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Medication question

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They may offer to try another NSAID but if there is still disease activity after

that long you will need to move on to something else---and as so many others

have said Methotrexate is generally the next step. Our daughter started on the

oral then was switched to the injectable but she has become extremely needle

phobic and was went back to the oral which she is very happy about. She used to

complain about taking all the pills--I think it is like 8 or 10---but now she is

very happy about (number of pills is based on dosage and weight I believe so

don't freak out there). It is a once a week medication. If your daughter is

still having that much pain, swelling, etc I would call the doctor and see if

you can do something sooner than the end of July. That is a long time to wait

when your miserable. Let us know what you find out and I hope you find something

quickly to help.

e, mom to 'joe' 22 poly/lupus

From: Billie-jo Jary <Beamjary@...>

Subject: Medication Question

Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 5:03 AM

I don't post a lot... but I read a ton! My 11 year old daughter a

has been on Naproxen since last July. It has become apparent that it's not

doing the trick. My question is did your Dr's try another NSAID or change to

another type of medication or add something? I know every case is different but

I'm trying to prepare myself. We go back to the ped rheumy on the 26th.

Thank you!


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Naprosyn didn't work for my daughter either although she remained on it for 8

months (long story...bad rheumy bordering on malpractice in my opinion...).

Anyway, if it's clear to you that it's not controlling her inflammation then

definitely ask about trying another medication. For some weird reason just

plain old Ibuprofen worked well for my daughter (3 doses per day). She didn't

have nearly the amount of upset stomach aches/vomiting as she did on the

Naprosyn, but more importantly it controlled her swelling and joint pain. So

definitely ask about switching.


> I don't post a lot... but I read a ton! My 11 year old daughter a has

been on Naproxen since last July. It has become apparent that it's not doing

the trick. My question is did your Dr's try another NSAID or change to another

type of medication or add something? I know every case is different but I'm

trying to prepare myself. We go back to the ped rheumy on the 26th.

> Thank you!

> Billie-jo




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My daughter was on Naprosyn in the beginning but after 3 months of it not

working our rheumy switched her to Celebrex.  She said Celebrex was also easier

on the stomach.  At the same time that she started the Celebrex she also started

MTX and that is the combo that put her in remission.


(Abby-2 pauci)

From: kim_j_williams@... <kim_j_williams@...>

Subject: Re: Medication Question

Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 1:48 PM


My daughter Abby is pauci/ana + was placed on Naproxen for over a year and when

it didn't help and other joints became affected, I switched rheumys. He

immediately placed her on Methotrexate, a weekly injection. She has been on it

for ten months and appears to have no active disease at this time. There were no

side effects except for the trauma of the weekly injection. She has actually

dealt with pretty well. We had the option of the pill form, but the injections

are better. The absorption rate can vary with pill form. It will probably depend

on the situation and progressiveness of the arthritis. Fortunately at this time,

my daughter is not in pain and was taken off of the Naproxen as well. The other

rheumy had mentioned taking MXT with Naproxen, depends too on the docs. They

never mentioned taking another type of NSAID in our situation, just as an

addition to it.


> I don't post a lot... but I read a ton! My 11 year old daughter a has been

on Naproxen since last July. It has become apparent that it's not doing the

trick. My question is did your Dr's try another NSAID or change to another type

of medication or add something? I know every case is different but I'm trying to

prepare myself. We go back to the ped rheumy on the 26th.

> Thank you!

> Billie-jo




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I have found that Naproxin causes my daughter dreadful loose stools


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Crawford

Sent: 16 June 2009 23:35

Subject: Re: Re: Medication Question

My daughter was on Naprosyn in the beginning but after 3 months of it not

working our rheumy switched her to Celebrex. She said Celebrex was also

easier on the stomach. At the same time that she started the Celebrex she

also started MTX and that is the combo that put her in remission.

(Abby-2 pauci)

From: kim_j_williams@... <mailto:kim_j_williams%40sbcglobal.net>

<kim_j_williams@... <mailto:kim_j_williams%40sbcglobal.net> >

Subject: Re: Medication Question

<mailto: %40>

Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 1:48 PM


My daughter Abby is pauci/ana + was placed on Naproxen for over a year and

when it didn't help and other joints became affected, I switched rheumys. He

immediately placed her on Methotrexate, a weekly injection. She has been on

it for ten months and appears to have no active disease at this time. There

were no side effects except for the trauma of the weekly injection. She has

actually dealt with pretty well. We had the option of the pill form, but the

injections are better. The absorption rate can vary with pill form. It will

probably depend on the situation and progressiveness of the arthritis.

Fortunately at this time, my daughter is not in pain and was taken off of

the Naproxen as well. The other rheumy had mentioned taking MXT with

Naproxen, depends too on the docs. They never mentioned taking another type

of NSAID in our situation, just as an addition to it.


> I don't post a lot... but I read a ton! My 11 year old daughter a has

been on Naproxen since last July. It has become apparent that it's not doing

the trick. My question is did your Dr's try another NSAID or change to

another type of medication or add something? I know every case is different

but I'm trying to prepare myself. We go back to the ped rheumy on the 26th.

> Thank you!

> Billie-jo




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Good afternoon!

Our daughter also tried Naprosyn, Ibuprofen, and CELEBREX, before visiting our

Pediactric Rheumotologist at Nemour's clinic

who put her on SULINDAC

along with Methotrexate and Predisone.

They worked miraculously!

Sulindac relieved her pain and is an anti-infammatory like Naprosyn & Ibuprofen.

SHe is also on Prevacid for her stomach lining,

so her tummy doesn't hurt.

hope this helps!

this group is a blessing!

> >

> > I don't post a lot... but I read a ton! My 11 year old daughter a has

been on Naproxen since last July. It has become apparent that it's not doing

the trick. My question is did your Dr's try another NSAID or change to another

type of medication or add something? I know every case is different but I'm

trying to prepare myself. We go back to the ped rheumy on the 26th.

> > Thank you!

> > Billie-jo

> >

> >

> >

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  • 3 months later...


We have tried anti-anxiety meds. They were quite a trip...for him.

He saw cheeseburger all over the yard...in reality they were dog piles...he was

happy but found the idea tooooo scarey for me not knowing what he would put in

his mouth thinking it would be good to eat.

I know you said yeast was ok....but I would sure ramp it up some more. Yeast

has a way of making things worse...and unless he's chelated...he has

it...period. He used lots of GABA, magnesium, calcium, and hylands never

tonic...and those helped..but the biggest things for us were getting phenols

under control, yeast and chelation. Amino acids are also helpful....we used a

brand called

Brainlink by pain and stress center. It had whey in it that he was really

allergic to....but he needed it so bad that he did excellently on it....not that

I recommend feeding your kiddo allergens! We now use Country Life Max

Aminos...not a high a dose but still very helpful. B complex and B12 have also

helped my other kiddos as did SAMe and low dose lithium. It kinda depends on

what they are needing that is causing the anxiety. Chelation and gf/cf were the

real busters for us tho.


> Hello:


> Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has been

short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor wants

to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as protocols,

behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help himself, he does

realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games, PS2, computer,

etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting harder, more

homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has the behavior

problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since to start

whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule that

out, could it be puberty? 


> Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.


> Appreciate your thoughts.


> Thanks

> Jean







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> Hi!


> We have tried anti-anxiety meds. They were quite a trip...for him.

> He saw cheeseburger all over the yard...in reality they were dog piles...he

was happy but found the idea tooooo scarey for me not knowing what he would put

in his mouth thinking it would be good to eat.


> I know you said yeast was ok....but I would sure ramp it up some more. Yeast

has a way of making things worse...and unless he's chelated...he has

it...period. He used lots of GABA, magnesium, calcium, and hylands never

tonic...and those helped..but the biggest things for us were getting phenols

under control, yeast and chelation. Amino acids are also helpful....we used a

brand called

> Brainlink by pain and stress center. It had whey in it that he was really

allergic to....but he needed it so bad that he did excellently on it....not that

I recommend feeding your kiddo allergens! We now use Country Life Max

Aminos...not a high a dose but still very helpful. B complex and B12 have also

helped my other kiddos as did SAMe and low dose lithium. It kinda depends on

what they are needing that is causing the anxiety. Chelation and gf/cf were the

real busters for us tho.

> Ronni




> > Hello:

> >  

> > Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has

been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor

wants to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as

protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help

himself, he does realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games,

PS2, computer, etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting

harder, more homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has

the behavior problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since

to start whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule

that out, could it be puberty? 

> >  

> > Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.

> >  

> > Appreciate your thoughts.

> >  

> > Thanks

> > Jean

> >  

> >

> > I put my daughter on very low dose geodon (10mg 2x's a day>) Worked

well for my daughter.

> >

> >

> >

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Did you look into possible adrenal issues? There were lots of discussions on

this subject here, make a search. Anxiety, short temper and lack of motivation

could be result of weak adrenals.



> Hello:

> �

> Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?� Our 10yo son has

been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor

wants to put him on a very low dose.� We have tried everything as far as

protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help

himself, he does realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games,

PS2, computer, etc.� The issues are mostly at school because the work is

getting harder, more homework.� The problem is the non-preferred subjects is

were he has the behavior problems, the school has been very accommodating but

our son since to start whining and hitting.� It's not yeast nor bacteria

because I always rule that out, could it be puberty?�

> �

> Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.

> �

> Appreciate your thoughts.

> �

> Thanks

> Jean

> �






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Have you looked at his adrenals? Adrenal Cortex Extract works well.



From: Jeanne <jeannebee2008@...>

chelatingkids2 ;

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 4:04:24 AM

Subject: [ ] Medication Question




Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has been

short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor wants

to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as protocols,

behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help himself, he does

realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games, PS2, computer,

etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting harder, more

homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has the behavior

problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since to start

whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule that

out, could it be puberty? 


Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have alot

of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.


Appreciate your thoughts.





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If you want to try St 's Wort, the Flordis brand 'Remotive'


<http://www.flordis.com.au/pages/products/remotiv.php> is the safest

one. It's been clinically trialled and doesn't have the same ingredient

that impacts on the way the liver works as other brands. Other companies

that produce St 's Wort are using the information obtained from the

Flordis trials without necessarily have the same quality herbal extract.



> Hello:


> Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication? Our 10yo son

has been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so

our doctor wants to put him on a very low dose. We have tried

everything as far as protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it

seems he just can't help himself, he does realize he blew because he

does loose all his favorite games, PS2, computer, etc. The issues are

mostly at school because the work is getting harder, more homework. The

problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has the behavior

problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since to

start whining and hitting. It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always

rule that out, could it be puberty?


> Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both

have alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid

because he has a sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.


> Appreciate your thoughts.


> Thanks

> Jean







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Haven't used Rx anti-anxiety meds for our son. Have had success with 5HTP,

homeopathy, and mind/body stuff like CST, visualization/guided meditations,

breathing " stories " for kids with anxiety. And my kid has PTSD dx so this is



> Hello:


> Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has been

short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor wants

to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as protocols,

behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help himself, he does

realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games, PS2, computer,

etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting harder, more

homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has the behavior

problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since to start

whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule that

out, could it be puberty? 


> Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.


> Appreciate your thoughts.


> Thanks

> Jean







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OOPS! The others are so right! Forgot we use ACE, too.

> >

> > Hello:

> >  

> > Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has

been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor

wants to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as

protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help

himself, he does realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games,

PS2, computer, etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting

harder, more homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has

the behavior problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since

to start whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule

that out, could it be puberty? 

> >  

> > Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.

> >  

> > Appreciate your thoughts.

> >  

> > Thanks

> > Jean

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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What kind of test is there to give to determine whether there is an adrenal


Has anyone's child had side effects, I'm concerned about these:

Are there any side effects or interactions with Adrenal Extract?

Stomach irritation and/or nausea is a common side effect, especially with higher

potency products. Other possible side effects include a general stimulatory

effect that may manifest as anxiety, irritability, and/or insomnia. Since no

safety data exist for use during pregnancy or breast-feeding, adrenal extract

should not be used in these situations unless supervised by a doctor.

Consumption of excessive amounts may produce signs and symptoms of

corticosteroid excess similar to those experienced with the drug prednisone.

However, serious side effects are not likely to result from taking a large

amount of an adrenal extract for a short period of time or from excessive intake

on a single occasion, but rather from long-term use of high amounts. With

prednisone (a synthetic cortisone-like drug) at lower doses (less than 10 mg per

day), the most notable side effects are usually increased appetite, weight gain,

retention of salt and water, and increased susceptibility to infection.

At the time of writing, there were no well-known drug interactions with adrenal





From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Medication Question

Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 7:54 PM


Have you looked at his adrenals? Adrenal Cortex Extract works well.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Jeanne <jeannebee2008>


Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 4:04:24 AM

Subject: [ ] Medication Question




Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has been

short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor wants

to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as protocols,

behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help himself, he does

realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games, PS2, computer,

etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting harder, more

homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has the behavior

problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since to start

whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule that

out, could it be puberty? 


Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have alot

of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.


Appreciate your thoughts.





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Thanks, but can't use that because my son has too stomach issues and 5HTP will

make it worse.

From: mosaictm <sunshine369@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Medication Question

Date: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 3:34 AM


Haven't used Rx anti-anxiety meds for our son. Have had success with 5HTP,

homeopathy, and mind/body stuff like CST, visualization/ guided meditations,

breathing " stories " for kids with anxiety. And my kid has PTSD dx so this is



> Hello:


> Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has been

short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor wants

to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as protocols,

behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help himself, he does

realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games, PS2, computer,

etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting harder, more

homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has the behavior

problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since to start

whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule that

out, could it be puberty? 


> Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.


> Appreciate your thoughts.


> Thanks

> Jean







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My ten year old got like this and I did a saliva panel on her and found she has

very low cortisol and dhea levels. We also tested her thyroid. She was put on

adrenal cortex and some Metagenics adrenal support supplements and this

corrected the problem. Then we treated her thyroid which further helped the

adrenals. She is 14 now and doing wonderfully. She still needs the adrenal

cortex but does not suffer from anxiety and angry outbursts.

After battling anxiety through my 20's and finding it cured with adrenal

treatment......I can say that these symptoms indicate adrenal fatigue.

Anxiety meds do not cure this, they are a bandaid for it. They do end up slowing

the thyroid way down and causing more problems in the long run. I would try

everything else before I resorted to these drugs for a child. Many of them

contain fluoride and poison the thyroid. They also interfere with T4. Thus

creating a hypothyroid problem...and depression. You really do not want to slow

a thyroid in a child, it inhibits normal growth. Many people tried to tell me

that my daughter was acting like this because of puberty, but that simply was

not the case. I think many young people are misdiagnosed as having puberty or

being " teens " when in fact, they do have something biologically wrong going on.

I also say that if the issues are occurring mostly in school, you need to find

out if there is an underlying learning disability that is affecting him. These

often don't show up until about this age when children have to do a lot of

copying from the board, and writing notes while the teacher talks, managing

their own schedules/assignments etc. It's really a lot of stress at that age.



> >

> > Hello:

> >  

> > Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has

been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor

wants to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as

protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help

himself, he does realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games,

PS2, computer, etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting

harder, more homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has

the behavior problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since

to start whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule

that out, could it be puberty? 

> >  

> > Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.

> >  

> > Appreciate your thoughts.

> >  

> > Thanks

> > Jean

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Jan,

I did not start this topic, so I apologize to the original poster for intruding.

However, my 9 yo daughter is very much like this and I have been wondering after

reading here about her adrenal function. She has been talking " like a teenager "

since she was 3 or 4 years old - not kidding. I can't even keep track of how

many doctors I have told this to. She also had early onset (age 5) of underarm

hair and odor. I keep wondering if she has hormonal issues, but we have seen a

pediatric endocrinologist and I was told she had premature adrenarche, which is

a " benign " condition. Her hormone levels were tested and the only abnormal value

was LH of 1.27, which is high (should be <0.7). Her TSH was normal at 1.69 and

her FT4 was normal at 0.92. FT3 was not tested. Cortisol (random) was normal

too. She sometimes has a lot of anxiety, but not always, and also can have a

lot of irritability, temper tantrums, etc, but again, not always. And since she

was a toddler, she has had difficulty with sleep - it always takes at least an

hour for her to fall asleep after getting into bed - and this is with lots of

different interventions we have tried. Currently, she reads in a somewhat dark,

quiet room, then listens to a relaxation CD, and still it takes an hour + to

fall asleep, and she usually wakes up one time in the middle of the night,

having to use the bathroom. Does this seem like it could be adrenal fatigue?

Her hair analysis doesn't quite meet the counting rules (but is close)and muscle

testing showed she has an overload of aluminum, so I am planning to start

chelation soon.

I was thinking I should do the saliva test - did you do it on your own or thru a

doctor? Are the results of the test definitive? No doctor we have seen so far

seems to think this is much of an issue, but I have a gut feeling it is very

significant. Any suggestions for a good lab for the saliva test? Any other

suggestions that anyone might have would be greatly appreciated.


> > >

> > > Hello:

> > >  

> > > Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has

been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor

wants to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as

protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help

himself, he does realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games,

PS2, computer, etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting

harder, more homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has

the behavior problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since

to start whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule

that out, could it be puberty? 

> > >  

> > > Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.

> > >  

> > > Appreciate your thoughts.

> > >  

> > > Thanks

> > > Jean

> > >  

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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If I may make a suggestion in answer to your question- " I was thinking I should

do the saliva test - did you do it on your own or thru a doctor? Are the results

of the test definitive? No doctor we have seen so far seems to think this is

much of an issue, but I have a gut feeling it is very significant. Any

suggestions for a good lab for the saliva test? Any other suggestions that

anyone might have would be greatly appreciated. "

Try www.directlabs.com - No Doctor is needed, we use only CLIA certified labs

and Results are always confidential- Autism awareness is actually or company's

philanthropic cause, and we would be happy to offer you a 20% discount on

testing with code AUT.

Misty T- DirectLabs

> > > >

> > > > Hello:

> > > >  

> > > > Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son

has been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our

doctor wants to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as

protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help

himself, he does realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games,

PS2, computer, etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting

harder, more homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has

the behavior problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since

to start whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule

that out, could it be puberty? 

> > > >  

> > > > Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both

have alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he

has a sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.

> > > >  

> > > > Appreciate your thoughts.

> > > >  

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Jean

> > > >  

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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You can try to do selftest first:


There is some info about lab tests at the bottom of the page.

Also, if you did DDI hair elements test, you can suggest adrenal issues if there

is disbalance of Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium. Read Andy's book " Hair

Test Interpretation " . I discovered DS's adrenal problems this way.

And this article is very helpful in understanding adrenal issues:


I had no any side effects with Adrenal Cortex Extract, neither my son. Only

great things. Keep in mind though you likely would need Adrenal Cortex Extract,

not Adrenal Extract.




> From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Medication Question


> Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 7:54 PM



> �




> Have you looked at his adrenals? Adrenal Cortex Extract works well.

> TJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: Jeanne <jeannebee2008>

> chelatingkids2;

> Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 4:04:24 AM

> Subject: [ ] Medication Question


> �

> Hello:

> �

> Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?� Our 10yo son has

been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor

wants to put him on a very low dose.� We have tried everything as far as

protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help

himself, he does realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games,

PS2, computer, etc.� The issues are mostly at school because the work is

getting harder, more homework.� The problem is the non-preferred subjects is

were he has the behavior problems, the school has been very accommodating but

our son since to start whining and hitting.� It's not yeast nor bacteria

because I always rule that out, could it be puberty?�

> �

> Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.

> �

> Appreciate your thoughts.

> �

> Thanks

> Jean

> �



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Jan, do you mean that your daughter does not need Armour (or somethinh else)

anymore? Can problems with the thyroid be cured bij the AC protocol??

I wish that's true, we all 4 have thyroid problems in our family..


> > >

> > > Hello:

> > >  

> > > Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?  Our 10yo son has

been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor

wants to put him on a very low dose.  We have tried everything as far as

protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help

himself, he does realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games,

PS2, computer, etc.  The issues are mostly at school because the work is getting

harder, more homework.  The problem is the non-preferred subjects is were he has

the behavior problems, the school has been very accommodating but our son since

to start whining and hitting.  It's not yeast nor bacteria because I always rule

that out, could it be puberty? 

> > >  

> > > Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.

> > >  

> > > Appreciate your thoughts.

> > >  

> > > Thanks

> > > Jean

> > >  

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I know how you feel. My daughter too struggles with Anxiety. She started MB12

shots 3 months ago and it has made a huge difference in her mood. Not perfect

but much more easy going, happier. She even says before the shots, she felt

like crap.

> >

> > Hello:

> > �

> > Has anyone have their child on anti-anxiety medication?� Our 10yo son has

been short tempered, has anxiety and become sometimes aggressive so our doctor

wants to put him on a very low dose.� We have tried everything as far as

protocols, behavior plans, etc at school but it seems he just can't help

himself, he does realize he blew because he does loose all his favorite games,

PS2, computer, etc.� The issues are mostly at school because the work is

getting harder, more homework.� The problem is the non-preferred subjects is

were he has the behavior problems, the school has been very accommodating but

our son since to start whining and hitting.� It's not yeast nor bacteria

because I always rule that out, could it be puberty?�

> > �

> > Is there a supplement, I read about St. 's Wort and SAMe but both have

alot of side effects especially stomach which I want to avoid because he has a

sensitive stomach, he's on the organic SCDiet.

> > �

> > Appreciate your thoughts.

> > �

> > Thanks

> > Jean

> > �

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 11 months later...

Hi Angi, yes, I've read where meds will do that. I would assume it has

something to do with all the recent med changes.

It could be any of the reasons, but first I'd suspect either an increased dose

or any new medication that's been added. I wouldn't put past dropping one as a

cause either, if one that he's been on long-term; but first I'd look at the

increased meds, ask doctor if you can go back to previous dosage and see if a

difference. Which ones did he increase?

Just my thoughts,


> My ds is 12 yo and diagnosed with AS, Mood Disorder NOS, ADHD, and ODD. We

recently had to change some meds around. Has anyone ever heard of hallucinations

during rages being a side effect of removing meds or increasing dosages? He

takes Trileptal, Abilify, Intuniv, Metadate CD, and Claritin. We removed

Lexapro and Singulair last week. This is a new behavior but it is extremely

damaging and dangerous. He was convinced yesterday that I was a " terrorist " and

wouldn't let me get my 2yo daughter out of the car at the grocery store. This

is very dangerous to us for him to be saying these things since we live on a

miltary base. Obviously, saying those kinds of things in public doesn't go over

well here.... I've never seen him NOT be able to pull himself together when we

go out in public. Usually he will continue to fuss in the car, but when we get

out in a parking lot, he manages to control himself enough to not be shouting

and things like that. Yesterday, it was like he was completely lost and truly

believed what he was saying.


> Any ideas? I'm going to put a call into his psychiatrist this morning, but I

wanted to see if anyone has seen anything like this before with med changes.


> Thanks,


> Angi


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The doctor increased his Trileptal (which is for mood stabilization), and the

Abilify. Intuniv is a new med for him. The Abilify went from 15mg to 20mg, but

the doctor split it out. Instead of taking all of it in the morning, he takes

half in the morning and the other half at night. The Trileptal was a big

increase. He went from 900 mg a day to 1200 mg with no step-up inbetween. (In

the past, we've always stepped up or down at 150mg increments.) I spoke to his

doctor's office this morning, and they want me to bring him to the psychiatric

facility here in town and have him evaluated as soon as he gets out of school

today. We'll see what they say.....

Thanks for the help!


> >

> > My ds is 12 yo and diagnosed with AS, Mood Disorder NOS, ADHD, and ODD. We

recently had to change some meds around. Has anyone ever heard of hallucinations

during rages being a side effect of removing meds or increasing dosages? He

takes Trileptal, Abilify, Intuniv, Metadate CD, and Claritin. We removed

Lexapro and Singulair last week. This is a new behavior but it is extremely

damaging and dangerous. He was convinced yesterday that I was a " terrorist " and

wouldn't let me get my 2yo daughter out of the car at the grocery store. This

is very dangerous to us for him to be saying these things since we live on a

miltary base. Obviously, saying those kinds of things in public doesn't go over

well here.... I've never seen him NOT be able to pull himself together when we

go out in public. Usually he will continue to fuss in the car, but when we get

out in a parking lot, he manages to control himself enough to not be shouting

and things like that. Yesterday, it was like he was completely lost and truly

believed what he was saying.

> >

> > Any ideas? I'm going to put a call into his psychiatrist this morning, but

I wanted to see if anyone has seen anything like this before with med changes.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Angi

> >


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  • 3 weeks later...

I definitely think med changes can cause problems, especially if the med wasn't working right anyway. You've no doubt seen the doc by now so I hope you have things calmed down with him! We were switching off of abilify not long ago with my 13 yo ds and we switched to another med, can't remember which now, but my ds started accusing my dh and I of abusing him "all the time". This kid never even got a spanking growing up. But he made it sound like we were constantly beating him and throwing him in a dungeon. He just kept repeating it in a hateful way, like we were the enemies. I thought one night, we would have to take him to the hospital. But we called the med doc and got things switched to something else. He has not done that since. But it was not a fun experience.



predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Jefferson

( ) Medication question

My ds is 12 yo and diagnosed with AS, Mood Disorder NOS, ADHD, and ODD. We recently had to change some meds around. Has anyone ever heard of hallucinations during rages being a side effect of removing meds or increasing dosages? He takes Trileptal, Abilify, Intuniv, Metadate CD, and Claritin. We removed Lexapro and Singulair last week. This is a new behavior but it is extremely damaging and dangerous. He was convinced yesterday that I was a "terrorist" and wouldn't let me get my 2yo daughter out of the car at the grocery store. This is very dangerous to us for him to be saying these things since we live on a miltary base. Obviously, saying those kinds of things in public doesn't go over well here.... I've never seen him NOT be able to pull himself together when we go out in public. Usually he will continue to fuss in the car, but when we get out in a parking lot, he manages to control himself enough to not be shouting and things like that. Yesterd

ay, it was like he was completely lost and truly believed what he was saying.

Any ideas? I'm going to put a call into his psychiatrist this morning, but I wanted to see if anyone has seen anything like this before with med changes.



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LOL my daughter describes herself as a dog in a cage on a chain... Just because I remind her to do homework and brush teeth..From: Roxanna <MadIdeas@...> Sent: Tue, September 14, 2010 8:43:13 AMSubject: Re: ( ) Medication


I definitely think med changes can cause problems, especially if the med wasn't working right anyway. You've no doubt seen the doc by now so I hope you have things calmed down with him! We were switching off of abilify not long ago with my 13 yo ds and we switched to another med, can't remember which now, but my ds started accusing my dh and I of abusing him "all the time". This kid never even got a spanking growing up. But he made it sound like we were constantly beating him and throwing him in a dungeon. He just kept repeating it in a hateful way, like we were the enemies. I thought one night, we would have to take him to the hospital. But we called the med doc and got things switched to something else. He has not done that since. But

it was not a fun experience.



predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Jefferson

( ) Medication question

My ds is 12 yo and diagnosed with AS, Mood Disorder NOS, ADHD, and ODD. We recently had to change some meds around. Has anyone ever heard of hallucinations during rages being a side effect of removing meds or increasing dosages? He takes Trileptal, Abilify, Intuniv, Metadate CD, and Claritin. We removed Lexapro and Singulair last week. This is a new behavior but it is extremely damaging and dangerous. He was convinced yesterday that I was a "terrorist" and wouldn't let me get my 2yo daughter out of the car at the grocery store. This is very dangerous to us for him to be saying these things since we live on a miltary base. Obviously, saying those kinds of things in public doesn't go over well here.... I've never seen him NOT be able to pull himself together when we go out in public. Usually he will continue to fuss in the car, but when we get out in a parking lot, he manages to control himself enough to not be shouting and things like that. Yesterd

ay, it was like he was completely lost and truly believed what he was saying.

Any ideas? I'm going to put a call into his psychiatrist this morning, but I wanted to see if anyone has seen anything like this before with med changes.



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Oh and my daughter said "I'm sorry " to me this am when she didn't hear me call her for breakfast... I almost dropped my teeth..... Not SAWREE! but ,"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you." Progress.... we are making progress.....From: sandee C <irsandee@...> Sent: Fri, September 17, 2010 10:08:47 PMSubject: Re: ( ) Medication question

LOL my daughter describes herself as a dog in a cage on a chain... Just because I remind her to do homework and brush teeth..From: Roxanna <MadIdeas@...> Sent: Tue, September 14, 2010 8:43:13 AMSubject: Re: ( ) Medication


I definitely think med changes can cause problems, especially if the med wasn't working right anyway. You've no doubt seen the doc by now so I hope you have things calmed down with him! We were switching off of abilify not long ago with my 13 yo ds and we switched to another med, can't remember which now, but my ds started accusing my dh and I of abusing him "all the time". This kid never even got a spanking growing up. But he made it sound like we were constantly beating him and throwing him in a dungeon. He just kept repeating it in a hateful way, like we were the enemies. I thought one night, we would have to take him to the hospital. But we called the med doc and got things switched to something else. He has not done that since. But

it was not a fun experience.



predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Jefferson

( ) Medication question

My ds is 12 yo and diagnosed with AS, Mood Disorder NOS, ADHD, and ODD. We recently had to change some meds around. Has anyone ever heard of hallucinations during rages being a side effect of removing meds or increasing dosages? He takes Trileptal, Abilify, Intuniv, Metadate CD, and Claritin. We removed Lexapro and Singulair last week. This is a new behavior but it is extremely damaging and dangerous. He was convinced yesterday that I was a "terrorist" and wouldn't let me get my 2yo daughter out of the car at the grocery store. This is very dangerous to us for him to be saying these things since we live on a miltary base. Obviously, saying those kinds of things in public doesn't go over well here.... I've never seen him NOT be able to pull himself together when we go out in public. Usually he will continue to fuss in the car, but when we get out in a parking lot, he manages to control himself enough to not be shouting and things like that. Yesterd

ay, it was like he was completely lost and truly believed what he was saying.

Any ideas? I'm going to put a call into his psychiatrist this morning, but I wanted to see if anyone has seen anything like this before with med changes.



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