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Re: Mike

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Hi, Donna, Now, don't get the wrong idea, here. I do a little sewing when I

can sit for

a while at the machine, and I do a little canning when I have to in order to

save the

fruits of summer, but do not work that hard every day. I'd be dead by now if

I tried to

do that. Some days, weeks, months, I do almost nothing but a load of laundry

here and

there, and supervise the boys with the housework. So, don't start getting

upset about

not doing this stuff yourself. I remember my mother saying she wasn't at all


and didn't know where we kids got it. I remember, though, that she could

decorate a

house with no money, cook almost anything my father brought home and make it a

feast, and make old clothes into new ones you would never recognize as used.


THAT's what I call creative. With seven kids, I bet you have a lot of that


in your bones, too. Don't sell yourself short.

I don't know how I do what I do, either. People are always asking me, " How

do you do

that? How do you get all these ideas? " I haven't the foggiest. I seem to

" see " them in my mind, and then " make " them with my hands. However, my hands

don't cooperate

like they used to, so it gets more difficult and I get slower every day.

Used to be, I

could make an outfit in a day, paint a picture, do my eight hours at the

office and

still come home and cook for the kids and do the nightly routines. Those

days are

long gone. Even though I am at home most of the time, I spend a lot of time


and in between rests, I put a load of laundry in the washer, do up the dishes

from the

day before (never thought I'd leave a dirty dish in the sink, in my whole

life), rest some more, then cook dinner in spurts, then rest some more, then

fold the laundry,

maybe...and so on. Very boring. Very frustrating for someone who was an

over-achiever. LOL

I wanted to adopt twelve kids, but had to stop at four because I could no

longer pass

the physical requirements to adopt any more. I envy you your large family.

So, you

see, everyone wants something that someone else has. Aren't we funny? Love,


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Donna, I run these mysterious fevers often. Unless there is a specific list

of symptoms that go with a UTI, or flu, or a cold, it's usually just one of

my " regulars " .

Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lyme Disease, or Fibromyalgia. I used to be

able to

sort of tell which one was flaring, but any more one will trigger the others,

so it's

hard to separate them. Like I've said before, on a REALLY good day, I'm tap

dancing on

stage and the diseases are all in the wings. On a fair day, one or two of

them are

on stage with me, and the pace is slower. But, on a REALLY BAD day, I'm on a


in the green room, and ALL the diseases are putting on a show. I HATE really

bad days.

LOL I'll be seeing the rheumy on Monday, next, so will be going to the lab

this week

anyway. I'll check the box for urine culture, too, just in case. I hope she

won't mind,

but it's hard to get her to return non-emergency calls. She is one of only


rheumatologists in the area, inspite of this being a mecca for retirees.

Welp, gotta go. Randy is home from school, and has to be escorted to the


to spritz the pits and change his shirt so I can stand to be around him and

help him

with his homework. LOL He wants to start shaving, but doesn't think he

needs to

spritz if he's showered, in the same day. YUCK! More later. Love, MM

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Carlasue, Don't you hate them? They just slowly wear you down until you

feel like

a little nub some days. The worst part is, the docs can't seem to find

anything to pin

them on so that you can medicate them and fight back. THAT'S the part that


gets to me. There is so much I could be doing, especially with two boys

still at home,

but I have to bite the bullet and just let those dust bunnies under the

furniture do their own thing, whether I like it or not. LOL

Take care, love, MM

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Carlasue, Don't you hate them? They just slowly wear you down until you

feel like

a little nub some days. The worst part is, the docs can't seem to find

anything to pin

them on so that you can medicate them and fight back. THAT'S the part that


gets to me. There is so much I could be doing, especially with two boys

still at home,

but I have to bite the bullet and just let those dust bunnies under the

furniture do their own thing, whether I like it or not. LOL

Take care, love, MM

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Hi MM,

YEP, And the worst thing is trying to explain them to others, they just look at you like "have you lost your mind" or "you are becoming a hypochondriac" Sometimes I feel like yelling at them see if you can be in my body for one week and not go absoulutely nuts!!! I'd like to see what they have to say after a week with lupus huh?

Not for this to be sounding so mean spirited, I have two great guy's at home that listen and sympathize with me at all times and never get tired of me., I love them both so much.

You take care and hope you have a pretty good week! Take care


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Hi MM,

YEP, And the worst thing is trying to explain them to others, they just look at you like "have you lost your mind" or "you are becoming a hypochondriac" Sometimes I feel like yelling at them see if you can be in my body for one week and not go absoulutely nuts!!! I'd like to see what they have to say after a week with lupus huh?

Not for this to be sounding so mean spirited, I have two great guy's at home that listen and sympathize with me at all times and never get tired of me., I love them both so much.

You take care and hope you have a pretty good week! Take care


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Hi, Donna, Yeah, we are doing ok. I forced myself to stay awake all day

today in hopes that I would be forced to sleep tonight, and here I am, not

sleeping, again. Sigh... Oh well, it was worth a shot. LOL Hugs, MM

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It sounds reasonable to be light-headed if youre dehydrated. I will

keep that in mind when I get light-headed; I will have to check and

see how much water I have had that day. Thanks for the info, have a

pain-free day!



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It sounds reasonable to be light-headed if youre dehydrated. I will

keep that in mind when I get light-headed; I will have to check and

see how much water I have had that day. Thanks for the info, have a

pain-free day!



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Hi, Brat, I think you're right about that. Don't you just hate men who

won't get help

when they need it? They would rather make everybody suffer than admit they

have a

problem. Sheesh. MEN. So, none of that bad word stuff, yet, huh? Good for

you. Like

I say, we only see it on the hills around here in the coldest weather, and

it's pretty

but no shoveling required. My kind of weather. LOL How are you doing,

today? Hugs,


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Hi, Brat, I think you're right about that. Don't you just hate men who

won't get help

when they need it? They would rather make everybody suffer than admit they

have a

problem. Sheesh. MEN. So, none of that bad word stuff, yet, huh? Good for

you. Like

I say, we only see it on the hills around here in the coldest weather, and

it's pretty

but no shoveling required. My kind of weather. LOL How are you doing,

today? Hugs,


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Hi, Brat, I think you're right about that. Don't you just hate men who

won't get help

when they need it? They would rather make everybody suffer than admit they

have a

problem. Sheesh. MEN. So, none of that bad word stuff, yet, huh? Good for

you. Like

I say, we only see it on the hills around here in the coldest weather, and

it's pretty

but no shoveling required. My kind of weather. LOL How are you doing,

today? Hugs,


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Hey, Brat, Yup. I don't know what they give you to make you relax, but it

sure takes

away any inhibitions you might have about performing in front of an audience.


Dad said he laughed so hard at my antics, he almost pee'd his pants on the

way to the

OR. I wish they had recorded it, I could be making a fortune at stand up.


Love, MM

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Donna, I will offer up a prayer for your stepsister? was it? Anyway,

whomever, a

prayer is the least one can do. I just hope she is able to overcome it, and

get well.

Much too young to be having such a rare problem.

My hip is giving me fits tonight because I ran all the errands today while my


level was fairly good. All those cement floors in the grocery and hardware


I wish they would put down that foam padding on those floors for the

customers, too.

Sure would make life easier for me, anyway. LOL

Have a good Sunday, and I will write again, later on. MM

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Donna, Not even that pirate could get me back to that hellhole. I hate

amusement parks, but I have to say Disneyland takes the cake. It's a long,

sad, sometimes funny

(now) story, but suffice it to say that taking my then 7 and 3 year old sons

was not

a good idea. The least irritating part of the whole two days we spent in the


itself was the joy my youngest got out of the self-flushing toilets. LOL

I am feeling tired, but ok tonight. A friend, an English professor, is so


with papers to read (she teaches at both the high school and the local

college) that

she hired me to read and correct some of them. It means some extra cash for


holidays, but it also means I'm wearing myself out trying to do a good job

for her.

Luckily, I'm down to the last three from this batch, and I think she won't

have any

more until the Christmas break. She said she'd pay me for these two batches,


and more later when I do the finished ones of which these are the rough


I have to say, the high school papers are more fun and much more imaginative


the college level ones.

Mostly, I am trying to gain strength, catch up on housework, and get ready

for our

annual trip to southern, central CA for Thanksgiving week. My youngest son's


foster family has us for a week at that time every year, and then they come

and see

us in the summer for a week. She hates to cook, so I take over her kitchen

and she

takes over my kids. I consider that a fair trade. LOL

I finished the baby's crazy quilt for the new wee one next door. They had a


girl, and it took them almost all week to come up with a name they could

agree on.

LOL She is a cutie pie. Like the quilt I made for their first, they have

hung this one

on the wall so it won't get soiled. I keep telling them both quilts are

washable, but

they won't take the chance. Kind of flattering, I guess.

Anyway, the boys are in bed, I'm tired enough, I'm hoping I'll sleep for a

few hours

tonight. I have to cut the kids' hair in the morning, then they get to do

their chores

before they can scatter for the rest of the day. Can't you just hear the

moaning and

groaning from your house? More later...and how are you doing, Missy? I'm so


your head is better. Lvoe, MM

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Donna, will be glad to know, I am now done fumigating the air.:-)

Opened the windows, aired it out. lol..Love, Normi


Hi Mike,

And how are you this evening? Hopefully, you weren't blown away by Normibear today. She was aiming her little fanny in all directions earlier today and I think we all got a whif!!! LOL

Seriously, she said something about bad weather on the west coast, is it close to you? I haven't watched the news or weather in days!!!!

Did you see that little...uh...uh...well maybe not so little....but did you see the picture of the Disney pirate that sent to us all??? I am now in the process of forming a group to go to Disneyland to check these pirates out!!! Are you in? LOL

Have a good night. Love, Donna"The LUPIES Store" Come check out our store...http://www.cafepress.com/thelupies"The LUPIES Web Page"http://www.itzarion.com/lupusgroup.html"The LUPIES online photo albums!" Check out what your fellow Lupies look like...http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=lupies

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MM, did you mean " old nick " Or " new dick " ? LOL..... Ok, you guys need to

stop being so graphic and bad now. Shame on you !

Love, Normi

Re: Mike

>Donna, Why? Being good only gets you to Heaven eventually...right now you

>need a

>little bit of the ol' Nick to see you through. LOL Love, MM


> " The LUPIES Store " Come check out our store...



> " The LUPIES Web Page "



> " The LUPIES online photo albums! "

>Check out what your fellow Lupies look like...




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