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Thank you sweetie, me too, it's killing me. I think it might be time to go to the dr. I hate going to the dr, they always look at you like what do you want me to do about it. Duh - stop the pain - lol! Well a girl has to have a sense of humour about it!

How are you feeling? Any more contractions? Did the bleeding stop? Questions, questions, questions - I hope to hear you are in labour real soon.

Love & hugs,


Re: Jo-Ann

Jo-Ann,Just a quick note to say that I'm thinking of you and hoping you get rid of that awful headache soon!!!Joleen

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Thank you sweetie - I appreciate your thoughts. I'm going to call the dr tomorrow if all else fails.

Love & hugs,


Re: Jo-Ann

Jo-AnnI hope your headaches get better. Get some rest and go to bed early. Hows the baby??Crystal

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thank you sweetie, every vote counts.

Love & hugs,



Hi Jo-Ann,

Just wanted to let you know that I forwarded the page with the baby contest to some friends and asked that they vote for Tessa also!


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Here is the addy to vote - http://www.babiesonline.com/babycontest/votepage.asp?page=49009 - she is on page 9. Everyone should vote until Sunday and then I will know if she goes on to the next round.

I have all kinds of clip art, if you would like to have some just let me know and I will send you some. I can show you how to insert them into your emails. Just let me know.

Love & hugs,


Jo-AnnWill you post the site so I can vote again. When will you find out on Sunday? Does she go to the finals after that?How did you do that cute house mouse and thank you? That was so cool.Pam

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hope you and Wally are having a great day!! Any special plans??? Can you

make any special plans with 4 kids????????? LOL!

Wishing you all the best!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I know I know but it is still hard for me to actually believe that I am pg. Not that the m/s and sore bb shouldn't have convinced me. I mean I know I am but I seriously need to be more careful and limit the more strenuous activities. I was at a funeral this weekend and there were a lot of kids there, and I had forgotten that I had picked a lot of them up and carried them around (another stupid move I know) I promise to be more careful in the future.


10 wks 5 days

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Dana, I moved furniture around when I was pg with . I am a person who cannot stand for all of my furniture to be the same way for too long and I got bored with it one night and moved some things around--none of it too heavy so I didn't think it mattered since I didn't have to strain. But when , my parents, my sister, and my in-laws found out I thought I'd never hear the end of it!! Anyway, sometimes I think it's just a little harder to admit that you cannot do what you were used to doing before. We all want to make sure that we are taking care of our babies but sometimes we do something that comes so natural without even thinking twice. You are definitely not alone in the moving furniture while pg world!!! I did it, and I'm sure there are others... Look... no matter what you do, you won't top me!! I played volleyball when I was past my due date!! LOL Everyone kept telling me activities might help bring on labor so I played and pulled muscle in my side... spent half the night in the hospital checking that I didn't do anything else or wasn't beginning labor. Anyway, from now on just kind of watch what you're doing... think about it first... I know how easy it is to just start something w/o thinking... I still get yelled at about bringing some of our groceries in!! LOL Take care and ((((HUGS)))) Amy 14w, 5dGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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I know what you mean about not believing you are pg. It's so hard when you aren't showing, but within a few months you will have confirmation - hugs!




Jo-Ann, I know I know but it is still hard for me to actually believe that I am pg. Not that the m/s and sore bb shouldn't have convinced me. I mean I know I am but I seriously need to be more careful and limit the more strenuous activities. I was at a funeral this weekend and there were a lot of kids there, and I had forgotten that I had picked a lot of them up and carried them around (another stupid move I know) I promise to be more careful in the future. Dana 10 wks 5 days

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HI Jo-Ann,

I'm so sorry my comment was hurtful to you. After reading it I was very concerned and asked 's opinion on the topic. I only meant to offer input incase others were also worried, and was in no way making fun of you or anyone else. I added the body snatcher comment because 's responses can sometimes be a bit cold and wanted to lighten it up. Again, I'm very sorry that this came across offensively, please believe that was not my intention.


Re: RE:

There is scientific proof that I am really not losing my mind! Thank God!! Thanks for sharing that JoAnn. It would be interesting to see that study, or at least have someone explain it to me, cause right now I don't think I have the mental capability to understand a medical study :)-AmyR

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I must admit that I was very hurt and upset by your recent comments. It could be that I am misreading your messages. Once someone has offended me, I may automatically take offence to whatever comes next.

I would just appreciate that you take into consideration other people's feelings before you hit the send button. I can tell you that I do everytime I send out an email. Because this is a different medium than talking to someone face to face or on the phone.


Re: RE:

There is scientific proof that I am really not losing my mind! Thank God!! Thanks for sharing that JoAnn. It would be interesting to see that study, or at least have someone explain it to me, cause right now I don't think I have the mental capability to understand a medical study :)-AmyR

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Did you get your Yahoo up and running again? If you did, I can walk you through the process. You don't have to worry sweetie, it won't mess up your computer. Let me know, that way you can get into the site and enjoy all the pictures and such.

Love & hugs,


Re: jo-ann

i tried to do that amy and it still kept saying I wasn't a member...

lisa r

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I'll be waiting to see one. I'm sure there has to be at least one somewhere that you like. I know I have at least a couple that I didn't rip up - lol! If you would like you can mail it to me and I will post it to the group for you. I can even mail the picture back to you - let me know.

Love & hugs,




I hate having my picture taking and if I ever come across one where I loook decent, I'll be sure to send it your way!!!

by the way, I try to go to group files to see the pictures and it keeps saying I am not a member!! I tried to re-join and still I am not a member!! Got any suggestions for me??



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Send Jo-Ann a pick of the both of us from your visit! Otherwise I

might threaten sending her one of just you that I have -which by the

way, you look great in!

28 Weeks

P.S. , did you get copies of the pics I sent to you via us mail?

> Jo-Ann,

> I hate having my picture taking and if I ever come across one where

I loook decent, I'll be sure to send it your way!!!


> by the way, I try to go to group files to see the pictures and it

keeps saying I am not a member!! I tried to re-join and still I am

not a member!! Got any suggestions for me??


> Love,

> lisa

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Jo-Ann, Yeah, it will be hard but I think both dh and I have decided not to find out. Now, picking out the names...that will be hard! LOL! You should of seen us trying to name our cats and dog!! ----- : Re: Update on Elle In PregnancyBabiesAfterEctopic@y..., "" <marriaaa@w...>> > > > waited. I think it has had an effect on my DH and now he is> ----- Original Message -----> > > > > From: myeroyse@p...> > > > > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >

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Hi Jo-Ann,

I may have missed something earlier while trying to catch up on posts, is everything okay? You said you were in a fighting mood today (just checking to see if I did anything to upset you..).


These crazy pg hormones--someone slap me!!!

Hi!! Well, I am now going nuts and the only reason for reacting this way (that I can think of) is bc of all of the hormones being all out of whack. I'll start at the semi-beginning. I don't think I mentioned to many people, but one of my best friends is pg and due Dec 28th. She lives in AZ and I think I may have brought up that I was excited that we'd be semi-close and pg together. Well, her mil just called me about 10-15 minutes ago. She is planning Charlene's baby shower for July 1st. She wanted to give me a heads up on the fact that she's not planning it alone. She's asked a friend that Charlene has only known for 2 years (and that she's spent maybe a total of 2 months with bc they have always lived in different states) to help her coordinate the shower-- and the friend is farther from there than I am!! I know it seems silly (which is why I'm blaming the pg hormones) but I'm very offended by this. If Charlene asked ME to be her maid of honor, and told ME about being pg before anyone else, and calls ME at 3 am anytime she's bothered by something... why am I not having any part of planning this celebration of something great coming into her life? It really annoys me and I am about ready to scream. Partly bc of the anger I have over this, but also bc I am angry over this. I think I've completely lost my mind!! Maybe I should be happy... Charlene has told me over and over that she doesn't want the shower bc she doesn't feel like having to deal with all of the people. But I would still like a part in doing something really special for this person I've been friends with for 8 years and have gone through so much with. We've been there for each other during everything, even when I was in NC and she was in La. She was with me ! when I had my first ectopic pregnancy. She was the only person who would let me talk about it. I've tried to repay her for being such a great friend through everything by always being there... and this is just another way I'd like to do that. But, am I involved... Nope. I'm just expected to show up with gifts. Argh!!! Someone slap me for acting this way!!!


17 weeks

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It has nothing to do with you. I'm having a big problem with Sasha's teacher at school and I've been on the phone on and off all day with them. Since the beginning of the school year she refuses to allow the kids to go to the washroom during class. At the beginning of the school year I phoned her and told her that Sasha has a tendency to get bladder infections and she is not to be made to hold it. She said that wasn't a problem. Well I found out differently yesterday. Sasha wasn't telling me because she knows I would have phoned her and she is afraid of being yelled at by this teacher (she yells alot) I also found out yesterday that one little boy literally wet himself (this was a couple of months ago) because she refused to let him go to the washroom. Yesterday during French Sasha asked the other teacher if she could go and she said yes.

When Sasha came back her regular teacher was back and completely flipped out on the poor thing. She called her a selfish, uncaring, sneaking child, who has no consideration for the other children in the class. And that she knows that she didn't really have to go to the washroom, she was just playing around and that she had to stay inside for last recess. Well needless to say I was very upset. I called the school and all hell has broke loose. I haven't like this teacher from the beginning of the year, but I've held my tongue, but no more.

Sorry this is so long, I'll stop now - lol! If you want to know more let me know, otherwise I will just vent quietly to myself.

Love & hugs,


These crazy pg hormones--someone slap me!!!

Hi!! Well, I am now going nuts and the only reason for reacting this way (that I can think of) is bc of all of the hormones being all out of whack. I'll start at the semi-beginning. I don't think I mentioned to many people, but one of my best friends is pg and due Dec 28th. She lives in AZ and I think I may have brought up that I was excited that we'd be semi-close and pg together. Well, her mil just called me about 10-15 minutes ago. She is planning Charlene's baby shower for July 1st. She wanted to give me a heads up on the fact that she's not planning it alone. She's asked a friend that Charlene has only known for 2 years (and that she's spent maybe a total of 2 months with bc they have always lived in different states) to help her coordinate the shower-- and the friend is farther from there than I am!! I know it seems silly (which is why I'm blaming the pg hormones) but I'm very offended by this. If Charlene asked ME to be her maid of honor, and told ME about being pg before anyone else, and calls ME at 3 am anytime she's bothered by something... why am I not having any part of planning this celebration of something great coming into her life? It really annoys me and I am about ready to scream. Partly bc of the anger I have over this, but also bc I am angry over this. I think I've completely lost my mind!! Maybe I should be happy... Charlene has told me over and over that she doesn't want the shower bc she doesn't feel like having to deal with all of the people. But I would still like a part in doing something really special for this person I've been friends with for 8 years and have gone through so much with. We've been there for each other during everything, even when I was in NC and she was in La. She was with me ! when I had my first ectopic pregnancy. She was the only person who would let me talk about it. I've tried to repay her for being such a great friend through everything by always being there... and this is just another way I'd like to do that. But, am I involved... Nope. I'm just expected to show up with gifts. Argh!!! Someone slap me for acting this way!!!


17 weeks

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OMG how freaking crazy is that?? Isn't there a law or something that says you can't torture children at school. I mean I can't imagine having to "go" and not being allowed to. YIKES!! But I am sure glad you let them have it...


13 weeks 1 day

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OMG!! I can;t believe Sasha's teacher. I think that is totally cruel

and uncalled for. I remember when I was in high school they did that

because of girls smoking in the bathroom. I was totally freaked. I

think it makes it worse when you know you are not allowed to go. I

hope the school decides to take your side.


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Woo hoo - 13 weeks - goodbye first trimester - congratulations sweetie.

I let them have it alright. And trust me it's not over. I'm now writing a letter to make sure that no more of my children get put her class. This year has been a nightmare. Sasha has on many morning been literally crying saying she doesn't want to go to school because her teacher had yelled at her the day before for something. That's just not right, school is suppose to be fun. She is only in grade 2 for crying out loud. I just don't want this affecting her attitude about school - if you know what I mean.

Love & hugs,


Re: Jo-Ann

Jo-Ann, OMG how freaking crazy is that?? Isn't there a law or something that says you can't torture children at school. I mean I can't imagine having to "go" and not being allowed to. YIKES!! But I am sure glad you let them have it... Dana 13 weeks 1 day

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I phoned the school this morning and told the principal that I want a meeting with him and her teacher. I'm going to take a tape recorder in my pocket when I have the meeting, if I don't get the results that I want or I feel they are being unfair, I'm going directly to the school board - do not pass go, do not collect $200 - lol! I don't think they know who they are screwing with here. Bitch on wheels - look out.

Love & hugs,


Re: Jo-Ann

JoAnn, UGH! The nerve of that teacher... I am glad you let her have it! That is absolutely ridiculous. {{{HUGS}}}

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