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Re: I hope I can remember all the names!

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Sandie, I totally agree with your assessment of true friends...it seem as if illness sorts out those who are friends from those who were probably not friends all along. I try to keep my energy for positive situations and positive people. The others are toxic!!

-- Z.fibriotic NSIP/05/ "mild" PH 10/07 PA Reynaud's too!!! Potter, reader,carousel lover, and MomMom to Darah "I'm gonna be iron like a lion in Zion." Bob Marley

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Petunia I like you have several animals I will move to the smallest of houses but I won't give up my dogs, there are 4 of them, I vacuum all the time and am starting a schedule for baths and stuff for them to lessen the pet dander. They give me too much joy to let go! So I hope you don't have to let go of them! The internet is full of research and there are good and bad things out there, and you will come across both but like anything if you research your doing just that getting all the information putting it together, presenting it to some one like the doctors and getting the real truth, if you feel your doctors aren't being honest then move on, I had that with this internist I went to he is the one who found the PF but blew me off like I could wait 3 months to get to a lung doc, which I didn't think was right, I found this group and they urged me to find some one else, that's what I did and now on Monday I leave for t

he Mayo Clinic Praise the LORD! I have found out of the two very close friends I had the one that I wasnt the closest to is the one right there for me and my friend that was my best friend isnt there for me at all. Sad but reality, I choose to put my energy into the ones that are there for me and care enough to call me and do things with me and tell me hey we are here and we support you, matter of fact I got flowers from 2 people this week, what a surprise and a joy to get! So choose where you put your energy and air, true friends are there for good or bad and their love and friendship is unconditional no matter what!Sandie >> Joyce ... I am new to the group -- actually really new to this diagnosis. I am 63 years old, live in Phoenix, Arizona, and wa

s diagnosed because I got a bad chest x-ray when having a preoperative workup for a silly little elective surgery. I am a legal secretary who found out yesterday that my full time position has been "taken" by someone else in the office. The pressure now is for me to quit so they don't have to let me go. I don't think so. If they let me go, I get unemployment compensation. > > And as far as the name goes, I kind of like Petunia. It connects with my family and makes me giggle.> > I am absolutely awed by this group. I suspect a lot of my friends just can't deal with this kind of news, and I became used to having to just suck it up and not talk about it. One very lovely lady (who is 23 years younger than me) cautioned me that I was "scaring" myself by researching on the Internet. Something like this definitely tells us which of our friends are flexible enough to face reality with us. And however much we car

e about the friends who can't face it (or they care about us), I believe I need to limit my exposure. So I am trying to find my way.> > I am an animal lover with two dogs and two cats. Am facing today that I may have to find other homes for them. If I have to move into an apartment, I cannot have them all. It feels like amputating a limb or two.> > Nuff. > > Petunia IPF 06/07>

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Sandie, I totally agree with your assessment of true friends...it seem as if illness sorts out those who are friends from those who were probably not friends all along. I try to keep my energy for positive situations and positive people. The others are toxic!!

-- Z.fibriotic NSIP/05/ "mild" PH 10/07 PA Reynaud's too!!! Potter, reader,carousel lover, and MomMom to Darah "I'm gonna be iron like a lion in Zion." Bob Marley

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Petunia I like you have several animals I will move to the smallest of houses but I won't give up my dogs, there are 4 of them, I vacuum all the time and am starting a schedule for baths and stuff for them to lessen the pet dander. They give me too much joy to let go! So I hope you don't have to let go of them! The internet is full of research and there are good and bad things out there, and you will come across both but like anything if you research your doing just that getting all the information putting it together, presenting it to some one like the doctors and getting the real truth, if you feel your doctors aren't being honest then move on, I had that with this internist I went to he is the one who found the PF but blew me off like I could wait 3 months to get to a lung doc, which I didn't think was right, I found this group and they urged me to find some one else, that's what I did and now on Monday I leave for t

he Mayo Clinic Praise the LORD! I have found out of the two very close friends I had the one that I wasnt the closest to is the one right there for me and my friend that was my best friend isnt there for me at all. Sad but reality, I choose to put my energy into the ones that are there for me and care enough to call me and do things with me and tell me hey we are here and we support you, matter of fact I got flowers from 2 people this week, what a surprise and a joy to get! So choose where you put your energy and air, true friends are there for good or bad and their love and friendship is unconditional no matter what!Sandie >> Joyce ... I am new to the group -- actually really new to this diagnosis. I am 63 years old, live in Phoenix, Arizona, and wa

s diagnosed because I got a bad chest x-ray when having a preoperative workup for a silly little elective surgery. I am a legal secretary who found out yesterday that my full time position has been "taken" by someone else in the office. The pressure now is for me to quit so they don't have to let me go. I don't think so. If they let me go, I get unemployment compensation. > > And as far as the name goes, I kind of like Petunia. It connects with my family and makes me giggle.> > I am absolutely awed by this group. I suspect a lot of my friends just can't deal with this kind of news, and I became used to having to just suck it up and not talk about it. One very lovely lady (who is 23 years younger than me) cautioned me that I was "scaring" myself by researching on the Internet. Something like this definitely tells us which of our friends are flexible enough to face reality with us. And however much we car

e about the friends who can't face it (or they care about us), I believe I need to limit my exposure. So I am trying to find my way.> > I am an animal lover with two dogs and two cats. Am facing today that I may have to find other homes for them. If I have to move into an apartment, I cannot have them all. It feels like amputating a limb or two.> > Nuff. > > Petunia IPF 06/07>

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Sandie, I totally agree with your assessment of true friends...it seem as if illness sorts out those who are friends from those who were probably not friends all along. I try to keep my energy for positive situations and positive people. The others are toxic!!

-- Z.fibriotic NSIP/05/ "mild" PH 10/07 PA Reynaud's too!!! Potter, reader,carousel lover, and MomMom to Darah "I'm gonna be iron like a lion in Zion." Bob Marley

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Petunia I like you have several animals I will move to the smallest of houses but I won't give up my dogs, there are 4 of them, I vacuum all the time and am starting a schedule for baths and stuff for them to lessen the pet dander. They give me too much joy to let go! So I hope you don't have to let go of them! The internet is full of research and there are good and bad things out there, and you will come across both but like anything if you research your doing just that getting all the information putting it together, presenting it to some one like the doctors and getting the real truth, if you feel your doctors aren't being honest then move on, I had that with this internist I went to he is the one who found the PF but blew me off like I could wait 3 months to get to a lung doc, which I didn't think was right, I found this group and they urged me to find some one else, that's what I did and now on Monday I leave for t

he Mayo Clinic Praise the LORD! I have found out of the two very close friends I had the one that I wasnt the closest to is the one right there for me and my friend that was my best friend isnt there for me at all. Sad but reality, I choose to put my energy into the ones that are there for me and care enough to call me and do things with me and tell me hey we are here and we support you, matter of fact I got flowers from 2 people this week, what a surprise and a joy to get! So choose where you put your energy and air, true friends are there for good or bad and their love and friendship is unconditional no matter what!Sandie >> Joyce ... I am new to the group -- actually really new to this diagnosis. I am 63 years old, live in Phoenix, Arizona, and wa

s diagnosed because I got a bad chest x-ray when having a preoperative workup for a silly little elective surgery. I am a legal secretary who found out yesterday that my full time position has been "taken" by someone else in the office. The pressure now is for me to quit so they don't have to let me go. I don't think so. If they let me go, I get unemployment compensation. > > And as far as the name goes, I kind of like Petunia. It connects with my family and makes me giggle.> > I am absolutely awed by this group. I suspect a lot of my friends just can't deal with this kind of news, and I became used to having to just suck it up and not talk about it. One very lovely lady (who is 23 years younger than me) cautioned me that I was "scaring" myself by researching on the Internet. Something like this definitely tells us which of our friends are flexible enough to face reality with us. And however much we car

e about the friends who can't face it (or they care about us), I believe I need to limit my exposure. So I am trying to find my way.> > I am an animal lover with two dogs and two cats. Am facing today that I may have to find other homes for them. If I have to move into an apartment, I cannot have them all. It feels like amputating a limb or two.> > Nuff. > > Petunia IPF 06/07>

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