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Hi - are you able to see a counsellor, or someone else similar to

talk to? Verbal abuse is still abuse, *ABSOLUTELY NOT ACCEPTABLE*

especially in front of your kids and good for you for standing up to him. I

know from a friend's situation that this sort of thing can escalate all too

easily. You need to see someone who can advocate for you and give you

practical advice on how to deal with the situation. Local women's groups

should be able to give you a line on someone to talk to.

It breaks my heart to hear the sorts of things some people have to deal

with. As if being ill wasn't enough.

Best wishes,


>Message: 12

> Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 04:51:03 -0500 (Central Standard Time)


>Subject: Re: sex


>i was recently told by my obgyn that my thyroid caused my estrogen to bottom

>out so even though i was tested and not menopausal or even perimenopausal i

>have to be treated as such so i'm now on HRT and i chose one with

>testosterone in it to hopefully jump start my sex drive - hasn't worked yet

>but i haven't been on it long either - she said give it time - it could take

>1-2 months so see the full effects.....she said testosterone would increase

>the sex drive - i guess too much does the opposite huh?

>anyway - i've really NEVER had a good sex drive except as a teenager - i've

>been married 20 yrs and we have a 4 yr old and 15 month old so even if i had

>a sex drive i doubt i would be doing anything about it - i can't remember

>the last time we did it...poor guy -- he says the same stupid crap about

>going someplace else and i actually told him once that it was OK with me b/c

>i can imagine his patience is byond wearing thin but i told him i wanted him

>to let me know b/c we REALLY wouldn't be doing anything then b/c i didn't

>want to catch anything and he laughed and said he didn't either and was just

>saying that and could wait as long as necessary. he says more mean verbally

>abusive things about me being sick and like right now with antibodies sky

>high i can barely get out of bed so he does basically everything in the

>house but i still don't deserve what he says and he is starting to say

>things in front of my kids now and i literally backed him against the wall

>yesterday and said i better not EVER hear that again in front of my kids b/c

>no matter how bad and tired i feel don't think i can't muster up the energy

>to kick your a** out of here ---- he has me at an advantage now - i'm not my

>normal feisty self and he is having him a ball but i let him know i'm still

>in here and can still put him in line when necessary. i just wish the dr's

>could get me straight on meds and/or remove the thyroid - whatever - i'm

>just tired of being tired.......sorry - i vented there a bit but i have

>nobody to talk to that understands.




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