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Re: diabetes

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I am also sorry for going off on you. I have been having trouble with my

in-laws about my diabetes and we had just had a fight so I took it out on

you. Please forgive me. I am always having to defend myself so I went on

the defensive.

The whole story. I have many things going on with me at the same time.

Since I was 6 years old I have suffered from IBS. When I was 9 I started

having problems with PTSD. At 15 I found out that I am also a

manic-depressive with panic-anxiety add. I didn't understand why I had all

of these problems. I didn't start getting large until I was 19. I started

getting bigger and bigger. So I went back to my shrink (easier to spell)

and she thought it was from all the abuse that I had suffered and the rape I

had gone through. She said I was just building a wall of fat to protect

myself. Then 2 weeks before I got married I found out that I was adopted.

That was a real shocker. Any way in 1997 I found my biological father and

in his family obesity runs all through. So does diabetes, mental problems,

and some digestive problems. So I thought ok maybe this is part of the

reason. Then in 1998 I found my biological mother. Obesity runs on that

side of the family also. My mom was diabetic and had to have dyalisis. She

lost the lower part of her leg in Oct. 98 then in Dec 98 she lost that

whole leg. Dec 13 1998 she died from diabetes complications. In 1997 I

weighed a whopping 459 pounds. Now I weigh in at 352.1 pounds. I am in

the process of trying to get the dr.'s to help me get my stomach stapled.

Hoping that will help all the way around. Just had to have test on

intestines because they think that they found a mass. So I have been under

alot of stress lately. NO EXCUSE for me to be rude to you.

I have 3 kids that I have checked every 6 months for diabetes because I do

not want them to have to go through what I have.

Susie, again I apologize for the way I let loose on you. I know that you

were only trying to help. I also don't think that I explained myself very

well. You keep on trucking. I have always wanted to drive a truck but I

don't think I could.

Wow, Stormy. You have so much going on! First of all, huge congratulations

on your successful weight loss. We had a discussion about stomach stapling

in misc.health.diabetes, and a lot of posters felt that the risks weren't

worth it, especially for a diabetic. There is at least one online support

group for people who claim to have suffered serious complications following

that surgery. But you have shown yourself and the world that you can lose

100 pounds. I'll bet you can do it again! Don't you love it when people tell

you you're a diabetic and stress is as bad for you as eating wrong, and to

" not worry " ? How are you supposed to not feel stress, when your life is

filled with it? And don't you feel like any apology is necessary. I was

tired and not thinking well and, in retrospect, I think I sounded like a

pompous ass <grin>.

When will you get the test results re the possible stomach mass? What a lot

of worries. The interesting thing is, healing ourselves is like turning a

ship around. The " tugboats " we employ work and work, and yet movement in the

desired direction seems nearly imperceptible. But eventually, those small

workhouses have managed the incredible feat of reversing the course of a

mighty ocean liner. I have never experienced one day in the past year or so

since changing my eating habits where I exclaimed, " Eureka! I'm healed!! "

And yet the numbers kept improving, the complications continued to fade into

memory, and today I feel younger and healthier than I have for years.

Among the best things I sense you have going for you are strength of

character, understanding, and optimism. I hope you can trust me on this, but

I seem to have some strong perceptive powers. Last time in, the co-driver

and I met the boss for dinner in Tennessee. A man walked in and the boss

said he planned to hire the guy as our newest driver. The guy mentioned that

he had a doctor's appointment the next day, and I felt saddened. As soon as

the co-driver and I walked outdoors, I said, " That man has a bad heart! " A

few days later he had a heart attack. But I don't feel that way about you at

all. I think you have what it takes to employ your own " tugboats " of courage

and optimism to draw yourself back to better health.



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Stormy writes:

<< I forgot to mention I am on Rezulin 400mg once a day. Also Amaryl 4mg.

once a day. They are considering uping the Rezulin. >>

I am glad your new doctor and specialist are better informed about diabetes.

You need to preserve whatever pancreas function you have remaining, and I am

relieved you were not placed on sulfonylureas.

What sort of foods are they telling you to eat and to avoid? If they told

you to start an exercise program, you probably laughed at them, as with

three youngsters, you are already getting quite a workout.


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Stormy asks:

<< What is a brittle DM? I haven't heard about that. >>

Some experts claim there is no such thing as a " brittle diabetic " - just a

diabetic that hasn't yet found the right treatment combination. And yet I

saw a woman slip into serious illness and depression, despite every

appearance of doing everything right. It is certainly plain that many

diabetics have a harder time with good control than others, even though they

try at least as hard. You may be a candidate for an approach that combines

insulin with pills.


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> To: diabetes_intonelist


> I've been told there is no such thing as a " brittle diabetic " . You

> either are diabetic or not. This comes from a friend's endocrinologist.


I have been Type 1, IDDM, for 26 years now. And I am brittle. The term

applies to the inability to predict the exact effect either insulin, carbs

or exercise may have on the BGs. You can come real close, but always have

a greater margin of error than a non-brittle diabetic.

Perhaps the term you have heard is borderline diabetic. There are no

borderline diabetics, you either are or you are not.


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This seems to be a real catch 22 for diabetics with manic-depression (or

maybe that's manic depressives with diabetes). The fluctuating glucose

levels can trigger depression and other emotional upheavals, but the stress

of MD can raise ones BG levels through the roof.

Fighting it every day,

Deb & Geoff

Re: diabetes

>From: OtterCritter@...

>Stormy, I don't know if this will feel like it has any relevance to the

>ordeal you have been going through for years, but having a lot of

>unexplained chronic symptoms has caused long-term depression for many of us

>who went undiagnosed for years. Also, wildly fluctuating blood glucose

>levels can keep your emotions on a roller-coaster ride. A doctor (just


>to diagnosis) suggested I was manic-depressive, I recall. It is entirely

>possible that your stormy emotional state as well as many physical

>complications may subside when you normalize your glucose levels.






>Ta Da! See our new web site. http://www.onelist.com


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>Don't do it. I have had several friends that too this way and one even


>from complications. One gained back the weight in about 5 yrs. Change


>life and the way you eat and diet or acceptance of you weight is the


>way to go.

I think eating healthy and exercising is much more important than

worrying about the number on the scale.


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Don't do it. I have had several friends that too this way and one even died

from complications. One gained back the weight in about 5 yrs. Change of

life and the way you eat and diet or acceptance of you weight is the only

way to go.

Ann S

Re: diabetes

>From: RSMYTH1000@...


>In a message dated 99-02-19 14:35:53 EST, you write:


><< I am in the process of trying to get the dr.'s to help me get my


>stapled. >>


>Stormy: You indeed have suffered alot. Every time I think my problems are


>hard to bear, I find someone else with more problems than me. I'm


>to you to give you some information. My wife was only 100 lbs over weight.

>She had tried EVERY diet made. She would lose her weight (drop from 250 to

>145) and then it would start coming back on. Finally she went to a doctor


>asked for a stomach staple. She was told the stomach would be fixed so it

>would only hold 3 ozs. The operation was a success but the results were


>First of all she couldn't keep any thing down. She started carrying a


>around with her so she could throw up at any time. Any meat would not


>and most usually food (other than those being muched up by a blender) would

>result in the food being 'caught' in the top of her stomach, which blocked


>more food going in. This caused great pain--enough to go to the ER for

>assistence. The blockage could only be relieved by throwing up or going


>into the hospital for a scope (down the throat) to see what was wrong. She

>lost weight because she simply couldn't eat or keep food in her stomach.


>finally got tired of the almost daily (hourly) throwing up and not to be


>to hold anything down, that she went back in and have the surgery reversed.


>said all of that to let you know of our experience. Just make sure you


>what your getting into. Have the doctor explain it in detail to you. Find

>out how many of these type of surgeries he has done. I wish you the very

>best. God Bless. --Robin



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" Brittle " Diabetes Mellitus is a not so common phaenomenon

in Type-1, where BG-levels for reasons not clarified

are racing up and down. Maybe due to very fluctuating

insulin production and / or severe disturbances in the

glucagon - glycogenolysis mechanism.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----

Fra: Ms Rosie

Til: diabetes_intonelist <diabetes_intonelist>

Dato: 19. februar 1999 21:32

Emne: Re: diabetes









>>What is a brittle DM? I haven't heard about that.




>I've been told there is no such thing as a " brittle diabetic " . You

>either are diabetic or not. This comes from a friend's endocrinologist.









>Have you seen our new web site? http://www.onelist.com

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Thnaks Judy to put the " brittle " right.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----

Fra: Dave and Judy

Til: diabetes_intonelist <diabetes_intonelist>

Dato: 19. februar 1999 23:51

Emne: Re: diabetes







>> To: diabetes_intonelist


>> I've been told there is no such thing as a " brittle diabetic " . You

>> either are diabetic or not. This comes from a friend's endocrinologist.




>I have been Type 1, IDDM, for 26 years now. And I am brittle. The term

>applies to the inability to predict the exact effect either insulin, carbs

>or exercise may have on the BGs. You can come real close, but always have

>a greater margin of error than a non-brittle diabetic.


>Perhaps the term you have heard is borderline diabetic. There are no

>borderline diabetics, you either are or you are not.










>Come see our new web site! http://www.onelist.com

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I am glad to hear all of your experiences and those of your friends. I am

not sure what to do. I know there are alot of problems that come with

having this surgery done. There are a lot of problems with weighing 352

pounds also. I wouldn't have the surgery for awhile if I do decide to have

it done. If I continue to lose the weight as I have been then I probally

won't have it done. The only thing I am sure of is that I am sick and tired

of being sick and tired and just want to feel human again. Right now I feel

like a caged animal on display. The poking and prodding and the forever

having test run is starting to get to me. Also with the people I have to

deal with constantly questioning my every move I have gotten rude to alot of

people. That is so unlike me. I use to be a happy go lucky person now I

seem to be a very bitter, rude, hateful person. I don't like that at all. I

am trying really hard to get back to my old self. Please be patient with


I am finding that there are alot of things that I can't eat now that I could

a year ago when I first found out that I was diabetic. Every time that I

eat potatoes and pasta 2 of my favs. My bg goes way up. With my IBS I have

gotten to where it is very hard for me to eat anything because it upsets my

system. Who knows maybe that will help me lose more weight. Well I have

rambled on enough. Thanks to all of you for caring. It means alot to know

that you know what I am going through.


Re: diabetes









>>Don't do it. I have had several friends that too this way and one even


>>from complications. One gained back the weight in about 5 yrs. Change


>>life and the way you eat and diet or acceptance of you weight is the


>>way to go.



>I think eating healthy and exercising is much more important than

>worrying about the number on the scale.








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In a message dated 99-02-20 20:15:16 EST, you write:

<< The only thing I am sure of is that I am sick and tired

of being sick and tired and just want to feel human again. Right now I feel

like a caged animal on display. The poking and prodding and the forever

having test run is starting to get to me. Also with the people I have to

deal with constantly questioning my every move >>

Stormy: I, as well as many on this list, feel and understand you being

:..sick and tired of being sick and tired... " . I remember when I was told I

had to stick my fingers 3 times a day. And this was when they didn't have the

'soft clic' type of lancet inserter. When I did it, it really hurt. After a

while I got sick and tired of the pain and started cheating. Only taking

readings when I felt bad. Looking back I see that was a mistake. I also

remember the " ...poking and prodding and the FOREVER test... " . I think we all

went through it and we all got through it. Either by faith in God (that

things would get better) or faith in your self (that you or doctors would be

able to help). I remember depression (sounds like you might be in it) so bad

that I thought NOBODY had the slightest idea of what I was going through. All

I could get out of my mind was my kidney doctor telling me I would be dead in

10 years. If I went on dialysis, I'd be dead witin 3. I'm still coping with

all the consequences that my problems will have on my life and my family's

life. I have a super faith in God, so every day He helps me understand that

He hears and understands what I'm going through. That somehow helps me to see

my life, not ending, but beginning. Does that make sense? Just know that we

all have or still do feel the way you feel right now. God Bless. --Robin

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Thank you Robin. I really would like for all of you to know that right now

I am having to let go and let GOD. I found out today that 1 My intestines

are full of growths. I have to go for a full scope Mar. 15. 2 I still have

alot of toxins in my system. 3 my pancreas doesn't know if it wants to work

or not. You were right I am in a depression. I am trying to keep my self

from getting any further down. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate

your thoughts.


Re: diabetes

>From: RSMYTH1000@...


>In a message dated 99-02-20 20:15:16 EST, you write:


><< The only thing I am sure of is that I am sick and tired

> of being sick and tired and just want to feel human again. Right now I


> like a caged animal on display. The poking and prodding and the forever

> having test run is starting to get to me. Also with the people I have to

> deal with constantly questioning my every move >>


>Stormy: I, as well as many on this list, feel and understand you being

>:..sick and tired of being sick and tired... " . I remember when I was told


>had to stick my fingers 3 times a day. And this was when they didn't have


>'soft clic' type of lancet inserter. When I did it, it really hurt. After


>while I got sick and tired of the pain and started cheating. Only taking

>readings when I felt bad. Looking back I see that was a mistake. I also

>remember the " ...poking and prodding and the FOREVER test... " . I think we


>went through it and we all got through it. Either by faith in God (that

>things would get better) or faith in your self (that you or doctors would


>able to help). I remember depression (sounds like you might be in it) so


>that I thought NOBODY had the slightest idea of what I was going through.


>I could get out of my mind was my kidney doctor telling me I would be dead


>10 years. If I went on dialysis, I'd be dead witin 3. I'm still coping


>all the consequences that my problems will have on my life and my family's

>life. I have a super faith in God, so every day He helps me understand


>He hears and understands what I'm going through. That somehow helps me to


>my life, not ending, but beginning. Does that make sense? Just know that


>all have or still do feel the way you feel right now. God Bless. --Robin




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Thank you for Psalms 3. I read that and I felt a warm feeling in my

heart. I have 4 half sisters and 4 half brothers. I don't really know them

because I just found them about 2 years ago. I can't remember if I told you

that I was adopted or not. I am married but right now my hubby is having a

hard time with my health. He is the type man who is a fixer. When he can't

fix something he has a hard time. He holds me and loves me but everytime I

turn around it is something else that they are finding wrong with me and it

makes him want to " fix it " he knows he can't but he wants to. I don't

talk to my friends because of all the flak I have had with others. It is

hard for me to trust people. I think that is why the Lord led me to this

list. There is one other list that I am comfortable with too.


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In a message dated 99-02-24 22:58:22 EST, you write:

<< I don't talk to my friends because of all the flak I have had with others.

It is

hard for me to trust people. I think that is why the Lord led me to this

list. There is one other list that I am comfortable with too. Stormy >>

Stormy: I'm really glad that you found this group! You don't talk to friends

because you can't trust them. But Someone has lead you to this group so that

we can be your family and friends. Thanks for sharing with us all of your

concerns and situations. Someone will be there for you.

You mentioned that your husband was the type that tried to 'fix' things and if

he couldn't, he was lost. If he loves you, (and I know he does) he will soon

come to understand your health problems and will become a support for you. It

might take a while but it will finally hit him that your health is not in his

hands (can only support you) but in the hands of God and or the doctors.

Godspeed. ---Robin

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