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Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

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Hi Amy,

My older son pretty much recovered from PDD without any biomed treatment after

regressing with MMR,DTP, vax series at 15-18 months. Like typical moms, I

didn't realize the weird little things he did were tics until I started

researching for my younger son, who got an ASD diagnosis and is more severe. I

also gave him a mom-diagnosis of auditory processing disorder after researching.

Learning that got a HUGE dose of mercury, I decided to chelate him too

while I was at it with . Chelation helped do better in school and

made him a little less goofy (which helped socially). He's as neurotypical as

they come.

is 7 and has a noticeable speech disorder. His diet is very restricted

and has to be maintained for him to be happy and healthy. He is becoming less

reactive to dietary infractions, which is great. Vinpocetine is helping him

talk more. I think this means he has inflammation in his brain and it is

probably due to heavy metals and viruses still needing to be addressed. Most

people would not notice he had autism if it wasn't for his speech, the other

symptoms of autism are gone as long as his diet is maintained.

As far as complete recovery, I don't know if it is possible. The more I learn

about aluminum, the more angry I get because I learn that some of the things it

does are not reversible. I am blessed that my child has come as far as he has

and I don't think ever in my life, I will stop speaking out against vaccines and

asking God fervently for the truth to be revealed to everyone!!


> > >

> > > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics.

The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most

have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that

it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their

children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.

> > >

> > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm

> > >

> > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny,

but it's almost like he " has " to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises

that he has to release. They aren't the " nnnnn " or " eeeee " type things that used

to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?

> > >

> >


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liz and I have been round and round on this issue before so I won't go to long on it, BUT having a confirmed case of PANDAS is different then just plain tics and not knowing the underlying condition. other treat PANDAS succesfully using immune boosters, or profolatic antibiotics, staying away from probiotics with strep lines, ect WITH OUT chelation and are fine to! meaning metals are NOT the only thing causing this!

protical for PANDAS IS antibiotics, as you are working on strep issues, NOT metal issues!

BIOFILM is also working well on kids with LIA, and PANDAS. and you can do more reading up on that as well

LDN worked great in our house, as did OLE for years

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

If you research this, you will find that it is the deranged mineral transport caused by aluminum, mercury, lead, ? that leads to bacterial and parasitic infections. This is NOT my theory, it is truth. I am 100% sure antibiotics are a waste of time and that you have to chelate to resolve these problems. Why? The antibiotics do nothing to the metals...sure, they temporarily kill the bacteria attached to the metals and built up because of the metals, but the antibiotics don't change the fact that the metals are still there, imbedded in tissue and organs keeping the mineral imbalance going, creating a harvesting ground for bacteria and infections. Within a short period of time, other bacteria and/or fungi repopulate. My older son's tics were completely resolved with ALA chelation and I don't think anyone could convince me that PANDAS tics are any different than the ones he had. My younger son had a lot of OCD while on ALA, after ALA however, that was pretty much gone too and so were his cycles of crazy behavior. Chelation is the answer to PANDAS!>> This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?>

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liz did your son have a confirmed case of PANDAS

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

If you research this, you will find that it is the deranged mineral transport caused by aluminum, mercury, lead, ? that leads to bacterial and parasitic infections. This is NOT my theory, it is truth. I am 100% sure antibiotics are a waste of time and that you have to chelate to resolve these problems. Why? The antibiotics do nothing to the metals...sure, they temporarily kill the bacteria attached to the metals and built up because of the metals, but the antibiotics don't change the fact that the metals are still there, imbedded in tissue and organs keeping the mineral imbalance going, creating a harvesting ground for bacteria and infections. Within a short period of time, other bacteria and/or fungi repopulate. My older son's tics were completely resolved with ALA chelation and I don't think anyone could convince me that PANDAS tics are any different than the ones he had. My younger son had a lot of OCD while on ALA, after ALA however, that was pretty much gone too and so were his cycles of crazy behavior. Chelation is the answer to PANDAS!>> This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?>

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Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

If you research this, you will find that it is the deranged mineral transport caused by aluminum, mercury, lead, ? that leads to bacterial and parasitic infections. This is NOT my theory, it is truth. I am 100% sure antibiotics are a waste of time and that you have to chelate to resolve these problems. Why? The antibiotics do nothing to the metals...sure, they temporarily kill the bacteria attached to the metals and built up because of the metals, but the antibiotics don't change the fact that the metals are still there, imbedded in tissue and organs keeping the mineral imbalance going, creating a harvesting ground for bacteria and infections. Within a short period of time, other bacteria and/or fungi repopulate. My older son's tics were completely resolved with ALA chelation and I don't think anyone could convince me that PANDAS tics are any different than the ones he had. My younger son had a lot of OCD while on ALA, after ALA however, that was pretty much gone too and so were his cycles of crazy behavior. Chelation is the answer to PANDAS!>> This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?>

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Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

If you research this, you will find that it is the deranged mineral transport caused by aluminum, mercury, lead, ? that leads to bacterial and parasitic infections. This is NOT my theory, it is truth. I am 100% sure antibiotics are a waste of time and that you have to chelate to resolve these problems. Why? The antibiotics do nothing to the metals...sure, they temporarily kill the bacteria attached to the metals and built up because of the metals, but the antibiotics don't change the fact that the metals are still there, imbedded in tissue and organs keeping the mineral imbalance going, creating a harvesting ground for bacteria and infections. Within a short period of time, other bacteria and/or fungi repopulate. My older son's tics were completely resolved with ALA chelation and I don't think anyone could convince me that PANDAS tics are any different than the ones he had. My younger son had a lot of OCD while on ALA, after ALA however, that was pretty much gone too and so were his cycles of crazy behavior. Chelation is the answer to PANDAS!>> This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?>

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Are you using DMSA as well as ALA? I've recently started doing DMSA only once a

month and my daughter's ALA only rounds are excellent. I am seeing great things

again. Bad, controlling behaviour is still there, but academically she is

blowing our minds these days.

Just curious if you're chelating with ALA alone. I am still unsure about cutting

down so much on the DMSA.


> >

> > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics.

The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most

have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that

it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their

children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.

> >

> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm

> >

> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's

funny, but it's almost like he " has " to get it out. He has these built up vocal

noises that he has to release. They aren't the " nnnnn " or " eeeee " type things

that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?

> >


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, he was on ALA for about a year and DMSA was given on 3-4 of those

rounds. We just switched (all of us) to DMSA only because I wanted to see if he

could tolerate it (plus he has lead) and I just had my amalgam out so I need to

take DMSA first. He is doing great on rounds of 5mg DMSA, seeing gains, and I

am going to raise the dose to about 8mg next time. I think I will keep him on

DMSA only for awhile.

> > >

> > > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their

tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But

most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think

that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their

children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.

> > >

> > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm

> > >

> > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's

funny, but it's almost like he " has " to get it out. He has these built up vocal

noises that he has to release. They aren't the " nnnnn " or " eeeee " type things

that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?

> > >

> >


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That really doesn't matter. It is extremely likely that all our kids have one

common cause for their autism although the degree of severity in each case


> >

> > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics.

The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most

have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that

it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their

children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.

> >

> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm

> >

> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny,

but it's almost like he " has " to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises

that he has to release. They aren't the " nnnnn " or " eeeee " type things that used

to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?

> >


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Hi ,

Sorry if you have answered this question before, but I was interested to know what you used to Chelate your child for PANDAS, as my son has a huge issue with Strep.

Many thanks,

Liz H

Sydney, Australia

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

If you research this, you will find that it is the deranged mineral transport caused by aluminum, mercury, lead, ? that leads to bacterial and parasitic infections. This is NOT my theory, it is truth. I am 100% sure antibiotics are a waste of time and that you have to chelate to resolve these problems. Why? The antibiotics do nothing to the metals...sure, they temporarily kill the bacteria attached to the metals and built up because of the metals, but the antibiotics don't change the fact that the metals are still there, imbedded in tissue and organs keeping the mineral imbalance going, creating a harvesting ground for bacteria and infections. Within a short period of time, other bacteria and/or fungi repopulate. My older son's tics were completely resolved with ALA chelation and I don't think anyone could convince me that PANDAS tics are any different than the ones he had. My younger son had a lot of OCD while on ALA, after ALA however, that was pretty much gone too and so were his cycles of crazy behavior. Chelation is the answer to PANDAS!>> This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?>

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Hi Amy,

Our doctor has just given us a script for Zithromax for my son's STREP and just wondered if you would share your experience with using Zithromax, as in do you have any side effects etc.

Thanks so much,

Liz H

Sydney, Australia

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

Liz,Thanks for reminding me about minerals. I need to order some more. The last ones I bought had copper, so I refuse to give to him. Are your boys both recovered?? Antibiotics are a must for us right now. Zithromax is notorious for not passing through the gut. He becomes normal when taking them. Strep infections can cause damage to the basal ganglia of the brain, so leaving severe cases untreated can be very dangerous. This can lead to more psychiatric problems in the future. But, I do feel it is very important to chelate as well. I just can't sit back and let my son suffer because of the concept behind all his problems. We have also chelated as well...6 mos of DMSA and almost 6 months of DMPS + ALA. He is acaemically on track, has gained huge social skills, tons of language (speech therapist was looking at transitioning him out), no behavioral problems at all, but he still has some lingering issues that need to be addressed. I do plan to move to ALA only chelation. I had it in my mind that I had wanted to do 6 mos of DMSA then DMPS and then move onto something milder. I am happy to know that your kids issues completely went away with ALA. I am excited to start it. By the way, we are not doing antibiotics on a daily basis..just as needed. There is a maintenance dose of once per week which I plan to implement. My son's tic behavior came on around 3 yrs. of age...way before chelation. I am hoping that treating his bacteria and underlying chelation will do the trick!> >> > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?> >>

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You may want to try to combine the zithromax with the enzyme serrapeptidase. This enzyme has been shown to help with the effects of anti biotics. You should research biofilm protocols. For many of our kids the strep is trapped in the gut by biofilms. You need to break up the biofilm to get the antibiotic to work,

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 4:15:45 AMSubject: Re: Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

Hi Amy,

Our doctor has just given us a script for Zithromax for my son's STREP and just wondered if you would share your experience with using Zithromax, as in do you have any side effects etc.

Thanks so much,

Liz H

Sydney, Australia

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

Liz,Thanks for reminding me about minerals. I need to order some more. The last ones I bought had copper, so I refuse to give to him. Are your boys both recovered?? Antibiotics are a must for us right now. Zithromax is notorious for not passing through the gut. He becomes normal when taking them. Strep infections can cause damage to the basal ganglia of the brain, so leaving severe cases untreated can be very dangerous. This can lead to more psychiatric problems in the future. But, I do feel it is very important to chelate as well. I just can't sit back and let my son suffer because of the concept behind all his problems. We have also chelated as well...6 mos of DMSA and almost 6 months of DMPS + ALA. He is acaemically on track, has gained huge social skills, tons of language (speech therapist was looking at transitioning him out), no behavioral problems at all, but he still has some lingering issues that need to be addressed. I do plan to move to

ALA only chelation. I had it in my mind that I had wanted to do 6 mos of DMSA then DMPS and then move onto something milder. I am happy to know that your kids issues completely went away with ALA. I am excited to start it. By the way, we are not doing antibiotics on a daily basis..just as needed. There is a maintenance dose of once per week which I plan to implement. My son's tic behavior came on around 3 yrs. of age...way before chelation. I am hoping that treating his bacteria and underlying chelation will do the trick!> >> > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > > > http://www.tourette syndrome. net/pandas_ overview. htm> > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They

aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?> >>

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Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

If you research this, you will find that it is the deranged mineral transport caused by aluminum, mercury, lead, ? that leads to bacterial and parasitic infections. This is NOT my theory, it is truth. I am 100% sure antibiotics are a waste of time and that you have to chelate to resolve these problems. Why? The antibiotics do nothing to the metals...sure, they temporarily kill the bacteria attached to the metals and built up because of the metals, but the antibiotics don't change the fact that the metals are still there, imbedded in tissue and organs keeping the mineral imbalance going, creating a harvesting ground for bacteria and infections. Within a short period of time, other bacteria and/or fungi repopulate. My older son's tics were completely resolved with ALA chelation and I don't think anyone could convince me that PANDAS tics are any different than the ones he had. My younger son had a lot of OCD while on ALA, after ALA however, that was pretty much gone too and so were his cycles of crazy behavior. Chelation is the answer to PANDAS!>> This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?>

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Both of Ruby's hair tests showed a very small amount of lead. I started out with

ALA alone, but after 6 rounds added DMSA just in case she did have lead. We've

done 55 rounds with the DMSA. Now I'm just doing ALA and DMSA once a month.

We're at 63 rounds now and I am seeing good things again.

If I didn't see high lead on both of her hair tests should I assume she doesn't

have lead? I would love to keep going with the once a month DMSA.

> > > >

> > > > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their

tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But

most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think

that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their

children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.

> > > >

> > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm

> > > >

> > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's

funny, but it's almost like he " has " to get it out. He has these built up vocal

noises that he has to release. They aren't the " nnnnn " or " eeeee " type things

that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?

> > > >

> > >

> >


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...I would like detailed info on the AC protocol. Ty.ValenciaSent from my iPhone

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

If you research this, you will find that it is the deranged mineral transport caused by aluminum, mercury, lead, ? that leads to bacterial and parasitic infections. This is NOT my theory, it is truth. I am 100% sure antibiotics are a waste of time and that you have to chelate to resolve these problems. Why? The antibiotics do nothing to the metals...sure, they temporarily kill the bacteria attached to the metals and built up because of the metals, but the antibiotics don't change the fact that the metals are still there, imbedded in tissue and organs keeping the mineral imbalance going, creating a harvesting ground for bacteria and infections. Within a short period of time, other bacteria and/or fungi repopulate. My older son's tics were completely resolved with ALA chelation and I don't think anyone could convince me that PANDAS tics are any different than the ones he had. My younger son had a lot of OCD while on ALA, after ALA however, that was pretty much gone too and so were his cycles of crazy behavior. Chelation is the answer to PANDAS!>> This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?>

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Sounds like you are doing great, I wouldn't change anything. I don't know how

lead in the bones would register on a test, if at all. My guess is that it is

not too bad if it isn't high on her hair test. I am glad you are seeing gains.

I totally screwed up this weekend's round because on Friday, I thought it was

Thursday - silly me, so I didn't have the chelators ready to start :)

> > > > >

> > > > > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their

tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But

most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think

that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their

children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.

> > > > >

> > > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks

it's funny, but it's almost like he " has " to get it out. He has these built up

vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the " nnnnn " or " eeeee " type

things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I get screwed up a lot too. Every Saturday when I wake up lately, I think it's

Sunday and we're almost finished the round. I've done this twice now.

I think I will stick with the once a month DMSA. I was having a horrible time

keeping her yeast under control with the chelation and antivirals we just


Thanks :)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe

their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release.

But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think

that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their

children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks

it's funny, but it's almost like he " has " to get it out. He has these built up

vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the " nnnnn " or " eeeee " type

things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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What did you do to treat the PANDAS?

Amy A.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 7:02:14 AMSubject: Re: Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

If you research this, you will find that it is the deranged mineral transport caused by aluminum, mercury, lead, ? that leads to bacterial and parasitic infections. This is NOT my theory, it is truth. I am 100% sure antibiotics are a waste of time and that you have to chelate to resolve these problems. Why? The antibiotics do nothing to the metals...sure, they temporarily kill the bacteria attached to the metals and built up because of the metals, but the antibiotics don't change the fact that the metals are still there, imbedded in tissue and organs keeping the mineral imbalance going, creating a harvesting ground for bacteria and infections. Within a short period of time, other bacteria and/or fungi repopulate. My older son's tics were completely resolved with ALA chelation and I don't think anyone could convince me that PANDAS tics are any different than the ones he had. My younger son had a lot of OCD while on ALA, after ALA

however, that was pretty much gone too and so were his cycles of crazy behavior. Chelation is the answer to PANDAS!>> This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > http://www.tourette syndrome. net/pandas_ overview. htm> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but

it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?>

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we saw our sons PANDAS go away while on this

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

Liz,Thanks for reminding me about minerals. I need to order some more. The last ones I bought had copper, so I refuse to give to him. Are your boys both recovered?? Antibiotics are a must for us right now. Zithromax is notorious for not passing through the gut. He becomes normal when taking them. Strep infections can cause damage to the basal ganglia of the brain, so leaving severe cases untreated can be very dangerous. This can lead to more psychiatric problems in the future. But, I do feel it is very important to chelate as well. I just can't sit back and let my son suffer because of the concept behind all his problems. We have also chelated as well...6 mos of DMSA and almost 6 months of DMPS + ALA. He is acaemically on track, has gained huge social skills, tons of language (speech therapist was looking at transitioning him out), no behavioral problems at all, but he still has some lingering issues that need to be addressed. I do plan to move to ALA only chelation. I had it in my mind that I had wanted to do 6 mos of DMSA then DMPS and then move onto something milder. I am happy to know that your kids issues completely went away with ALA. I am excited to start it. By the way, we are not doing antibiotics on a daily basis..just as needed. There is a maintenance dose of once per week which I plan to implement. My son's tic behavior came on around 3 yrs. of age...way before chelation. I am hoping that treating his bacteria and underlying chelation will do the trick!> >> > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?> >>

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Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

If you research this, you will find that it is the deranged mineral transport caused by aluminum, mercury, lead, ? that leads to bacterial and parasitic infections. This is NOT my theory, it is truth. I am 100% sure antibiotics are a waste of time and that you have to chelate to resolve these problems. Why? The antibiotics do nothing to the metals...sure, they temporarily kill the bacteria attached to the metals and built up because of the metals, but the antibiotics don't change the fact that the metals are still there, imbedded in tissue and organs keeping the mineral imbalance going, creating a harvesting ground for bacteria and infections. Within a short period of time, other bacteria and/or fungi repopulate. My older son's tics were completely resolved with ALA chelation and I don't think anyone could convince me that PANDAS tics are any different than the ones he had. My younger son had a lot of OCD while on ALA, after ALA however, that was pretty much gone too and so were his cycles of crazy behavior. Chelation is the answer to PANDAS!>> This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > http://www.tourette syndrome. net/pandas_ overview. htm> > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?>

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Hi Christel,

Thanks for that, did the symptoms come back when you had finished?

Thanks again

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

Liz,Thanks for reminding me about minerals. I need to order some more. The last ones I bought had copper, so I refuse to give to him. Are your boys both recovered?? Antibiotics are a must for us right now. Zithromax is notorious for not passing through the gut. He becomes normal when taking them. Strep infections can cause damage to the basal ganglia of the brain, so leaving severe cases untreated can be very dangerous. This can lead to more psychiatric problems in the future. But, I do feel it is very important to chelate as well. I just can't sit back and let my son suffer because of the concept behind all his problems. We have also chelated as well...6 mos of DMSA and almost 6 months of DMPS + ALA. He is acaemically on track, has gained huge social skills, tons of language (speech therapist was looking at transitioning him out), no behavioral problems at all, but he still has some lingering issues that need to be addressed. I do plan to move to ALA only chelation. I had it in my mind that I had wanted to do 6 mos of DMSA then DMPS and then move onto something milder. I am happy to know that your kids issues completely went away with ALA. I am excited to start it. By the way, we are not doing antibiotics on a daily basis..just as needed. There is a maintenance dose of once per week which I plan to implement. My son's tic behavior came on around 3 yrs. of age...way before chelation. I am hoping that treating his bacteria and underlying chelation will do the trick!> >> > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?> >>

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Hi Christel,

Thanks for that, did the symptoms come back when you had finished?

Thanks again

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

Liz,Thanks for reminding me about minerals. I need to order some more. The last ones I bought had copper, so I refuse to give to him. Are your boys both recovered?? Antibiotics are a must for us right now. Zithromax is notorious for not passing through the gut. He becomes normal when taking them. Strep infections can cause damage to the basal ganglia of the brain, so leaving severe cases untreated can be very dangerous. This can lead to more psychiatric problems in the future. But, I do feel it is very important to chelate as well. I just can't sit back and let my son suffer because of the concept behind all his problems. We have also chelated as well...6 mos of DMSA and almost 6 months of DMPS + ALA. He is acaemically on track, has gained huge social skills, tons of language (speech therapist was looking at transitioning him out), no behavioral problems at all, but he still has some lingering issues that need to be addressed. I do plan to move to ALA only chelation. I had it in my mind that I had wanted to do 6 mos of DMSA then DMPS and then move onto something milder. I am happy to know that your kids issues completely went away with ALA. I am excited to start it. By the way, we are not doing antibiotics on a daily basis..just as needed. There is a maintenance dose of once per week which I plan to implement. My son's tic behavior came on around 3 yrs. of age...way before chelation. I am hoping that treating his bacteria and underlying chelation will do the trick!> >> > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?> >>

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not until the next flare! OR not at all if we keep up with LDN with out missing a night

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

Liz,Thanks for reminding me about minerals. I need to order some more. The last ones I bought had copper, so I refuse to give to him. Are your boys both recovered?? Antibiotics are a must for us right now. Zithromax is notorious for not passing through the gut. He becomes normal when taking them. Strep infections can cause damage to the basal ganglia of the brain, so leaving severe cases untreated can be very dangerous. This can lead to more psychiatric problems in the future. But, I do feel it is very important to chelate as well. I just can't sit back and let my son suffer because of the concept behind all his problems. We have also chelated as well...6 mos of DMSA and almost 6 months of DMPS + ALA. He is acaemically on track, has gained huge social skills, tons of language (speech therapist was looking at transitioning him out), no behavioral problems at all, but he still has some lingering issues that need to be addressed. I do plan to move to ALA only chelation. I had it in my mind that I had wanted to do 6 mos of DMSA then DMPS and then move onto something milder. I am happy to know that your kids issues completely went away with ALA. I am excited to start it. By the way, we are not doing antibiotics on a daily basis..just as needed. There is a maintenance dose of once per week which I plan to implement. My son's tic behavior came on around 3 yrs. of age...way before chelation. I am hoping that treating his bacteria and underlying chelation will do the trick!> >> > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?> >>

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not until the next flare! OR not at all if we keep up with LDN with out missing a night

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

Liz,Thanks for reminding me about minerals. I need to order some more. The last ones I bought had copper, so I refuse to give to him. Are your boys both recovered?? Antibiotics are a must for us right now. Zithromax is notorious for not passing through the gut. He becomes normal when taking them. Strep infections can cause damage to the basal ganglia of the brain, so leaving severe cases untreated can be very dangerous. This can lead to more psychiatric problems in the future. But, I do feel it is very important to chelate as well. I just can't sit back and let my son suffer because of the concept behind all his problems. We have also chelated as well...6 mos of DMSA and almost 6 months of DMPS + ALA. He is acaemically on track, has gained huge social skills, tons of language (speech therapist was looking at transitioning him out), no behavioral problems at all, but he still has some lingering issues that need to be addressed. I do plan to move to ALA only chelation. I had it in my mind that I had wanted to do 6 mos of DMSA then DMPS and then move onto something milder. I am happy to know that your kids issues completely went away with ALA. I am excited to start it. By the way, we are not doing antibiotics on a daily basis..just as needed. There is a maintenance dose of once per week which I plan to implement. My son's tic behavior came on around 3 yrs. of age...way before chelation. I am hoping that treating his bacteria and underlying chelation will do the trick!> >> > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?> >>

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To answer your question, we saw no side effects at all from Zithromax, only huge

improvements. We weren't even expecting them initially...he was on them for

pneumonia and it was like a big chunk of his autism went away. He stopped

holding objects, huge reduction in stimming, improved language, improved eye

contact, etc. It was amazing. These changes lasted for quite awhile until we

over-treated yeast with Ketaconazole. We now try to keep a healthy balance and

try not to over treat yeast or bacteria. Like Christel, my son also responded to

LDN very well. We have several refills of Zithro to keep/use as needed.

Maintenance dose is supposed to be 500 mg once per week in true cases of PANDAS,

but not all dr's recommend this. It will depend on your issues/child.

> > >

> > > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their

tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But

most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think

that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their

children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.

> > >

> > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm

> > >

> > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks

it's funny, but it's almost like he " has " to get it out. He has these built up

vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the " nnnnn " or " eeeee " type

things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?

> > >

> >


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we are also starting the pulsed antibiotics of Zithro, minocycline, and clamindamyacin. our son has actually been OFF LDN with out another flare, BUT we started it back up last week just to see if we saw gains, he aggression (which has been an issues as of late) disappeared and his compliance was a big difference. he is much more flexable and the school reported attention increase that week with out us even telling them we had changed things....

so for now we go back on.

Re: PANDAS Question Was:What are these bumps about???

To answer your question, we saw no side effects at all from Zithromax, only huge improvements. We weren't even expecting them initially...he was on them for pneumonia and it was like a big chunk of his autism went away. He stopped holding objects, huge reduction in stimming, improved language, improved eye contact, etc. It was amazing. These changes lasted for quite awhile until we over-treated yeast with Ketaconazole. We now try to keep a healthy balance and try not to over treat yeast or bacteria. Like Christel, my son also responded to LDN very well. We have several refills of Zithro to keep/use as needed. Maintenance dose is supposed to be 500 mg once per week in true cases of PANDAS, but not all dr's recommend this. It will depend on your issues/child.> > >> > > This is the way many with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) describe their tics. The uncontrollable aspect. The build up and the inevitable release. But most have experienced so much teasing from their peers that they don't think that it's funny. The TS community is investigating PANDAS as a reason for their children's TS and using antibiotics to address it.> > > > > > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas_overview.htm> > > > > > Also, my son will all of a sudden make a loud noise. He thinks it's funny, but it's almost like he "has" to get it out. He has these built up vocal noises that he has to release. They aren't the "nnnnn" or "eeeee" type things that used to be associated with yeast. Do these sound like vocal tics?> > >> >>

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