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Amy - I'm glad your surgery seemed to go well with Dr. Valle. He was very

" short " not in a bad way, just quick with what he had to say after I had my

surgery with him as well - I think it's just his character. I call him

" speedy gonzalez " - or " the road runner " because he really seems to do

everything so quickly and speedily. He wasn't very specific after my

surgery either, put me on the same meds as you are on and I was so groggy

from the drugs that I didn't even have time to THINK about what questions I

wanted to ask. In any case, I too, had to take the balloon out and it was

absolutely NO BIG DEAL. You literally cut the little catheter that hangs

down your leg a bit and the saline solution runs out and then the balloon

just drops out. There is NO PAIN and it really isn't bad at all (atleast

it wasn't for me). Take care of yourself. Oh, and he told me too, not to

lift anything over 10 lbs.


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Hi Gwen, yes when I bled ten days after surgery it was like a normal period, it was on the fifteen of the month and that would have been when my period should have came anyway, even prior to surgery I was still regular, if you can call it that, I got my 2 hours of spotting every 28 days, but when I got it it was a real flow for 6 days.

I'm sure the surgery worked for you! A "strong flow" for three days is just great! I think you

are right to be confident and expectant over ttc the next cycle! May I follow in your footsteps!

When you had bleeding mid-cycle, while still on the hormones, what was it like? (If you don't

mind me asking) Was it a "normal" flow like you're getting now? Or was it more like spotting.

Did you say yours lasted for 6 days? Mine seems to be stopping now which means it lasted

for 3 days but was never what I would call "normal" flow....just spotting. I only had to change

pads once a day it was so scant.

Do you think I can still expect to get "full" flow later this month? I hope that wasn't supposed to

be my period because if so I must not have any lining it was so scant and short. What happened

with you? Anyone else with mid-cycle bleeding after surgery while on hormones? How much

and how long?


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Hi Celeste, yes, my husband and I have wanted to adopt him, we wanted to

adopt him when she was pregnant with him, she is just a very selfish and

irresponsible person, she is nothing like me or my two other siblings, I

don't know how she got this way, we were all raised in the same household,

it's just really weird how she can be so much different than us!! She is

actually a really smart person, she is college educated and everything, I

didn't even graduate from college YET, I am planning on eventually going

back, I hope. We would love to adopt Tyler(that's his name) he is a sweet

boy, he is here every day, she usually does pick him up at night, this time

though he has been here for about a week and a half, with no sign of my

sister, she usually is not gone longer than a couple of weeks when she does

this, so she will probably show up next week.

> ,


> Have you ever considered adopting the 4 year old as well? It seems that


> are already his mother.


> Celeste




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Hi Debbie,

Well, more and more women on the list are saying that they have this pelvic pain. I really think that we should address it, and talk to our doctors to see what they think. Also, if you wouldn't mind, next time you go to the doctor, if you could ask he/she about any published studies on anything related to Asherman's? It would help me to convince the doctors in my area (or educate them) that these things can happen. Especially the calcification issue that I read in the Q & A of Dr. Vale.



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Yes, That was us! We are lucky as we are a little way from the river... but

i have many good friends who have been several feet under water. The water

has now gone down, but the clear up has only just started and it's very sad

to see how badly affected some people are. I'm busy trying to help organise

a working group to help people on their own and old folks who can't manage.

The response has been great.

just wish all the daytrippers coming to look would go home, then we could

drive through the village again!!!!


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Hi ,

Drying out here now, thankfully!!!

A couple of questions for you......

How easy was it for you to be prescribed Viagra? What exactly does it do in

relation to Ashermans? Do you see an Ob/Gynae specialist or an infertility

specialist? And can you tell me more about your herbalist?

Thanks tanya,


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Thank you for your concern and support. Yes, I'm worried also

that the effects of having all that in my uterus for over a year has

permanatly damaged the quality of my lining. My dr--who by the way

is an obgyn--says its time to see an RE. I have some mixed emotions

about this, by seeing an RE I feel that its an admission that I have

a real problem that may not be fixable. But I've determined that I'm

not going to let my fear guide me, I will be strong and do everything

in my power to fix this.

I'm afraid that I don't know what you are facing in your life

with this disease--fighting it , conquered it-- but I would like you

to know that I wish you the best of luck in whatever you are doing,

and I'm so touched by your kindness.

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Hi Gwen, yes Janelle left, well went home at my request, I'm the one that asked her to just leave Tyler here, I thought that it would just be for the best, I watch him every day anyway, when she left two weeks ago it was without notice she just didn't show up to take Tyler home and yes she has done this before and I probably do make it easy for her but I just want Tyler to be safe and I know he is when he is here, he likes it here, he never wants to go home with her anyway, I'm hoping that he is here for good, we'll just have to wait and see if she gets herself together!!

I'm confused. You sister came back (after having "gone" somewhere with her friends right?) but now she has left again and didn't take Tyler with her?! Huh?! Unbelieveable! Did she ask you to keep Tyler? Did she even thank you for keeping him for the last 2 weeks? Did she tell you where she had been? Or when she'd be back this time? Is she paying you for keeping him?

It is certainly your family , and I'm not trying to be critical....but I feel like you need an advocate to watch out for you as well! Is

it possible you are letting her "get away" with abandoning her child by making it easier for her to do so? Maybe it's time to think

about putting your foot down and demanding that she either let you adopt Tyler and make him legally yours, or else she needs to start being a mother to this poor child. I'm sorry to rant like this but I am just astounded at the sheer irresponsibility and total

selfishness of this woman! How dare she use you like her 24-hour FREE childcare provider whenever the whim strikes her! How dare she abandon her child that way!! She needs some "tough love" if you ask me.....which.....I know you didn't, so I'll shut-up now! Hope I haven't offended you with my little tirade...I know you are doing the best you can trying to watch our for poor Tyler

and still hoping to adopt the child we hope she is still carrying...(but I can't help wondering what she did during her little "getaway" with her friends that could have harmed the fetus growing inside her like drinking, smoking etc.....)

Take care of yourself during all this....don't let her take advantage of you and your family please.


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Congratulations Poly! I hope it all goes according to plan!

I had my ultrasound done on Thursday..... but feel a bit muddled by it. It

appears there is no fluid currently trapped in the uterus - which is good

news. The antibiotics obviously did the trick. But they couldn't tell me

the thickness of the lining. It appears continuous, but thins towards the

cervix, at which point he wasn't sure if there was a break, and therefore

adhesions there.

I haven't been able to speak with my doctor, and I'm off with the children

next week on a short holiday, so I guess I'll not know any more till I return

around 31st October.

There is a chance that if there are adhesions, then the same thing will

happen again, and I'll end up in extreme pain and back in hospital. But I

can appreciate them not wanting to do anything in case they cause more

scarring. I guess I just have to play the waiting game and see what happens

in a few weeks. I haven't a clue where I am in my cycle. Working from a

scan I had several weeks ago which showed my ovaries were about to produce an

egg, I can sort of work out that last time I was in pain was just after I

should have had a period. That means that I may be due a period at the end

of this coming week.

I'm not confident it will be normal.... I think that with the scarring, I'll

just end up in pain and be re-admitted. I have some mild pain now, and think

this could be due to the build up towards my period, and also possibly due

to the endometriosis. God, I'm confused by all this. To think i used to

complain when i had " normal " periods.!


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Hi. What do you consider a high dose of estrogen ? Also - my ob has not

said anything about baby aspirin - I suppose takinh it can't do any harm, it

seems everyone feels quite positive about it ?



> ,

> That was great news to hear!! We seem to hear many members now going from

> islets to continuous endometrium and it seems to me so clear that a higher

> dose of estrogen after surgery is the best treatment. Well done.


> Poly


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Hi Gwen, I have not done the test yet today, but there was no surge yesterday, I'm feeling pretty disappointed, but my RE did say that I might skip because of the hormones, but I'll keep testing, I'll either ovulate or get my period one or the other. It's just that now that we got the go ahead I'm really impatient, he won't even consider any kind of fertility drugs to help quicken things, he says that since I've been pregnant 8 times in the last 3 years, I don't need any help, but he also said it could take up to 3 whole months for me to ovulate, I don't know if I can wait that long!! I'm just hoping that my body can get back to normal quicker than that, he can't tell me, I might ovulate this month or maybe not until November, it's so frustrating!!

So? Any more news on a surge? Is today Day 16? I'm hoping it's just a "late" surge for you!


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Hi .

Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you. Try to do it tonight

and lay in bed afterwards with your butt up on a pillow. So

excited! I have my RE appoinment today to see if it's time to get my

Hcg shot to ovulate within the next 24-26 hours. Hey, maybe we'll

get pregnant at the same time! Happy for you! Love,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Corinna,

Well, *maybe* I was exagerating a little bit LOL!!! It just

becomes so frustrating at times.

As it turned out, I didn't have to confront my mother. I called

her after the surgery (which she didn't know about beforehand)and she

started to cry. So, regardless of how she dismissed me during my

year of hell, she sincerely felt just awful about it afterwards.

The thought of going back to my orignal dr and letting him know

what he did is very intriguing. How did it go with your dr? Was

he/she genuinely concerned or interested? I think that my dr would

refuse to meet with me, or if he did he would admit to no wrong doing

whatsoever out of fear of potential lawsuits, so I'm not sure what

could be gained from such a meeting. Its a shame, though, because

all I really need from that dr is an apology for misdiagnosing my

condition and treating me so badly. And for him to be aware of

Ashermans so that it doesn't happen again.

Corinna, I also wanted so say how happy I am for you that your

adhesions haven't grown back! That must have been such a happy day

for you. Also, Dr. Galinet sounds like a wonderful man as well as a

dr. It must put your mind at ease working with someone like him.

Take Care,

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  • 2 months later...
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Me too, . Hope you have a wonderful day. How are you doing?

Want to see you in Phoenix...hope we can both be there. doris

> I wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday and many more.

> Hugs

> nne

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  • 1 month later...


My kids keep me sane I think. I have no idea why they are being sooo good,

but they are. It is certainly nothing I've done, I am not a very strict

parent. After radiation this morning, I stopped at the hardware store and

bought my 11 year old son 2 boxes of screws and a box of nails. He loves to

make things out of wood. He was so excited and appreciative - it was

unreal. It reminds me that the simple things in life can be the best. We

all loose our temper at our kids now and then, and yes they are wonderfully

forgiving. I wish some adults were that forgiving.

I tend to get depressed a lot and when I look at my kids I realize that I

can't cause they need me.

Take care,


Yes, the love and laughter of children sure can bring us through some

rough times. But, what on earth did you do as a great parent to get you 11

year old son to say (or even do) he had cleaned his room? That is most

amazing!! The other day, I woke up in a horrible mood, I could feel it as I

got up. l really tried to be calm and nice, but something minor triggered

me and I yelled a little at my 7 year old. Her face looked so rejected, I

felt awful. A few minutes later, it was as if it had never happened as she

ran up to me to excitedly tell me about the baby birds she saw in our

birdhouse. Kids forgive so easily, they love easily, and boy can that bring

joy to us all!!

Bye for now,


snimtz@... wrote:Gloria,

I can relate to everything you are saying. I too am a Christian, but God

has really been testing me to the limit. Not just with the cancer, but

every other aspect of life as well. I guess I can say, that my " birds " are

my two kids. I was having a lot of trouble with my 14 year old daughter,

and now suddenly both kids are being so good, I wonder whats up with them.

The 14 year old just started high school and my 11 year old son just called

to say he cleaned his room. They are so beautiful I am forever grateful for

them. Having to raise them on my own has been a great struggle but their

love and laughter is worth it all.

Take care,


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Hi Gloria,

I had 4 chemo treatments 3 weeks apart. No one ever offered me any choices,

that or I was in such a state of denial that I just went along with what

ever they told me to do. My chemo was pretty basic a/c and the nasty red

stuff. They give you drugs before treatment and some to take home. The

next day I felt fine and went to work and worked a full day. The second

morning was a major crash. I couldn't do anything but cry. So for the next

treatments they didn't give me as much steroids with the treatment. I still

crashed the second day, but not as hard. One of the antinausea, anti

anxiety pills they gave me was Ativan. I must be a woose, cause I'm still

on it. It keeps me calm. I take one before bed and I sleep great. I'm a

single parent so I had to work through out all the treatments.

For my second treatment, my white blood cell count was too low, so they gave

me a shot that would help. If the count is too low they don't do the

treatment. I lost my hair 3 weeks after the first treatment. It still is

very short and its been about 11 weeks since the last treatment.

Again I was not given a choice on the Tomoxifin, I was told to take it. I

guess I will look into the Ardimex cause I've not heard of that.

All in all its a horrible thing to go through, but you do get through it.

And if it will help lengthen my life so I can see my kids grow up, then it

was all worth it. I really didn't miss that many days of work.

If you have any more questions, please ask. I hope I was helpful

Hi ,

Ok, you are just the person for me to talk to...here are my questions,

I hope you can answer them:

1. What type of chemo did you do...was there a choice, if so what were the

choices, and why did you choose what your chose?

2. What were your side effects, and what meds did you use for them?

3. If you had to do it over, what would you do differently?

4. Why did you choose Tomoxifin over Aridemex (I have no idea how to spell

that, but the oncologist seemed to learn towards that instead)?

5. How was it done, how often, how long did it take, when did any

side-effects take effect, etc?

Thank you so much. Yesterday, I felt pretty low just because I again

worried about the far future, thinking I might be the few that already had

cancer cells throughout my body, even though the nodes were clear. So, I'm

trying to just accept that I just need to research things now, and learn

what I can from people like you.

Bye for now,

Gloria http://www.adoptn.org <http://www.adoptn.org>

snimtz@... wrote:

Hi Gloria,

My nodes were clear too, but I had to go through the chemo then 8 weeks of

radiation. Now I'm on the Tamoxifin for five years. I just had my last

radiation treatment today !!!! Hurray, there really is an end in sight.

Take care,


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  • 2 months later...


Are you OK with people emailing you when they are really down? Sometimes I

get very depressed and could really use a lift from someone as upbeat as

you. Could I email you anytime? It's ok to say no. I am just finishing six

months of chemo and cannot imagine walking 60 miles, not even before cancer!


E-mail me

>anytime at ltlprincess33@....

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I've never heard of lavendar oil helping with breast cancer but I know that

the higher your mom's stress level, the worse she will feel, and you must

be one of the kindest, most caring and loving daughters I've ever met. I

hope my 11-year-old daughter grows up to be as empathatic and supportive as


Take good care, of yourself, too!


At 02:01 PM 11/21/2002 +1100, you wrote:

>Hi ,


>Yes I will certainly keep coming back to this list.It already has been a

>greatly informative and reassuring group.


>Did you lose your hair with chemo? How did this affect you? I have already

>decided that if my mum loses her hair, I will shave my head. She is very

>appearance conscious and I wouldn't want her going through it entirely

>alone. My husband did this when his mum was ill with BC and people sponsored

>him to do it. So he was able to raise money for cancer research. I think I

>will do the same thing.


>I dropped around to see her today but she wasn't home. So I left 25 of the

>most beautiful Gerberas in a vase on her front door step. They exude

>optimism and happiness and I know she will love them. I also left some

>Lavender oil and lavender water, as I was talking with a naturopath who told

>me that women with breast cancer may benefit from massaging it into the

>pulse areas 4 hourly. This is said to slow down the very rapid energy of BC.

>Has anybody else heard of or tried this?




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Jill, is a special lady...she had just gotten married when she

was diagnosed and did all that...and she did some other family things

too. I have a lot of admiration for her...she has a lot of spunk.

By the way, you can e-mail me too if you get down. doris

> ,


> Are you OK with people emailing you when they are really down?

Sometimes I


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It's clear from her posts that is a special person; vaccumming the

day of her surgery and not letting any of the treatment get her down. I had

read of someone who got diagnosed the day after her marriage; must have

been . And , you must have picked the right guy. :)

I guess my " specialness " is more of an inner sort. Before bc, I could do

energy healing and did so frequently on my family, friends, and cats. I

also am kind of psychic and can sometimes help people that way. But I am a

stay-at-home special sort of person, bc or not. I loved writing novels and

making dolls and can't wait till I have the energy to do so again.

Thank you for your offer to email you offline, Doris. I may well do that.

It cheers me up so much to hear personally from you all. I was astounded at

how many people wished me Happy Birthday and all that. This is really a

great list.


At 08:10 PM 11/21/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>Jill, is a special lady...she had just gotten married when she

>was diagnosed and did all that...and she did some other family things

>too. I have a lot of admiration for her...she has a lot of spunk.


>By the way, you can e-mail me too if you get down. doris

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Thank you nne.....I was wondering what was going on......I agree with you


marianne wrote:Your post has been deleted and please do

not post here again. A lot

of us aren't even able to pay our doctor bills much less donate

money for young girls to have their breast made bigger.


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