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Re: Homosexuality in Primitives

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(I like that name, my middle name is )

Celibacy, a Roman Catholic doctrine, is not in Scripture. Yes, some men

like have a gift in which they remain unmarried to accomplish what the Lord

wanted him to do. was married. There are verses in the gospels where Jesus

heals 's mother-in-law. But NO man is forbidden in Scripture to NOT marry.

Thats false doctrine.

Masterjohn <chrismasterjohn@...> wrote:

On 2/16/07, jesusfirst369 <jesusfirst369@...> wrote:

> Why are you so touchy and protective of homosexuality? Are you

> protective of your own sexual orientation? But IT IS COMMON SENSE

> that sex is meant between a man and a woman. If we all went " homo " ,

> our species would die off. It is abnormal because if we all did it we

> COULDN'T REPRODUCE. One man, one woman, the perfect fit.

Our species would die out if we all became celibate priests too.

Didn't St. wish that all could be chaste, but allowed that

marriage was good, to save them from burning with passion?



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and Gene,

answer me one simple question, if you can without being offended or calling me a

bigot, or using my faith against me....

if it is not abnormal or if it is not necessary to maintain the human species,

then why are we all not the same sex? In other words. if it really doesn't

matter...why are there females and males? What is the reason for the

distinction between the two?

Re: Homosexuality in Primitives


> ,

> Why are you so touchy and protective of homosexuality? Are you

> protective of your own sexual orientation?

As I mentioned in another post in this thread, yes, I am a gay man.

> But IT IS COMMON SENSE that sex is meant between a man and a

> woman. If we all went " homo " , our species would die off. It

> is abnormal because if we all did it we COULDN'T REPRODUCE.

> One man, one woman, the perfect fit.

All you're doing there is extrapolating out to a ridiculous and

unrealistic extreme and basing your judgment on that. One can just as

easily condemn bus drivers because if everyone were a bus driver,

there'd be no one to grow our food, and humanity would starve to

death. It is therefore COMMON SENSE that bus drivers are evil!

From a rational and realistic perspective, it is clear that survival

of our species does not require that every individual human reproduce.

That a few percent of humans, for whatever reason, do not reproduce

has done absolutely nothing to hinder our success as a species.

Additionally, homosexuality does not equate sterility. There are lots

of homosexual men and women who have taken part in procreation, and

not always via heterosexual coitus.

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Sorry, I had no idea you were gay. I thought you had some friends that

were gay or something but......anyways. I apologize. Since we're both biased, it

will do no good to argue and argue over this. I don't want us to keep bickering

at each other for no reason. Thanks for the discussion. God bless and I hope

your safe in Christ.


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You have a point. Sex is not EXACTLY a " mental choice " ; it's more

" mental arousal " . But here's what I believe according to MY religious beliefs.

Homosexuality is a CHOICE. There telling us nowadays that people are born with a

desire for the same sex. Are people born with a desire to commit adultery or

fornication? Yes, all men are. Therefore, all men have the capability, IF THEY

GIVE IN TO THE FLESH, to commit adultery, fornication, sodomy(homosexuality),

lasciviousness, etc. We are all sinners. NONE of us are perfect by any means. A

homosexual or not, we are all equal in the eyes of God. The difference is

whether one come's to Christ or not.

Budda is in a tomb. Muhammed is in a tomb. Weston A. Price is dead.

Every primitive that ate a " perfect " diet eventually died. But Christ rose from

His tomb. Five hundred witnesses saw him alive with holes in His hands and feet.

And now that He is alive, he is offering salvation to ALL who will believe. Much



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Gene, I don't know what mail program you use.

But I read this group on the web and your posts are unreadable

because i can't distinguish your thoughts from others'.

Just letting you know.


> >> > I think that you know what is meant, and you either think that

> >> > intolerance of women, homosexuals, blacks, Martians, whomever,

is a

> >> > very bad thing or you don¹t. It appears that you don¹t.

> >

> > ³Gene,

> >

> > Actually, I'm tolerant of just about anything that doesn't cause


> > to someone else. It's OK with me if someone wants to eat their


> > flesh or commit suicide. Maybe I'm too tolerant :)²

> >

> > Well, I must confess that I¹m constantly tempted by the former,

and not the

> > latter...perhaps that¹s abnormal.

> >

> > I believe that intolerance of people because of who they are

causes tremendous

> > harm in this world. The dehumanization of people because of their

race, their

> > sex, their sexual orientation, their beliefs, etc, has caused

tremendous harm

> > ­ physical, cultural, psychological, and many multisyllabic words

that I¹m too

> > drunk to spell.

> >

> > I think that there is a fundamental difference between

intolerance of this,

> > and intolerance of this kind of intolerance.

> >

> > ³Just because I tolerate something doesn't mean I think it's

right or

> > that it's what I would choose to do. ³

> >

> > Well, not that you would choose to do it, but if you think it¹s

wrong, what

> > good comes of tolerating it? What if you think that it¹s very

wrong, and

> > causes tremendous harm? What good comes of tolerating it?

> >

> > ³ Sexual preferences among

> > consenting adults or even sexual abstinence certainly causes no


> > In fact, I see a benefit from more sex that does not result in

> > procreation, because there's getting to be way too many of us on


> > planet to support a sustainable healthy lifestyle and environment


> > the masses. To avoid more pollution, pestilence, famine, murder,


> > war, we definitely need to find more civil ways to limit


> > Reducing procreation is a big plus here.²

> >

> > Well, coincidentally, my desire to eat my own flesh is a half

hearted attempt

> > to limit the population. Not in the sense that it¹s suicidal, but

since I¹m

> > not married and procreating, and don¹t feel like suicide or

murder, eating my

> > own flesh is the best I can do.

> >

> > ³Tolerance helps to minimize the murder and war parts too!²

> >

> > Well, practically, being intolerant of bigotry doesn¹t do

anything to increase

> > murder and war if you are not inciting people to violence and

war. So, I get

> > to have my flesh and eat it too.

> >

> > ³As far as the original topic of diet and sexual preference, my


> > uneducated GUESS is that diet might at most have a minor


> > But I have no evidence. Perhaps some individuals might want to


> > out a diet that enhances their sexual preference - if there is

such a

> > diet. I see no harm in trying to determine which type of dietary

> > factors might favor which type of sexual preference, if this is


> > possible.²

> >

> > Well, this obviously falls into the general category of diet

enhancing one¹s

> > health, which is a good way to think of it.

> >

> > ³My preference is to find a diet that leads to optimal health.²

> >

> > ah ­ didn¹t I just say that? Well, I guess you hadn¹t read my

reply yet...

> >

> > ³And I think just about everyone would agree that optimal health

> > includes enhanced libido. Especially at my age :)

> >

> > Well, yes. I think that we generally know when we feel good....

> >

> > I think that the original topic was that you essentially called

me a hypocrite

> > for calling someone who dehumanized homsexuals a bigot. I respect

what you say

> > in this post, but I don¹t see anything to really back up the

previous post.

> >

> > Gene

> >





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--------- Re: Homosexuality in Primitives




> >

> > ,

> > Why are you so touchy and protective of homosexuality? Are you

> > protective of your own sexual orientation?


> As I mentioned in another post in this thread, yes, I am a gay man.


> > But IT IS COMMON SENSE that sex is meant between a man and a

> > woman. If we all went " homo " , our species would die off. It

> > is abnormal because if we all did it we COULDN'T REPRODUCE.

> > One man, one woman, the perfect fit.


> All you're doing there is extrapolating out to a ridiculous and

> unrealistic extreme and basing your judgment on that. One can just as

> easily condemn bus drivers because if everyone were a bus driver,

> there'd be no one to grow our food, and humanity would starve to

> death. It is therefore COMMON SENSE that bus drivers are evil!


> From a rational and realistic perspective, it is clear that survival

> of our species does not require that every individual human reproduce.

> That a few percent of humans, for whatever reason, do not reproduce

> has done absolutely nothing to hinder our success as a species.

> Additionally, homosexuality does not equate sterility. There are lots

> of homosexual men and women who have taken part in procreation, and

> not always via heterosexual coitus.







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> and Gene,

> answer me one simple question, if you can without being

> offended or calling me a bigot, or using my faith against me....

> if it is not abnormal or if it is not necessary to maintain the

> human species, then why are we all not the same sex?

> In other words. if it really doesn't matter...why are there

> females and males? What is the reason for the distinction

> between the two?

We're not all the same sex because our species does not reproduce


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lol.....you blow my mind Gene...if there is no God...there can possibly be no

satan...still waiting on your answer for my question

Re: Re: Homosexuality in Primitives

yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hail Satan!

-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: <jesusfirst369@...>

> ,

> The Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of the Living God. It says in

> Romans 1:28, " And according as they did not like to retain God in their

> knowledge(homosexuals), God gave them up to a reprobate mind. " Reprobate can


> defined as ' a mind void of moral discernment.' I'm not trying to be

> controversial. Homosexuals are equal to fornicators, adulterers, ect. If


> is doing that, they need to come to Christ. It's sexual sin. They need to


> to Christ. No matter how " intelligent " someone may be; they are not immune


> the flesh(sinful desires). I believe what Weston A. Price found was an

> excellent discovery but I'm sure he didn't want his work to come between

> people's spiritual needs. I know some of those missionaries in his day were

> bringing processed foods to the primitives( and that was stupid) but I'm


> those primitives will be thankful for all eternity for the prized Treasure


> the missionaries brought them, Christ.




> Stanley <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote:


> >

> > I don't believe homosexuals are physically malnourished but

> > SPRITUALLY and MENTALLY malnourished.


> I can understand how your belief in primitive tribal superstition

> would lead to the belief that homosexuals are spiritually

> malnourished, but what evidence do you have that homosexuals are

> mentally malnourished? After all, some of humankind's greatest

> thinkers and creative giants have been homosexuals.







> ---------------------------------

> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.



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-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: " cbrown2008 " <cbrown2008@...>

> Gene, I don't know what mail program you use.

> But I read this group on the web and your posts are unreadable

> because i can't distinguish your thoughts from others'.


> Just letting you know.


> Connie

Thanks - I often have the same difficulty, especially when drinking.

Yeah - I don't know what the issue is - the posts often come in without this

differentiation, and I put quote marks in...but apparently that doesn't do any


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isn't an asexual person one who has no sex organs?

Re: Homosexuality in Primitives


> and Gene,

> answer me one simple question, if you can without being

> offended or calling me a bigot, or using my faith against me....

> if it is not abnormal or if it is not necessary to maintain the

> human species, then why are we all not the same sex?

> In other words. if it really doesn't matter...why are there

> females and males? What is the reason for the distinction

> between the two?

We're not all the same sex because our species does not reproduce


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--------- Re: Re: Homosexuality in Primitives




> yeah, yeah, yeah.


> Hail Satan!


> -------------- Original message ----------------------

> From: <jesusfirst369@...>

> > ,

> > The Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of the Living God. It says in

> > Romans 1:28, " And according as they did not like to retain God in their

> > knowledge(homosexuals), God gave them up to a reprobate mind. " Reprobate


> be

> > defined as ' a mind void of moral discernment.' I'm not trying to be

> > controversial. Homosexuals are equal to fornicators, adulterers, ect. If

> someone

> > is doing that, they need to come to Christ. It's sexual sin. They need to

> come

> > to Christ. No matter how " intelligent " someone may be; they are not immune

> to

> > the flesh(sinful desires). I believe what Weston A. Price found was an

> > excellent discovery but I'm sure he didn't want his work to come between

> > people's spiritual needs. I know some of those missionaries in his day


> > bringing processed foods to the primitives( and that was stupid) but I'm

> sure

> > those primitives will be thankful for all eternity for the prized Treasure

> that

> > the missionaries brought them, Christ.

> >

> >

> >

> > Stanley <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > I don't believe homosexuals are physically malnourished but

> > > SPRITUALLY and MENTALLY malnourished.

> >

> > I can understand how your belief in primitive tribal superstition

> > would lead to the belief that homosexuals are spiritually

> > malnourished, but what evidence do you have that homosexuals are

> > mentally malnourished? After all, some of humankind's greatest

> > thinkers and creative giants have been homosexuals.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> > in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.

> >

> >

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> >

> > and Gene,

> > answer me one simple question, if you can without being

> > offended or calling me a bigot, or using my faith against me....

> > if it is not abnormal or if it is not necessary to maintain the

> > human species, then why are we all not the same sex?

> > In other words. if it really doesn't matter...why are there

> > females and males? What is the reason for the distinction

> > between the two?


> We're not all the same sex because our species does not reproduce

> asexually.







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gotcha..and thanks

Re: Homosexuality in Primitives

> >

> > and Gene,

> > answer me one simple question, if you can without being

> > offended or calling me a bigot, or using my faith against me....

> > if it is not abnormal or if it is not necessary to maintain the

> > human species, then why are we all not the same sex?

> > In other words. if it really doesn't matter...why are there

> > females and males? What is the reason for the distinction

> > between the two?


> We're not all the same sex because our species does not reproduce

> asexually.







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> answer me one simple question, if you can without being offended or calling

> me a bigot, or using my faith against me....

> if it is not abnormal or if it is not necessary to maintain the human

> species, then why are we all not the same sex? In other words. if it really

> doesn't matter...why are there females and males? What is the reason for

> the distinction between the two?

From a strictly biological perspective, sexuality allows for a greater

degree of genetic diversity within the population, which allows it to

accomodate changes in the environment in a way that will ensure at

least some of the members of the population survive those changes.

The drawback to sexuality is that it is more resource-intensive

(finding and attracting a mate for example) and tends to take longer

than asexual reproduction. Because there are benefits and drawbacks,

there are species that produce sexually and others that reproduce


God meant us to live in communities, not as individuals, and evolution

occurs at the population level, not the level of the individual or of

the mating pair. From either perspective or from one that integrates

both, there are niches within the community besides reproduction that

further the survival of the species and community. Many of those are

social. The most obvious physiological evidence that God designed it

this way and evolution proved it adaptive is menopause -- humans and

whales are the only two species to my knowledge that have a stage of

life that involves purposeful reproductive incapacitation. This

allows the grandmas to play a supportive and important role in the

community that is different from the role mothers play. Societies,

whether they encourage or discourage homosexuality or remain neutral

to it, have always produced and always will produce certain

professions for non-reproducing members that allow them to contribute

to the good of the society and its success. Such roles include

shamans, eunuchs and priests. In our society, we have a great

diversity of roles that allows many people to contribute to the

survival of the society regardless of reproduction. Rulers,

technocrats, business people, doctors, scientists, artists and so on

can be reproducers or non-reproducers. If they reproduce, they play

an additional role but the role that they play in support of the

survival and quality of the society is independent.

If every single member of the society filled a non-reproducing role,

the society would collapse. Likewise, if women were menopausal from

birth, the society would collapse. However, we still benefit from

having celibate priests and grandmothers because there is a natural

balance that precludes the non-reproducing stages of life or community

niches from becoming dominant over the reproducing niches.



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you have a way of explaining things that makes it very easy to understand.

thank you

Re: Re: Homosexuality in Primitives


> answer me one simple question, if you can without being offended or calling

> me a bigot, or using my faith against me....

> if it is not abnormal or if it is not necessary to maintain the human

> species, then why are we all not the same sex? In other words. if it really

> doesn't matter...why are there females and males? What is the reason for

> the distinction between the two?

From a strictly biological perspective, sexuality allows for a greater

degree of genetic diversity within the population, which allows it to

accomodate changes in the environment in a way that will ensure at

least some of the members of the population survive those changes.

The drawback to sexuality is that it is more resource-intensive

(finding and attracting a mate for example) and tends to take longer

than asexual reproduction. Because there are benefits and drawbacks,

there are species that produce sexually and others that reproduce


God meant us to live in communities, not as individuals, and evolution

occurs at the population level, not the level of the individual or of

the mating pair. From either perspective or from one that integrates

both, there are niches within the community besides reproduction that

further the survival of the species and community. Many of those are

social. The most obvious physiological evidence that God designed it

this way and evolution proved it adaptive is menopause -- humans and

whales are the only two species to my knowledge that have a stage of

life that involves purposeful reproductive incapacitation. This

allows the grandmas to play a supportive and important role in the

community that is different from the role mothers play. Societies,

whether they encourage or discourage homosexuality or remain neutral

to it, have always produced and always will produce certain

professions for non-reproducing members that allow them to contribute

to the good of the society and its success. Such roles include

shamans, eunuchs and priests. In our society, we have a great

diversity of roles that allows many people to contribute to the

survival of the society regardless of reproduction. Rulers,

technocrats, business people, doctors, scientists, artists and so on

can be reproducers or non-reproducers. If they reproduce, they play

an additional role but the role that they play in support of the

survival and quality of the society is independent.

If every single member of the society filled a non-reproducing role,

the society would collapse. Likewise, if women were menopausal from

birth, the society would collapse. However, we still benefit from

having celibate priests and grandmothers because there is a natural

balance that precludes the non-reproducing stages of life or community

niches from becoming dominant over the reproducing niches.



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> > (who incidentally doubts that this post will ever make it through b/c

> mine

> > never do, but nonetheless knows quite a bit too much about women's

> cycles,

> > unfortunately)


> Well I got it. Mine always go through, I guess because I know so

> little about women's cycles. :-)

LOL! Perhaps!

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> Now if adding the hormone progesterone to our bodies could do that, I

> would think any hormone off kilter could do something. I would take it

> there have never been definative tests on homosexual's hormones to show a

> correlation of too much of this or that causes a trend to one way or

> another. Have they ever had a high testosterone gay guy?

Not here, but hormones being off kilter certainly has an impact. You

don't have to look any further than a farily common disorder in women -

PCOS. If insulin's off than the rest of the hormones are many times off as

well (estrogen, progesterone, DHEAS, and testosterone in this example). I'm

not knowledgeable enough to know if you can carry that furhter down this

line, but hormone imbalance certainly has an impact on health/well being.

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" As for animals " - The oral behavior in animals is first their version

of personal hygiene. After that, well they really don't care who

they mount, male or female. And females will mount each other in heat.

Oregon State University is currently doing research on changing

" gay " (their term) sheep to mate with females by inserting

hormones into their brains. The research is hard to get to and may even

be stopped due to the outcry of gay activist who do not want the

research to continue. The social stigma and lack of funding to this

type of research may be why there is so few, if any, answers to what

and how the hormones contribute to homosexuality.




> And as for animals, they're animals. They lick their butts and stuff

that people wouldn't do. Cows will mount cows and they can't derive any

pleasure out of that. I think it's more of a reaction in animals than an

action. They feel the urge and whatever is close by will do. Such as a

dog on a person's leg. I think in animal's it's nothing but a primative

urge. I would think normal humans would be beyond that, otherwise people

would be doing it out in public with anything, animal, vegetable or

mineral whenever the urge arose.


>> Lorie



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Homosexuals would also assist in childrearing (being uncles & aunts,

ie) in a primitive society and thus aid in the survival of the whole

group (to an extent, in their small numbers, that would actually go

beyond the beneficial effect on the group's survival if they instead

chose to reproduce themselves). There's also the stress-relieving

effect and the (documented) gender-bridging role that homosexuals

perform in many primitive societies.


> ,


> > answer me one simple question, if you can without being offended

or calling

> > me a bigot, or using my faith against me....

> > if it is not abnormal or if it is not necessary to maintain the


> > species, then why are we all not the same sex? In other words. if

it really

> > doesn't matter...why are there females and males? What is the

reason for

> > the distinction between the two?


> From a strictly biological perspective, sexuality allows for a


> degree of genetic diversity within the population, which allows it


> accomodate changes in the environment in a way that will ensure at

> least some of the members of the population survive those changes.

> The drawback to sexuality is that it is more resource-intensive

> (finding and attracting a mate for example) and tends to take longer

> than asexual reproduction. Because there are benefits and


> there are species that produce sexually and others that reproduce

> sexually.


> God meant us to live in communities, not as individuals, and


> occurs at the population level, not the level of the individual or


> the mating pair. From either perspective or from one that


> both, there are niches within the community besides reproduction


> further the survival of the species and community. Many of those


> social. The most obvious physiological evidence that God designed


> this way and evolution proved it adaptive is menopause -- humans and

> whales are the only two species to my knowledge that have a stage of

> life that involves purposeful reproductive incapacitation. This

> allows the grandmas to play a supportive and important role in the

> community that is different from the role mothers play. Societies,

> whether they encourage or discourage homosexuality or remain neutral

> to it, have always produced and always will produce certain

> professions for non-reproducing members that allow them to


> to the good of the society and its success. Such roles include

> shamans, eunuchs and priests. In our society, we have a great

> diversity of roles that allows many people to contribute to the

> survival of the society regardless of reproduction. Rulers,

> technocrats, business people, doctors, scientists, artists and so on

> can be reproducers or non-reproducers. If they reproduce, they play

> an additional role but the role that they play in support of the

> survival and quality of the society is independent.


> If every single member of the society filled a non-reproducing role,

> the society would collapse. Likewise, if women were menopausal from

> birth, the society would collapse. However, we still benefit from

> having celibate priests and grandmothers because there is a natural

> balance that precludes the non-reproducing stages of life or


> niches from becoming dominant over the reproducing niches.


> Chris

> --

> The Truth About Cholesterol

> Find Out What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You:

> http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com


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so are you saying hormones only have an effect on impotence

and not on attraction?



> Jan,


> > Hormones are a large part of our sexuality, sexual behavior, and

> > attraction (Do we need citations on this?). Of course one would

> > suspect that hormones will have an impact on sexual behavior,

> > heterosexual or homosexual. I would like to see just one study


> > concludes that hormones do NOT have any effect at all on sexual

> > behavior.


> No one is disputing this. High estrogen and deficient testosterone

> probably causes gynecomastia and impotence in gay men just like it

> does in straight ones.


> Chris

> --

> The Truth About Cholesterol

> Find Out What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You:

> http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com


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> Oregon State University is currently doing research on

> changing " gay " (their term) sheep to mate with females by

> inserting hormones into their brains. The research is hard

> to get to and may even be stopped due to the outcry of gay

> activist who do not want the research to continue.

I don't really understand why all the fuss is being made by activists

over that. From what I've read, that research is being conducted in

the context of animal husbandry and isn't even applicable to human

sexuality. I can certainly understand why a farmer would need to

discourage that trait in animals that are needed for breeding. Isn't a

stud ram that goes ewwwwwwwww! at a ewe just a worthless, money-losing


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Being born of Semitic decent is not a choice, but practicing the

Jewish religion is certainly both a choice and a behavior.


I took Jews meaning from Israel, not the religion. I know Sammy Jr.

studied Jewish religion. And not being a Jew, I also have heard that some Jew's

do not consider non blood Jew's, Jews and I don't know what that's all about.

But I was thinking along the lines of the whole nutrition thing. No matter what

nutrition you had if your mother and father were black, you couldn't choose to

be white. Or vice versa. But sex, is a choice, a behaviour. We don't even

have to have sex to live. If someone was stranded on a remote island and left

with enough food and water for survival and were by themselves they wouldn't die

because of not having sex. I think that sometimes the behavoiur of sex takes

too much of a priority, even though it's such a small part of an otherwise

meaningful life.

But I have heard countless times from gays on tv saying they wouldn't choose to

be gay. But yet if someone tries to come up with what might be a solution to

thier problem, they get angry. This I don't understand.

If someone came up with a diet pill that really worked, I'd be on it like white

on rice. I would think if a scientist came up with a pill that could turn a gay

man straight they would want to get on it ASAP, if they really were sincere on

not really wanting to be gay. Both are behaviours that either don't want, one

over eating the other the attraction to the same sex.


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" A more logical interpretation would be that there is a brain chemistry

component specifically related to the receptors and interpretors of

pheremones. "

But if your standard is straight males and straight females, and you have a gay

male as the test subject, and the test subject's brain acts more like a female,

and the female has a higher percentage of estrogen, that would be the way I'd

logically interpret it.

" What is your evidence that estrogen levels determine reactions to

pheremones? Wouldn't it be much more direct evidence to show that gay

men have higher estrogen levels? "

Exactly. And if the norm (being a much larger population of the same species

and sex doesn't have a higher estrogen level), then you'd need to find out why

these certain males do.

I wonder if they are less prone to depression than those who don't.

" If they did, how would you interpret this vis-a-vis the hormonal cause

of homosexuality? "

That wouldn't determine the hormonal cause but it might help those who are

suffering from the depression. And from there maybe science could extrapolate

the hormonal imbalances and possible ways to treat the condition.


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> so are you saying hormones only have an effect on impotence

> and not on attraction?

Not at all -- I'm sure gay men with high estrogen and low testosterone

would have a decreased libido too.

Testosterone is a major modulator of libido in both men and women.

But in heterosexual men it increases desire for women and in

heterosexual women it increases desire for men.

For some reason you seem stuck on the " well, hormones obviously play a

role in sexuality " bit and in the absolutely absurd notion that

political correctness is stopping anyone from researching the

connection between hormones and sexuality. As I've stated at least a

half dozen times, the last time with all sorts of capital letters and

asterisks to try to bring attention to it, there are several hundred

studies on hormones and homosexuality. Why don't you look at a few of

them, see if you find support for the idea that estrogen could induce

homosexuality, and report back to us.

Again, the question is not whether " hormones have to do with

sexuality. " It is whether or not the balance of hormones influences

the specific content of the sexuality -- e.g. the deisre for men

versus the desire for women. That's the premise that underlies the

question of whether soy, for example, could cause homosexuality, as

has been suggested.



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Ok I did: " Why don't you look at a few of them, see if you

find support for the idea that estrogen could induce homosexuality, and

report back to us " . But MY position is not that estrogen could

*induce* homosexuality, but that the level or balance of estrogen and

other hormones *could* contribute to it – specifically in the

pre-natal period. I specifically objected to your condescending way of

talking to those who suggest that there is possibly a connection. And,

after doing some research it appears you missed some, so with an open

mind you may want to review the following research.

BTW, these are the types of statements I am referring to:

>Then will you please come up with some shred of evidence that

> >increased estrogen or phytoestrogens is actually involved in

> >homosexuality rather than exploiting the intuitive non-science-based

> >association between estrogen, femininity and male homosexuality?>>

> You mean " actually involved " in sexual *identification*? Are you

> kidding? Hormones and sexuality connected. Absurd, of course!

What is absurd is that there are over 350 studies on the relationship

between hormones and sexuality indexed for PubMed and that rather than

look into it and see if there is any established connection for a

hormonal cause for homosexuality, those who advocate this position

simply refuse to look for any of it and nevertheless continue to

appeal to popular prejudice about hormones and popular prejudice about

sexuality such as estrogen's association with women and therefore

femininity, and male homosexuality's association with femininity.

This is not science, but appeals to intuitive concepts that are in

some ways not even correct. Estrogen is essential for bone-building

in men and women, but no one thinks that homosexuality must be caused

by estrogen because homosexuals have such strong bones. But it is

very easy to allude to the common perception that estrogen is a

woman's hormone and that women are feminine and that gay men are

either feminine or woman-like.

I think I've been extremely clear that I did a very, very quick and

very random look at the three most recent results that came up, every

single one of which refuted the high estrogen--> homosexuality theory.

I'm very, very open to the possibility that there is evidence that

supports this theory, but I would think that if there is, someone

advocating the position should find some of it.

The only thing that has

been offered is the appeal to associations between estrogen,

femininity, femaleness and male sexuality that demonstrate a

fundamental physiological ignorance of hormones and a ridiculous

equivocation between femaleness and male homosexuality.

There are, however, several hundred studies

indexed for medline on hormones and homosexuality. I'm not too

interested in it so I haven't looked at most of them, although one of

them is a recent review that concluded there was no good evidence for

a consistent relationship between hormones and homosexuality (don't

know if the conclusion was valid or not).

And this is why:

There are more than " just one shred of evidence " of the

imbalance of hormones - both testosterone and Estradiol

[(17β-estradiol) (also oestradiol) is a sex hormone. Labelled the

" female " hormone but also present in males, it represents the major

estrogen in humans. Estradiol has not only a critical impact on

reproductive and sexual functioning, but also affects other organs

including bone structure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estradiol

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estradiol> ]

affecting the sexual orientation of people. While you were putting

people down for among other things; " appeal to popular prejudice

about hormones " , you must have failed to actually read the studies.

You stated " although one of them is a recent review that concluded

there was no good evidence for a consistent relationship between

hormones and homosexuality (don't know if the conclusion was valid or

not). "

But apparently you did not read the rest of the article (printed below)

which states: " Since the 1970s, hormonal theories emerged which

concentrated on differences in prenatal hormone levels (see Ellis &

Ames, 1987). Many studies have shown that abnormal levels of some

prenatal hormones can lead to an increased chance of homosexuality in an

individual "

You then said to me:

" For some reason you seem stuck on the " well, hormones obviously

play a

role in sexuality " bit and in the absolutely absurd notion that

political correctness is stopping anyone from researching the

connection between hormones and sexuality. As I've stated at least a

half dozen times, the last time with all sorts of capital letters and

asterisks to try to bring attention to it, there are several hundred

studies on hormones and homosexuality. Why don't you look at a few of

them, see if you find support for the idea that estrogen could induce

homosexuality, and report back to us. "

Did you actually READ those articles? I know you are usually a

good researcher, but this was really obvious. I found these in the

first page of results. Maybe there was something wrong with your search

engine? Here are some of those studies and it's very clear that

there IS a definite possibility, if not probability, that the level of

hormones and the balance between testosterone and estradiol during

pre-natal development *COULD* have an effect on sexual orientation. No

one is saying it CAUSES homosexuality, only that it could contribute to


" Neurohormonal theories

Early studies of hormonal influences on sexual orientation concentrated

on levels of circulating sex hormones in adults. Different

investigations reported conflicting results (see Ruse, 1988), and, in

general, little evidence has been found for consistent differences in

the levels of these hormones in homosexuals compared to heterosexuals.

Since the 1970s, hormonal theories emerged which concentrated on

differences in prenatal hormone levels (see Ellis & Ames, 1987). Many

studies have shown that abnormal levels of some prenatal hormones can

lead to an increased chance of homosexuality in an individual (e.g.

Dörner et al. 1983, Money et al. 1984, Ehrhardt et al. 1985).

Ellis and Ames (1987) have proposed a very comprehensive gestational

neurohormonal theory of human sexual orientation, which deals with the

genesis of heterosexuality as well as homosexuality. They propose that

sexual orientation is primarily determined by the degree to which the

nervous system is exposed to testosterone, estradiol, and to certain

other sex hormones while neuro-organization is taking place,

predominantly between the middle of the second and the end of the fifth

month of gestation. According to this theory, " complex combinations of

genetic, hormonal, neurological, and environmental factors operating

prior to birth largely determine what an individual's (adult) sexual

orientation will be. "

This theory makes many testable predictions, e.g. that homosexuality

should primarily be a male phenomenon, that homosexuals should have

higher frequencies of other sexual inversions than heterosexuals, that

relationships between parents and homosexual offspring may be strained

and/or assume some cross-sex characteristics, and that homosexuality

should reflect a significant degree of heritability (as hormone

production and action is under significant genetic control). Such

predictions seem to agree with previous research and general intuitions

regarding homosexuality.

In addition, as prenatal testosterone levels are of great importance

according to the theory, and as, during the proposed critical period,

intra-uterine testosterone is primarily of foetal, rather than maternal,

origin, this theory could explain the observed differences in

concordance rates for sexual orientation between monozygotic and

dizygotic twins. According to such an explanation, the increased

concordance in monozygotic twins is due to their greater similarity in

prenatal hormone production (both in quantity and in timing) and hormone

control; processes which are under significant genetic control.

Support for the gestational neurohormonal theory includes a recent study

(LeVay, 1991) which reported a difference in hypothalamic structure

between heterosexual and homosexual men, although Ellis and Ames warn

that several decades of intense, further research may be required to

adequately test the theory. "



" Research in Britain, America, and Germany has all confirmed that a

prenatal exposure to deficiency of testosterone increases the likelihood

of a man becoming homosexual. Men with an extra X chromosome and men

exposed in the womb to female hormones are more likely to be gay or

effeminate, and effeminate boys do indeed grow up to be gay more often

than other boys.

" Yalom et al. (1973) studied 20 16-year old boys of diabetic mothers,

who had received estrogen or progesterone during pregnancy. These boys

showed less heterosexuality and less masculinity than 20 control boys.

Women exposed prenatally via their pregnant mothers to

diethylstilbestrol (DES, a synthetic nonsteroidal estrogen with

masculinizing effects in female mammals) received higher ratings of

homosexual behavior (Ehrhardt et al., 1985) "



" Indications are that sex orientation in humans depends critically

upon the hormone balance prevailing during the third and fourth months

of pregnancy, while secondary sex characteristics and sex-typical

behaviour patterns are influenced more by hormones circulating during

the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy. If the hormone balance changes

from one phase of foetal development to the next, inconsistencies

between sexual orientation and sex-role behaviour may be observed. Sex

orientation is fixed relatively early in the old 'limbic' part of the

brain, whereas sex-role behaviours are laid down later on in pregnancy

in more diverse, 'newer' parts of the brain. "



" Larkin's team also found that the hypothalamic region had a rich

supply of the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone into

oestrogen. It is in this form that the hormone interacts with the brain.

This may help support one theory that sexual orientation, in part at

least, may be related to the hormones present during fetal development,

says Balthazart. "



" I believe there are many social and psychological, as well as

biological, factors that make up sexual preference. " ... " Having said

that, these data do suggest that there are some people in the world who

are gay because of fetal androgen levels. " - Marc Breedlove, professor

of psychology



" The hormonal theory of sexuality holds that, just as exposure to

certain hormones plays a role in fetal sex differentiation

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differentiation> , such exposure also

influences the sexual orientation

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_orientation> that emerges later in

the adult. Fetal hormones may be seen as the primary determiner of adult

sexual orientation, or a co-factor with genes and/or environmental and

social conditions. "



Chris-think about these studies, and then please think about how you

have responded to people who simply wanted to consider these

possibilities. You've really hurt some feelings, on both boards and

I think very un-necessarily in light of the research.





> so are you saying hormones only have an effect on impotence

> and not on attraction?

Not at all -- I'm sure gay men with high estrogen and low testosterone

would have a decreased libido too.

Testosterone is a major modulator of libido in both men and women.

But in heterosexual men it increases desire for women and in

heterosexual women it increases desire for men.

For some reason you seem stuck on the " well, hormones obviously play a

role in sexuality " bit and in the absolutely absurd notion that

political correctness is stopping anyone from researching the

connection between hormones and sexuality. As I've stated at least a

half dozen times, the last time with all sorts of capital letters and

asterisks to try to bring attention to it, there are several hundred

studies on hormones and homosexuality. Why don't you look at a few of

them, see if you find support for the idea that estrogen could induce

homosexuality, and report back to us.

Again, the question is not whether " hormones have to do with

sexuality. " It is whether or not the balance of hormones influences

the specific content of the sexuality -- e.g. the deisre for men

versus the desire for women. That's the premise that underlies the

question of whether soy, for example, could cause homosexuality, as

has been suggested.


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