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Re: Metals need to go first...right?

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Amen!Sent from my iPhone

my son was also MR basically when we started, non verbal at 2 with the developmental age of 2-4 months old....we have had 2 big set backs with PANDAS and a scope when his dx was to be cleared that sent us back a whole year development and a whole year of trying to fight to get it back) loss of 2 years total just from his scope and Nitrious used....due to his genetic mutations and dr's not listening and strep exposure while being under. to go from that and being told he would never talk agian and needed to be institutionlaized and so self abusive to be shut in his room with padded walls and a helmet and ONLY eating gram crackers, animal crackers and milk, to now mainestreamed, in his age class with normal peers, years ahead in some classes even, fully functioing with friends, relationships, playing with toys, part of the family, lost over 22 allergies, fixed immune issues, being able to remove many suppliments, and holding those gains, conquiring viral issues, yeast issues and all bacterial issues execpt his cronic strep (for which he is having his tonsils removed in the next 6 months where they believe it may be harboring).....we have surpassed in healingnone who may have been mild and now have nothing. we have had ALOT Of damage to fix.

i have helped families HUNDREDS, if not thousands over all the years we have been doing biomedical, I have seen well over a hundred s of kids charts in helping those families, OATS, STOOLS, METALS< allergy testing ect....there are those kids out there even with OUT metal issues....I have seen there tests. I have seen kids with no allergy issues, no yeast issues, no viral issues, no bacterial issues,. its never even we have it all! some kids it's just one issue, others it's many , or many but not this or that, all our kids or so different, I pray for the full healing of all our kids bodies, but the reality is that some damage may be to great. and that kids may be left with damaged immune system, or allergies and still need diet, or have mito issues and require suppliments although they may carry no more label ect. doesn't make them less or more autistic, just they may still have OTHER issues that remain to do perment damage, or allergy genetics (like celiac) ect....somethings you can't control. the rest you work on and get them better at all costs. we are all here to do that! those kids are still recovered from "autism" that bus has passed!

Metals need to go first...right?> > > > > > > > > > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out there and make sure.> > > > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's protocol. > > > > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them come back?> > > > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.> > > > Rose> >>

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My kid's PANDAs is still there, but we also started chelating with EDTA after doing a challenge. A good amount of lead is coming out- but she presents the picture of someone with mercury... our MD tells us we have to get rid of the other metals and mercury will follow- does it make sense?We're doing homeopathy for the PANDAs. Luz Metals need to go first...right?> > > > > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out there and make sure.> > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's protocol. > > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them come back?> > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.> > Rose> Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabinzabin.luzed@...Directly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached. Go Green! Resist the temptation to Print this Message.

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Metals need to go first...right?> > > > > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out there and make sure.> > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's protocol. > > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them come back?> > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.> > Rose>

Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabin


Directly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached.

Go Green! Resist the temptation to Print this Message.

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yes depending on the chelators certain metals will loosen and come out first. lead usually comes out and clears before mercury is loosened

Metals need to go first...right?> > > > > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out there and make sure.> > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's protocol. > > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them come back?> > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.> > Rose>

Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabin


Directly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi rebecca,I've been reading ur comment about chelation during this few months,n I think u really know well about it.I'm a little bit surprised when I read that edta cannot pull mercury out,my doctor already told me that edta helped to pull out mercury from brain to the body,and that's dmsa part to pulling it out of the body.Just for information,we've been chelating for 1yr 4mo now,at first 6 month we chelated with transdermal edta n dmsa,after the Ut-hair test n found that trans edta did nothing but not with the dmsa,so my doc exchange it with edta supp from detoxamin.Cos we life in indonesia,where really unconvenient to get such med,so we have to wait to get that from my doc,also I was really new with this kind of stuff back that time.The 2nd 6mo,ut hair test again,she told us to add more dosage on the chelation (she prescribed to a compound farmacy in us)n the supp was twice bigger than detoxamin supp),so 1 year past just like that,with the newest supp already 3 month trying it,probably from all of this the result was more gain in eye con,expression,but not with his speech.I had been asking her b4 about ALA, n she said that was our last option for chelating agent,cos it quite higher that edta or dmsa (trans nor supp).She said if all of this not make a significant improve,then we'll try out ALA,according to her ALA make yeast growth in guts.So,could u please give me a suggestion for what to do next with all of these? Is it correct ALA growth yeast? Even though my son improve quite a lot but his stim,hum constantly show on (also I really want to hear his talking to me).Btw his 5 yo,tq for replying me.katherineSent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 07:33:14 -0500To: <mb12 valtrex >Subject: Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right? Metals need to go first...right?> > > > > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out there and make sure.> > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's protocol. > > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them come back?> > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.> > Rose>Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabinzabin.luzedrcnDirectly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached. Go Green! Resist the temptation to Print this Message.

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Metals need to go first...right?> > > > > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out there and make sure.> > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's protocol. > > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them come back?> > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.> > Rose>

Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabin


Directly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached.

Go Green! Resist the temptation to Print this Message.

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Metals need to go first...right?> > > > > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out there and make sure.> > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's protocol. > > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them come back?> > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.> > Rose>

Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabin


Directly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached.

Go Green! Resist the temptation to Print this Message.

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Metals need to go first...right?> > > > > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out there and make sure.> > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's protocol. > > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them come back?> > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.> > Rose>

Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabin


Directly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached.

Go Green! Resist the temptation to Print this Message.

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Doesn't yeast always produce black strings in the stool? I have been chelating a month with no signs of yeast.What does a BM with metals look like? Subject: Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?To: mb12 valtrex Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM

----- Original Message -----

From: katherinehands@ yahoo.com

===>Hi ,

There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.

There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use Dmsa.

You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of yeast.

Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got here.

I disagree that Ala is the last option, many have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.

We chelated with and without a Dan! but we designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours would still be ASD.

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Doesn't yeast always produce black strings in the stool? I have been chelating a month with no signs of yeast.What does a BM with metals look like? Subject: Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?To: mb12 valtrex Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM

----- Original Message -----

From: katherinehands@ yahoo.com

===>Hi ,

There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.

There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use Dmsa.

You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of yeast.

Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got here.

I disagree that Ala is the last option, many have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.

We chelated with and without a Dan! but we designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours would still be ASD.

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" There does exist or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast "

And I wonder, , if the wacky blood sugar thing my son had with ALA is

more common than people think and that if the kids were on the right

supplements, they would tolerate it much better. I wonder if THAT problem is

mistaken for yeast? (since everything else is :)

I also believe having inositol/choline on hand while doing ALA is a must. ALA

was hard on my boy, I had to learn what supplements he needed while on it.

After about 6 months off it though, I can say I really think it made a

difference and we will definitely be going back to it after we are on DMSA

awhile. There is no reason to be afraid of either of these chelators.

> >

> > not necessarily, you can get rid of yeast issues, bacteria issues,

and viral issues with out metal stuff. we have eliminiated yeast issues, and

bacteria issues with out removing metals and treated viral issues early on and

been successful with out doing metal treatments yet

> >

> > Metals need to go first...right?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out

there and make sure.

> >

> > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf

diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth

as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's


> >

> > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep

coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter

how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them

come back?

> >

> > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the

foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our

son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.

> >

> > Rose

> >









> Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabin

> zabin.luzed@...



> Directly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached.

> Go Green! Resist the temptation to Print this Message.


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" There does exist or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast "

And I wonder, , if the wacky blood sugar thing my son had with ALA is

more common than people think and that if the kids were on the right

supplements, they would tolerate it much better. I wonder if THAT problem is

mistaken for yeast? (since everything else is :)

I also believe having inositol/choline on hand while doing ALA is a must. ALA

was hard on my boy, I had to learn what supplements he needed while on it.

After about 6 months off it though, I can say I really think it made a

difference and we will definitely be going back to it after we are on DMSA

awhile. There is no reason to be afraid of either of these chelators.

> >

> > not necessarily, you can get rid of yeast issues, bacteria issues,

and viral issues with out metal stuff. we have eliminiated yeast issues, and

bacteria issues with out removing metals and treated viral issues early on and

been successful with out doing metal treatments yet

> >

> > Metals need to go first...right?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out

there and make sure.

> >

> > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf

diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth

as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's


> >

> > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep

coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter

how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them

come back?

> >

> > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the

foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our

son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.

> >

> > Rose

> >









> Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabin

> zabin.luzed@...



> Directly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached.

> Go Green! Resist the temptation to Print this Message.


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, the metals are too small to see. Some of our kids initially had very

pale stools when starting chelation though, probably from not enough bile flow,

which taurine can help with. I did question though whether mercury could cause

a stool to be pale, it is a whitener. It's not important though, just an

interesting possibility.



> Subject: Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?

> To: mb12 valtrex

> Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM























> ----- Original Message -----

> From:

> katherinehands@ yahoo.com


> ===>Hi ,


> There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves

> metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not

> cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.


> There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast,

> but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does


> or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was

> hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more


> have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use

> Dmsa.


> You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter

> what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible


> (+4 on the GI Effects stool test)  at several points in chelation but you

> just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly


> going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of

> yeast.


> Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to

> cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central


> system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not

> completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we


> here.


> I disagree that Ala is the last option, many

> have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.


> We chelated with and without a Dan! but we

> designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the


> had to say, I did  my own research and did not feel compelled to follow

> each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world

> who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that

> ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this,


> would still be ASD.




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, the metals are too small to see. Some of our kids initially had very

pale stools when starting chelation though, probably from not enough bile flow,

which taurine can help with. I did question though whether mercury could cause

a stool to be pale, it is a whitener. It's not important though, just an

interesting possibility.



> Subject: Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?

> To: mb12 valtrex

> Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM























> ----- Original Message -----

> From:

> katherinehands@ yahoo.com


> ===>Hi ,


> There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves

> metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not

> cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.


> There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast,

> but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does


> or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was

> hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more


> have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use

> Dmsa.


> You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter

> what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible


> (+4 on the GI Effects stool test)  at several points in chelation but you

> just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly


> going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of

> yeast.


> Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to

> cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central


> system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not

> completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we


> here.


> I disagree that Ala is the last option, many

> have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.


> We chelated with and without a Dan! but we

> designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the


> had to say, I did  my own research and did not feel compelled to follow

> each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world

> who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that

> ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this,


> would still be ASD.




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What would a BM with three or four colors and textures,and a weird chemical smell mean? I never had these until I started chelating? Subject: Re: Metals need to go first...right?To: mb12 valtrex Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 10:23 AM

, the metals are too small to see. Some of our kids initially had very pale stools when starting chelation though, probably from not enough bile flow, which taurine can help with. I did question though whether mercury could cause a stool to be pale, it is a whitener. It's not important though, just an interesting possibility.


> From: <Ladyshrink111@ ...>

> Subject: Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?

> To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com

> Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM























> ----- Original Message -----

> From:

> katherinehands@ yahoo.com


> ===>Hi ,


> There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves

> metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not

> cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.


> There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast,

> but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist

> or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was

> hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids

> have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use

> Dmsa.


> You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter

> what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast

> (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you

> just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't

> going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of

> yeast.


> Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to

> cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous

> system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not

> completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got

> here.


> I disagree that Ala is the last option, many

> have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.


> We chelated with and without a Dan! but we

> designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan!

> had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow

> each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world

> who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that

> ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours

> would still be ASD.




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What would a BM with three or four colors and textures,and a weird chemical smell mean? I never had these until I started chelating? Subject: Re: Metals need to go first...right?To: mb12 valtrex Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 10:23 AM

, the metals are too small to see. Some of our kids initially had very pale stools when starting chelation though, probably from not enough bile flow, which taurine can help with. I did question though whether mercury could cause a stool to be pale, it is a whitener. It's not important though, just an interesting possibility.


> From: <Ladyshrink111@ ...>

> Subject: Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?

> To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com

> Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM























> ----- Original Message -----

> From:

> katherinehands@ yahoo.com


> ===>Hi ,


> There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves

> metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not

> cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.


> There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast,

> but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist

> or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was

> hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids

> have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use

> Dmsa.


> You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter

> what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast

> (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you

> just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't

> going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of

> yeast.


> Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to

> cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous

> system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not

> completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got

> here.


> I disagree that Ala is the last option, many

> have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.


> We chelated with and without a Dan! but we

> designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan!

> had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow

> each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world

> who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that

> ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours

> would still be ASD.




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stools get light when yeast is bad as well and most likly the issues, as you move metals you flare yeast

Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?> To: mb12 valtrex > Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > katherinehands@ yahoo.com > > ===>Hi ,> > There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves > metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not > cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.> > There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, > but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist > or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was > hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids > have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use > Dmsa.> > You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter > what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast > (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you > just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't > going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of > yeast. > > Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to > cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous > system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not > completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got > here.> > I disagree that Ala is the last option, many > have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.> > We chelated with and without a Dan! but we > designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! > had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow > each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world > who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that > ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours > would still be ASD.> > >

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stools get light when yeast is bad as well and most likly the issues, as you move metals you flare yeast

Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?> To: mb12 valtrex > Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > katherinehands@ yahoo.com > > ===>Hi ,> > There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves > metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not > cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.> > There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, > but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist > or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was > hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids > have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use > Dmsa.> > You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter > what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast > (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you > just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't > going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of > yeast. > > Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to > cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous > system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not > completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got > here.> > I disagree that Ala is the last option, many > have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.> > We chelated with and without a Dan! but we > designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! > had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow > each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world > who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that > ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours > would still be ASD.> > >

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stools get light when yeast is bad as well and most likly the issues, as you move metals you flare yeast

Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?> To: mb12 valtrex > Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > katherinehands@ yahoo.com > > ===>Hi ,> > There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves > metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not > cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.> > There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, > but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist > or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was > hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids > have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use > Dmsa.> > You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter > what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast > (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you > just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't > going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of > yeast. > > Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to > cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous > system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not > completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got > here.> > I disagree that Ala is the last option, many > have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.> > We chelated with and without a Dan! but we > designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! > had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow > each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world > who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that > ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours > would still be ASD.> > >

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yeast will present light fluffy, frothy, slimy stools, metals will be black specs for some

Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?To: mb12 valtrex Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM

----- Original Message -----

From: katherinehands@ yahoo.com

===>Hi ,

There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.

There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use Dmsa.

You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of yeast.

Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got here.

I disagree that Ala is the last option, many have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.

We chelated with and without a Dan! but we designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours would still be ASD.

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yeast will present light fluffy, frothy, slimy stools, metals will be black specs for some

Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?To: mb12 valtrex Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM

----- Original Message -----

From: katherinehands@ yahoo.com

===>Hi ,

There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.

There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use Dmsa.

You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of yeast.

Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got here.

I disagree that Ala is the last option, many have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.

We chelated with and without a Dan! but we designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours would still be ASD.

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it can mean many things, undigested food meaning it's ripping your gut up, green can mean bacteria, ornange can be copper comeing out, white can mean yeast, black can mean blood, white can also mean low bile, what colors are you seeing?

Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?> To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com> Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > katherinehands@ yahoo.com > > ===>Hi ,> > There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves > metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not > cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.> > There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, > but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist > or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was > hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids > have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use > Dmsa.> > You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter > what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast > (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you > just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't > going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of > yeast. > > Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to > cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous > system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not > completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got > here.> > I disagree that Ala is the last option, many > have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.> > We chelated with and without a Dan! but we > designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! > had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow > each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world > who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that > ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours > would still be ASD.> > >

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it can mean many things, undigested food meaning it's ripping your gut up, green can mean bacteria, ornange can be copper comeing out, white can mean yeast, black can mean blood, white can also mean low bile, what colors are you seeing?

Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?> To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com> Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > katherinehands@ yahoo.com > > ===>Hi ,> > There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves > metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not > cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.> > There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, > but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist > or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was > hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids > have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use > Dmsa.> > You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter > what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast > (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you > just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't > going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of > yeast. > > Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to > cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous > system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not > completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got > here.> > I disagree that Ala is the last option, many > have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.> > We chelated with and without a Dan! but we > designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! > had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow > each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world > who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that > ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours > would still be ASD.> > >

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i tend to find newbies on gfcf diet tend to go over board and sub out carbs for carbs that there kids were limited to at first with opiates before diet or due to feeling bad about taking away things so they over give carbs. as parents are on those diets longer they learn that it's about balence and not about carbs subbing ect. another reason many dr's have parents wait and do diet first and perfect it before moving to chelation, to make sure diets are balences and minerials coming from places before starting.

Metals need to go first...right?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I wanted to put this out there and make sure.> > > > > > I'm treating my son for food allergies by having him on the gfcf diet, I'm treating him for yeast overgrowth and viral and bacterial overgrowth as well, pretty much all at the same time. I'm also chelating according Andy's protocol. > > > > > > My question ...The yeast, bacteria and viruses are going to keep coming back unless I remove the heavy metal load first.....right? So no matter how under control they seem unless the metals are removed I'm going to see them come back?> > > > > > I guess the reason I'm asking is that this thought process is the foundation of our treatments. Chelation is the center of our healing for our son, and I just wanted to make sure that I am doing things correct.> > > > > > Rose> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Luz Arevalo & Ed Zabin> > zabin.luzed@> > > > > > Directly from the Red Barn. No Viruses Attached. > > Go Green! Resist the temptation to Print this Message.> >>

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Again I ask what causes stools with multiple colors and textures and a weird chemical smell?

From: <Ladyshrink111@ peoplepc. com>Subject: Re: Re: Metals need to go first...right?To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comDate: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:17 AM

----- Original Message -----

From: katherinehands@ yahoo.com

===>Hi ,

There's no evidence to report that EDTA moves metals from the brain to the body and lots of evidence that EDTA does not cross the blood/brain/ barrier or BBB.

There are some kids for whom Ala kicks up yeast, but there are some kids (ours) for whom Dmsa kicked up yeast. There does exist or has existed some hysteria about Ala and yeast, mostly I think this was hysteria directed at Andy Cutler. I say this because just as many or more kids have yeast issues with Dmsa but noone ever suggests(ed) that you don't use Dmsa.

You will get yeast when you chelate, no matter what you use and people have learned how to control it. We had terrible yeast (+4 on the GI Effects stool test) at several points in chelation but you just work through it and you do come out on the other side. I certainly wasn't going to leave my kid developmentally disabled because of a little or lot of yeast.

Ala is the only chelator that has been shown to cross the BBB and remove mercury/metals from the brain and/or central nervous system. Although I have heard of a few kids recovering without it, not completely, not the definition I use for recovery and not the recovery we got here.

I disagree that Ala is the last option, many have used Ala ro recover their kids from the beginning.

We chelated with and without a Dan! but we designed our own chelation protocol and although I did listen to what the Dan! had to say, I did my own research and did not feel compelled to follow each and everything he said. Our Dan! the most wonderful person in the world who would have loved the ppd-nos out of her if he could have, believes that ASD is related to the immune system so if I would have listened to this, ours would still be ASD.

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