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Re: good evening

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Hi Pat:

Cassidy is black and silver. When he is first clipped Cassidy's coat is a

gorgeous silver gray color. As he grows out, Cassidy has a top coat that is

poker straight and black. I have a friend who is raising a Poodle for GDA

right now, as a matter of fact, and she told me that Cassidy has a show

coat. All the more reason for his Fonzarelli attitude. (smile)

Cassidy is my second Poodle, and my fifth Pilot Dog. Bobbi, my previous dog,

and first Poodle, passed away pretty suddenly from Pancreatic Cancer almost

four years ago.

I adore Poodles and hope to continue working them for many years to come.

I received part of my education about Diabetes when my third dog, Ann`e, a

beautiful black Lab, was diagnosed with Diabetes at age eleven.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>> from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Cy:

Yes, your pup wrote to mine and somehow I think they might be plotting to

get hold of something good to eat.

I value your advice very much and sure appreciate your opinions. I suspect

that my blood sugar is indeed high and am glad I found you all.

You are a wealth of knowledge and I sure do appreciate your willingness to

share it with me.

We're doing something right, according to your post, because we are reading

labels and checking the carbs. Now that I have a number to work as a guide

I'll hopefully improve upon what I'm doing.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>> was diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth

>>> about Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I


>>> know enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>> from participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle maddpoodle27@...



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HI Mike:

My doctor said that 6.5 was the top number and my A1C was 6.6.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening


>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes

>> from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know enough yet to

>> manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Mike:

Thank you for your wealth of information. I am going to save this post and

go through it again in order to get as much information as I can from here.

My doctor's reasoning behind not wanting me to test at this time is that she

is concerned I will become overwhelmed causing me to become non-compliant.

While she certainly has a valid reason, I have never been one to sit back

and wait for others to tell me what I ought to be doing if I have a pretty

good idea about what it is I need to do. The few times that I have waited on

others to decide that something needed to happen, not only with my own

health care, but with my dogs, I've always ended up in more trouble than if

I had taken a proactive attitude and insisted on doing what needed to be


I can't remember if I told you all that I am also Hypothyroid and have been

for more years than I suspect When I started to gain weight soon after

turning thirty I got every excuse from doctors as to why my scales went ever

higher. Anyway, our former doctor finally did bloodwork and my Thyroid was

way out of line, my cholesterol was high, but my blood sugar was right in

the middle of normal. December was the first time that my blood sugar was

elevated and set off the warning bells, causing my doctor to order the A1C.

I would like to give her the chance to work with me on this but will not do

so if my doctor isn't willing to work with me. We'll see what happens. It

won't hurt to call the Endocrinologist and set up an appointment. Sometimes

two or three heads work better than one. It's going to be interesting to see

what the dietician has to recommend as well.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>> from

>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>>> participating on this list.


>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Thanks, anyway, Terri. I appreciate your trying and am sure you'll have the

answers to many of my questions.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to

>>>>>>>> learn

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>>>> was

>>>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I

>>>>>>>> know

>>>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Vicki:

Now the recipes I will look forward to!

I love my Poodle even though he is ornery. he is a fantastic worker and I

secretly love his ornery ways. I can't let him know that, though, because he

would take full advantage of my own ornery nature.

thanks for the welcome and I look forward to one day being able to help

someone out here like you all are helping me.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>> maddpoodle27@...



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Why don't you drop by for supper. You and Crystal would do nicely

together. She also hates cauliflower, broccoli and other things which

are the things she should be eating...

Now, for snacks I understand that Pork Skins have no carbs.... Dip those

in some cheese (not too awful much) and you are in like flint.

The whole grain breads are a little better for you than the white breads

because the carbs are slower to release.

Check out Wal-Mart for some low carb bread. They do have a couple which

are something like 8 or so carbs (total) per slice and that is nearly

half of what a delicious slice of white bread is. (LOL)

If you hae not tried it yet Splenda is a pretty good sugar substitute

and you can cook with it.

Some folks have used a product called Stevia and like it. Crystal did

nto like it but I happen to. You can find it at a Natural Food store and

it is really concentrated. (note I did not say a Health Food Store).

Now, for the important things, you mentioned GDA, would that be Guide

Dogs of America? And, finally, how tall is your guide?

Do take care and sure is good to meet you.

Cy, the Ancient Okie and Grady, the Labrador Recliner....

Re: Good evening

Hi Pat:

I'm trying because I want to stay healthy. After all, that rascal of a

Poodle and my husband need someone around to boss them. (grin)

Do people really eat Cauliflower? I'm kidding, of course, because I know

that people love the stuff. I'm probably the only human on earth that

doesn't go near Cauliflower which means the rest of the folks can have



I've either cut way back on the things that I know are starch such as


and potatoes or eliminated them altogether until I know what I will be


to handle. Your post gives me all the more reason to be testing.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle maddpoodle27@...

Good evening


>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I


>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes

>> from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know enough

yet to

>> manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain


>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>> maddpoodle27@...



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I may be aminority of one but I advocate owning a regular glucose monitor

even though one does own a talking one. There are times when it comes in

handy. As I said elsewhere, I use the Accu-Chek VoiceMate.


Good evening



>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to

>>>>>>>> learn

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>>>> was

>>>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I

>>>>>>>> know

>>>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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I may be aminority of one but I advocate owning a regular glucose monitor

even though one does own a talking one. There are times when it comes in

handy. As I said elsewhere, I use the Accu-Chek VoiceMate.


Good evening



>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to

>>>>>>>> learn

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>>>> was

>>>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I

>>>>>>>> know

>>>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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I may be aminority of one but I advocate owning a regular glucose monitor

even though one does own a talking one. There are times when it comes in

handy. As I said elsewhere, I use the Accu-Chek VoiceMate.


Good evening



>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to

>>>>>>>> learn

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>>>> was

>>>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I

>>>>>>>> know

>>>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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The American Association of Clinical Endocronologists recommends an A1C of

no more than 6.5. This is lower, obviously, than the American Diabetes

Asociation's recommendation of 7. The lower the A1C, the better, consistent,

of course, with not having too many low blood glucose reactions.


Good evening


>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes

>>> from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know enough yet

>>> to

>>> manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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I will say amen to what said and impress upon you that the key to

blood glucose mastery and bs control is charting and counting, and knowing

what to count. So make a record on your computer or a file with you as the

title of that file and start keeping a record of what you eat, drink, dose,

and do. Learn to count total grams of carbs, not net carbs, not good carbs,

not bad carbbs, not slow carbs, not simple carbs, not complex carbs, not

fast carbs, and any other kind of carbs the marketeers throw at you. Just

remember total carbs, since insulin only works on carbs, not fat and not

protein. No matter what kind of carb you consume, insulin gets around to

working on all of them. A fellow lister Dean Masters has compiled a general

guide for carb counting, which is available to you upon request.

Happy counting, since you will be counting for the rest of your life. I

only count the carbs I consume at every meal, snack or drink, which saves me

a lot of time in not counting carbs at other times in my life. <grin>

I consider this to be one of my one and best good habits.


Good evening



>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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What veggies *does* Crystal like?


Good evening


>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn


>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

> was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes

>>> from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know enough

> yet to

>>> manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

> from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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I believe your doctor is just trying to placate you, while at the same time

pointing out to you that your bs is a little high. Running bs levels near

the normal range between an A1C of 4.2-5.2 assures the diabetic of few to no

diabetic complications. This is a fact and not a fiction. So strive for a

normal A1C, that is an A1C is that of a " normal person " , and not a diabetic.

A diabetic who runs an A1C of 5.5 or lower rarely has diabetic

complications. But how can I do this?, you may ask. The answer is so

simple it will astound you. Just be sure your two hour post prandial bs

reading is 120 or less. For those who prefer mole readings this would be

6.67 or less.

Good evening


>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes

>>> from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know enough yet

>>> to

>>> manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Are you running a low blood sugar? Your spelling and grammar has become

atrocious.<LOL> I ask because I am a terrible speller. I find that doing a

spell check on out going messages solves a lot of my problems. It might

work for you, too. <smile> hahahaha

Good evening


>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes

>> from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know enough yet to

>> manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>> maddpoodle27@...



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Unfortunately not those which she needs to eat. She will eat green beans

and a few other water based ones.

She is warming up to the cauliflower though. She will try the Broccoli

Normandy and that is at least a start.

While I am not a Diabetic I truly do understand not being able to drink

or eat what one really enjoys, I am a completely recovered Alcoholic.

I was an Alcoholic for about 20 or so years and I have been a good boy

for the past 15 years - but - the temptations of some good Scotch or a

good brandy sure would come easy.

The same story is for tobacco. I smoked from the time I was about 8

until 1990. For a long time the temptation to pick up a pipe or enjoy a

cigar was really great. A pipe still sounds good to me...

Poor Crystal, she also does not like fish or anything which comes out of

the water... Oh well, we will overcome these small obstacles?

Cy, the ancient Okie...

Re: Good evening


What veggies *does* Crystal like?


Good evening


>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to

>>> learn


>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

> was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>> enough

> yet to

>>> manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

> from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle maddpoodle27@...



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no problem

Good evening


>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>> from

>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>> Diabetes

>>>> from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know enough yet

>>>> to

>>>> manage my own Diabetes.


>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>>> participating on this list.


>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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the voicemate model my wife has and it is good.


Good evening



>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to

>>>>>>>> learn

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>>>> was

>>>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I

>>>>>>>> know

>>>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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the voicemate model my wife has and it is good.


Good evening



>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to

>>>>>>>> learn

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>>>> was

>>>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I

>>>>>>>> know

>>>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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the voicemate model my wife has and it is good.


Good evening



>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to

>>>>>>>> learn

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>>>> was

>>>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I

>>>>>>>> know

>>>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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If you have a doctor who will listen to you and is willing to really hear

what you are saying backed up by recommendations from this list, then keep

him. We really do know what we are talking about. With the help of the

folks here, I finally taught my medical doctor how to treat diabetes. After

all it is you who should be the expert.

Good evening



>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>>> from

>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>> from

>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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If you have a doctor who will listen to you and is willing to really hear

what you are saying backed up by recommendations from this list, then keep

him. We really do know what we are talking about. With the help of the

folks here, I finally taught my medical doctor how to treat diabetes. After

all it is you who should be the expert.

Good evening



>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>>> from

>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>> from

>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Cy:

I have purchased Splenda and do like it. For some reason or other products

like Equal do not agree with me at all. I haven't seen Stevia but we do have

a couple of natural food stores here and I'll sure check it out.

We mostly eat whole grain breads here and I am going to look into the low

carb bread next trip to the grocery. I've never been a big fan of bread and

will use one slice where most of folks use two.

I like Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts but Asparagus and Cauliflower are not

in my vocabulary. I'm the only one in the family that will pass on those and

Eggplant. It sounds like Crystal and I agree on enough that dinner would be

fun for sure.

When I said GDA I sure meant guide Dogs of America. I'm not sure when they

started working with Poodles in their program, but think that it is pretty

recent. I'm excited about more schools giving Poodles a try and hope that

they are successful.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening


>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn


>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

> was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes

>>> from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know enough

> yet to

>>> manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

> from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Cy:

I have purchased Splenda and do like it. For some reason or other products

like Equal do not agree with me at all. I haven't seen Stevia but we do have

a couple of natural food stores here and I'll sure check it out.

We mostly eat whole grain breads here and I am going to look into the low

carb bread next trip to the grocery. I've never been a big fan of bread and

will use one slice where most of folks use two.

I like Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts but Asparagus and Cauliflower are not

in my vocabulary. I'm the only one in the family that will pass on those and

Eggplant. It sounds like Crystal and I agree on enough that dinner would be

fun for sure.

When I said GDA I sure meant guide Dogs of America. I'm not sure when they

started working with Poodles in their program, but think that it is pretty

recent. I'm excited about more schools giving Poodles a try and hope that

they are successful.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening


>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn


>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

> was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes

>>> from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know enough

> yet to

>>> manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

> from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Mike:

I can see why you own a regular glucose monitor as well as the Voice Mate.

That's pretty smart thinking on your part.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to

>>>>>>>>> learn

>>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>>>>> was

>>>>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I

>>>>>>>>> know

>>>>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>>>>> from

>>>>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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