

Well, I just now went back under dr. care for this. They are doing a CT

scan of my pancreas as well as exploratory surgery. She definitely thinks

that this has become chronic, before it was only acute. She's worried that

the pancreas has all but completely stopped producing necessary enzymes. I

don't know yet when the scan and surgery will be, I'm just waiting to hear

back on that. They took lots of blood to see if it is pancreatitis or

something else with the pancreas. I spent 2 hours in the dr. office today


Ok, what is the best type of diet? I have never been given very much

information about this. Any help/advice is appreciated.



P.S. what's tcn?


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In a message dated 4/15/2000 12:35:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

LenhartROCKO@... writes:

<< In

Sept 1999 I was scheduled to have the Peustow done. 4 days before surgery

they learned my pancreas passage was only 5mm or cm ? and it needed to be 7.

No way to dilate it. >>

Hi Tammy,

Welcome to the group. I too have been suffering with Pancreas Divisum ever

since 1977 and have had all of the treatments you described in your message

to the group. One surgery you might want to discuss with your doctors is the

Duval Procedure. I had this surgery in 1992 and, while it was successful for

only about 4 years of pain free existence, it did work. In this surgery, the

pancreas is split open along the ducts and attached directly to the Jejunum

of the intestines. It also facilitates the proper drainage of the pancreas

and is less apt to restenoze (close) with the scar tissue formation that will

take place. That was the problem I experienced with the stent placement.

While they all worked for a short period of time, they always restenozed

shortly after the ducts were reopened. Good luck with whatever decision you

make. While I would never recommend surgery on your pancreas under normal

circumstances since I have so much difficulty with my surgical results, I

would recommend you consider it in your case. I don't know about the other

forms of pancreatitis that the members of our group have and how surgery

would affect them, but I do know about Pancreas Divisum.

I hope you have success in making the right decision for yourself in this

matter. We will all be praying that you do what is right for You!


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  • 3 months later...
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I am new to this group, and I have talked to JRI and Dr. Amstutz about

surface hip replacement, but I am not as fortunate as you, I'm on waiting

list of over 100. If all goes well I will get replacement in March/April

2001, that is if the prosthesis is available to Dr. Amstutz at that time. I

recently contacted my insurance provider, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois,

and told them that the surgery is not in clinical trials, and metel on metal

prosthesis are approved, but the prosthesis that JRI is using is currently in

clinical trials. I have been initially told that by BC/BS of Ill. that this

proceedure would be considered " investigational " and would not be covered by

them. As time gets closer to my surgery, I will try everything available to

get the coverage approved, including an appeal and possibly an attorney,

because I am that sold on the surface hip replacement proceedure. Good

luck, and please keep us posted as to your situation with insurance and the

surgery/recovery as well.

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mblawler@... wrote:

> I am scheduled for bilaterial hip surface replacements with Dr.

> Amstutz on November 16th. I'll be traveling from land to

> California. Chuck told me months ago that my insurance co. (Blue

> Cross/Blue Shield Federal) had denied one of their patients. Has

> anyone had success with BC/BS Federal paying for this surgery? I'd

> also like to ask if everyone is satisfied with the results of their

> surgery and if they would do anything differently now that it's behind

> them. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much. Margie

Hi Margie,

Don't know about BC/BS Federal, but my co., Regence Blue Shield, denied

me coverage. All the way through 4 appeals, too, which finally concluded

last week. But I _am_ satisfied, very much so, with the surgery, which I

had in January, and don't think I'd do anything differently. Except have

had it done sooner, if that had been possible!


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I had my right hip resurfaced by Dr. Amstutz last February. So far I am absolutely thrilled with the result. I am very active, no pain, and sleeping like kitten. I also have BC\BS under the federal program. I live in Tennessee, but BC\BS of california covered the surgery as if I had it in Tennessee. So far so good.

I'd be happy to answer any specific questions about my experience.

At 09:39 PM 8/4/00 -0700, you wrote:


> I am scheduled for bilaterial hip surface replacements with Dr. Amstutz on November 16th. I'll be traveling from land to California. Chuck told me months ago that my insurance co. (Blue Cross/Blue Shield Federal) had denied one of their patients. Has anyone had success with BC/BS Federal paying for this surgery? I'd also like to ask if everyone is satisfied with the results of their surgery and if they would do anything differently now that it's behind them. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much. Margie

> ----------------

> <http://click./1/7750/7/_/819984/_/965439704/> border="0" alt="" src="http://adimg./img/7750/7/_/819984/_/965439704/benefitsblue_new5.gif">



> ----------------


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Thanks for your reply. Do I understand you correctly that you have BC/BS Federal Program, not BC/

BS Tennessee? If so, you've really boosted my spirits. Did Dr. Amstutz's office take care of getting BC/BS California approval, or did you have to do that from home through your local BC/BS Federal representative?


Original Message-----To: surfacehippyegroups <surfacehippyegroups>Date: Sunday, August 06, 2000 5:32 PMSubject: Re: New member

Margie,I had my right hip resurfaced by Dr. Amstutz last February. So far I am absolutely thrilled with the result. I am very active, no pain, and sleeping like kitten. I also have BC\BS under the federal program. I live in Tennessee, but BC\BS of california covered the surgery as if I had it in Tennessee. So far so good. I'd be happy to answer any specific questions about my experience.At 09:39 PM 8/4/00 -0700, you wrote: >>>>

I am scheduled for bilaterial hip surface replacements with Dr. Amstutz on November 16th. I'll be traveling from land to California. Chuck told me months ago that my insurance co. (Blue Cross/Blue Shield Federal) had denied one of their patients. Has anyone had success with BC/BS Federal paying for this surgery? I'd also like to ask if everyone is satisfied with the results of their surgery and if they would do anything differently now that it's behind them. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much. Margie ----------------<http://click./1/7750/7/_/819984/_/965439704/> border="0" alt="" src="http://adimg./img/7750/7/_/819984/_/965439704/benefitsblue_new5.gif">----------------

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Thanks for your reply. Do I understand correctly that you have BC/BS Fedeal Program, not BC/BS Tennessee? If so, you've just boosted my spirits. Did Dr. Amstutz' office take care of geting BC/

BS California approval, or did you have to arrange for it through your local BC/BS Federal representative?


Re: New memberMargie,I had my right hip resurfaced by Dr. Amstutz last February. So far I am absolutely thrilled with the result. I am very active, no pain, and sleeping like kitten. I also have BC\BS under the federal program. I live in Tennessee, but BC\BS of california covered the surgery as if I had it in Tennessee. So far so good. I'd be happy to answer any specific questions about my experience.At 09:39 PM 8/4/00 -0700, you wrote: >>>>

I am scheduled for bilaterial hip surface replacements with Dr. Amstutz on November 16th. I'll be traveling from land to California. Chuck told me months ago that my insurance co. (Blue Cross/Blue Shield Federal) had denied one of their patients. Has anyone had success with BC/BS Federal paying for this surgery? I'd also like to ask if everyone is satisfied with the results of their surgery and if they would do anything differently now that it's behind them. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much. Margie ----------------<http://click./1/7750/7/_/819984/_/965439704/> border="0" alt="" src="http://adimg./img/7750/7/_/819984/_/965439704/benefitsblue_new5.gif">----------------

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Dear :

I would like to welcome you to our group. I am sorry you have had the need

to join us but I am glad you found us. You will find the group to be a

great source of support and information.

I suffered a ruptured ectopic pregnancy in November 1998 and lost my right

tube in the process. Once a tube is gone, it is gone forever, and a

ruptured tube is usually not repairable, so your doctor probably had no

choice but to remove it. That was the case with mine.

Ectopic pregnancies are caused when the fertilized egg does not implant in

the uterus. In your case, and mine, they implanted in the tube. There is

not room for the baby to grow, and as it gets bigger it causes the tube to

literally explode. If the ep is caught early, the tube can be saved by

using a drug called methotrexate to end the pregnancy, or by removing the

baby from the tube itself (although that causes its own risks - but that's

another story). I had no pregnancy symptoms, not even a missed period, so

the first thing I knew I was in the ER. The reasons the egg might implant

in the tube are several. There could be scarring or a blockage that

prevented the egg from traveling to the uterus, or there could be a problem

with the tiny nodules in your tube that usually push the egg along, causing

the egg to catch on one of them and implant there. You can find all kinds

of information about the causes and treatments of eps on our founder,

Krista's, website - www.ectopicpregnancy.com

You can go on to conceive naturally in many cases after an ep and the

removal of a tube. I am one of the ladies on this list who has conceived,

and my DH and I were able to do it naturally, without interventions such as

IUI or IVF. Our baby was born in June. Sometimes the factors that causes

your ep will force you to turn to these interventions to conceive. We were

fortunate. You will have to talk to your doctor about tests that would help

you determine what interventions, if any, are necessary. My doctor told me

that conceiving naturally would take longer than with two tubes, but it was

very probable that it would happen. It took us about a year to conceive

after my ep

I hope this helps you. Feel free to email me any time, and I will do

whatever I can to help you and answer your questions. You should also try

to make a list of questions for your doctor and talk to him/her about your

situation as well. If you cannot talk with your doctor, I suggest you find

one you can talk to...you will need a helpful, willing partner in your

doctor to receive the care and monitoring you will need to conceive with a

history of ectopic pregnancy.

Love and prayers,

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  • 5 months later...

Dear Dot

I was operated on by McMinn at the Nuffield in Birmingham five weeks

ago. I can only tell you what everyone told me before my op.-do not worry you

will feel great. I have to tell you that I feel wonderful, am back at work

and have thrown my cane away today. Good luck to you. Regards


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Dear Yoffey,

Please let us all know more about Dr. McMinn and where Nuffield

is located and how we can get in touch with him. I have been trying to locate

a doctor who does hip resurfacing. I am new to this group, so any help will

be appreciated.

Thanks, Joanne

ryoffey@... wrote:

> Dear Dot

> I was operated on by McMinn at the Nuffield in Birmingham five weeks

> ago. I can only tell you what everyone told me before my op.-do not worry you

> will feel great. I have to tell you that I feel wonderful, am back at work

> and have thrown my cane away today. Good luck to you. Regards

> Yoffey



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Hi Joanne,

Both McMinn and Birmingham Nuffield Hospital are located at

Birmingham, England. With Ronan Treacy, Mr McMinn developed the

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing procedure which you read about at


Hope that helps.



> > Dear Dot

> > I was operated on by McMinn at the Nuffield in Birmingham

five weeks

> > ago. I can only tell you what everyone told me before my op.-do

not worry you

> > will feel great. I have to tell you that I feel wonderful, am

back at work

> > and have thrown my cane away today. Good luck to you. Regards

> > Yoffey

> >

> >

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


I'm pondering two hips, hopefully resurfaceable..

Where was yours done? What type/ etc..?


Ben Hammond

Re: New Member

> At 05:14 PM 6/7/2001 -0000, you wrote:

> i am naturally a bit skeptical of all the good things that i have been

> >reading over the net...


> Richdad,


> My mother was also VERY skeptical at first. She had THR 3 years ago, and

> has been caring for me since my first resurfacing 13 days ago. She is now

> a true believer. I can do some things after 13 days that her ortho tells

> her to NEVER AGAIN do. My recovery has been very quick, and she is quite

> impressed with the lack of restrictions, unlike what she had with her THR.

> She even asked my surgeon if he would resurface her other hip when the


> came! I was walking day 2 post-op and they had me climbing stairs on day


> since I have to climb a few to get into and out of my house. I pulled a


> gal. barrel of weeds yesterday! THR is better than the pain and


> that many of us have faced, but the resurfacing is far superior in my

> opinion. 2nd resurfacing coming up on June 25th. I can't wait for the

> matched set!!


> Best to you,




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