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Re: New reason for Autism

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What about Group B strep?Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Wed, 12 May 2010 22:20:45 -0700 (PDT)To: <mb12 valtrex >Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Once again a trigger is not a cause.You need to do a lot of research to get to the root of the cause,and then connect the dots,and take your research to your doctor,who then does the right tests.It now looks very likely I was the victim of an infection while in the womb.There are several possible ones my mother had.I have found articles today about mutations of genes that are linked to congenital infections,which are linked to autism.They used to think it was just rubella,and Lyme,but now they know that most severe infections,active or latent,a mother has while carrying her baby can cause autism.This is both a new and developing story,and one documented by mainstream science.I know autism can have as many different causes as there are ways the disease can manifest,but  if you do enough research,and have enough tests,you eventually find the cause,and usually you will find vaccines,like an acute infection can be a trigger and not a cause. ,________________________________From: Greenberg To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 10:49:32 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism  Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a crossroadsas to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up.________________________________ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J______________________________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed -to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditoncaused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense????________________________________ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ________________________________From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J________________________________ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're ontosomething though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hopeand pray I am wrong, but I doubt it.________________________________ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23________________________________ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies- and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducingautistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can bereactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positivechildren match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIVcombined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitrothrough same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

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Guest guest

Gotcha. Still I'm not convinced that injecting our bodies with metals and viruses goes without consequense..... Some more severe than others.

I pray you are able to find a cause and heal your body. I look forward to the day you report that you feel 100%!

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 1:20:45 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Once again a trigger is not a cause.You need to do a lot of research to get to the root of the cause,and then connect the dots,and take your research to your doctor,who then does the right tests.It now looks very likely I was the victim of an infection while in the womb.There are several possible ones my mother had.I have found articles today about mutations of genes that are linked to congenital infections,which are linked to autism.They used to think it was just rubella,and Lyme,but now they know that most severe infections,active or latent,a mother has while carrying her baby can cause autism.This is both a new and developing story,and one documented by mainstream science.I know autism can have as many different causes as there are ways the disease can manifest,but if you do enough research,and have enough tests,you eventually find the cause,and usually you will find vaccines,like an acute infection can be a trigger and not a cause.

, ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Greenberg To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 10:49:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house

is always sick. My kids don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed

from the body. J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics,

strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic

chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue,

May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a

looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they

have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of

gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total

remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by

endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also

found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating

properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

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Guest guest

Gotcha. Still I'm not convinced that injecting our bodies with metals and viruses goes without consequense..... Some more severe than others.

I pray you are able to find a cause and heal your body. I look forward to the day you report that you feel 100%!

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 1:20:45 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Once again a trigger is not a cause.You need to do a lot of research to get to the root of the cause,and then connect the dots,and take your research to your doctor,who then does the right tests.It now looks very likely I was the victim of an infection while in the womb.There are several possible ones my mother had.I have found articles today about mutations of genes that are linked to congenital infections,which are linked to autism.They used to think it was just rubella,and Lyme,but now they know that most severe infections,active or latent,a mother has while carrying her baby can cause autism.This is both a new and developing story,and one documented by mainstream science.I know autism can have as many different causes as there are ways the disease can manifest,but if you do enough research,and have enough tests,you eventually find the cause,and usually you will find vaccines,like an acute infection can be a trigger and not a cause.

, ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Greenberg To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 10:49:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house

is always sick. My kids don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed

from the body. J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics,

strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic

chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue,

May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a

looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they

have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of

gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total

remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by

endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also

found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating

properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

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Gotcha. Still I'm not convinced that injecting our bodies with metals and viruses goes without consequense..... Some more severe than others.

I pray you are able to find a cause and heal your body. I look forward to the day you report that you feel 100%!

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 1:20:45 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Once again a trigger is not a cause.You need to do a lot of research to get to the root of the cause,and then connect the dots,and take your research to your doctor,who then does the right tests.It now looks very likely I was the victim of an infection while in the womb.There are several possible ones my mother had.I have found articles today about mutations of genes that are linked to congenital infections,which are linked to autism.They used to think it was just rubella,and Lyme,but now they know that most severe infections,active or latent,a mother has while carrying her baby can cause autism.This is both a new and developing story,and one documented by mainstream science.I know autism can have as many different causes as there are ways the disease can manifest,but if you do enough research,and have enough tests,you eventually find the cause,and usually you will find vaccines,like an acute infection can be a trigger and not a cause.

, ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Greenberg To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 10:49:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house

is always sick. My kids don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed

from the body. J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics,

strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic

chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue,

May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a

looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they

have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of

gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total

remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by

endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also

found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating

properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

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My first thought was mold. Do you guys go away on vacation? If yes, do you all feel better when you've been away from the house???

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 12:29:05 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

We live in Vegas, so not many ticks here. When my son was 11 months, we all got very sick with some virus that affected our stomach. It was so bad, we couldn't stop vomiting every ten minutes and ended up getting a shot of something and some medicine to stop throwing up. That was the first time I thought I was gonna die in my life. It was horrible. I think it was after that we couldn't digest gluten or dairy. (about two and a half yrs. ago) My daughter hasn't gained weight since then and has turned pale. She has grown taller, just hasn't gained weight . We get sick usually together about once a month, my daughter gets it worse. But even the dog gets stomach problems and sneezes green boogers. we have had the dog on different types of antibiotics. He has the fear issues and some OCD stuff. If an object is somewhere

it isn't supposed to be, he will pace and drool and pant until I figure out what it is. Usually something that got left close to his food dish or where he lays down. My daughter has the OCD PANDAS type symptoms, but her strep titers are really low, like her body doesn't recognize strep. It's just bizarre how all of us can have the same type symptoms, even the dog. Makes me wonder if it is strep with all of us, or maybe mold in the house, or some crazy virus. I am constantly tired, stomach problems now, this weird burning in my head occasionally, My daughter is sick more than well and OCD, my son is autistic and all the immune and methylating issues that go with that. And even the dog gets sick often with diahreah and some kind of sinus infection and he has mental issues. I am just trying to find a culprit.

From: Angie <richardsonme (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:53:29 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Have you or anyone in your family ever been tested for Lyme disease? Just a thought! > > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't

go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up. > > > From: jennifer smiglewski > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM > Subject: Re: New reason for Autism > > > They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J

____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries or

you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my

sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV

patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism..

That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials

before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial

dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or

combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic

stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on

children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by

chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. > > > >

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The reason I think maybe not lyme is it's me, my son, my daughter that are affected, and maybe I could have passed lyme to them, but the dog has symptoms too. He is only two yrs. old and is an inside dog, so the chance of him having been bit already are slim. I don't know, it is something I have thought about before.To:

"mb12 valtrex " <mb12 valtrex >Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 9:36:38 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Hi We live in southern ca. And ticks are not that common hear either but guess what my son has Lyme. All the symtoms you describe are all Lyme symptoms. Lyme is every where!!!!!Sent from my iPhoneOn May 13, 2010, at 9:29 AM, Greenberg <vegascurlsyahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

We live in Vegas, so not many ticks here. When my son was 11 months, we all got very sick with some virus that affected our stomach. It was so bad, we couldn't stop vomiting every ten minutes and ended up getting a shot of something and some medicine to stop throwing up. That was the first time I thought I was gonna die in my life. It was horrible. I think it was after that we couldn't digest gluten or dairy. (about two and a half yrs. ago) My daughter hasn't gained weight since then and has turned pale. She has grown taller, just hasn't gained weight . We get sick usually together about once a month, my daughter gets it worse. But even the dog gets stomach problems and sneezes green boogers. we have had the dog on different types of

antibiotics. He has the fear issues and some OCD stuff. If an object is somewhere it isn't supposed to be, he will pace and drool and pant until I figure out what it is. Usually something that got left close to his food dish or where he lays down. My daughter has the OCD PANDAS type symptoms, but her strep titers are really low, like her body doesn't recognize strep. It's just bizarre how all of us can have the same type symptoms, even the dog. Makes me wonder if it is strep with all of us, or maybe mold in the house, or some crazy virus. I am constantly tired, stomach problems now, this weird burning in my head occasionally, My daughter is sick more than well and OCD, my son is autistic and all the immune and methylating issues that go with that. And even the dog gets sick often with diahreah and some kind of sinus infection and he has mental issues. I am just trying to find a

culprit.From: Angie <richardsonme (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:53:29 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Have you or anyone in your family ever been tested for Lyme disease? Just a thought!

> > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I

am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up.

> > > From: jennifer smiglewski > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com

> Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM

> Subject: Re: New reason for Autism

> > > They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a

child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@

yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________

_________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for

Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it

ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@

yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between

neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action

and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR,

often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of

nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown

suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents

that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency

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Guest guest

The reason I think maybe not lyme is it's me, my son, my daughter that are affected, and maybe I could have passed lyme to them, but the dog has symptoms too. He is only two yrs. old and is an inside dog, so the chance of him having been bit already are slim. I don't know, it is something I have thought about before.To:

"mb12 valtrex " <mb12 valtrex >Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 9:36:38 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Hi We live in southern ca. And ticks are not that common hear either but guess what my son has Lyme. All the symtoms you describe are all Lyme symptoms. Lyme is every where!!!!!Sent from my iPhoneOn May 13, 2010, at 9:29 AM, Greenberg <vegascurlsyahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

We live in Vegas, so not many ticks here. When my son was 11 months, we all got very sick with some virus that affected our stomach. It was so bad, we couldn't stop vomiting every ten minutes and ended up getting a shot of something and some medicine to stop throwing up. That was the first time I thought I was gonna die in my life. It was horrible. I think it was after that we couldn't digest gluten or dairy. (about two and a half yrs. ago) My daughter hasn't gained weight since then and has turned pale. She has grown taller, just hasn't gained weight . We get sick usually together about once a month, my daughter gets it worse. But even the dog gets stomach problems and sneezes green boogers. we have had the dog on different types of

antibiotics. He has the fear issues and some OCD stuff. If an object is somewhere it isn't supposed to be, he will pace and drool and pant until I figure out what it is. Usually something that got left close to his food dish or where he lays down. My daughter has the OCD PANDAS type symptoms, but her strep titers are really low, like her body doesn't recognize strep. It's just bizarre how all of us can have the same type symptoms, even the dog. Makes me wonder if it is strep with all of us, or maybe mold in the house, or some crazy virus. I am constantly tired, stomach problems now, this weird burning in my head occasionally, My daughter is sick more than well and OCD, my son is autistic and all the immune and methylating issues that go with that. And even the dog gets sick often with diahreah and some kind of sinus infection and he has mental issues. I am just trying to find a

culprit.From: Angie <richardsonme (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:53:29 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Have you or anyone in your family ever been tested for Lyme disease? Just a thought!

> > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I

am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up.

> > > From: jennifer smiglewski > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com

> Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM

> Subject: Re: New reason for Autism

> > > They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a

child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@

yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________

_________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for

Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it

ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@

yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between

neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action

and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR,

often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of

nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown

suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents

that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency

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Guest guest

The reason I think maybe not lyme is it's me, my son, my daughter that are affected, and maybe I could have passed lyme to them, but the dog has symptoms too. He is only two yrs. old and is an inside dog, so the chance of him having been bit already are slim. I don't know, it is something I have thought about before.To:

"mb12 valtrex " <mb12 valtrex >Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 9:36:38 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Hi We live in southern ca. And ticks are not that common hear either but guess what my son has Lyme. All the symtoms you describe are all Lyme symptoms. Lyme is every where!!!!!Sent from my iPhoneOn May 13, 2010, at 9:29 AM, Greenberg <vegascurlsyahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

We live in Vegas, so not many ticks here. When my son was 11 months, we all got very sick with some virus that affected our stomach. It was so bad, we couldn't stop vomiting every ten minutes and ended up getting a shot of something and some medicine to stop throwing up. That was the first time I thought I was gonna die in my life. It was horrible. I think it was after that we couldn't digest gluten or dairy. (about two and a half yrs. ago) My daughter hasn't gained weight since then and has turned pale. She has grown taller, just hasn't gained weight . We get sick usually together about once a month, my daughter gets it worse. But even the dog gets stomach problems and sneezes green boogers. we have had the dog on different types of

antibiotics. He has the fear issues and some OCD stuff. If an object is somewhere it isn't supposed to be, he will pace and drool and pant until I figure out what it is. Usually something that got left close to his food dish or where he lays down. My daughter has the OCD PANDAS type symptoms, but her strep titers are really low, like her body doesn't recognize strep. It's just bizarre how all of us can have the same type symptoms, even the dog. Makes me wonder if it is strep with all of us, or maybe mold in the house, or some crazy virus. I am constantly tired, stomach problems now, this weird burning in my head occasionally, My daughter is sick more than well and OCD, my son is autistic and all the immune and methylating issues that go with that. And even the dog gets sick often with diahreah and some kind of sinus infection and he has mental issues. I am just trying to find a

culprit.From: Angie <richardsonme (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:53:29 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Have you or anyone in your family ever been tested for Lyme disease? Just a thought!

> > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I

am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up.

> > > From: jennifer smiglewski > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com

> Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM

> Subject: Re: New reason for Autism

> > > They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a

child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@

yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________

_________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for

Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it

ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@

yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between

neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action

and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR,

often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of

nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown

suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents

that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency

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Guest guest

Mold, especially black mold, can cause a lot of issues....if you have yeast in your system the mold reacts to the yeast or visa versa..can't remember which right now. Mold is nasty stuff and can make people very sick.My suggestion would be to fix it right away, you may even have to move out of the house while it's being fixed..depending on how bad the problem is.My fil and mil had the same problem at a house they live in about 2-3 years ago, mold in a closet and it even after they cleaned it up they both continued to have health issues...for the first time ever my fil got pneumonia..now about 3 years later, they are healthier.Lori (new to group)To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 12:15:48 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

We do feel better away from the house. We had another little dog that bit my daughter so we gave it to my sister, and that dog looks amazing now. We did recently find a leak in our bathroom. We have wood floors, and around the toilet it started turning black. We had a plumber come out and he said the wax seal was probably leaking underneath. I tried to bleach the black around the bottom, but it is underneath the wood's seal so the bleach doesn't affect it. I am worried to see what we find when we pull up the wood. We were waiting to fix it until we knew we were not going to lose the house to foreclosure. We just finally got loan docs, so looks like we will keep our house and can fix it. Could that much mold cause all these problems? We

just noticed the black stuff about 4 or 5 months ago, but I guess it could have been leaking a while because we have high quality wood floors and it had to take a while to get to the surface I guess. The plumber thinks they installed the wrong size wax ring which could mean it's been leaking since we lived here. Could mold cause immune dysfunction?From: T Lynn <t.lynn28@rocketmail .com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 9:43:27 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

My first thought was mold. Do you guys go away on vacation? If yes, do you all feel better when you've been away from the house???

From: Greenberg <vegascurlsyahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 12:29:05 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

We live in Vegas, so not many ticks here. When my son was 11 months, we all got very sick with some virus that affected our stomach. It was so bad, we couldn't stop vomiting every ten minutes and ended up getting a shot of something and some medicine to stop throwing up. That was the first time I thought I was gonna die in my life. It was horrible. I think it was after that we couldn't digest gluten or dairy. (about two and a half yrs. ago) My daughter hasn't gained weight since then and has turned pale. She has grown taller, just hasn't gained weight . We get sick usually together about once a month, my daughter gets it worse. But even the dog gets stomach problems and sneezes green boogers. we have had the dog on different types of antibiotics. He has the fear issues and some OCD stuff. If an object is


it isn't supposed to be, he will pace and drool and pant until I figure out what it is. Usually something that got left close to his food dish or where he lays down. My daughter has the OCD PANDAS type symptoms, but her strep titers are really low, like her body doesn't recognize strep. It's just bizarre how all of us can have the same type symptoms, even the dog. Makes me wonder if it is strep with all of us, or maybe mold in the house, or some crazy virus. I am constantly tired, stomach problems now, this weird burning in my head occasionally, My daughter is sick more than well and OCD, my son is autistic and all the immune and methylating issues that go with that. And even the dog gets sick often with diahreah and some kind of sinus infection and he has mental issues. I am just trying to find a culprit.

From: Angie <richardsonme (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:53:29 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Have you or anyone in your family ever been tested for Lyme disease? Just a thought! > > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't

go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up. > > > From: jennifer smiglewski > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM > Subject: Re: New reason for Autism > > > They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J

____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries or

you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my

sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV

patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism..

That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials

before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial

dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or

combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic

stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on

children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by

chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. > > > >

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Guest guest

Mold, especially black mold, can cause a lot of issues....if you have yeast in your system the mold reacts to the yeast or visa versa..can't remember which right now. Mold is nasty stuff and can make people very sick.My suggestion would be to fix it right away, you may even have to move out of the house while it's being fixed..depending on how bad the problem is.My fil and mil had the same problem at a house they live in about 2-3 years ago, mold in a closet and it even after they cleaned it up they both continued to have health issues...for the first time ever my fil got pneumonia..now about 3 years later, they are healthier.Lori (new to group)To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 12:15:48 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

We do feel better away from the house. We had another little dog that bit my daughter so we gave it to my sister, and that dog looks amazing now. We did recently find a leak in our bathroom. We have wood floors, and around the toilet it started turning black. We had a plumber come out and he said the wax seal was probably leaking underneath. I tried to bleach the black around the bottom, but it is underneath the wood's seal so the bleach doesn't affect it. I am worried to see what we find when we pull up the wood. We were waiting to fix it until we knew we were not going to lose the house to foreclosure. We just finally got loan docs, so looks like we will keep our house and can fix it. Could that much mold cause all these problems? We

just noticed the black stuff about 4 or 5 months ago, but I guess it could have been leaking a while because we have high quality wood floors and it had to take a while to get to the surface I guess. The plumber thinks they installed the wrong size wax ring which could mean it's been leaking since we lived here. Could mold cause immune dysfunction?From: T Lynn <t.lynn28@rocketmail .com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 9:43:27 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

My first thought was mold. Do you guys go away on vacation? If yes, do you all feel better when you've been away from the house???

From: Greenberg <vegascurlsyahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 12:29:05 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

We live in Vegas, so not many ticks here. When my son was 11 months, we all got very sick with some virus that affected our stomach. It was so bad, we couldn't stop vomiting every ten minutes and ended up getting a shot of something and some medicine to stop throwing up. That was the first time I thought I was gonna die in my life. It was horrible. I think it was after that we couldn't digest gluten or dairy. (about two and a half yrs. ago) My daughter hasn't gained weight since then and has turned pale. She has grown taller, just hasn't gained weight . We get sick usually together about once a month, my daughter gets it worse. But even the dog gets stomach problems and sneezes green boogers. we have had the dog on different types of antibiotics. He has the fear issues and some OCD stuff. If an object is


it isn't supposed to be, he will pace and drool and pant until I figure out what it is. Usually something that got left close to his food dish or where he lays down. My daughter has the OCD PANDAS type symptoms, but her strep titers are really low, like her body doesn't recognize strep. It's just bizarre how all of us can have the same type symptoms, even the dog. Makes me wonder if it is strep with all of us, or maybe mold in the house, or some crazy virus. I am constantly tired, stomach problems now, this weird burning in my head occasionally, My daughter is sick more than well and OCD, my son is autistic and all the immune and methylating issues that go with that. And even the dog gets sick often with diahreah and some kind of sinus infection and he has mental issues. I am just trying to find a culprit.

From: Angie <richardsonme (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:53:29 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Have you or anyone in your family ever been tested for Lyme disease? Just a thought! > > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't

go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up. > > > From: jennifer smiglewski > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM > Subject: Re: New reason for Autism > > > They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J

____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries or

you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my

sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV

patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism..

That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials

before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial

dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or

combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic

stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on

children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by

chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. > > > >

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How do you all do on antibiotics? Any better? That was a huge sign for us.Sent from my iPhone

The reason I think maybe not lyme is it's me, my son, my daughter that are affected, and maybe I could have passed lyme to them, but the dog has symptoms too. He is only two yrs. old and is an inside dog, so the chance of him having been bit already are slim. I don't know, it is something I have thought about before.From: Angie <richardsonme>To:

"mb12 valtrex " <mb12 valtrex >Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 9:36:38 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Hi We live in southern ca. And ticks are not that common hear either but guess what my son has Lyme. All the symtoms you describe are all Lyme symptoms. Lyme is every where!!!!!Sent from my iPhoneOn May 13, 2010, at 9:29 AM, Greenberg <vegascurlsyahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

We live in Vegas, so not many ticks here. When my son was 11 months, we all got very sick with some virus that affected our stomach. It was so bad, we couldn't stop vomiting every ten minutes and ended up getting a shot of something and some medicine to stop throwing up. That was the first time I thought I was gonna die in my life. It was horrible. I think it was after that we couldn't digest gluten or dairy. (about two and a half yrs. ago) My daughter hasn't gained weight since then and has turned pale. She has grown taller, just hasn't gained weight . We get sick usually together about once a month, my daughter gets it worse. But even the dog gets stomach problems and sneezes green boogers. we have had the dog on different types of

antibiotics. He has the fear issues and some OCD stuff. If an object is somewhere it isn't supposed to be, he will pace and drool and pant until I figure out what it is. Usually something that got left close to his food dish or where he lays down. My daughter has the OCD PANDAS type symptoms, but her strep titers are really low, like her body doesn't recognize strep. It's just bizarre how all of us can have the same type symptoms, even the dog. Makes me wonder if it is strep with all of us, or maybe mold in the house, or some crazy virus. I am constantly tired, stomach problems now, this weird burning in my head occasionally, My daughter is sick more than well and OCD, my son is autistic and all the immune and methylating issues that go with that. And even the dog gets sick often with diahreah and some kind of sinus infection and he has mental issues. I am just trying to find a

culprit.From: Angie <richardsonme (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:53:29 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Have you or anyone in your family ever been tested for Lyme disease? Just a thought!

> > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I

am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up.

> > > From: jennifer smiglewski > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com

> Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM

> Subject: Re: New reason for Autism

> > > They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a

child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@

yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________

_________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for

Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it

ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@

yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between

neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action

and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR,

often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of

nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown

suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents

that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency

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Hmmm, I've heard that can be related to yeast as wellTo: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 2:31:56 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

this last time she was sick, her feet became inflamed (she was on diflucan at the time too) and she got these little white spots or bubbles on the bottom of her feet. these eventually turned into large peeling areas on her feet.From: Christel King <christelking1@ myfairpoint. net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010

10:52:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

the white is thrush and yeast., sounds like she has yeast issues

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. > > > >

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Hmmm, I've heard that can be related to yeast as wellTo: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 2:31:56 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

this last time she was sick, her feet became inflamed (she was on diflucan at the time too) and she got these little white spots or bubbles on the bottom of her feet. these eventually turned into large peeling areas on her feet.From: Christel King <christelking1@ myfairpoint. net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010

10:52:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

the white is thrush and yeast., sounds like she has yeast issues

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. > > > >

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, it also sounds like Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis) which is very common in desert areas, it is a fungus that gets inhaled. My moms (in Tucson) dog has it and has to get treated over and over again. It never totally goes away.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 12:50:29 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Thanks guys. I'll fix the bathroom, and have our DAN look into lyme testing. I appreciate your help.

From: Amy Yardley <amyisnow2yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 10:35:52 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

There are different ways to get lyme too - not just ticks. Fleas and passing along from the mom to baby are just two of the more common routes to infection. www.lymeinducedauti sm.com has a lot of great information.

When I was reading your original post, I also thought "mold" or at least something environmental in your house. > > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids

don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up. > > > From: jennifer smiglewski > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM > Subject: Re: New reason for Autism > > > They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body.

J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head.. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries

or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with

my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo/ urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals,

and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think

the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on

HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial

activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children

often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is

suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical

hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses

in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. >

> > >

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, it also sounds like Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis) which is very common in desert areas, it is a fungus that gets inhaled. My moms (in Tucson) dog has it and has to get treated over and over again. It never totally goes away.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 12:50:29 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Thanks guys. I'll fix the bathroom, and have our DAN look into lyme testing. I appreciate your help.

From: Amy Yardley <amyisnow2yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 10:35:52 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

There are different ways to get lyme too - not just ticks. Fleas and passing along from the mom to baby are just two of the more common routes to infection. www.lymeinducedauti sm.com has a lot of great information.

When I was reading your original post, I also thought "mold" or at least something environmental in your house. > > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel) Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids

don't go to day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our answer. Thanks for bringing it up. > > > From: jennifer smiglewski > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45 PM > Subject: Re: New reason for Autism > > > They do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on, and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body.

J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter, who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head.. Or that pollen and animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish, anitbiotics, strawberries

or you name it. Everyone is different and everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with

my sister and I,an illness in the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo/ urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals,

and other viruses? What kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else, they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think

the new # now is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers, wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on

HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial

activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children

often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is

suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical

hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses

in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. >

> > >

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Seriously sounds like Valley Fever. https://health.google.com/health/ref/Coccidioidomycosis

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 2:31:56 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

this last time she was sick, her feet became inflamed (she was on diflucan at the time too) and she got these little white spots or bubbles on the bottom of her feet. these eventually turned into large peeling areas on her feet.

From: Christel King <christelking1@ myfairpoint. net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 10:52:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

the white is thrush and yeast., sounds like she has yeast issues

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is

XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’

autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is

correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These

findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload.

Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism)

Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. •

Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. > > > >

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Seriously sounds like Valley Fever. https://health.google.com/health/ref/Coccidioidomycosis

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 2:31:56 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

this last time she was sick, her feet became inflamed (she was on diflucan at the time too) and she got these little white spots or bubbles on the bottom of her feet. these eventually turned into large peeling areas on her feet.

From: Christel King <christelking1@ myfairpoint. net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 10:52:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

the white is thrush and yeast., sounds like she has yeast issues

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is

XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’

autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is

correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These

findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload.

Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism)

Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. •

Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. > > > >

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My two kids also tested positive for MRSA a while back, maybe two years ago, and one of the dogs got a sore on her leg that eventually had to be cut out. The vet wouldn't believe the dog caught MRSA from the kids. After reg. antibiotics didn't help, (surprise surprise), they had to cut the sore out. I told the vet reg. antibiotics wouldn't work because it was MRSA. My dog has the big droopy jowls too, so saliva is everywhere.To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 3:03:35 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Since there is no reason for him to be so fearful, yes definitely get

him checked for tick-borne illnesses. All the ones that dogs can carry,

since they are linked to anxiety. Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia have all

been linked to anxiety and all can be had by dogs. It's creepy to think

that our animals are a main source of many of the pathogens we carry.

On YouTube and other websites, I have seen reports that the entire

family and their pets tested positive for the same tickborne and

flea-borne pathogens. There is disagreement on transmission via saliva,

but some think so. Also, scratches from cats are very linked to

Bartonella. I am very upset that it is not made public by our governing

regulatory agencies of the many pathogens transmittable from pets to

humans. They act like only Rabies is. Rabies is fatal, but these other

infections can be very disabling.

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

Yeah, he goes outside to pee, but he is so scared of everything he

literally pees and runs back in. It's the most ridiculous thing to see.

He is 3 feet at his shoulder, and a lean 180lbs, and if the breeze blows

a tree branch he jumps and bolts. He will only pee if someone is outside

with him, and I have to walk out first. I have had him since 8weeks old,

so I know he was never abused, but around 6 months he started having all

these fears. It is possible though that he has been bit.

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Guest guest

My two kids also tested positive for MRSA a while back, maybe two years ago, and one of the dogs got a sore on her leg that eventually had to be cut out. The vet wouldn't believe the dog caught MRSA from the kids. After reg. antibiotics didn't help, (surprise surprise), they had to cut the sore out. I told the vet reg. antibiotics wouldn't work because it was MRSA. My dog has the big droopy jowls too, so saliva is everywhere.To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 3:03:35 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Since there is no reason for him to be so fearful, yes definitely get

him checked for tick-borne illnesses. All the ones that dogs can carry,

since they are linked to anxiety. Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia have all

been linked to anxiety and all can be had by dogs. It's creepy to think

that our animals are a main source of many of the pathogens we carry.

On YouTube and other websites, I have seen reports that the entire

family and their pets tested positive for the same tickborne and

flea-borne pathogens. There is disagreement on transmission via saliva,

but some think so. Also, scratches from cats are very linked to

Bartonella. I am very upset that it is not made public by our governing

regulatory agencies of the many pathogens transmittable from pets to

humans. They act like only Rabies is. Rabies is fatal, but these other

infections can be very disabling.

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

Yeah, he goes outside to pee, but he is so scared of everything he

literally pees and runs back in. It's the most ridiculous thing to see.

He is 3 feet at his shoulder, and a lean 180lbs, and if the breeze blows

a tree branch he jumps and bolts. He will only pee if someone is outside

with him, and I have to walk out first. I have had him since 8weeks old,

so I know he was never abused, but around 6 months he started having all

these fears. It is possible though that he has been bit.

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Guest guest

My two kids also tested positive for MRSA a while back, maybe two years ago, and one of the dogs got a sore on her leg that eventually had to be cut out. The vet wouldn't believe the dog caught MRSA from the kids. After reg. antibiotics didn't help, (surprise surprise), they had to cut the sore out. I told the vet reg. antibiotics wouldn't work because it was MRSA. My dog has the big droopy jowls too, so saliva is everywhere.To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 3:03:35 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Since there is no reason for him to be so fearful, yes definitely get

him checked for tick-borne illnesses. All the ones that dogs can carry,

since they are linked to anxiety. Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia have all

been linked to anxiety and all can be had by dogs. It's creepy to think

that our animals are a main source of many of the pathogens we carry.

On YouTube and other websites, I have seen reports that the entire

family and their pets tested positive for the same tickborne and

flea-borne pathogens. There is disagreement on transmission via saliva,

but some think so. Also, scratches from cats are very linked to

Bartonella. I am very upset that it is not made public by our governing

regulatory agencies of the many pathogens transmittable from pets to

humans. They act like only Rabies is. Rabies is fatal, but these other

infections can be very disabling.

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

Yeah, he goes outside to pee, but he is so scared of everything he

literally pees and runs back in. It's the most ridiculous thing to see.

He is 3 feet at his shoulder, and a lean 180lbs, and if the breeze blows

a tree branch he jumps and bolts. He will only pee if someone is outside

with him, and I have to walk out first. I have had him since 8weeks old,

so I know he was never abused, but around 6 months he started having all

these fears. It is possible though that he has been bit.

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Yeah, I just checked that link. she has a few of those symptoms. To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 2:20:03 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Seriously sounds like Valley Fever. https://health. google.com/ health/ref/ Coccidioidomycos is

From: Greenberg <vegascurlsyahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 2:31:56 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

this last time she was sick, her feet became inflamed (she was on diflucan at the time too) and she got these little white spots or bubbles on the bottom of her feet. these eventually turned into large peeling areas on her feet.

From: Christel King <christelking1@ myfairpoint. net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thu, May 13, 2010 10:52:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

the white is thrush and yeast., sounds like she has yeast issues

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is

XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’

autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is

correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These

findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload.

Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism)

Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. •

Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency. > > > >

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Glad to see I'm not the only one with a crazy dog. I'll have my doc test us. If we come up positive, I'll test the dog too.To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 6:02:52 PMSubject: Re: New reason for


The dog could have gotten lyme from you or vice versa. My dogs all had various symptoms -- casein response, toe walking (1 did this almost all the time), seperation anxiety, OCD, anti-social, strange fears, mood swings, aggressive behavior, night terrors, one got skinny, one got fat, etc.

> > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that

> >> had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I

> >> know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our

> >> house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a

> >> lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer

> >> tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel)

> >> Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird

> >> pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog

> >> has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has

> >> phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It

> >> just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't go to

> >> day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been

> >> high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a

> >> crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our

> >> answer. Thanks for bringing it up. > > > From: jennifer smiglewski

> >> > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45

> >> PM > Subject: Re: New reason for Autism > > > They

> >> do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can

> >> change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a

> >> retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then

> >> a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for

> >> XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on,

> >> and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the

> >> methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J

> >> ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@

> >> yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re:

> >> New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is

> >> without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the

> >> trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her

> >> child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter,

> >> who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately

> >> following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers

> >> know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar

> >> prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg

> >> affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut

> >> butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and

> >> animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish,

> >> anitbiotics, strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and

> >> everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of

> >> fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all

> >> these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce

> >> symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make

> >> sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To:

> >> mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject:

> >> Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will

> >> never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or

> >> death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage

> >> before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering

> >> event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to

> >> be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to

> >> some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in

> >> the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916

> >> ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To:

> >> mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject:

> >> Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the

> >> virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses

> >> in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies

> >> it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested

> >> positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to

> >> the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to

> >> get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What

> >> kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________

> >> _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May

> >> 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism

> >> , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of

> >> people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to

> >> laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the

> >> med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the

> >> same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably

> >> come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what

> >> we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using

> >> detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime

> >> paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else,

> >> they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now

> >> is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers,

> >> wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a

> >> looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general

> >> public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their

> >> findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong,

> >> but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer

> >> smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010

> >> 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/

> >> 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly

> >> discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms

> >> and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might

> >> bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and

> >> they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently

> >> used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before

> >> hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic

> >> fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a

> >> large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in

> >> children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies -

> >> and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation

> >> between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with

> >> HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of

> >> unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found

> >> in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical

> >> pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms

> >> of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years

> >> and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as

> >> microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction,

> >> oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic

> >> inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems

> >> etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather

> >> with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing

> >> autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of

> >> action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV

> >> viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments

> >> in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms:

> >> irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc).

> >> Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to

> >> levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic

> >> symptoms â€" deficits in language, behaviour and social skills â€" in HIV

> >> infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination

> >> antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is

> >> complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children

> >> sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of

> >> age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can

> >> be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines,

> >> especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with

> >> low CD4+ counts â€" inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in

> >> vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found

> >> in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production

> >> to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals

> >> that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should

> >> be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is

> >> suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may

> >> enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by

> >> endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has

> >> been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple

> >> sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children

> >> match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of

> >> nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic

> >> function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose

> >> intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates

> >> Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload:

> >> secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity

> >> to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV

> >> positive children Impaired sensory â€" auditory and visual processing

> >> Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological

> >> mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial

> >> dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and

> >> glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial

> >> activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined

> >> with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb

> >> breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity

> >> (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV

> >> causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to

> >> brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal

> >> methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for

> >> treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation

> >> of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in

> >> general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators

> >> have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating

> >> properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to

> >> reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics

> >> (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same

> >> mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents

> >> that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with

> >> anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic

> >> symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive

> >> individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been

> >> shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial

> >> showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as

> >> cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

> >> > > > >

> >>

> >


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Glad to see I'm not the only one with a crazy dog. I'll have my doc test us. If we come up positive, I'll test the dog too.To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 6:02:52 PMSubject: Re: New reason for


The dog could have gotten lyme from you or vice versa. My dogs all had various symptoms -- casein response, toe walking (1 did this almost all the time), seperation anxiety, OCD, anti-social, strange fears, mood swings, aggressive behavior, night terrors, one got skinny, one got fat, etc.

> > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that

> >> had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I

> >> know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our

> >> house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a

> >> lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer

> >> tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel)

> >> Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird

> >> pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog

> >> has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has

> >> phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It

> >> just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't go to

> >> day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been

> >> high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a

> >> crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our

> >> answer. Thanks for bringing it up. > > > From: jennifer smiglewski

> >> > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45

> >> PM > Subject: Re: New reason for Autism > > > They

> >> do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can

> >> change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a

> >> retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then

> >> a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for

> >> XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on,

> >> and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the

> >> methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J

> >> ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@

> >> yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re:

> >> New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is

> >> without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the

> >> trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her

> >> child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter,

> >> who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately

> >> following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers

> >> know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar

> >> prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg

> >> affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut

> >> butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and

> >> animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish,

> >> anitbiotics, strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and

> >> everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of

> >> fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all

> >> these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce

> >> symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make

> >> sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To:

> >> mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject:

> >> Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will

> >> never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or

> >> death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage

> >> before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering

> >> event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to

> >> be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to

> >> some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in

> >> the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916

> >> ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To:

> >> mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject:

> >> Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the

> >> virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses

> >> in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies

> >> it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested

> >> positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to

> >> the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to

> >> get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What

> >> kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________

> >> _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May

> >> 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism

> >> , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of

> >> people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to

> >> laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the

> >> med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the

> >> same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably

> >> come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what

> >> we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using

> >> detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime

> >> paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else,

> >> they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now

> >> is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers,

> >> wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a

> >> looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general

> >> public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their

> >> findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong,

> >> but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer

> >> smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010

> >> 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/

> >> 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly

> >> discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms

> >> and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might

> >> bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and

> >> they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently

> >> used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before

> >> hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic

> >> fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a

> >> large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in

> >> children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies -

> >> and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation

> >> between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with

> >> HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of

> >> unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found

> >> in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical

> >> pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms

> >> of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years

> >> and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as

> >> microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction,

> >> oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic

> >> inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems

> >> etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather

> >> with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing

> >> autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of

> >> action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV

> >> viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments

> >> in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms:

> >> irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc).

> >> Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to

> >> levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic

> >> symptoms â€" deficits in language, behaviour and social skills â€" in HIV

> >> infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination

> >> antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is

> >> complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children

> >> sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of

> >> age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can

> >> be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines,

> >> especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with

> >> low CD4+ counts â€" inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in

> >> vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found

> >> in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production

> >> to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals

> >> that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should

> >> be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is

> >> suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may

> >> enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by

> >> endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has

> >> been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple

> >> sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children

> >> match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of

> >> nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic

> >> function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose

> >> intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates

> >> Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload:

> >> secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity

> >> to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV

> >> positive children Impaired sensory â€" auditory and visual processing

> >> Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological

> >> mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial

> >> dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and

> >> glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial

> >> activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined

> >> with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb

> >> breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity

> >> (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV

> >> causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to

> >> brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal

> >> methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for

> >> treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation

> >> of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in

> >> general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators

> >> have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating

> >> properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to

> >> reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics

> >> (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same

> >> mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents

> >> that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with

> >> anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic

> >> symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive

> >> individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been

> >> shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial

> >> showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as

> >> cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

> >> > > > >

> >>

> >


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Glad to see I'm not the only one with a crazy dog. I'll have my doc test us. If we come up positive, I'll test the dog too.To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 6:02:52 PMSubject: Re: New reason for


The dog could have gotten lyme from you or vice versa. My dogs all had various symptoms -- casein response, toe walking (1 did this almost all the time), seperation anxiety, OCD, anti-social, strange fears, mood swings, aggressive behavior, night terrors, one got skinny, one got fat, etc.

> > Thanks for all the info Jen. I am one of those moms that

> >> had my son go into a seizure right in the doctors office after the MMR. So I

> >> know vaccines damaged my son. But I know there is some sort of virus in our

> >> house affecting us all. My daughter is sick as much as she is well, we get a

> >> lot of sore throats, sinus infections, glue ear, we all can no longer

> >> tolerate gluten or milk. (and I prided myself in having a stomach of steel)

> >> Now I get stomach aches all the time when I eat dairy or gluten. I get weird

> >> pressure or like burning feeling in my head, not a head ache. Even my dog

> >> has upper respiratory issues and can't digest certain dog foods. He also has

> >> phobias and won't go outside without an escort. (He is 180 lb Mastiff). It

> >> just feels like everything in our house is always sick. My kids don't go to

> >> day care or school so I don't know how they are sick so much. both have been

> >> high in metals, (my son we chelated, so he is ok now), but I am at a

> >> crossroads as to what to do next. I think the viral route might be our

> >> answer. Thanks for bringing it up. > > > From: jennifer smiglewski

> >> > To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 9:10:45

> >> PM > Subject: Re: New reason for Autism > > > They

> >> do know that 5% of autistic people is genetic (Fragile X). But viruses can

> >> change, mutate our genes. HIV can cause cancer. If a child is born with a

> >> retro-virus handed down from the mother, but the virus isn't activated, then

> >> a shot or even a circumcision can trigger the virus. The 2 main triggers for

> >> XMRV are cortisal (a stress hormone and vaccines). These turn the virus on,

> >> and it starts replicating it's self. HIV uses metals, it ruins the

> >> methalation cycle where metals can't be removed from the body. J

> >> ____________ _________ _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@

> >> yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:12:40 PM Subject: Re:

> >> New reason for Autism Agreed - to an extent but there is

> >> without a doubt in my mind, something about vaccines that is causing the

> >> trigger in some of our kids. Ask any mom who witnessed a decline in her

> >> child literally over night after vaccination or any mother, for that matter,

> >> who had a child turn blue, go limp in her arms and black out immediately

> >> following vaccination and I'm sure they'll agree. Docs know it, researchers

> >> know it, pharmaceuticals know it, parents know it, yet the almighty dollar

> >> prevails at the expense of our children. To declare that it bears no neg

> >> affects on anyone would be no different than saying ANYone can eat peanut

> >> butter and an allergy to it is just in a person's head. Or that pollen and

> >> animal allergies are imagined. or that anyone can have shellfish,

> >> anitbiotics, strawberries or you name it. Everyone is different and

> >> everyone's body can and can not tolerate different things. As a matter of

> >> fact, it has crossed my mind more than once that the conditon caused by all

> >> these environmental stressors may not literally be autism but rather produce

> >> symptoms very similar to that of a person born with autism. does that make

> >> sense???? ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Kulp To:

> >> mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 12:21:32 PM Subject:

> >> Re: New reason for Autism There is no proof of that.I will

> >> never be able to make the giant leap from vaccine related illness or

> >> death,like Gardasil, to vaccines "causing" autism. Autism requires damage

> >> before birth,in the womb.Period. Something that acts as a triggering

> >> event,which vaccines could well do,is not the same as a cause.There has to

> >> be something happening before birth,either the mother needs to be exposed to

> >> some kind of toxic chemicals,and/ or as with my sister and I,an illness in

> >> the mother like diabetes or infection. http://aje.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ full/161/ 10/916

> >> ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer smiglewski To:

> >> mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 9:43:38 PM Subject:

> >> Re: New reason for Autism I agree with you. Who knows the

> >> virus could have come from the vaccines themselves. They do grow the viruses

> >> in human tissues. I bet we could make it difficult on the pharma companies

> >> it we tested a vaccine positive for XMRV. 60% of autistic childern tested

> >> positive for XMRV, could you imagine what a finding like that would do to

> >> the vaccine schedule?!!! ! If it is like HIV, where do HIV patients go to

> >> get treatments? They have to fight yeast and metals, and other viruses? What

> >> kind of doctors work with HIV patients???? J ____________ _________

> >> _________ __ From: T Lynn To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May

> >> 11, 2010 10:34:05 PM Subject: Re: New reason for Autism

> >> , I've read a few articles on it. Sounds promising -for ALOT of

> >> people, not just our kids. I pray they're onto something though I had to

> >> laugh reading the write-ups as all of a sudden more than a few people in the

> >> med industry suddenly find it ok to use "vaccination" and "autism" in the

> >> same breath. Figures. I won't get my hopes up. These SOB's will probably

> >> come up with a vaccine for it before they ever find a cure. Great, just what

> >> we need. They will find a way to make $ fist over foot by using using

> >> detection (constant flow of new customers) and disease management (lifetime

> >> paatients and rx customers). Just like diabetes, cancer, and anything else,

> >> they will not "find" a cure as it is not profitable. I think the new # now

> >> is 1 in 87 children dx'd with autism.. That's an awful lot of customers,

> >> wouldn't you say? So we better plan on this board being around for a

> >> looooooooooong time because they will never make it known to the general

> >> public what we know here. The best I would hope for is to wait for their

> >> findings and use it to tweak our own treatments. I hope and pray I am wrong,

> >> but I doubt it. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: jennifer

> >> smiglewski To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010

> >> 11:09:35 PM Subject: New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/

> >> 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly

> >> discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms

> >> and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might

> >> bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and

> >> they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently

> >> used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before

> >> hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic

> >> fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a

> >> large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in

> >> children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies -

> >> and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation

> >> between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with

> >> HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of

> >> unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found

> >> in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical

> >> pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms

> >> of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years

> >> and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as

> >> microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction,

> >> oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic

> >> inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems

> >> etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather

> >> with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing

> >> autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of

> >> action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV

> >> viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments

> >> in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms:

> >> irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc).

> >> Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to

> >> levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic

> >> symptoms â€" deficits in language, behaviour and social skills â€" in HIV

> >> infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination

> >> antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is

> >> complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children

> >> sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of

> >> age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can

> >> be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines,

> >> especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with

> >> low CD4+ counts â€" inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in

> >> vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found

> >> in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production

> >> to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals

> >> that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should

> >> be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is

> >> suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may

> >> enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by

> >> endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has

> >> been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple

> >> sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children

> >> match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of

> >> nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic

> >> function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose

> >> intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates

> >> Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload:

> >> secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity

> >> to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV

> >> positive children Impaired sensory â€" auditory and visual processing

> >> Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological

> >> mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial

> >> dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and

> >> glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial

> >> activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined

> >> with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb

> >> breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity

> >> (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV

> >> causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to

> >> brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal

> >> methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for

> >> treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation

> >> of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in

> >> general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators

> >> have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating

> >> properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to

> >> reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics

> >> (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same

> >> mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents

> >> that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with

> >> anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic

> >> symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive

> >> individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been

> >> shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial

> >> showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as

> >> cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

> >> > > > >

> >>

> >


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Hey , Just wanted to let you know you helped me out without even realizing it. In your post you mentioned glue ear - I had never heard of it before so I googled it. I was amazed at what I read. My poor son since he was very young has always complained about his ears and constantly has his pinky in there shaking around(like an old man)irritated, but not in pain. (you can actually hear the fluid and stickiness) I have addressed this with two pediatricians, an audiologist, an e.r. pediatric doctor and an ENT none of whom ever mentioned anything at all about glue ear - which sounds exactly like what happens to my son.How does that happen???? You know.....if they don't see anything, it doesn't exist. rrrrrrrr.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Fri, May 14, 2010 7:42:06 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

 all could be strep

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/ 2009 : 10:51:23 ____________ _________ _________ __ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical

pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports

of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent

retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal

findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in

‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism)

inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

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