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Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

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I've been thinking about your post since last night & had to add a few


You said the following...


but I don't blame the rest of the world.

get off the pity pot

....all of these things are very HARSH and JUDGMENTAL.

I find it hard to believe that YOU believe what you are saying about

acceptance & forgiveness if you have to resort to such CRITICAL

comments to get your point across.

You said...

So if you choose to focus on your illness and all the

> friends you've lost, and how awful you've been treated and " how can

> they be that way " and OH POOR ME, then you will just get more of it

> and make your self sicker in the meantime.

What do YOU know about what WE focus on? This was one post out of

probably a zillion that I've posted. Not necessarily what I or the

rest of us focus on day & night.

You said many good things in your post, but they were obliterated by

all of the JUDGMENT! Who are YOU to judge any of us? So far as I can

tell, you're pretty new to this forum, so how can you KNOW from one

thread WHAT it is that ANY of us focus on or have been through or how

we've dealt with it?

And what RIGHT do you have to tell ANYONE to get off their pity pot?

A little compassion for others would have gone a long way here, Ginger.

You said...

This is my life and I've been sick so why wouldn't everyone else go on

with their life.

Because they have COMPASSION. Perhaps if people had a bit of

compassion, they could still share their lives with you & make their

lives & your life a bit better. I'm not asking anyone to devote their

life to you, but it wouldn't hurt for someone to be kind & share some

of their time & life. It actually feels good to be kind to others &

give to others. It makes a very positive difference in the world.

You said...

Yes, I've been angry at my children but I've also come to realize that

the anger I felt was only stressing my body out and didn't make

anything better. So I chose to forgive them and ease the stress in my

body in an effort to continue toward health -- not sickness. After

all my expectation about how they should act was what caused my anger.

They really didn't do anything - it was what I thought they should do

that I was angry about.

Perhaps your expectations were actually on target, Ginger. Perhaps

your kids lack compassion as well - many people do. Choosing to

forgive them is the only logical answer, but it doesn't mean that they

shouldn't have acted differently. You're their mother, for God's sake.

I don't expect my kids to take care of me, but I do want to teach them

compassion. I know it's a fine line between compassion & dysfunction,

but I would at least like them to be human. Compassion & caring are a

couple of the only things that define us & differentiate us from the

animals. Unfortunately, too few human beings learned compassion & caring.

You said...

Hell, 90% of the doctors don't understand them so how can we expect

our friends and relatives to understand?

It's not necessary for them to understand. A simple " I'm sorry you're

not feeling well, " goes a long, long way - even if they think we're

full of crap! It's called giving a little something.

You said...

I really don't want to be a part of a group of victims!

If you feel that way about this thread, perhaps this isn't the right

forum for you.

Actually, I've been pleasantly surprised by how much NTH & NTHA is NOT

a group of victims. On other forums that I've been on, the members

just wait & wait for some dr to make it better for them. Here, most

just take action.

And I agree with Val - this is a support group. If I can't be honest

about my feelings & hope for POSITIVE ENCOURAGEMENT rather than

JUDGMENT, then what's the point?

I see no need to cut someone to the core after they've bared their

soul in honesty. A little kindness & compassion is in order.


> I don't mean to ruffle any feathers here, but I probably will. And

> this is not directed at any one particular person.


> Personally, I would rather focus on getting healthy than on how sick I

> am or may be or was. What we focus on now creates our reality

> tomorrow. So if you choose to focus on your illness and all the

> friends you've lost, and how awful you've been treated and " how can

> they be that way " and OH POOR ME, then you will just get more of it

> and make your self sicker in the meantime.


> Believe me, I understand what it's like to have this illness. I

> suffered from severe PMS for 25+ years. Finally had a hysterectomy as

> a result and had about 8 good years before I got sick with this. So

> I've been sick most of my life with hormone related issues.


> I live alone and don't have a social life but I don't blame the rest

> of the world. This is my life and I've been sick so why wouldn't

> everyone else go on with their life. Their life doesn't revolve

> around my illness and I understand that! Yes, I've been angry at my

> children but I've also come to realize that the anger I felt was only

> stressing my body out and didn't make anything better. So I chose to

> forgive them and ease the stress in my body in an effort to continue

> toward health -- not sickness. After all my expectation about how

> they should act was what caused my anger. They really didn't do

> anything - it was what I thought they should do that I was angry about.


> Hormone illnesses are not understood by the general public so people

> don't know how to react. Hell, 90% of the doctors don't understand

> them so how can we expect our friends and relatives to understand?


> The mind is a powerful thing. Use it to gravitate towards health.

> Think happy and good thoughts. Anger only creates dis-ease.


> Please, please get off the pity pot. I really don't want to be a part

> of a group of victims! Take responsibility for yourselves and don't

> expect others to - even if you are sick. It will make you stronger.

> And that's how you got here so keep it up!


> Ginger


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I've been thinking about your post since last night & had to add a few


You said the following...


but I don't blame the rest of the world.

get off the pity pot

....all of these things are very HARSH and JUDGMENTAL.

I find it hard to believe that YOU believe what you are saying about

acceptance & forgiveness if you have to resort to such CRITICAL

comments to get your point across.

You said...

So if you choose to focus on your illness and all the

> friends you've lost, and how awful you've been treated and " how can

> they be that way " and OH POOR ME, then you will just get more of it

> and make your self sicker in the meantime.

What do YOU know about what WE focus on? This was one post out of

probably a zillion that I've posted. Not necessarily what I or the

rest of us focus on day & night.

You said many good things in your post, but they were obliterated by

all of the JUDGMENT! Who are YOU to judge any of us? So far as I can

tell, you're pretty new to this forum, so how can you KNOW from one

thread WHAT it is that ANY of us focus on or have been through or how

we've dealt with it?

And what RIGHT do you have to tell ANYONE to get off their pity pot?

A little compassion for others would have gone a long way here, Ginger.

You said...

This is my life and I've been sick so why wouldn't everyone else go on

with their life.

Because they have COMPASSION. Perhaps if people had a bit of

compassion, they could still share their lives with you & make their

lives & your life a bit better. I'm not asking anyone to devote their

life to you, but it wouldn't hurt for someone to be kind & share some

of their time & life. It actually feels good to be kind to others &

give to others. It makes a very positive difference in the world.

You said...

Yes, I've been angry at my children but I've also come to realize that

the anger I felt was only stressing my body out and didn't make

anything better. So I chose to forgive them and ease the stress in my

body in an effort to continue toward health -- not sickness. After

all my expectation about how they should act was what caused my anger.

They really didn't do anything - it was what I thought they should do

that I was angry about.

Perhaps your expectations were actually on target, Ginger. Perhaps

your kids lack compassion as well - many people do. Choosing to

forgive them is the only logical answer, but it doesn't mean that they

shouldn't have acted differently. You're their mother, for God's sake.

I don't expect my kids to take care of me, but I do want to teach them

compassion. I know it's a fine line between compassion & dysfunction,

but I would at least like them to be human. Compassion & caring are a

couple of the only things that define us & differentiate us from the

animals. Unfortunately, too few human beings learned compassion & caring.

You said...

Hell, 90% of the doctors don't understand them so how can we expect

our friends and relatives to understand?

It's not necessary for them to understand. A simple " I'm sorry you're

not feeling well, " goes a long, long way - even if they think we're

full of crap! It's called giving a little something.

You said...

I really don't want to be a part of a group of victims!

If you feel that way about this thread, perhaps this isn't the right

forum for you.

Actually, I've been pleasantly surprised by how much NTH & NTHA is NOT

a group of victims. On other forums that I've been on, the members

just wait & wait for some dr to make it better for them. Here, most

just take action.

And I agree with Val - this is a support group. If I can't be honest

about my feelings & hope for POSITIVE ENCOURAGEMENT rather than

JUDGMENT, then what's the point?

I see no need to cut someone to the core after they've bared their

soul in honesty. A little kindness & compassion is in order.


> I don't mean to ruffle any feathers here, but I probably will. And

> this is not directed at any one particular person.


> Personally, I would rather focus on getting healthy than on how sick I

> am or may be or was. What we focus on now creates our reality

> tomorrow. So if you choose to focus on your illness and all the

> friends you've lost, and how awful you've been treated and " how can

> they be that way " and OH POOR ME, then you will just get more of it

> and make your self sicker in the meantime.


> Believe me, I understand what it's like to have this illness. I

> suffered from severe PMS for 25+ years. Finally had a hysterectomy as

> a result and had about 8 good years before I got sick with this. So

> I've been sick most of my life with hormone related issues.


> I live alone and don't have a social life but I don't blame the rest

> of the world. This is my life and I've been sick so why wouldn't

> everyone else go on with their life. Their life doesn't revolve

> around my illness and I understand that! Yes, I've been angry at my

> children but I've also come to realize that the anger I felt was only

> stressing my body out and didn't make anything better. So I chose to

> forgive them and ease the stress in my body in an effort to continue

> toward health -- not sickness. After all my expectation about how

> they should act was what caused my anger. They really didn't do

> anything - it was what I thought they should do that I was angry about.


> Hormone illnesses are not understood by the general public so people

> don't know how to react. Hell, 90% of the doctors don't understand

> them so how can we expect our friends and relatives to understand?


> The mind is a powerful thing. Use it to gravitate towards health.

> Think happy and good thoughts. Anger only creates dis-ease.


> Please, please get off the pity pot. I really don't want to be a part

> of a group of victims! Take responsibility for yourselves and don't

> expect others to - even if you are sick. It will make you stronger.

> And that's how you got here so keep it up!


> Ginger


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> On a positive note though I am very, very fortunate with my Husband.

> He has never doubted me and has been there for me the whole time. He

> works all the time and learning about my health problems and treating

> myself is a lonely job, but at least I never have to face his doubt

> and I always know he is behind me.


, that is an amazing blessing! I'm so happy you have him in

your life!


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> On a positive note though I am very, very fortunate with my Husband.

> He has never doubted me and has been there for me the whole time. He

> works all the time and learning about my health problems and treating

> myself is a lonely job, but at least I never have to face his doubt

> and I always know he is behind me.


, that is an amazing blessing! I'm so happy you have him in

your life!


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That's a good point Val and I'm not quite sure how to respond, but maybe even

animals have some karma to deal with; I dunno!!

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

Well having been a dog breeder for years, let me tell you a bit about

genetics. NOTHING oyu do in life will change them. My dog just went hypo

and it is autoimmune and she has had the bets of everything since birth

and no stress and no negativity,. So what's her excuse?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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That's a good point Val and I'm not quite sure how to respond, but maybe even

animals have some karma to deal with; I dunno!!

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

Well having been a dog breeder for years, let me tell you a bit about

genetics. NOTHING oyu do in life will change them. My dog just went hypo

and it is autoimmune and she has had the bets of everything since birth

and no stress and no negativity,. So what's her excuse?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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This is the problem with the " we create all illness " approach.

I really just can't buy it fully.

I can agree that we may contribute with certain factors to worsening

the situation, but " create " it fully...I don't think so.

For example...

I " believe " that it's possible my entire set of problems may be due in

part to iodine deficiency. How?

Well, iodine deficiency affects the thyroid & ovaries. I have low

thyroid hormone & low progesterone.

Progesterone is a pre-cursor to cortisol. I now have low cortisol,

very possibly because of the low progesterone.

Iodine has been shown to increase progesterone, which for me may also

increase cortisol.

Some have gotten fully off thyroid meds with iodine supplementation.

So, just work with me on this for a moment...

WHAT IF my whole set of problems is due to iodine deficiency???

How did my dysfunctional psyche bring that on?

It didn't.

Believing the mainstream medical establishment did, because I believed

their rap that there is no iodine deficiency in the United States.

Also, I recently discovered that I am gluten intolerant. A genetic

inability to digest the protein in grains. It runs in families &

ethnic groups. Gluten intolerance tends to create hormonal disturbances.

WHAT IF gluten intolerance is causing all of my problems?

How did my dysfunctional psyche bring that on?

It didn't.

It's a special gift from my ancestors that I was unaware of. It

really has nothing to do with me, except in how I choose to deal with it.

This is the PERFECT example of a genetic trait that I have NO control

over having, no matter how much I think, meditate, pray, cry, whine,

or do nothing.

My body does not have the ability to digest grain protein. Period. I

did not create this condition.

I just refuse to BLAME myself for my illness.





> sorry but I've never heard such a load of bunkum! Do you believe

> that Type I diabetics get what they deserve because of some kind of

> inbuilt behaviour???

> Lynda


> Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> flies?



> > Val,

> >

> > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my idea

> > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed to

> > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and become

> > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no longer

> > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be sick

> > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do the

> > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> >

> >


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This is the problem with the " we create all illness " approach.

I really just can't buy it fully.

I can agree that we may contribute with certain factors to worsening

the situation, but " create " it fully...I don't think so.

For example...

I " believe " that it's possible my entire set of problems may be due in

part to iodine deficiency. How?

Well, iodine deficiency affects the thyroid & ovaries. I have low

thyroid hormone & low progesterone.

Progesterone is a pre-cursor to cortisol. I now have low cortisol,

very possibly because of the low progesterone.

Iodine has been shown to increase progesterone, which for me may also

increase cortisol.

Some have gotten fully off thyroid meds with iodine supplementation.

So, just work with me on this for a moment...

WHAT IF my whole set of problems is due to iodine deficiency???

How did my dysfunctional psyche bring that on?

It didn't.

Believing the mainstream medical establishment did, because I believed

their rap that there is no iodine deficiency in the United States.

Also, I recently discovered that I am gluten intolerant. A genetic

inability to digest the protein in grains. It runs in families &

ethnic groups. Gluten intolerance tends to create hormonal disturbances.

WHAT IF gluten intolerance is causing all of my problems?

How did my dysfunctional psyche bring that on?

It didn't.

It's a special gift from my ancestors that I was unaware of. It

really has nothing to do with me, except in how I choose to deal with it.

This is the PERFECT example of a genetic trait that I have NO control

over having, no matter how much I think, meditate, pray, cry, whine,

or do nothing.

My body does not have the ability to digest grain protein. Period. I

did not create this condition.

I just refuse to BLAME myself for my illness.





> sorry but I've never heard such a load of bunkum! Do you believe

> that Type I diabetics get what they deserve because of some kind of

> inbuilt behaviour???

> Lynda


> Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> flies?



> > Val,

> >

> > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my idea

> > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed to

> > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and become

> > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no longer

> > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be sick

> > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do the

> > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> >

> >


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>Val, I have an Old English Sheepdog that has been with me when my ex

through me out of the house (well not literally, but that's how I

felt). Thanks to Zoe I have my sanity. I have always been an animal

lolover but had no idea that my dog would be my lifeline. Animals are

man's best friend for a reason; they DON'T JUDGE. :)

>>For a long time, it's been me and my cat......<<


> Hey my very best friends are my pets. They DO give me a reason to

get up in the morning.. all 8 of them!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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>Val, I have an Old English Sheepdog that has been with me when my ex

through me out of the house (well not literally, but that's how I

felt). Thanks to Zoe I have my sanity. I have always been an animal

lolover but had no idea that my dog would be my lifeline. Animals are

man's best friend for a reason; they DON'T JUDGE. :)

>>For a long time, it's been me and my cat......<<


> Hey my very best friends are my pets. They DO give me a reason to

get up in the morning.. all 8 of them!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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In a message dated 24/02/2007 20:35:12 GMT Standard Time,

AngInfoHound@... writes:

God is more powerful than our thoughts. And I am not so arrogant to

assume that just because I want something that God automatically hears

me & gives it to me because I want it & because I " get it " . Perhaps

there may be something larger at play here that I have no ability to


What I would see as the larger thing at play is that perhaps God is not

something 'outside', someone who may or may not hear us and give us what we


Perhaps we are God and God is us and we are powerful beyond our wildest




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> >

> > >>For a long time, it's been me and my cat......<<

> >

> > Hey my very best friends are my pets. They DO give me a reason to

> get up in the morning.. all 8 of them!

> >

> > --

> > Artistic Grooming-

Hurricane WV

> >

> > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> >


> >


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> >

> > >>For a long time, it's been me and my cat......<<

> >

> > Hey my very best friends are my pets. They DO give me a reason to

> get up in the morning.. all 8 of them!

> >

> > --

> > Artistic Grooming-

Hurricane WV

> >

> > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> >


> >


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>I agree with you that we are genetically predisposed, but so far

nothing has helped me regain the balance necessary for complete

healing. My hope is that none of us with adrenal and thyroid

atrophy will not be able to regenerate with enough nutrition and

stress relief. No doctor has been able to confirm that this is

possible. After 10 years+, and eliminating the original stressor (my

husband) I have not been able to conquer this illness. My hope is

that it can happen with enough emotional and nutritional support. I

wish there were more testimonials.



> I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

idea of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is

predisposed to and where their weaknesses lie if they are to

breakdown and become unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine

problems, and that's what I got once stress, and the way I was

operating were no longer working. I don't believe that we have to

get what we are genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves

up to be sick to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal

if we do the necessary work on ourselves and our lives.



> Re: Personal issue - friends dropping

like flies?



> >>If we don't change the way WE are operating and make the other

necessary changes, we won't heal. If we sit back and expect everyone

and everything else to change for us, then we will stay sick.<<


> Sorry I find this offensive. WE have changed, had to. And

I don;t think anyone expects the world to change just for our

illnesses. If we were not trying to deal with it and get well we

wouldn't be HERE. BTW I and many here, have Hash's.. a GENETIC

condition that we had NO control over happening to us. No amount of

changing is going to take it away.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/










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>I agree with you that we are genetically predisposed, but so far

nothing has helped me regain the balance necessary for complete

healing. My hope is that none of us with adrenal and thyroid

atrophy will not be able to regenerate with enough nutrition and

stress relief. No doctor has been able to confirm that this is

possible. After 10 years+, and eliminating the original stressor (my

husband) I have not been able to conquer this illness. My hope is

that it can happen with enough emotional and nutritional support. I

wish there were more testimonials.



> I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

idea of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is

predisposed to and where their weaknesses lie if they are to

breakdown and become unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine

problems, and that's what I got once stress, and the way I was

operating were no longer working. I don't believe that we have to

get what we are genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves

up to be sick to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal

if we do the necessary work on ourselves and our lives.



> Re: Personal issue - friends dropping

like flies?



> >>If we don't change the way WE are operating and make the other

necessary changes, we won't heal. If we sit back and expect everyone

and everything else to change for us, then we will stay sick.<<


> Sorry I find this offensive. WE have changed, had to. And

I don;t think anyone expects the world to change just for our

illnesses. If we were not trying to deal with it and get well we

wouldn't be HERE. BTW I and many here, have Hash's.. a GENETIC

condition that we had NO control over happening to us. No amount of

changing is going to take it away.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/










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Hi ,

Great post! I'm completely with you on this one. I've had my crazy

allergic problems since I was a baby......how did I create this myself? I

barely had a brain yet and certainly couldn't reason with myself that I wanted

to stay miserable and sick. I can feel now how stress and bad attitude make my

problem worse and I try to deal with that the best I can, but these things

certainly did not create my problem. But sometimes my illness gives me stress

and a bad attitude! It's a very vicious cycle......


angesc2001 wrote:

This is the problem with the " we create all illness " approach.

I really just can't buy it fully.

I can agree that we may contribute with certain factors to worsening

the situation, but " create " it fully...I don't think so.

For example...

I " believe " that it's possible my entire set of problems may be due in

part to iodine deficiency. How?

Well, iodine deficiency affects the thyroid & ovaries. I have low

thyroid hormone & low progesterone.

Progesterone is a pre-cursor to cortisol. I now have low cortisol,

very possibly because of the low progesterone.

Iodine has been shown to increase progesterone, which for me may also

increase cortisol.

Some have gotten fully off thyroid meds with iodine supplementation.

So, just work with me on this for a moment...

WHAT IF my whole set of problems is due to iodine deficiency???

How did my dysfunctional psyche bring that on?

It didn't.

Believing the mainstream medical establishment did, because I believed

their rap that there is no iodine deficiency in the United States.

Also, I recently discovered that I am gluten intolerant. A genetic

inability to digest the protein in grains. It runs in families &

ethnic groups. Gluten intolerance tends to create hormonal disturbances.

WHAT IF gluten intolerance is causing all of my problems?

How did my dysfunctional psyche bring that on?

It didn't.

It's a special gift from my ancestors that I was unaware of. It

really has nothing to do with me, except in how I choose to deal with it.

This is the PERFECT example of a genetic trait that I have NO control

over having, no matter how much I think, meditate, pray, cry, whine,

or do nothing.

My body does not have the ability to digest grain protein. Period. I

did not create this condition.

I just refuse to BLAME myself for my illness.





> sorry but I've never heard such a load of bunkum! Do you believe

> that Type I diabetics get what they deserve because of some kind of

> inbuilt behaviour???

> Lynda


> Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> flies?



> > Val,

> >

> > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my idea

> > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed to

> > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and become

> > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no longer

> > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be sick

> > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do the

> > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> >

> >



Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q & A.

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Yep I hear you loud and clear my wife worked and I took care or her mother God

Bless her we lost her last yr. My wife lost her job and this is what goes on

all day. When her mother was alive they both sat front of the fire place in the

kitchen it's a see through from the great room to the kitchen. The kitchen is

huge and has 2 chairs and a TV in front of the fire place. Then at 8pm they

both would come into the great room with me and watch TV. Now my wife sits in

the kitchen like she did with her mother by her self not saying much of anything

all day. She talkes on the phone and watches TV until 8pm then comes into the

great room with me and falls a sleep.

I feel like I live by my self and this has been going on for yrs.


PickPinkFlowers wrote:

I think the social isolation is one of the most painful aspects of

being sick.

When you need loving support the most, you have to deal with the added

burden of finding that your " friends " are really merely acquaintances who

desert you in your time of need, no matter how much you have done for

them. I found the rejection heartbreaking. I've had to get used to it, though.

When you have no family left alive, and your friends have deserted you

because you aren't " fun " to be around any more, it's hard to find a reason

for trying to get well. For a long time, it's been me and my cat......



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I wish there were a way to use positive thinking and make changes in my life

to get the Lyme out of my brain, heart, blood cells, etc. I had no part in

giving myself Lyme. I don't care about receiving sympathy, just would be

nice if my insurance company and the CDC would stop pretending that chronic

Lyme does not exist. I cannot go on disability, I cannot get insurance

payments for medical treatments, etc. I have Lyme in my brain and no known

way to get it out, leading to Alzheimers, MS, etc.

In a case of infection like Lyme (which is very similar to syphillis) trying

to overcome the problem by taking responsibility for creating it, would be

detrimental. If I used positive thinking or meditating, it would not remove

the bugs from my mitochondria or muscle fibers or fibroblasts. I have to be

very real in knowing I have an illness for which there really is no

treatment. If I feel good one day and stop treatment with antibiotics, I

will soon be incapacitated, as I have been in the past.

My adrenals and thyroid and entire endocrine system is trashed due to Lyme.

There is no recovery from it. Even if I eradicate every Lyme bug from my

body, it will not repair the heart and endocrine destruction. AND I have

autoimmune disease triggered by Lyme and my particular genetic type (DR4 and

DR2). So in killing off Lyme in my body, it actually triggers the

autoimmune disease.

I am not blaming the world and do not feel like anyone here is blaming the

world. Some of us are sicker than others and will never return to health.

I really do not read any posts as anyone blaming others. Just getting

support for being ill, when our doctors or family do not give a damn.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

, this reminds me of the time I was so sick from insomnia,

and my husband didn't understand my need for sympathy, not advice.

He told me if I run around the block ten times, I will fall asleep.

I felt so alone at the time because he had no clue as to what was

happening to me but he acted like he knew how to solve my problem

(which meant going to the doctor and taking care of it not realizing

that this illness is not something that you can cut out or take a

medicine and be fine). It was just another blow to our marriage that

put stress on my burned out adrenals.


> I get the " rolled eyes " from my mother, just like she did when I

was a kid,

> thinking I was making everythingup, and over-reacting, and being a


> She always knows more than I do, and if I just used this fascial

cream I

> won't look so old, and if I go back to work, and go " do more " ,

I'll feel

> better and lose weight. I don't even talk about it anymore, and


> asks. I figure its not their business anyway.


> My dh tries, but again, I get the rolled eyes, and he gets

frustrated and

> angry, and starts acting like a jerk. Then he says: " You have to

tell me

> what's going on! " (hence the rolled eyes). But I must say, if I

was that

> sick, he would drive me to the ER.


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/


> ~One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing.~

> -- Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891


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I wish there were a way to use positive thinking and make changes in my life

to get the Lyme out of my brain, heart, blood cells, etc. I had no part in

giving myself Lyme. I don't care about receiving sympathy, just would be

nice if my insurance company and the CDC would stop pretending that chronic

Lyme does not exist. I cannot go on disability, I cannot get insurance

payments for medical treatments, etc. I have Lyme in my brain and no known

way to get it out, leading to Alzheimers, MS, etc.

In a case of infection like Lyme (which is very similar to syphillis) trying

to overcome the problem by taking responsibility for creating it, would be

detrimental. If I used positive thinking or meditating, it would not remove

the bugs from my mitochondria or muscle fibers or fibroblasts. I have to be

very real in knowing I have an illness for which there really is no

treatment. If I feel good one day and stop treatment with antibiotics, I

will soon be incapacitated, as I have been in the past.

My adrenals and thyroid and entire endocrine system is trashed due to Lyme.

There is no recovery from it. Even if I eradicate every Lyme bug from my

body, it will not repair the heart and endocrine destruction. AND I have

autoimmune disease triggered by Lyme and my particular genetic type (DR4 and

DR2). So in killing off Lyme in my body, it actually triggers the

autoimmune disease.

I am not blaming the world and do not feel like anyone here is blaming the

world. Some of us are sicker than others and will never return to health.

I really do not read any posts as anyone blaming others. Just getting

support for being ill, when our doctors or family do not give a damn.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

, this reminds me of the time I was so sick from insomnia,

and my husband didn't understand my need for sympathy, not advice.

He told me if I run around the block ten times, I will fall asleep.

I felt so alone at the time because he had no clue as to what was

happening to me but he acted like he knew how to solve my problem

(which meant going to the doctor and taking care of it not realizing

that this illness is not something that you can cut out or take a

medicine and be fine). It was just another blow to our marriage that

put stress on my burned out adrenals.


> I get the " rolled eyes " from my mother, just like she did when I

was a kid,

> thinking I was making everythingup, and over-reacting, and being a


> She always knows more than I do, and if I just used this fascial

cream I

> won't look so old, and if I go back to work, and go " do more " ,

I'll feel

> better and lose weight. I don't even talk about it anymore, and


> asks. I figure its not their business anyway.


> My dh tries, but again, I get the rolled eyes, and he gets

frustrated and

> angry, and starts acting like a jerk. Then he says: " You have to

tell me

> what's going on! " (hence the rolled eyes). But I must say, if I

was that

> sick, he would drive me to the ER.


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/


> ~One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing.~

> -- Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891


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I too have been the major rescuer and doer in my family, including my

boyfriend (ex now). I would run over my mom's and help her with my step dad

whom she neglected, help her with her own health, help my brother and

boyfriend with his. I would cook for them, do housework, get them

medications, clean up their dogs, etc. Now that I am sick I see none of

this. In fact, my mom is worried now cause I will not be there to take care

of her!!

Interesting to see how the people I have helped constantly for years, flee

or disappear or just do not call. It has been a tough lesson. That is why

I gave up being a psychologist. I got tired of hearing about others

problems, some of which involved affairs, wanting more than one girlfriend

or wife, crap like that.

It is a wake up call to realize that when you are in need, no one is


-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?


> I think a huge part of the problem here is most of us WERE over

> achievers in a past life, and the people around us got used to OUR


> everything. Slowly we just stopped doing things one at a time and


> general opinion at least of my acquaintances is that i got lazy


> disinterested. they cannot possibly know how untrue that is.

Janis: , that's very sad to me that we are so

misunderstood. They should only know how hard we are trying.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/




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I too have been the major rescuer and doer in my family, including my

boyfriend (ex now). I would run over my mom's and help her with my step dad

whom she neglected, help her with her own health, help my brother and

boyfriend with his. I would cook for them, do housework, get them

medications, clean up their dogs, etc. Now that I am sick I see none of

this. In fact, my mom is worried now cause I will not be there to take care

of her!!

Interesting to see how the people I have helped constantly for years, flee

or disappear or just do not call. It has been a tough lesson. That is why

I gave up being a psychologist. I got tired of hearing about others

problems, some of which involved affairs, wanting more than one girlfriend

or wife, crap like that.

It is a wake up call to realize that when you are in need, no one is


-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?


> I think a huge part of the problem here is most of us WERE over

> achievers in a past life, and the people around us got used to OUR


> everything. Slowly we just stopped doing things one at a time and


> general opinion at least of my acquaintances is that i got lazy


> disinterested. they cannot possibly know how untrue that is.

Janis: , that's very sad to me that we are so

misunderstood. They should only know how hard we are trying.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/




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Hi Ginger we are not having a pity party for are selfs we are way past this your

reading this wrong. All we are doing is sharing are stories about are family

and friends. And I hope new people to this problem will get something from



SunshineGinny wrote:

I don't mean to ruffle any feathers here, but I probably will. And

this is not directed at any one particular person.

Personally, I would rather focus on getting healthy than on how sick I

am or may be or was. What we focus on now creates our reality

tomorrow. So if you choose to focus on your illness and all the

friends you've lost, and how awful you've been treated and " how can

they be that way " and OH POOR ME, then you will just get more of it

and make your self sicker in the meantime.

Believe me, I understand what it's like to have this illness. I

suffered from severe PMS for 25+ years. Finally had a hysterectomy as

a result and had about 8 good years before I got sick with this. So

I've been sick most of my life with hormone related issues.

I live alone and don't have a social life but I don't blame the rest

of the world. This is my life and I've been sick so why wouldn't

everyone else go on with their life. Their life doesn't revolve

around my illness and I understand that! Yes, I've been angry at my

children but I've also come to realize that the anger I felt was only

stressing my body out and didn't make anything better. So I chose to

forgive them and ease the stress in my body in an effort to continue

toward health -- not sickness. After all my expectation about how

they should act was what caused my anger. They really didn't do

anything - it was what I thought they should do that I was angry about.

Hormone illnesses are not understood by the general public so people

don't know how to react. Hell, 90% of the doctors don't understand

them so how can we expect our friends and relatives to understand?

The mind is a powerful thing. Use it to gravitate towards health.

Think happy and good thoughts. Anger only creates dis-ease.

Please, please get off the pity pot. I really don't want to be a part

of a group of victims! Take responsibility for yourselves and don't

expect others to - even if you are sick. It will make you stronger.

And that's how you got here so keep it up!



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Hi Ginger we are not having a pity party for are selfs we are way past this your

reading this wrong. All we are doing is sharing are stories about are family

and friends. And I hope new people to this problem will get something from



SunshineGinny wrote:

I don't mean to ruffle any feathers here, but I probably will. And

this is not directed at any one particular person.

Personally, I would rather focus on getting healthy than on how sick I

am or may be or was. What we focus on now creates our reality

tomorrow. So if you choose to focus on your illness and all the

friends you've lost, and how awful you've been treated and " how can

they be that way " and OH POOR ME, then you will just get more of it

and make your self sicker in the meantime.

Believe me, I understand what it's like to have this illness. I

suffered from severe PMS for 25+ years. Finally had a hysterectomy as

a result and had about 8 good years before I got sick with this. So

I've been sick most of my life with hormone related issues.

I live alone and don't have a social life but I don't blame the rest

of the world. This is my life and I've been sick so why wouldn't

everyone else go on with their life. Their life doesn't revolve

around my illness and I understand that! Yes, I've been angry at my

children but I've also come to realize that the anger I felt was only

stressing my body out and didn't make anything better. So I chose to

forgive them and ease the stress in my body in an effort to continue

toward health -- not sickness. After all my expectation about how

they should act was what caused my anger. They really didn't do

anything - it was what I thought they should do that I was angry about.

Hormone illnesses are not understood by the general public so people

don't know how to react. Hell, 90% of the doctors don't understand

them so how can we expect our friends and relatives to understand?

The mind is a powerful thing. Use it to gravitate towards health.

Think happy and good thoughts. Anger only creates dis-ease.

Please, please get off the pity pot. I really don't want to be a part

of a group of victims! Take responsibility for yourselves and don't

expect others to - even if you are sick. It will make you stronger.

And that's how you got here so keep it up!



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