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HI SHARON GOOD LUCK ON YOUR BLOOD WORK KATSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Thanks, next blood test should tell a story. Hope it's a good one. Sharon RE: Sharon You relapsed after tx was over last time, right? You having 12 week bloodwork

done? /De -----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies

[mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of SHARON CROSBYSent: Friday, April 06, 2007 3:13 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Re: NOTHING REALLY, JUST WW HERE Sounds like you're not doing too badly. The aches and swelling is normal for the first shot. You'll start to feel a little better in about 3 days. I just took shot # 12. Thought I was doing well on Monday, but got knocked over for Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday. Starting to feel like I'll survice today. Can't always tell what will come from the shot. Sharon

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Hope it is good Sharon..... love and hugs dSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Thanks, next blood test should tell a story. Hope it's a good one. Sharon Re: Sharon HOPING THIS TIME WILL HAVE GOOD NEWS. HUGS TO YOU...WW/PAT .

Don't pick lemons.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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one is SPOILED!


Re: Well Suzie Q ;)

HA HA I have a dog who thinks she owns US.

She's getting more vocal in her commands as time passes.

She goes up on my husbands lap in the evening and

demands that Chico, another dog, leaves and gives her that space. Then,

she snorts and paws at hubby til he turns on the heating pad for her and covers

her up!!


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Sharon, I harly see you post anymore, how are you feeling, what week are you on now? Hugs, Sheena SHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote:

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Hi Sheena,

I'm at week 13. Haven't gone to do blood work to see progress, tho. I've had bronchitis and some kind of digestive ailment, with awful IBS. I've been hitting the couch quite a bit. Sleeping a lot. I don't feel too badly with the treatment, it's just that I'm coming up with every other virus to pass through town.


So how are you doing Sheena?


Re: Sharon


I harly see you post anymore, how are you feeling, what week are you on now?



SHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote:

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Hi Sharon, I have missed talking with you.. Good Grief, as in comparison, I guess I am faring fairly well! I think many of us have the digestive issues, must be part of treatment, and I had stomach issues to begin with, but trying hard to work with it, or around it, or through it, some days are rough, I know.. I did take the pneumonia vaccine, think that has helped me to bypass some of the other stuff, I sure hope you are soon on the mend.. You need to go for your Labs now, that may make you feel SOooo much better! Hang in.. You are ever on my mind and in my heart.. Hugs and Prayers, Sheena SHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Hi Sheena, I'm at week 13. Haven't gone to do blood work to see progress, tho. I've had bronchitis and some kind of digestive ailment, with awful IBS. I've been

hitting the couch quite a bit. Sleeping a lot. I don't feel too badly with the treatment, it's just that I'm coming up with every other virus to pass through town. ARRGGHH So how are you doing Sheena? Sharon Re: Sharon Sharon, I harly see you post anymore, how are you feeling, what week are you on now? Hugs, Sheena SHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxomsn> wrote:

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check out

new cars at Autos.

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Hi Sharon, What kind of stretching exercises? I get on thread mill once in awhile now not everyday like I used to. I realize I can't just do nothing I am 61 and the more I lie around, the more I pay for it both mentally and physically. How long have you been on tx now? Get so out of breath so fast but that has alot to do with being a couch potato lol. My back is better today now I am not sleeping again hahaha. Gotta laugh its much better than crying and I need to keep all the fluids in Lol. I have no dumb bells but I heard different weight cans can be used. I need to stretch something especially my brain or maybe just install a pair of fog lamps in my brain. Raining very hard here love the sound and we sure need it in Southern Calif. As it is some of us in certain cities are on water rationing due to repair of a large main water pipe that brings water in to us. Thank you so much for writing it is very

much appreciated. Hope you feel better soon. hugs...patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Pat, Some days my back and some days my whole body gets to aching. I have a chair liner that has points of vibration on it and I liwn on the couch and turn it on. Then place a hot pad beneath my lower back, after I take a couple of ibuprofen. If I lie quietly for about 20 minutes,

usually, the ache gets better, most of the time. I also do lots of stretching exercises every day and have started adding a 2 lb dumbbell to the arm and upper torso stretching. It's amazing how much this eases the ache. I'm 64 and just cannot be so inactive, I guess. I feel sooo much better if I exercise a little bit at least. Of course, having said that, who the h---- feels like exercising when the interferon hits the system? lol I'm getting over the bronchitis, but now have a crop of cold sores in my nose and mouth. I hope this is not indictitive of the whole 11 months. I'm not suffering overmuch with the treatment, but the random viruses and germs coming through have me worn plumb out!! Sharon

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Hi Pat,

It took me a while to figure out that all the advice I got before hand was good. lol I was just letting the tx take me, but my hips and back have arthritis and got pretty achy. So do my muscles if I don't use them.

I'm at week 15, as of last night and expecially when sitting at the computer, I can feel the aches petty good. I lift each arm, one at a time, as far over my head as I can and stretch it over my head and to the other direction as far as I can. Then do circles with it.

I bend my elbows and strech them behind me as far as I can, I stand and bend as far over to each side as I can, with with one arm extended way up. A lot of it is stretching while bending, which helps to loosen the muscles. While in bed at night, I listen to audio books and keep the 2 lb dumb bells by the bed and stretch with them there.

I also do some just lifting the dumb bells into the air and change positions with each set of 5. I know this sounds confusing, but I don't have a regular set of exercises that I do, just repeating some of the things I've seen on TV and learned from physical therapy.

I also sit with one leg off the bed and one leg extended on the bed. I reach down and grab my toes and pull my foot as far forward as I can make it move. This has to be done gently at first, cause you'll feel it the next day. It becomes easier with time.

I have been using the lowest speed on my tread mill and just doing about 15 minutes. The movement really helps my hips and as I walk, I get less short winded..

Sorry to go on so long, I tend to prattle. Hope some of this helps.


Hi Sharon, What kind of stretching exercises? I get on thread mill once in awhile now not everyday like I used to. I realize I can't just do nothing I am 61 and the more I lie around, the more I pay for it both mentally and physically. How long have you been on tx now? Get so out of breath so fast but that has alot to do with being a couch potato lol. My back is better today now I am not sleeping again hahaha. Gotta laugh its much better than crying and I need to keep all the fluids in Lol. I have no dumb bells but I heard different weight cans can be used. I need to stretch something especially my brain or maybe just install a pair of fog lamps in my brain. Raining very hard here love the sound and we sure need it in Southern Calif. As it is some of us in certain cities are on water rationing due to repair of a large main water pipe that brings water in to us. Thank you so much for writing it is very much appreciated. Hope you feel better soon. hugs...patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote:


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Hi Sharon it was not to long, I on the other hand ramble and don't even remember what I am talking about at times. Sounds good will try what you do. Did get on t.mill this morning but could only do 1/4 mile before left leg started killing me. Don't know whats up with it behind my knee and now bottom of foot. I get alittle leary about my leg thats where I had blood clots years ago and never forgot it lol. Thanks so much that really helped me Sharon. hugs...patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Hi Pat, It took me a while to figure out that all the advice I got before hand was good. lol I was just letting the tx take me, but my hips and back have arthritis and got pretty achy. So do my muscles if I don't use them. I'm at week 15, as of last night and expecially when sitting at the computer, I can feel the aches petty good. I lift each arm, one at a time, as far over my head as I can and stretch it over my head and to the other direction as far as I can. Then do circles with it. I bend my elbows and strech them behind me as far as I can, I stand and bend as far over to each side as I can, with with one arm extended way up. A lot of it is stretching while bending, which helps to loosen the muscles. While

in bed at night, I listen to audio books and keep the 2 lb dumb bells by the bed and stretch with them there. I also do some just lifting the dumb bells into the air and change positions with each set of 5. I know this sounds confusing, but I don't have a regular set of exercises that I do, just repeating some of the things I've seen on TV and learned from physical therapy. I also sit with one leg off the bed and one leg extended on the bed. I reach down and grab my toes and pull my foot as far forward as I can make it move. This has to be done gently at first, cause you'll feel it the next day. It becomes easier with time. I have been using the lowest speed on my tread mill and just doing about 15 minutes. The movement really helps my hips and as I walk, I get less short winded.. Sorry to go on so long, I tend to

prattle. Hope some of this helps. SSharon

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Blood clots are scary. Hope some of the other stuff helps. Mainly stretching the muscles feels good to me.


Hi Sharon it was not to long, I on the other hand ramble and don't even remember what I am talking about at times. Sounds good will try what you do. Did get on t.mill this morning but could only do 1/4 mile before left leg started killing me. Don't know whats up with it behind my knee and now bottom of foot. I get alittle leary about my leg thats where I had blood clots years ago and never forgot it lol. Thanks so much that really helped me Sharon. hugs...patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote:

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Sharon for sure blood clots are scary don't like them at all. Taking aspirin theraphy again never should have stopped crazy P.A. woman but maybe aspirin is bad while on tx but it is only baby aspirin once aday. Scaring me right now but REFUSE to go off tx. Maybe losing more of my mind eh??LOl. patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Blood clots are scary. Hope some of the other stuff

helps. Mainly stretching the muscles feels good to me. Sharon Hi Sharon it was not to long, I on the other hand ramble and don't even remember what I am talking about at times. Sounds good will try what you do. Did get on t.mill this morning but could only do 1/4 mile before left leg started killing me. Don't know whats up with it behind my knee and now bottom of foot. I get alittle leary about my leg thats where I had blood clots years ago and never forgot it lol. Thanks so much that really helped me Sharon. hugs...patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxomsn> wrote:

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I take a baby aspirin every day too. It's NOT good for HepC, but we gotta weigh the odds and good clear running blood is also very important.

It's all scary, so many different things can happen, but life, as well as tx, is a gamble and we gotta go for it or always wish we had.


Re: Sharon

Sharon for sure blood clots are scary don't like them at all. Taking aspirin theraphy again never should have stopped crazy P.A. woman but maybe aspirin is bad while on tx but it is only baby aspirin once aday. Scaring me right now but REFUSE to go off tx. Maybe losing more of my mind eh??LOl. patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote:

Blood clots are scary. Hope some of the other stuff helps. Mainly stretching the muscles feels good to me.


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Well like I said I started it up again on baby aspirin. I don't know if the fog bank is thicker lately but I don't remember the G.I. man telling me to get off just the P.A.. hugs...patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: I take a baby aspirin every day too. It's NOT good for HepC, but we gotta weigh the odds and good clear running blood is also very important. It's all scary,

so many different things can happen, but life, as well as tx, is a gamble and we gotta go for it or always wish we had. Sharon Re: Sharon Sharon for sure blood clots are scary don't like them at all. Taking aspirin theraphy again never should have

stopped crazy P.A. woman but maybe aspirin is bad while on tx but it is only baby aspirin once aday. Scaring me right now but REFUSE to go off tx. Maybe losing more of my mind eh??LOl. patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxomsn> wrote: Blood clots are scary. Hope some of the other stuff helps. Mainly stretching the muscles feels good to me. Sharon

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Hi Sharon, Not much appetite today but that normal after shot night for me, if it follows suit I will be less hungry tomorrow and flat have to force food third day lol. Like a hunger roller coaster. My metabolism is very slow due to low thyroid but did lose about 20 of the 45 lbs. I gained before thyroid meds kicked in and that wasn't really eating hahaaa. Oh my brain cell all went South and never returned lol. hugs...patSHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Eat when you can!!! The one thing I NEVER lose is my appetite. lol Wish it would slow down for a while. lol Then with old slow metabolism, I hang on to each and every pound. They say brain cells come and go, but fat cells last forever. arrgghh, Sharon

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Let me know what you got and if it helps, mine are dropping every week, twice this week, and I'm only 5 weeks in.. Thanks, I'm hanging, you, too! SHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Mine are dropping too, Sheena. My doc keeps assuring me I'm doin' GOOD. lol Counts have

not dropped into a critical place yet, so I went to the health food store and got some holistic things, hope they help. Hang in there!! Sharon Re: Re: Liz Liz, are you feeling some better today? Glad you are not alone, that's way too

scary.. My blood counts keep dropping and my doctor won't call me, if I felt any worse I was heading to the ER, but I had a sweet friend assure me I was still okay.. Rough road.. Hugs, Sheena elizabeth savage <elizabethnv1 > wrote: It's getting to a point now,thatI just may go to the hospital Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debatein the Answers Food Drink Q & A. Finding fabulous fares is fun.Let FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and hotel bargains.

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Yours is dropping much faster than mine, this may noy be much help for you. I bought liquid b12, the drops go under the tongue and skip the digestive system. The dose is 5000, with 800 folic acid. I just put a few drops a day under my tongue, tho. Then I was told lesenium is good, so got 50 mcgs of that per day. I also bought MSM and Magnesium Maleate and Lglucosine, all for body pain. Some days my body really lets me know it's alive!! Good luck, Sheena. Bug your doc and make him call back. You need to know what you should do in this matter. Sharon Re: Re: SharonLet me know what you got and if it helps, mine are droppingevery week, twice this week, and I'm only 5 weeks in..Thanks, I'm hanging, you, too!

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Thanks for all the info, Sharon, fast and furious making a List, hope this helps us both.. Yep, sure still alive here, too.. Doc is out, will try again tomorrow.. I am okay, though, at least out of panic mode for now... SHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Yours is dropping much faster than mine, this may noy be much help for you.

I bought liquid b12, the drops go under the tongue and skip the digestive system. The dose is 5000, with 800 folic acid. I just put a few drops a day under my tongue, tho. Then I was told lesenium is good, so got 50 mcgs of that per day. I also bought MSM and Magnesium Maleate and Lglucosine, all for body pain. Some days my body really lets me know it's alive!! Good luck, Sheena. Bug your doc and make him call back. You need to know what you should do in this matter. Sharon Re: Re: Sharon Let me know what you got and if it helps, mine are dropping every week, twice this week, and I'm only 5 weeks in.. Thanks, I'm hanging, you, too!

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My Primary kicked me out when he referred me to the GI, said it was Medical Group Policy, but I will likely see him next week, if I can't get through to my GI by Monday.. If he refuses to help, I hit the ER.. Generally, he is great about running Labs, though, and that's really all I need for him to do.. I do know what the Labs mean, and do know if my counts continue to drop this badly, I'm going to be in trouble.. Hanging In, all we can do, one day at a time.. You take care! Hugs, Sheena My best to you..SHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: Sheena, my gastro hasn't treated a single side for me. My pcp, however, is keeping me on my feet. He's even checked my ferratin levels to see if he can give me some iron for the anemia. He's been sooo good and he usually does not like to give out prescripts either. If you have a regular doc, at least he can go over your labs with you and tell you what they mean. Sharon

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GO TO THE ER Sheena! PLEASE!Sheena <mom4possums2002@...> wrote: My Primary kicked me out when he referred me to the GI, said it was Medical Group Policy, but I will likely see him next week, if I can't get through to my GI by Monday.. If he refuses to help, I hit the ER.. Generally, he is great about running Labs, though, and that's really all I need for him to do.. I do know what the Labs mean, and do know if my

counts continue to drop this badly, I'm going to be in trouble.. Hanging In, all we can do, one day at a time.. You take care! Hugs, Sheena My best to you..SHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxomsn> wrote: Sheena, my gastro hasn't treated a single side for me. My pcp, however, is keeping me on my feet. He's even checked my ferratin levels to see if he can give me some iron for the anemia. He's been sooo good and he usually does not like to give out prescripts either. If you have a regular doc, at least he can go over your labs with you and tell you what they

mean. Sharon Give spam the boot. Take control with tough spam protectionin the all-new Beta. Jackie

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I don't think they will if I tell them I have a doc on record. I think they'd send me to him.


In a message dated 6/7/2007 2:43:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, Hepatitis C writes:

I'm gonna call the doc tomorrow and see if the number Donna gave me will speed things up any. In the meantime, I've added back all but one of the pills. I don't want to fail a second time.Sharon

that's the spirit!! good girl. Just remember once you get the procrit, you'll start to feel like the one who is the bride. Will they give it to you in the ER?


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well if you go to the ER and you need procrit and its that low, I think they will transfuse you with packed red cells if they dont give you the procrit ,,, just my thinking tho,, I could be way off base here,, but you need something to help with your hemoglobin and RBC's... you will feel so much better after you get those numbers up too!SHARON CROSBY <csharonxoxo@...> wrote: I

don't think they will if I tell them I have a doc on record. I think they'd send me to him. Sharon In a message dated 6/7/2007 2:43:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, Hepatitis C

writes: I'm gonna call the doc tomorrow and see if the number Donna gave me will speed things up any. In the meantime, I've added back all but one of the pills. I don't want to fail a second time.Sharon that's the spirit!! good girl. Just remember once you get the procrit, you'll start to feel like the one who is the bride. Will they give it to you in the ER? amy See what's free at AOL.com. Jackie

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  • 1 month later...
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I am so sorry to hear your Dad is ill. You must be besides yourself. I

hope that he can beat this cancer without it taking too much of a toll

on him as you have told us how his scoliosis and it's complications has

already taken alot out of him.

Please know I am are sending you good thoughts.

Take Care,

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Thanks, Cam. I am quite concerned. Not sure how much I told you folks, but the doctors decided to treat his kidney cancer with "watchful waiting". My mom takes it to mean they think the surgery would be too dangerous for him in his current condition, but I think they are also factoring in the effect of removing a kidney and weighing it against the immediate risk from the cancer. A delicate art to be sure. Getting old does indeed suck. Eventually the options run out.

But I'm hopeful he'll at least make it to their 50th wedding anniversary in Nov. I've got to get going planning the party!


[ ] Re:Sharon

Sharon,I am so sorry to hear your Dad is ill. You must be besides yourself. I hope that he can beat this cancer without it taking too much of a toll on him as you have told us how his scoliosis and it's complications has already taken alot out of him.Please know I am are sending you good thoughts.Take Care,

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Dear Sharon,

I'm so sorry about your Dad's cancer. I know with my Mom's breast cancer she and my Dad had to weigh if the treatment, namely chemo and Steriods would cause more harm due to complications than the possiblities it would help, in someone with many medical problems like my Mom. They opted to pass on the Chemo and Steriods, tried an easier treatment, unfortunately that too didn't work out. So now for her it's a process of hoping the mastectomy got it all, and living her life, even if it's shortened by the cancer. The treatment shouldn't be worse to their quality of life than the disease, and in Mom's case, chemo would have left some permanent side effects that would have made her quality of life greatly diminished and she wasn't willing to live like that. I say bravo to making choices for yourself, even if they are tough ones.

Since your Dad has made it to their Anniversary year, I say have the party before that Nov date, while he's still doing relatively well. We did this with my Grandparents and everyone understood since Papa was not in good shape and we wanted him to enjoy the party, and did it during the summer when everyone had more of a chance to travel to get there. Fortunately we had him with us for a couple more years, but he was very homebound those last years due to his heart.

I hold your family in my thoughts and prayers, a really tough time.

[ ] Re:Sharon

Sharon,I am so sorry to hear your Dad is ill. You must be besides yourself. I hope that he can beat this cancer without it taking too much of a toll on him as you have told us how his scoliosis and it's complications has already taken alot out of him.Please know I am are sending you good thoughts.Take Care,

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Oh, I do hope you are able to plan for a great celebration for your Mom

and Dad this fall. I be it will lift your Dads spirits...and that is

bound to help his immune system.

Please keep us posted.

Sending good thoughts your way.

Take Care,


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