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Re: (unknown)

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Sure is spousal abuse if ever I heard it.  She sounds abusive and calling you

an addict is just part of the mental aspect of it.  She may not even

beleive you are one but since it bothers you she'll say so.  Just make sure

you show nothing bothers you and she'll be denied your suffering.  Even if you

have to fake it.  Ignoring is how you handle internet abusers...works offline

as well.  They have nothing to punch into.  Give her nothing to punch into. 

Work with those who dig you and understand you online and in real life if you

can find it. 


If would nice if you can do something legally to have some peice of mind.  You

have friends here. 


“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its

visible soul.â€

Twitter_follow me


Express Chronic Pain Awareness






Subject: Re: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain

Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 3:55 PM


How long have you been married?

Did you have chronic pain when you married her? Or it happened later?

what you have said in the past about your wife it sounds like she does not

understand what you are going threw.

Donnie how old are you? Reason I am asking are you willing to start all over?

You are right having a mate. That understands and loves you makes life a lot

better happiness is something we all deserves.

You do what you think you must if you are that miserable where you are at then

go for it . I support 100%.if that really matters.

Hope I was some help I know what you are going threw.

Love a big hugs

Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel


hi everbody i have come to the conclusen  that i am not going to spend the sest

of my live by my self i am soing to find me a mate to spend he sest of my live

with a mate that undrestands me and i will unduerstand the what doyou all thank

about that  that is one way of finding happyness what do you all thand about

what donnie i am waiting for feedback lets here it donnie


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Hi Donnie,

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I went through this with my ex husband

and we only lasted through the 1st yr and a half that I was sick and things

weren't near as bad then with my health as they are now. But I was verbally

abused and told how useless I was. I know how hard this is to live with. He was

killing me spiritually. When I figured out I was still worth something, I kicked

him out. Ended our 20 yr marriage. I couldn't take it anymore. When I asked him

what happened to " in sickness and in health " that we vowed, he informed me that

those are just rituals that are said at everyone's weddings. So they meant

nothing to him. It was just a motion to go through on our wedding day. With that

I knew things would never get better, only worse, so I ended it. It's a personal

choice to continue taking the abuse or to get out of it. We are here for you in

what ever you decide.

Best wishes to you, Hugs!



PH, CFS, FMS, Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, Restless Leg Syndrome

Don't waste energy second-guessing what you're missing or

what can go awry. If you put enough energy into doubt,

something will undoubtedly go wrong.

Instead, focus on the positive possibilities with a hopeful attitude.


hi everbody i have come to the conclusen that i am not going to spend the

sest of my live by my self i am soing to find me a mate to spend he sest of my

live with a mate that undrestands me and i will unduerstand the what doyou all

thank about that that is one way of finding happyness what do you all thand

about what donnie i am waiting for feedback lets here it donnie

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Hi Donnie KI

Itot this email take care jackie


hi everbody i am not getting know emails i have only got 4 all day if enybody

gets this give me a email please donnieKY

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I know just how you feel. I actually went into see a divorce lawyer a couple of

years ago. I live in a communal property state, so he'd get half of everything

- even though I've always made most of the money. The whole divorce thing

freaks me out.

I wish you and your wife could go to counseling - maybe work out some things.

When I've tried to go with my husband, he just sits there being all perfect and

the shrink thinks that I'm the one who's crazy.

You have to take care of yourself - noone else will!

My prayers are with you.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


hi everbody i have come to the conclusen  that i am not going to spend the sest

of my live by my self i am soing to find me a mate to spend he sest of my live

with a mate that undrestands me and i will unduerstand the what doyou all thank

about that  that is one way of finding happyness what do you all thand about

what donnie i am waiting for feedback lets here it donnie


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

hi jackyie i hope you are haveing a low pain day donnie

Subject: Re: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain

Date: Friday, June 19, 2009, 1:24 AM

Hi Donnie KI

Itot this email take care jackie


hi everbody i am not getting know emails i have only got 4 all day if enybody

gets this give me a email please donnieKY

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Donnie,

How are you? Things going a little better at home? I hope so and hope that you

have had some breaks w the pain!

It has been recommended that the FDA ban Percocet & Vicodin as well as put more

limits on OTC Tylenol useage/doseage since there are so many overdoses on

Tylenol. So far nothing is final.



~Write your worries in the sand, carve your blessings in stone~

From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net>

Subject: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now take

OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can up it if

needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a few that

others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril 15mg...I dont

think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for some,might kill

others..grrr! Dottie

Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

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hi monica i have taken the norco 10/325s befor that is what my doc will put me

on monica how are you doing less pain i hope i hope everbody in are group has

less pain this weekend donnie 

From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net>

Subject: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now take

OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can up it if

needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a few that

others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril 15mg...I dont

think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for some,might kill

others..grrr! Dottie

Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

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hi jenny now dose a person o.d on tylenol is it the over the couner tylenol thay

are o.ding on jenny i hope you are doing good my home live still sucks i am

working on getting out of it i have been selling all my belonging it is hard

when you own a farm to gether i have 7 acer that i am going to buy a caben and

put on it next week i hope donnie

From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net>

Subject: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now take

OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can up it if

needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a few that

others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril 15mg...I dont

think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for some,might kill

others..grrr! Dottie

Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

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Hey , that's what I take & it seems to help a lot. I will at times

have some heavy break through pain in my back that it sure does come in

handy :) I cannot wait to talk to my pain doc. I was supposed to see him

today for injections, but I had to cancel to come animal sit for a family

member. As someone else just said, the drug companies will lobby & not let

millions of $$ slip out of their hands by even messing with just these two

meds. It won't happen, if it does, any time soon. So I think we may be

getting up in arms too soon. However, I'm still glad we have someone like

the National Pain Management backing us. Nae



> Aloha Donnie and all.

> I take Norco 10-325. It has worked better than oxycodone. And been a real

> life saver for my pain. I saw my neurologist yesterday and he brought this

> topic up. So he is fully aware of the BS. I can't believe after this many

> years they are gripping about tylenol. I find it strange. Hope this just all

> disappears.


> Hugs to all,




> From: Dottie Neubert <merhadj@... <merhadj%40verizon.net>>

> Subject: (unknown)

> To: Hugs-N-Pain <Hugs-N-Pain%40yahoogroups.com>

> Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM


> Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can

> up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a

> few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril

> 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for

> some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

> has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

> those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> imagine that there aren't other options. Nae


> A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson



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How are you?

I would ask for the short acting oxycodone instead of Oxycontin, since you're

using it for breakthrough pain. It comes in 5mg and 15mg. I take the 15mg. I

was starting to reach the limit with the tylenol and had her switch me.

Anyway, I'd love to hear from you.



Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


> To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>

> Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM


> Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can

> up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a

> few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril

> 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for

> some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

> has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

> those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> imagine that there aren't other options. Nae


> A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson



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Thank you. I'd be very interested to read that article. As far as my appeal

goes, my attorney is still trying to gather all of my medical records. My pain

doctor is charging him $231 to send my records. Isn't that outrageous?

How is your pain? I hope you have a good weekend.



Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


> > To: Hugs-N-Pain <Hugs-N-Pain%40yahoogroups.com> <mailto:

> Hugs-N-Pain%40yahoogroups.com <Hugs-N-Pain%2540yahoogroups.com>>

> <Hugs-N-Pain%40yahoogroups.com>

> > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> >

> > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I

> can

> > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried

> a

> > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take

> Restoril

> > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works

> for

> > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain

> doctor

> > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry

> for

> > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> >

> > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> >

> >

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Hey Donnie, you don't need to worry about them taking anything off the market

for any time soon. For years even. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it if

it helps you. I take Vicodin & I'm not concerned about it b/c as someone else

said, the drug companies are not going to just sit back & lose millions. This is

not something that's gonna happen over night. So don't worry, ok? How ya doin'?


> >

> > From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net <merhadj%40verizon. net>>

> > Subject: (unknown)

> > To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>

> > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> >

> > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can

> > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a

> > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril

> > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for

> > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

> > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

> > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> >

> > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> >

> >

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My doc said they will come up with something else that will work out if

needed.  I was telling him how awful it would be...now that I'm not afraid to

look at my blood pressure cuff anymore thanx to MsContin.  I panic easily. 

The idea of going back to so much suffering is just too much to even consider.


I'll relax more.  We just need to keep up the voices.


“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its

visible soul.â€

Twitter_follow me


Express Chronic Pain Awareness






Subject: Re: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain

Date: Friday, July 10, 2009, 5:36 PM

Hey Donnie, you don't need to worry about them taking anything off the market

for any time soon. For years even. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it if

it helps you. I take Vicodin & I'm not concerned about it b/c as someone else

said, the drug companies are not going to just sit back & lose millions. This is

not something that's gonna happen over night. So don't worry, ok? How ya doin'?


> >

> > From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net <merhadj%40verizon. net>>

> > Subject: (unknown)

> > To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>

> > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> >

> > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can

> > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a

> > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril

> > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for

> > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

> > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

> > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> >

> > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> >

> >

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I have about decided I am never going to get mine. it took forever for the judge

to make a decision, it has been waiting to be written up for 3 months and then

it has to go back for the judge to sign, :) my hearing was 2-10-09 and this is

where I am at. I get so disgusted. my lawyer says he can do nothing at this

point it is just a waiting game. I keep trying to tell myself if I am approve

that the longer I wait the more my back pay will be. but I sure could use the

money NOW!



> > To: Hugs-N-Pain <Hugs-N-Pain%40yahoogroups.com> <mailto:

> Hugs-N-Pain%40yahoogroups.com <Hugs-N-Pain%2540yahoogroups.com>>

> <Hugs-N-Pain%40yahoogroups.com>

> > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> >

> > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I

> can

> > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried

> a

> > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take

> Restoril

> > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works

> for

> > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain

> doctor

> > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry

> for

> > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> >

> > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> >

> >

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hi jena sorry to here thay are giveing you hell i was just like you i just kept

thanking how big my backpay was going to be it takes most people 2years to get

it my wife kept saying i was not going to get it that there was not nothing rong

with me and i kept telling her as soon as jot up in front of the judge i would

get it thay tern post people down the frist to times jena just hang in there and

you will get that big back pay check mine was 21000.00 dollers jena you will get

that big check and alanna you will get yours to just hang in there gals donnie

> >

> > From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net <merhadj%40verizon. net><mailto:

> merhadj%40verizon. net <merhadj%2540verizo n.net>>

> <merhadj%40verizon. net>>

> > Subject: (unknown)

> > To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com> <mailto:

> Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 2540yahoogroups. com>>

> <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>

> > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> >

> > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I

> can

> > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried

> a

> > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take

> Restoril

> > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works

> for

> > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain

> doctor

> > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry

> for

> > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> >

> > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> >

> >

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My 19 year old daughter goes before the Admin Law judge in August.she's been

sick since she was 10 years old.we've been through doctor after doctor and

they all agree there is some sort of infection, but they can't find it.

She got money on my case until she turned 18, but I applied for her own when

she was 17, she is 19 now and going before the Admin Law judge the first


She went to an attorney, but he refused to take her case because she never

worked..she's been sick since she was 10! I was turned down my first time

to the Admin Law Judge, so if she's turned down, she'll appeal.....she is

honestly sick and needs this.so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her...

Marta Towne-




From: Hugs-N-Pain [mailto:Hugs-N-Pain ] On

Behalf Of donnie Gibbs

Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 10:17 PM

To: Hugs-N-Pain

Subject: Re: (unknown)

hi jena sorry to here thay are giveing you hell i was just like you i just

kept thanking how big my backpay was going to be it takes most people 2years

to get it my wife kept saying i was not going to get it that there was not

nothing rong with me and i kept telling her as soon as jot up in front of

the judge i would get it thay tern post people down the frist to times jena

just hang in there and you will get that big back pay check mine was

21000.00 dollers jena you will get that big check and alanna you will get

yours to just hang in there gals donnie

> >

> > From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net <merhadj%40verizon.


> merhadj%40verizon. net <merhadj%2540verizo n.net>>

> <merhadj%40verizon. net>>

> > Subject: (unknown)

> > To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>


> Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 2540yahoogroups. com>>

> <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>

> > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> >

> > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I

> can

> > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried

> a

> > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take

> Restoril

> > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works

> for

> > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain

> doctor

> > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry

> for

> > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> >

> > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> >

> >

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hi jenny my freand i am selling things so i can get the hell out of dodge if you

know what i mean i am saveing the money so i can get my own place i made about

4500.00 this week and a rv i am haveing a the electric comepeny is seting me a

pole next week and i am going to stay in it and get me the bigest caben i can

get and fix it up and live in it i have one of the best 7 arcers of land in the

county i live in all of the land compenys down here have tryed to buy it i

terned down 30.000 dollers for here wile back and he sead he would aloue me

50.000 dollers if i wanted to trade it in on a house but i cannot do the upkeep

on a house and do the yard work i cannot cut grass or weed eat if i cannot take

care of it so way have it but a one bed room caben that is perfict for me it

will be paid for in about 2 years and my 7 arcers is premaretol property i bout

it befor i was maride and it is almost paid for i get enuff ssd to live there

like a king in about 2

years it will all be paid for and my driveway is real long it is far enuff away

from my wife that she can not bother me and it is perfict for me the rv is

selfcontaned all it need is alittle tlc it is going to feal so good to be read

of her next week only thing i am going to hate is no internet for awile untill i

get a phone i am thanking about satalite internet that is what i will go i can

get vonage for a phone and all of this is going to piss my wife off because i

will be maken it with out her donnie

From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net>

Subject: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now take

OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can up it if

needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a few that

others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril 15mg...I dont

think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for some,might kill

others..grrr! Dottie

Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

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hi nae and alanna i hope you gals have a good weekend nae i had a colanoctomy 2

months ago and i didnot have to pay much i have medacare and mine pays prety

good or my secondary insurance is picking up a bunch i look at it like this thay

charge more because it is insurance thay get enuff money  i want you gals have

me in a good mood i am not depressed and i thank you gals donnie

> > >

> > > From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net <merhadj%40verizon.


> 40verizon.net> <mailto:

> > merhadj%40verizon. net <merhadj%2540verizo n.net>>

> > <merhadj%40verizon. net>>

> > > Subject: (unknown)

> > > To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com><Hugs-


> 40yahoogroups. com> <mailto:

> > Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 2540yahoogroups. com>>

> > <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>

> > > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> > >

> > > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I

> now

> > > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I

> > can

> > > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to

> codiene,tried

> > a

> > > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take

> > Restoril

> > > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what

> works

> > for

> > > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain

> > doctor

> > > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry

> > for

> > > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> > >

> > > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> > >

> > >

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Thanks Donnie, I keep thinking that. my lawyers says I will too. I applied a

year before my sil and she already has hers but she is in Ala. and I am in GA.

she got 20,000.00. so I should get a nice little check if it ever comes through.

just the not knowing drives me nuts. I am not one to have much patience. my

lawyer says he is with me til I get and this firm does not take a case unless

they feel you can win.



> > To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>


> Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 2540yahoogroups. com>>

> <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>

> > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> >

> > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I

> can

> > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried

> a

> > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take

> Restoril

> > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works

> for

> > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain

> doctor

> > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry

> for

> > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> >

> > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> >

> >

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Marta, I understand where you are coming from. my daughter has Down Syndrome.

and she did not draw one penny until she was 18 and she was considered a adult.

and I have to keep records to prove that she pays a third of the bills here.

which she doesn't. her money goes for whatever she wants. clothes, new toys,

etc. it is strange how the system works great for some folks and no at all for

others. :(



> > To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>


> Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 2540yahoogroups. com>>

> <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>

> > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> >

> > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I

> can

> > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried

> a

> > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take

> Restoril

> > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works

> for

> > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain

> doctor

> > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry

> for

> > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> >

> > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> >

> >

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Hi Donnie,

Your property sounds so nice; I've always wanted to live somewhere private &

have some acres. Your plan sounds great and I wish you the best with everything!

So when will you be moving into the RV? I hope there is someone that can help

you move things. Does your wife now you are moving yet? Take care & keep in



~Write your worries in the sand, carve your blessings in stone~

From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net>

Subject: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now take

OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can up it if

needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a few that

others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril 15mg...I dont

think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for some,might kill

others..grrr! Dottie

Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

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That sounds great!  I think you will find the peace of mind priceless.  I've

been there done that...and found that the material goodies is not near as

important as that almighty peace of mind stuff.  Just to be yourself...and be

oh-so-ok with that and no one trying to tell you different.  


“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its

visible soul.â€

Twitter_follow me


Express Chronic Pain Awareness






From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net>

Subject: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now take

OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can up it if

needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a few that

others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril 15mg...I dont

think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for some,might kill

others..grrr! Dottie

Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

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Hi Alanna,

No, my husband didn't think it was bad enough to loose his sleep over he said if

I would have turned Blue he would not of had a choice.

I don't know about him he said he asked me and I said if he did not leave me

alone I was going to hurt him.

Things with him and I are pretty much the same 1 day good and 6 bad.

I have had so much go on around here I would end up writing a book. Maybe when

my head is all together I vent.

How are u and ur family?? Are u feeling any better? I hope so

Love and hugs

Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel


To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now take

OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can up it if

needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a few that

others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril 15mg...I dont

think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for some,might kill

others..grrr! Dottie

Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

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The " Rushing " is a big red flag!!  Don't think about it....don't exam

it....don't....don't...I don't trust this being railroaded.  The damned

insurance companies need to get their act together to make this work better like

a free enterprise should.  This insurance that works with the medicare has sure

worked out with me.  Everything is affordable at this point.  If what I use

works....then we know something is working and need to expand on what works.

I don't trust anything that involves " Railroading " us into decisions that can't

be undone when you find out something was real wrong with the whole thing.  If

the current government health care is having so many problems then why the hell

would we want to expand it.  They are not good at buisness and my hunch

is...medical insurance.   

Have you ever had that " Gut Level " feeling something is way wrong but you don't

where to point...but you know something is wrong to the point of feeling panicy

about it?  I feel that way now.  This guy is pulling a fast one and when we

find out we've been had...we can't just get out of it.  Theirs a huge machine

behind Obama....the Soros's of the world type of people.  Huge people.

 We just can't see them....yet.   Anyway...something is wrong.  If this were

all that great their would be no rush.  This needs to be online for a month at

least for all to read...and take some time with.    After all this

time.....why the big rush....I don't trust it.


“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its

visible soul.â€

Twitter_follow me


Express Chronic Pain Awareness






> >

> > From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net <merhadj%40verizon. net><mailto:

> merhadj%40verizon. net <merhadj%2540verizo n.net>>

> <merhadj%40verizon. net>>

> > Subject: (unknown)

> > To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com> <mailto:

> Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com <Hugs-N-Pain% 2540yahoogroups. com>>

> <Hugs-N-Pain% 40yahoogroups. com>

> > Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

> >

> > Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now

> > take OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I

> can

> > up it if needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried

> a

> > few that others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take

> Restoril

> > 15mg...I dont think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works

> for

> > some,might kill others..grrr! Dottie

> > Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain

> doctor

> > has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry

> for

> > those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

> > imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

> >

> > A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

> > enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

> >

> >

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hi lotacats i have 2 cats the same way donnie

From: Dottie Neubert <merhadjverizon (DOT) net>

Subject: (unknown)

To: Hugs-N-Pain@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 8:46 PM

Hi! Unfortunately for me,I am allergic to soo many things we tried.I now take

OPANA ER 20mg x2 a day,and Hydromorphone 4mg x5 a day as needed.I can up it if

needed.I ended up in ER taking Oxy,am allergic to codiene,tried a few that

others are on,but what I take now works.For sleep I take Restoril 15mg...I dont

think these politicians- drug " experts " realize what works for some,might kill

others..grrr! Dottie

Thanks for this, Dottie. One of the meds is what I take. But my pain doctor

has more than that in his arsenal, I'm sure. I do, however, feel sorry for

those individuals that don't have other options. I guess I just can't

imagine that there aren't other options. Nae

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

enough to take everything you have. -- Jefferson

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