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Hi Poly, no he didn't give me anything for the cramping, just told me to take ibuprofin, which I have been, but it has gotten so bad that I finally called him and he is calling in a prescription for some tylenol#3, hope it helps. He didn't say why it was so hard to get out, I'm scared about scarring on my cervix, I hope that is not the reason, we'll see at my next HSG, which will be in about a month. He said my cramping was due to the uterus just contracting because of the removal of the balloon, I think I have a overly sensitive uterus or something because I cramp really bad from having an HSG also, it should be better in a couple of days, so almost over.


Sorry to hear you are cramping worse now the balloon is out. I am surprised at how difficult it was to get your balloon out. I too was told that it was an easy procedure and it was. when the saline drained, the balloon just slipped out with no complications. Did he at least explain why it was difficult to come out? Was this at least the doctor who caused ashermans? I say that because I'm thinking, serve him right to get smacked in the face, should have taken an eye out while at it?

Did he give you anything for the cramping?

I hope you feel better tomorrow.


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HI Everyone,

Welcome - What sad experiences you've had - I really hope you gain

the information support and friendship that everyone on this site will give


Tina = I'm sorry that your cycle wasn't a success this time around. The

poem Poly sent around was so beautiful, I hope it helped a little bit.?.

I'll be thinking about you and crossing all my toes and fingers for your

next try!

N - GOOD LUCK we'll all be waiting anxiously for your results soon.

- I can only imagine how you must've felt with your experience in the

dr's office. Atleast it is over and done with and remember - it really was

his accident not yours. About your pains - I think that if they are really

unbearable and have been for quite some time already (so it sounds like),

maybe you should persist your dr. check out what else could be causing you

so much pain.

Everyone else - I'm sorry I'm not addresssing your messages personally I've

just been a little busy with things - but I am reading everyone's messages.

As for me - well I had an HSG today. Unfortunately the dr. (not my regular

Asherman's dr.) felt that the test was " inconclusive " . He was able to get

the tip of the catheter in however felt he didn't find the " real pathway "

in the uterus. The dye seemed like it barely went anywhere. I asked if

this meant that my uterus was probably adhered together completely, and he

honestly said he just didn't know. He said it could be so, but that he

just " didn't know " as it was " inconclusive " . So now I have to make a f/u

appt. with my primary dr. and see where we go from here. I wish I knew one

way or another that my uterus was either completely sticking together, or

that it was open - I hate being in limbo. I have no idea what the next

step will be?!

Not much else going on. Poly - have you had any more thoughts about the

adoption thing? Take care everyone.


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Thanks for the good wishes...

Don't be too discouraged by the news today. My RE wasn't able to get

the hysteroscope in past my cervix before my surgery. I imagine it's

about the same as getting a catheter in. Once he did the surgery, it

was clear that the cervix was really the only thing blocked and my

uterus was mostly opened (a little adhesions at the bottom)...

I would think a diagnostic hysteroscopy (if your dr. has the

equipment in his office - no anesthesia required) would be the next

step - that way they can see for sure how much scarring/adhesions are


Hang in there and even if you don't have time to respond to each of

us (which I totally understand!) please let us know how things are


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Leila - I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything continues to go well

for you. I was really glad to hear your good news!!!

Just in case anyone was curious, Dr. Valle of Chicago is originally from

Mexico (I think someone asked a while ago).

and Haze - I'm a huge dog lover too. When we can actually afford to

live in a larger home, I'm hoping to get 1 or 2 HUGE dogs - I love big dogs.

Janet - I am so sorry about your sister being pregnant NOW. What awful

timing (although obviously it's not anyone's fault). I'm so sorry. I

kindof know a little how you must be feeling. My sister-in-law offered to

be our surrogate. Then she decided she wanted to have one more child of

her own. Now she's pregnant and due in Jan. She is still considering

being a surrogate for us POSSIBLY but wouldn't want to think about starting

the process before 2002 sometime. I completely understand but it's such a

tough waiting game to play - especially when you don't know if it will be

successful. My other 2 sister-in-laws were also pregnant and just

delivered last month. EVERYONE is pregnant. Sorry, I didn't mean to make

this about me, just to explain that I can imagine what you are going

through, and I really am sorry. Try to stay strong and hang in there. We

can only hope for the best. As for your questions about international

adoption, it does cost between 15-30,000 - it depends what agency you use,

what country you wish to adopt from, and a few other factors (age of child,

region s/he is living in...). Generally if you want to adopt from Russia

(I think you may have mentioned this?), the cost is approx. $20,000. If

you go with a facilitator (as opposed to an agency) it may cost you around

$15,000. I know of some excellent agencies who work with this country - so

if you want the info. feel free to email me personally. Also I have a HUGE

list of great books to read regarding international adoption. Just ask if

you want any suggestions.

Poly - I agree with you regarding the fact that European drs. seem to have

a very different treatment plan for Asherman's treatment. It's so hard

because we really don't know what is " right " and " works " for everyone since

everyone's body heals so very differently. I constantly question where is

the treatment better, and I'm also so unsure of what treatment may be best.

It's really such a tough situation to be in - especially since we can't do

alot about it! I KNOW though, that in the US, the drs. are much more

thorough with the exams and do MANY more tests and evaluations (probably

because of the threat of lawsuits) but that this is so much better than not

knowing anything. I really believe information is power and the more we

know the better we'll be able to know what is best for us. As for your

appt. with Dr. Magos - I don't know what to tell you. I think you have to

go with what you feel comfortable with. My dr. feels more comfortable with

the IUD as well. Even though Dr. Magos may not have " experience " with

Interceed, atleast he's willing to try to use it with you - and if he's

able to get the IUD in, he should be able to get the Interceed in?!!!?

Good luck with your decision - I really don't know what I would do if I

were you except make a list of positive and negatives of both options and

make a decision based on that. I may have to do that soon myself! By the

way, it couldn't hurt seeing Leila's dr - it will give you a new fresh

perspective!! Maybe 1st talk with him via telephone?

N - thanks for your message.

Gwen - I really enjoy your stories - they bring so many of all of our

thoughts to life. Keep them up! As for the procedure that you'll be

having done - I will ask my dr. about it, thanks for explaining it so well

- I could almost envision the entire procedure. Good luck to you on the 21st.



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But you havent' told me, is climival an estrogen? I believe it is and climagest must be progesterone right? I'll get back to you tomorrow regarding your doctors email to Dr Magos. I have a lot of thinking to do. Anyhow, your doctor seems to have given you a highter dose of estrogen at 3mg than mine did. I wonder if she can talk to him about giving me a higher dose too. Do you think Dr Magos will get upset with me getting all these doctors ie Dr Berger and your doctor to talk to him. I hope he doesn't think that I'm making him feel unprofessional but really it is about 2 things which he is unaware of ie Viagra and Interceed.


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Gargi: Welcome to the group, I am so terribly sorry for

your loss. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you.

I developed Asherman's from retained placenta 3 years

ago and the RE (reproductive endocrinologist) I see

now told me that the adhesions and scarring formed

during the first 2-3 weeks after the D & C I had to remove

the placenta.

He has told me that my OB/GYN should have suspected

Asherman's after not getting a period for 2 months after

the D & C which in my case was at about 8 weeks post

partum. So, in answer to your question, I would guess

that if you don't have a period by October or November

I would get in to see an RE immediately for evaluation

for scarring/adhesions.

What does chorioamnioitis mean? Is it infected

amniotic fluid? Or not enough amniotic fluid?

Take care of yourself and welcome to the group.



>Hi all,

>Here is my story,

>Had surgery for Asherman's in july 99. Dr. Camran Nezhat was the Surgeon.

>Got pregnant March 2000. Lining 7mm. Stillbirth at 24 weeks on August 27.

>Cause Chorioamnionitis and infection of the cord. Infection due to bacteria

>e.coli that was resistant to ampicillin. pathology: no placental infracts.

>donot know if the infection travelled through the blood path or ascended up

>through the cervix. the peri thinks it is not an incompetent cervix. e.coli

>is such a deadly bacteria that it defeated the mucuos plug. donot know how

>the .coli got in the cervical canal in te first place. Uti was suspected


>ruled out. Am really very sad and scared to death that I will get


>again. Anyone with similar experience? Anyone know how long I should wait


>get my period after this. After delivery I did bleed for about 11 days. Is

>that a good sign?

>My advice to whoever is currently pregnant see a perinatologist. Get

>yourself monitored continuously.

>Take Care. Thanks for listening.





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Could you please change my status so that I do not receive the responses on

my email. Thanks so much.

May have an update tomorrow. Experiencing some complications with my



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I had to go under general anesthetic so you're lucky!

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >>hi all

> >> >>sorry it's taken me so long to write today....i've been

feeling a

> >bit

> >> >>depressed.

> >> >>i went to see Dr.Vilos today and i'm going to have to have


> >> >>lap & hystro! he said that this will be the last chance to make


> >> >>the scarring doesn't return. i'm going to have to stay in


> >> >>for 24 hours, he's going o use the Foley catheter ballon and


> >me

> >> >>4x25mg of estrogen(premarin) through invervenus (sp)

to " flood " my

> >> >>system and make the lining heal while the ballon is there to


> >the

> >> >>walls apart!

> >> >>It seems the scarring has returned down most of my left side

> >> >>of the uterus, i asked him about when the scarring reforms and


> >> >>said

> >> >>that it reforms quickly after surgery but it CAN continue to


> >> >>and thicken with time!!

> >> >>i'm feeling pretty down about the whole thing....i know he's


> >of

> >> >>the best dr.'s in Canada but it i can't help but feel that if


> >> >>doesn't work then it's the end of the road for me!he siad this


> >all

> >> >>they can do!!! but the intern i spoke to said he is a highly

> >skilled

> >> >>surgeon....and that i'm lucky to be able to see him.

> >> >>

> >> >>anyway.....he said to expect a letter in the mail regarding a

> >surgery

> >> >>date and that it can be up to a six month wait!!!urg!

> >> >>

> >> >>Sandy, he was very nice and was well versed in Asherman's, i


> >> >>him and so did my husband, he answered all our questions and


> >the

> >> >>time to explain everything while i wrote it down.

> >> >>

> >> >>i'm very tired now.....going to bed....it's been a loooong day

> >> >>haze

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >>

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Hello again Gwen, yes she is the most irresponsible person that I know. I mean this sounds like a soap opera for Petes Sake, it could be an episode for the Jerry Springer show! I have actually helped her so many times, my husband gets upset with me sometimes, but this is by far the biggest thing she has ever asked of me.


I can't believe it but my youngest sister is pregnant AGAIN!! She has FIVE children, only one of them lives with her, she has had two abortions, and she called to ask if we would want to think about adopting this one. I can not believe how irresponsible she is! My heart breaks for her children, the one that lives with her comes to my house every day, I have had him at my house every day since he was born, the other four I try to see as often as I can, they live with there father. Why is it people like that can conceive and have babies all the time? She doesn't even want them! I really don't know what to do, she just told me and I haven't talked to my husband yet, he is going to be furious with her. I think if we say no, she will just abort again, I'm telling you, if she doesn't get her tubes tied this time, I swear I'm going to disown her! Would any of you consider adopting if the child was born to a close relative of yours? I'm scared she might cause some kind of trouble.

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She sounds terribly irresponsible! This sounds like something that would

happen to someone in their teens or twenties but not 30! Wow....hasn't

she heard of safe sex? I mean, beyond the pregnancy risk...if she is

getting pregnant all the time this means she isn't practicing safe sex

either! (I am assuming she is not married given your reference to most

of her children living not with her but with their father....) Unbelieveable.

Good luck to you....I'll be thinking of you!


Re: news

Hi Gwen, that is the part I don't know about either. What would the child feel if his/her biological mother is my sister? I think it might be too awkward of a situation. I will try to get her to put the baby up for adoption if my husband and I decide against it, but I have tried that before and she had two abortions, you would think she would be the one blessed with ashermans wouldn't you? She is such a shit! Please excuse my language but that is actually putting it nice, I can think of a lot of better words for her, but don't want to say them out loud! She is thirty years old, I keep on wondering when she's gonna grow up, I guess maybe never, she is so unlike me and my other sister.


I can't believe it but my youngest sister is pregnant AGAIN!! She has FIVE children, only one of them lives with her, she has had two abortions, and she called to ask if we would want to think about adopting this one. I can not believe how irresponsible she is! My heart breaks for her children, the one that lives with her comes to my house every day, I have had him at my house every day since he was born, the other four I try to see as often as I can, they live with there father. Why is it people like that can conceive and have babies all the time? She doesn't even want them! I really don't know what to do, she just told me and I haven't talked to my husband yet, he is going to be furious with her. I think if we say no, she will just abort again, I'm telling you, if she doesn't get her tubes tied this time, I swear I'm going to disown her! Would any of you consider adopting if the child was born to a close relative of yours? I'm scared she might cause some kind of trouble.

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I am so sorry to hear about the complications with your pregnancy. Hope that it is not too serious. Will be thinking about you and waiting anxiously to hear of news tomorrow.

What status would you like to receive your email? Daily digest or No messages/web only?

Let me know and I will change as soon as possible.

Again, please take care!


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Ann: I sure hope everything is ok....we are all thinking of you!!





>Could you please change my status so that I do not receive the responses on

>my email. Thanks so much.


>May have an update tomorrow. Experiencing some complications with my





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Janet - good luck with your adoption journey. Let me know if I can be of

any help at any time?!!

Corrina - I don't know about in Germany, but in Holland, they only do " pap

smears " once every 5 years starting when you are 30 years old - unless you

have a history of cancer in your family. I think this is rediculous since

the sooner you are able to identify if someone has cervical cancer and they

receive treatment the better their outcome. I've chosen to get the pap

smears done once a year and pay privately for this.

Gwen - good luck tomorrow - I'll be thinking about you!


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Thanks Gwen

gwen's surgery

Dear Gwen

I just wanted to say I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you have your surgery. Good luck. I am sending you positive thoughts.

I just want to say good luck to everyone that is having surgery or apointments and that includes you Poly on the 6th Oct because I am going away to Zante for sun sea and *** for 2 weeks .

I am sorry if I have missed anyone out but my best wishes go to you all.

I will miss you all over the next couple of weeks. I hope to receive good news in my emails when I get back.

Love to you all

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Thanks for the feedback...I guess I was being overly

optimistic to think I'd be " back to normal " after only

4 days...


Re: Gwen


>Gwen, I felt pretty icky for about 5-6 days.

> Gwen



>> >

>> >how are u feeling now that your back at work?

>> >

>> >i'm glad to hear that your dr. sounds so postive about your surgery

>> >results i think that is so important! it gives me such hope for you

>> >good luck

>> >haze

>> >

>> >

>> >

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Hi: Thank you for the wishes for a successful recovery,

I'll keep you all up-to-date after October 18th which is

when I take my last estrogen/progesterine pills!


Re: Some Info. I learned at my appointment last week




>I actually fit in the first category, my uterus was completely shut and

>all the adhesions were removed leaving me with a wonderful looking

>uterus (meaning an open cavity) but not enough lining to sustain a

>pregnancy -- I haven't needed additional surgeries but I can't say I'm

>better off then the second group. I don't think it matters which

>category you fall in adhesion wise -- as you all know I'm of the belief

>that it's the lining that determines success or not. I hope you have a

>speedy and most importantly a successful recovery.


>Gwen Hassan wrote:


>> Part 1.1 Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

>> Encoding: quoted-printable




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Gwen - I was glad to hear of your positive surgery. You may have posted it

before, but I can't remember - what is your endometrium thickness, as I

know you are anxious to ttc and are hoping to try following the ok from the

f/u HSG. HOPE all stays OPEN and SPACIOUS.

Janet - I too, get pelvic pain off and on, non cyclic and am planning on

asking my dr. what it could be; it's so frustrating not knowing WHY. Let

me know what answers you get and I'll do the same.

Poly - So happy about your " period " experince! May it continue !

Also on the questionaire, did we ask anything about whether we should have

antibiotics after a c/s, d & c, HSG, diagnostic hysteroscopy, etc...as

precautionary measures, and if so what antiobiotic/dosage/time period. And

lastly - after how many hystero procedures should one " stop " and consider

other options for having a child - this may be SOOOOOO debatable though!

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Thank you for the " spacious " thoughts. I don't know what my

endometrium thickness is as my doctor prefers to wait

until I have a " functional " uterine cavity before worrying

about endometrial thickness. So, we'll see what I learn

next month!




>Gwen - I was glad to hear of your positive surgery. You may have posted it

>before, but I can't remember - what is your endometrium thickness, as I

>know you are anxious to ttc and are hoping to try following the ok from the

>f/u HSG. HOPE all stays OPEN and SPACIOUS.


>Janet - I too, get pelvic pain off and on, non cyclic and am planning on

>asking my dr. what it could be; it's so frustrating not knowing WHY. Let

>me know what answers you get and I'll do the same.


>Poly - So happy about your " period " experince! May it continue !

>Also on the questionaire, did we ask anything about whether we should have

>antibiotics after a c/s, d & c, HSG, diagnostic hysteroscopy, etc...as

>precautionary measures, and if so what antiobiotic/dosage/time period. And

>lastly - after how many hystero procedures should one " stop " and consider

>other options for having a child - this may be SOOOOOO debatable though!





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I don't know if I will manage to complete the questionnaire by tomorrow because am so busy right now. Would it be alright to just ask your doctor when you see him and if he says yes, then perhaps you could fax him the questionnaire???


P.s - I think your question about antibiotics and c/s, HSG and hysteroscopy, although a good one, may be debatable as you say because each and every case is so different. I have made a point of your other suggestions. Thanks.


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It is highly unlikely that the father will want the baby! Sounds like a one

night stand sort of thing and those type of men are NOT interested in the

responsibilities of fatherhood! It is certainly a consideration but I would

worry too much about that.


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Hi Poly, yes this group has helped me a whole lot!! We still have a lot to go through in order to adopt this child, there are conditions that we want met also, not just the conditions that my sister has decided upon! We would actually like her to stay with us during her pregnancy, she doesn't really have a home anyway, she jumps around between my moms house and whatever boyfriend she has at the moment, she does not drink or do drugs at least not that I'm aware of, she does smoke though but I'm trying my hardest to get her to quit. I would just feel a lot better if I could keep my eye on her, I guess I'm really scared that she could just take off too, knowing her she could decide that this pregnancy is just a nuisance and go have an abortion, she has had two abortions in the last 3 years, I don't think she would hesitate to have another.

appt. w/attorney

Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know how the appt. went today. I think there may be a chance for my husband and I to adopt my sisters child, but there sure is a lot of red tape to go through, my sister seems to be cooperating for now anyway. We are going to attorney again next week, this time my sister will also come with us, there are so many things to discuss, she of course wants us to cover medical bills, I think she really would be all right with us adopting him/her, she isn't all that interested with the children she has already! We did toy with the idea of moving, but have decided that that is not really an option, as I already take care of one of her sons every day and my brother and my other sister are really close by and I would miss them terribly, I am so hoping that we can make it work, I don't think that I could ever speak to her again if she aborted, I feel like my husband and I are saving this babies life.

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My sister is only about 5 weeks along. I do believe abortions are easier to

perform in the first trimester but, the last abortion that my sister had,

she was into her 4th month I think, so we still have a way to go yet so that

abortion would no longer be an option. There are just so many things to take

into consideration, we are going to have to make contact with the father of

the child also, which my sister absolutely does not want to do, she actually

said that she isn't even sure who the father is for certain! She says it

could be two different men! She is such a skank! I find it hard to believe

that we are related, she is so different from me and my other siblings, she

is the youngest, although I don't see how that could make such a big

difference, I mean my husband and I have been together since I was just 17,

he is the only man that I have ever known, my other sister and brother are

the same way, they have each been married to the same person for years, then

there is her, she just doesn't know how to settle down I guess, I don't

think she even wants to and her boyfriends are always at least 5 years

younger than she is, maybe she just doesn't want to grow up but for petes

sake she is 30 years old! You would think that I was talking about a

teenager! One of the things I'm worrying about the most is what if the

father wants the baby, what then?


> ,


> How far along is your sister? At what point is an abortion ruled out? I

> think after the 1st trimester it turns into a more difficult procedure. Is

> this correct?


> Celeste




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