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Other suggestion is give me your home email since I can't seem to find

it LOL and I'll send you an email with a few of my " dolls " .

Lillady's Legacy Dolls


Hey Ladies! Check out the countdown for those awaiting their

reversals, those pregnant ladies, and much more!

On this page you will find the Where We Live pages, the Reversal

Countdown, the Pregnancy Countdown, My Tubal Reversal Story, and much more!

If anyone needs to be added or deleted or changed, please let me




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Oh forgot this webpage has 1 or 2 of my girls on it right now so you can at

least have an idea! Just log in as a guest and read thru some of the posts :)

You'll get the idea. This site is a graphix forum that 3 of us have we do custom


The geocities site also has graphix done by the 3 of us! I did the main image at

the top of the geocities one along with 10 of the dolls on that page!



Lillady's Legacy Dolls


Hey Ladies! Check out the countdown for those awaiting their

reversals, those pregnant ladies, and much more!

On this page you will find the Where We Live pages, the Reversal

Countdown, the Pregnancy Countdown, My Tubal Reversal Story, and much more!

If anyone needs to be added or deleted or changed, please let me




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Oooh, sounds good - I wanna see! It is thetxhartclan@...

I have been talking to this morning via e-mail, and she is home from work,

but I will let her know you tried calling.


Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

Mom to 4 -Ari (16)

a (7)


and (My TR Baby) born 6/20/02

Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!




Hey Ladies! Check out the countdown for those awaiting their

reversals, those pregnant ladies, and much more!

On this page you will find the Where We Live pages, the Reversal

Countdown, the Pregnancy Countdown, My Tubal Reversal Story, and much more!

If anyone needs to be added or deleted or changed, please let me




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Oh, , I LOVE the one of the pregnant girl with the bassinet that says

" We're Getting Freaky! " That is great! I'm gonna look at more on your site...


Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

Mom to 4 -Ari (16)

a (7)


and (My TR Baby) born 6/20/02

Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!




Hey Ladies! Check out the countdown for those awaiting their

reversals, those pregnant ladies, and much more!

On this page you will find the Where We Live pages, the Reversal

Countdown, the Pregnancy Countdown, My Tubal Reversal Story, and much more!

If anyone needs to be added or deleted or changed, please let me




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Just to let you know now my main site is back up!

The one where you click on Lillady's Legacy Dolls :)

Lillady's Legacy Dolls



Hey Ladies! Check out the countdown for those awaiting their

reversals, those pregnant ladies, and much more!

On this page you will find the Where We Live pages, the

Reversal Countdown, the Pregnancy Countdown, My Tubal Reversal Story, and much


If anyone needs to be added or deleted or changed, please let

me know!



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LOL can you tell we have fun with what we do!

Time consuming yes but soo worth it!

Lillady's Legacy Dolls



Hey Ladies! Check out the countdown for those awaiting

their reversals, those pregnant ladies, and much more!

On this page you will find the Where We Live pages, the

Reversal Countdown, the Pregnancy Countdown, My Tubal Reversal Story, and much


If anyone needs to be added or deleted or changed, please

let me know!



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I looked all over your site - how neat!


Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

Mom to 4 -Ari (16)

a (7)


and (My TR Baby) born 6/20/02

Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!




Hey Ladies! Check out the countdown for those awaiting

their reversals, those pregnant ladies, and much more!

On this page you will find the Where We Live pages, the

Reversal Countdown, the Pregnancy Countdown, My Tubal Reversal Story, and much


If anyone needs to be added or deleted or changed, please

let me know!



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Thank you !!!!

> > Hey Ladies! Check out the countdown for those awaiting their

> reversals, those pregnant ladies, and much more!

> >

> > On this page you will find the Where We Live pages, the


> Countdown, the Pregnancy Countdown, My Tubal Reversal Story, and


> more!

> >

> > If anyone needs to be added or deleted or changed, please let


> know!

> >

> > http://www.geocities.com/thehartclantx/Thehartclantx.html

> >

> >

> > Hart

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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In General my insurance would pay for it but its up to each company that

purchases that insurance to decide if they want that coverage. Unfortunately my

husbands company chose not to get that coverage so we are still workin on saving

the money!

Lillady's Legacy Dolls


did your Insurance pay for any of it?

Kisha D

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Thanks Terrie! I'm counting the days!

> Welcome back and congratulations girl!!!! I remember when you had

> your TR. I hope you have a safe and healthy 9 mos girl!!!!

> Love and Hugz- Terrie in Texas

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My due date is May 20,2003. Where do I find the countdown. Can't

remember. Maybe I never knew. LOL

> Congrats! Send me your due date and I will add you to the

countdown!! Here's to an uneventful 9 months!

> Hart

> Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

> Mom to 4 -Ari (16)

> a (7)

> (4)

> and (My TR Baby) born 6/20/02

> Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!

> http://www.geocities.com/thehartclantx/Thehartclantx.html






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On my website below...


Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

Mom to 4 -Ari (16)

a (7)


and (My TR Baby) born 6/20/02

Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!



My due date is May 20,2003. Where do I find the countdown. Can't

remember. Maybe I never knew. LOL

> Congrats! Send me your due date and I will add you to the

countdown!! Here's to an uneventful 9 months!

> Hart

> Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

> Mom to 4 -Ari (16)

> a (7)

> (4)

> and (My TR Baby) born 6/20/02

> Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!

> http://www.geocities.com/thehartclantx/Thehartclantx.html






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You know that most likely at 14DPO, your HPT would be pretty

accurate. I understand being apprehensive, I've been there too. I

don't think that I could wait thought! Do you have any symptoms?

Feeling okay?

> Sorry, just catching up on some posts......AF is due today, but

> sometimes my cycles are longer. Usually no later that 32 days.


> I'm 14dpo per FF (or 15dpo per myself), CD29. No Af yet, and I'm

> afraid to test.


> Tracie

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As for symptoms, I had the sore bbs, tons of bathroom breaks, and

crampy feeling, but they are subsiding....so thats one reason I think

af is on her way. But temps are still up. Tracie

> > Sorry, just catching up on some posts......AF is due today, but

> > sometimes my cycles are longer. Usually no later that 32 days.

> >

> > I'm 14dpo per FF (or 15dpo per myself), CD29. No Af yet, and I'm

> > afraid to test.

> >

> > Tracie

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Please remember that it is all in God's hands! He won't give you more than you

can handle!


Update On My Daughter

> >

> >

> > Ladies,

> > We found out last night that my daughter was releassed from


> > hospital before the papers for the arrest warrant was


> She

> > is once again wandering the streets. She has no ID, coat,


> or

> > money. In the past weeks she has been admitted to 2


> > psychiatric houspitals in two different countiesand both have

> > released her because they said she was fine She is not. We


> with

> > her husband last night and she has been having manic episodes

> where

> > she does not sleep for days. It is when she is like this


> she is

> > in danger to herself and others. She is suicidal and now


> go

> > back home for her family's sake. I am very concerned for her

> safety

> > because it is cold and the area in which she was walking in


> other

> > night is not a safe one. At this point we have no clue where


> may

> > be and if she is just wandering around not in her right mine


> don't

> > even want to think what may happen to her. Once again I am

> > reguesting prayers for her.

> > Dorene

> >

> >

> >

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((())) Prayers being said for sweet Clarissa! Things will calm back down, I

promise and you will be able to relax soon. We are here for you, please

remember that!


Ladies as you might know Clarissa has been sick lately... Well last night I

took her to the Er about 8ish....... She had a 104 fever and abdominal

pain......... Well when we got there her Blood pressure and heart rate and fever

were high so they started an IV and Did Urine and blood work.... Because of

where the most pain was Lower Left Side they assume appendix.... So they did

Xrays and they needed her to drink a clear liquid that was nasty They needed her

to drink 2 -20oz cups because of her weight...... Well everytime she would drink

2 oz she vomit and this is no lie about 5 oz........ Hours later we were still

trying with this liquid and they called in a surgeon.......... I freaked I

called the Police down the block where DH was working because noone would answer

there.... He called me back and all I could say was I cant do this.......

Clarissa had begged the drs to let her die, She told them she didn't want to

live as Clarissa anymore.......(She told me she would rather die then take

asthma meds the other day) The surgeon put something in her IV to stop the

vomiting and he told her it would make her drowsy and she said can it make me go

to sleep and never wake........... How can a child think like this....... I

stood there closed my eyes and begged (I know its wrong ) but I begged him to

send you all a message some how that I needed prayers that Rissa could keep this

down...... I felt the need to get to a PC but I couldn't leave Rissa.... She is

still admitted no idea if it is or isn't appenisiists.......... But I have to be

honest I cant function anymore..... I cant do this ,,,,,,, I haven't slept since

yesterday at 6 am and I am so drained emotionally I cant think ........ WHY is

this all happening to Rissa she is a good child. She did nothing to deserve this

and yet she suffers..... She does all her school work and worries about others

first ...... She is a very giving person just not to her self... I called the

insurance and someone is calling me back about counseling for her....... She

also has an appointment with her AA if she is out by Thurs........ To talk about

her not wanting meds......... I know I sound like a horrid rotten mom But I am

not superwoman and I can not go on like this something needs to give.. I am

going back to the hospital at 6ish I am gonna nap till then ........... I know I

should be there but when She sees me cry She cries and then she

vomits..........What kind of mom makes her child vomit...............

Please pray and sorry I ask so much of you ladies..... I love you all and I

honestly cant see my life without you.............

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Well if everything works we may end up Surrogate PG together. I just

spoke to the woman i'm gonna surrogate for last night and she closed on her

house and just started moving in yesterday so hopefully by feb or mar i'll have

had my TR and hopefully soooooooon after that be PG for her so I can then get PG

for me! *hugs*

, I have one word for you and Jon, PRICELESS!!!!!!

This a a dream that is beyond belief and if everything pans out you

and Jon will be the Godparents to our child!!!

I don't know how would feel if I came home and told him that I

wanted to be a surrogate for a childless couple. I know that Jon must

be one HECK of a man to even think of you doing this for us. Even if

this never comes to be girl, I will always LOLVE you guys with my

heart and soul!!!!! It takes a very special couple to be able to

offer something as priceless as this.

You are more than friends, Love and hugz- Terrie in Texas

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Terrie, I am so happy for you guys just reading this has brought

tears to my eyes. Please keep me updated. Krissy

> , I have one word for you and Jon, PRICELESS!!!!!!

> This a a dream that is beyond belief and if everything pans out you

> and Jon will be the Godparents to our child!!!


> I don't know how would feel if I came home and told him that


> wanted to be a surrogate for a childless couple. I know that Jon


> be one HECK of a man to even think of you doing this for us. Even


> this never comes to be girl, I will always LOLVE you guys with my

> heart and soul!!!!! It takes a very special couple to be able to

> offer something as priceless as this.


> You are more than friends, Love and hugz- Terrie in Texas

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How aweful! Tell her we hope she feels better soon!


My name is Bill and I'm 's husband. She asked me to post for

her because she's in the hospital. It seems that from her reversal,

scar tissue adhered to her small intestines blocking it. I brought

her to the ER on Friday and they rushed her into surgery to free up

her bowel. They had to remove a small piece of her lower intestines.

She's okay and recovering and should be home in the next couple of

days. Please keep her in your prayers, Thanx...Bill H.

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I am so sorry for what is happening. I only wish it would end.

Hopefully a night away, and not in the Hilton, will do him some good

and cool that hot head. I am sorry your daughter was there. I know

it was good, but it is bad. I cannot believe someone as wonderful as

you is going through this. If you need anything, please call or e-

mail me.

God Bless

Carol Maday

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She is in my prayers,give her my best.!!


> My name is Bill and I'm 's husband. She asked me to post for

> her because she's in the hospital. It seems that from her reversal,

> scar tissue adhered to her small intestines blocking it. I brought

> her to the ER on Friday and they rushed her into surgery to free up

> her bowel. They had to remove a small piece of her lower intestines.

> She's okay and recovering and should be home in the next couple of

> days. Please keep her in your prayers, Thanx...Bill H.

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Hi there :) Congrats on your TR baby!!! I'm

excited to be a part of the group and I'll be having

alot of questions when I get closer to making my

appointment. I'm just worried that I won't be a good

candidate for the surgery and all that. My Dr. took 3

cm. of my tube..is that alot???? Thanks ~~

--- Jon & Hart


> Hi! Welcome to any and all new members! I am

> , and I am one of the moderators of this

> group, along with my great friend Terrie. I have

> one tubal reversal baby so far, my Bean, who

> was born June 20, 2002. I also have 3 other

> children, who are all the lights of my life -

> Arianne, a and . I am married to the love

> of my life, Jon, and we have been married since July

> 23, 1997. We are currently " not preventing " another

> Tubal Reversal baby - not officially " trying " since

> I am still breastfeeding , but we are open to

> as many more babies as God sees fit! Anyone is

> welcome to check out my website below, which has my

> Tubal Reversal Story and lots of other neat stuff on

> it.


> Please feel free to jump in at any time with

> questions or comments! This is a wonderful group of

> ladies here and I am sure you will love it! You are

> also welcome to send me your stats such as where you

> live, age, year of tubal, year of reversal, etc. and

> I will add you to my website.


> Hart

> Mom to 4 -Ari (16)

> a (7)

> (4)

> and (My TR Baby) born 6/20/02

> Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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