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Re: Mike

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MM, did you mean " old nick " Or " new dick " ? LOL..... Ok, you guys need to

stop being so graphic and bad now. Shame on you !

Love, Normi

Re: Mike

>Donna, Why? Being good only gets you to Heaven eventually...right now you

>need a

>little bit of the ol' Nick to see you through. LOL Love, MM


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MM, did you mean " old nick " Or " new dick " ? LOL..... Ok, you guys need to

stop being so graphic and bad now. Shame on you !

Love, Normi

Re: Mike

>Donna, Why? Being good only gets you to Heaven eventually...right now you

>need a

>little bit of the ol' Nick to see you through. LOL Love, MM


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Hi, Brat, I got most of them at my appt. with the rheumy last week. They

are looking

a bit better, especially the SED rate. First time it's been almost normal in

over ten

years. I think the low dose of Plaquenil is what's doing it. However, she

wanted me

to increase it from two pills to three a day, but as soon as I tried that I

got the most

violent case of the shits ( you should pardon the expression), and should

have changed

my name to Normi. LOL It was Hell for about 24 hours. I had stomach pain

after the

first time I tried a third dose, but thought I could stand that if it would

fade after a

while, but the next two times I took the third pill, I spent hours on the

pot. Not my

idea of Heaven, to say the least.

So, I am not taking a third dose. With two, it's just my usual IBS problems,

and those

I can handle with Immodium...this was something ELSE. Other than that, I'm

ok, just

a little tired out and sore from my sojourn in the commode room.

How are you doing? Sounds like you have recovered from your surgery, and I


surprised it's been that long. Guess I had a major brain fart, huh? Oh,

speaking of

memory problems, I almost forgot...we are leaving town on the 22st and will

be back

on the 29th, so I'll put myself on no email before I go. Will you keep the


list for me, and I'll let you know when to send it on to me? Thanks.

You're a pal.

Hugs, MM

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MM, are you equating me and poop together now? LOL.......

Love, Normi

Re: Mike>Hi, Brat, I got most of them at my appt. with the rheumy last week. They >are looking>a bit better, especially the SED rate. First time it's been almost normal in >over ten>years. I think the low dose of Plaquenil is what's doing it. However, she >wanted me>to increase it from two pills to three a day, but as soon as I tried that I >got the most>violent case of the shits ( you should pardon the expression), and should >have changed>my name to Normi. LOL It was Hell for about 24 hours. I had stomach pain >after the>first time I tried a third dose, but thought I could stand that if it would >fade after a>while, but the next two times I took the third pill, I spent hours on the >pot. Not my>idea of Heaven, to say the least. >>So, I am not taking a third dose. With two, it's just my usual IBS problems, >and those>I can handle with Immodium...this was something ELSE. Other than that, I'm >ok, just>a little tired out and sore from my sojourn in the commode room.>>How are you doing? Sounds like you have recovered from your surgery, and I >was>surprised it's been that long. Guess I had a major brain fart, huh? Oh, >speaking of>memory problems, I almost forgot...we are leaving town on the 22st and will >be back>on the 29th, so I'll put myself on no email before I go. Will you keep the >Christmas>list for me, and I'll let you know when to send it on to me? Thanks. >You're a pal.>Hugs, MM>>"The LUPIES Store" Come check out our store...>http://www.cafepress.com/thelupies>>"The LUPIES Web Page">http://www.itzarion.com/lupusgroup.html>>"The LUPIES online photo albums!" >Check out what your fellow Lupies look like...>http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=lupies>>

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MM, are you equating me and poop together now? LOL.......

Love, Normi

Re: Mike>Hi, Brat, I got most of them at my appt. with the rheumy last week. They >are looking>a bit better, especially the SED rate. First time it's been almost normal in >over ten>years. I think the low dose of Plaquenil is what's doing it. However, she >wanted me>to increase it from two pills to three a day, but as soon as I tried that I >got the most>violent case of the shits ( you should pardon the expression), and should >have changed>my name to Normi. LOL It was Hell for about 24 hours. I had stomach pain >after the>first time I tried a third dose, but thought I could stand that if it would >fade after a>while, but the next two times I took the third pill, I spent hours on the >pot. Not my>idea of Heaven, to say the least. >>So, I am not taking a third dose. With two, it's just my usual IBS problems, >and those>I can handle with Immodium...this was something ELSE. Other than that, I'm >ok, just>a little tired out and sore from my sojourn in the commode room.>>How are you doing? Sounds like you have recovered from your surgery, and I >was>surprised it's been that long. Guess I had a major brain fart, huh? Oh, >speaking of>memory problems, I almost forgot...we are leaving town on the 22st and will >be back>on the 29th, so I'll put myself on no email before I go. Will you keep the >Christmas>list for me, and I'll let you know when to send it on to me? Thanks. >You're a pal.>Hugs, MM>>"The LUPIES Store" Come check out our store...>http://www.cafepress.com/thelupies>>"The LUPIES Web Page">http://www.itzarion.com/lupusgroup.html>>"The LUPIES online photo albums!" >Check out what your fellow Lupies look like...>http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=lupies>>

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MM..... LOL...... I knew what you meant . Sounds like you werre having a

" throne party " . We know those are far from feeling like royalty too!

Love, NOrmi

Re: Mike

>Normi, Nope. Just thought the amount of time I was having to spend on the

>potty was

>reason enough. LOL Love, MM



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MM..... LOL...... I knew what you meant . Sounds like you werre having a

" throne party " . We know those are far from feeling like royalty too!

Love, NOrmi

Re: Mike

>Normi, Nope. Just thought the amount of time I was having to spend on the

>potty was

>reason enough. LOL Love, MM



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Hi, Donna, Thanks. Actually, the diarhea let up a bit with Immodium

yesterday, but

was back today. It takes days for Plaquenil to get into the system, and days

for it to

exit. So, I expected to be having problems for a few days. It just wears me

out, and

give me a sore butt, is all. I hate spending time down for something so


If it was Lupus pain, or RA pain, or even Lyme Disease rearing IT's ugly

head, I could

better cope with the indignity, but when it's something that's supposed to

HELP, that

is causing the difficulty, I have no patience with it. Crazy, huh?

I have to take my youngest to the music store to get his clarinet repaired.

He was

practising last night and one of the keys just came off in his hand. It

takes two days

to get it fixed and back, so he's upset, I can't leave the bathroom for long,

and so we

have to make a flying trip to the store and back so I don't have a problem

while we're

there. Boy, I hate this! If it wasn't so damned painful, it would be


Gotta go while the getting's good. Love, MM

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Hi, Donna, Thanks. Actually, the diarhea let up a bit with Immodium

yesterday, but

was back today. It takes days for Plaquenil to get into the system, and days

for it to

exit. So, I expected to be having problems for a few days. It just wears me

out, and

give me a sore butt, is all. I hate spending time down for something so


If it was Lupus pain, or RA pain, or even Lyme Disease rearing IT's ugly

head, I could

better cope with the indignity, but when it's something that's supposed to

HELP, that

is causing the difficulty, I have no patience with it. Crazy, huh?

I have to take my youngest to the music store to get his clarinet repaired.

He was

practising last night and one of the keys just came off in his hand. It

takes two days

to get it fixed and back, so he's upset, I can't leave the bathroom for long,

and so we

have to make a flying trip to the store and back so I don't have a problem

while we're

there. Boy, I hate this! If it wasn't so damned painful, it would be


Gotta go while the getting's good. Love, MM

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Hi, Donna, Thanks. Actually, the diarhea let up a bit with Immodium

yesterday, but

was back today. It takes days for Plaquenil to get into the system, and days

for it to

exit. So, I expected to be having problems for a few days. It just wears me

out, and

give me a sore butt, is all. I hate spending time down for something so


If it was Lupus pain, or RA pain, or even Lyme Disease rearing IT's ugly

head, I could

better cope with the indignity, but when it's something that's supposed to

HELP, that

is causing the difficulty, I have no patience with it. Crazy, huh?

I have to take my youngest to the music store to get his clarinet repaired.

He was

practising last night and one of the keys just came off in his hand. It

takes two days

to get it fixed and back, so he's upset, I can't leave the bathroom for long,

and so we

have to make a flying trip to the store and back so I don't have a problem

while we're

there. Boy, I hate this! If it wasn't so damned painful, it would be


Gotta go while the getting's good. Love, MM

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Hi, Donna, I'm feeling better, physically, but just found out it cost me

$540 to fix

the van, so we may not be able to go to so. CA after all. We go every year

for the week of Thanksgiving to visit my youngest son's old foster family,

but I had to clean

out the savings account to pay for car repairs, so unless we can manage the

trip on

nothin', we won't be able to go. I hate to break my son's heart, though, he

looks forward to this visit every year, and, frankly, so do I. We will have

a family meeting

to talk it over, and if they want to trade some of what was planned for


and go on the trip, instead, then that's what we'll do. We'll see. In the

meantime, I

am feeling low about this, but it will pass, like all the rest of the

frustrations of

being on a smaller income give one. I've been retired on disability for

almost six

years, now, but it never gets any easier to manage on less than 1/3 of what I


making before the crash, so to speak. Well, that's enough about that. Sorry


bending your eyeballs. LOL More later, hope you have a painfree rest of

the week.

Love, MM

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Hi, Donna, I'm feeling better, physically, but just found out it cost me

$540 to fix

the van, so we may not be able to go to so. CA after all. We go every year

for the week of Thanksgiving to visit my youngest son's old foster family,

but I had to clean

out the savings account to pay for car repairs, so unless we can manage the

trip on

nothin', we won't be able to go. I hate to break my son's heart, though, he

looks forward to this visit every year, and, frankly, so do I. We will have

a family meeting

to talk it over, and if they want to trade some of what was planned for


and go on the trip, instead, then that's what we'll do. We'll see. In the

meantime, I

am feeling low about this, but it will pass, like all the rest of the

frustrations of

being on a smaller income give one. I've been retired on disability for

almost six

years, now, but it never gets any easier to manage on less than 1/3 of what I


making before the crash, so to speak. Well, that's enough about that. Sorry


bending your eyeballs. LOL More later, hope you have a painfree rest of

the week.

Love, MM

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Hi, Normi, thanks. No, I didn't get Christi's number, so I emailed her,

instead. I

hope she got it ok. I just don't know what day we will be leaving here, but

we ARE

going. She wanted to come up from Anaheim on Sunday to meet me in Wasco, but


may be the day we will be travelling. It all depends on how many English

papers I

get corrected before we want to leave. It means money in my pocket, so I

want to do

as many as I can beforehand so I can get paid. How was your first day?

Thought about you all day. Love, MM P.S. Almost forgot, the dealership

told me that my van

didn't need a major tuneup until 80,000 miles. They told me wrong! It

should have

been done at 60,000. Since there are 71,000 on it, now, it was WAY overdue

and some

parts had to be replaced as well. It was still not running right this

morning, so I

spent another four hours in the shop waiting for them to make it right today.


better, but they want to look at it Tuesday and test it on the machines to

make sure

all the cylinders and spark plugs are firing. No extra charge for these two


visits, and they gave me a card for a free lube and oil change for the


Might be worth it all, after all. LOL Anyway, I'll let you know when I sign

off emails,

which will be a day or two before we go so I can get things done and not have


worry about anything else, like answering 200+ emails a day.

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MM. I am so sorry to hear that your van repair was so expensive.

I was hoping like you, it would be something small and minor.

What was wrong with it?

I think that is really a great idea that you are going to discuss with the


Gotta negotiate something here.

Hopefully you all will make this trip still.

Did you get Christi's number?

It really does suck when you cannot have the same earning power one is used


Love ya, Normi

Re: Mike

>Hi, Donna, I'm feeling better, physically, but just found out it cost me

>$540 to fix

>the van, so we may not be able to go to so. CA after all. We go every year

>for the week of Thanksgiving to visit my youngest son's old foster family,

>but I had to clean

>out the savings account to pay for car repairs, so unless we can manage the

>trip on

>nothin', we won't be able to go. I hate to break my son's heart, though,


>looks forward to this visit every year, and, frankly, so do I. We will


>a family meeting

>to talk it over, and if they want to trade some of what was planned for


>and go on the trip, instead, then that's what we'll do. We'll see. In the

>meantime, I

>am feeling low about this, but it will pass, like all the rest of the

>frustrations of

>being on a smaller income give one. I've been retired on disability for

>almost six

>years, now, but it never gets any easier to manage on less than 1/3 of what



>making before the crash, so to speak. Well, that's enough about that.



>bending your eyeballs. LOL More later, hope you have a painfree rest of

>the week.

>Love, MM


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MM. I am so sorry to hear that your van repair was so expensive.

I was hoping like you, it would be something small and minor.

What was wrong with it?

I think that is really a great idea that you are going to discuss with the


Gotta negotiate something here.

Hopefully you all will make this trip still.

Did you get Christi's number?

It really does suck when you cannot have the same earning power one is used


Love ya, Normi

Re: Mike

>Hi, Donna, I'm feeling better, physically, but just found out it cost me

>$540 to fix

>the van, so we may not be able to go to so. CA after all. We go every year

>for the week of Thanksgiving to visit my youngest son's old foster family,

>but I had to clean

>out the savings account to pay for car repairs, so unless we can manage the

>trip on

>nothin', we won't be able to go. I hate to break my son's heart, though,


>looks forward to this visit every year, and, frankly, so do I. We will


>a family meeting

>to talk it over, and if they want to trade some of what was planned for


>and go on the trip, instead, then that's what we'll do. We'll see. In the

>meantime, I

>am feeling low about this, but it will pass, like all the rest of the

>frustrations of

>being on a smaller income give one. I've been retired on disability for

>almost six

>years, now, but it never gets any easier to manage on less than 1/3 of what



>making before the crash, so to speak. Well, that's enough about that.



>bending your eyeballs. LOL More later, hope you have a painfree rest of

>the week.

>Love, MM


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MM. I am so sorry to hear that your van repair was so expensive.

I was hoping like you, it would be something small and minor.

What was wrong with it?

I think that is really a great idea that you are going to discuss with the


Gotta negotiate something here.

Hopefully you all will make this trip still.

Did you get Christi's number?

It really does suck when you cannot have the same earning power one is used


Love ya, Normi

Re: Mike

>Hi, Donna, I'm feeling better, physically, but just found out it cost me

>$540 to fix

>the van, so we may not be able to go to so. CA after all. We go every year

>for the week of Thanksgiving to visit my youngest son's old foster family,

>but I had to clean

>out the savings account to pay for car repairs, so unless we can manage the

>trip on

>nothin', we won't be able to go. I hate to break my son's heart, though,


>looks forward to this visit every year, and, frankly, so do I. We will


>a family meeting

>to talk it over, and if they want to trade some of what was planned for


>and go on the trip, instead, then that's what we'll do. We'll see. In the

>meantime, I

>am feeling low about this, but it will pass, like all the rest of the

>frustrations of

>being on a smaller income give one. I've been retired on disability for

>almost six

>years, now, but it never gets any easier to manage on less than 1/3 of what



>making before the crash, so to speak. Well, that's enough about that.



>bending your eyeballs. LOL More later, hope you have a painfree rest of

>the week.

>Love, MM


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