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Re: new member

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I looked at all of those and they say Whole Wheat but that isn't the same as whole grain is it??

¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) God's Blessings((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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Subject: Re: New Member

Here's some ideas:

Roman Meal Whole Wheat

Pepperidge Farm 9 Grain

Pepperidge Farm German Dark

Just look in the ingredients list and make sure the first ingredient is some kind of whole grain. With no fortified, enriched or just wheat flour.

Re: New Member

Just have to reply to this. When I get a sweet craving I make a kind of shake with skim milk, Splenda and vanilla, pour it over ice and it's great! One of these days I'm going to dig out the blender and make a slush out of it.

I've been learning a lot from the list, I joined Tue when I started SBD. All of you have some great hints!!

I looked for whole grain bread yesterday while we were out shopping, so I'd know where to buy it when I can have it again and found it nowhere! Is anyone on the list from the Mississippi area?? Where do you find whole grain bread? And doesn't someone make a sugar free pudding already made up. I've found the sugar free jello but can find no pudding.

¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) God's Blessings((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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I looked at all of those and they say Whole Wheat but that isn't the same as whole grain is it??

¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) God's Blessings((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

http://www.stitch-n-frame.netWhere all books and fabrics arediscounted 15% everyday!

Subject: Re: New Member

Here's some ideas:

Roman Meal Whole Wheat

Pepperidge Farm 9 Grain

Pepperidge Farm German Dark

Just look in the ingredients list and make sure the first ingredient is some kind of whole grain. With no fortified, enriched or just wheat flour.

Re: New Member

Just have to reply to this. When I get a sweet craving I make a kind of shake with skim milk, Splenda and vanilla, pour it over ice and it's great! One of these days I'm going to dig out the blender and make a slush out of it.

I've been learning a lot from the list, I joined Tue when I started SBD. All of you have some great hints!!

I looked for whole grain bread yesterday while we were out shopping, so I'd know where to buy it when I can have it again and found it nowhere! Is anyone on the list from the Mississippi area?? Where do you find whole grain bread? And doesn't someone make a sugar free pudding already made up. I've found the sugar free jello but can find no pudding.

¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) God's Blessings((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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yes, whole wheat is a whole grain. The most common one, I would say. Others might be whole oats, whole rye, whole barley and whole spelt.

Re: New Member

Just have to reply to this. When I get a sweet craving I make a kind of shake with skim milk, Splenda and vanilla, pour it over ice and it's great! One of these days I'm going to dig out the blender and make a slush out of it.

I've been learning a lot from the list, I joined Tue when I started SBD. All of you have some great hints!!

I looked for whole grain bread yesterday while we were out shopping, so I'd know where to buy it when I can have it again and found it nowhere! Is anyone on the list from the Mississippi area?? Where do you find whole grain bread? And doesn't someone make a sugar free pudding already made up. I've found the sugar free jello but can find no pudding.

¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) God's Blessings((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good ones-and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats. For more on this WOE please read "The South Beach Diet" by Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK.

Hi Caroline,

I am glad to hear that South Beach is finally becoming popular in the UK. I am English living in the US and when I spoke to my sister in the UK about South Beach she didn't seem very familiar with it.

Over here most of the restaurants now offer low carb meals so I am sure that before long that will be an option where you are too. The trouble is that so much food in England is full of carbs. I don't know what I am going to do when I go home to visit next month. How can I not have fish and chips, pasty, cream cakes? I understand your dilemma. The English diet is rich in carbs. Hopefully you'll overcome the temptation.


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Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK.

Hi Caroline,

I am glad to hear that South Beach is finally becoming popular in the UK. I am English living in the US and when I spoke to my sister in the UK about South Beach she didn't seem very familiar with it.

Over here most of the restaurants now offer low carb meals so I am sure that before long that will be an option where you are too. The trouble is that so much food in England is full of carbs. I don't know what I am going to do when I go home to visit next month. How can I not have fish and chips, pasty, cream cakes? I understand your dilemma. The English diet is rich in carbs. Hopefully you'll overcome the temptation.


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Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I basically stayed on Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts, strawberries and blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a week I put on weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was that I just couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever. Eating out here consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar beforehand, - and those were only available in January - or going without. Salads are available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of sandwiches, scones, cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating out at service stations, or having something when out at a stately home or visiting gardens, or even friends. I missed out on everything. So I fell off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on Atkins stayed on me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I thought I had better switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs because I was so bored. - Caroline

RE: New Member

Hi Caroline!

I am about to begin the SBD as well. I too have been using Atkins as my diet for about 1 1/2 years on the advice of my physician. I have lost a little weight (I'm a type 2 diabetic), but felt the need for a change. However, despite that, Atkins is relatively similar to SBD in many ways. I know, I know... no one hit me, but it is IF you truly follow it as written.

Can I ask why you went without any carbs? And why you went a year without any fruit? You're supposed to be eating carbs the whole time, and you're also supposed to add back fruit, primarily berries, after a short time without. I've been having raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries on Atkins.

My main concern with what you said is this, and it's truly none of my business, but I'm curious...

Atkins is very easy to follow when you eat out, at least around here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads, steamed veggies, proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of something like a yam (they're really popular right now... had them at a wedding recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out and eat more breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so different than ours?


Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK. I am just about to start the South Beach Diet on Monday. I have been on the Atkins diet for a year, but with little success, sadly. I have felt wonderful in the fact that my blood sugar stabilised and my energy went up, but although I lost a little weight initially, after about 3 months it all went back on, and now I am back at my starting position. I think this was because I just couldn't stay off carbohydrates forever! I mean, a year without fruit and any carbs! I do hope that I will be able to take weight off and live with the South Beach diet. I have read the book, and it does seem a sensible step up from Atkins. On Atkins, you could never eat anything when you were out - or not in this country - so I ended up always cheating. Looking forward to losing weight with you all, and getting to know you better. - CarolineReminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good ones-and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats. For more on this WOE please read "The South Beach Diet" by Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I basically stayed on Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts, strawberries and blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a week I put on weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was that I just couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever. Eating out here consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar beforehand, - and those were only available in January - or going without. Salads are available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of sandwiches, scones, cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating out at service stations, or having something when out at a stately home or visiting gardens, or even friends. I missed out on everything. So I fell off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on Atkins stayed on me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I thought I had better switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs because I was so bored. - Caroline

RE: New Member

Hi Caroline!

I am about to begin the SBD as well. I too have been using Atkins as my diet for about 1 1/2 years on the advice of my physician. I have lost a little weight (I'm a type 2 diabetic), but felt the need for a change. However, despite that, Atkins is relatively similar to SBD in many ways. I know, I know... no one hit me, but it is IF you truly follow it as written.

Can I ask why you went without any carbs? And why you went a year without any fruit? You're supposed to be eating carbs the whole time, and you're also supposed to add back fruit, primarily berries, after a short time without. I've been having raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries on Atkins.

My main concern with what you said is this, and it's truly none of my business, but I'm curious...

Atkins is very easy to follow when you eat out, at least around here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads, steamed veggies, proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of something like a yam (they're really popular right now... had them at a wedding recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out and eat more breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so different than ours?


Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK. I am just about to start the South Beach Diet on Monday. I have been on the Atkins diet for a year, but with little success, sadly. I have felt wonderful in the fact that my blood sugar stabilised and my energy went up, but although I lost a little weight initially, after about 3 months it all went back on, and now I am back at my starting position. I think this was because I just couldn't stay off carbohydrates forever! I mean, a year without fruit and any carbs! I do hope that I will be able to take weight off and live with the South Beach diet. I have read the book, and it does seem a sensible step up from Atkins. On Atkins, you could never eat anything when you were out - or not in this country - so I ended up always cheating. Looking forward to losing weight with you all, and getting to know you better. - CarolineReminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good ones-and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats. For more on this WOE please read "The South Beach Diet" by Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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--OMG how did you ever do that Caroline? I tried Atkins 2 years ago

and the induction period was just too much for me. I was a mess

after 2 days with zero carbs in my body. I was shakey sweaty dizzy

etc. I had zero energy and couldn't even make it down the basement

stairs to my treadmill/ stationary bike etc never mind the gym. It

was the most awful 2 days of my life. Prior to that I was working

out at the gym minimum 3-4 days a week with cardio and weight


It was like I had a relapse of my MS symptoms all over again which

I was diagnosed with over 10 years ago but it has not advanced. This

SB diet I am finding very easy to adapt to. The first couple days

was abit jittery but I just put my sorry butt to bed with tons of

water, tea and took it easy and now I am over the worst of it I

think. I do not miss the bread rice pasta etc at all. I just eat

that darn diet jello like its going out of a style and it really

helps me alot...I guess to each his /her own... but it's strange how

these diets affect us all differently. I so prefer SB over

Atkins..but there are others I know who swear b Atkins..

- In South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right , " Caroline "

<carolineroche@b...> wrote:

> Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I basically stayed on

Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts, strawberries and

blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a week I put on

weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was that I just

couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever. Eating out here

consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar beforehand, - and those

were only available in January - or going without. Salads are

available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of sandwiches, scones,

cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating out at service

stations, or having something when out at a stately home or visiting

gardens, or even friends. I missed out on everything. So I fell

off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on Atkins stayed on

me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I thought I had better

switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs because I was so

bored. - Caroline

> RE: New Member



> Hi Caroline!

> I am about to begin the SBD as well. I too have been using

Atkins as my diet for about 1 1/2 years on the advice of my

physician. I have lost a little weight (I'm a type 2 diabetic), but

felt the need for a change. However, despite that, Atkins is

relatively similar to SBD in many ways. I know, I know... no one hit

me, but it is IF you truly follow it as written.


> Can I ask why you went without any carbs? And why you went a

year without any fruit? You're supposed to be eating carbs the whole

time, and you're also supposed to add back fruit, primarily berries,

after a short time without. I've been having raspberries,

blackberries, and blueberries on Atkins.


> My main concern with what you said is this, and it's truly none

of my business, but I'm curious...

> Atkins is very easy to follow when you eat out, at least around

here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads, steamed veggies,

proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of something like a yam

(they're really popular right now... had them at a wedding

recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out and eat more

breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so different than ours?


> Cheryl

> Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK. I am just

about to start the South Beach Diet on Monday. I have been on the

Atkins diet for a year, but with little success, sadly. I have felt

wonderful in the fact that my blood sugar stabilised and my energy

went up, but although I lost a little weight initially, after about

3 months it all went back on, and now I am back at my starting

position. I think this was because I just couldn't stay off

carbohydrates forever! I mean, a year without fruit and any carbs!

I do hope that I will be able to take weight off and live with the

South Beach diet. I have read the book, and it does seem a sensible

step up from Atkins. On Atkins, you could never eat anything when

you were out - or not in this country - so I ended up always

cheating. Looking forward to losing weight with you all, and

getting to know you better. - Caroline



> Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-

fat. The South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and

the right fats-the good ones-and enables you to live quite happily

without the bad carbs and bad fats.


> For more on this WOE please read " The South Beach Diet " by

Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8




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--OMG how did you ever do that Caroline? I tried Atkins 2 years ago

and the induction period was just too much for me. I was a mess

after 2 days with zero carbs in my body. I was shakey sweaty dizzy

etc. I had zero energy and couldn't even make it down the basement

stairs to my treadmill/ stationary bike etc never mind the gym. It

was the most awful 2 days of my life. Prior to that I was working

out at the gym minimum 3-4 days a week with cardio and weight


It was like I had a relapse of my MS symptoms all over again which

I was diagnosed with over 10 years ago but it has not advanced. This

SB diet I am finding very easy to adapt to. The first couple days

was abit jittery but I just put my sorry butt to bed with tons of

water, tea and took it easy and now I am over the worst of it I

think. I do not miss the bread rice pasta etc at all. I just eat

that darn diet jello like its going out of a style and it really

helps me alot...I guess to each his /her own... but it's strange how

these diets affect us all differently. I so prefer SB over

Atkins..but there are others I know who swear b Atkins..

- In South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right , " Caroline "

<carolineroche@b...> wrote:

> Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I basically stayed on

Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts, strawberries and

blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a week I put on

weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was that I just

couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever. Eating out here

consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar beforehand, - and those

were only available in January - or going without. Salads are

available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of sandwiches, scones,

cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating out at service

stations, or having something when out at a stately home or visiting

gardens, or even friends. I missed out on everything. So I fell

off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on Atkins stayed on

me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I thought I had better

switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs because I was so

bored. - Caroline

> RE: New Member



> Hi Caroline!

> I am about to begin the SBD as well. I too have been using

Atkins as my diet for about 1 1/2 years on the advice of my

physician. I have lost a little weight (I'm a type 2 diabetic), but

felt the need for a change. However, despite that, Atkins is

relatively similar to SBD in many ways. I know, I know... no one hit

me, but it is IF you truly follow it as written.


> Can I ask why you went without any carbs? And why you went a

year without any fruit? You're supposed to be eating carbs the whole

time, and you're also supposed to add back fruit, primarily berries,

after a short time without. I've been having raspberries,

blackberries, and blueberries on Atkins.


> My main concern with what you said is this, and it's truly none

of my business, but I'm curious...

> Atkins is very easy to follow when you eat out, at least around

here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads, steamed veggies,

proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of something like a yam

(they're really popular right now... had them at a wedding

recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out and eat more

breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so different than ours?


> Cheryl

> Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK. I am just

about to start the South Beach Diet on Monday. I have been on the

Atkins diet for a year, but with little success, sadly. I have felt

wonderful in the fact that my blood sugar stabilised and my energy

went up, but although I lost a little weight initially, after about

3 months it all went back on, and now I am back at my starting

position. I think this was because I just couldn't stay off

carbohydrates forever! I mean, a year without fruit and any carbs!

I do hope that I will be able to take weight off and live with the

South Beach diet. I have read the book, and it does seem a sensible

step up from Atkins. On Atkins, you could never eat anything when

you were out - or not in this country - so I ended up always

cheating. Looking forward to losing weight with you all, and

getting to know you better. - Caroline



> Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-

fat. The South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and

the right fats-the good ones-and enables you to live quite happily

without the bad carbs and bad fats.


> For more on this WOE please read " The South Beach Diet " by

Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8




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--OMG how did you ever do that Caroline? I tried Atkins 2 years ago

and the induction period was just too much for me. I was a mess

after 2 days with zero carbs in my body. I was shakey sweaty dizzy

etc. I had zero energy and couldn't even make it down the basement

stairs to my treadmill/ stationary bike etc never mind the gym. It

was the most awful 2 days of my life. Prior to that I was working

out at the gym minimum 3-4 days a week with cardio and weight


It was like I had a relapse of my MS symptoms all over again which

I was diagnosed with over 10 years ago but it has not advanced. This

SB diet I am finding very easy to adapt to. The first couple days

was abit jittery but I just put my sorry butt to bed with tons of

water, tea and took it easy and now I am over the worst of it I

think. I do not miss the bread rice pasta etc at all. I just eat

that darn diet jello like its going out of a style and it really

helps me alot...I guess to each his /her own... but it's strange how

these diets affect us all differently. I so prefer SB over

Atkins..but there are others I know who swear b Atkins..

- In South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right , " Caroline "

<carolineroche@b...> wrote:

> Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I basically stayed on

Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts, strawberries and

blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a week I put on

weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was that I just

couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever. Eating out here

consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar beforehand, - and those

were only available in January - or going without. Salads are

available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of sandwiches, scones,

cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating out at service

stations, or having something when out at a stately home or visiting

gardens, or even friends. I missed out on everything. So I fell

off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on Atkins stayed on

me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I thought I had better

switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs because I was so

bored. - Caroline

> RE: New Member



> Hi Caroline!

> I am about to begin the SBD as well. I too have been using

Atkins as my diet for about 1 1/2 years on the advice of my

physician. I have lost a little weight (I'm a type 2 diabetic), but

felt the need for a change. However, despite that, Atkins is

relatively similar to SBD in many ways. I know, I know... no one hit

me, but it is IF you truly follow it as written.


> Can I ask why you went without any carbs? And why you went a

year without any fruit? You're supposed to be eating carbs the whole

time, and you're also supposed to add back fruit, primarily berries,

after a short time without. I've been having raspberries,

blackberries, and blueberries on Atkins.


> My main concern with what you said is this, and it's truly none

of my business, but I'm curious...

> Atkins is very easy to follow when you eat out, at least around

here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads, steamed veggies,

proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of something like a yam

(they're really popular right now... had them at a wedding

recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out and eat more

breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so different than ours?


> Cheryl

> Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK. I am just

about to start the South Beach Diet on Monday. I have been on the

Atkins diet for a year, but with little success, sadly. I have felt

wonderful in the fact that my blood sugar stabilised and my energy

went up, but although I lost a little weight initially, after about

3 months it all went back on, and now I am back at my starting

position. I think this was because I just couldn't stay off

carbohydrates forever! I mean, a year without fruit and any carbs!

I do hope that I will be able to take weight off and live with the

South Beach diet. I have read the book, and it does seem a sensible

step up from Atkins. On Atkins, you could never eat anything when

you were out - or not in this country - so I ended up always

cheating. Looking forward to losing weight with you all, and

getting to know you better. - Caroline



> Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-

fat. The South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and

the right fats-the good ones-and enables you to live quite happily

without the bad carbs and bad fats.


> For more on this WOE please read " The South Beach Diet " by

Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8




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The first few days I was a mess with energy,

absolutely none, but the energy started to come back

and I stayed with the diet.

Joe-Day 11

--- Deanne wrote:

> --OMG how did you ever do that Caroline? I tried

> Atkins 2 years ago

> and the induction period was just too much for me. I

> was a mess

> after 2 days with zero carbs in my body. I was

> shakey sweaty dizzy

> etc. I had zero energy and couldn't even make it

> down the basement

> stairs to my treadmill/ stationary bike etc never

> mind the gym. It

> was the most awful 2 days of my life. Prior to that

> I was working

> out at the gym minimum 3-4 days a week with cardio

> and weight

> training.

> It was like I had a relapse of my MS symptoms all

> over again which

> I was diagnosed with over 10 years ago but it has

> not advanced. This

> SB diet I am finding very easy to adapt to. The

> first couple days

> was abit jittery but I just put my sorry butt to bed

> with tons of

> water, tea and took it easy and now I am over the

> worst of it I

> think. I do not miss the bread rice pasta etc at

> all. I just eat

> that darn diet jello like its going out of a style

> and it really

> helps me alot...I guess to each his /her own... but

> it's strange how

> these diets affect us all differently. I so prefer

> SB over

> Atkins..but there are others I know who swear b

> Atkins..


> - In

> South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right ,

> " Caroline "

> <carolineroche@b...> wrote:

> > Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I

> basically stayed on

> Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts,

> strawberries and

> blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a

> week I put on

> weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was

> that I just

> couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever.

> Eating out here

> consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar

> beforehand, - and those

> were only available in January - or going without.

> Salads are

> available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of

> sandwiches, scones,

> cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating

> out at service

> stations, or having something when out at a stately

> home or visiting

> gardens, or even friends. I missed out on

> everything. So I fell

> off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on

> Atkins stayed on

> me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I

> thought I had better

> switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs

> because I was so

> bored. - Caroline

> > RE: New Member

> >

> >

> > Hi Caroline!

> > I am about to begin the SBD as well. I too have

> been using

> Atkins as my diet for about 1 1/2 years on the

> advice of my

> physician. I have lost a little weight (I'm a type 2

> diabetic), but

> felt the need for a change. However, despite that,

> Atkins is

> relatively similar to SBD in many ways. I know, I

> know... no one hit

> me, but it is IF you truly follow it as written.

> >

> > Can I ask why you went without any carbs? And

> why you went a

> year without any fruit? You're supposed to be eating

> carbs the whole

> time, and you're also supposed to add back fruit,

> primarily berries,

> after a short time without. I've been having

> raspberries,

> blackberries, and blueberries on Atkins.

> >

> > My main concern with what you said is this, and

> it's truly none

> of my business, but I'm curious...

> > Atkins is very easy to follow when you eat out,

> at least around

> here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads, steamed

> veggies,

> proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of

> something like a yam

> (they're really popular right now... had them at a

> wedding

> recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out

> and eat more

> breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so

> different than ours?

> >

> > Cheryl

> > Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK.

> I am just

> about to start the South Beach Diet on Monday. I

> have been on the

> Atkins diet for a year, but with little success,

> sadly. I have felt

> wonderful in the fact that my blood sugar stabilised

> and my energy

> went up, but although I lost a little weight

> initially, after about

> 3 months it all went back on, and now I am back at

> my starting

> position. I think this was because I just couldn't

> stay off

> carbohydrates forever! I mean, a year without fruit

> and any carbs!

> I do hope that I will be able to take weight off and

> live with the

> South Beach diet. I have read the book, and it does

> seem a sensible

> step up from Atkins. On Atkins, you could never eat

> anything when

> you were out - or not in this country - so I ended

> up always

> cheating. Looking forward to losing weight with you

> all, and

> getting to know you better. - Caroline

> >

> >

> > Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb.

> Nor is it low-

> fat. The South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the

> right carbs and

> the right fats-the good ones-and enables you to live

> quite happily

> without the bad carbs and bad fats.

> >

> > For more on this WOE please read " The South

> Beach Diet " by

> Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

The first few days I was a mess with energy,

absolutely none, but the energy started to come back

and I stayed with the diet.

Joe-Day 11

--- Deanne wrote:

> --OMG how did you ever do that Caroline? I tried

> Atkins 2 years ago

> and the induction period was just too much for me. I

> was a mess

> after 2 days with zero carbs in my body. I was

> shakey sweaty dizzy

> etc. I had zero energy and couldn't even make it

> down the basement

> stairs to my treadmill/ stationary bike etc never

> mind the gym. It

> was the most awful 2 days of my life. Prior to that

> I was working

> out at the gym minimum 3-4 days a week with cardio

> and weight

> training.

> It was like I had a relapse of my MS symptoms all

> over again which

> I was diagnosed with over 10 years ago but it has

> not advanced. This

> SB diet I am finding very easy to adapt to. The

> first couple days

> was abit jittery but I just put my sorry butt to bed

> with tons of

> water, tea and took it easy and now I am over the

> worst of it I

> think. I do not miss the bread rice pasta etc at

> all. I just eat

> that darn diet jello like its going out of a style

> and it really

> helps me alot...I guess to each his /her own... but

> it's strange how

> these diets affect us all differently. I so prefer

> SB over

> Atkins..but there are others I know who swear b

> Atkins..


> - In

> South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right ,

> " Caroline "

> <carolineroche@b...> wrote:

> > Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I

> basically stayed on

> Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts,

> strawberries and

> blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a

> week I put on

> weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was

> that I just

> couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever.

> Eating out here

> consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar

> beforehand, - and those

> were only available in January - or going without.

> Salads are

> available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of

> sandwiches, scones,

> cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating

> out at service

> stations, or having something when out at a stately

> home or visiting

> gardens, or even friends. I missed out on

> everything. So I fell

> off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on

> Atkins stayed on

> me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I

> thought I had better

> switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs

> because I was so

> bored. - Caroline

> > RE: New Member

> >

> >

> > Hi Caroline!

> > I am about to begin the SBD as well. I too have

> been using

> Atkins as my diet for about 1 1/2 years on the

> advice of my

> physician. I have lost a little weight (I'm a type 2

> diabetic), but

> felt the need for a change. However, despite that,

> Atkins is

> relatively similar to SBD in many ways. I know, I

> know... no one hit

> me, but it is IF you truly follow it as written.

> >

> > Can I ask why you went without any carbs? And

> why you went a

> year without any fruit? You're supposed to be eating

> carbs the whole

> time, and you're also supposed to add back fruit,

> primarily berries,

> after a short time without. I've been having

> raspberries,

> blackberries, and blueberries on Atkins.

> >

> > My main concern with what you said is this, and

> it's truly none

> of my business, but I'm curious...

> > Atkins is very easy to follow when you eat out,

> at least around

> here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads, steamed

> veggies,

> proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of

> something like a yam

> (they're really popular right now... had them at a

> wedding

> recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out

> and eat more

> breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so

> different than ours?

> >

> > Cheryl

> > Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK.

> I am just

> about to start the South Beach Diet on Monday. I

> have been on the

> Atkins diet for a year, but with little success,

> sadly. I have felt

> wonderful in the fact that my blood sugar stabilised

> and my energy

> went up, but although I lost a little weight

> initially, after about

> 3 months it all went back on, and now I am back at

> my starting

> position. I think this was because I just couldn't

> stay off

> carbohydrates forever! I mean, a year without fruit

> and any carbs!

> I do hope that I will be able to take weight off and

> live with the

> South Beach diet. I have read the book, and it does

> seem a sensible

> step up from Atkins. On Atkins, you could never eat

> anything when

> you were out - or not in this country - so I ended

> up always

> cheating. Looking forward to losing weight with you

> all, and

> getting to know you better. - Caroline

> >

> >

> > Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb.

> Nor is it low-

> fat. The South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the

> right carbs and

> the right fats-the good ones-and enables you to live

> quite happily

> without the bad carbs and bad fats.

> >

> > For more on this WOE please read " The South

> Beach Diet " by

> Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

The first few days I was a mess with energy,

absolutely none, but the energy started to come back

and I stayed with the diet.

Joe-Day 11

--- Deanne wrote:

> --OMG how did you ever do that Caroline? I tried

> Atkins 2 years ago

> and the induction period was just too much for me. I

> was a mess

> after 2 days with zero carbs in my body. I was

> shakey sweaty dizzy

> etc. I had zero energy and couldn't even make it

> down the basement

> stairs to my treadmill/ stationary bike etc never

> mind the gym. It

> was the most awful 2 days of my life. Prior to that

> I was working

> out at the gym minimum 3-4 days a week with cardio

> and weight

> training.

> It was like I had a relapse of my MS symptoms all

> over again which

> I was diagnosed with over 10 years ago but it has

> not advanced. This

> SB diet I am finding very easy to adapt to. The

> first couple days

> was abit jittery but I just put my sorry butt to bed

> with tons of

> water, tea and took it easy and now I am over the

> worst of it I

> think. I do not miss the bread rice pasta etc at

> all. I just eat

> that darn diet jello like its going out of a style

> and it really

> helps me alot...I guess to each his /her own... but

> it's strange how

> these diets affect us all differently. I so prefer

> SB over

> Atkins..but there are others I know who swear b

> Atkins..


> - In

> South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right ,

> " Caroline "

> <carolineroche@b...> wrote:

> > Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I

> basically stayed on

> Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts,

> strawberries and

> blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a

> week I put on

> weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was

> that I just

> couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever.

> Eating out here

> consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar

> beforehand, - and those

> were only available in January - or going without.

> Salads are

> available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of

> sandwiches, scones,

> cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating

> out at service

> stations, or having something when out at a stately

> home or visiting

> gardens, or even friends. I missed out on

> everything. So I fell

> off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on

> Atkins stayed on

> me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I

> thought I had better

> switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs

> because I was so

> bored. - Caroline

> > RE: New Member

> >

> >

> > Hi Caroline!

> > I am about to begin the SBD as well. I too have

> been using

> Atkins as my diet for about 1 1/2 years on the

> advice of my

> physician. I have lost a little weight (I'm a type 2

> diabetic), but

> felt the need for a change. However, despite that,

> Atkins is

> relatively similar to SBD in many ways. I know, I

> know... no one hit

> me, but it is IF you truly follow it as written.

> >

> > Can I ask why you went without any carbs? And

> why you went a

> year without any fruit? You're supposed to be eating

> carbs the whole

> time, and you're also supposed to add back fruit,

> primarily berries,

> after a short time without. I've been having

> raspberries,

> blackberries, and blueberries on Atkins.

> >

> > My main concern with what you said is this, and

> it's truly none

> of my business, but I'm curious...

> > Atkins is very easy to follow when you eat out,

> at least around

> here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads, steamed

> veggies,

> proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of

> something like a yam

> (they're really popular right now... had them at a

> wedding

> recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out

> and eat more

> breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so

> different than ours?

> >

> > Cheryl

> > Hi, my name is Caroline, and I live in the UK.

> I am just

> about to start the South Beach Diet on Monday. I

> have been on the

> Atkins diet for a year, but with little success,

> sadly. I have felt

> wonderful in the fact that my blood sugar stabilised

> and my energy

> went up, but although I lost a little weight

> initially, after about

> 3 months it all went back on, and now I am back at

> my starting

> position. I think this was because I just couldn't

> stay off

> carbohydrates forever! I mean, a year without fruit

> and any carbs!

> I do hope that I will be able to take weight off and

> live with the

> South Beach diet. I have read the book, and it does

> seem a sensible

> step up from Atkins. On Atkins, you could never eat

> anything when

> you were out - or not in this country - so I ended

> up always

> cheating. Looking forward to losing weight with you

> all, and

> getting to know you better. - Caroline

> >

> >

> > Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb.

> Nor is it low-

> fat. The South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the

> right carbs and

> the right fats-the good ones-and enables you to live

> quite happily

> without the bad carbs and bad fats.

> >

> > For more on this WOE please read " The South

> Beach Diet " by

> Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

> From: Cheryl

> To: South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right

> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 5:44 PM

> Subject: RE: New Member




> , at least around here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads,

steamed veggies, proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of

something like a yam (they're really popular right now... had them at

a wedding recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out and

eat more breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so different

than ours?

HI Cheryl,

I used to live in Vegas as well ((20 years in fact)). At least

until 3 months ago. We moved out of the city and went to Phoenix. :)

It's good to meet a fellow Veginite.

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Guest guest

> From: Cheryl

> To: South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right

> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 5:44 PM

> Subject: RE: New Member




> , at least around here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads,

steamed veggies, proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of

something like a yam (they're really popular right now... had them at

a wedding recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out and

eat more breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so different

than ours?

HI Cheryl,

I used to live in Vegas as well ((20 years in fact)). At least

until 3 months ago. We moved out of the city and went to Phoenix. :)

It's good to meet a fellow Veginite.

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Guest guest

> From: Cheryl

> To: South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right

> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 5:44 PM

> Subject: RE: New Member




> , at least around here (I'm in Las Vegas, NV). I eat salads,

steamed veggies, proteins, and sometimes a very small portion of

something like a yam (they're really popular right now... had them at

a wedding recently). Are you looking at SBD as a way to go out and

eat more breads/grains? Or are the meals where you are so different

than ours?

HI Cheryl,

I used to live in Vegas as well ((20 years in fact)). At least

until 3 months ago. We moved out of the city and went to Phoenix. :)

It's good to meet a fellow Veginite.

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Guest guest

>>> Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I basically stayed on Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts, strawberries and blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a week I put on weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was that I just couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever. Eating out here consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar beforehand, - and those were only available in January - or going without. Salads are available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of sandwiches, scones, cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating out at service stations, or having something when out at a stately home or visiting gardens, or even friends. I missed out on everything. So I fell off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on Atkins stayed on me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I thought I had better switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs because I was so bored. - Caroline

Bummer. I couldn't stay on just meat/induction for a year without losing my mind. LOL! Sounds like there's quite a challenge in eating out. Can you get the right carbs in restaurants to help in that direction? I have seen whole grain breads locally in the restaurants, but doubt they have brown rice, etc.


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Guest guest

>>> Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I basically stayed on Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts, strawberries and blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a week I put on weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was that I just couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever. Eating out here consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar beforehand, - and those were only available in January - or going without. Salads are available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of sandwiches, scones, cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating out at service stations, or having something when out at a stately home or visiting gardens, or even friends. I missed out on everything. So I fell off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on Atkins stayed on me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I thought I had better switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs because I was so bored. - Caroline

Bummer. I couldn't stay on just meat/induction for a year without losing my mind. LOL! Sounds like there's quite a challenge in eating out. Can you get the right carbs in restaurants to help in that direction? I have seen whole grain breads locally in the restaurants, but doubt they have brown rice, etc.


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Guest guest

>>> Cheryl - I was eating so few carbs because I basically stayed on Induction for the year. I added in brazil nuts, strawberries and blackberries, but if I had too many of those in a week I put on weight. And one of the reasons I put on weight was that I just couldn't stay eating only meat and veg forever. Eating out here consists of buying yourself an Atkins bar beforehand, - and those were only available in January - or going without. Salads are available, but mostly pasta salads. Lots of sandwiches, scones, cakes, carbs,carbs carbs. I am talking about eating out at service stations, or having something when out at a stately home or visiting gardens, or even friends. I missed out on everything. So I fell off the wagon so much that all the fat you have on Atkins stayed on me - though my husband lost 28 pounds - and I thought I had better switch to a diet that included the 'right' carbs because I was so bored. - Caroline

Bummer. I couldn't stay on just meat/induction for a year without losing my mind. LOL! Sounds like there's quite a challenge in eating out. Can you get the right carbs in restaurants to help in that direction? I have seen whole grain breads locally in the restaurants, but doubt they have brown rice, etc.


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... I used to live in Vegas as well ((20 years in fact)). At least until 3 months ago. We moved out of the city and went to Phoenix. :) It's good to meet a fellow Veginite.


We got out of Vegas for a year, back in the late 90s, but came back. I fought it because I

loved Albquerque, NM, but hubby's work is here. :-) So here we are again, in a town of

excess everything: food, spending, sex. Quite the place to try and change one's eating habits.

Everything has gotten bigger, including the food. We had lunch out today, and I swear they

served us each the equivalent of THREE chicken breasts. I ate less than half of mine, and I'm

SO stuffed!


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Welcome Tonya. Congrats on wanting to get it under control now. I

applaud you. Let me tell you how much more difficult it is to get

the weight off if you put it off to your 40's like I did. It's true

what they say ya know: everything changes with your body by then so

I wish you success.

-- In South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right , " tl_pugh "

<tl_pugh@y...> wrote:

> Hello everyone. I just joined tonight. My name is Tonya I am 28


> over weight. I want to shed my pounds and start eating healthy for

> me and my children. I want to shed pounds before I hit 30/ I am

> reading the SBD book now, and plan to start my diet on Monday of

> next week. This way I know what I am doing, and can get some good

> food to eat. Any suggestions or help comments for the new (diet)

> lifestyle I am starting would be great. Thanks!

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  • 10 months later...
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Talk about a crack habit....

" Robyn@... " wrote:

We have a new " member. " He is shy but here are his photos!



We are a very active support group. If the email becomes overwhelming, please

change your setting to NO EMAIL! Please stay with us!

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