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Thank you for al the information. My husband told my doctor off, when we went

in, half our meds weren't listed in our files no more and when we first went in

I had typed out both hubby and I's meds. He said he had to let a nurse go and he

was finding more and more things that she had done, don't know why. We told him

if he didn't feel like he could treat us and be in tune to our needs and what is

wrong then we would be going else where. He ask for us to bare with him. WELL,

hubby had blood work done that day and to this day they have not bothered to

call and give the results. Sigh! I ran the Fibro doctor search on the website

you gave me and the closest one to me is Tulsa....if she is good and will and

can help, I reckon it will be worth the drive if I go there.

Thank you so much.

Tommie wrote:

Hi ,

You're welcome :) Opoids are Oxycontin, Percocet, Morphine, Duragesic Patches.

Things like that. Xanax is a good drug. Some docs don't like using it, others

don't mind. My docs never cared, but then I got a new doc and even my pain mgmt

doc doesn't like them, but my Psychiatrist does and she freely gives them to me.

I've been on them 12 yrs now. And they really help me. I took Prozac when it

first hit the market in 1990. I took it for weight loss though. It sure worked

for that back then. But I wasn't depressed, so maybe that is why it worked. It

was sure the " happy pill " as they call it now. I haven't taken it since then. I

take Cymbalta for depression now. It's a really good antidepressant. Hopefully

your doc will keep you on what you are use to since they work.

When I had IBS problems, cramping, spasming and diarrhea, I took Levsin. It's a

sublingual med. You put it under your tongue, this is what sublingual means. It

sure helped. I haven't had to take that in years either since being on the

opoids. If you get on them, I hope they help you the same way they did me. IBS

with diarrhea really gets annoying, I hated it too.

As far as a FM Doc, have you tried searching here: www.pain.com You can search

for pain clinics on that site, or http://fmcfsme.d-3systems.com/ look to the

left of the page, scroll down some and click on " doctor search " . This is a

really great site with lots of wonderful information. Check it out! A friend of

ours right here owns the site. Misty is her name. Let me know how it goes.

I hope you had a good weekend with your company. Talk to you when you recover,

which I hope isn't too long. But take care of you first.



Re: FMS Poll?

Tommie wrote: Hi Everyone!

I wanted to do a poll, but it's a multi-question poll and I couldn't figure out

through the fibro fog how to post it using the group software. And I didn't want

to do 6 polls. So, I'll roll it all into one and just do it here and hope I get

many responses.

Anyway, I'd like to know:

1. How long everyone has had FMS?

I was diagnosed about 6 years ago and I know it has been in my body way before


2. Has the pain progressively gotten worse over the years.

Yes, for sure.

3. Do you have a lot of leg problems with it FMS.

Yes, I do. It is hard to walk very far and when I walk my hips and legs go numb.

4. Has your mobility been affected due to the pain and weakness in your legs?


5. Do your legs hurt more than any other place in your body? Constantly, on a

daily basis? I hurt all over like I have the flu.

6. And then when you have flares and the pain is very severe, does the entire

body hurt then? Or do you just have certain area's that are affected during a

severe flare?

My legs hurt, chest, arms, shoulders and a terrible headache. I also have IBS

and when the flare ups come it acts up too. I also get depressed.

We have just recently moved and I no longer have the security and understanding

of a good doctor. am trying hard to fix this.


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Hi ,

Goodness! I'm sorry you are having such a hard time with docs. I agree, if the

one in Tulsa is a good one, it will be worth the drive. But, you can get a

regular Pain Management doc, perhaps in your own town? And have your doc to

refer you to one. I can't remember what City you are in, but go to www.pain.com

scroll down a bit and on the right side of the page you can do a search for Pain

Clinics in any State. See what you can find here. Most all of them require a

referral from a PCP. Good Luck!! I hope you can find what you need to help you.





Thank you for al the information. My husband told my doctor off, when we went

in, half our meds weren't listed in our files no more and when we first went in

I had typed out both hubby and I's meds. He said he had to let a nurse go and he

was finding more and more things that she had done, don't know why. We told him

if he didn't feel like he could treat us and be in tune to our needs and what is

wrong then we would be going else where. He ask for us to bare with him. WELL,

hubby had blood work done that day and to this day they have not bothered to

call and give the results. Sigh! I ran the Fibro doctor search on the website

you gave me and the closest one to me is Tulsa....if she is good and will and

can help, I reckon it will be worth the drive if I go there.

Thank you so much.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi ,

This is just such a hard time for everyone in the family, when a loved one is in

this state at to this point in life. My own reasoning for the withdrawal of the

meds is that maybe she isn't going to get any better and the meds are just

prolonging a life that can't be any more than what it is right now and if she is

DNR, that makes total sense. I pray the Lord has mercy on her and the family and

doesn't allow the family to suffer any longer than truly warranted. His plan is

coming together I'm sure and they are keeping her comfortable I'm sure with pain

meds and such so she isn't suffering right now. God bless you all .

Hugs and continued prayers,


Binge Eating

I am so mad at myself and I can't stop. I have been binge eating. So, looks

like I have bombed out of not quitting smoking and blew my diet too.

Sadness and stress with my mother in law being at death's door. This hurts so

bad. She and I are so close. She is just like my Mom. Hospice is in now and

tonight we got the call that hospice took her off all her meds that her doctor

had her on. So she is off blood thinners now and she has a heart blockage.

How do I deal with this??????????????????????? I thought I was going to die

when I lost my dad and now that is hurting all over again too. I picked up my

crochet and couldn't even crochet, couldn't concentrate.

A mess I am!


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thank you so much .


** wrote:

Hi -

I am so sorry to hear of your loss- please know I m here for you and hope

things will settle down with you.

ou are also a special lady and your mother in laws memory will live on hun.

Please take care of you!!

On 24 Jun 2007 09:50:49 -0000, Hugs-N-Pain <

Hugs-N-Pain > wrote:


> This list is for people in pain to come together for support,to laugh,to

> cry ,to talk together.To share our Pain..


> Messages In This Digest (6 Messages) 1a. Re: This is so sad :(From: Tommie


> Re: This is so sad :(From: Sue Elvins 1c.

> Re: This is so sad :(From:

> starlyin@... 1d. Re: This is so sad :(From: kathi tupper 2a.

> Re: This is so sad :(/TommieFrom: Tommie 2b.

> Re: This is so sad :(/TommieFrom:

> starlyin@...

> View All Topics| Create

> New Topic

> Messages 1a. Re: This is so sad :(

> Posted

> by: " Tommie " tommie_jones@...


> seaofhope1 Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:09 am

> (PST) Hi ,


> I'm so sorry to hear of your loss :( I will pray for you and your family.

> Her memory lives on forever!


> I hope your pain eases up for you, really soon.


> take care, hugs!

> Tommie


> Re: This is so sad :(


> Hi Everyone,

> I'm still here too. We have been out of town and just got back, my

> husband's Mother died last Saturday and the funeral was Tuesday. I am just

> still in the numb stage and hurting. I have had to drive to Dallas twice in

> the past three weeks and a lot of stress and driving while I was there. She

> was a special lady to me. I miss her.

> I had so many emails when I logged on and there was one from a Rob and

> and it accidently got deleted :-( So, if you see this would you

> please resend? Thanks.

> I wish everyone a very low pain weekend.

> Hugs,



> Tommie >

> wrote:

> It seems we get a nice group of people and for some strange reason they

> are always ran off. I have seen this happen over and over again in this

> group. I don't know why. Without these folks this group is always pretty

> much dead. It's really sad because we've had some really great people ran

> off.


> I just wish it didn't have to happen this way.


> Just sending my thoughts.


> ~Tommie~



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The not knowing anything has got to be hell on earth.

So sorry this has happened to you and yours. I hope

something breaks soon or a phone call.

Hang strong. Prayers. ^o^


On the internet, no one knows you're a cat.



--- Lori wrote:

> Hi everyone there is still no news on the were

> abouts of my niece as soon as I hear something I

> will post it .....Lori


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



Lotacats >^.^<

Express Chronic Pain Awareness






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I will pray for your niece's safety and for her return home to the family. I am

so sorry about the hell you all have to endure. Many prayers will be said by


" Lotacatz>^.^ wrote:

The not knowing anything has got to be hell on earth.

So sorry this has happened to you and yours. I hope

something breaks soon or a phone call.

Hang strong. Prayers. ^o^


On the internet, no one knows you're a cat.



--- Lori wrote:

> Hi everyone there is still no news on the were

> abouts of my niece as soon as I hear something I

> will post it .....Lori


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



Lotacats >^.^<

Express Chronic Pain Awareness





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tools to get online.



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  • 6 months later...

Hi ,

Where does your friend live in Arkansas that has Fibro? I would sure like to

know who their doctor is, Mine is brain dead I think.

** wrote:

Hi ,

First of all let me say how sorry I am to hear about the loss of your

father on christmas no less. I cant imagine how hard it is and losses

at the holidays seem to hit us just as hard. Know he isnt suffering

anymore and he is looking over you sweetie. I wish you were closer

cause id give you a big hug.

As for meds I was also on the fentanyl at one time but i couldnt

tolerate them- they made me really sick. You said how they fall off

your skin...i believe if you call the manufacturer they have the

patches that cover them and can make them stick better. Ive heard alot

of ppl not being able to get em to stick and they called and got a

bunch of the coverings. I hope this helps

You take care of yourself sweetie and know y9our daddy is looking over you

ps where are you in arkansas??? a friend of mine lives there who has

fibro and her mom has rsd and they have a great dr.

> Hello All

> Posted by: " foggyheadedlady " ednjen@... foggyheadedlady

> Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:12 pm (PST)


> I found all the political interest interesting. I think we often keep

> up on current events simply because we are often immobile and the tv is

> often our companion. Anyway, I wanted to post and say my father

> passed away on christmas morning. In my heart I have to remember he

> suffered and never was out of his hosp. bed for 1 1/2 years. (His

> artifical hip had to be removed b/c infection). He was 89 and I miss

> him and still grieve. Now my mom of 87 expects the same amount of

> attention they had. We will be there when she needs us. Anyway, after

> it was all over, I literally came home and the pain, spasms,

> depression, etc. hit full force. Because of the drive I found a local

> dr. who took me but only gives me the fentynl patches 75m.g. Nothing

> for breaktrough pain (I was on Ms.Contin ER, plus 180 Hydrocodone 10's,

> muscle relaxers, etc. I got my rx yesterday and started crying at the

> thought of sticking that thing on me again. After the first day they

> irritate my skin, fall off, and I end up with scratches wherever I put

> it. I don't know what to do. My old pain management specialist was

> 100 each way, but he was well worth the drive. Any advice welcome.

> in Arkansas

To read these messages on the Hugs web site go to:


you can contact me privately at starlyin@...


Owner/ Moderator Hugs N Pain

God Bless our Troops

Please Pray for them

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  • 4 years later...
  • 3 months later...
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Mind ... the puppeteer

Churyl wrote:

>I had an epiphany this morning. Just as I cannot help but be who I am (my

energy levels, my personality with regard to being social, etc), THEY cannot

help who they are, either! Their choices to be social with me are choiceless. It

is like we are all puppets in a show. And I'm a puppet holding things against me

or other puppets. How unbelievably funny!




>> I can so relate to this... Thank you! This is my work too... :)



>> >

>> > mamaschool is the old co-op my son was in at pre-school. the same moms are

>> > involved in my son's kindergarten and i sometimes see them at drop off or

>> > pick up.

>> >






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I can't quite understand why Mind would have us believe we are separate. Or

believe in the illusion of Time. Any thoughts?

> Mind ... the puppeteer


> Churyl wrote:


> >I had an epiphany this morning. Just as I cannot help but be who I am (my

energy levels, my personality with regard to being social, etc), THEY cannot

help who they are, either! Their choices to be social with me are choiceless. It

is like we are all puppets in a show. And I'm a puppet holding things against me

or other puppets. How unbelievably funny!

> >

> >

> >

> >> I can so relate to this... Thank you! This is my work too... :)

> >>

> >>

> >> >

> >> > mamaschool is the old co-op my son was in at pre-school. the same moms


> >> > involved in my son's kindergarten and i sometimes see them at drop off or

> >> > pick up.

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

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I wish I knew. I live in separate delusion all day long.


> I can't quite understand why Mind would have us believe we are separate.

> Or believe in the illusion of Time. Any thoughts?




> > Mind ... the puppeteer

> >

> > Churyl wrote:

> >

> > >I had an epiphany this morning. Just as I cannot help but be who I am

> (my energy levels, my personality with regard to being social, etc), THEY

> cannot help who they are, either! Their choices to be social with me are

> choiceless. It is like we are all puppets in a show. And I'm a puppet

> holding things against me or other puppets. How unbelievably funny!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >> I can so relate to this... Thank you! This is my work too... :)

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> >

> > >> > mamaschool is the old co-op my son was in at pre-school. the same

> moms are

> > >> > involved in my son's kindergarten and i sometimes see them at drop

> off or

> > >> > pick up.

> > >> >

> > >>

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Description: Ossie_pen

From: Loving-what-is [mailto:Loving-what-is ] On

Behalf Of Churyl

Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 11:13 AM

To: Loving-what-is

Cc: Loving-what-is

Subject: Re: Re:

I can't quite understand why Mind would have us believe we are separate. Or

believe in the illusion of Time. Any thoughts?

This is when one’s spiritual path may be able addresses in its mythology, as I

don’t think religions do a good job … unless one is able to see past the


The best explanation is the use of freedom of choice. If you listen to ,

you can hear bits and pieces in story form why we believe we are separate when

she gets in to the metaphysics. However, in addressing your question, the best

way to explain is that

There is Mind. There is seemingly a part of mind that can choose to it

doesn’t need Mind and that it can do its own thang. Thus choosing to believe

what is not true and when it does, it suffers. Mind does nothing, it simply

is, however our experience is that there is movement, some form of realignment

taking place, a correction … I see it as an inertia to always go back Home, to

be centered, grounded, supported.

The story of the Prodigal Son is the best story to explain this and the answer

to the Adam and Eve story. And as you know, it’s something you experience


On May 22, 2012, at 9:40 AM, Ossie <ossiedreamson@...

<mailto:ossiedreamson%40aol.com> > wrote:

> Mind ... the puppeteer


> Churyl <churyl@... <mailto:churyl%40gmail.com> > wrote:


> >I had an epiphany this morning. Just as I cannot help but be who I am (my

energy levels, my personality with regard to being social, etc), THEY cannot

help who they are, either! Their choices to be social with me are choiceless. It

is like we are all puppets in a show. And I'm a puppet holding things against me

or other puppets. How unbelievably funny!

> >

> >On May 22, 2012, at 8:31 AM, " April B. " <amma1080@...

<mailto:amma1080%40gmail.com> > wrote:

> >

> >> I can so relate to this... Thank you! This is my work too... :)

> >>

> >>

> >> >

> >> > mamaschool is the old co-op my son was in at pre-school. the same moms


> >> > involved in my son's kindergarten and i sometimes see them at drop off or

> >> > pick up.

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

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