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Re: questions on secondary diabetes mellitus

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Susie knows more then I do I'm sure but before I was diagnosed with diabetes

they did the ultrasound and said that I had 2 cyst and that they couldn't see

one side(because of the weight),so I went to a really good obgyn and he said

I had a endometrial thickening on the uterus wall,he said this frequently

happens with women getting ready to go through menopause,he wanted to give me

something that would make me shed the thickening and make my periods more

normal,I called and told him I was diagnosed with diabetes and I have never

heard another word from him,he did do a biopsy and it was negative,I know if

this is similar Susie will have to tell us

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Beth, my name is Shelia and I went through that. I had severe GYN problems

that lead to a total hysterectamy. Mine did not go away, although my symtoms

did for about a year. Boy did I have a good time until it came up and nipped

me in the bud. I was only able to have one child and lucky to have him. As

a matter of fact it was my GYN doctor who said I was diabetic. Even though

all the other docs said no. He stuck with his feelings and ended up being

right. He prayed with me through all of that and I really appreciate him as a

doctor. I am just learning all this stuff myself. This list has helped me

alot. I just wanted to share my experience with you about it because I also

though that once I had the plumbing taking care of it would go away and I

would live happily ever after and that was a little true because it did heal

some of my body but the diabetes part still stayed. I had a doctor tell me

that once you have diabetes you always have it. It will not go away you have

to take care of it and keep it under control even though the symtoms are not

there because of good care the disease is there. Hope I helped. Just take

care and don't do what I did and party because it made things worse. Hugs

Shelia :o)

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Beth I don't know I know in my case I was eat up with endo. I was 23 when

they told me I was diabetic and I was 32 when I had a total Hyst. I had the

same hopes but mine just got worse. I do hope you gals situation is

different though I just am telling you what I experienced. Hugs Shelia :o)

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Hi Susie,

I don't think that's my problem, but I can look. I have already had an

ultrasound, and ovaries did not show a problem, nor did I have any tumors in the

uterus. It did show an 'endometrial stripe " or something to that effect -- I do

not know if that is indicative of me having " endometriosis " or not........

Thanks - I will take a look though



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Beth writes:

<< Can anyone explain secondary, and is it possible if I get the GYN problem

straightened out, that the diabetes would " go away " -- or not?? >>

Beth, please do a web search for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and see if

that could be your problem. Or write me right away and I will pull the info

for you.


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Beth I hurt so bad that the day of the surgery they had to wheelchair me to

the room. I did not even care what they did as long as the pain went away.

When I came out of recovery I will never forget the feeling of instant

relief. It is a feeling I cannot begin to tell you. I felt like doing

jumping jacks! LOL! Everyone told me that I would not feel the difference

until 6 or more months, I have to tell you mine was immediate. It felt good

to feel good. I think that is when I went into denial for the FIRST time

with this disease. I went through a period I just wanted to be normal. I

was so tired of hurting and people poking needles in me. Or telling me it

was in my head (until I got this GYN) I lost weight felt good and was pain

free and that was such a glorious feeling. I hope the best for you and I

will keep you in my prayers that things will work the way they need to in

order to get your body healed and healthy and ready to fight this terrible

disease! Hugs Shelia :o)

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Hey , You know I don't even think they even considered it. I know they

called my son a miracle because they said because of my diabetes and the size

he was for my size of body I should not have been able to have one. I know

things got worse after his birth. The only doctor at the time that really

associated anything was my GYN. He sent me to specialist in Houston because

I wanted so bad to have another baby and they put me on sooooooo much

fertility pill I could have easily had a whole little of babies. It seems

that is what they are saying caused the major growth of the endo. But I

believe the diabetes had a lot to do with it. I had a lot of cyst on my

overies and I also had a tumor in my uterus. My GYN really tried to

encourage me to leave at least one ovary. My grandmother died of Cancer of

the ovaries and was a diabetic and I just would not listen and insisted that

he take it all. After the surgery he could not believe what he had removed

and said it all had to come out. My diabetes seemed to have gone away. I

kinda lived like nothing was wrong for about a year or better then it came

back and really got me. I had to really get a grip on it and had a bad endo

to boot! Which is another story! LOL!! Sorry I babbled on but I believe it

all tied to the diabetes hope this helps.

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Hi ,

Your problem sounds a bit like mine...... I have no cysts or tumors found on


However, I know I found somewhere on the web, that I was listing " endometrial

diseases " or something to that effect - and one thing said that a SYMPTOM of

endo, is diabetes............ so, if the diabetes is brought on by the

endometriosis, and if the endo can be taken care of -- (thru hysterectomy I am

hoping, at this point) --- then indeed does the SYMPTOM of diabetes go away?


See you



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My doctor started with a laparscopy and ended up taking it out right then.

They tried to draw it out on me. I was in so much pain it just had to

happen. Your right about the diabetes though because it can be controled

like I said just don't go into denial when You see how much better you feel.

because mine was a right away feeling and I just put the diabetes on the back

burner thinking I was healed but I still had that and needed to take care of

it. Because I did not it caused me more problems down the road. Right now

Just take care of both and get well!!!!!!!!! Tons Of Hugs and Prayers

Shelia :o)

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My Father's Mother died of stomach cancer in the early 30's so who knows what

she really had. I had my tubes tied and thats when things kicked up another

notch,but it does seem better since I have the diabetes under pretty good

control. Thank you for the info though,I just wanted Beth to know that at

least one other person had had something similar.Its amazing how many of the

same things have affected us and yet the drs just wait for us to figure it

out,oh well,go figure.

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Well just keep in mind my gp still feels that I have endo and she interned

with the obgyn,it was just a fluke that I went to him. The obgyn doesn't want

to do anything except maybe another biopsy in a few more months,but I don't

have insurance so that could be why

Good luck and I'll be thinking of you,let us know

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Hi Shelia,

Thanks - I appreciate your note. I think the GYN problems have been here

awhile, but of course I've been playing " tough girl " and not doing anything

about it - until now, and the pain is severe. Whether the diabetes leaves or

not, I am fine with it- I tend to think once I am recuperating from surgery the

levels might be easier to handle. They fluctuate a lot recently - I feel like

partly due to the pain my body is in. I knew diabetes was not something that

went away - but since I had read that it was a 'symptom' of endo, thought maybe

it would " depart " when everything was taken care of....... Oh well - at least I

CAN manage diabetes fairly well, and I've not experienced intense pain with

that! 8-)

See you



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Thanks Shelia,

I know exactly what you mean --- I am going to my appointment on Monday morning,

and I'm just thinking of telling them -- " hand me the scalpel, I'll do it

myself! " .......... I'm at the point I will do ANYTHING to make the pain

stop...... whether or not the diabetes goes is a minor issue - the main thing

is getting the GYN problem fixed fast! Although I have my doubts it'll be fast

-- insurance companies and docs like to drag it out -- make you go thru all

kinds of 'stuff' before getting to the main event........ I've already had an

ultrasound, which I know was necessary - so next step will most likely be a

laparascopy just to do the diagnosis - for sure, it's endo. Then from there,

maybe just maybe I can talk them into a hysterectomy......... 8-)

See you



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Thanks Shelia,

Did you mean you had the laparascopy and the other done at the same time, they

went ahead and did the hysterectomy then? If they would do that, I would be


See you,



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Yes -- what kinda bugs me, is that everyone I have talked to since reading

my test results, have told me " I had a laparascopy but ended up having a

hysterectomy a few months later " -- either that, or " I had a D & C, but had a

hysterectomy " --- so, that indicates to me that a laparascopy or D & C are not

anything more than temporary fixes -- and I don't really want a temporary fix!!

See you



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I think part of the problem is that doctors really don't realize how much

pain their patients are suffering. When Shelia said she felt better

*immediately* after a hysterectomy ... *major surgery* ... than she had

before, I said. " Holy $#!% " (yeah ... I said another bad word ... :x ).

I was telling Beth in private email about a woman who rode horses who walked

around with a broken back for two weeks after being bucked off because she

thought it was just more menstrual pain! It is unconscionable for doctors

to let patients suffer so ... but how does one quantify pain? They must

always be vigilant regarding overadministering analgesics and performing

unneeded procedures. But patients who are really suffering need to just keep

making noise until the doctors recognize the seriousness of the situation.

Since there may be at least one hysterectomy in the offing in the near

future, let's discuss procedure. Okay ... I think going in through the

vaginal wall is risky from an infection standpoint, and is suitable only

where there are not large growths involved. Going in through the abdominal

wall, the way I heard was best is to make a horizontal incision right

beneath the bikini line (a " happy face " ), then when going through deeper

tissue, make a vertical cut. The reason for this is a vertical incision on

the outer skin can cause separation and a really ugly scar. On the other

hand, if a surgeon made the horizonal incision all the way through, he/she

would slice right through abdominal muscles and cause much greater pain and

a longer recovery time. So you end up with x and y intersecting. I had three

tumors about the size of tennis balls or baseballs removed intact, along

with the uterus. The surgeon remarked the next morning that that was

absolutely the limit of what could be removed from that sort of incision.

The way the surgery is performed is important to your recovery.

If anyone has a newer, better procedure, please share. Sounds like we got

some ladies in trouble here.

By the way, as I told Beth, my reproductive organs were never anything but a

pain in the tail to me ... I don't miss them. I had pain and hemorrhaging

for years and years. Now I no longer have to worry about uterine or cervical

cancer, and I can take straight estrogen pills to prevent osteoporosis and

other problems. The diabetes definitely got worse after the surgery ... but

once I learned how to " eat right, " I was better than ever.


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Hi Susie,

Well, believe it or not, that is NOT the first time I've heard that a woman had

immediate RELIEF upon waking in the recovery room after a hysterectomy. My

hairdresser (who also had endometriosis) told me she was MUCH better - she said

" I felt BETTER a week AFTER the surgery, than I did the week BEFORE " - and I can

definitely believe it. I really can't imagine that post-op pain is going to be

any more severe than the pain I am having right now. I was not given anything

for pain by the OB office - I had some tylenol with codeine on hand from

something else - and the codeine was NOT cutting the pain. I just took some

" Indocet " pills that my dad had left over from his colon surgery and feel better

than I've felt all day.

I've read some on different procedures --- my hairdresser had a vaginal

hysterectomy, which I would think is MUCH easier to recuperate from, than an

" abdominal " one. I also had found somewhere on the net, that some surgeons use

the laparascope to DO the hysterectomy - in effect, it would be like laser

surgery, and I would think that would also be easy to recuperate from. I

actually do dread a little, if I do have an abdominal one.......... I have a

urinary ostomy, which was done in 1976, and the incision is " all the way across "

-- I suppose it would be considered " bikini line " . The stitches are

uncomfortable in that area, and runs in my mind I had some kind of cath coming

out of that area as well. I guess if they do an abdominal one - they would

probably be " re-opening " that scar, or that area.........

I don't know IF a laparascopic hysterectomy is a new procedure or not, nor do I

know if it can be done from my local surgeons -- might be new and only a few

surgeons in the US that'll do it - I don't know..........

See you!



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Beth writes:

<< I had some tylenol with codeine on hand from something else - and the

codeine was NOT cutting the pain. I just took some " Indocet " pills that my

dad had left over from his colon surgery and feel better than I've felt all

day. >>

Have you tried ibuprofen (Advil)? It if very good for soft tissue pain,

including dental surgery and abdominal pain.

<< ... my hairdresser had a vaginal hysterectomy, which I would think is

MUCH easier to recuperate from, than an " abdominal " one. I also had found

somewhere on the net, that some surgeons use

the laparascope to DO the hysterectomy - in effect, it would be like laser

surgery, and I would think that would also be easy to recuperate from. >>

Yes, I would agree - if there isn't a lot of growths to be removed. My mom

had hers done vaginally - but then she is a diabetic as well, and developed

an infection and had a slow recovery. There are a lot of things to consider.

And that is where the internet will come in handy - for investigating the

options. Also, if you have a medical library at the hospital where you work,

that would be valuable. I think when they do a laparoscopic hysterectomy,

they section the uterus to remove it. They've used laparoscopics, and you do

heal very fast. They can punch more than one hole in the abdomen ... stick

the instruments in through one and the light scope in through the other.

<< I have a urinary ostomy, which was done in 1976, and the incision is " all

the way across "

-- I suppose it would be considered " bikini line " . The stitches are

uncomfortable in that area, and runs in my mind I had some kind of cath


out of that area as well. I guess if they do an abdominal one - they would

probably be " re-opening " that scar, or that area. >>

That complicates matters ... and they do leave a drainage tube in for


<< I don't know IF a laparascopic hysterectomy is a new procedure or not,

nor do I

know if it can be done from my local surgeons -- might be new and only a few

surgeons in the US that'll do it - I don't know. >>

Try http://www.altavista.com and type in quotation marks " laparoscopic

hysterectomy " ... a large number of sites to review. You can also try

http://www.askjeeves.com http://www.excite.com is good as well.


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Yes that is what they did. I was in so much pain that he decided that if it

was bad he would go ahead a do it. So I would not know what he did until

afterwards when I woke up. But I knew what it was going to be. I hurt to

much for it not to go that way. Hugs Shelia :o)

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Hey Beth,

I read something just recently about calcium lessening cramps,that it takes

like a month,but you might give it a try. I have started taking it on a

regular basis and I didn't really think about it but my periods have been

better,they got better after I went on meds(I'm off now) for diabetes but I

also started taking calcium because I started craving ice cream while I was

on high protein,low carb

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Hey Susie, I had my surgery done laser. I was one of the first. I was up

and around in 4 days shopping at Walmarts! LOL!! My family and friends

said right off the bat that I was back to my old self. That is how much of a

difference it made. My doctor did my surgery laser but he noted that it was

very close to having to cut me, because My uterus was the size of a nine

month old fetus. It was really bad. God just blessed me with a christian

doctor who prayed with me on making sure right decisions were made. I wanted

another baby sooooo bad. But it is like once I had the surgery and got rid

of all the sick stuff inside of me God put me at peace with the baby thing,

he put kids in my life that did not have a very good homelife. They were

friends of and that was such a blessing. They call Mike and I mom

and dad. So God just had another path for me that I did not understand at

the time. I will definately think of you ladies in my thoughts and prayers

during this time for you. Hugs Shelia :o)

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Beth its me again :o) I take Advil gel caps. I was having a hard time

finding something that works and it works really well and fast. I sent a

post to Susie that I had my surgery laser and recovered really fast. Hugs

Shelia :o)

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Beth I can tell you my recovery from the laser was remarkable. I don't know

if it was because I hurt so bad and felt so much better. But I was going to

the store and messing around the house in 4 days. Don't get me wrong you

still had to take it easy. My doctor still kept me off work for 8 weeks and

the normal time off for laser is 3 weeks I think. But because of what my

situation was he wanted me to rest and let my body heal really well before

going back and also because I was diabetic. Let me note also my Endo was

there for me also. And what is even more weird is that my sugars stayed

normal though the whole thing. My endo could not believe it. He had insulin

waiting for me and I did not need anything and he told me I was still

diabetic, I do wish I had listened to him and kept on my diet. But cannot

redo the past! Hugs Shelia :o)

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Hi Susie,

Yes, I've tried ibuprofen --- it's about as effective as eating M & M's (oops,

well ok - dietetic M & M's!! 8-) I've been on prescription ibuprofen - I

think it was 800mg strong and still did not help. I was told, that if you know

when you're due to start your period, you should start taking the ibuprofen two

or three days BEFORE - so that it's in your system. I'm sure that probably DOES

make a great deal of difference however, my periods are so irregular that I can

never know that much ahead of time to get the medicine in my system BEFOREHAND.

That just doesn't work with me. Unfortunately I have to wait til I am on my

period (and usually cramps are coming full force), and then get to take

something for them............

Thanks Susie -- I will do a search on laparascopic hysterectomy, and see what I

find. I might also check in our library at Augusta Medical Center and see what

I find......... 8-)




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