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Re: questions on secondary diabetes mellitus

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My surgery was in Sept of 91 and like I said I was one of his first patients

who had it that way. My sister in law was going to have it done and they

told her two weeks off of work. I don't think she did it. She lives in

Dallas and did not want to be off work that long. I agree especially for

someone with health challenges like ours you do need time to heal because it

is still a major surgery. Hugs Shelia :o)

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Susie, isn't it remarkable how far we have come in technology just in our

lifetime? I am sorry you had to go through that, and I am sorry you had to

be laid up that long. I am not a good stay at home and be sick person. I

think that is why I don't have alot of patients with this disease like anyone

else I just want to be normal and not have to worry about anything. I have

really been challenged with that again the last few weeks. I am trying the

low carb and still having high readings. I just need to refocus I guess.

Hugs Shelia :o)

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Thanks Shelia for your answer - that gives me hope that maybe they can do mine

that way as well........ I was just really dreading having to go thru a lap, or

D & C, only to have to start over again and have another procedure when they

finally were to decide a hysterectomy is really necessary. The way you did it,

you had a " two for one " special........ 8-) I have had a lot of surgery due

to my birth defect..... 15 surgeries in all, and if I have to have a 16th then I

would prefer something that's going to last, not put me back in the same shape

several months down the road!

See you,



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Hi ,

I don't think I'd ever heard of that! Might be worth checking out - so, did the

calcium intake solve the cravings though? I find the Healthy Delight ice cream

is really not too bad, if I am wanting some.

See you



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Beth wrote:

<< Yes, I've tried ibuprofen --- it's about as effective as eating M & M's


well ok - dietetic M & M's!! 8-) >>

With your medical experience, I figured you would have given it a try, Beth.

The pain must stop ... You shouldn't have to suffer like this.


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Hi Shelia,

I think that's GREAT you had yours done by laser! I bet that is definitely the

way to go, if possible.......... I know it'd be a much bigger surgery if they

cut me open. They had to for the ostomy surgery, and I didn't get along very

well - lost a lot of blood, and generally a long recuperation period too.... 8-(

See you



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I am having a hard time finding where I fit in. The Atkins diet makes me

really ill. Yet the carbs are afftecting the bgs lately. I did not sleep at

all last nite. My dh was worried but I think i still have a sinus infection.

The last time they could not clear it up they had to go to surgery and do

it. I don't won't to do that again :o( My ears are hurting a little also.

All I know is I am not eating out of sorts and my surgars are staying high.

It is sooooo hot here you cannot go out and do much of anything, but Mike is

going to take me to walk this evening. I guess I will try Atkins again. I

am also looking at Sugar Busters but the carbs seem kinda high there also. I

have not looked at the Berstien book that I read you guys post on. I am

reading lables on everything I get now and try not to get anything with over

4 grams of carb. Does that mean not to look at sugar content and only focus

on Carbs? I am not one to get depressed but this is really getting me down.

I just want to find something that works for me. I have been having to

include insulin shots again to try to get under control. I am currently on

1000mg of glucopage and 1 amaryl a day. Any ideas? Hugs Shelia :o)

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Hi Shelia,

That is still a remarkable recovery though -- and I'm glad your doctor had

enough sense to keep you off work. My sister-in-law is an LPN and she had an

acquaintance who had the laser - and she SAYS that the person was allowed back

to work 'next day' --- I tend to think that's a little ridiculous, if it's

true! I would hope my doc would write me an excuse for a few weeks at least so

I can have time to properly heal......... 8-)

See you,



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Beth writes:

<< ... I know it'd be a much bigger surgery if they

cut me open. They had to for the ostomy surgery, and I didn't get along


well - lost a lot of blood, and generally a long recuperation period too....

8-( >>

I was trying to self-donate blood, and I was so anemic from the hemorrhaging

and had so much trouble giving ... I fainted ... And a scalpel-type

hysterectomy is definitely major surgery ... and that stresses your

diabetes. I am very excited to hear about laparoscopic and laser techniques!

I was laid up for a very long time ... tied a rope from the bedroom doorknob

to my bed so I could pull myself out of bed occasionally. Then one day I

needed to talk to a tobacco farmer who was working his mules up on top of

the hill and climbed a gate and tried to walk up there, and started

hemorrhaging again after the surgery. After that, I " squished when I walked "

and ended up back in bed for more weeks.

If you can have one of the modern techniques, it will make your decision so

much easier.

Susie :o)

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Shelia writes:

<< I am trying the low carb and still having high readings. I just need to

refocus I guess. >>

Shelia, you've got the Right Stuff to manage this thing. I am always hopeful

when I see fellow diabetics who demonstrate an upbeat attitude and grit. We

have some really tough, brave, optimistic folks in this group ... real

*winners*. The people in this group are willing to try new approaches and do

the Hard Work ... people who hear things that sound unnatural to them, but

who trust their fellow diabetics enough to seriously consider different

treatments for their disease.

I keep saying it ... I am awed and humbled by your progress. I am sooo

mule-headed .. it took me literally six months to reach the point where many

of you are after only 1-2 weeks!

Somehow, we will find a program that works for each one of us. For one of

you it may be switching from 70-30 insulin twice a day to a combination of L

or UL as background and using Humalog at meals; for another, it could be

cutting calories and fat and exercising a lot; for others, it could be

cutting carbohydrates and meditation; for someone else, it could be curing

another health problem that is triggering the diabetes.


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Shelia wrote:

<< I am reading lables on everything I get now and try not to get anything

with over

4 grams of carb. Does that mean not to look at sugar content and only focus

on Carbs? >>

Shelia, the limit I use is 15 grams per serving. I could never stick to the

Atkins induction diet. For one thing, I just can't stand eating fat; for

another thing, I'm not just on a temporary weight loss diet ... I have to do

this the rest of my life. And I HAVE to have a wider choice of foods. I

would suggest you look at " Protein Power " by the Dr. Eades, or the brand new

book called " The Diabetic's Book " (5th edition) by Barbara Biermann and June

Toohey (ooh, I hope I got their names right). Or the tapes by Dr. Ron

Rosedale, who is in practice with the Drs. Eades. Or read Dr. Bernstein's

book " Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution " but make appropriate adjustments

that fit your own tastes and lifestyle.

I think that is what is best ... read the best of the best ... then invent

your own program.

All you have to do is grab a good search engine like

http://www.altavista.com and do web searches. Just asking it for a search

using " low carb " will produce a slew of sites.


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There is also a book produced in November 1997 by Calvin Ezrin that I heard

is excellent. I am looking for it myself. It is a high-protein diet, like

what I eat.


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Hi Shelia,

I haven't had time to check out laparascopic hysterectomy on internet yet as

Susie suggested -- I have babysitting duties sometimes, and today has been full

of my 6 yr old nephew, (who doesn't understand why aunt Beth doesn't feel

well).... I am very surprised you had yours done by laser, that long ago - I

figured maybe it was a new procedure to do that way, but I take it maybe not. I

think I'd have to have it straight from the docs beforehand that they'd give me

a work excuse for a few weeks anyway. I can't see jeopardizing myself by going

back to work too soon.

See you!



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G'day Susie,

If you manage to find a scource for this book would you please let me

know.....particuarly one when I can purchase it on-line.....

I have searched every on-line bookseller that I know of...with no results

so far....




> To: diabetes_intonelist

> Subject: Re: questions on secondary diabetes mellitus

> Date: Monday, 16 August 1999 8:01




> There is also a book produced in November 1997 by Calvin Ezrin that I


> is excellent. I am looking for it myself. It is a high-protein diet, like

> what I eat.


> Susie



> ---------------------------

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