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  • 2 months later...
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mystibird wrote:

> Sorry for sending personal mail to the list but this seems to be the

> only way I can make contact. Your isp is rejecting all mail from any

> of my accounts through smtp (probably because they all go through my

> isp's smtp server that seems to be blocked) so it seems I cannot

> email you. I sent an email yesterday from web mail and I didn't get a

> mailer daemon response from that but I'm not sure if the mail reached

> you. Please let me know if you got that email and/or if there is some

> other way to contact you online until the isp issues are sorted out.

The only ones I have received from you, except for that one that my ISP

let through as your first response to the " My cat is dying " post, have

all been from your Yahoo address. If you sent another one from your

regular ISP's webmail, it never arrived. If you are referring to the

last one you sent from Yahoo, I did get it, but I have not replied yet.

I emailed my ISP to find out what their problem is, and I have not

received a reply yet. There is no reason they should be rejecting your

mail. Especially since the first one got through-- somehow, in a matter

of minutes, they decided to start rejecting your ISP's mail. I am

pretty pissed at my ISP about this, and I intend to call them and find

out what they are doing. If they are going to start punishing all

members of a given ISP for the actions of one other member, then why can

I still receive Yahoo email? Yahoo is the most abused email service

around (because it is so easy to get an anonymous account).

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Klein wrote:

> I emailed my ISP to find out what their problem is, and I have not

> received a reply yet. There is no reason they should be rejecting your

> mail. Especially since the first one got through-- somehow, in a matter

> of minutes, they decided to start rejecting your ISP's mail. I am

> pretty pissed at my ISP about this, and I intend to call them and find

> out what they are doing. If they are going to start punishing all

> members of a given ISP for the actions of one other member, then why can

> I still receive Yahoo email? Yahoo is the most abused email service

> around (because it is so easy to get an anonymous account).

That is pretty ridiculous. My isp (iinet) is one of Australia's largest

isps so by blocking iinet they would be blocking a good proportion of

Australian internet users.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Every person starts somewhere. At some imaginary line. A starting line?

Yeah but that line is uneven. Whether its the girl or boy born to the

plumber in Wisconsin or born to the welfare Mom in the projects in

Connecticut. We may strive toward toward the same goals? what we told

they are? Money? College? House? But some of us are farther back on the

line to begin with and the goals farther away.

We have to try harder and take more steps to reach there because before

birth we were further behind than the boy or girl born in Kennebunkport

or Richmond Virginia, son of a lawyer or baker with a pension and good

insurance plan, inheritance and money in the bank.

Add a disability the child doesn't understand, perhaps a learning

disbility that makes school almost unbearable, and social situations as

well. Lord forbid, lets add physical ailments to the equasion as well for

the individual. Ailing parents who lose their jobs.

Without food stamps this child will starve. Adversity makes this person


They are disgusted by people who say: " You are living off the backs of

US. " Because they didn't choose to live that way. If they didn't live in

low income housing, for one, housing that is adjusted with the rate of

their income, they'd be homeless. As poor as they are, they give to

charities. They clean up pollution , litter on their street. they care.

They try not to listen to high and mighty people who sound off with their

nose in their air: " I pay my taxes to feed you. "

Just where do people like that get that attitude? i pray they never know

adversity, even though it does make you stronger.

Hand-me-down clothing, shopping in thrift stores, depending on food

banks, and the kindness of strangers, teaching children the real value

of money, and how to help a neighbor and when they light up as they see

strangers help us sometimes reminds you of all the good in people.

Theyve also had to hear hear/experience people call us 'losers'...'living

off uncle sam, whats that mean, mom?' etc etc

personally i've never seen 16,000 in my life.



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> They try not to listen to high and mighty people who sound off with

> their nose in their air: " I pay my taxes to feed you. "

> Just where do people like that get that attitude? i pray they never

> know adversity, even though it does make you stronger.

Some it may *be* because they've been through adversity, it has made

them stronger (or at least has not killed them), and they think that

either everyone will survive and possibly be made stronger for it,

and/or that it is more virtuous in some way to go through certain

kinds of adversity rather than to take government money for certain

purposes, and/or that if people don't survive it or whatever that it's

just the way life is. Or something.

Personally I know there have been a lot of points of adversity in my

life that have changed me, and sometimes the changes are good changes,

but it doesn't mean that I would put someone through that

intentionally in order to change them in those ways, or that I would

fail to work against things that helped people not get into those

situations. Yeah, suffering can build character. It can also kill.

People of the various " sink or swim " mentalities often forget or

downplay that bit about killing. I've seen it kill. I've come

frighteningly close to that myself.

I don't forget the people I've known who've died, and I don't put the

fact that I've survived down to some special quality of grit or

perseverance I have because that's not how it happened. I'm no better

or worse than the people who died, and I'm no better or worse than the

people who have somehow avoided those situations altogether. And if

the government in some way does something to help keep people out of

the kind of poverty that can kill (although frankly government

benefits are often not enough to live on in certain areas; in my first

period on SSI I often couldn't afford food), or to help keep people

out of institutions, or keep people housed, or help keep people out of

several bad situations, then I'm not going to fault or judge those who

use that or impose my own moral code on what they should be doing with

their lives based on where they get their money or other benefits or

something. (Whether I at the time am using those benefits or not.)

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<snip> And if

the government in some way does something to help keep people out of

the kind of poverty that can kill (although frankly government

benefits are often not enough to live on in certain areas; in my first

period on SSI I often couldn't afford food), or to help keep people

out of institutions, or keep people housed, or help keep people out of

several bad situations, then I'm not going to fault or judge those who

use that or impose my own moral code on what they should be doing with

their lives based on where they get their money or other benefits or

something. (Whether I at the time am using those benefits or not.)

You've got all that right amanda, with a cherry on top. And I pondered it

all in bed last night. Thinking i have the cliched chip on my shoulder. I

am sure i do.

Its just that most autistics I have known (not you here,) don't judge

others, quite the contrary. In fact most, although we tend to be stubborn

and hold steadfast to our views, listen and weigh everything before us,

being stout listeners.

We have enough.

that's what we need. Parenting is my number one job and I take it

seriously, I do not want to screw it up in any way. i do not get

compensation in monetary sum for it. there are so many who look down on

so many who live where I live. I wore blinders to that until this year.

Then unbelievably, everything I had been taught by my father about being

proud of who I was, was shattered.

After all, here I was all last yr. trying to get SS to take my son's

disability of autism on the high end of the spectrum as serious. They

finally did right around the time he tried to take his life. It sure

helped our situation to have extra money, and more importantly gave my

son incentive to go out in public and use a bank and business his friend

from school already has started up) with a friend and marraige too and

perhaps he'll never drive and do many things but SS is needed now.

He's a wreck.

Many people in my community, and btw I choose to be here, my parents have

asked me to live near them, I can't leave here...are in my situation.

I've had heroin addicts pass out in my back yard. A few months later the

guy's dead. I cannot say, what scum! Ah I have no regard, oh you drain on

our system! I am not like that. I have compassion. rather I am always

willing to be an open door to the guy's kid left behind who now I hear

wnats to be a cop and is going to college. What is the first words out of

his mouth?

How is your son?

You mean he not driving at 22 yrs old? ha! He isnt school? doesnt have a


I felt such pide for the boy who made it out of the projects and slept at

my house more than home and may someday mat arrest his mother for heroin.

And all he could do was scoff at my son. No my 22 yr old cant walk to the

corner deli either.

I didnt say that.

People judge every day. I wont be one of them. Ever.

My son is progressing, his own way. First we find the right therapist,

long staory. She opened a book on aspergers and said..''.no he does not

have that. I am not familiar with it. But lets see here. No not in my

opinion. I suggest you go home and read up on it. " She prescribed zoloft.

I called back and demanded another one.

I said 20 hrs of inhome observation and 4 hrs of certified pschologist

testing accounted for something. And I spent a yr seeking out her.

Also she had the opportunity to learn FROM my son. He said he didnt get

along with me. making him self sound incredibly normal of course.

I said its so much I was thinking of bottle digging...or Kim, how about

that fire down the street?

No he has never done that. He would just yell a nonsense word at me like

butter or ballsack.

He cannot be natural. For him to act normal with her, as he did, and I

can imagine that, and say, yes I just dont get along with my mother is

misleading. I cannot leave my husband to go.

Eh I'll stop having a chip on my shoulder, Im worked up, the respiratory

person that comes monthly has left us, she's chicken. She said she left

the company and we'll have a new person. next month. But I know she lies.

She just cant bear that he's dying. She knows that next month he may not

be here or the month after. When she comes she may have to just pick up

the rented machines and face me alone, a pained face and she's chicken to

face that...

So she said " this is bye. When you reorder filters dont mention Im

leaving..the company doesnt know yet, (nervouschuckle) so it'll be

someone else next month...nice meeting you both though... "

She doesnt want to have to face losing a patient. Probably what she does

at the end of every patients life...put in a new person with no emotional


I am not fooled.

Im not angry either. Its just this change that what if the next person is

very unbearable? Or all perky? And smelly(perfumed up?) and all calling

me hon....now I have to dread next month where at least I knew who she

was the last yr and a half.

sigh sigh sigh


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I USED to be a little thing. Since having the baby,

I'm up about 25 pounds, and I feel like a big lump.

But I'm working on it. I don't want to weigh 100

pounds again, but I would love to get into my size 8s!

I don't think anyone weighing 117 pounds can be called


--- Laurie Mazerolle wrote:

> wow ! You're just a little thing! I have at

> least 15lbs on you. Now I feel FAT! hahaha

> Laurie :)


> I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us

> to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering

> how to fly. "





> Re: Sue - Neurontin





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I am not fat, I just need to have this bump around my waist disappear! ;)

Laurie :)

I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings

have trouble remembering how to fly. "

Re: Sue - Neurontin





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  • 2 weeks later...


> is in my prayers.I hope that you get the desired results


> his discomfort is at a minimum.Keep up your courage!Crystal

Thank you crystal very much for your prayers, they will help us in

our journey.


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  • 1 month later...

In all fairness to those who believe that the MS Societies could have some

benefits to those of us with MS, I want to stress that Beta-Interferon drugs

and other medications are not the only things on their agendas, and shouldn't

be. There are the issues of getting MSer's equipment (wheelchairs, walkers,

beds), transportation, physical and mental therapy, assisted living,

government benefits and more. Let's concentrate on how we can get them to help


with those things we need NOW as well as what they can do through science.

Our concerns should not be focused on one issue, pharmacy companies versus CAMs

either. We're much more complicated in terms of need. If nothing but

research is coming from them (through pharm.companies), we need to stress the

present difficulties of mobility are just as, if not more, important to us.

Let's encourage them to do more in those areas. We all want to be useful and

productive in this society, some just need a little assistance.


Thank you for writing this, living with multiple sclerosis is hard. We need

help with transportation equipment and we have many other needs, these

things have to be addressed. Thank you for writing so elegantly.

Jeff el

10360 Pine Lakes Blvd

North Fort Myers, Fl 33903


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You may want to try magnesium, this will help with muscles it will relax

them. You may have to find out what your tolerance level is, you may get

diarrhea for a day or so. There are other herbs that help. You may also would

like to try calcium, like calcium citrate, calcium chelate this may help you

quite a bit. There are also herbal forms that do quite well.

There are also a few herbs for spasms, and essential oils.

Good-quality Kava Kaava

Boswella may also help.


And there are more.

Essential oil used topically


LOBELIA essence

Jeff el

10360 Pine Lakes Blvd

North Fort Myers, Fl 33903


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Ellen: Hi Ellen my name is Sue

I'm so sorry to hear that your hurting so bad. I hope and pray that your

surgery will be the simple kind and not like the one I had years ago. They have

come a long ways since then.

Keeping you in my prayers. Keep us updated on how your doing.


ellen hogan wrote:


sorry for the mass mailing but i wanted to get an email out to you all at once.

i can't sit long at the computer.

i have been really sick this week and am going to get an ultrasound done of my

gall bladder on monday. it looks like surgery is in the offing. not sure how

that will play out with all my lung problems on top of everything else. guess we

will just have to wait and see.

so, if you don't hear from me for a few days you will know what is up.

have a great day,


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Hi Keliz,

I have not had real good luck with pain doctors. I did have a good

one several years ago, but I have since moved and that is no longer

an option. I'll keep my fingers crossed about this new one. No, I'm

not thinking about suicide. I was considering breaking some stuff

yesterday, but I didn't have the ambition.

As for joint replacement, I did write about my experience with it at

length some months ago. I've been putting off the knee replacement

myself. I guess you need to find the right doctor for that too. In

my case, it was a choice of quality of life now rather than wait

until I was older. Joint replacement is outstanding if you really

need it, but there is a lot that's not in the pamphlets. I'm sure I

was one of, if not, the youngest shoulder replacement recipients in

the state of Montana. I only mention it since I'm a couple of years

younger than you. You just need to find the right sports medicine

surgeon. Bridger Sports Medicine in Bozeman Montana gave me my right

arm back. Dr. Blake was his name. Thank you for your reply, and I

care about you all too. I read on here way more than I write. I feel

a kind of kinship to the folks here.

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LOL Hi ,

You just crack me up! You are doing great, rather you realize it or not! You are

comical even in your dark moments. I'm glad to hear we are helping you! I will

always believe laughter is the best medicine!

You are surely a man's man!! Not saying you belong to a man, but I hope you know

what I mean!! LOL You are ALL man!

That humble pie gets kind of old and stale huh? The first bite is always the


You are truly blessed! I'm glad you can see that. Some don't. They get into the

depression so deep, they can't see outside it. I was there too. I'm so happy you

have a wonderful wife and family. How old are your boys? I have 2 boys as well,

they are 15 and 19. Time flies so fast.



I just wanted to say thank-you again. Your reply was so kind and it

did make me feel better. I always think I must sound like a wildman

when I post on here. I'm not really, I'm just someone who's really

frustrated. I have almost everything I ever wanted out of life, a

wonderful wife, great kids, a really cool old farmstead, and yet I feel

trapped by my limitations. I want to be more upbeat, I've always been

that kind of guy. You know, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, what

would Wayne do?, That kind of thing. I've had to eat a lot of

humble pie, and I'm not that good at it. So thank you, thank-you all

of you, May we all have a less painful day.

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  • 2 weeks later...


You're welcome. lol Glad I could help :) And thank you for your compliments! It

gives us a sense of purpose when our experiences can or do make a difference in

someone's life. Sometimes that is the only positive thing that comes from how we

are forced to live our lives now.

I would like to add something here regarding being ungrateful, if you don't

mind. Like you, I thought about how ungrateful I was for what I could still do,

unfortunately when I thought about it, what I could do was long gone and I was

stuck with less that I could do. So, now I'm having to be grateful for the very

little I can do. I hope this twisted confusing statement makes some sense. lol I

don't think I could say it again!

Up until the first part of 2006, I was still able to do laundry, dishes and

cook. I couldn't even stand in the yard anymore and water flowers and the lawn.

Last time I was able to do that was in 2004. I didn't realize I couldn't do it

anymore until I tried it in 2005, even with my walker it was too difficult. So

in 2006 I didn't even try as I was much worse off than when I did it in 2005.

With that said, I started being less angry about my limitations and started

feeling a bit more grateful. I'm glad I did, because now and since earlier this

year, I can no longer to laundry without help. I can get the clothes into the

washer and depending on my day, I can maybe get it in the dryer, but never more

than 2 loads. I don't last any longer than that. I cannot hang the clothes

anymore, but if someone gets the clothes out of the dryer that need to be

folded, I can sit at the table and fold them. That is the extent of doing

laundry now. And I don't do it unless I have to because, they say I am in their

way, just to let them do it all. I cook about 3 or 4 days a week, the other

days, either Danny cooks, or we have sandwiches. I can still load the

dishwasher, but can't do that and clean the counter tops at the same time. I

have to take a long break before I can do those. For anything I do it's a

process. lol I know this will only get worse, so I try to be grateful for what I

do still have. And just keep moving. I fear if I lay down, I won't get back up.

Ok, that's it. A long add something there huh? Sorry! I hope you had a wonderful

Thanksgiving with lots of family and friends. And I wish you a great day.




I kind of feel like I'm reading someone else's mail, but I wanted to

drop you a note anyway. I was really moved by your post about your

sons and your pain. You seem really quick to comfort others even

though you seem to have a pretty full plate yourself. I have two boys

younger than yours, but it would be a nightmare w/o my wife. I don't

know how single parents do it. I think you have a wonderful outlook,

and just wanted to say so. Dealing with the loss of a family member, I

can't even imagine.

The career falling apart I sure can relate to however. I took a lot

for granted for a really long time. Even now I am still quite active

all things considered. I should be more grateful than I am. I get

upset that I can't work like I used to, or that I can't lift and haul

like I once could. I need to remember to be thankful that I can still

get out of bed, discomfort aside. Thanks for a dose of perspective


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  • 3 weeks later...


Did your hubby get laid off? Does he have any job prospects? It would be neat if

he could get into a good company with good benefits and carry you on his

insurance. That would help you out a lot until you get your SSDI.

Just an idea and so many companies are still downsizing, just wondered if he was

laid off.


Hi and welcome to the group:)

I see you live in Tenn? I am in NC (neighbors) lol but originally from CT. I

love the south and love nc...will NEVER move back up north! too expensive

and too cold lol.

I am sorry to hear it took you so long to get ssi...i myself am going on 5

yrs of 'fighting' but my lawyer is now working my case so i hope to see

results asap. I mainly want the medical care cause i am uninsured. I dont

care about the money although it would be a huge help right now with my

hubby not working.

I hope that we can talk more sometime but welcome to the family:)


> Hello my new friends!!!!!

> I fought for 4 years to get my SSI...I didn't work enough in the right

> " quarters " as they call them in order to receive disability...but I kept

> getting turned down and I just kept appealing and going in front of judges

> etc...and finally in April of 2004 I got approved! I mostly wanted it for

> the medical as my meds and stuff are just outrageous! THEN I had to go in

> front of a judge to determine if I was " ill " during the whole time I fought

> for it for my back pay but I did win that as well...I got close to $16,000

> in backpay broke up into 3 payments that I got every 6 months. That was a

> good thing..until my stepkids stole everything *sigh*...thats another story

> though...

> Soooo..keep FIGHTING no matter what! Get an attorney if you have to...if

> you don't win..they don't get paid...so you don't have to worry about the

> financial part of the attorney. I am here if you have any questions *any of

> you* or need help..just ask me! I do have Yahoo Messenger...my yahoo ID is

> hotheadred68 so feel free to add me so we can chat sometimes!

> Now...about pain meds...UGHHHHH.....I live in Tennessee..and I am on

> TennCare which they recently knocked a LOT of people off of it and cut mine

> down tremendously! I can't find a Dr. that will prescribe me pain meds, or

> even my nerve medication. I have tried going to mental health as well as I

> do suffer from bipolar disorder and NOBODY will help me! It sooo

> frustrating. I don't want to go anywhere, I feel " safe " at home...hubby

> tries to understand but he is a person that loves to go and do and I feel

> like I am not " good " enough for him.

> I am soooo tired of fighting to get my meds...to prove that I am NOT

> addicted to pain meds...that I need them in order to function ya know? They

> do have a huge problem here in TN with presc. drug abuse and selling of

> them..etc...but I am NOT one of those people.

> Tommie~ I see where you said you were on Neurontin...I believe that they

> have had some problems with that med lately..so PLEASE be careful...I have

> seen it on TV and have read it on the internet that it can and has caused

> more problems than it has helped..so please be careful and do some checking

> on it. I used to be on it but it didn't do me any good so I quit taking it.

> Please don't think I am being bossy...I am just concerned for my new

> friends!

> Is everyone ready for Christmas??? Not us...*sigh*..we are not able to

> have a Christmas this year...but thats ok...we have each other...our kids

> *his and mine* have literally put us through a lot of H E double

> TOOTHPICKS....mentally and financially *stealing and such*...but...life goes

> on.

> I hope you all have a great weekend and I will be checking in with you all

> again soon. Thanks for being my new friends and I love you all! Take care

> and HUGE gentle hugs to each and everyone of you! OHHHH....I live in Clinton

> TN..I know there was someone that asked...it's on the Eastern side about 30

> miles from Knoxville...

> Love you all!!!

> ~ The Redheaded Redneck in Tennessee *grin*


> __________________________________________________


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

I did try to reply to your post. For whatever reason it didn't

post. (that happens to me a couple of times a week on here btw, not

sure why) I do care, and I can relate. I worked in the trades

building houses for 20 + years, and the last several years I was in

it were really tough. I was a drywaller, so that meant hanging

double 5/8's rock all day, and then hauling in all the mud buckets to

tape and finish it. I know what it's like to work in pain. Back

then I drank a lot to mask the pain, thinking my wife could not tell.

Pain killers or even booze at work were not really an option since I

had to be careful not to fall off my stilts or have a sheet of rock

fall on me. Point being I had to endure the pain during the day, and

look forward to getting plastered at night to escape the pain. I

know what it's like to be crying on the inside and mean as hell on

the outside. Enduring the pain for my kids, my wife, my own foolish

ego and pride.

I feel really bad that you felt alone when you needed comforting

for lack of a better word. I was not ignoring you, and I think I can

speak for most if not all of the others that they were not blowing

you off either.

I'm usually on here in the morning, but I will reply if emailed

anytime. Hang in there, and please don't judge us too harshly, and

please accept my apology for not being there when you needed

support. Merry belated Christmas.

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Very nice ,

You said here that you had turned to alcohol in order to hide your pain and also

to be able to endure it? How is the progress of a pain doctor going for you? Are

you still drinking for the pain? I would never judge you as I know the meaning

of trying to endure pain. My fiancee had turned to alcohol for emotional pain,

and also used it for physical pain at times. So, I do know.

I hope you are well today and in little pain.



Hi ,

I did try to reply to your post. For whatever reason it didn't

post. (that happens to me a couple of times a week on here btw, not

sure why) I do care, and I can relate. I worked in the trades

building houses for 20 + years, and the last several years I was in

it were really tough. I was a drywaller, so that meant hanging

double 5/8's rock all day, and then hauling in all the mud buckets to

tape and finish it. I know what it's like to work in pain. Back

then I drank a lot to mask the pain, thinking my wife could not tell.

Pain killers or even booze at work were not really an option since I

had to be careful not to fall off my stilts or have a sheet of rock

fall on me. Point being I had to endure the pain during the day, and

look forward to getting plastered at night to escape the pain. I

know what it's like to be crying on the inside and mean as hell on

the outside. Enduring the pain for my kids, my wife, my own foolish

ego and pride.

I feel really bad that you felt alone when you needed comforting

for lack of a better word. I was not ignoring you, and I think I can

speak for most if not all of the others that they were not blowing

you off either.

I'm usually on here in the morning, but I will reply if emailed

anytime. Hang in there, and please don't judge us too harshly, and

please accept my apology for not being there when you needed

support. Merry belated Christmas.

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Thanks for the reply ,

I'm not mad at all. I have a few other pain saupport groups that i go

to also.

I try not to take it to heart, but it does get discouraging when

someone posts about pain and then you see a whole day of " other " posts

and the pain post gets passed by. I know that " newbies " have been upset

in over this.

Thanks again,

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That is awesome. Praise the Lord! And you came through it before getting

Pancreatitis too. You are truly blessed. My Fiancee has Pancreatitis from

drinking. The drinking just killed it. Now he will live with pain the rest of

his life, and it will ultimately be his death. Many years down the road I think,

and hope. He hasn't seen near the worst of it yet and it's been pretty bad. It's

so hard to see him in pain. If he slips up and drinks it causes him a couple of

months of excruciating pain. It's horrible to watch, just horrible. I hate it.

But I can't get on him for it as I know drinking is a disease as well. He has

drank for 20 yrs and then to just go cold turkey without the help of a support

group or anything. He refuses AA or anything else, says he can do this on his

own and really has done very well for the most part. His drinking binges only

happen every 6 months or so. And he doesn't drink but a 1/2 pint at a time,

which one shot is too much. I'm not trying to make light of what he is doing,

but I just know it could be much worse. I don't even know he is drinking,

amazing! I'm dumb or he is just good. He just came through a stressful

Christmas, we made it though :)

Hope you have a great, low pain day!



Hi Tommie,

No, I have not had a drink in years now. I guess you could say I

got religion. I turned my life over to the Lord, and while my health

has gone downhill, the rest of my life has been blessed so much. Old

Jim Beam always worked better for me than pills. I grew up idolizing

Hank Jr. and all that, so the more I hurt, the more I drank.

Eventually I could not drink enough to kill the pain and still function

as a tradesman( it wasn't doing my social life or my pocket book any

favors either). I think it was a split between my pain getting worse,

as well as my tolerance for booze going up. The day came when it

didn't work anymore. In bad pain AND hung over really sucked. I don't

miss the hangovers at all.

I've had to postpone my new doctor visit again for the second time

waiting on the endless trail of medical records to trickle in, kind of

you to ask.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

How nice.

There's a website called " Do One Nice Thing " , that

uses ideas like what you did.


You may want to tell them about this. I'm sure they'd

put it up. I've seen them on the news several times

'cause people do some really nice things.

I sent goodies for a girls school in

Afganistan...that's one of the " Do One Nice Things "

they announce. They will tell what it's for and what

to do and where it goes. Really nice site.

Check it out.


On the internet, no knows you're a cat.



--- Gayla Esch


> Good for you Lori! I'm so proud of you for doing

> this - both giving to Locks of Love, and equally as

> much for recieving. YOu treated yourself to

> something very important. Whe your in so much pain,

> some time it just feels good to be pampered - even

> if it is just a hand or foot massage. Good going -

> many kudo's for you! We need to be good to

> ourselves when and if we can!


> Gayla

> http://chronicpain-byladyfrog.com








> I did it I went today got my hair cut so I can send

> off to locks of love ,The Hair dresser was almost in

> tears she didn't want to cut my hair my family gave

> me heck, This is Something I wanted to do and then I

> went and had a manicure I made myself get up and go

> out and I feel good I never treated myself to

> anything ,but I am going to re grow my hair back of

> course and get that cut again and send that off,So

> now tomorrow I am hoping and praying that I didn't

> push myself to much it was the first time in over a

> year I went to the mall and boy it was hard ,But I

> feel great I think I deserve it so I decided that

> every 3 months I am going to put money aside nad get

> my nails done and maybe even then I will get a

> pedicure who knows ... :-) ....Lori


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]










> Get your own web address.

> Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

> http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/domains/?p=BESTDEAL


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



Lotacats >^.^<

Express Chronic Pain Awareness




Get your own web address.

Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

You're welcome :) Opoids are Oxycontin, Percocet, Morphine, Duragesic Patches.

Things like that. Xanax is a good drug. Some docs don't like using it, others

don't mind. My docs never cared, but then I got a new doc and even my pain mgmt

doc doesn't like them, but my Psychiatrist does and she freely gives them to

me. I've been on them 12 yrs now. And they really help me. I took Prozac when it

first hit the market in 1990. I took it for weight loss though. It sure worked

for that back then. But I wasn't depressed, so maybe that is why it worked. It

was sure the " happy pill " as they call it now. I haven't taken it since then. I

take Cymbalta for depression now. It's a really good antidepressant. Hopefully

your doc will keep you on what you are use to since they work.

When I had IBS problems, cramping, spasming and diarrhea, I took Levsin. It's a

sublingual med. You put it under your tongue, this is what sublingual means. It

sure helped. I haven't had to take that in years either since being on the

opoids. If you get on them, I hope they help you the same way they did me. IBS

with diarrhea really gets annoying, I hated it too.

As far as a FM Doc, have you tried searching here: www.pain.com You can search

for pain clinics on that site, or http://fmcfsme.d-3systems.com/ look to the

left of the page, scroll down some and click on " doctor search " . This is a

really great site with lots of wonderful information. Check it out! A friend of

ours right here owns the site. Misty is her name. Let me know how it goes.

I hope you had a good weekend with your company. Talk to you when you recover,

which I hope isn't too long. But take care of you first.



Re: FMS Poll?

Tommie wrote: Hi Everyone!

I wanted to do a poll, but it's a multi-question poll and I couldn't figure

out through the fibro fog how to post it using the group software. And I didn't

want to do 6 polls. So, I'll roll it all into one and just do it here and hope I

get many responses.

Anyway, I'd like to know:

1. How long everyone has had FMS?

I was diagnosed about 6 years ago and I know it has been in my body way before


2. Has the pain progressively gotten worse over the years.

Yes, for sure.

3. Do you have a lot of leg problems with it FMS.

Yes, I do. It is hard to walk very far and when I walk my hips and legs go


4. Has your mobility been affected due to the pain and weakness in your legs?


5. Do your legs hurt more than any other place in your body? Constantly, on a

daily basis? I hurt all over like I have the flu.

6. And then when you have flares and the pain is very severe, does the entire

body hurt then? Or do you just have certain area's that are affected during a

severe flare?

My legs hurt, chest, arms, shoulders and a terrible headache. I also have IBS

and when the flare ups come it acts up too. I also get depressed.

We have just recently moved and I no longer have the security and

understanding of a good doctor. am trying hard to fix this.


Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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