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Re: Ah the frustration!

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You live in the LA area don't you? I can understand transportation helping

your husband since he is over 55 where you are 52, but what about fixed bus



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Bill the one street I am not sure I can get across fast enough or safe

enough to get the buss to go to the doctor office with a cane.

I can't move my rite leg as fast as I used too and be safe.

I would walk three blocks to the buss stop and then cross the street twice

to go there and cross again to get back home.

So I need to make sure I will be ok.

Getting mobility help.

Then if there is ice I am afraid of falling.

Still trying to get my arm to clean up from the last fall.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!


> Dar,


> You live in the LA area don't you? I can understand transportation helping

> your husband since he is over 55 where you are 52, but what about fixed

> bus

> routes?


> Bill







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Of course not Dar. This statement from Bill was aboaut the people who ask

questions and then don't do what they need to do to get better-they just

complain about the problems they are having. Your questions are very

pertinent and you are acting upon them, which is great! We all commend you

on your wanting to gain knowledge about your new situation. Bil is

frustrated because his mother has been diabetic for a long time and will not

do what is needed to imporove her situation.

Re: Ah the frustration!

So is it being said I need to leave the list because I keep asking questions

on how to do something?

Everyone has a different answer on how to do something.

You folks are not perfect and for that I am glad.

But I won't stay on a list where folks feel the castle is theirs and I am

someone to step on.

You had a beginning and asked many questions,

You all made mistakes and still do.

If you didn't you wouldn't be the diabetic persons you are.

I have read enough messages here that I have felt if I make a mistake a

crime happens.

I thought I had the rite to ask questions.

But I don't mind leaving.

Thanks for your helpfulness.

There for the grace of God go I.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Ah the frustration!




>> You know, there are days when you just wonder why you try so hard to

>> educate people on diabetes control, because nothing you say sinks in.

> My

>> mother, who is 78 and has been diabetic for years, just will NOT

>> understand the concept of diabetes management. No matter how many

> times I

>> tell her not to eat fried food, that's what she eats. No matter that I


>> tell her to cut out the white bread, that's what she eats. Part of the


>> dynamic is that since she lost her vision, she counts on my dad to do

> the

>> cooking, but wh

>> o did he learn from? My mom. So he carries on the tradition of fried

> foods

>> and the other bad habits that she's been following for years. I wish I


>> could lead her to a healthy happy life but she's just not going to

> change.


>> And then there's a friend of mine whose sister is diabetic and not

>> only

>> does she not take any kind of diabetic management seriously, she's

>> oblivious to the dangers she puts herself at. We can talk to her till

>> she's blue in the face but she insists that a blood sugar of 240 one

> hour

>> after eating is perfectly OK. Of course she's very overweight (350+

>> pounds) and eats all the time, eating unhealthy foods at that.


>> These are just two examples of failing to reach and teach people about

>> controlling their diabetes.


>> And then there's the people I run into at the mall or on the bus who


>> get told that " drinking a glass of orange juice " or " crackers and OJ "

> to

>> recover from a low sugar is OK, or " eating a candy bar " to bring your

>> sugar up is fine, this because they were told by a doctor, who's

> supposed

>> to know better. And you try to tell them that's not so, and the

> attitude

>> is " what do you know, are you a doctor? " All I can say is " No, I'm a

>> well-educated diabetic that has learned that not everything a doctor

> says

>> is t

>> rue. "


>> I'm just venting today. I'm in one of those " why do I bother to preach


>> and

>> teach " moods. I just hate seeing people suffer and hate it when I

> can't

>> get through. It's places like this board that have taught me better

> than I

>> could have ever learned from my doc, and I just feel it's important to

> get

>> other people on the bandwagon.


>> Bill Powers



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Boy, you're right, Bill. There are too many people like that. I have a

diabetic friend (type 1) who weighs over 300 pounds, has bad legs, a bad

heart and diadiabetic neuropathy. I have given up talking carb counting to

her. Her favorite breakfast for instance is cream of wheat with frozen

berries plus toast!

Re: Ah the frustration!


That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

listened to.

The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic and

has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene habits

nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those triple-helping

meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

" expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but quit

showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that could

use my attention.


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Boy, you're right, Bill. There are too many people like that. I have a

diabetic friend (type 1) who weighs over 300 pounds, has bad legs, a bad

heart and diadiabetic neuropathy. I have given up talking carb counting to

her. Her favorite breakfast for instance is cream of wheat with frozen

berries plus toast!

Re: Ah the frustration!


That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

listened to.

The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic and

has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene habits

nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those triple-helping

meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

" expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but quit

showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that could

use my attention.


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Transportation is very frustrating. I wish I knew more about what is

available in your area so we could help! Don't you have any blind advocacy

organizations in your area who could help-like ACB or NFB?

Re: Ah the frustration!

Bill I will make mistakes and that I am grateful for,

because I can't learn about something if I don't.

But I need baby steps,

I just can't get it all straight in such a short time and try to do what I

am asked to do locally.

I get over whelmed.

So I could be like the others who are doing what you are speaking about.

I am loosing weight and this is good.

A small bit at a time but I don't want to loose it fast.

Will see the doctor on the eleventh and this is a killer.

The same transportation that said they wanted nothing to do with me has

accepted my husband.

I have to make three week appointments but he can call in three days.

Because I am fifty two and they don't want to help me.

He is fifty six and they are willing to help.

So it is getting harder for me to get back and forth to see the doctor.

This is some of the stuff I don't understand.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!


> Dar,


> Who on earth said you should leave the list? No, you need to stay, ask

> questions, get answers and then apply those answers to your life. If you

> are

> willing to take the advice we give here then the list can be a big help to

> you. If you merely hear the advice and were to just write it off in

> disbelief, then the list would be a waste of your time. But the fact that

> you are here shows you want help and we're certainly here for that.


> I have no idea of who would tell you to get off the list, no I.


> Bill







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Guest guest

Transportation is very frustrating. I wish I knew more about what is

available in your area so we could help! Don't you have any blind advocacy

organizations in your area who could help-like ACB or NFB?

Re: Ah the frustration!

Bill I will make mistakes and that I am grateful for,

because I can't learn about something if I don't.

But I need baby steps,

I just can't get it all straight in such a short time and try to do what I

am asked to do locally.

I get over whelmed.

So I could be like the others who are doing what you are speaking about.

I am loosing weight and this is good.

A small bit at a time but I don't want to loose it fast.

Will see the doctor on the eleventh and this is a killer.

The same transportation that said they wanted nothing to do with me has

accepted my husband.

I have to make three week appointments but he can call in three days.

Because I am fifty two and they don't want to help me.

He is fifty six and they are willing to help.

So it is getting harder for me to get back and forth to see the doctor.

This is some of the stuff I don't understand.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!


> Dar,


> Who on earth said you should leave the list? No, you need to stay, ask

> questions, get answers and then apply those answers to your life. If you

> are

> willing to take the advice we give here then the list can be a big help to

> you. If you merely hear the advice and were to just write it off in

> disbelief, then the list would be a waste of your time. But the fact that

> you are here shows you want help and we're certainly here for that.


> I have no idea of who would tell you to get off the list, no I.


> Bill







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Bill, She lives in Montana and has street crossing problems for taking


Re: Ah the frustration!


You live in the LA area don't you? I can understand transportation helping

your husband since he is over 55 where you are 52, but what about fixed bus



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Jim is the president of NFB but he is stumped on what to do.

So I am dancing for myself.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!




>> Dar,


>> Who on earth said you should leave the list? No, you need to stay, ask

>> questions, get answers and then apply those answers to your life. If you

>> are

>> willing to take the advice we give here then the list can be a big help

>> to

>> you. If you merely hear the advice and were to just write it off in

>> disbelief, then the list would be a waste of your time. But the fact that

>> you are here shows you want help and we're certainly here for that.


>> I have no idea of who would tell you to get off the list, no I.


>> Bill







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Jim is the president of NFB but he is stumped on what to do.

So I am dancing for myself.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!




>> Dar,


>> Who on earth said you should leave the list? No, you need to stay, ask

>> questions, get answers and then apply those answers to your life. If you

>> are

>> willing to take the advice we give here then the list can be a big help

>> to

>> you. If you merely hear the advice and were to just write it off in

>> disbelief, then the list would be a waste of your time. But the fact that

>> you are here shows you want help and we're certainly here for that.


>> I have no idea of who would tell you to get off the list, no I.


>> Bill







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You can't have that?

Why can't you?

I was going to have oat meal with a slice of toast,

when I was told that would be thirty carbs.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!



> ,


> That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

> approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

> listened to.


> The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic and

> has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene

> habits

> nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

> overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those

> triple-helping


> meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

> hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

> " expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

> situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but

> quit


> showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

> wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

> life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that could

> use my attention.


> Bill







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You can have that Dar, but it is very high in carbs and wil make you ave

high blood sugar. I only eat oatmeal if my sugar is really low in the

morning. Too bad because I love it with Splenda and butter.

Re: Ah the frustration!

You can't have that?

Why can't you?

I was going to have oat meal with a slice of toast,

when I was told that would be thirty carbs.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!



> ,


> That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

> approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

> listened to.


> The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic and

> has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene

> habits

> nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

> overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those

> triple-helping


> meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

> hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

> " expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

> situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but

> quit


> showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

> wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

> life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that could

> use my attention.


> Bill







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You can have that Dar, but it is very high in carbs and wil make you ave

high blood sugar. I only eat oatmeal if my sugar is really low in the

morning. Too bad because I love it with Splenda and butter.

Re: Ah the frustration!

You can't have that?

Why can't you?

I was going to have oat meal with a slice of toast,

when I was told that would be thirty carbs.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!



> ,


> That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

> approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

> listened to.


> The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic and

> has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene

> habits

> nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

> overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those

> triple-helping


> meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

> hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

> " expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

> situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but

> quit


> showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

> wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

> life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that could

> use my attention.


> Bill







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Guest guest

You can have that Dar, but it is very high in carbs and wil make you ave

high blood sugar. I only eat oatmeal if my sugar is really low in the

morning. Too bad because I love it with Splenda and butter.

Re: Ah the frustration!

You can't have that?

Why can't you?

I was going to have oat meal with a slice of toast,

when I was told that would be thirty carbs.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!



> ,


> That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

> approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

> listened to.


> The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic and

> has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene

> habits

> nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

> overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those

> triple-helping


> meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

> hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

> " expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

> situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but

> quit


> showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

> wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

> life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that could

> use my attention.


> Bill







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It sounds like he needs to go to the transportation authorities in Montana

and object to their no letting people with disability use a paratransit


Re: Ah the frustration!

Jim is the president of NFB but he is stumped on what to do.

So I am dancing for myself.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!




>> Dar,


>> Who on earth said you should leave the list? No, you need to stay, ask

>> questions, get answers and then apply those answers to your life. If you

>> are

>> willing to take the advice we give here then the list can be a big help

>> to

>> you. If you merely hear the advice and were to just write it off in

>> disbelief, then the list would be a waste of your time. But the fact that

>> you are here shows you want help and we're certainly here for that.


>> I have no idea of who would tell you to get off the list, no I.


>> Bill







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Guest guest

It sounds like he needs to go to the transportation authorities in Montana

and object to their no letting people with disability use a paratransit


Re: Ah the frustration!

Jim is the president of NFB but he is stumped on what to do.

So I am dancing for myself.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!




>> Dar,


>> Who on earth said you should leave the list? No, you need to stay, ask

>> questions, get answers and then apply those answers to your life. If you

>> are

>> willing to take the advice we give here then the list can be a big help

>> to

>> you. If you merely hear the advice and were to just write it off in

>> disbelief, then the list would be a waste of your time. But the fact that

>> you are here shows you want help and we're certainly here for that.


>> I have no idea of who would tell you to get off the list, no I.


>> Bill







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Tell me more,

One third cup oat meal is high in carbs?



--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!



>> ,


>> That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

>> approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

>> listened to.


>> The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic

>> and

>> has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene

>> habits

>> nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

>> overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those

>> triple-helping


>> meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

>> hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

>> " expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

>> situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but

>> quit


>> showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

>> wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

>> life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that

>> could

>> use my attention.


>> Bill







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I will send this message to his email box.

And see if something more can be done.



--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!




>>> Dar,


>>> Who on earth said you should leave the list? No, you need to stay, ask

>>> questions, get answers and then apply those answers to your life. If you

>>> are

>>> willing to take the advice we give here then the list can be a big help

>>> to

>>> you. If you merely hear the advice and were to just write it off in

>>> disbelief, then the list would be a waste of your time. But the fact

>>> that

>>> you are here shows you want help and we're certainly here for that.


>>> I have no idea of who would tell you to get off the list, no I.


>>> Bill







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Guest guest


The very fact that you have a hard time ambulating because of your right leg

SHOULD be grounds for you to have the same paratransit service as your

husband, unless the city you're in has a blanket policy that excludes

everyone under 55, period. I just don't understand some of the rules these

agencies use, though some of it has to do with ways they adhere to the laws

in order to receive federal funding. In any case, with your being slow to

ambulate and being unable to safely navigate across a busy street to catch

the bus, you should be allowed service on paratransit. I would fight that

one if I were you.


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Thanks Bill,

I will keep you posted on what we come up with.

I stumble on a crack and almost go over.

Walking flat footed.

Then I have a hard time getting up myself.

With the dog they can keep me going straight and I use them for balance that

a cane doesn't give me.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!


> Dar,


> The very fact that you have a hard time ambulating because of your right

> leg

> SHOULD be grounds for you to have the same paratransit service as your

> husband, unless the city you're in has a blanket policy that excludes

> everyone under 55, period. I just don't understand some of the rules these

> agencies use, though some of it has to do with ways they adhere to the

> laws

> in order to receive federal funding. In any case, with your being slow to

> ambulate and being unable to safely navigate across a busy street to catch

> the bus, you should be allowed service on paratransit. I would fight that

> one if I were you.


> Bill







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Because it is a grain and all grains are high in carbs-that's just the way

they are!

Re: Ah the frustration!

Tell me more,

One third cup oat meal is high in carbs?



--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!



>> ,


>> That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

>> approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

>> listened to.


>> The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic

>> and

>> has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene

>> habits

>> nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

>> overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those

>> triple-helping


>> meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

>> hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

>> " expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

>> situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but

>> quit


>> showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

>> wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

>> life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that

>> could

>> use my attention.


>> Bill







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Hat's my point!

Re: Ah the frustration!


The very fact that you have a hard time ambulating because of your right leg

SHOULD be grounds for you to have the same paratransit service as your

husband, unless the city you're in has a blanket policy that excludes

everyone under 55, period. I just don't understand some of the rules these

agencies use, though some of it has to do with ways they adhere to the laws

in order to receive federal funding. In any case, with your being slow to

ambulate and being unable to safely navigate across a busy street to catch

the bus, you should be allowed service on paratransit. I would fight that

one if I were you.


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Hat's my point!

Re: Ah the frustration!


The very fact that you have a hard time ambulating because of your right leg

SHOULD be grounds for you to have the same paratransit service as your

husband, unless the city you're in has a blanket policy that excludes

everyone under 55, period. I just don't understand some of the rules these

agencies use, though some of it has to do with ways they adhere to the laws

in order to receive federal funding. In any case, with your being slow to

ambulate and being unable to safely navigate across a busy street to catch

the bus, you should be allowed service on paratransit. I would fight that

one if I were you.


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Ok I was told it is ok for me to eat the bread I do.

Just count it as fifteen carbs.

It is Montana wheat toast.

So this is why I am in question.

I also love raison bran does this mean I don't eat it either?

Total raison bran.

I will also speak with the dietitian next week.

I also did get the fig Newton's.

It says zero fat no sugar and eleven grams.

I didn't ask per cookie forgot about that part.

Also got a small box of splenda.

they say packets but I am wondering about that.

If it isn't how much do you do per teaspoon in something?

Oat meal is a wonderful breakfast when it is cold out and snowy smile.

Used to eat it at school all of the time.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!



>>> ,


>>> That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

>>> approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

>>> listened to.


>>> The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic

>>> and

>>> has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene

>>> habits

>>> nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

>>> overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those

>>> triple-helping


>>> meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

>>> hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

>>> " expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

>>> situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but

>>> quit


>>> showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

>>> wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

>>> life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that

>>> could

>>> use my attention.


>>> Bill







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Ok I was told it is ok for me to eat the bread I do.

Just count it as fifteen carbs.

It is Montana wheat toast.

So this is why I am in question.

I also love raison bran does this mean I don't eat it either?

Total raison bran.

I will also speak with the dietitian next week.

I also did get the fig Newton's.

It says zero fat no sugar and eleven grams.

I didn't ask per cookie forgot about that part.

Also got a small box of splenda.

they say packets but I am wondering about that.

If it isn't how much do you do per teaspoon in something?

Oat meal is a wonderful breakfast when it is cold out and snowy smile.

Used to eat it at school all of the time.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: Ah the frustration!



>>> ,


>>> That is a good approach. Unfortunately, we have to use this " tough love "

>>> approach for people who just won't listen even though they want to be

>>> listened to.


>>> The sister of a friend of mine is severely overweight, is now diabetic

>>> and

>>> has colon problems but refuses to adhere to any kind of good hygiene

>>> habits

>>> nor will she take a diabetic diet seriously. Being about 200 pounds

>>> overweight, you can tell her " you've got to cut down on those

>>> triple-helping


>>> meals " to which she just sarcastically says " yeah, right. " She's due for

>>> hernia surgery shortly but is putting off her surgery because she's

>>> " expecting a miracle " from the Lord yet won't do anything to help her

>>> situation. I told my friend to quit giving her advice, pray for her but

>>> quit


>>> showing any kind of attention or concern. I figure if this lady wants to

>>> wreck herself and possibly wear a bag the rest of what might be a short

>>> life, then more power to her. There are others who want to live that

>>> could

>>> use my attention.


>>> Bill







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