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Re: Smarter People More Susceptible to Heavy Metal Toxicity?

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>This is the effect noted by Hall Cutler - that children with higher

>intelligence seem to be more affected by increased lead than children of

>lower intelligence. And as he notes, this effect is not really explained by

>the authors of the paper. "



Huh! Maybe that explains the increased reaction to mercury for kids

with autism. If a person has increased gut permeability (as many

autistics and aspies have, probably because of the gluten/casein reaction)

then it would seem logical that the heavy metals would leak

out of the gut along with everything else. Aspies typically test

as " more intelligent " on intelligence tests, tho why and what that

means is one of those long philisophical issues.

I've always thought it odd that kids get an MMR, have this instant

reaction to it, and end up autistic. It is odd because OTHER kids

get far greater exposures to mercury (and like we were discussing

in GFCFNN, people even drank the stuff) with no immediate reaction

(tho presumably it would build up in their systems over time).

Heidi Jean

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I wonder what the point of downplaying this information is.

>The cluster of dots gets tighter as you go to the right, due to the top half

>been " squeezed " down. The top edge decreases very quickly with increasing

>lead - it shows an obvious curve which indicates a non-linear relationship.

>But the bottom edge barely decreases, and is roughly linear.


>This is the effect noted by Hall Cutler - that children with higher

>intelligence seem to be more affected by increased lead than children of

>lower intelligence. And as he notes, this effect is not really explained by

>the authors of the paper. "


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I guess it is a sensitivity thing. Sort of like some people can eat wheat

with only mild or no symptoms and others have severe reactions to even

trace amounts. Perhapes there is a mercury gene.


At 08:57 AM 4/5/2005, you wrote:

>I've always thought it odd that kids get an MMR, have this instant

>reaction to it, and end up autistic. It is odd because OTHER kids

>get far greater exposures to mercury (and like we were discussing

>in GFCFNN, people even drank the stuff) with no immediate reaction

>(tho presumably it would build up in their systems over time).

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>I guess it is a sensitivity thing. Sort of like some people can eat wheat

>with only mild or no symptoms and others have severe reactions to even

>trace amounts. Perhapes there is a mercury gene.

I suspect it's more because the brains of smart people are more complex

than those of less-intelligent people and thus more easily disturbed by

toxins like lead and mercury.


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>>I guess it is a sensitivity thing. Sort of like some people can eat wheat

>>with only mild or no symptoms and others have severe reactions to even

>>trace amounts. Perhapes there is a mercury gene.

[ ]

>I suspect it's more because the brains of smart people are more complex

>than those of less-intelligent people and thus more easily disturbed by

>toxins like lead and mercury.

Except they were testing *levels* of lead, not how much disturbance

it caused. Somehow the smarter people got more lead in their tissues.

Which would mean either:

1. Lead causes smart kids or

2. Something about being smart causes one to absorb more lead or

3. Smart people tend to live in high lead environments.

None of which fit any current paradigms ...

Heidi Jean

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--- Heidi Schuppenhauer <heidis@...> wrote:

> Except they were testing *levels* of lead, not how much disturbance

> it caused. Somehow the smarter people got more lead in their tissues.

> Which would mean either:


> 1. Lead causes smart kids or

> 2. Something about being smart causes one to absorb more lead or

> 3. Smart people tend to live in high lead environments.


> None of which fit any current paradigms ...

So your hypothesis is that above-average intelligent kids have gut permeability,


causes more lead/mercury to accumulate in their tissues/brain?

Which is why they are more sensitive to vaccines and other sources of mercury?

And the original cause of the gut permeability is a possible gluten/casein


Not questioning - just confirming whether this is what you meant.




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>So your hypothesis is that above-average intelligent kids have gut

permeability, which

>causes more lead/mercury to accumulate in their tissues/brain?

>Which is why they are more sensitive to vaccines and other sources of mercury?


>And the original cause of the gut permeability is a possible gluten/casein



>Not questioning - just confirming whether this is what you meant.



I don't know that my thoughts right now rise to the level of " hypothesis " ...

just " rambling " maybe. On the GFCFNN list we've been talking about mercury

etc., and in rather a lot of cultures, people use cinnabar for colorants and

cult practices, and it's basically pure mercury, and have no immediate side

effect (not that I'm saying it's a good idea, mind you!). But in the autism


many parents swear their kids took a turn for the worse after one MMR shot,

which has just a minute amount of mercury.

So ... WHY do those kids react so immediately? And why just autistic kids?

My guess is what you said: permeability. It's been shown that folks

who react to gluten/casein create zonulin when they are exposed to

those substances. Zonulin opens " holes " in the gut which allow the

contents to spill out into the blood. Even worse, zonulin opens the

blood brain barrier and allows those chemicals to spill into the brain.

So you have this kid who gets a shot, and has no blood/brain

barrier in place, and the mercury goes straight to her brain.

Causing immediate side effects. While hundreds of other infants

get the same shot, but just slough off the mercury.

Said kid would ALSO be absorbing lead out of the environment

via the gut, because of the same zonulin problem. And you wind

up with this odd statistic " smart kids have higher lead levels " .

Asperger kids have high zonulin levels, AND they test higher

than average.

BTW Dr. Fasano, who discovered zonulin, is trying to come up

with a " zonulin blocker " to avoid such problems in young kids.

Zonulin is also implicated in T1 diabetes (give zonulin to a rat,

and it gets T1 diabetes!).

Heidi Jean

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--- Heidi Schuppenhauer <heidis@...> wrote:

> My guess is what you said: permeability. It's been shown that folks

> who react to gluten/casein create zonulin when they are exposed to

> those substances. Zonulin opens " holes " in the gut which allow the

> contents to spill out into the blood. Even worse, zonulin opens the

> blood brain barrier and allows those chemicals to spill into the brain.

And of course, Zonulin is also the common denominator in Celiac disease.

Both are issues of gut permeability, and allergens leaking into the blood stream

and the

body mounting an auto-immune response to it.

In the case the autistic and Asperger kids, the additional blood-brain barrier

is also


I think it all ties in together.

A quick google search seems to indicate that MSG and other forms of glutamate

are somehow

linked to excess production of zonulin.

Do you think Glutamine supplementation would help people with excess zonulin





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On Wednesday, April 6, 2005, at 08:12 AM, Pratick Mukherjee wrote:

> --- Heidi Schuppenhauer <heidis@...> wrote:

> > My guess is what you said: permeability. It's been shown that folks

> > who react to gluten/casein create zonulin when they are exposed to

> > those substances. Zonulin opens " holes " in the gut which allow the

> > contents to spill out into the blood. Even worse, zonulin opens the

> > blood brain barrier and allows those chemicals to spill into the

> brain.



So is the Zonulin making them smarter by opening the blood brain



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> Re: Smarter People More Susceptible to Heavy Metal





>--- Heidi Schuppenhauer <heidis@...> wrote:

>> My guess is what you said: permeability. It's been shown that folks

>> who react to gluten/casein create zonulin when they are exposed to

>> those substances. Zonulin opens " holes " in the gut which allow the

>> contents to spill out into the blood. Even worse, zonulin opens the

>> blood brain barrier and allows those chemicals to spill into the brain.


>And of course, Zonulin is also the common denominator in Celiac disease.

>Both are issues of gut permeability, and allergens leaking into

>the blood stream and the

>body mounting an auto-immune response to it.

>In the case the autistic and Asperger kids, the additional

>blood-brain barrier is also



>I think it all ties in together.


>A quick google search seems to indicate that MSG and other forms

>of glutamate are somehow

>linked to excess production of zonulin.


>Do you think Glutamine supplementation would help people with

>excess zonulin production?




Glutamine helps the gut heal, but why is that if *glutamate* stimulates

zonulin? I'm currently taking a glutamine supp from Donna Gates to help heal

my gut.

Also, there is a researcher who spoke at the last WAPF conference - Jack

s - who contends that ALL fermented foods containd free glutamic acid

(MSG) and that this is a potent neurotoxin. period. One of the chapter

leaders has been dialoging with him recently. *However*, it seems he's

basing the claim of all fermented foods containing MSG on one study on

*vinegar*. I use vinegar a lot and hope that it's not causing excess zonulin

production since I have gut problems. At least I'm GF/CF now and things are


Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

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Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



" The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times. " --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

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Suze --

--- Suze Fisher <s.fisher22@...> wrote:

> Glutamine helps the gut heal, but why is that if *glutamate* stimulates

> zonulin? I'm currently taking a glutamine supp from Donna Gates to help heal

> my gut.

I believe there is some confusion regrading the exact composition of these 3

compounds -

MSG (Mono-*sodium* Glutamte), Glutamine and generic glutamic and glutamic acid.

I believe free glutamic acid (FGA) is the precursor form of MSG (as per the

TruthInLabeling website).

There is an interesting discussion about the differences between these at a

public BBB I

found thru a Google search -


They refer to an article here -


However, I don't know about about the issue to decide how correct or incorrect


interpretations are.

> Also, there is a researcher who spoke at the last WAPF conference - Jack

> s - who contends that ALL fermented foods containd free glutamic acid

> (MSG) and that this is a potent neurotoxin. period.

I don't know if I am splitting hairs, but is the " free glutamic acid " produced

as a

result of lacto-fermentation the same as *processed* free glutamic acid, which


produced by an industrial process - possibly by using other solvents, chemicals,

catalysts, whatnot.

Is generic FGA (lacto-fermented) = processed FGA (which is MSG).

> One of the chapter

> leaders has been dialoging with him recently. *However*, it seems he's

> basing the claim of all fermented foods containing MSG on one study on

> *vinegar*. I use vinegar a lot and hope that it's not causing excess zonulin

> production since I have gut problems.

Was that home made vinegar or industrially produced?

If the latter, then it probably contains P-FGA, which is nothing but MSG as per


Did this person advocate stopping the consumption of all lacto-fermented foods

as laid

out on NT?




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Sandy --

--- Sandy <samack@...> wrote:

> So is the Zonulin making them smarter by opening the blood brain

> barrier?

LOL - I don't think so.

That would be something, wouldn't it?

I think the starting point of the whole process is excess production of Zonulin.

That causes a permeable gut, which causes accumulation of heavy metals (in the

bloodstream and the absent blood-brain barrier).

The perceived " intelligence " of autistic and Asperger kids is not the " normal "

intelligence - it is a specific type of skill in a very specific area.

I know nothing about the issue, but my guess is that because their neurological


and neuro-transmitters are different from " normal " , they exhibit a different

kind of


Some have a great vocabulary, some are great at numbers ( Hoffman in " Rain

Man " )

So the question is - what is it that triggered the production of excess zonulin


then kick started the whole process.

Is it gluten/casein damage? OR is the person gluten/casein sensitive *because*

of the

permeable gut (and the body mounting an immune response).

Heidi knows more about this connection than anyone else :)




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I wish I could put my finger on an article I read about such


But even though I can't, I want to put in my two cents' worth.

I read an article one time that said that the development of

agriculture (especially grain agriculture) allowed the development of

civilization not only because more people could spend more time doing

things other than catching/preparing food, but also because a high-

grain diet tended to promote greater focus in their brains.

I think the author said, in almost so many words, that man's ability

to design and build things like the cathdrals in Europe are due, at

least in part, to the diet people adopted when agriculture became


I believe the author went on to say that the hotspot for Asperger's

and autism on our West Coast can be caused by diet. But what is the

mechanism? Why has it been so hard to pinpoint and fix?

OK. So I try to think about what people on the West Coast have been

eating since autism and Asperger's have been developing into headline

stories. I first became aware of this spectrum disorder in the

1970s, when it was presented as an oddity. So I assume it was not as

widespread then as now.

How about the macrobiotics diet? How about vegetarianism and

veganism? How about low fat/no fat? How about yuppie-era fare?

Wasn't that overprocessed, no-cholesterol " food " ?

OK. Now I wonder about the mineral status of people eating those

diets. Since I've learned from NT and WAPF that minerals in my food

are not likely to be handled by my body correctly in the absence of

healthy, natural fat like butter or egg yolks, am I correct in

assuming that those people are developing (and passing on to their

children) serious deficiencies in minerals?

We're becoming conscious of the fact that unsoaked whole grains will

bind to (shall I say " chelate " ?) minerals and prevent my body from

benefiting from them. Haven't people on a macrobiotic diet been

consuming relatively huge amounts of brown rice and other grains?

Haven't they been unsoaked grains?

What if I've been eating tofu, like my vision of West Coast diets

includes? I understand that soy contains a relatively high amount of

copper. Copper and zinc are antagonistic. What if I've been

avoiding beef and organ meats, with their plentiful amounts of zinc

and other minerals? Is it possible that I have an imbalance of

minerals in my brain and body?

I've read that once we develop an imbalance of minerals, it can be

very hard to fix. And imbalances of minerals are passed on to

offspring, perhaps to be magnified.

OK. Say I have children with too little zinc and too much copper (or

some other mineral imbalance). Say I faithfully present them for

vaccination, which infuses their bodies with an excess of mercury.

Couldn't it be said that our familial mineral imbalances are what led

to the development of autism or Asperger's?

I'm presenting this information as questions, because I don't have a

list of articles to present as support for my suspicions.

What do you all think?

I'm also thinking about what Mark Purdey has documented in his TSE

investigations. E.g., where a deficiency of copper in the brain,

along with an excess of manganese or silver, enabled by excessive

levels of exposure to organophosphate pesticides, and coupled with

sensory insults at higher-than-normal levels (like sonic booms,

bright sunlight, or enviroinmental radioactivity) can lead to mad cow



> >[irene]

> >

> >>I guess it is a sensitivity thing. Sort of like some people can

eat wheat

> >>with only mild or no symptoms and others have severe reactions to


> >>trace amounts. Perhapes there is a mercury gene.



> [ ]


> >I suspect it's more because the brains of smart people are more


> >than those of less-intelligent people and thus more easily

disturbed by

> >toxins like lead and mercury.


> Except they were testing *levels* of lead, not how much disturbance

> it caused. Somehow the smarter people got more lead in their


> Which would mean either:


> 1. Lead causes smart kids or

> 2. Something about being smart causes one to absorb more lead or

> 3. Smart people tend to live in high lead environments.


> None of which fit any current paradigms ...




> Heidi Jean

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> And the original cause of the gut permeability is a possible gluten/casein

> damage?



> -Pratick

Or NSAIDS, some of which are over the counter.

diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam)

diflunisal (Dolobid)

etodolac (Lodine)

flurbiprofen (Ansaid)

ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)

indomethacin (Indocin)

ketoprofen (Orudis, Oruvail)

ketorolac (Toradol)

nabumetone (Relafen)

naproxen (Naprosyn, Alleve)

oxaprozin (Daypro)

piroxicam (Feldene)

sulindac (Clinoril)

tolmetin (Tolectin)


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Or mercury from vaccine and teeth fillings etc...mercury binds with sulphur.

Sulphur plays an important role in the integrity of the gut wall.....

Re: Smarter People More Susceptible to Heavy Metal Toxicity?


>> And the original cause of the gut permeability is a possible

>> gluten/casein

>> damage?



>> -Pratick


> Or NSAIDS, some of which are over the counter.


> diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam)

> diflunisal (Dolobid)

> etodolac (Lodine)

> flurbiprofen (Ansaid)

> ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)

> indomethacin (Indocin)

> ketoprofen (Orudis, Oruvail)

> ketorolac (Toradol)

> nabumetone (Relafen)

> naproxen (Naprosyn, Alleve)

> oxaprozin (Daypro)

> piroxicam (Feldene)

> sulindac (Clinoril)

> tolmetin (Tolectin)


> Wanita





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>Some have a great vocabulary, some are great at numbers ( Hoffman in

" Rain Man " )


>So the question is - what is it that triggered the production of excess zonulin


>then kick started the whole process.


>Is it gluten/casein damage? OR is the person gluten/casein sensitive *because*

of the

>permeable gut (and the body mounting an immune response).

There has been great work on this,tho no one has " tied it all together " yet.

3 different sets of research:

1. First, they can mimic autism in a normal brain by knocking out part of the

brain with a strong magnet. The person goes back to normal in a few

hours, but in the meantime, they seem *smarter* in terms of math

and creativity. Dumber for social skills and relating to the world in general.

That same part of the brain gets knocked out in autistic kids (as shown

on MRIs). One guy is seriously looking into a drug to do this on

purpose, to make it easier to be " temporarily autistic " to help people

while they are studying or trying to be creative.

2. For autistic kids, the culprit seems to be opioids, which they can measure

in the brain and urine on those kids. The question is, where do the opioids

come from? How do they get into the bloodstream? The zonulin stuff seems

to answer the question there. The opioids knock out part of the brain.

3. In kids and in rats, certain foods trigger zonulin production (so can certain

bacteria, I think, it was first discovered looking into some disease).


those foods stops zonulin production.

4. Giving zonulin to rats causes leaky gut and induces T1 diabetes, even

without any offending foods.

As for glutamate and glutamine ... THAT whole thing is really fascinating but

I don't know much about it. Glutamine DOES seem to help people heal.

Fermented foods seem to help people too, but for some folks the

fermented foods really set them off, so there might be some

problematic chemicals in some of them. Meat cooked with vinegar

REALLY sets off an MSG-sensitive person I know, so I'd guess

the combo does create some glutamates of some type (plain

vinegar doesn't bother her though).

It is interesting to me that most of the intelligence tests are

made such that aspergerish folk do much better on them.

In fact, most of our math, science, and technology sphere

seems to be designed by and for aspies.

What is also interesting is that there is a huge pandemic

of autism spectrum disorders in the last 50 years. Also in the

last 50 years, the scores on IQ tests have been getting

progressively higher.

My take on it is that human beings " normally " use their

brains for social activities, NOT for sorting out types

of bugs or playing with numbers. Any kind of opioid activity

knocks out the social brain and tends to cause a

fascination with minutuia (kind of like the doper staring

at his hand going 'oooooohhhhh'!).

Heidi Jean

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>OK. Say I have children with too little zinc and too much copper (or

>some other mineral imbalance). Say I faithfully present them for

>vaccination, which infuses their bodies with an excess of mercury.

>Couldn't it be said that our familial mineral imbalances are what led

>to the development of autism or Asperger's?

I'd guess the lack of minerals leads to more problems with

the mercury. As for Asperger's being new ... I don't think it is,

my Grandma had it for sure, probably both Grandmas,

and my parents. However, they were also " sickly " as kids,

had a lot of gut problems, typical

gluten intolerant stuff. Kids like them didn't generally *survive*

kidhood. Today they do. So you see more adults with brain

oddities that survive.

I personally don't think you have to look beyond wheat to

find a cause for most of this stuff ... the problems started

when we started farming wheat, and they tend to go

away as the genes involved die out. There are a LOT of other

factors ... for instance, refugees from countries that DO eat

wheat, recently had celiac problems when they came to a US

refugee camp, where they got US-style wheat, which has

a lot more gluten in it. But wheat ingestion per capita has doubled,

I think, since the '70s, and more of it is high-gluten wheat

and bread is typically made with added gluten. And all that

TVP and vegetarian stuff, which is made with purified gluten.


>I'm also thinking about what Mark Purdey has documented in his TSE

>investigations. E.g., where a deficiency of copper in the brain,

>along with an excess of manganese or silver, enabled by excessive

>levels of exposure to organophosphate pesticides, and coupled with

>sensory insults at higher-than-normal levels (like sonic booms,

>bright sunlight, or enviroinmental radioactivity) can lead to mad cow


I agree. Lack of minerals makes you more susceptible to " bad "

minerals like lead and mercury. This still can tie in to gluten

problems ... those of us who are gluten intolerant lack the

mechanism to *absorb* minerals, so are typically low on zinc

etc. even if the diet is ok. Of course the typical American

diet ISN'T ok to begin with, so that just makes it worse ...


Heidi Jean

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--- Heidi Schuppenhauer <heidis@...> wrote:

> There has been great work on this,tho no one has " tied it all together " yet.

> 3 different sets of research: [snip]

I would like to add one more angle to the whole thing.

I recently found a reference to this study on Mercola.com.

Apparently, researchers in Japan way back in the 1970s managed to inadvertently


autism in a set of infant primates when they were fed low protein, high lactose



Their hypothesis was that because of the protein/lactose imbalance in the milk


the flora in the gut produced more ammonia than the body could de-toxify.

This buildup of serum ammonia induced the autism.

The relevant section is -

" Lactose is the key to unraveling what happened to these infants. Bacteria use


or milk sugar, as a nutrient base. Bifidobacteria and clostridia use lactose,

and they

often describe these strains of bacteria as lactose-fermenting bacteria. One


in Bifidobacteria and Clostridia is that only one can produce significant

amounts of

ammonia, only one can damage the intestines. Milk oligosaccharides contain

lactose; they

are fermented in the infant colon where they selectively stimulate the growth of

Bifidobacteria. Clostridia are competitors of Bifidobacteria, and Clostridia


ammonia. Ammonia and only ammonia produced from bacteria could have caused the



The infant primates had developed symptoms of autism because there was protein

restriction, milk proteins needed for ammonia detoxification, and not

necessarily just

casein. They were fed lactose and lactose ferments ammonia, producing bacteria.

They were

unable to detoxify on a protein-deficient diet. It is a simple formula:

Protein + Lactose = Normal Development

Low protein + High Lactose = Autism "

The entire article is here at -


Now, we all know that infant formula does not provide all the necessary

nutrients *in the

necessary proportion* - despite the formula manufacturers' claims.

Also, the increase in the rates of autism seem to coincide with the increase in


consumption of infant formula - could there be a link?

This period also marks an increase in the number, types and potency of vaccines,

plus a

general accumulation of several environmental toxins - thereby producing a


combination of factors.

Also, the following article identifies *pasteurization* as the root of the

opioid effect

witnessed in autistic children, and proposes raw milk kefir as beneficial.





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On Tue, 05 Apr 2005 14:29:33 -0400, Idol <Idol@...> wrote:


> Irene-


> >I guess it is a sensitivity thing. Sort of like some people can eat wheat

> >with only mild or no symptoms and others have severe reactions to even

> >trace amounts. Perhapes there is a mercury gene.


> I suspect it's more because the brains of smart people are more complex

> than those of less-intelligent people and thus more easily disturbed by

> toxins like lead and mercury.

Could it also be that the brain has a higher absorption rate due to

increase need for nutrients from the blood? Maybe the BBB

permeability is higher in smarter people or something?


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> A quick google search seems to indicate that MSG and other forms of

> glutamate are somehow

> linked to excess production of zonulin.


> Do you think Glutamine supplementation would help people with excess zonulin

> production?

If any form of glutamate is linked to excess production of zonulin,

wouldn't glutamine make it worse?


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> As for glutamate and glutamine ... THAT whole thing is really fascinating


> I don't know much about it. Glutamine DOES seem to help people heal.

> Fermented foods seem to help people too, but for some folks the

> fermented foods really set them off, so there might be some

> problematic chemicals in some of them. Meat cooked with vinegar

> REALLY sets off an MSG-sensitive person I know, so I'd guess

> the combo does create some glutamates of some type (plain

> vinegar doesn't bother her though).

Heidi, you are simply amazing! It's mind boggling the amount of knowlege

you have in this area. It was so strange when I read this post because I

just had this happen to me. I have been trying to integrate fermented foods

into my diet now for a couple years but they seem to always make me feel

awful. I am REALLY sensitive to MSG and really allergic to wheat. I made

some really yummy lamb the other night marinated in tamari sauce and

vinegar. It was delicious but I have the total freaky brain fog I get with


You know, I love my local WAP chapter and I respect the heck out of Sally

Fallon and Enig but it seems more and more of the WAP foodstuffs don't

work for me. I don't seem to tolerate grains(soaked or not,) fermented

foods aren't working, I can't seem to find a CLO that I can tolerate. I

need to get tested but I suspect I'm allergic to milk as well (I hope not I

absolutely love all my raw milk products!)

What do you think is the best way to heal the gut if you can't tolerate

fermented foods? Maybe I should check out that book 's been talking



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>Also, the increase in the rates of autism seem to coincide with the increase in


>consumption of infant formula - could there be a link?

It's an interesting idea. The other thing is that breastmilk is protective,

and a baby getting formula isn't getting breastmilk.

But the other thing is, that some of the changes typical of autistic kids

turn out to be visible at birth or even before. So at minimum there is

some genotype involved, or the fetus is reacting to the mother's food.

Heidi Jean

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>What do you think is the best way to heal the gut if you can't tolerate

>fermented foods? Maybe I should check out that book 's been talking




Well, the problem with the book talks about, if you can't handle

fermented foods, is that it relies a lot on homemade yogurt. Fermented

milk really IS healing to a lot of people, but not if you react to it.

Here is a list of the things that people have said worked for them in

no particular order:

1. Digestive enzymes

2. HCL

3. Butyrate

4. Goat milk kefir

5. Kefir beer

6. Glutamine caps

7. General low-carb diet

8. Pepto bismol diet

9. Warrior diet

10. Pascalite

11. Eliminating other foods (casein, eggs, etc.)

12. Eliminating trace amounts of gluten (soy sauce, change pans, etc.).

13. SCD Diet

14. Eliminating all processed foods (paleo diet)

15. Totally changing the gut ecology

The " trace amount " issue is often a key one ... it's next to

impossible to be sure that any grain (or any packaged food, for

that matter) isn't gluten contaminated, and for many people,

gluten is like rat poison. For me, the zinger was Bob's Red Mill

corn meal ... most of BRM stuff is GF, but their corn meal

isn't (it's not marked GF either, it's made on their wheat grinding


Enzymes are a big deal too ... some folks REALLY don't digest

their food well, so nothing really works for them. Digestive

enzyme caps with a meal can work wonders. (yogurt and kefir

contain a lot of enzymes too, which might be one reason

they help!).

Heidi Jean

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> 2. For autistic kids, the culprit seems to be opioids, which they

can measure

> in the brain and urine on those kids. The question is, where do the


> come from? How do they get into the bloodstream? The zonulin stuff


> to answer the question there. The opioids knock out part of the


Doesn't the body produce opioids during allergic reactions? So

that's one reason people can crave the very foods they are allergic


> It is interesting to me that most of the intelligence tests are

> made such that aspergerish folk do much better on them.

> In fact, most of our math, science, and technology sphere

> seems to be designed by and for aspies.

Yes. I've said for years that the technical experts I respect the

most are those who can make their subject understandable to lay

people. Have you noticed how hard it is to find a math teacher who

can effectively teach non-math majors?

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>Doesn't the body produce opioids during allergic reactions? So

>that's one reason people can crave the very foods they are allergic


As I understand it, when the proteins leak into the blood they morph into

opioids. One molecule of casein produces something like 8 molecules of

opioid. But yeah, that is what causes the craving ... we have a built-in love

of opium. The body DOES produce a lot of opioid on it's own, esp. in

response to heavy exercise ... I dont' know that the allergy reaction

triggers opioid production though, maybe it does, but the opioid they

find in kid's urine is from the gluten and casein molecules.


>Yes. I've said for years that the technical experts I respect the

>most are those who can make their subject understandable to lay

>people. Have you noticed how hard it is to find a math teacher who

>can effectively teach non-math majors?



I have noticed that. Basically I make a living based on the fact I seem

to have the capacity to talk to " lay people " . It gets really weird .... I

was flown out to one place at great expense to teach a class to

some newbies. After the class was over, I met this guy in the NEXT

CUBICLE who was basically very advanced, and a nice guy. I asked

the manager why they didn't just get HIM to teach the newbies. " Oh "

she said " we can't. He doesn't talk to people " .

Heidi Jean

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