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Hey Poly,

I just wanted to say that I'm praying for you. I REALLY hope this

was a period! Wouldn't that be wonderful.

I'll get on the web site soon!! I'm finishing a term paper for a

marketing class, so I should have some time soon to add a lot of

stuff and find out why we still aren't coming up in the search


Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know that I hope this is good news

for you!!

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Did you get an answer from Dr Magos yet it's 10.57 here and Charlotte is asleep if you let me know I can phone now as I 've got a quiet house.



I have not had a reply from Dr Magos yet. I am wondering if he is out of office because it is very unusual for him not to reply by now. Can I ask you a BIG favour. Can you call Royal Free Hospital and find out if he is on leave?

My bleeding is coming to an end. Today is the third day and my periods were just like that before ashermans.!! I am really anxious to find out if it was a period after all.



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I have just telephoned Dr Magos and spoke to him at 11.41 He said that he has been in a workshop all week and been very busy as soon as I said your name he recognised it and said that he would contact you soon.



I have not had a reply from Dr Magos yet. I am wondering if he is out of office because it is very unusual for him not to reply by now. Can I ask you a BIG favour. Can you call Royal Free Hospital and find out if he is on leave?

My bleeding is coming to an end. Today is the third day and my periods were just like that before ashermans.!! I am really anxious to find out if it was a period after all.



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My son was born on 6july97. Yes, my lap/hyster was operative.

-- In Ashermansegroups, " Poly Spyrou " <kyrpoly@l...> wrote:

> ,

> Thanks for the info. One more thing I forgot to ask you. What date

of birth is your son. Please write the date in " 12Jun98 " form

because I know Americans write it differently from us and it gets

confusing sometimes.


> Also can you confirm that where you say " I then had a lap/hystero "

You mean another hysteroscopy but this time operative?


> Thanks

> Poly

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Poly I just saw your email to and I have asked the question before because I had a scan which actually revealed that I was having a period but nothing was coming down. I know that I had a blockage but my cervix was open. I asked where the blood goes and was told that it gets used for other things in the body.


I just wanted to point out something you wrote on your emai about your cervix having adhesions and you only spotting. Before my surgery I got a spot one day and wondered if it was my period. I got worried that I may be menstruating and the blood couldn't come out and it would stay in my body. I was concerned about what damage this could do to my health in the future. Now that I know my cervix is open, that fear has left. Do you ever consider having another surgery to open your cervix?


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Rita,

Here is the section from Dr. Armon's paper that discusses the

findings in imaging studies. It will be interesting to see what Dr.

Floeter says.

Threepatients (Younger) had demyelination of the corticospinal tracts

without gliosis or discernible loss of Betz cells in the precentral


The pathology in these patients appeared to affect the myelin sheath

of the axon of the upper motor neuron or the axon itself rather than

that of the upper motor neuron cell body.

The clinical course in these patients was faster than that of the

typical patient with PLS: one died within 13 mo of onset, and another

was bedridden within two years of onset.

In contrast, the three patients reported (Fisher, 1977; Beal, 1981;

Pringle, 1992; Hudson, 1993) showed involvement of the precentral

gyrus and loss of Betz cells.

Additionally, brain MRI of the seven other patients reported by

Pringle showed cerebral atrophy that was most pronounced in the

region of the precentral gyrus in five patients, only in the

precentral region in one patient, and most prominent in the

frontoparietal region in another patient.

These imaging findings are consistent with the findings at autopsy.

Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) studies in two

patients (Aruuda, 1998; Cruz, 1998) showed reduced uptake in the

motor cortex as did Positron Emission Tomography (PET) studies in 2/3

patients (Pringle, 1992).

MR spectroscopy (Chan, 1998) showed abnormal N-

acetylaspartate/creatine ratios in 12 of 18 patients with PLS.

In summary, PLS is a clinical diagnosis, and most reports (combining

imaging and autopsy series) reflect cell loss in the precentral gyrus.

> Jeanne Ann, my MRI 4 of them, showed nothing. There again, I keep

> saying, some of these doctor's don't have a clue as to what the

heck is

> going on in our heads. If I have the time, when I go to MD next

week, I

> want to discuss this with Dr. Floeter. I have already talked about


> with my neurologist, but I want to see what this gal has to say.


> I will forget, or won't understand!! No cracks C.


> Rita



> *************************************

> Some people succeed in spite of their handicap. Others succeed


> of them.

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Thanks for your reply. I have added your information. Just one more thing I forgot to ask you. What is your surname?

Also have you ever had a test to check if you have ever had clamydia infection? I think that is how you spell it. This apparently is an infection which can do a lot of damage if gone untreated. If you ask your doctor to test you for antibodies for clamydia, you will know if this infection has passed through your body.


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now norma.. quitting smoking and dealing with all the stress you have is quite

enough for you at

the moment.. don't worry . we cant have our role model getting fat and lazy on

us.. i know as soon

as you are ready you will be back cheerleading and setting the great example you

always do just

think of that principal at school and how you showed him last year :)


norwood@... wrote:

> EE gads reading your posts are giving me a case of guilts. But I am so

> proud of you. I will get back on track here soon. I promise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Poly, to answer your questions, yes all of my hysteroscopies were operative, with the first two I also had laporoscopies. When I had the surgery in Nov. of 1999 the IUD was placed as treatment for the ashermans. I've been getting periods now since my last surgery in Nov. but they usually last no longer than a few hours.

All of my miscarriages have been since I was diagnosed with the ashermans, so they have all been in the last 4 years. The last HSG I had they said that my cervix was abnormal also, because of ashermans, unbelievably enough my tubes (Thank God) have been okay. My uterine cavity is open now but very narrow. When I was 1st diagnosed 4 years ago it was diagnosed as being severe, since my treatment with the IUD it is not as severe as it once was.

My RE tells me that the main reason for my miscarriages is because of my thin lining and my very narrow cavity which I hope will be corrected during my next surgery in September.

If you have anymore questions just let me know.

I have started bleeding now this morning and am feeling really crampy, I have to call my RE and let him know, so I had better go and do that.


Thank you for sending me your info for the spreadsheet. I have entered info but would like to clear a few points.

1) Can you confirm that all 3 hysteroscopies were operative.

2) Was IUD placed during surgery as part of treatement for ashermans? Was it with first or second surgery? I take it nothing was used with one of the surgeries?

3) Can you confirm that you don't have a period now?

4) How many miscarriages have you had after ashermans?

5) Did you have adhesions in cervix as well as uterus?

6) Is your cavity now open? Or is it still almost closed.

7) Was your ashermans diagnosed as severe or mild.?

I believe that with an endometrium of only 4mm that could very wel be the reason why you are miscarrying as you definitely need a lining of at least 8mm to be on the safe side, although I am not saying it is impossible but it is very unlikely.

Love to you


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>Hi Norma,

Thank you for the welcome. I just wanted to say that I really like the

feel of this list. It is just what I was looking for. I really like the

camaraderie and friendships that develop from a close knit email list

(including OT messages).

> > I can't remember if I welcomed you or not although I do my best to do so

> > with each new member. So welcome and glad to have you aboard.

> > Norma

CarbWise Market



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Thanks for the info regarding the lining. That makes me feel good

that at least that is not a prob for me..I was worried about it since

my period is so light. I too hope that the nurse is right about the

uterus opening up on its own..guess I won't be sure until I talk to

the Dr. All this waiting is too nerve wracking...I just want to get

these preliminary tests over with so I know where I am at right now

in all of this. Patience was never one of my virtues!

take care

> ,

> Yes your doctor is right about the lining being good at 5mm on day

3 of your cycle. When you get a period it gets to its thinnest and

then starts to grow back again to its thickest just before a period.

If you have another scan on day`15 of your cycle, then that is where

you want your lining to be 8mm or more. Mine was 4.2mm at its

thickest so yours being 5mm at its thinnest seems excellent to me. I

must admit though, I had never heard of the uterus opening up on its

own! That's a new one to me. I hope she knows what she is talking



> Keep us posted when you are scheduled for the HSG.


> Thanks

> Poly

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Hi Kari! Nope, Just a Professor emeritus of Chemistry. I grew up on a farm

if that helps.

> Are you a vet??? If you are, please contact me privately!


> Thanks!


> Kari





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Norma, I have a p drink for breakfast mostly everyday. Sometimes I have

breakie and have one for lunch. But when I'm working I have one everyday on

the way to work, it really takes the edge off and is filling. I use the Keto

shakes and they are very good...

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Thanks for the ideas about the protein powder. I wonder if it would be

a good thing to make for breakfast when I start back to work? I do not eat

brekkie but when I get to school I have some cheese slices and sliced


Suebee. you have a p. drink before brekkie don't you?


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At 11:54 AM 8/25/00 -0300, you wrote:

> >Thanks for the ideas about the protein powder. I wonder if it would be

> >a good thing to make for breakfast when I start back to work? I do not eat

> >brekkie but when I get to school I have some cheese slices and sliced

> >sausage.

> >Suebee. you have a p. drink before brekkie don't you?

> >NNN

I find that I really like having something solid and rarely feel satisfied

for long after drinking a shake. I drink them mostly when I have been on

the go and am starving because I didn't have access to low-carb food (I'd

rather starve for a little while than eat something I'm not sure of) and

get home and need some protein quick. Some people though find drinking a

shake very satisfying.

I didn't used to eat breakfast either but found that when I started eating

low-carb I would get so starving by lunch that I would have a harder time

with the program. One breakfast I really like is plain cottage cheese. I

find that I really like it plain now and it is very sweet now that my

palate has gotten used to less sugar! On induction I eat 1/2 cup which has

4g and when I'm not on induction I eat about a cup.

CarbWise Market



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You ARE a riot Norma.


.. I just hope is not making extra demands on his DW now.





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How about walking the plank naked????


> Maybe such as walking the plank???



> Please visit our homepage at http://members.xoom.com/AChallengers

> You will find information, recipes, before and after pictures.

> To contact the list owner please send mail to lindag@...

> Visit our 2000 Train Tour Site -

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Dear Dianne.. yah i look more like Chyna lol like a brick wall :) i am

definately muscle but i would like to be smaller and not look like a full

back :) losing inches in some places but not the hips and thighs!!!



> You must be adding a lot of muscle with your working out with the weights.

> Any change in how your clothes fit?

> Dianne

> 163/143/138

> " The weakest among us can become some kind of an athlete,

> but only the strongest can survive as spectators. "



> Please visit our homepage at http://members.xoom.com/AChallengers

> You will find information, recipes, before and after pictures.

> To contact the list owner please send mail to lindag@...

> Visit our 2000 Train Tour Site -

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What if you cut back on the body building a little and did more aerobics

type exercise?



" The weakest among us can become some kind of an athlete,

but only the strongest can survive as spectators. "

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- I'm happy for you that your surgery went well - I'm sorry though

that you've been feeling like crap. I too, was very sick after my

surgeries - I just hope time will make you feel better. Good luck and let

us know how the HSG goes!!

Lettie - I agree with what some of the others have stated - you need to

wait to see what is going on inside your uterus before knowing what needs

to be done. Just wait to find out how things look and try not to worry

about the barrier thing until you know, if possible! Let us know how

things go on Monday!

Poly - I had 2 diagnostic hysteroscopies both in my drs. office (in a

hospital room though) with only local anesthesia. My cervix was not

dialated for this procedure and I felt a little dizzy afterwards (from

being a little scared) but then fine less than 5 minutes later. It really

isn't bad at all and you can watch it all on the little tv screen as they

point out what is going on inside your uterus. Can you have both the

diagnostic hystero and the HSG? This might be a good idea so that you get

as much info. from both?? Just a thought. I'm sorry that he thinks the

adhesions have reformed but I think you should try to remain hopeful that

perhaps it is the thickness of the lining rather than the return of


- I can understand how absolutely frustrated and upset you must be -

my only suggestion is to be as honest with the office manager as possible

without sounding too angry. Explain your situation and how you had planned

so carefully around this appointment time and that you really feel helpless

if you cannot speak to him as soon as possible. My guess is that they will

figure a way out as to how to fit you in to his schedule. If they don't

(that would really piss me off), then I would agree with Poly and try to

email Dr. Sher directly if possible or call him directly?! I'm sorry the

clinic screwed up.

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The problem with Asherman's - even when the adhesions are removed - is that

the lining is too thin to support a pregnancy which you already know. If you

do sustain a pregnany there are risks at the birth which could result in

catastrophic bleeding which they can't stop and that would mean a

hysterectomy or worse. I don't want to scare you but you should know all the

facts and risks. Many doctors just focus on getting you pregnant,

unfortunately with an Asherman's patient that can just be the beginning of

the problems. Gathering info is your best bet and choosing a RE who's

experienced with Asherman's -- You should go to the PUBMED medical sites and

check out all the medical articles on Asherman's - it really helps.

krgraybeal@... wrote:


> I am in Wichita KS. My OB/GYN has referred me the RE here.

> My appt is not until NOV 3. He is very hard to get into. I

> understand that a scheduled surgery would be six month away from that

> date.


> How long after that before you can get pregnant again?


> I keep thinking that Prog supplement and (with some luck)

> implantation away from the scar tissue, that a pg would carry to

> term. Or could there be more complications for that pg?



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Next Time !

They do have an odd menu.

I remember ordering a salad with chicken one time and

the darn chicken was breaded.



" The weakest among us can become some kind of an athlete,

but only the strongest can survive as spectators. "

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