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Just a thought here...... How did you do the week before? I have found

it seems to take about a week for good or bad results to show. You say

you didn't deserve to lose because of how you ate but you must have

done good the week before. :-)


> I'm in the same boat with you, Sherlyn.

> I stayed at 223, kinda. I yoyoed during the last week -- down to 220

> and back up. At least I didn't go beyond the 223. But, nor did I

> really deserve to lose those pounds. I ate well, in several aspects

> of the word. And damn halloween! I sure do love candy corn! Ugh!

> But, I've thrown the rest of the bag away. The new week begins, and

> my goal for this week is to get to and stay at 220.

> Best of luck to all!

> Kirsten



>> Well, I'm already stalled - Ha! I didn't lose any weight this

> week, but I

>> didn't do much to deserve it. But I didn't gain any back either,

> so I've

>> just got to get to it and do better next week.



>> Sherlyn

>> Start Weight - 205

>> Current Weight - 202

>> Goal Weight - 145




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he he he he he he he..... I wish I could remember the actual acronym. I

remember way back when on another group - like years ago - somebody made up

an acronym for this particular time of day. I went something like:


First Thing In The Morning After Pee After Bowl Movement But Before Shower

That's what I normally do (i don't know why I weighed myself that

night!!). I feel like I need to weigh also right after I wake up and use the

bathroom - I feel that is my actually weight. This morning I was still at

219 so we'll see what tomorrow holds maybe that is where I'm at now (I

hope!!) 219 is my goal for October!!! --- Gail

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he he he he he he he..... I wish I could remember the actual acronym. I

remember way back when on another group - like years ago - somebody made up

an acronym for this particular time of day. I went something like:


First Thing In The Morning After Pee After Bowl Movement But Before Shower

That's what I normally do (i don't know why I weighed myself that

night!!). I feel like I need to weigh also right after I wake up and use the

bathroom - I feel that is my actually weight. This morning I was still at

219 so we'll see what tomorrow holds maybe that is where I'm at now (I

hope!!) 219 is my goal for October!!! --- Gail

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That is so GREAT!! 3 POUNDS!!!!! you can do it and you will do it....slow

and steady wins the race! And if you still are upset think of it as a lose

and not a gain....That is so GREAT!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!

Keep it going!!!!!


-- weigh in

Hey Folks,

So I'm down from 281 to 278. Yay!!! 3 lbs. I'm trying to be

enthusiastic, because it will take so long. But it will all add up.

This is going to be an extremely stressful week, and November is

going to be a stressful month... let's hope for the best!

Take care!


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That is so GREAT!! 3 POUNDS!!!!! you can do it and you will do it....slow

and steady wins the race! And if you still are upset think of it as a lose

and not a gain....That is so GREAT!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!

Keep it going!!!!!


-- weigh in

Hey Folks,

So I'm down from 281 to 278. Yay!!! 3 lbs. I'm trying to be

enthusiastic, because it will take so long. But it will all add up.

This is going to be an extremely stressful week, and November is

going to be a stressful month... let's hope for the best!

Take care!


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That is so GREAT!! 3 POUNDS!!!!! you can do it and you will do it....slow

and steady wins the race! And if you still are upset think of it as a lose

and not a gain....That is so GREAT!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!

Keep it going!!!!!


-- weigh in

Hey Folks,

So I'm down from 281 to 278. Yay!!! 3 lbs. I'm trying to be

enthusiastic, because it will take so long. But it will all add up.

This is going to be an extremely stressful week, and November is

going to be a stressful month... let's hope for the best!

Take care!


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It is wonderful! Be happy! I know what you mean but it really does add

up. I started at 284 Oct 2000 and am 200 so far. I felt the same way,

that it seems like so much and like it is going to take forever. Heck I

still feel that way sometimes. Just take it one day at a time. Focus

more on the changes in lifestyle, the whole picture. Speaking of which,

be sure to take pictures and measurements too. You wont always feel

much different but as people told me, look at pictures of your heaviest

and then as you go down. You will be surprised! The thing is you are

doing it and you can keep doing it. It will add up and it will pay

off. You can do this!


> Hey Folks,

> So I'm down from 281 to 278. Yay!!! 3 lbs. I'm trying to be

> enthusiastic, because it will take so long. But it will all add up.

> This is going to be an extremely stressful week, and November is

> going to be a stressful month... let's hope for the best!


> Take care!

> Jane





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way to go.

> Hey Folks,

> So I'm down from 281 to 278. Yay!!! 3 lbs. I'm trying to be

> enthusiastic, because it will take so long. But it will all add up.

> This is going to be an extremely stressful week, and November is

> going to be a stressful month... let's hope for the best!


> Take care!

> Jane

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Congratulations on the three pounds, I sincerely mean it too! I think

sometimes the initial weight loss is much harder. Why? It's hard to break the

bad eating habits at the outset. I relapse a few times, get tired of

overeating, then eventually start sticking to the plan. After I get into the

swing of it, things get a lot easier. It takes time to keep the inspiration and

begin to really fully enjoy healthy eating.

> > Hey Folks,

> > So I'm down from 281 to 278. Yay!!! 3 lbs. I'm trying to be

> > enthusiastic, because it will take so long. But it will all add up.

> > This is going to be an extremely stressful week, and November is

> > going to be a stressful month... let's hope for the best!

> >

> > Take care!

> > Jane

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Yeah!!!! Good for you!!! I'm glad you feel better. I was going to reply

to your other post but haven't had a chance until now. Yesterday got

busy with housework and then working out, shower, dinner and then

vegged. The being out until 4:00 AM finally caught up with me about

8-9:00 last night,lol. Can't do that very often, getting too old!

Anyway, I was going to tell you, don't let every fluctuation get to

you. I have found that results good or bad seem to take a week to show.

So if you fluctuate like that don't get upset and binge. Just think

back to a week before. Also what time of the month is it? Did you eat

something salty or heavy? Instead of getting upset and eating, I get

mad and don't eat. Use that anger girl! I like to get on the tread when

I'm mad like that and really go at it. It feels much better than eating

something and feeling worse. Just my thought, how I deal with those

annoying fluctuations. Glad you are feeling so good today! :-)



> Well ladies and gentlemen: I did my official weight this morning and

> I am 218!!!!!! I can't believe it after the very rough Friday and an

> ok yesterday. That  is another pound down from last week!!! I feel

> really good today about this!!! Tonight hopefully I'll have my

> treadmill together and can exercise on that. Tonight I will post

> again with my new weekly and monthly (didn't do them on friday b/c of

> the way I was feeling) goals. Hope everyone else here is also losers

> this week. Off to work at Mcs now!!! ---- Gail




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Yahoo!!!!!!!! That is great!!! Keep it up!!!!!!


-------Original Message-------

Well ladies and gentlemen: I did my official weight this morning and

I am 218!!!!!! I can't believe it after the very rough Friday and an

ok yesterday. That is another pound down from last week!!! I feel

really good today about this!!! Tonight hopefully I'll have my

treadmill together and can exercise on that. Tonight I will post

again with my new weekly and monthly (didn't do them on friday b/c of

the way I was feeling) goals. Hope everyone else here is also losers

this week. Off to work at Mcs now!!! ---- Gail

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Yahoo!!!!!!!! That is great!!! Keep it up!!!!!!


-------Original Message-------

Well ladies and gentlemen: I did my official weight this morning and

I am 218!!!!!! I can't believe it after the very rough Friday and an

ok yesterday. That is another pound down from last week!!! I feel

really good today about this!!! Tonight hopefully I'll have my

treadmill together and can exercise on that. Tonight I will post

again with my new weekly and monthly (didn't do them on friday b/c of

the way I was feeling) goals. Hope everyone else here is also losers

this week. Off to work at Mcs now!!! ---- Gail

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Yahoo!!!!!!!! That is great!!! Keep it up!!!!!!


-------Original Message-------

Well ladies and gentlemen: I did my official weight this morning and

I am 218!!!!!! I can't believe it after the very rough Friday and an

ok yesterday. That is another pound down from last week!!! I feel

really good today about this!!! Tonight hopefully I'll have my

treadmill together and can exercise on that. Tonight I will post

again with my new weekly and monthly (didn't do them on friday b/c of

the way I was feeling) goals. Hope everyone else here is also losers

this week. Off to work at Mcs now!!! ---- Gail

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good luck with everything and i will be praying for your mom, it

does increase your risk if both parents had a type of cancer, but

just keep trying to get healthy and stay healthy. you are doing good

and i'm so proud of you for reaching your goal. i'm glad you hit

your monthly goal i had missed mine by 1/2 inch so i forgave myself

but my goal is a 34 by christmas i have the rest of this month and

part of december to do this and with just recently changing the

routin e i know now i can do it, because like i keep repeating i

finally know the right way to do this stuff.

-- In weightlossbuddies2@y..., Gail Bahls <smoregirls@y...> wrote:


> Sorry about the blank message I hit the wrong button!! It's Sunday

and my brain is on a break (day off between the two jobs). Well I did

my official weigh in this morning and I'm at 217!!!! Another pound

down and at the 20 pound lost mark!!! my monthly goal -Wow I can't

believe it - especially since I started TOM yesterday.. Now I'm

going for 215. I feel sooo good today - I have a pair of sweatpants

on that feel soo huge on me (they were big before I lost the weight

so really big now).

> Also on the challenge: yesterday I did some exercises not much

though. I did some stepping on the stairs and then some walking in

place with kicks and little things. I'm not sure I did my 96 oz of

water but I did drink alot. Last night I was a little upset b/c my

mom came down (from Green bay about 3 hr drive) and told my sister

and me that she has cervical cancer in the first stage the doctor

thinks so she was to have a hystocatomy (sp). This is so upsetting to

me b/c she's the only true grandparent my girls have!! They other

grandparents don't have much to do with them unless I take them over

to their house (and they live only about 5 min from us!). It's also

upsetting b/c my dad died 8 years ago this month from cancer - and

I'm wondering if this makes me a higher risk of having it later in

life?!! I'm very scared about this - since my dad died I have been

and now that my mom has it it makes me 100 times worse!!!

> Well I guess that's all for now - I have to go do some laundry and

have some water!! talk to ya later - It's a great day outside so

maybe for my exercises I'll rake the lawn. --- Gail

> Gail Bahls <smoregirls@y...> wrote:


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definitely try ot get that cardio in, my problem was getting the

weight lifting in. but guess what i already made it to the gym

today, iw alked there and back, and now i just have to do my cardio

tomorrow. i feel it already and ilove this, and i know for sure i'm

really going to feel it tomorrow, on wednesday though i have to bump

up weight on the leg machine it was way to easy did not feel

challenged at all. the abs i did on the stability ball, oh my gosh

id idn't know i had that in me, it really took a lot. and i know i

iwill feel that too. sorry for all the typos my hands are a little


> Well, it is now Nov 11 and I am still 174. Seems I have plateaued.


> know exactly what my problem is, I need to increase my cardio. I


> basically just doing cardio 2 days a week. I really need to


> it. I should know better. Sundays are really tough for me to get


> the gym. I have been working on my quilts while watching TV, but I

> must admit that I am proud of myself that I used my treadmill

> yesterday while watching TV. I will make sure I continue with it.


> Arlene

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also it's okay to plateau i'm at 196still and same measurements but i

amd etermined to make my goals. no matter how long it takes me. and

you are too, it's inside you whether or not you know it.

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also it's okay to plateau i'm at 196still and same measurements but i

amd etermined to make my goals. no matter how long it takes me. and

you are too, it's inside you whether or not you know it.

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also it's okay to plateau i'm at 196still and same measurements but i

amd etermined to make my goals. no matter how long it takes me. and

you are too, it's inside you whether or not you know it.

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Oh the dreaded plateaus! I've been in one for over 2 months so I know

the frustration all too well. I think you are right, increasing your

cardio should do it for you. For me it has only been about 3 weeks that

I have really been back on track, doing the tread more days than not

that is so I'm hoping to see something in the next week or so. Good for

you doing the tread while watching tv. Mine is in a different room but

I like to listen to music when on mine anyway. Keep it up. You will get



> Well, it is now Nov 11 and I am still 174. Seems I have plateaued.  I

> know exactly what my problem is, I need to increase my cardio.  I am

> basically just doing cardio 2 days a week.  I really need to increase

> it.  I should know better.  Sundays are really tough for me to get to

> the gym.  I have been working on my quilts while watching TV, but I

> must admit that I am proud of myself that I used my treadmill

> yesterday while watching TV.  I will make sure I continue with it.


> Arlene




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Oh the dreaded plateaus! I've been in one for over 2 months so I know

the frustration all too well. I think you are right, increasing your

cardio should do it for you. For me it has only been about 3 weeks that

I have really been back on track, doing the tread more days than not

that is so I'm hoping to see something in the next week or so. Good for

you doing the tread while watching tv. Mine is in a different room but

I like to listen to music when on mine anyway. Keep it up. You will get



> Well, it is now Nov 11 and I am still 174. Seems I have plateaued.  I

> know exactly what my problem is, I need to increase my cardio.  I am

> basically just doing cardio 2 days a week.  I really need to increase

> it.  I should know better.  Sundays are really tough for me to get to

> the gym.  I have been working on my quilts while watching TV, but I

> must admit that I am proud of myself that I used my treadmill

> yesterday while watching TV.  I will make sure I continue with it.


> Arlene




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I know that feeling . Whenever I do my weights and I am

keeping track of what I did and how much, I have trouble writing and

start getting dyslexic.


> > Well, it is now Nov 11 and I am still 174. Seems I have


> I

> > know exactly what my problem is, I need to increase my cardio. I

> am

> > basically just doing cardio 2 days a week. I really need to

> increase

> > it. I should know better. Sundays are really tough for me to


> to

> > the gym. I have been working on my quilts while watching TV, but


> > must admit that I am proud of myself that I used my treadmill

> > yesterday while watching TV. I will make sure I continue with it.

> >

> > Arlene

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I know that feeling . Whenever I do my weights and I am

keeping track of what I did and how much, I have trouble writing and

start getting dyslexic.


> > Well, it is now Nov 11 and I am still 174. Seems I have


> I

> > know exactly what my problem is, I need to increase my cardio. I

> am

> > basically just doing cardio 2 days a week. I really need to

> increase

> > it. I should know better. Sundays are really tough for me to


> to

> > the gym. I have been working on my quilts while watching TV, but


> > must admit that I am proud of myself that I used my treadmill

> > yesterday while watching TV. I will make sure I continue with it.

> >

> > Arlene

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Thanks for all the replies. Glad to see all the support that is

here. It does help.


> Well, it is now Nov 11 and I am still 174. Seems I have plateaued.


> know exactly what my problem is, I need to increase my cardio. I


> basically just doing cardio 2 days a week. I really need to


> it. I should know better. Sundays are really tough for me to get


> the gym. I have been working on my quilts while watching TV, but I

> must admit that I am proud of myself that I used my treadmill

> yesterday while watching TV. I will make sure I continue with it.


> Arlene

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Thanks for all the replies. Glad to see all the support that is

here. It does help.


> Well, it is now Nov 11 and I am still 174. Seems I have plateaued.


> know exactly what my problem is, I need to increase my cardio. I


> basically just doing cardio 2 days a week. I really need to


> it. I should know better. Sundays are really tough for me to get


> the gym. I have been working on my quilts while watching TV, but I

> must admit that I am proud of myself that I used my treadmill

> yesterday while watching TV. I will make sure I continue with it.


> Arlene

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yep but i'm glad i did it, because i'm feeling bad about my body

today, weighed at 200 today instead of the 196 i weighed last week,

but that's four lbs, oh well. i don't care i have the same

measurements and i know i am working on it, i just don't like to see

my stomach. lol. do any of us? lol. but anyways i'm glad to hear

i'm not the only one.

> I know that feeling . Whenever I do my weights and I am

> keeping track of what I did and how much, I have trouble writing


> start getting dyslexic.


> Arlene


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