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In a message dated 9/1/99 2:41:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

sestridg@... writes:

<< I am switching NSAIDS from Naproxen to Vioxx. Has anyone had any

positive and/or negative experiences with Vioxx? >>

Hello Sue,

Dr. gave me some Vioxx samples on Friday and on Sunday I awoke with a

brightness and a tad more energy than I've had in months. Don't know if it's

a coincidence or because of prayer. I believe in prayer and what medicine

can't do, God can. The flare in my neck subsided also, which had been raging

for 2 weeks or more. I have a 10 day supply so when I run out I'll know.

I was pretty thrilled until I just read the post about the study in Germany

or somewhere where it is causing problems in the eyes. Glaucoma. I don't

need that considering I'm having eye surgery on the 13th for UV damage on the


Let us know how it works with you.


RA 26 years, Fibro, AP 19 months

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I am considering taking VIOXX but since I have had a reaction (hives and

shortness of breath) to NSAID's in the past, my dr suggested that if I try

VIOXX, I sit in my allergist/immunologist office for the day and try it

there. Has anyone with allergies to NSAID's taken VIOXX and, if so, any


Carol E from NY

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I just started trying Vioxx samples yesterday, despite my previous

problems with other nsaids and Celebrex, as I am flaring and the only other

alternative right now seems to be to go back up on the pred dose. I believe

I can see a difference in inflammation already in my worst joint, and am

hoping that it will not cause another weird reaction like Celebrex did when

I tried it.

I posted the article about cox-2 inhibitors and glaucoma because I think

it is an important heads-up to get your eyes checked if you are on it, but

let's keep it in perspective and remember that prednisone can cause glaucoma

too, along with other nasty side-effects, and that if inhibiting cox-2

causes glaucoma, that means that all the nsaids will carry some risk of this

as they inhibit both cox-1 and cox-2. None of the treatments for arthritis

are without risk, even our antibiotics. It is just important to look at the

relative risks, and risk-to-benefits of the different treatments. We need

to know the risks of the drugs we are on so that we can be careful to give

our docs a nudge if they forget to monitor risk factors. IMHO, it need not

necessarily be a discouragement to seeking a certain treatment. If we read

the PDR or other info on all the drugs we consider, and just assume we will

get all the nasty side effects, we would get a very skewed picture of what

our experiences would be. It's all relative, guys. Educate yourselves, but

don't allow it to scare you, just use it to make wise choices.

That is why we ended up in this group, anyway, Eh!? Choosing between

relative risks and benefits. If you look at the current opinions on

prolonged antibiotic use, the possible effects of tetracyclines on the liver

and kidneys, creation of resistant strains of organisms, etc., and took it

all at face value without weighing the hope for a relatively safe means of

achieving remission, and (I'm sure we are all wishing) a possible cure,

then you probably wouldn't try antibiotics either. And look at how much

they have helped so many of us! I am not pleased with what is happening to

my joints right now, but I am indisputably much better off in many other

ways than before I tried the AP. I believe my progression would have been

much worse without them, and I have never had such prolonged relief from

chronic fatigue and sleep disorder in my life, and relief from morning

stiffness, like I have had with tetracyclines.

So hang in there and don't let the negatives get you down. It is not a

good thing, IMHO, to bury your head in the sand and only listen to the

positives, and count on your doctor to keep track of the risks. Take good

care of yourselves! Liz G

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Dear Liz,

I'm glad the Vioxx is working for you. Your analysis sounds right on target

to me! I had the same thoughts re: eyes and regular NSAIDS, too. It is all a

cost benefit analysis. The antibiotics are not without their problems

either. We have to take calculated risks to deal with this disease, and meds

are meds, though some are worse than others. But then, some symptoms, some

times in the course of our disease, are worse than others too. So, if we

want to stay on top of things, we adjust--emotionally and medically.

I think we all need to alert each other to possible problems, but we also

have to support each other in the intelligent and individual choices each of

us makes.I hope you continue to do well with the Vioxx.

Warm regards,

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  • 2 months later...


I would be prepared for a wheelchair. My last trip to Las Vegas, my husband

said we will never travel without one again. I really slowed down the group

and was miserable. If I would have had a wheelchair, it may have been

embarrasing, but at least I would be able to enjoy myself better. I'm only

35, so this is huge to me. I was depressed for a long time. But, our next

trip, I'm hoping to be able to enjoy it more.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi :

What is your dosage for the VIOXX?


rheumatic VIOXX

>From: M Carroll <LCARROLL@...>


>HI Bev, Lea, Gloria ,and Lisbeth, and all....


>Things are still better than wonderful with the VIOXX. I am now down to 4

>mg of pred and a have had a very successful transition.


>I am NORMAL at this point and increasing gym time , social time, shopping

>time ,and happy time!!!


>Right now I don't even have a limp!


>Yesterday my purse was stolen at work with everything gone...checks, credit

>cards, insurance cards, car keys, phone numbers and it didn't even bother

>me. Funny, how when you feel good the other stressors are put on the back

>burner. And another winter storm is moving in ( a small one ) and the

>weather hasn't even affected me.


>I can't believe that this MOnday I was to have an arthroscopy done on my

>knee to remove the joint lining and now I am using weights with that knee

>and walking close to normally on it. Just getting out of the car using one

>leg instead of having to turn and use to is a miracle. Thanks to Dr.

>Franco I didn't do the surgery.


>This has all happened since starting the VIOXX. When I am down to the 3. 5

>doseage of the pred I will know if it is the Vioxx working these miracles.


>I will be cutting the prednisone to 3.5 next week and will keep you



>Judy L , soon as I slow down I will fill you in!





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Mine is 25mg per day.

I think that is the max dose for daily use for arthritis.

I have the pamphlet somewhere.


Ottawa, Canada

Scleroderma, Jan.95, AP Oct.97

(My Story)http:// www3.sympatico.ca/mousepotatoes

rheumatic VIOXX



>>From: M Carroll <LCARROLL@...>


>>HI Bev, Lea, Gloria ,and Lisbeth, and all....


>>Things are still better than wonderful with the VIOXX. I am now down to 4

>>mg of pred and a have had a very successful transition.


>>I am NORMAL at this point and increasing gym time , social time, shopping

>>time ,and happy time!!!


>>Right now I don't even have a limp!


>>Yesterday my purse was stolen at work with everything gone...checks,


>>cards, insurance cards, car keys, phone numbers and it didn't even bother

>>me. Funny, how when you feel good the other stressors are put on the back

>>burner. And another winter storm is moving in ( a small one ) and the

>>weather hasn't even affected me.


>>I can't believe that this MOnday I was to have an arthroscopy done on my

>>knee to remove the joint lining and now I am using weights with that knee

>>and walking close to normally on it. Just getting out of the car using one

>>leg instead of having to turn and use to is a miracle. Thanks to Dr.

>>Franco I didn't do the surgery.


>>This has all happened since starting the VIOXX. When I am down to the 3. 5

>>doseage of the pred I will know if it is the Vioxx working these miracles.


>>I will be cutting the prednisone to 3.5 next week and will keep you



>>Judy L , soon as I slow down I will fill you in!





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and all,

Me too - I've been taking Vioxx for about 3 months now - have gone up from

12.5 mgs to 25 mgs daily - I've felt sooooo much better with it. I tried

foolishly to quit taking it for a week, and was soooo miserable, that I went

back on it and have stayed there.....My doctor is not too worried about

bleeding, but I do eventually want to get off it.....Ana RA/03-00


rheumatic Vioxx

> From: " Patten " <leslie@...>


> Yeah for Vioxx. I too have had a great experience with it. Tried


> and it just barely worked. On Vioxx, I'm almost normal, without vioxx,


> back to a mess. And no obvious side effects for now. Just hope that it

> doesn't peter out before the AP starts to kick in.


> leslie

> ReA 13 years AP Sept '99


> ---------------------------

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http://www.healthtouch.com/bin/medShow1.asp?fname=use0037.htm & title=Vioxx

Here's some info......looks pretty much the same as many other NSAIDS.


Ottawa, Canada

Scleroderma, Jan.95, AP Oct.97

(My Story) http://www3.sympatico.ca/mousepotatoes )

rheumatic Vioxx

>From: Gloria M Tate <missgloria@...>


>Does anyone know if Vioxx has dangerous side effects? It seems that some

>of you are getting good results from it. Am I right in saying that it is

>for inflammation and probably doesn't alter the disease process? Relafen

>and Daypro and many others stopped working for me and I am looking for

>some other anti inflammatory to replace them. I am currently taking

>Aleve along with my Doryx.

>Thank you,



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  • 2 weeks later...

oops, hit the enter......

, I've been on vioxx for quite a while, the one dose a day is great,

compared to the four indocin a day, which tore up my tummy and made me spacey.

I have no noticable side effects, much better for my stomach, fair to good

relief of pain, but don't miss a dose, very bad! I've been on mtx for 10 years

or more, lost track of exactly how long. Minimum dose seem to work best for

me, but that's a longer story. No water retention for me, although I've had a

problem keeping weight on all my life. Although most people wish this was their

problem, if I miss a meal I get quite messed up. The flu or a strong cold will

put me down enough it takes weeks to gain back. Eating like a starving coyote

all the time helps, but I need to watch my colesterol(sp?).

Gillian, love your posts, I've had visible p since 10, thru all my teen years

and dating, etc. Never once did I feel less than a man. When I discovered what

my pa was, again it did not threaten my " manhood " . It was more traumatic when I

began " male pattern baldness " 10 years ago. THIS IS SERIOUS! After a brief

mourning period for my hair, I moved forward again. One advantage is now when I

buy a bottle of wine, they don't check my ID anymore. The insecure thoughts of

losing your manhood, or being less of a person, or the " Why me " state of mind

were there before the p or pa.

Thank you all for your posts,


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

Great to hear that you are feeling good and able to do so much. I started vioxx after reading one of your post. It has helped me come done on Medrol (steroids). I take 25mgs vioxx before going to bed around 11:30. I also take my medrol at 4:00am. This has helped me so much that I no longer dread getting up in the morning.

My platelet count is also in the 500's and my sed rate and c-reactive protein are way up.

I have been on steroids for about 2 years and I think that is when my platelet count started going up.

How long have you been off the pred? Maybe it takes a while for all the pred to leave your body and maybe in time, your platelet count will go down.

Pat / Pennsylvania

Re: rheumatic celebrex???>From: <briarwood@...> Pat, Even better you are>lowering your steroids. Bev Hi Bev, As time went by it seem like it>stopped working. I take mine around 11 or 12 at night. I used to wake>up in so much pain and be so depressed, I just didn't want to live like>that anymore. Vioxx has worked the best for me. Pat / Pennsylvania > > >> > >> Attachment Converted: "C:\Program Files\Internet>Toolkit\download\CwindowsTEMPnsmailUC.gif" Attachment Converted:>"C:\Program Files\Internet Toolkit\download\CwindowsTEMPnsmailNC.gif"

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  • 3 weeks later...
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That answers your question. It is the Vioxx. I wonder if you have to

take it forever to get those results. I am glad it works for you, .

It has given you your life back.

One question, , when you were flaring was it worse than pre Vioxx and

how many did you miss? It must be powerful.



> Hi Bev and GLoria ( and a couple others who shared this question)


> As you know I started taking Vioxx and estrogen at the same time and had

> wonderful results. We all wondered which was doing the most good and now I

> know.


> I woke up this morning in a horrible flare and was very scared as I could

> hardly move. Even my jaw was hurting. I went to work and tried not to move

> all day everything hurt so badly.


> I got home and went to take my night meds and I noticed that the Vioxx

> wasn't in my pill container for the week. I counted my new prescription


> sure enough I had not taken it last night.


> I took it this afternoon and now three hours later I am doing great.


> Won't make that mistake again...that drug is like a miracle for me.


> leslie



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I overheard the pharmacist comment that Vioxx was more on the pain side than

the anti inflammatory. Meaning it give more pain relief than say Celebrex.

I found it worked in about 2 or 3 days but it was never very strong at the

dose I took which was one pill a day. It seems to be popular for mentral



Ottawa, Canada

Scleroderma, Jan.95, AP Oct.97

(My Story) http://www3.sympatico.ca/mousepotatoes )

Re: rheumatic vioxx


>That answers your question. It is the Vioxx. I wonder if you have to

>take it forever to get those results. I am glad it works for you, .

>It has given you your life back.

>One question, , when you were flaring was it worse than pre Vioxx and

>how many did you miss? It must be powerful.








>> Hi Bev and GLoria ( and a couple others who shared this question)


>> As you know I started taking Vioxx and estrogen at the same time and had

>> wonderful results. We all wondered which was doing the most good and now


>> know.


>> I woke up this morning in a horrible flare and was very scared as I could

>> hardly move. Even my jaw was hurting. I went to work and tried not to


>> all day everything hurt so badly.


>> I got home and went to take my night meds and I noticed that the Vioxx

>> wasn't in my pill container for the week. I counted my new prescription


>> sure enough I had not taken it last night.


>> I took it this afternoon and now three hours later I am doing great.


>> Won't make that mistake again...that drug is like a miracle for me.


>> leslie



>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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>> reservations. Enjoy a compact car nationwide for only $29 a day!

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>> 1/3011/0/_/532797/_/956014388/

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You don't take it anymore? Did you have side effects?


> I overheard the pharmacist comment that Vioxx was more on the pain side


> the anti inflammatory. Meaning it give more pain relief than say



> I found it worked in about 2 or 3 days but it was never very strong at the

> dose I took which was one pill a day. It seems to be popular for mentral

> pain.


> Donna

> Ottawa, Canada

> Scleroderma, Jan.95, AP Oct.97

> (My Story) http://www3.sympatico.ca/mousepotatoes )

> Re: rheumatic vioxx



> >,

> >That answers your question. It is the Vioxx. I wonder if you have to

> >take it forever to get those results. I am glad it works for you,


> >It has given you your life back.

> >One question, , when you were flaring was it worse than pre Vioxx


> >how many did you miss? It must be powerful.

> >

> >Hugs

> >Bev

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >> Hi Bev and GLoria ( and a couple others who shared this question)

> >>

> >> As you know I started taking Vioxx and estrogen at the same time and


> >> wonderful results. We all wondered which was doing the most good and


> I

> >> know.

> >>

> >> I woke up this morning in a horrible flare and was very scared as I


> >> hardly move. Even my jaw was hurting. I went to work and tried not to

> move

> >> all day everything hurt so badly.

> >>

> >> I got home and went to take my night meds and I noticed that the Vioxx

> >> wasn't in my pill container for the week. I counted my new prescription

> >and

> >> sure enough I had not taken it last night.

> >>

> >> I took it this afternoon and now three hours later I am doing great.

> >>

> >> Won't make that mistake again...that drug is like a miracle for me.

> >>

> >> leslie

> >>

> >>


>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> >> reservations. Enjoy a compact car nationwide for only $29 a day!

> >> Click here for more details.

> >> 1/3011/0/_/532797/_/956014388/


>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni

> >already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll

> >find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:

> >1/3139/0/_/532797/_/956015014/

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> >

> >



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>Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 21:32:01 -0400

>Donna and Ray <mousepotatoes@...>

>From: " M. Carroll " <LCARROLL@...>

>Subject: Re: rheumatic vioxx



>I would have thought this too but it has completely relieved my three

trigger fingers and I know that was caused by inflammation.


>I only take one dose a day. It seems to either work really well for some

or not good at all for others. A friend of mine got a script yesterday for

a bad knee and she wrote that today she was bounding up the stairs. This is

how it was for me...overnight relief. I just hope it lasts.







>At 08:36 PM 4/17/00 -0400, you wrote:

>>I overheard the pharmacist comment that Vioxx was more on the pain side than

>>the anti inflammatory. Meaning it give more pain relief than say Celebrex.


>>I found it worked in about 2 or 3 days but it was never very strong at the

>>dose I took which was one pill a day. It seems to be popular for mentral




>>Ottawa, Canada

>>Scleroderma, Jan.95, AP Oct.97

>>(My Story) http://www3.sympatico.ca/mousepotatoes )

>> Re: rheumatic vioxx




>>>That answers your question. It is the Vioxx. I wonder if you have to

>>>take it forever to get those results. I am glad it works for you, .

>>>It has given you your life back.

>>>One question, , when you were flaring was it worse than pre Vioxx and

>>>how many did you miss? It must be powerful.








>>>> Hi Bev and GLoria ( and a couple others who shared this question)


>>>> As you know I started taking Vioxx and estrogen at the same time and had

>>>> wonderful results. We all wondered which was doing the most good and now


>>>> know.


>>>> I woke up this morning in a horrible flare and was very scared as I could

>>>> hardly move. Even my jaw was hurting. I went to work and tried not to


>>>> all day everything hurt so badly.


>>>> I got home and went to take my night meds and I noticed that the Vioxx

>>>> wasn't in my pill container for the week. I counted my new prescription


>>>> sure enough I had not taken it last night.


>>>> I took it this afternoon and now three hours later I am doing great.


>>>> Won't make that mistake again...that drug is like a miracle for me.


>>>> leslie



>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

>>>> Avoid the lines and visit avis.com for quick and easy online

>>>> reservations. Enjoy a compact car nationwide for only $29 a day!

>>>> Click here for more details.

>>>> 1/3011/0/_/532797/_/956014388/

>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------






>>>Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni

>>>already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll

>>>find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:









>>Avoid the lines and visit avis.com for quick and easy online

>>reservations. Enjoy a compact car nationwide for only $29 a day!

>>Click here for more details.






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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

US Regulators Likely to Scrutinize Vioxx Adverse


By Ransdell Pierson

NEW YORK, May 01 (Reuters) - Merck & Co.'s

arthritis drug Vioxx, taken by

more than 6 million Americans since its 1999

debut, is likely to face stepped up

scrutiny from US regulators because of the number

of patients who suffered strokes

and heart attacks after taking the medicine in new

clinical trials, analysts said.

" The heart attacks and strokes could be a serious

concern for the [uS] Food and

Drug Administration, and could delay or derail

Merck's plans to market Vioxx for

rheumatoid arthritis, " said Saks, manager of

Gruntal & Co's Medical

Sciences Fund.

The FDA in recent months has shown far more

concern over safety of drugs already

on the market and those awaiting approval,

following the recall of several medicines

linked to deaths and serious side effects.

Vioxx is one of the fastest selling new drugs in

the world. It was approved last May

by the FDA for the treatment of acute pain and

osteoarthritis — the most common

form of arthritis, caused by normal wear and tear

of joints and afflicting 21 million

Americans. Some analysts expect sales of Vioxx,

which were worth $472 million

last year, to swell to $2 billion or more by 2002.

The nation's largest US drug maker has said that

it plans soon to ask the FDA to

widen the approved use of Vioxx to include

rheumatoid arthritis, the crippling

hereditary form of arthritis afflicting 2.1

million Americans.

In late March, Merck said in a statement that

preliminary data from a study of 8,000

rheumatoid arthritis patients showed that those

taking Vioxx suffered from far fewer

ulcers and other gastrointestinal side effects

than those who took a popular older

arthritis drug, naproxen.

But Merck said that patients using naproxen — a

generic painkiller made by many

companies — had significantly fewer heart attacks

and strokes than the Vioxx

group. Merck has attributed that negative finding

for Vioxx to naproxen's ability to

prevent platelets from sticking together. That

study did not include a placebo


Some analysts, though, are less than convinced by

Merck's explanation.

" This whole situation about heart attacks and

strokes adds an element of risk to

Vioxx that most people are not looking at. It's

not on most people's radar screens,

but it should be, " said Corso, a

Boston-based drug analyst for Dutch bank


Gruntal's Saks, who had previously forecast Vioxx

could achieve annual sales of $2

billion by 2002, including between $200 million

and $300 million for rheumatoid

arthritis if it wins that approval, said FDA

scrutiny could threaten those sales


" The rheumatoid arthritis indication would be

icing on the cake. The larger question

is how this issue (of heart attacks and strokes)

might affect the whole cake, " Saks

said, referring to the drug's total sales.

FDA spokesperson Cruzan told Reuters that

she could not comment on how

closely her agency might scrutinize Merck's

rheumatoid arthritis marketing

application and the related heart attack and

stroke data. " It's too early to comment

about that. We will review the study and the

results for both drugs, " Cruzan said,

referring to comparisons between Vioxx and


Meanwhile, Cruzan said that the FDA continues to

believe that Vioxx is " effective

and adequately safe " for its labeled uses.

The FDA has overseen a spate of drug recalls in

the past 3 years, nudging

companies to voluntarily withdraw their medicines

after side effects rarely seen in

clinical trials became apparent once the drugs hit

the market and were taken by

millions of people.

On Wednesday, Merck spokeswomen Jan Weiner told

Reuters that the lower rate

of heart attacks and strokes in the naproxen

group, compared to Vioxx, was a

" statistically significant " finding — a scientific

term meaning it was a clear trend. But

Weiner said that there was no evidence that Vioxx

had actually put patients at higher

risk of such adverse events. Instead, she said

that it was likely that naproxen had

conferred protection to patients taking that drug.

" Naproxen blocks platelet aggregation, it keeps

them from clumping together. That's

in the literature, " Weiner said, referring to

previous medical studies.

ABN Amro's Corso said he was not reassured by

Merck's suggestion that

naproxen conferred protection against heart

attacks and strokes. " Medical

authorities I've spoken to don't see any special

reduction of such cardiovascular

events in people taking naproxen, " Corso said.

" This could conceivably delay

approval of Vioxx for rheumatoid arthritis. The

FDA could ask for another trial to

see if the results were a fluke or to add more

validity to the findings, " he said.

Sjlane99@... wrote:


> Do people actually believe the claims drug companies make about something

> being " safe " --it basically means 'until proven otherwise' and that takes an

> act of god.



> >

> > Vioxx is safe claims Merck


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Hi! I take vioxx every day and it seems to have helped me more than the

others I've tried. I've taken daypro, relafen, lodine, and celebrex. The

thing about the heart attacks I think is that it doesn't help prevent them

like other aspirin products, not that it causes them. I think that's why the

statistics show a higher incidence of people taking it have heart problems.

Anyway, that's my understanding so if anybody has any different info please

jump in and let us know. You may not notice a difference by skipping one

pill. Also, when I was going through a severe flare my dr. said I could take

one morning and evening instead of just one a day. I did that for a few days

and it helped. I hope you get to go on the AP soon... T.

fady assaad wrote:

> Dear Group,

> Is anyone out there getting any relief from Vioxx????I actually forgot

> it today and didn't notice the difference!!!!! I am debating going back

> to Novo Diffenac but am afraid for my stomach. Also I read that it may

> cause heart attacks.......thanks doc.....!

> I have just joined this group and am still not on the protocol but got

> one step closer today when my GP took the whole mess home with her to

> study....I would have never had the courage to ask without this

> group.(especially MADO, DONNA, HEATHER, KATHRYN)

> Can't thank you enough!!!

> Lee-Anne


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Welcome to the group......

as for the Vioxx....it worked at about a 50% rate compared to others and in

2 months I ended up with edema (swelling) of the hands and feet and had to

quit taking it.


rheumatic Vioxx

>Dear Group,

>Is anyone out there getting any relief from Vioxx????I actually forgot

>it today and didn't notice the difference!!!!! I am debating going back

>to Novo Diffenac but am afraid for my stomach. Also I read that it may

>cause heart attacks.......thanks doc.....!

>I have just joined this group and am still not on the protocol but got

>one step closer today when my GP took the whole mess home with her to

>study....I would have never had the courage to ask without this

>group.(especially MADO, DONNA, HEATHER, KATHRYN)

>Can't thank you enough!!!





>Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:




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Donna and Ray wrote:


> Welcome to the group......


> as for the Vioxx....it worked at about a 50% rate compared to others and in

> 2 months I ended up with edema (swelling) of the hands and feet and had to

> quit taking it.

I take Vioxx and it works about 50% *BETTER* than the others! Just shows

how different all our bodies are in response to the same drug!



ph A. Graff

Director of Digital Prepress

Graphic Communications, Inc.

(301) 599-2020

" Don't teach me to fix what needs

to be broke " - P. Westerberg, 1993.

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At 11:42 AM 5/17/00 -0400, you wrote:

Vioxx has been a MIRACLE for me!




>Donna and Ray wrote:


>> Welcome to the group......


>> as for the Vioxx....it worked at about a 50% rate compared to others and in

>> 2 months I ended up with edema (swelling) of the hands and feet and had to

>> quit taking it.


>I take Vioxx and it works about 50% *BETTER* than the others! Just shows

>how different all our bodies are in response to the same drug!






>ph A. Graff

>Director of Digital Prepress

>Graphic Communications, Inc.

>(301) 599-2020

> " Don't teach me to fix what needs

> to be broke " - P. Westerberg, 1993.



>Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry





>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

So what is Vioxx, an NSAID? I've been on Voltaren and would like to try

something else to help me get off prednisone, but don't know what. Anyone

tried prednilosone?

L in MI

<< Hi ,

I have not really been diagnosed, but the doctor said it could be RA. It

all started with a tetanus shot in August of 1997. Fluid keeps building up

in my knees and my body gets so inflammed.

I had the linning taken out off both knees. I don't have to have them

drained as often as before. I can wait now for about 5 months, I use to be

have them drained every week. My sed rate and C-Reactive rate were up so

high my doctor put me on 40mgs of medrol (a steroid). He wanted to put me

on methotrexate but I said no I didn't want to take it.

I got down to 12mgs of the medrol and couldn't get down anymore. I started

taking Vioxx a few months ago and it has helped me to come down more on the

medrol. I am now down to 6 mgs and going to stay at 6mgs for a little

while, and then go lower.

I have learned from this great group that you have to cut down SOooooooo

slow when you get down to the lower mgs.

Have you tried Vioxx, if so has it helped you? I first took Celebrex but it

did not work that good. Aleve worked better. I tried the Vioxx after

reading posts from the group, saying how much it helped them.

I know I would not have been able to get down to 6mgs if it weren't for the


If I can help to answer anymore questions, please let me know.



Biaxin-Tues. & Thurs.

Vioxx, supplements &

Darvocet during flares >>

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on 7/26/00 9:26 PM, Sjlane99@... at Sjlane99@... wrote:

> So what is Vioxx, an NSAID? I've been on Voltaren and would like to try

> something else to help me get off prednisone, but don't know what. Anyone

> tried prednilosone?

> L in MI



Vioxx is one of the new COX-2 inhibitors, NSAIDs which are not as hard on

the GI system. Many with RA have had good pain and inflammation relief with

Vioxx. A lot of folks on the list like it better than Celebrex, the other

COX-2 inhibitor, but a recent study found the overall response to the two to

be about equal. (Actually, Mobic is a third COX-2 inhibitor recently

released in the US, it has been around in Europe for a couple of years or

more, but I haven't heard of anyone in the US using it.)

I don't know if another corticosteriod would have any less troublesome side

effects than prednisone.

Vioxx or Celebrex would be something to try. You shouldn't take Celebrex if

you are allergic to certain sulfa drugs.


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Hi :

Vioxx is an NSAID -- one of the new ones that only works on the COX -2

whereas others like ibuprofen work on both COX -1 and COX - 2. The COX - 2

is associated with inflamation and COX - 1 is not very much and apparently

is needed by your kidneys . So not affecting COX - 1 is a good thing.

Celebrex is also a COX -2 inhibitor. I have tried both and like Vioxx

better. It may help you to cut down the pred - worth a try,


Re: rheumatic Vioxx

> So what is Vioxx, an NSAID? I've been on Voltaren and would like to try

> something else to help me get off prednisone, but don't know what. Anyone

> tried prednilosone?

> L in MI


> << Hi ,


> I have not really been diagnosed, but the doctor said it could be RA. It

> all started with a tetanus shot in August of 1997. Fluid keeps building


> in my knees and my body gets so inflammed.


> I had the linning taken out off both knees. I don't have to have them

> drained as often as before. I can wait now for about 5 months, I use to


> have them drained every week. My sed rate and C-Reactive rate were up so

> high my doctor put me on 40mgs of medrol (a steroid). He wanted to put


> on methotrexate but I said no I didn't want to take it.

> I got down to 12mgs of the medrol and couldn't get down anymore. I


> taking Vioxx a few months ago and it has helped me to come down more on


> medrol. I am now down to 6 mgs and going to stay at 6mgs for a little

> while, and then go lower.

> I have learned from this great group that you have to cut down SOooooooo

> slow when you get down to the lower mgs.


> Have you tried Vioxx, if so has it helped you? I first took Celebrex but


> did not work that good. Aleve worked better. I tried the Vioxx after

> reading posts from the group, saying how much it helped them.

> I know I would not have been able to get down to 6mgs if it weren't for


> Vioxx.


> If I can help to answer anymore questions, please let me know.


> Pat/Pennsylvania


> Mino-MWF

> Biaxin-Tues. & Thurs.

> Vioxx, supplements &

> Darvocet during flares >>


> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups



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I have been on celebrex,vioxx, and mobic.

Vioxx worked the best for me for a while but it doesnt work any more for me

in the pain department. I found mobic and celebrex didnt work at all.

I always refused prednisone because of all the short and long term problems

with it.


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In a message dated 07/26/2000 7:49:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

elbows@... writes:

<< Actually, Mobic is a third COX-2 inhibitor recently

released in the US, it has been around in Europe for a couple of years or

more, but I haven't heard of anyone in the US using it. >>

My Ma is getting dentures next month and was given a script of this to keep

her gums from swelling and for pain when they pull all those teeth. I think

she should ask for some vicoden myself.

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