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RE: Re: Thyroid and hormones

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I just made an appointment. First one was

Dec 6th. Phone consult. :)

Good to know he

does them Liz,

The first time

I waited 8 weeks. I have something to tell you. I make a list of questions, or

things I want to discuss so I don’t forget. I have even handed him a page

with bullet points I wanted to address, He read the page and stayed right on track

and we got to everything on the list. On other occasions, he will go in

to a story about something I already know, and it is hard for me to interrupt him.

Since you are paying by the minute, have all your ducks in a row, and get

him the information he needs to have in front of him, like blood tests or


Are they sending

you the questionnaire to fill out? It is a monster, and much of it didn’t

apply to me, but he likes it. I also wrote my story for him, in a way that I

could get it out.


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How about this red?What

is the PCCA cream? I just have the stuff from the compounder Woliner

recommends, I’m sure they will make whatever I want. Can anyone make the




Darn it, wont do the red

font now. Oh well, if it is the PCCA cream I would not put it in my

vagina, too many chemicals remember.


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Thanks for sharing your experience ,

No thanks on the patch, I had an allergy

to latex as a child, so I was resisting for that reason too, and the expense is

crazy if you have to change them every day. I guess I need the OOE, and carry

bag. Where are you applying it? Always the same or move it around? I have heard


You are a big help,



I'm like the person Vliets speaks

of , a daily changer.....but that is 8mgs. didn't seem to hold me, still needed

OOE on top of that, so why bother with the expense and hassle, for you it may

work....24 are like $66.......so it's spendy. As for getting on your son, that

is hard, keeping it under clothes is good. Vaginally, think you'd need to much

and get to big a jolt, if you were going for all your symptoms to get

relieved??? All's this is for you to try and see I guess, wish I was more help,


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Thanks nne for all the info! Very much appreciated. Maybe some day I will come to Florida! Who knows?


From: rhythmicliving [mailto:rhythmicliving ] On Behalf Of nne SkoogSent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 10:59 AMTo: rhythmicliving Subject: RE: Re: Thyroid and hormones


I don’t know about that. I do know that he e-mailed me back once. At the time I wanted some chelating stuff for my son, and I didn’t want to wait and see if he would prescribe it at the appointment. So I wrote him, and he actually replied. That was before we had met at all. So I would call or e-mail and see if he will.

or knw6@...

You might mention The Skoog Family as reference.

We also just had Hurricane Wilma here, and 50% still do not have power, 10 days later, so keep that in mind if you can’t get thru. The phones are intermittent also, and 95% of traffic lights are out, so everyone is very stressed & delayed.


Ps, my step daughter goes to him also, and now lives up north. She got screwed up trying to get her scripts fills while at school, and totally went off thyroid for 2 months. Talk about a set back. Anyway, she got 1 year worth of everything she needs, so she can just stay working with him no matter where she lives. She left here with thousands of armour pills LOL

So, maybe a trip to Sunny Florida is in your future? (just not in hurricane season)


From: rhythmicliving [mailto:rhythmicliving ] On Behalf Of MadeleenSent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 12:52 PMTo: rhythmicliving Subject: RE: Re: Thyroid and hormones

nne, Does he do phone consults? I am in WA, but I would be willing to work with a doc virtually! Madeleen

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nne, BHRT creams are made with PCCA cream and it has a bunch of chemicals in it that I do not want. Can't remember what is in it now, but could dig that up.

I found that out, because I started itching terribly (and Ms. Wiley kept telling me to up my E!!! oh never mind).

I would imagine anyone can make the OOE, but I get mine from WIP (Women's Internl Pharmacy), but you may not want to change if the cream is working for you. Just don't put it in your vagina!!! OOE may bring in another dimension. You have to use it 3 times a day, at least that is what I discovered from experience. Some of us love it, some of us dislike it! But the good thing is that you can put it in your vagina! Only olive oil and hormones! Voila!


nne Skoog wrote:

How about this red?What is the PCCA cream? I just have the stuff from the compounder Woliner recommends, I’m sure they will make whatever I want. Can anyone make the OOE?



Darn it, wont do the red font now. Oh well, if it is the PCCA cream I would not put it in my vagina, too many chemicals remember.


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Well I have had

itching from the cream. Kind of like a niacin rush or something weird, when I

spread it on my inner arm. I also have very week cream, so I have to use a lot.

I could get it made up stronger, or other wise. I don’t like chemicals

either, and I have been using them all about 6 times a day anyway, so 3 times

would be easy, and by the drop would be great.



nne, BHRT creams are made with PCCA cream and it has a bunch of

chemicals in it that I do not want. Can't remember what is in it

now, but could dig that up.

I found that out, because I started itching terribly (and Ms. Wiley

kept telling me to up my E!!! oh never mind).

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Yes it will grow

hair. I put it on the inner thigh, and the longest hairs are growing

there! I wax though, but thought it was interesting.


OH be careful where you put your Test.

you can grow hair there......I use my bikini area that I shave

anyway.....haven't noticed any change, but I'm on a baby dose of 0.1mgs. LOL,

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nne, sounds like you are using more of that PCCA cream by having it made up weaker???

Madeleennne Skoog wrote:


Well I have had itching from the cream. Kind of like a niacin rush or something weird, when I spread it on my inner arm. I also have very week cream, so I have to use a lot. I could get it made up stronger, or other wise. I don’t like chemicals either, and I have been using them all about 6 times a day anyway, so 3 times would be easy, and by the drop would be great.



nne, BHRT creams are made with PCCA cream and it has a bunch of chemicals in it that I do not want. Can't remember what is in it now, but could dig that up.

I found that out, because I started itching terribly (and Ms. Wiley kept telling me to up my E!!! oh never mind).

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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I'm using 9mgs a day transdermal. I'm wondering if I need more to get rid of this dang anxiety. Or do I need less? Or do I need some P? This is what is making me crazy. I don't know what I need.


- 12 mgs??? Do you really need that much? (Look whose talking -- I'm the one who gets hot flashes at 5mgs a day) I wish there was someone who could actually tell us for a FACT, the actual amount of mgs we are ingesting!

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I was hyper on 2mgs of E :) And P really makes me weird.

I'm not really afraid of the E. I think key for me is consistent.


From: rhythmicliving [mailto:rhythmicliving ] On Behalf Of Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 1:40 PMTo: rhythmicliving Subject: Re: Thyroid and hormones

Liz - P will CALM you. Hurry up and put some ON! 9 mgs of E makes you hyper! >> I'm using 9mgs a day transdermal. I'm wondering if I need more to get rid of> this dang anxiety. Or do I need less? Or do I need some P? This is what is> making me crazy. I don't know what I need.> > Liz> > _____ > > - 12 mgs??? Do you really need that much? (Look whose > talking -- I'm the one who gets hot flashes at 5mgs a day) > I wish there was someone who could actually tell us for a FACT, the > actual amount of mgs we are ingesting! > > >

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My doctor finds us all amusing at how we are treating ourselves, by the way. He is a member of this group.

Amusing? I wouldn't put it that way myself! OH MY, here we are trying to get a life and we are amusing????


click here for our webpage http://rhythmicliving.com/**The group conversation is informational in nature and is not intended as medical advice.**

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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Yes, lemon but I was also doing the rose.

From: rhythmicliving [mailto:rhythmicliving ] On Behalf Of Nuimom@...Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 2:19 PMTo: rhythmicliving Subject: Re: Re: Thyroid and hormones

was hyper on 2mgs of E :) And P really makes me weird.

I'm not really afraid of the E. I think key for me is consistent.


What knd of E Liz.......LEMON????????????? That made me hyper to,

goes in to fast, like a gel,

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My last test for E was 137 on the lemon. So something is getting in. I'm just wondering if it's staying in.

Y es, lemon but I was also doing the rose

BUT I thought the rose gave you no E, maybe you aren't getting enough with the lemon either??? When I tried Laurel's Lemon stuff, I got all wam, flush and then felt unsettled, kinda nervous, then it left and felt I needed E again.............wasn't good for me :((

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needed some EEEEEEEEEEEE., and less armour, and no extra T3 at all.

Anyway it has been quite a crazy time figuring it all out, but I think I am almost there.


sounds GOOD to me, I too found out T3 alone, not good for me, and I don't take extra calcium, just extra mag., selenium & B's......COL...thans for the good insite :))

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You are right about the hypoglycemia too. I am finding with more E, that is disappearing. This morning, after a day and night of the most E, I woke up without shaking.

YIPPY.............so glad it's falling into place for you XXOXOX

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You betcha. That low TSH means you're getting thyroid hormones, that's all.Doesn't really say if you're using them well, tho.It means you've got enough of whatever it is you've taken to lower the TSH.The TSH is just the blow-horn that's used to yell at the thyroid to producemore juice.

BUT, my T4 is in the basement and I have the cold hands and feet thing, low body temp....

yet my BRAIN thinks I have enough thyroid, that's why my Dr. freaked out. Hmmmmmm.

Will start back on a 1/2 gn nature throid here soon, just got my blood sucked today, to see if TSH, free T3-T4 have changed.....but guess it doesn't matter, still low temps and body:))

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So that would be why with Hashi’s the TSH is low. It isn’t blowing it’s horn, when I really should be. DH always seemed hypo to me, had low TSH. Until we tested for anti-biodies, and the free’s we couldn’t figure it out, and no doc caught it either, because they only tested TSH. We found it with self testing.

Thanks M

I had my anti-bodies tested, none to be found ???? My TSH and FT3 & FT4 all got weird with the addition of,( this is a guess), first higher doses of NT, then I started oral and topical IODINE.....got really wiggy on that, so went to just the T3.....went from 5mcg to 20mcgs in a few weeks....started feeling hyper, so stopped everything, and felt better, did more E and am just on the cold side, BUT NO more hyper feelings, THANK GOD:))) . So I can't wait to see what THIS blood work will look like. I know I am hypo, BUT does my BRAIN???? stay-tuned, LOL. OH, is it hypO to get sweaty when you're cold??? I feel like my thyroid is working overtime, so it makes me sweat, does that makes sense??? :)))

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That is what I am doing . Not much at once. But I have seen today, that

anything that is a stress to me, the e flies right out, and I can't remember

what I want to say, and need to pee.

I take apply more E and ah....it spells relief. I also find it is very

confusing to know what feeling means more this or more that or less


Currently I find that panic or dread, needs more E

Confusion needs cortef

Feeling overwhelmed, or sleepy tired, needs armour

Sweaty feet is too much armour. Or adrenals need help, but cortef makes it

worse at that time.

Very poor handwriting jerky, not smooth, needs P

So in reality, any time I use a product that uses up E, I do them at the

same time, and it seems to balance out.

So yes, I am applying E all day long, but only in .5mg doses. In the morning

that lasted 4 hours, in the afternoon it is going much faster. I have taken

it middle of the night tooworking up fro 2.


I CONSTANTLY have stress. What can I

do? Apply E all day long?

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I have some idoral pills, and when I take them, I cut my armour in ½ for the day. Otherwise I am hyper. I have only tried this a few times, because I am actually scared to add another thing into my mix right now, but I am sure I could decrease my armour with iodine.


I did NOT like the way I felt on Iodoral or oral Lugols, seem to dry me up, inside and out....

I couldn't feel my E at all either, and it made me really hyper. I eat seaweed and use sea-veggies, also use the REAL SALT too:)) love that stuff, I try to balance my salt intake some , it displaces your potassium.....my mom was low thyroid and was on synthroid, she used to eat everything covered in salt, I can't help think that was a big clue she needed more thyroid meds???? I have read Brownsteins book, as well as Dr. Derry's.....he tried to help me via e-mail.....how I got so much iodine in me, and T3...........I have an odd little body :)))) I'll try the AM salt water, LOL....I just soaked my feet in HOT seaweed and mag. water, AHHHH felt good and they're warm now:)) I only get that hot pits thing when I'm cold, like my roid is yelling at me for help:)) that would be when I should go paint my breast with iodine, I like that, LOL :))

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Calcium soy and

iron bind thyroid. They should be taken 4 hours apart at least. Since we do

multiple doses of armour, and eat binding foods, my doc said to just use more

armour to compensate.

I really learned

this the HARD way when I decided to get “ healthier” and cut out high

E, soy, and the antihistamines I had taken for years. Then I continued with the

previously OK amount of thyroid.

This was before I

knew that antihistamines E and soy binds thyroid. ….That is when I

started with the shaking. My armour dose was great with all the binding going

on. Then all of a sudden as soon as I put the armour in my mouth, I had to spit

it out. The shaking started. My E flew out, and not knowing I needed more E,

and less thyroid, I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t

understand why I cut out coffee, antihistamines, and stuff, and dropped 10

pounds., and thinner than I have ever been. I couldn’t even be happy

about it, I thought I must have cancer or something. I really spent many

mornings thinking it was all over. Even called my husband home from work once,

and put in an emergency call to Woliner. I almost went to the emergency room.

We checked everything we could, with the machines we had, and blood pressure,

glucose, temp, alkalinity, pulse, and it all looked like I was extremely healthy.


afternoon, I would feel better

I needed some

EEEEEEEEEEEE., and less armour, and no extra T3 at all.

Anyway it has

been quite a crazy time figuring it all out, but I think I am almost there.


nne, what do you mean by, how much

calcium he eats, like craves cheese, or greens????? So cl. binds thyroid????

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excessive sweating with exercise…adrenal. Could that apply?

NOPE.I don't sweat that much, did when I was on 2 1/2 gns NT, BUT not now, only if I'm cold, but it's more like just sticky armpits, LOLLOL.......but odd, cause I'm cold when it happens. I read where inapporiate sweating is hyper, I have some mixed symptoms, I'm not fat, I am active, hmmmmm do lots of good B's zinc selinium ect.......had a thought maybe I convert to T3 to fast from my T4 reserves???? Off to feed my hubby, BYEEEEE til AM :))) XOXOX

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Sam, he is in Boca Raton Florida.

He is young and single too!

He does phone consults. Liz made an

appointment for one yesterday. His mentor is Dr. Shames, who is in California now.

Maybe he would be closer to you?


Oh my goD, we need to clone your doctor. He sounds

just like the rock star

doctor I've been looking for. So where exactly is this

god located? Maybe I

can move. <grinning>

Does he ever advise other drs on how to properly treat

thyroid patients?

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So that would be why with Hashi’s

the TSH is low. It isn’t blowing it’s horn, when I really should

be. DH always seemed hypo to me, had low TSH. Until we tested for anti-biodies,

and the free’s we couldn’t figure it out, and no doc caught it

either, because they only tested TSH. We found it with self testing.

Thanks M


betcha. That low TSH means you're getting thyroid hormones, that's all.

Doesn't really say if you're using them well, tho.

It means you've got enough of whatever it is you've taken to lower the TSH.

The TSH is just the blow-horn that's used to yell at the thyroid to produce

more juice.

BUT, my T4 is in the basement and

I have the cold hands and feet thing, low body temp....

yet my BRAIN thinks I have enough

thyroid, that's why my Dr. freaked out. Hmmmmmm.

Will start back on a 1/2 gn nature throid

here soon, just got my blood sucked today, to see if TSH, free T3-T4 have

changed.....but guess it doesn't matter, still low temps and body:))

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Where is it written that with Hashi's, the TSH is low. Mine was 78 at diagnosis and antibodies were in the 700 range. Hashi's indeed! For many people, the TSH works perfectly well to diagnose hypothyroidism. For me, the TSH is a perfect barometer of how much I need to be taking. Not so with everyone.


-----Original Message-----From: rhythmicliving [mailto:rhythmicliving ]On Behalf Of nne Skoog

So that would be why with Hashi’s the TSH is low.

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