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Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

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I don't think that people turn their backs cause they don't understand. I

realized that my nurturing attracted people who wanted that nurturing

without having to return it. When we became ill, they had to start

returning the nurturing and they did not want to.

An example, I have repeatedly taken care of my dog-breeder boyfriend's dogs

for 5 years! I have watched him continually neglect them. I felt sorry for

him and the dogs since the boyfriend has RA. However, to crate dogs day in

and day out, totally neglect their dental and physical health was disgusting

He even damaged a dogs eye and said it happened at another breeders place!

Last year he wanted to go on a 10 day vacation with me taking care of his

dogs who had not been bathed in years, his plants, his cat..................

when he brought them over and yet another dog had an eye injury he neglected

(the previous dog went blind in that eye, now this one was headed in the

same direction) I declined to care for them and he chewed me out and

insulted me saying he had not asked for anything from me in years and had

done lots for me in that amount of time!!!

This is how takers think. Needless to say I never saw him again and did not

answer his emails for calls. I now find out yet another dog is ill,

paralyzed from the hips down and he blames it on a growth on her neck. Gee,

I wonder how years of crating 24/7 contributed to that!

So we made the mistake of closing our eyes to takers' behaviors and we only

see it now that we are in need.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?


Josie, there is a reason to get well. You cannot define yourself by

how others react to you. I am trying to forgive everyone who seems

to turn their back at the time I need them most; they just don't

understand. If they did they would make more of an effort. That

said, it might be helpful to strive towards finding people who are

in your shoes (which is why this yahoo group is wonderful), and find

other ways of finding peace and joy. I still believe part of the

healing process is trying not to judge those who might love you but

who don't know how to deal with the illness. By forgiving them, you

will have the energy to move on in more positive ways. I really

don't believe it's that people you have cared for all these years

(friends and family) have suddenly forgotten you. It's just that

many people cannot deal with such a longstanding illness that makes

no sense to them. In order to feel empowered in their own life, they

use this to put the blame on us in order for them to feel in

control. They are confused and don't know what they can do to help,

so they would rather stay away from the situation. Just another way

to think about it. :) Janis

> I think the social isolation is one of the most painful aspects of

being sick.

> When you need loving support the most, you have to deal with the


> burden of finding that your " friends " are really merely

acquaintances who

> desert you in your time of need, no matter how much you have

done for

> them. I found the rejection heartbreaking. I've had to get

used to it, though.

> When you have no family left alive, and your friends have

deserted you

> because you aren't " fun " to be around any more, it's hard to

find a reason

> for trying to get well. For a long time, it's been me and my


> Josie



> ---------------------------------

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I don't think that people turn their backs cause they don't understand. I

realized that my nurturing attracted people who wanted that nurturing

without having to return it. When we became ill, they had to start

returning the nurturing and they did not want to.

An example, I have repeatedly taken care of my dog-breeder boyfriend's dogs

for 5 years! I have watched him continually neglect them. I felt sorry for

him and the dogs since the boyfriend has RA. However, to crate dogs day in

and day out, totally neglect their dental and physical health was disgusting

He even damaged a dogs eye and said it happened at another breeders place!

Last year he wanted to go on a 10 day vacation with me taking care of his

dogs who had not been bathed in years, his plants, his cat..................

when he brought them over and yet another dog had an eye injury he neglected

(the previous dog went blind in that eye, now this one was headed in the

same direction) I declined to care for them and he chewed me out and

insulted me saying he had not asked for anything from me in years and had

done lots for me in that amount of time!!!

This is how takers think. Needless to say I never saw him again and did not

answer his emails for calls. I now find out yet another dog is ill,

paralyzed from the hips down and he blames it on a growth on her neck. Gee,

I wonder how years of crating 24/7 contributed to that!

So we made the mistake of closing our eyes to takers' behaviors and we only

see it now that we are in need.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?


Josie, there is a reason to get well. You cannot define yourself by

how others react to you. I am trying to forgive everyone who seems

to turn their back at the time I need them most; they just don't

understand. If they did they would make more of an effort. That

said, it might be helpful to strive towards finding people who are

in your shoes (which is why this yahoo group is wonderful), and find

other ways of finding peace and joy. I still believe part of the

healing process is trying not to judge those who might love you but

who don't know how to deal with the illness. By forgiving them, you

will have the energy to move on in more positive ways. I really

don't believe it's that people you have cared for all these years

(friends and family) have suddenly forgotten you. It's just that

many people cannot deal with such a longstanding illness that makes

no sense to them. In order to feel empowered in their own life, they

use this to put the blame on us in order for them to feel in

control. They are confused and don't know what they can do to help,

so they would rather stay away from the situation. Just another way

to think about it. :) Janis

> I think the social isolation is one of the most painful aspects of

being sick.

> When you need loving support the most, you have to deal with the


> burden of finding that your " friends " are really merely

acquaintances who

> desert you in your time of need, no matter how much you have

done for

> them. I found the rejection heartbreaking. I've had to get

used to it, though.

> When you have no family left alive, and your friends have

deserted you

> because you aren't " fun " to be around any more, it's hard to

find a reason

> for trying to get well. For a long time, it's been me and my


> Josie



> ---------------------------------

> Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.



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Your right Val how in Gods name could I have stoped that truck forrm hitting me

in the rear end????????????


T wrote:

>>If we don't change the way WE are operating and make the other

necessary changes, we won't heal. If we sit back and expect everyone and

everything else to change for us, then we will stay sick.<<

Sorry I find this offensive. WE have changed, had to. And I don;t think

anyone expects the world to change just for our illnesses. If we were not trying

to deal with it and get well we wouldn't be HERE. BTW I and many here, have

Hash's.. a GENETIC condition that we had NO control over happening to us. No

amount of changing is going to take it away.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

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Your right Val how in Gods name could I have stoped that truck forrm hitting me

in the rear end????????????


T wrote:

>>If we don't change the way WE are operating and make the other

necessary changes, we won't heal. If we sit back and expect everyone and

everything else to change for us, then we will stay sick.<<

Sorry I find this offensive. WE have changed, had to. And I don;t think

anyone expects the world to change just for our illnesses. If we were not trying

to deal with it and get well we wouldn't be HERE. BTW I and many here, have

Hash's.. a GENETIC condition that we had NO control over happening to us. No

amount of changing is going to take it away.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

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There is only so much you can forgive people for you turn the cheek and still

get hit. The last thing your going to do is come back for more. There are a

lot of screwed up people in the world that get off by dumping on others. This

is way they have DISCRIMINATION LAWS.


Janis wrote:


Josie, there is a reason to get well. You cannot define yourself by

how others react to you. I am trying to forgive everyone who seems

to turn their back at the time I need them most; they just don't

understand. If they did they would make more of an effort. That

said, it might be helpful to strive towards finding people who are

in your shoes (which is why this yahoo group is wonderful), and find

other ways of finding peace and joy. I still believe part of the

healing process is trying not to judge those who might love you but

who don't know how to deal with the illness. By forgiving them, you

will have the energy to move on in more positive ways. I really

don't believe it's that people you have cared for all these years

(friends and family) have suddenly forgotten you. It's just that

many people cannot deal with such a longstanding illness that makes

no sense to them. In order to feel empowered in their own life, they

use this to put the blame on us in order for them to feel in

control. They are confused and don't know what they can do to help,

so they would rather stay away from the situation. Just another way

to think about it. :) Janis

> I think the social isolation is one of the most painful aspects of

being sick.

> When you need loving support the most, you have to deal with the


> burden of finding that your " friends " are really merely

acquaintances who

> desert you in your time of need, no matter how much you have

done for

> them. I found the rejection heartbreaking. I've had to get

used to it, though.

> When you have no family left alive, and your friends have

deserted you

> because you aren't " fun " to be around any more, it's hard to

find a reason

> for trying to get well. For a long time, it's been me and my


> Josie



> ---------------------------------

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There is only so much you can forgive people for you turn the cheek and still

get hit. The last thing your going to do is come back for more. There are a

lot of screwed up people in the world that get off by dumping on others. This

is way they have DISCRIMINATION LAWS.


Janis wrote:


Josie, there is a reason to get well. You cannot define yourself by

how others react to you. I am trying to forgive everyone who seems

to turn their back at the time I need them most; they just don't

understand. If they did they would make more of an effort. That

said, it might be helpful to strive towards finding people who are

in your shoes (which is why this yahoo group is wonderful), and find

other ways of finding peace and joy. I still believe part of the

healing process is trying not to judge those who might love you but

who don't know how to deal with the illness. By forgiving them, you

will have the energy to move on in more positive ways. I really

don't believe it's that people you have cared for all these years

(friends and family) have suddenly forgotten you. It's just that

many people cannot deal with such a longstanding illness that makes

no sense to them. In order to feel empowered in their own life, they

use this to put the blame on us in order for them to feel in

control. They are confused and don't know what they can do to help,

so they would rather stay away from the situation. Just another way

to think about it. :) Janis

> I think the social isolation is one of the most painful aspects of

being sick.

> When you need loving support the most, you have to deal with the


> burden of finding that your " friends " are really merely

acquaintances who

> desert you in your time of need, no matter how much you have

done for

> them. I found the rejection heartbreaking. I've had to get

used to it, though.

> When you have no family left alive, and your friends have

deserted you

> because you aren't " fun " to be around any more, it's hard to

find a reason

> for trying to get well. For a long time, it's been me and my


> Josie



> ---------------------------------

> Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.



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I have to disagree with you on this. Because, I've always been very positive,

optimistic and have great attitude and never dwelled on the past for too long

and I became very sick. In fact, I have been so gullible and really believed

that certain products would really improve my condition and they didn't at all -

I thought the placebo affect would have healed me even. I had a couple of

painful/unhealthy relationships with men that could have triggered this but so

have others and they are fine. Although, I do believe built-up anger is not

healthy for the mind, but I don't think this is how many of us got here.

Gikas wrote:


I'm really sorry to disagree with you, but we all play a part in creating our

illness or dis-ease in ways we can't even begin to look at. Our negative

emotions and negative thoughts alone create illness and dis-ease. Don't forget

about the mind-body connection to everything. Mind and body are one. If your

body is out of balance, then so is your mind. This reflects all levels of being

including mental, physical and spiritual. We must find balance again.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

>>even when we have created

sickness in ourselves.......<<

Sorry I refuse to believe I had any part in creating my illness. Now THAT is a

victim mentality. And is right, if we can't come to each other here for

emotional release, and that is NOT a pity party, but healthy emotional release,

where can we go. This is a support group after all.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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I believe that when the Chakra that governs the pancreas closes up due to

factors that began originating in childhood, e.g. traumas, abandonment, abuse,

etc. that yes, those glands/organs which that Chakra governs can malfunction.

One thing we must keep in mind is that EVERYTHING is about energy.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like


> Val,


> I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my idea

> of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed to

> and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and become

> unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no longer

> working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be sick

> to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do the

> necessary work on ourselves and our lives.



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I believe that when the Chakra that governs the pancreas closes up due to

factors that began originating in childhood, e.g. traumas, abandonment, abuse,

etc. that yes, those glands/organs which that Chakra governs can malfunction.

One thing we must keep in mind is that EVERYTHING is about energy.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like


> Val,


> I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my idea

> of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed to

> and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and become

> unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no longer

> working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be sick

> to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do the

> necessary work on ourselves and our lives.



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Val, I can relate to that! I know most of my friends think I am just lazy, that

I don't care to keep my house up. They don't understand how tired, no, not even

tired anymore, how exhausted I am; I am too tired now to care about anything. I

had a meltdown the other night with DH and was yelling that all I want is sleep,

just to sleep without waking up every two hours, just to sleep without watching

the clock, just to sleep! Is that so much to ask? No one understands how

bone-weary I am. I told DH I would rather be dead than go on like this. I told

the doc Wednesday that I need sleep, more than anything else. I went this

morning for the battery of blood tests and he mailed the saliva kit to my work

address. The dear man renewed my Armour and gave me four grains! No more having

to pay for them on my own; I had insurance and it was so much cheaper! Yay! We

are going to work on sleep issues; I have had them lifelong and just want to get

it resolved. I have also been hypoT

lifelong, so want this resolved also and get well, which I suspect will

positively impact my ability to sleep. I have no idea what normal sleep is, so I

will have to find out.

I do understand about the friends who disappear. Some have stuck with me, even

though I know they don't understand. Several have distanced themselves, and

frankly, that is fine. Bye Bye. I have a couple friends who haven't abandoned

me; they are keepers.

I know that is why I got that letter from that acquaintance last fall. He told

me that I was a toxic, lazy person and that everyone hates me like he does. This

is the only place I get real understanding, and I appreciate you all!

DH is now starting to come around. He thought that if I did juicing like he

did I would be cured. He is starting to understand that the hormones I need

aren't in the juices and that I need more. He is coming with me to the follow up

visit with the new doc, so I am hoping for the best. Like you, , I am

considering things. Would I be better off alone? Hmmmm....I need to think about

that. My DD probably wouldn't speak to me again, as she is like me and is

daddy's little girl, so I will stay, I think. If he comes around and starts to

take my illness seriously like I am supposed to take his, and stops harping

about juicing, then I will reconsider, for Beth's (DD) sake. Right now we lead

seperate lives. He is sick also, but man-like wants all the sympathy and

understanding for himself. He doesn't have a lot of sympathy for me yet.


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I knew that post would get feedback but I had no idea how much. It's

impossible for me to respond to everyone that responded to the post so

I will just say this:

First of all, as background, I was raised in an argumentative angry

environment and had very negative thinking most of my life. I learned

to be very judgmental toward others and that I was never good enough.

I blamed the rest of the world on my poor lot in life as I had been

taught to do by my father. I do believe this has had a major impact

on the fact that my body has been out of balance for many years.

I know now that beliefs are everything. What we believe in, creates

our reality. If we believe we cannot and will not get well, we are

right. I also know now, from my intense study of nutrition and health

that there is a cure for just about everything that ails us. Yes,

even things you may think there is no cure for. It's just that big

pharma and western medicine don't recognize it and we have been

brainwashed into believing them.

I started studying alternative health in 1999 as a result of the Y2K

scare. And after I became ill in 2003, I started focusing completely

on how to become healthy rather than dwelling on my illness. I did

this primarily because no one could tell me what was really wrong with

me. Along the way, I became aware that health encompasses 3 areas:

body, mind and spirit. I focused primarily on body first because I

couldn't think straight and needed to be able to think clearly before

I could focus on the other two. After about 18 months of focusing on

nutrition I had gotten to a point where I could finally work

part-time. At that time, I also became a Certified Nutrition and

Wellness Consultant.

In December of 2005, I became angry and paced through my house yelling

at " God " that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I asked

him to please send me the answer. I didn't understand this at the

time, but when we are passionate about something (and anger is

passion) it manifests very quickly. Over the next few weeks, the

teachings of the Law of Attraction began coming to me from every

direction. It was so blatant in fact that I finally looked to the

heavens and said: OK, I get it!

So started my journey into the mind and spirit part of the equation.

Since then I have learned a great deal and my life has changed for the


As you can see, there are people here who haven't yet delved into the

mind/spirit part of the equation. It's sometimes hard to grasp this

when you are ill but if you read books about health, the good ones

will always mention the mind and spirit part of the equation.

For those of you who would like to learn more, Inga mentioned the

movie The Secret. This is the single most important documentary

that's been done on the subject and it has skyrocketed in popularity

over the last year. In fact, the teachers on The Secret have been

profiled on Larry King Live and were on the Oprah show about a week

ago. And, Oprah said she has always known this information and used

it to create her life but she just didn't know it was a secret! The

things on this documentary are not just some kind of woo woo stuff.

This is all backed up by science and some of the scientists are also

in the movie to speak about this as well.

Yes, there is now scientific proof that the mind plays a pivotal role

in our health and our lives as a whole. If you watch the movie you

will see people who suffered terrible health issues and recovered by

using their minds. It will give you hope as well as a lot to think

about. Maybe we can have a great discussion about The Secret movie.

If you took offense at my post, well, it was not meant to offend, but

instead, to help. It has obviously made many of you think and that's

a good thing.

You can purchase The Secret at http://www.thesecret.tv and I am not

affiliated in any way. I watch this movie at least once a month. It

helps me to stay focused and gives me great hope for my future. You

can also view it online one time but I was never able to get that to work.


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I knew that post would get feedback but I had no idea how much. It's

impossible for me to respond to everyone that responded to the post so

I will just say this:

First of all, as background, I was raised in an argumentative angry

environment and had very negative thinking most of my life. I learned

to be very judgmental toward others and that I was never good enough.

I blamed the rest of the world on my poor lot in life as I had been

taught to do by my father. I do believe this has had a major impact

on the fact that my body has been out of balance for many years.

I know now that beliefs are everything. What we believe in, creates

our reality. If we believe we cannot and will not get well, we are

right. I also know now, from my intense study of nutrition and health

that there is a cure for just about everything that ails us. Yes,

even things you may think there is no cure for. It's just that big

pharma and western medicine don't recognize it and we have been

brainwashed into believing them.

I started studying alternative health in 1999 as a result of the Y2K

scare. And after I became ill in 2003, I started focusing completely

on how to become healthy rather than dwelling on my illness. I did

this primarily because no one could tell me what was really wrong with

me. Along the way, I became aware that health encompasses 3 areas:

body, mind and spirit. I focused primarily on body first because I

couldn't think straight and needed to be able to think clearly before

I could focus on the other two. After about 18 months of focusing on

nutrition I had gotten to a point where I could finally work

part-time. At that time, I also became a Certified Nutrition and

Wellness Consultant.

In December of 2005, I became angry and paced through my house yelling

at " God " that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I asked

him to please send me the answer. I didn't understand this at the

time, but when we are passionate about something (and anger is

passion) it manifests very quickly. Over the next few weeks, the

teachings of the Law of Attraction began coming to me from every

direction. It was so blatant in fact that I finally looked to the

heavens and said: OK, I get it!

So started my journey into the mind and spirit part of the equation.

Since then I have learned a great deal and my life has changed for the


As you can see, there are people here who haven't yet delved into the

mind/spirit part of the equation. It's sometimes hard to grasp this

when you are ill but if you read books about health, the good ones

will always mention the mind and spirit part of the equation.

For those of you who would like to learn more, Inga mentioned the

movie The Secret. This is the single most important documentary

that's been done on the subject and it has skyrocketed in popularity

over the last year. In fact, the teachers on The Secret have been

profiled on Larry King Live and were on the Oprah show about a week

ago. And, Oprah said she has always known this information and used

it to create her life but she just didn't know it was a secret! The

things on this documentary are not just some kind of woo woo stuff.

This is all backed up by science and some of the scientists are also

in the movie to speak about this as well.

Yes, there is now scientific proof that the mind plays a pivotal role

in our health and our lives as a whole. If you watch the movie you

will see people who suffered terrible health issues and recovered by

using their minds. It will give you hope as well as a lot to think

about. Maybe we can have a great discussion about The Secret movie.

If you took offense at my post, well, it was not meant to offend, but

instead, to help. It has obviously made many of you think and that's

a good thing.

You can purchase The Secret at http://www.thesecret.tv and I am not

affiliated in any way. I watch this movie at least once a month. It

helps me to stay focused and gives me great hope for my future. You

can also view it online one time but I was never able to get that to work.


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That is wonderful that you were able to accomplish this. But please do not

guilt us into believing that we can defy death and disease by our thinking.

I worked in a hospital for 13 years and watched people die, including two of

my family members. I do not believe my sister or father could have stopped

their cancer with their thoughts.

I am happy you believe in this and it has worked for you but we are all

different and thoughts can never defy the laws of nature which include

disease and death. I have not given up on my condition but I do accept that

it exists and that there are not cures for everything. That is a fact,

there are not cures for everything out there. I believe there are more

cures than we know of a the moment, but not everything is curable just

because you were healed. A baby born prematurely or with brain damage etc,

cannot use its thoughts to change its condition. There are things that can

be accomplished with positive thinking but not everything.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

I knew that post would get feedback but I had no idea how much. It's

impossible for me to respond to everyone that responded to the post so

I will just say this:

First of all, as background, I was raised in an argumentative angry

environment and had very negative thinking most of my life. I learned

to be very judgmental toward others and that I was never good enough.

I blamed the rest of the world on my poor lot in life as I had been

taught to do by my father. I do believe this has had a major impact

on the fact that my body has been out of balance for many years.

I know now that beliefs are everything. What we believe in, creates

our reality. If we believe we cannot and will not get well, we are

right. I also know now, from my intense study of nutrition and health

that there is a cure for just about everything that ails us. Yes,

even things you may think there is no cure for. It's just that big

pharma and western medicine don't recognize it and we have been

brainwashed into believing them.

I started studying alternative health in 1999 as a result of the Y2K

scare. And after I became ill in 2003, I started focusing completely

on how to become healthy rather than dwelling on my illness. I did

this primarily because no one could tell me what was really wrong with

me. Along the way, I became aware that health encompasses 3 areas:

body, mind and spirit. I focused primarily on body first because I

couldn't think straight and needed to be able to think clearly before

I could focus on the other two. After about 18 months of focusing on

nutrition I had gotten to a point where I could finally work

part-time. At that time, I also became a Certified Nutrition and

Wellness Consultant.

In December of 2005, I became angry and paced through my house yelling

at " God " that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I asked

him to please send me the answer. I didn't understand this at the

time, but when we are passionate about something (and anger is

passion) it manifests very quickly. Over the next few weeks, the

teachings of the Law of Attraction began coming to me from every

direction. It was so blatant in fact that I finally looked to the

heavens and said: OK, I get it!

So started my journey into the mind and spirit part of the equation.

Since then I have learned a great deal and my life has changed for the


As you can see, there are people here who haven't yet delved into the

mind/spirit part of the equation. It's sometimes hard to grasp this

when you are ill but if you read books about health, the good ones

will always mention the mind and spirit part of the equation.

For those of you who would like to learn more, Inga mentioned the

movie The Secret. This is the single most important documentary

that's been done on the subject and it has skyrocketed in popularity

over the last year. In fact, the teachers on The Secret have been

profiled on Larry King Live and were on the Oprah show about a week

ago. And, Oprah said she has always known this information and used

it to create her life but she just didn't know it was a secret! The

things on this documentary are not just some kind of woo woo stuff.

This is all backed up by science and some of the scientists are also

in the movie to speak about this as well.

Yes, there is now scientific proof that the mind plays a pivotal role

in our health and our lives as a whole. If you watch the movie you

will see people who suffered terrible health issues and recovered by

using their minds. It will give you hope as well as a lot to think

about. Maybe we can have a great discussion about The Secret movie.

If you took offense at my post, well, it was not meant to offend, but

instead, to help. It has obviously made many of you think and that's

a good thing.

You can purchase The Secret at http://www.thesecret.tv and I am not

affiliated in any way. I watch this movie at least once a month. It

helps me to stay focused and gives me great hope for my future. You

can also view it online one time but I was never able to get that to work.


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> , this reminds me of the time I was so sick from insomnia,

> and my husband didn't understand my need for sympathy, not advice.

> He told me if I run around the block ten times, I will fall


> I felt so alone at the time because he had no clue as to what was

> happening to me but he acted like he knew how to solve my problem

> (which meant going to the doctor and taking care of it not


> that this illness is not something that you can cut out or take a

> medicine and be fine). It was just another blow to our marriage


> put stress on my burned out adrenals.


> >

> > I get the " rolled eyes " from my mother, just like she did when I

> was a kid,

> > thinking I was making everythingup, and over-reacting, and being


> baby.

> > She always knows more than I do, and if I just used this fascial

> cream I

> > won't look so old, and if I go back to work, and go " do more " ,

> I'll feel

> > better and lose weight. I don't even talk about it anymore, and

> nobody

> > asks. I figure its not their business anyway.

> >

> > My dh tries, but again, I get the rolled eyes, and he gets

> frustrated and

> > angry, and starts acting like a jerk. Then he says: " You have to

> tell me

> > what's going on! " (hence the rolled eyes). But I must say, if I

> was that

> > sick, he would drive me to the ER.

> >

> > Best,

> >

> > http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> > Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

> >

> > ~One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing.~

> > -- Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891

> >







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> , this reminds me of the time I was so sick from insomnia,

> and my husband didn't understand my need for sympathy, not advice.

> He told me if I run around the block ten times, I will fall


> I felt so alone at the time because he had no clue as to what was

> happening to me but he acted like he knew how to solve my problem

> (which meant going to the doctor and taking care of it not


> that this illness is not something that you can cut out or take a

> medicine and be fine). It was just another blow to our marriage


> put stress on my burned out adrenals.


> >

> > I get the " rolled eyes " from my mother, just like she did when I

> was a kid,

> > thinking I was making everythingup, and over-reacting, and being


> baby.

> > She always knows more than I do, and if I just used this fascial

> cream I

> > won't look so old, and if I go back to work, and go " do more " ,

> I'll feel

> > better and lose weight. I don't even talk about it anymore, and

> nobody

> > asks. I figure its not their business anyway.

> >

> > My dh tries, but again, I get the rolled eyes, and he gets

> frustrated and

> > angry, and starts acting like a jerk. Then he says: " You have to

> tell me

> > what's going on! " (hence the rolled eyes). But I must say, if I

> was that

> > sick, he would drive me to the ER.

> >

> > Best,

> >

> > http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> > Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

> >

> > ~One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing.~

> > -- Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891

> >







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> >


> Josie, there is a reason to get well. You cannot define yourself


> how others react to you. I am trying to forgive everyone who seems

> to turn their back at the time I need them most; they just don't

> understand. If they did they would make more of an effort. That

> said, it might be helpful to strive towards finding people who are

> in your shoes (which is why this yahoo group is wonderful), and


> other ways of finding peace and joy. I still believe part of the

> healing process is trying not to judge those who might love you


> who don't know how to deal with the illness. By forgiving them,


> will have the energy to move on in more positive ways. I really

> don't believe it's that people you have cared for all these years

> (friends and family) have suddenly forgotten you. It's just that

> many people cannot deal with such a longstanding illness that


> no sense to them. In order to feel empowered in their own life,


> use this to put the blame on us in order for them to feel in

> control. They are confused and don't know what they can do to


> so they would rather stay away from the situation. Just another


> to think about it. :) Janis


> > I think the social isolation is one of the most painful aspects


> being sick.

> > When you need loving support the most, you have to deal with the

> added

> > burden of finding that your " friends " are really merely

> acquaintances who

> > desert you in your time of need, no matter how much you have

> done for

> > them. I found the rejection heartbreaking. I've had to get

> used to it, though.

> > When you have no family left alive, and your friends have

> deserted you

> > because you aren't " fun " to be around any more, it's hard to

> find a reason

> > for trying to get well. For a long time, it's been me and my

> cat......

> > Josie

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.

> >

> >

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> >


> Josie, there is a reason to get well. You cannot define yourself


> how others react to you. I am trying to forgive everyone who seems

> to turn their back at the time I need them most; they just don't

> understand. If they did they would make more of an effort. That

> said, it might be helpful to strive towards finding people who are

> in your shoes (which is why this yahoo group is wonderful), and


> other ways of finding peace and joy. I still believe part of the

> healing process is trying not to judge those who might love you


> who don't know how to deal with the illness. By forgiving them,


> will have the energy to move on in more positive ways. I really

> don't believe it's that people you have cared for all these years

> (friends and family) have suddenly forgotten you. It's just that

> many people cannot deal with such a longstanding illness that


> no sense to them. In order to feel empowered in their own life,


> use this to put the blame on us in order for them to feel in

> control. They are confused and don't know what they can do to


> so they would rather stay away from the situation. Just another


> to think about it. :) Janis


> > I think the social isolation is one of the most painful aspects


> being sick.

> > When you need loving support the most, you have to deal with the

> added

> > burden of finding that your " friends " are really merely

> acquaintances who

> > desert you in your time of need, no matter how much you have

> done for

> > them. I found the rejection heartbreaking. I've had to get

> used to it, though.

> > When you have no family left alive, and your friends have

> deserted you

> > because you aren't " fun " to be around any more, it's hard to

> find a reason

> > for trying to get well. For a long time, it's been me and my

> cat......

> > Josie

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.

> >

> >

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true be we do not attract our genetic code nor do we govern it.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

If you were reading the book I'm reading, you would learn about how we even

attract accidents to ourselves to serve a subconscious purpose. Nobody

consciously wants to be sick or be in an accident and go thru this pain, but

there are higher reasons and they fill some purpose even if it doesn't make

sense to us and we can't understand it.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

Your right Val how in Gods name could I have stoped that truck forrm hitting

me in the rear end????????????


T wrote:

>>If we don't change the way WE are operating and make the other necessary

changes, we won't heal. If we sit back and expect everyone and everything

else to change for us, then we will stay sick.<<

Sorry I find this offensive. WE have changed, had to. And I don;t

think anyone expects the world to change just for our illnesses. If we were

not trying to deal with it and get well we wouldn't be HERE. BTW I and many

here, have Hash's.. a GENETIC condition that we had NO control over

happening to us. No amount of changing is going to take it away.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

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true be we do not attract our genetic code nor do we govern it.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

If you were reading the book I'm reading, you would learn about how we even

attract accidents to ourselves to serve a subconscious purpose. Nobody

consciously wants to be sick or be in an accident and go thru this pain, but

there are higher reasons and they fill some purpose even if it doesn't make

sense to us and we can't understand it.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

Your right Val how in Gods name could I have stoped that truck forrm hitting

me in the rear end????????????


T wrote:

>>If we don't change the way WE are operating and make the other necessary

changes, we won't heal. If we sit back and expect everyone and everything

else to change for us, then we will stay sick.<<

Sorry I find this offensive. WE have changed, had to. And I don;t

think anyone expects the world to change just for our illnesses. If we were

not trying to deal with it and get well we wouldn't be HERE. BTW I and many

here, have Hash's.. a GENETIC condition that we had NO control over

happening to us. No amount of changing is going to take it away.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

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If you were reading the book I'm reading, you would learn about how we even

attract accidents to ourselves to serve a subconscious purpose. Nobody

consciously wants to be sick or be in an accident and go thru this pain, but

there are higher reasons and they fill some purpose even if it doesn't make

sense to us and we can't understand it.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

Your right Val how in Gods name could I have stoped that truck forrm hitting

me in the rear end????????????


T wrote:

>>If we don't change the way WE are operating and make the other necessary

changes, we won't heal. If we sit back and expect everyone and everything else

to change for us, then we will stay sick.<<

Sorry I find this offensive. WE have changed, had to. And I don;t think

anyone expects the world to change just for our illnesses. If we were not trying

to deal with it and get well we wouldn't be HERE. BTW I and many here, have

Hash's.. a GENETIC condition that we had NO control over happening to us. No

amount of changing is going to take it away.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

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Thanks Ginger,

Your post was so INSPIRING!!

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

I knew that post would get feedback but I had no idea how much. It's

impossible for me to respond to everyone that responded to the post so

I will just say this:

First of all, as background, I was raised in an argumentative angry

environment and had very negative thinking most of my life. I learned

to be very judgmental toward others and that I was never good enough.

I blamed the rest of the world on my poor lot in life as I had been

taught to do by my father. I do believe this has had a major impact

on the fact that my body has been out of balance for many years.

I know now that beliefs are everything. What we believe in, creates

our reality. If we believe we cannot and will not get well, we are

right. I also know now, from my intense study of nutrition and health

that there is a cure for just about everything that ails us. Yes,

even things you may think there is no cure for. It's just that big

pharma and western medicine don't recognize it and we have been

brainwashed into believing them.

I started studying alternative health in 1999 as a result of the Y2K

scare. And after I became ill in 2003, I started focusing completely

on how to become healthy rather than dwelling on my illness. I did

this primarily because no one could tell me what was really wrong with

me. Along the way, I became aware that health encompasses 3 areas:

body, mind and spirit. I focused primarily on body first because I

couldn't think straight and needed to be able to think clearly before

I could focus on the other two. After about 18 months of focusing on

nutrition I had gotten to a point where I could finally work

part-time. At that time, I also became a Certified Nutrition and

Wellness Consultant.

In December of 2005, I became angry and paced through my house yelling

at " God " that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I asked

him to please send me the answer. I didn't understand this at the

time, but when we are passionate about something (and anger is

passion) it manifests very quickly. Over the next few weeks, the

teachings of the Law of Attraction began coming to me from every

direction. It was so blatant in fact that I finally looked to the

heavens and said: OK, I get it!

So started my journey into the mind and spirit part of the equation.

Since then I have learned a great deal and my life has changed for the


As you can see, there are people here who haven't yet delved into the

mind/spirit part of the equation. It's sometimes hard to grasp this

when you are ill but if you read books about health, the good ones

will always mention the mind and spirit part of the equation.

For those of you who would like to learn more, Inga mentioned the

movie The Secret. This is the single most important documentary

that's been done on the subject and it has skyrocketed in popularity

over the last year. In fact, the teachers on The Secret have been

profiled on Larry King Live and were on the Oprah show about a week

ago. And, Oprah said she has always known this information and used

it to create her life but she just didn't know it was a secret! The

things on this documentary are not just some kind of woo woo stuff.

This is all backed up by science and some of the scientists are also

in the movie to speak about this as well.

Yes, there is now scientific proof that the mind plays a pivotal role

in our health and our lives as a whole. If you watch the movie you

will see people who suffered terrible health issues and recovered by

using their minds. It will give you hope as well as a lot to think

about. Maybe we can have a great discussion about The Secret movie.

If you took offense at my post, well, it was not meant to offend, but

instead, to help. It has obviously made many of you think and that's

a good thing.

You can purchase The Secret at http://www.thesecret.tv and I am not

affiliated in any way. I watch this movie at least once a month. It

helps me to stay focused and gives me great hope for my future. You

can also view it online one time but I was never able to get that to work.


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Thanks Ginger,

Your post was so INSPIRING!!

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

I knew that post would get feedback but I had no idea how much. It's

impossible for me to respond to everyone that responded to the post so

I will just say this:

First of all, as background, I was raised in an argumentative angry

environment and had very negative thinking most of my life. I learned

to be very judgmental toward others and that I was never good enough.

I blamed the rest of the world on my poor lot in life as I had been

taught to do by my father. I do believe this has had a major impact

on the fact that my body has been out of balance for many years.

I know now that beliefs are everything. What we believe in, creates

our reality. If we believe we cannot and will not get well, we are

right. I also know now, from my intense study of nutrition and health

that there is a cure for just about everything that ails us. Yes,

even things you may think there is no cure for. It's just that big

pharma and western medicine don't recognize it and we have been

brainwashed into believing them.

I started studying alternative health in 1999 as a result of the Y2K

scare. And after I became ill in 2003, I started focusing completely

on how to become healthy rather than dwelling on my illness. I did

this primarily because no one could tell me what was really wrong with

me. Along the way, I became aware that health encompasses 3 areas:

body, mind and spirit. I focused primarily on body first because I

couldn't think straight and needed to be able to think clearly before

I could focus on the other two. After about 18 months of focusing on

nutrition I had gotten to a point where I could finally work

part-time. At that time, I also became a Certified Nutrition and

Wellness Consultant.

In December of 2005, I became angry and paced through my house yelling

at " God " that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I asked

him to please send me the answer. I didn't understand this at the

time, but when we are passionate about something (and anger is

passion) it manifests very quickly. Over the next few weeks, the

teachings of the Law of Attraction began coming to me from every

direction. It was so blatant in fact that I finally looked to the

heavens and said: OK, I get it!

So started my journey into the mind and spirit part of the equation.

Since then I have learned a great deal and my life has changed for the


As you can see, there are people here who haven't yet delved into the

mind/spirit part of the equation. It's sometimes hard to grasp this

when you are ill but if you read books about health, the good ones

will always mention the mind and spirit part of the equation.

For those of you who would like to learn more, Inga mentioned the

movie The Secret. This is the single most important documentary

that's been done on the subject and it has skyrocketed in popularity

over the last year. In fact, the teachers on The Secret have been

profiled on Larry King Live and were on the Oprah show about a week

ago. And, Oprah said she has always known this information and used

it to create her life but she just didn't know it was a secret! The

things on this documentary are not just some kind of woo woo stuff.

This is all backed up by science and some of the scientists are also

in the movie to speak about this as well.

Yes, there is now scientific proof that the mind plays a pivotal role

in our health and our lives as a whole. If you watch the movie you

will see people who suffered terrible health issues and recovered by

using their minds. It will give you hope as well as a lot to think

about. Maybe we can have a great discussion about The Secret movie.

If you took offense at my post, well, it was not meant to offend, but

instead, to help. It has obviously made many of you think and that's

a good thing.

You can purchase The Secret at http://www.thesecret.tv and I am not

affiliated in any way. I watch this movie at least once a month. It

helps me to stay focused and gives me great hope for my future. You

can also view it online one time but I was never able to get that to work.


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> >


> Josie, there is a reason to get well. You cannot define yourself


> how others react to you. I am trying to forgive everyone who seems

> to turn their back at the time I need them most; they just don't

> understand. If they did they would make more of an effort. That

> said, it might be helpful to strive towards finding people who are

> in your shoes (which is why this yahoo group is wonderful), and


> other ways of finding peace and joy. I still believe part of the

> healing process is trying not to judge those who might love you


> who don't know how to deal with the illness. By forgiving them,


> will have the energy to move on in more positive ways. I really

> don't believe it's that people you have cared for all these years

> (friends and family) have suddenly forgotten you. It's just that

> many people cannot deal with such a longstanding illness that


> no sense to them. In order to feel empowered in their own life,


> use this to put the blame on us in order for them to feel in

> control. They are confused and don't know what they can do to


> so they would rather stay away from the situation. Just another


> to think about it. :) Janis


> > I think the social isolation is one of the most painful aspects


> being sick.

> > When you need loving support the most, you have to deal with the

> added

> > burden of finding that your " friends " are really merely

> acquaintances who

> > desert you in your time of need, no matter how much you have

> done for

> > them. I found the rejection heartbreaking. I've had to get

> used to it, though.

> > When you have no family left alive, and your friends have

> deserted you

> > because you aren't " fun " to be around any more, it's hard to

> find a reason

> > for trying to get well. For a long time, it's been me and my

> cat......

> > Josie

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.

> >

> >

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> >


> Josie, there is a reason to get well. You cannot define yourself


> how others react to you. I am trying to forgive everyone who seems

> to turn their back at the time I need them most; they just don't

> understand. If they did they would make more of an effort. That

> said, it might be helpful to strive towards finding people who are

> in your shoes (which is why this yahoo group is wonderful), and


> other ways of finding peace and joy. I still believe part of the

> healing process is trying not to judge those who might love you


> who don't know how to deal with the illness. By forgiving them,


> will have the energy to move on in more positive ways. I really

> don't believe it's that people you have cared for all these years

> (friends and family) have suddenly forgotten you. It's just that

> many people cannot deal with such a longstanding illness that


> no sense to them. In order to feel empowered in their own life,


> use this to put the blame on us in order for them to feel in

> control. They are confused and don't know what they can do to


> so they would rather stay away from the situation. Just another


> to think about it. :) Janis


> > I think the social isolation is one of the most painful aspects


> being sick.

> > When you need loving support the most, you have to deal with the

> added

> > burden of finding that your " friends " are really merely

> acquaintances who

> > desert you in your time of need, no matter how much you have

> done for

> > them. I found the rejection heartbreaking. I've had to get

> used to it, though.

> > When you have no family left alive, and your friends have

> deserted you

> > because you aren't " fun " to be around any more, it's hard to

> find a reason

> > for trying to get well. For a long time, it's been me and my

> cat......

> > Josie

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.

> >

> >

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> >>If we don't change the way WE are operating and make the other

necessary changes, we won't heal. If we sit back and expect everyone

and everything else to change for us, then we will stay sick.<<


> Sorry I find this offensive. WE have changed, had to. And

I don;t think anyone expects the world to change just for our

illnesses. If we were not trying to deal with it and get well we

wouldn't be HERE. BTW I and many here, have Hash's.. a GENETIC

condition that we had NO control over happening to us. No amount of

changing is going to take it away.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/




> ---------------------------------

> Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.



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