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Re: what would you do?

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not all gall bladder surgeries can be done with the scope. I had mine removed at age 29 and all 3 of my daughters were between 21 and 25 when they had to have theirs removed. Two of the girls had it done with the 3 holes/scopes but the other one's problem was so bad she has the same huge scar I do. Worst part was she was 4 months pregnant when she had to have her gall bladder removed and the surgery was on her 21st birthday !

a ....... in Michigan


Way to go Sharon! That was actually our most popular surgery! It's amazing how many people get gallstones or inflammation of the gallbaldder. If you want to look up symptoms it's cholelithiases and the most common repair is called a lap chole for short. Really, if this is the problem the surgery takes about 40 minutes and the scopes just make three holes that close up after ten days. I actually closed on these myself. My mom used to laugh because I was terrible at sewing but I was "sewing" people up. LOL

' in Texas

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Thanks .I will ask my doc if this could be a possibility.Thank god I dont

get heartburn or acid.ahh.I did when I was pregnant and it was awfullllll.I take

zantac 150mg. Twice a day.Dosnt do much,but does help a little bit.Thanks


[lastinline10@...] wrote:

Have you had them check your Gallbladder? I know, BM and pressure is usually

associated with the gas track. I every once in a while get so ill from the

boating and pain and pressure that I throw-up too, I had my Gallbladder taken

out cause of " GURD " I think, didn't know I had it but it is in my records. I go

4-5 days without BMs, then I have a painful hard BM and then I have not quite

diarrhea for a day, like my system is trying to clean itself out. Then I am back

to no BMs. 2 times before having my GB out, I passed out from the pain, scary,

but they said it was a body function as a result of the pain. This has been more

then 4 years ago, and it seems like I still have way to much heartburn and acid

feeling in my stomach. I take a " Protonix " 40 mg every morning which helps numb

my stomach and esophagus area. Just a thought???

cassandra workmn wrote: Thanks .Mine is

to much.In the mornings I go alot and sometimes throughout the day.It isnt

diarhea just normal poop.well a little loose.My but has been spasming alot so it

feels like it is not being allowed to finish normal.The pain in my stomach is

always but when im poopn alot it feels crampy.But my normal stomach pains are

pressure,bloating,and pain below my ribs that sometimes gets so bad I vomit.In

the beginning my neuro said it was spasms.Now I dont know.I know the ones in my

but are cuz I can feel them,and even if the poop is ready to exit,it spasms like

crazy so only some comes out.Ok enough.lol.Hope nobody is groosed out.I have

never been so detailed on the group.But hey its ok right?I apologize in advance.

[lastinline10@...] wrote:

Funny question, bear with me....... bowel problems, When I was first Dx'ed I had

problems... (sorry everyone) my poop come out in Balls, like the BM was to

hard.... and it was very hard to force myself to have a BM. Is this the problems

you are having BM? My doc said that those kind of BM's were called something (I

can't remember the name) and only associated with neuro problems. It has

something to do with the loss of communications in the body. Crossed wires, in

the brain or something like that. He said to take a lax that you mix with water,

like a fiber lax. But only take it until you have a normal BM.

cassandra workmn wrote: thanks .Does it mean its

getting worse if the spasms are making its way that way?I have bathroom issues

already,and I think spasms in the bladder area,but the bowel ones make it

difficult to finish.

[dixmstx@...] wrote:

We have to remember our neuro sends messages to all muscles so it can effect the

motility in the bowel. Or the neuro sensors in the bladder in my case. We tend

to think about the arms and legs but alot of things we do are controlled by



cassandra workmn wrote:

thanks .This really worked on my stomach.I only had it during the spinal

headache.The zantac isnt working anymore.Do docs....

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When I had mine out with the scope I felt very fortunate. I was in a room with very young woman who was flat on her back, tubes of all sorts in all kinds of places.... I walked out to go to the hall and she said, very weakly, "did you really have your gallbladder out?" I walked over to her bed and she told me she wasn't able to have the scope. She had a huge incision. AND, she had just had a baby two weeks before. I felt so sorry for her. Sharon Re: what would you do? not all gall bladder surgeries can be done with the scope. I had mine removed at age 29 and all 3 of my daughters were between 21 and 25 when they had to have theirs removed. Two of the girls had it done with the 3 holes/scopes but the other one's problem was so bad she has the same huge scar I do. Worst part was she was 4 months pregnant when she had to have her gall bladder removed and the surgery was on her 21st birthday ! a ....... in Michigan www.farmfreshsoapsa

ndcandles. com Way to go Sharon! That was actually our most popular surgery! It's amazing how many people get gallstones or inflammation of the gallbaldder. If you want to look up symptoms it's cholelithiases and the most common repair is called a lap chole for short. Really, if this is the problem the surgery takes about 40 minutes and the scopes just make three holes that close up after ten days. I actually closed on these myself. My mom used to laugh because I was terrible at sewing but I was "sewing" people up. LOL ' in Texas

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Just how "funny" are your bowels???? lol... Sorry.... that struck me as funny. There goes my perverted sense of humor again :)I forgot you worked in a nursing home. You definately know all about impactions. Sharon Re: what would you do?I have such a hard time having a bowl movement I.... It's here! Your new message!Get new email alerts with the free Yahoo! Toolbar. Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check out

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Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check out

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The use of psyllium husk in pill or powder form--but only with drinking lots of water--this will really help; and it doesn't cause an addiction like colace does. Just my 2 cents-best to all, kate> What you have to beware of is developing an impacted bowel. > With that you can't have a BM and then finally you will have > diarrhea. But that's only the fluid escaping around the > impaction. Did I explain that right '? > > My grandmother used to have that from time to time and I would > have to take her to the hospital to meet her doctor. I took > care of my grandmother until she died. Then my dad and then my mother> > What do you take to keep your bowels working right? Do you take > stool softener or ? I know of people who have been paralyzed > and they have an extremely hard time with bowel movements. I'll > have to ask what it is they use because right now I can't > remember. > Please visit: http://www.bicycleman.com

awesome guy, fantastic site. All types of bicyles, many recumbents; perfect for an MS Bike Tour!

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Kate,how are you doing?Hows your tummy?When will you know the results to the

pulmonary test?I just seen this email and it was new so I dont think I

replyed.Sorry.It is something normal for me to go 8-9 times as well.Thats a bad

morning,a good one is 4 times.Im going to ask my doc to do the referal the ucsf

doc recomended to the gastro doc.You could very well have chrons or celiacs.From

what I have read and researched alot of times people with autoimmune diseases

are more prone to other autoimmune diseases.I hope its not these but I guess its

a possibility for both of us hu?I had to pulmonary test to.The cardio was

checking for embolism because of the shortness of breath I was having.I remember

goin in and the lady says if you have an embolism we will be sending you to the

hospital.Man,was I scared.It did take forever but no hospital thank god.Still no

dx for that either,supposedly they all think its due to whatever is wrong with

me.Ya,tell me sumthn I dont know.lol.Hope

your doin ok.big hugz,cassy

[katelloydkidz@...] wrote:

I have to find pretty much ALL new docs. as my duh, brain blips made me forget

that my med. group is out of insurance network, and I have a ton of bills to

pay...oh well. I've had this now for bout 6 or 7 wks-sometimes my tummy hurts in

all sorts of places, sometimes it is just plain ol loose stools; but very

frequent, anywheres from 4 times a day, up to 8 or 9 times a day. I am wondering

if I have some sort of food allergy that I never had before. I suspect wheat or

gluten, and maybe it is Celiacs or Crohn's not sure; but whatever it is, it is

bugging my big time. I'm going to call the gastro fellow I have seen, tell him

it is still ongoing, and if he knows of someone he could refer me to that IS in

my network. Or, I'll just find out from my insurance plan; as I have to get all

new docs anyway. Except my neuro--he's on my insurance, only $18 co-pay each


Today, I had the pulmonary function tests--man THAT was tiring! Took about 2

hrs, then had some blood work done. My chest and back hurt from the testing;just

breathing into a tube,many times, sometimes fast, slow...Then they give you an

albuteral nebulizer and do some other tests. I can't seem to stop coughing now.

I think I need to get a chest xray and see if my double pneumonia has fully

resolved...or not? have a good one, Cassy, keep the faith, you'll get a dx soon

enough, then you can get treatment...blessings, kate

> Im glad you had tissue.When ya gotta go you gotta go.At least

> you didnt have to use a leaf like challis's ex,and get poison

> ivy on your booty.lol.lol.Always carry tissue,or a mini roll of

> TP in your purse They have them at walmart for a buck or 2.But

> there little,and can fit in your purse or pocket.The specialist

> at UCSF wanted me to see a gastroentologist/or pelvic

> something.Of course he didnt deal w/ the referal so I have to

> have my pcp do it.Your seeing someone for yours rite?whats goin

> on w/that.The ucsf doc said he thinks I have IBS,I think its

> more than that cuz all my other stomach trouble,but who knows I

> dred goin to deal with this.ahhhh.lol.


> [

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awesome guy, fantastic site. All types of bicyles, many recumbents; perfect for

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We had opened up several cases because they had too many adhesions or endometriosis To hard to do surgery without puncturing the bowel ' in Texasa Coon wrote: not all gall bladder surgeries can be done with the scope. I had mine removed at age 29 and all 3 of my daughters were between 21 and 25 when they had to have theirs removed.

Two of the girls had it done with the 3 holes/scopes but the other one's problem was so bad she has the same huge scar I do. Worst part was she was 4 months pregnant when she had to have her gall bladder removed and the surgery was on her 21st birthday ! a ....... in Michigan www.farmfreshsoapsandcandles.com Way to go Sharon! That was actually our most popular surgery! It's amazing how many people get gallstones or inflammation of the gallbaldder. If you want to look up symptoms it's cholelithiases and the most common repair is called a lap chole for short. Really, if this is the problem the surgery takes about 40 minutes and the scopes just make three holes that close up after ten days.

I actually closed on these myself. My mom used to laugh because I was terrible at sewing but I was "sewing" people up. LOL ' in Texas ' in Texas Courage is not being fearless, courage is facing your fears and not running for cover!

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That's why I was so careful of what I ate while waiting for surgery. I asked what would increase my chances of having the scope versus the "big" surgery and I was told to avoid having any more infection because it can cause adhesions. I was also told the more weight I lost before surgery the better (I was very overweight). I was having surgery on spring break and I really couldn't be out of school more than that. I was so careful, ate rice and vegetables and a very small amount of meat. I lost 50 pounds before surgery. If only I had the incentive to keep eating like that. LOLSharon Re: what would you do?

We had opened up several cases because they had too many adhesions or endometriosis To hard to do surgery without puncturing the bowel ' in Texasa Coon <paulacoon@earthlink .net> wrote: not all gall bladder surgeries can be done with the scope. I had mine removed at age 29 and all 3 of my daughters were between 21 and 25 when they had to have theirs removed.

Two of the girls had it done with the 3 holes/scopes but the other one's problem was so bad she has the same huge scar I do. Worst part was she was 4 months pregnant when she had to have her gall bladder removed and the surgery was on her 21st birthday ! a ....... in Michigan www.farmfreshsoapsa ndcandles. com Way to go Sharon! That was actually our most popular surgery! It's amazing how many people get gallstones or inflammation of the gallbaldder. If you want to look up symptoms it's cholelithiases and the

most common repair is called a lap chole for short. Really, if this is the problem the surgery takes about 40 minutes and the scopes just make three holes that close up after ten days.

I actually closed on these myself. My mom used to laugh because I was terrible at sewing but I was "sewing" people up. LOL ' in Texas ' in Texas Courage is not being fearless, courage is facing your fears and not running for cover!

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check out

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As do I, Sharon and all who face this! Love

n, who did manage to have her gall bladder scoped or "scooped" out! Rojas5915@...

Re: what would you do?

We had opened up several cases because they had too many adhesions or endometriosis

To hard to do surgery without puncturing the bowel

' in Texasa Coon <paulacoon@earthlink .net> wrote:

not all gall bladder surgeries can be done with the scope. I had mine removed at age 29 and all 3 of my daughters were between 21 and 25 when they had to have theirs removed. Two of the girls had it done with the 3 holes/scopes but the other one's problem was so bad she has the same huge scar I do. Worst part was she was 4 months pregnant when she had to have her gall bladder removed and the surgery was on her 21st birthday !

a ....... in Michigan

www.farmfreshsoapsa ndcandles. com

Way to go Sharon! That was actually our most popular surgery! It's amazing how many people get gallstones or inflammation of the gallbaldder. If you want to look up symptoms it's cholelithiases and the most common repair is called a lap chole for short. Really, if this is the problem the surgery takes about 40 minutes and the scopes just make three holes that close up after ten days. I actually closed on these myself. My mom used to laugh because I was terrible at sewing but I was "sewing" people up. LOL

' in Texas

' in Texas

Courage is not being fearless, courage is facing your fears and not running for cover!

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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