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Re: Re: plastic surgeon

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He actually lives in Theydon Bois, where Elton has a house!! Very posh. Its actually his parents house but he spends as much time there as here as he is a Chrohn's patient at St Marks.

I live in Tenerife. I have lived here 10 years. The climate is better than Spain but I am sure you have been here, most people have. I live in a quiet village close to the sea. We recently bought a 2 bed villa but have renovated it and built downstairs to add two bedrooms and bathroom plus large reception hall where I keep my computer. We have still got lots of room left for another guest room but that will have to wait. We bought a double plot and had a pool put in. We have been working on it (well I have been mostly) since we bought it 18 months ago and have still got lots to do before it is finished but at least we have got the living accommodation sorted and by now, I should have a degree in building, painting, interior design, not to mention gardening. Gosh, looking back, I don't know how I managed to do it all when I was so sick.

Its so hot here at the moment, it was 90 degrees today but we do get a nice sea breeze which makes it bearable and the pool looks so inviting I thought I might try a swim tomorrow. I am 3 1/2 week post op so as long as I don't try for the Olympics, it should be OK hehe.

Did you have silicone gel? Was you sick with them and did they rupture?

It would be great to meet you if you ever get over here.


-- Re: Re: plastic surgeon

Yes I have been explanted for about 10 years thank goodness.

I have heard of Epping but I am not sure where it is. How come you are in Spain? must admit you are lucky though, I hate the cold weather and the climate in Spain really appeals to me.


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I can see one positive thing in your message . . .

You do know how to get him out of the house! . . .

Ahhhhhhh . . . the peace and quiet that must bring! .

.. . LOL! . . . I'm afraid I'd be talking about these

issues (sweetly, of course) every time he walked in

the door!



--- Margie Horan <margiehoran@...> wrote:


, the situation at the home front only seems to

be getting worse. The spouse of 27YEARS!! has gone

from bad to worse. I now can't even talk about any

issues, health, emotions, the support group etc. Any

time of the day if I start to talk about my feelings,

he now leaves the house and drives away. Then he won't

come home again till I stop all communication, unless

we talk about poker. This is completely eating up my

soul, piece by piece he his taking what dignity I have

let away. As far as friends, my best friend was my

sister, but she moved away 2 years ago, but she was

not a good listener anyway. Does this mean that i

should be taking antidepressants just to put up with

this crap? I consider myself a very tough cookie, but

this cookie has crumbled. Margie


From: " amanda lambert " <manditenerife1@...>


< >

Subject: RE: Re: plastic surgeon

Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 21:59:31 +0100 (GMT Daylight


Oh Margie, that is sooooo sad that you don't have any

support. I didn't have much from the home front, but

my Sister was my biggest support and my strength.

Thank God for her.

I think many women look and think, serves her right

for wanting them in the first place, but so what, who

cares what they think, they know nothing.

You have us. What more can I say. Haven't you told

any of your family that the implants are making you

sick?? Once I got the message through, it was better.

My partner took some convincing. He doesn't want me

to be sick. When I first said it was the implants, he

just poo-pooed it and when I showed him the deflated

one, he just kept saying, oh, you look beautiful. Its

very depressing but you have to fight against them.

He wasn't even here when I was explanted and only

returned when he knew I was getting over it. Some men

are such wimps eh , yet there are those who have stood

by their women and been a tower of strength. Oh well,

we can't have it all I suppose. Hang on in there and

just know you have everyones support on this site.



-- RE: Re: plastic surgeon

Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 12:37:43 -0700 (PDT)


For myself, I see activism as a good outlet for the

stress I feel over breast implants! . . . I hope you

will too. . . . I'm just one person, but I KNOW I've

reached thousands of women! . . . Attitudes about

implants are changing, and I pray I'm part of that

change! . . .

We don't have the big bucks to pay for advertising,

but we do have friends and family who understand and

will help spread the truth! . . . We just have to keep

on keeping on until plastic surgeons feel ashamed IF

they offer breast implants - and the medical

professionals know about implant illnesses and treat

their patients properly!

God Bless,


Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of

advice given by licensed health care professionals.

Consult your physician or licensed health care

professional before commencing any medical treatment.

" Do not let either the medical authorities or the

politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are,

and make your own decisions about how to live a happy

life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus

ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry;

1963, Peace)

See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at

this link:


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Kathy, Thank you for you support. Yes, I am 44 and also in the midddle of

perimenopause, it stinks. It just has been a very difficult couple of months

with the diagnoses of mgus and acquired von willenbrand. I been very scared,

I know how I feel, and it not good. I am suppuse to have $500 more blood

work next month, this is suppose to been tested every 3 months. My husband

just refused to probably think that this can even be serious at all. I know

I am suppose to move on as the onclogy doc said, but I feel Ill everyday. It

was a good weekend, so i continue to work on the communitcation problems. I

am sure it will get better, its like you said, take one day at a time.

Thanks Margie

>From: " mikat828 " <mikat828@...>



>Subject: Re: plastic surgeon

>Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 03:31:11 -0000







>Hang in there. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you


>will get through this. And we are here for you anytime you need a


>listening ear. It is very hard for some people --especially men--to


>deal with emotions. Your husband is being selfish, withdrawn and


>totally nonsupportive. He probably doesn't have a clue as to how to


>deal with you and your problems, and is perhaps depressed himself


>too. Also, if you are anywhere in your forties or fifties, your


>hormonal system may well be out of balance contributing to feelings


>of depression, hopelessness, sadness, irritability, anger, etc. I


>am fifty one and am in the midst of dealing with perimenopause and


>it has wreaked not only emotional havoc (I am always a split second


>from tears) but physical havoc as well. Hormone fluctuations


>increase symptoms of autoimmune illness. For me, it is like night


>and day the way I feel physically (and mentally) depending on the


>day of the month. I have found that other people react to my


>increased emotionality in a nonunderstanding way. Especially my 18


>year old daughter! I have felt much more vulnerable emotionally


>this last couple of years and find myself avoiding situations on


>days when I know that I could easily get upset with someone.


>We all react differently to crisis, and your husband isn't reacting


>in the compassionate way that he should. But it may not even be for


>the reasons that you might think. He could be angry that your


>illness has changed you, afraid that you won't get better, afraid of


>how things are changing, or so many other things. Whatever he is


>feeling, he has decided that shutting out the problem works better


>than dealing with it. For me, when I felt let down by other people,


>I turned closer to God. The more I sought Him out, the more peace


>and hope I found that I would get better. I found that I didn't


>need other people as much, and I have been blessed and He has


>brought me through many dark times. There is light on the other


>side, and I am walking in it now! Not only have I gotten


>signficantly better, but even though I still struggle with rapidly


>changing moods from hormones, I now know that I can trust that I


>will make it through hard times. Going through hard times does make


>us stronger, and certainly makes us more compassionate. Please know


>that we care and will help you get through the tough times!




















>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by

>licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

>health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.




> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

>Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live

>a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing, two-time

>Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)




>See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:







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Hello, The strange thing is that my symptoms have gotton worse after the

implants were improperly taken out. I know that there is debris and who

knows what still in my body. I know I still must have silicone that migrated

into my breast, back and lymph glands in my right breast. I have to be real

carefull of what I can take too. The smallest amount of medicines have made

me have internal bleeding. I just try to eat well and get exercise. THANKS


>From: " mikat828 " <mikat828@...>



>Subject: Re: plastic surgeon

>Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 05:09:16 -0000







>I can understand your fear. But nothing is written in stone


>regardless of what the medical establishment says. I believe we can


>get better from almost anything. So please don't accept these


>diagnosis as the final word. Where there is a will, there is a


>way. Getting out the implants, and then detoxing the body and


>killing off pathogens, and supporting the immune system can make a


>huge difference. The body given the right chance, intuitively works


>toward healing itself. Sometimes it can be a very long road, but we


>must remain firm in our belief that we are healing. And fear is a


>very damaging stressor to the immune system. So are deadly


>emotions. I have had many very emotional confrontations with my


>daughter over the past six months--due to her obsession with her


>boyfriend--and each time I literally put my health back several


>steps. I belong to other websites for autoimmune disease and they


>all say the same thing. People can virtually be pulled out of a


>remission and into an active state of disease again by stress or an


>accident of some sort. I like to watch TBN--shows with Joyce Meyer


>and Creflo Dollar --just really fill me with hope and joy. Also,


>watching funny movies or shows is really good for your immune


>system. People have actually laughed their way to better health.


>Have you read Jordan Rubin's books? His book The Maker's Diet is


>full of


>hope that for improving your health and immune system. I highly


>recommend it. I know it is easy to despair--especially during


>perimenopause. Five years ago I thought I was dying. I was


>diagnosed with mctd with lupus and scleroderma symptoms. When I


>read that scleroderma (systemic) had a 60% ten year mortality rate,


>I was sure I would leave my children orphans. Their dad had died 2


>years before. I was in a state of panic for months. But I found


>the antibiotic therapy and this group and got explanted. THough the


>Scleroderma foundation was busy telling people that scleroderma


>couldn't be cured, people on the antibiotic site were going into


>remission. That is why I don't ever take for gospel what doctors


>tell you will happen or even their diagnosis which is often wrong.


>Please know we are supporting you and that we care.


>Many Hugs,
















> >


> >


> > Kathy, Thank you for you support. Yes, I am 44 and also in the


>midddle of


> > perimenopause, it stinks. It just has been a very difficult couple


>of months


> > with the diagnoses of mgus and acquired von willenbrand. I been


>very scared,


> > I know how I feel, and it not good. I am suppuse to have $500 more




> > work next month, this is suppose to been tested every 3 months. My




> > just refused to probably think that this can even be serious at


>all. I know


> > I am suppose to move on as the onclogy doc said, but I feel Ill


>everyday. It


> > was a good weekend, so i continue to work on the communitcation


>problems. I


> > am sure it will get better, its like you said, take one day at a




> > Thanks Margie


> >


> > >From: " mikat828 " <mikat828@...>


> > >Reply-


> > >


> > >Subject: Re: plastic surgeon


> > >Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 03:31:11 -0000


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >Margie


> > >


> > >Hang in there. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you


> > >


> > >will get through this. And we are here for you anytime you need a


> > >


> > >listening ear. It is very hard for some people --especially men--




> > >


> > >deal with emotions. Your husband is being selfish, withdrawn and


> > >


> > >totally nonsupportive. He probably doesn't have a clue as to how




> > >


> > >deal with you and your problems, and is perhaps depressed himself


> > >


> > >too. Also, if you are anywhere in your forties or fifties, your


> > >


> > >hormonal system may well be out of balance contributing to




> > >


> > >of depression, hopelessness, sadness, irritability, anger, etc. I


> > >


> > >am fifty one and am in the midst of dealing with perimenopause and


> > >


> > >it has wreaked not only emotional havoc (I am always a split




> > >


> > >from tears) but physical havoc as well. Hormone fluctuations


> > >


> > >increase symptoms of autoimmune illness. For me, it is like night


> > >


> > >and day the way I feel physically (and mentally) depending on the


> > >


> > >day of the month. I have found that other people react to my


> > >


> > >increased emotionality in a nonunderstanding way. Especially my




> > >


> > >year old daughter! I have felt much more vulnerable emotionally


> > >


> > >this last couple of years and find myself avoiding situations on


> > >


> > >days when I know that I could easily get upset with someone.


> > >


> > >We all react differently to crisis, and your husband isn't




> > >


> > >in the compassionate way that he should. But it may not even be




> > >


> > >the reasons that you might think. He could be angry that your


> > >


> > >illness has changed you, afraid that you won't get better, afraid




> > >


> > >how things are changing, or so many other things. Whatever he is


> > >


> > >feeling, he has decided that shutting out the problem works better


> > >


> > >than dealing with it. For me, when I felt let down by other




> > >


> > >I turned closer to God. The more I sought Him out, the more peace


> > >


> > >and hope I found that I would get better. I found that I didn't


> > >


> > >need other people as much, and I have been blessed and He has


> > >


> > >brought me through many dark times. There is light on the other


> > >


> > >side, and I am walking in it now! Not only have I gotten


> > >


> > >signficantly better, but even though I still struggle with rapidly


> > >


> > >changing moods from hormones, I now know that I can trust that I


> > >


> > >will make it through hard times. Going through hard times does




> > >


> > >us stronger, and certainly makes us more compassionate. Please




> > >


> > >that we care and will help you get through the tough times!


> > >


> > >Blessings,


> > >


> > >Kathy


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice


>given by


> > >licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or




> > >health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > > " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians


>mislead you.


> > >Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about


>how to live


> > >a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus


>ing, two-time


> > >Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:


> > >


> > >http://.shutterfly.com/action/


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >

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