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Medication question

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All the different responses to this question confirm biochemical individuality for each of our children. My son's experience with Abilify was a brief 6-week trial, where the dose was increased every 4 days, but was discontinued because of akathisia. My 24-year old Aspie with schizophrenia has been a poor responder to ALL anti-psychotics. His emotional state was pretty good on Abilify, but he began bouncing up and down and bending his knees on 10 mg., and by the time he reached 20 mg., he couldn't sit or stand still to eat or talk on the phone, pacing up and down at all hours.

I have learned that asking others their experience with particular medications hasn't been helpful for us, since unless you do individual biomedical testing, it's trial and error. I admit I am anti-Big Pharma, and after years of being cycled on and off many different drug cocktails, my son's physical and mental health have deteriorated dramatically.

You are fortunate if meds are addressing the symptoms of your child. We have never taken any drug (beginning with Ritalin at age 6) without serious adverse effects. "Your Drug May Be Your Problem" by Dr. Breggin (psychiatrist) is a thought-provoking read.


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My son, 23 year old Asperger's Syndrome with dual diagnosis- mood disorder has been on Abilify and other meds for about 3 years. He has experienced no side effects and it has helped with his mood swings. Be glad to supply other information if needed just let me know.

Diane Brandt

IPADDUnite From: elendale@...Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 16:10:07 -0500Subject: Re: medication question

The experience with my daughter was 10 mg. at bedtime...she became too sleepy, vomited after meals, lost her ability to know when she had to go to the bathroom. None of the atypical anti-psychotics worked for her.Ellen Kamilyguides wrote:

Just wanted to know if anyone out there has any experience with using a medication called Abilify (Ariprazole) with their child. It is an atypical anti-psychotic, from what I understand. Any opinions/experiences, good/bad/horrible, that you can share would be appreciated. Thanks.Susie Redfern

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I recently had my daughter's med changed from Depakote to Trileptal.

I had a couple of concerns about Depakote, my daughter still was

putting on weight (thanks the Risperdol, she gained a lot of weight),

I was worried about the liver, she was always tired and had no

engery, plus another parent told me that when her daughter took it,

she started bruising easily. Since being on the Trileptal (in

started in June), she's lost 18 lbs, has a lot more energy, is much

happier and doing better in school. It's amazing how some meds can

do great things with a child and some cause more harm.


> Thanks to all who responded to my post regarding Abilify. We


> saw a neurologist who suggested it as a possible change from


> which my son has taken for nearly 10 years, originally as an anti-

> seizure med, later for the reductions it appeared to cause in

anxiety &

> OCD behaviors, which pretty much overwhelmed him and kept him from


> important & productive tasks, such as toilet training. The


> now says that it may be inhibiting neuron firings in his brain,


> some lessening of cognitive function, etc. We're reducing his


> on the Depakote for the time being, seeing what's happening


> results seem good). My instinct now is to see if a change


> in the dose of the existing medicine is enough (keep the positive

> effects, minimize not so good effects). As Depakote has never had


> bad side effects for my son physically (weight gain, etc), I'm a


> reluctant to phase it out entirely and move to something else.


> again everyone for your comments.

> Susie Redfern


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  • 1 year later...

We use Tylenol Jr MELTAWAYS...they dissolve very quickly....Kenzie won't

swallow pills but we can get these in her mouth long enough to dissolve. Good



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In a message dated 9/24/2008 9:51:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

leslie-kerrigan@... writes:


> anyone found something other than chewable or liquid for pain? He just

> spits these out

Absolutely, you can get tylenol suppositories. this is what we used for

Micah after his tonsils and adenoids were removed. Worked like a charm. Hope

this helps


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We put pills in a large spoonful of pudding or yogurt, then say " don't

chew, just swallow quickly " and the pills go right down.

Connie wrote:

> We have a terrible time getting Ben (9yr) to take meds like Motrin or

> Tylenol. I thought some brand made a thin strip that melts on your

> tongue for pain, but I can only fine these in allergy medication. Has

> anyone found something other than chewable or liquid for pain? He just

> spits these out. He recently hurt his foot, and I never got anything

> down him for the pain.

> Thanks,

> Connie



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Yes, put it in whatever your child likes. I used to put my mom's meds (with

dementia) crushed in a spoon of syrup.

I don't recommend using 'sugar' for children....use it only if getting the meds

is more important than the risk of sugar.


Re: medication question

We put pills in a large spoonful of pudding or yogurt, then say " don't

chew, just swallow quickly " and the pills go right down.

Connie wrote:

> We have a terrible time getting Ben (9yr) to take meds like Motrin or

> Tylenol. I thought some brand made a thin strip that melts on your

> tongue for pain, but I can only fine these in allergy medication. Has

> anyone found something other than chewable or liquid for pain? He just

> spits these out. He recently hurt his foot, and I never got anything

> down him for the pain.

> Thanks,

> Connie



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With mine, I had good luck placing the pill in spoonful of pudding.

They never knew it was there.


On 9/24/08, Loree5@... <Loree5@...> wrote:


> In a message dated 9/24/2008 9:51:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> leslie-kerrigan@... writes:


> Has

>> anyone found something other than chewable or liquid for pain? He just

>> spits these out



> Absolutely, you can get tylenol suppositories. this is what we used for

> Micah after his tonsils and adenoids were removed. Worked like a charm.

> Hope

> this helps


> Loree




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we use the Meltaways, they come in different flavors too


Judge not, and ye shall not be judged. Condemn not, and ye shall not be

condemned. Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.

Luke 6:37

Re: medication question


> In a message dated 9/24/2008 9:51:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> leslie-kerrigan@... writes:


> Has

>> anyone found something other than chewable or liquid for pain? He just

>> spits these out



> Absolutely, you can get tylenol suppositories. this is what we used for

> Micah after his tonsils and adenoids were removed. Worked like a charm.

> Hope

> this helps


> Loree




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In a message dated 9/30/2008 12:52:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

dawndanc@... writes:

Half of

her friends are deceased (died in their 40s, 50s, 60s) and they just so

happen to be the first ones vaccinated.

my mother died at 54.


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Hi Pat! As far as I can see they aren't living older...yes, my

Grandmother's generation is, but not by Mom's (my Mom is 59). Half of

her friends are deceased (died in their 40s, 50s, 60s) and they just so

happen to be the first ones vaccinated.


> I was at my parents house the other morning (both mid to upper 70's

in age) and watched them take their morning meds....


> A little later on we were discussing vaccines, meds, etc. I was

saying how bad they are and my mom asked " why then are people living

longer today than they did years ago " ? I didn't know the answer..so

can someone tell me please? Thanks.

> ----

> Pat



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My answer would be: the ones who are living longer are the ones who did not get

slammed with all these vaccines when they were young.

The flip-side to her question is: why are so many people in their 20's, 30's,

50's and yes, babies, dying of cancer right and left? Does she remember babies

with cancer when she was growing up?

Soon we will NOT have the longevity of yesteryear.


Medication question


> I was at my parents house the other morning (both mid to upper

> 70's in age) and watched them take their morning meds....


> A little later on we were discussing vaccines, meds, etc. I was

> saying how bad they are and my mom asked " why then are people

> living longer today than they did years ago " ? I didn't know the

> answer..so can someone tell me please? Thanks.

> ----

> Pat



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We could be living a heck of a lot longer if things were different.

We are still better off in a lot of ways then we used to be.

I think physically life is much less demanding.

I do believe conventional medicine is needed in emergencies. That is

their contribution.

I think everybody uses that line!! LOL


On Sep 30, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Pat K. wrote:

> I was at my parents house the other morning (both mid to upper 70's

> in age) and watched them take their morning meds....


> A little later on we were discussing vaccines, meds, etc. I was

> saying how bad they are and my mom asked " why then are people

> living longer today than they did years ago " ? I didn't know the

> answer..so can someone tell me please? Thanks.

> ----

> Pat



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There has always been a natural increase in life span starting way

before mmedicines or vaccines. Same things that decreased disease,

increased life span, like hygiene, better (more) nutrition, better

housing, etc. Plus, think of life back in the early 1900s, 1800s, or

sooner...most people worked very physically hard every day to survive,

causing wear and tear to the body and aging it faster (how many people

do you know now that do hard labor 15 hours a day?).. Think of all the

yuckies in food and water before refrigeration and clean water.

A couple other things to keep in mind. Life span for people in the

U.S. had its biggest increase in the early 1900s after public health

measures were implemented (sewage, clean water, refrigerated transports

for food, basic medical care, better nutrition.) After that, it really

has not increased at a greater rate than before the 1900s, in fact it

is slower...so are all these medicines moving us forward or actually

holding us back?

Also, many more adults used to die from accidental causes. In the

early years of factory work, there were absolutely no safety measures.

So many people would die every day from accidents from heavy

machinery. Think of the early train systems, so many trains derailed

killing hundreds at a time. Natural disasters like tornadoes,

hurricanes...there were no warnings...not to mention all the wars.

People before now did usually live longer, well into their 80s and

90s. The reason the average life span age does not reflect that, is

because of all the accidental deaths (for children and adults) I

mentioned, and because unfortunately many children and babies died,

before public health measures were implemented...just think of how many

babies and mothers died for hundreds, thousands of years just because

doctors/midwives would not wash their hands before delivering babies.

In the U.S., so many children would die from dysentary, typhoid, and

tuberculosis, all because of horrible living conditions. And remember

there was no birth control, so many women, most of the poor, including

all the immigrants, would have at least 5 children and no way to feed

them and there were no welfare systems then. So when you take all this

into account, it brings the total average way down, but people who

survived past their youth lived a very long time.

Vaccinations , " Pat K. " <pat.my3maltese@...> wrote:


> I was at my parents house the other morning (both mid to upper 70's

in age) and watched them take their morning meds....


> A little later on we were discussing vaccines, meds, etc. I was

saying how bad they are and my mom asked " why then are people living

longer today than they did years ago " ? I didn't know the answer..so

can someone tell me please? Thanks.

> ----

> Pat



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That was an awesome email.

Why do you think people parrot that question. THen...why are we

living longer?

On Sep 30, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Vida Khan wrote:

> There has always been a natural increase in life span starting way

> before mmedicines or vaccines. Same things that decreased disease,

> increased life span, like hygiene, better (more) nutrition, better

> housing, etc. Plus, think of life back in the early 1900s, 1800s, or

> sooner...most people worked very physically hard every day to survive,

> causing wear and tear to the body and aging it faster (how many people

> do you know now that do hard labor 15 hours a day?).. Think of all the

> yuckies in food and water before refrigeration and clean water.

> A couple other things to keep in mind. Life span for people in the

> U.S. had its biggest increase in the early 1900s after public health

> measures were implemented (sewage, clean water, refrigerated

> transports

> for food, basic medical care, better nutrition.) After that, it really

> has not increased at a greater rate than before the 1900s, in fact it

> is slower...so are all these medicines moving us forward or actually

> holding us back?

> Also, many more adults used to die from accidental causes. In the

> early years of factory work, there were absolutely no safety measures.

> So many people would die every day from accidents from heavy

> machinery. Think of the early train systems, so many trains derailed

> killing hundreds at a time. Natural disasters like tornadoes,

> hurricanes...there were no warnings...not to mention all the wars.

> People before now did usually live longer, well into their 80s and

> 90s. The reason the average life span age does not reflect that, is

> because of all the accidental deaths (for children and adults) I

> mentioned, and because unfortunately many children and babies died,

> before public health measures were implemented...just think of how

> many

> babies and mothers died for hundreds, thousands of years just because

> doctors/midwives would not wash their hands before delivering babies.

> In the U.S., so many children would die from dysentary, typhoid, and

> tuberculosis, all because of horrible living conditions. And remember

> there was no birth control, so many women, most of the poor, including

> all the immigrants, would have at least 5 children and no way to feed

> them and there were no welfare systems then. So when you take all this

> into account, it brings the total average way down, but people who

> survived past their youth lived a very long time.


> Vaccinations , " Pat K. " <pat.my3maltese@...> wrote:

> >

> > I was at my parents house the other morning (both mid to upper 70's

> in age) and watched them take their morning meds....

> >

> > A little later on we were discussing vaccines, meds, etc. I was

> saying how bad they are and my mom asked " why then are people living

> longer today than they did years ago " ? I didn't know the answer..so

> can someone tell me please? Thanks.

> > ----

> > Pat

> >

> >

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The kids today are not expected to have the same life span as their

parents. So true that our grandparents have lived longer than many

generations before them (both my grandmother's are in their 90's) the

life expectancy has actually decreased. Which of course has been

contributed to the high obesity rate which predisposes people to

chronic health conditions as an adult. But also people are exposed to

many more toxins than before (externally/internally), are much more

sedentary than before, and do not eat the healthy diet of before

(processed food). So granted, some people are living longer, many more

are not. ~doris

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I once heard it put so well (I wish I could remember who and exact

quote...) That we are not necassarily living longer, just dying

slower. My answer to your mother would be cleaner water, and improved

sanitation, and better protection from the elemants. It has been over

100 years since people were only living into their 40's and the

medications of today that are supposedly keeping people alive longer

weren't around when people started living longer. I was intrigued by

this question so I googled it and found one interesting answer and in

my opinion is probably fact that there were more deaths at birth and

this caused the average to be lower, everyone wasn't dropping dead at

40 but the infant mortality rate was skewing the data. Which could

possibly be happening now. I remember at some point hearing that the

average life expectancy was in the 70's and one of the graphs I saw was

showing 66.


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My Mom's doctor asked her that question when my Mom was telling him about my

use of homeopathy. His reply was how much longer people are living today

because of " modern medicine. "

Quantity of life may be extended by the use of toxic drugs, but what about

quality of life? All of my Mom's friends take fists full of drugs every day

just to make it through the day. Are they healthy and enjoying life? Heck

no! They're suffering with chronic pain, digestive upsets, insomnia,

rashes, depression, bowel and bladder issues... these are typically

disorders CAUSED by the drugs.

A good friend of mine is in her early 60s. She has avoided allopathic

doctors and drugs, eats right, exercises, and is the picture of health. It

IS possible to lead a long, healthy life, but not with the medical

industry's interference!

Kay in KY

-----Original Message-----

I was at my parents house the other morning (both mid to upper 70's in age)

and watched them take their morning meds....

A little later on we were discussing vaccines, meds, etc. I was saying how

bad they are and my mom asked " why then are people living longer today than

they did years ago " ? I didn't know the answer..so can someone tell me

please? Thanks.



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good point about the longer living ones being little vaccinated, I am 54 and had

few vaccines (polio, smallpox, DPT), also had measles and chickenpox which

protect you against cancer and other diseases by eliminating inherited and other

toxins and miasms.

We would be living a lot longer without Allopathy, it kills 780,000 people every

year in the USA alone, plus the 400,000 or so killed by cancer chemotherapy

afore their time, not forgetting the suppression of cancer, aids, alzheimer's,

heart disease cures. Cancer should be 98-100% curable for example--depending if

you want to die or not.

We also have an epidemic of disease from vaccines, other drugs and medically

supported junk food and fluoridation--autism 1 in 100, ADD 1 in 10, diabetes

epidemic, Cerebral Palsy (1 in 400 to 1 in 166), Epilepsy 1 in 200 British

Children, Dyslexia-severe (4%), Schizophrenia (1%), Asthma (now 1 in 4

children), Juvenile arthritis etc

" Attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder is found in as many as one in 20

children, or 3 to 5 percent " --Media

Nearly one third of high school girls and 16% of high school boys show symptoms

of an eating disorder

" Nearly half of Americans suffer at least one chronic disease, everything from

allergies to heart disease - 20 million more than doctors had anticipated this

year, researchers say. " --Media

Using the we-live-longer-so-modern-med-must-be-working argument is just a pretty

weak rationalisation. Just like we-have-no-measles-deaths-so-vaccines-did-it.

Show us the evidence. There isn't any. But it stops these pyjama people from

waking up and smelling the coffee.

Why is cancer 1 in 3 now? Has to be vaccines and the toxic chemicals put out by

the same people making the drugs.


RE: Medication question

My Mom's doctor asked her that question when my Mom was telling him about my

use of homeopathy. His reply was how much longer people are living today

because of " modern medicine. "

Quantity of life may be extended by the use of toxic drugs, but what about

quality of life? All of my Mom's friends take fists full of drugs every day

just to make it through the day. Are they healthy and enjoying life? Heck

no! They're suffering with chronic pain, digestive upsets, insomnia,

rashes, depression, bowel and bladder issues... these are typically

disorders CAUSED by the drugs.

A good friend of mine is in her early 60s. She has avoided allopathic

doctors and drugs, eats right, exercises, and is the picture of health. It

IS possible to lead a long, healthy life, but not with the medical

industry's interference!

Kay in KY

-----Original Message-----

I was at my parents house the other morning (both mid to upper 70's in age)

and watched them take their morning meds....

A little later on we were discussing vaccines, meds, etc. I was saying how

bad they are and my mom asked " why then are people living longer today than

they did years ago " ? I didn't know the answer..so can someone tell me

please? Thanks.




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How old is your child? A chiro might be able to help you. I can't

remember the name of the nerve, but when a child is born sometimes it

gets disturbed. This can cause reflux.with a few adjustments,if this

is the case, can help or cure it.

Have you done a lot of research. Example...sleeping on an incline etc?


On Oct 1, 2008, at 9:58 PM, jen leahy wrote:

> This is a bit off topic but I was wondering if anyone knows of

> a natural remedy for a child that may have acid reflux?


> >




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Or diabetes! This one disease alone is such a killer, and it is

caused/exacerbated by medical intervention left and right!

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 11:36 AM, <wharrison@...> wrote:

> My answer would be: the ones who are living longer are the ones who did not

> get slammed with all these vaccines when they were young.


> The flip-side to her question is: why are so many people in their 20's,

> 30's, 50's and yes, babies, dying of cancer right and left? Does she

> remember babies with cancer when she was growing up?


> Soon we will NOT have the longevity of yesteryear.


> Winnie

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I don't know how old your child is, but my first word of advice from experience,

mine, and many other friends, is NO DAIRY!  It's tough if your breastfeeding, as

it means you have to stop all dairy....if your not, it's hard for a child to

stop.  You will find a difference, and most likely, if you'd like to continue

dairy in the future, you might be able to, my boy's grew out of the

insensitivity, but we only do cheese and yogurt now, but they couldn't handle it

until about 2 1/2 to 3 years old.  Rashy butt is a possible indication too.

Hope that helps, for more info, I have a bit, you can email me.


~Cassie Sala~


“Vaccines represent consumer goods – and parents should research this product

far more carefully than other purchases because their children’s lives could be

at stake.” ~Randall Neustaedter, OMD (The Vaccine Guide: Making An Informed


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Yes, he uses 3 pillows at night.  We haven't tried a chiro., but maybe we should

give it a try.

Re: Re: Medication question

How old is your child? A chiro might be able to help you. I can't

remember the name of the nerve, but when a child is born sometimes it

gets disturbed. This can cause reflux.with a few adjustments, if this

is the case, can help or cure it.

Have you done a lot of research. Example...sleeping on an incline etc?


On Oct 1, 2008, at 9:58 PM, jen leahy wrote:

> This is a bit off topic but I was wondering if anyone knows of

> a natural remedy for a child that may have acid reflux?


> >




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