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Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now!

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I hear what you are saying and in theory it is correct but we have to also work

with people on many different levels. It is not only words but the intent with

how they are said. A lot of times the words are coupled with strong emotions -

hate, anger, bitterness that can cause those words to have a very negative

effect rather than a positive heartfelt one. Sometimes our words and emotions

are really an airing of our own wounds and also a sort of verbal vomiting

without considering the effect and outcome.

If we take this current discussion, I am one of the big supporters of not

circucising boys yet the way the discussion has been presented has been very off

putting for me and while I have learned some valued info, it hasn't made me feel

like I want to join in or support the person at all. If the approach had been

less 'attacking' I think I would have felt quite differently.

I know from my experience as a mother of seven and observing many children at

various ages and stages, that a gentle approach has far more powerful results.

Kids and adults are at very different levels of understanding and explaining

things one way to one person may make perfect sense but said in the same way to

another has no effect. That person may learn in a very practical way rather than

an intellectual one. I think we have to remember the individual and also to

respect that there are different cultures, traditions and our way may be great

for us but not resonate for someone else. We choose what we wish to experience

and we need to respect others freedom of choice too.

I don't think it is a cop out to try and set an example and live by it. I don't

feel that shouting from the roof tops is the only way. In fact vibration

continues to create change whether we like it or not and having positive

thoughts about oneself and also others is extremely powerful - words do not need

to be spoken.

I was once going to do a news show where a friend and I would only report

positive things that were happening in the world. Vibration attracts like

vibration - positive feelings are infectious and help to raise the spirit. Great

change can happen through thought alone. Often that change has been set in

motion long before we see it actually show up in a physical sense. Negativity is

a great way to control - fearful folk are much easier to keep in line - no

wonder all the news we read is so depressing!!

Anyway I think we need to respect there are different ways to create change -

again we can use a yang strong approach or a yin gentle one - is there a right

or wrong - I don't think so.


Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding

until now!




>You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

>IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

>like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

>saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

>out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

>Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

>in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

>you're being judgemental.


>When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street are " salting a

>slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The

>kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it,

>and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

>what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

>words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

>don't want to. "


>Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful

>and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

>their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

>thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with

>side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

>stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from



>I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always

>stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves

>according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

>every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For

>example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

>She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

>Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want the

>drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

>thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

>what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

>their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

>fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and

>here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep

>you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

>poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details

>about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

>choices when I'm not with them.


>I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

>being completely honest with them about everything. This young

>generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us

>forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

>them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

>Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy

>things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

>doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak,

>etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit

>and was behaving selfishly. "


>I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want

>the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

>yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it

>will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

>others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call

>it so.





Brown Waxman




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Hi Amy,

We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your point and would like to also express my approach which is different in the interest of sharing ideas and exploring options.

Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out, discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola (depending on the age – certainly older than four) for themselves so that the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do not really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system.

I think our world is already too dominated by so called facts and concepts. They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them and ask the ‘what if questions’ and step outside the world of man made concepts. It is possible that too much ‘telling it like it is’ stifles imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of discovery than provide my conclusions.

It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to leave room for interpretation and the space to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if fact.

We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to take their own journey through life without relying on other people’s belief system.

I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by their insights.

Best wishes,



You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

you're being judgemental.

When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street are " salting a

slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The

kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it,

and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

don't want to. "

Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful

and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with

side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from


I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always

stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves

according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For

example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want the

drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and

here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep

you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details

about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

choices when I'm not with them.

I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

being completely honest with them about everything. This young

generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us

forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy

things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak,

etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit

and was behaving selfishly. "

I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want

the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it

will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call

it so.


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Guest guest

Hi Amy,

We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your point and would like to also express my approach which is different in the interest of sharing ideas and exploring options.

Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out, discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola (depending on the age – certainly older than four) for themselves so that the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do not really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system.

I think our world is already too dominated by so called facts and concepts. They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them and ask the ‘what if questions’ and step outside the world of man made concepts. It is possible that too much ‘telling it like it is’ stifles imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of discovery than provide my conclusions.

It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to leave room for interpretation and the space to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if fact.

We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to take their own journey through life without relying on other people’s belief system.

I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by their insights.

Best wishes,



You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

you're being judgemental.

When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street are " salting a

slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The

kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it,

and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

don't want to. "

Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful

and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with

side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from


I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always

stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves

according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For

example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want the

drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and

here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep

you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details

about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

choices when I'm not with them.

I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

being completely honest with them about everything. This young

generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us

forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy

things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak,

etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit

and was behaving selfishly. "

I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want

the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it

will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call

it so.


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Hi Amy

I would also like to add that children need to be children and innocence is a

marvellous thing. I think constantly telling a child about food can set them up

for many issues regarding eating and foods later on in life and also creates an

internal anxiety and pressure. Sometimes it is wonderful to just eat a dessert

and not worry about calories, fat, energy - just to enjoy for enjoyments sake -

to relish the taste, to feel relaxed, to share with friends - how healing.

Children need to feel free to run, get dirty, hug trees, shout, smell flowers,

eat snails (as an experiment - lol), get covered in paint, pee outside etc -

actually many adults could learn a great deal from doing that too.

Once again I feel that example is very powerful - children learn most from what

their parents do on a daily basis and not what they say - they are like little

sponges soaking up everything that goes on. Many years later you can be amazed

at how they mirror your actions.

Laughter is also so important. My kids often tease me that certain dishes are my

'cure all' for any problems they have - greens seem to high on that list and are

recommended for so many different things. Funny how they are the least popular

item on the dinner table and guess who ends up eating the most - Mum!!!!

Children need to experience for themselves and of course they also need to learn

boundaries. This subtle balance is a work in progress for all parents. I do

think we need to trust our children and give them the appropriate freedom for

their development. I see so many children who rebel because their parents were

way too strict and fearful and then of course there are the ones who have no

self discipline because they were given too much freedom.

On the subject of words. You feel that the way you talk to your children is

correct and you are being open and honest. I don't speak to my children in that

way but encourage open discussion and avoid talking about the nutritional

content in food but focus more on energy and how foods make you feel. Am I

right? Are you wrong? - who is to judge. We all see life from our experience and

that is wonderful - we are all unique yet all together - who would want to be a

stepford wife. Life is a huge paradox and at the same time it is perfect.

Have a beautiful Tuesday

Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding

until now!


>Hi Amy,


>We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure

>parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your

>point and would like to also express my approach which is different in the

>interest of sharing ideas and exploring options.


>Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for

>themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be

>coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out,

>discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola

>(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that

>the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that

>neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their

>own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do

>not really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system.


>I think our world is already too dominated by so called facts and concepts.

>They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them

>and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made

>concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles

>imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I

>would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved

>to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of

>discovery than provide my conclusions.


>It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today

>rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and

>riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha,

>Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to leave room for interpretation and

>the space to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if



>We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that

>fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using

>concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be

>seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important

>for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality

>of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to

>take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s belief



>I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and

>effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by

>their insights.


>Best wishes,











>> Wister,


>> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

>> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

>> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

>> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

>> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

>> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

>> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

>> you're being judgemental.


>> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street are " salting a

>> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The

>> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it,

>> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

>> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

>> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

>> don't want to. "


>> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful

>> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

>> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

>> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with

>> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

>> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

>> evolving.


>> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always

>> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves

>> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

>> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For

>> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

>> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

>> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want the

>> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

>> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

>> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

>> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

>> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and

>> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep

>> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

>> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details

>> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

>> choices when I'm not with them.


>> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

>> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

>> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us

>> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

>> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

>> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy

>> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

>> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak,

>> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit

>> and was behaving selfishly. "


>> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want

>> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

>> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it

>> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

>> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call

>> it so.


>> amy






Brown Waxman




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Guest guest

Hi Amy

I would also like to add that children need to be children and innocence is a

marvellous thing. I think constantly telling a child about food can set them up

for many issues regarding eating and foods later on in life and also creates an

internal anxiety and pressure. Sometimes it is wonderful to just eat a dessert

and not worry about calories, fat, energy - just to enjoy for enjoyments sake -

to relish the taste, to feel relaxed, to share with friends - how healing.

Children need to feel free to run, get dirty, hug trees, shout, smell flowers,

eat snails (as an experiment - lol), get covered in paint, pee outside etc -

actually many adults could learn a great deal from doing that too.

Once again I feel that example is very powerful - children learn most from what

their parents do on a daily basis and not what they say - they are like little

sponges soaking up everything that goes on. Many years later you can be amazed

at how they mirror your actions.

Laughter is also so important. My kids often tease me that certain dishes are my

'cure all' for any problems they have - greens seem to high on that list and are

recommended for so many different things. Funny how they are the least popular

item on the dinner table and guess who ends up eating the most - Mum!!!!

Children need to experience for themselves and of course they also need to learn

boundaries. This subtle balance is a work in progress for all parents. I do

think we need to trust our children and give them the appropriate freedom for

their development. I see so many children who rebel because their parents were

way too strict and fearful and then of course there are the ones who have no

self discipline because they were given too much freedom.

On the subject of words. You feel that the way you talk to your children is

correct and you are being open and honest. I don't speak to my children in that

way but encourage open discussion and avoid talking about the nutritional

content in food but focus more on energy and how foods make you feel. Am I

right? Are you wrong? - who is to judge. We all see life from our experience and

that is wonderful - we are all unique yet all together - who would want to be a

stepford wife. Life is a huge paradox and at the same time it is perfect.

Have a beautiful Tuesday

Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding

until now!


>Hi Amy,


>We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure

>parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your

>point and would like to also express my approach which is different in the

>interest of sharing ideas and exploring options.


>Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for

>themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be

>coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out,

>discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola

>(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that

>the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that

>neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their

>own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do

>not really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system.


>I think our world is already too dominated by so called facts and concepts.

>They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them

>and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made

>concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles

>imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I

>would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved

>to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of

>discovery than provide my conclusions.


>It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today

>rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and

>riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha,

>Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to leave room for interpretation and

>the space to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if



>We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that

>fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using

>concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be

>seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important

>for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality

>of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to

>take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s belief



>I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and

>effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by

>their insights.


>Best wishes,











>> Wister,


>> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

>> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

>> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

>> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

>> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

>> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

>> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

>> you're being judgemental.


>> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street are " salting a

>> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The

>> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it,

>> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

>> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

>> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

>> don't want to. "


>> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful

>> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

>> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

>> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with

>> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

>> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

>> evolving.


>> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always

>> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves

>> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

>> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For

>> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

>> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

>> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want the

>> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

>> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

>> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

>> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

>> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and

>> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep

>> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

>> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details

>> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

>> choices when I'm not with them.


>> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

>> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

>> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us

>> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

>> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

>> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy

>> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

>> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak,

>> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit

>> and was behaving selfishly. "


>> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want

>> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

>> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it

>> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

>> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call

>> it so.


>> amy






Brown Waxman




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You're right , we shouldn't bombard them. I just have

daughters that beg me all the time to tell them the details of

everything. I get to the point where I'm actually turning them down

and asking for a break. I don't give details on every single aspect

of our lives at every moment, but I take opportunity when I can to

educate them. We LOVE food around here. My ten year old just came

in(homeschooled) and asked me if she could make a huge salad. She

said she can tell her body needs something " light and refreshing. " I

don't think all kids would take to wanting so much info. My youngest

one hasn't shown the same interest as my older three, so I only wait

until I really feel like she needs some info. to understand why we

make certain choices.

You won't meet more " innocent " children than mine. I think we need to

give kids more credit because, at least in my case, they adore

knowledge and yearn for me to communicate these things with them. We

talk about the wonderful amazing truths of the Universe all the time,

and they just light up.

I only want to encourage parents to be as honest as possible with

their kids, so that their children will have correct knowledge. Kids

in the public school system often come out, a little brain-washed and

thinking with a " herd-mentality " mind-set. Waiting for others to tell

them what to do... what to think, believe, etc. Exploring Truths with

the kids has been a great experience for us.

I agree that it is not very helpful to be vicious toward anyone in

trying to bring about change. That usually creates more defensiveness

and lack of movement.. I guess I'm extra passionate about suffering.

I've had so much physical pain all my life, my heart feels like it's

rupturing when I recognize the pain I know in others.. especially when

it isn't necessary.


> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Wister,

> >>

> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

> >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

> >> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

> >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

> >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

> >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

> >> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

> >> you're being judgemental.

> >>

> >> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street are

" salting a

> >> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The

> >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it,

> >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

> >> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

> >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

> >> don't want to. "

> >>

> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful

> >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

> >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

> >> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with

> >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

> >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

> >> evolving.

> >>

> >> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always

> >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge


> >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

> >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it.


> >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

> >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

> >> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you

want the

> >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

> >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

> >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

> >> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

> >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and

> >> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to


> >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

> >> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details

> >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

> >> choices when I'm not with them.

> >>

> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

> >> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

> >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help

move us

> >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

> >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

> >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do


> >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

> >> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak,

> >> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit

> >> and was behaving selfishly. "

> >>

> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We


> >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

> >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives,

because it

> >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

> >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call

> >> it so.

> >>

> >> amy

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >



> Brown Waxman

> www.celebrate4health.com

> www.bebabywise.com

> info@...


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Guest guest

Hello. I am 's daughter and Simon's niece. I have been reading everyones posting for a while and enjoy the discussions immensely. I am 22 years old and have been macrobiotic my whole life. Currently I live on my own, work and go to school full time, but I still mange to make time to cook my brown rice, veggies and miso soup. That is because I think that it is very important to eat a healthy balanced diet. I am very fortunate to have been raised by a mother that emphasized the importance of healthy eating and found the time to prepare delicious home cooked meals every day for my sisters and I. (How I miss and wish I had not taken for granted all of those free amazing meals now that I have to do it on my own!) My family is very close and we have always had an open door policy where we can talk about anything and everything. My mother has always encouraged free thinking and for all of us to learn important life lessons on our own and to form our own decisions about life

and diet. She let us know that sugar, dairy and meat and not ideal foods for optimum health, and we never had those foods in our house, but we were allowed ice cream or maybe pizza on a special occasions. I think that obsession or excess of any kind can very dangerous, weather it is with something everyone knows is harmful to the body like alcohol, or in regards to obsessing about healthy eating it can be very damaging mentally. Eating disorders are rampant these days, especially among young girls and women. Believe me I know. I think that when you instill into a child's head to always watch what they are eating, and to feel guilt if they have a craving or want to try different foods then you are setting them up for some problems later in life in regard to food. Don't get me wrong I am the strongest advocate for nutritious healthy meals, and I am constantly cooking for my friends out here and encouraging them to go for grains and veggies instead of cheeseburgers and soda;

however, I also think that it is very important not to be too strict and let it become an obsession. I think that the best approach is how my mother did it. She kept the food that she though we should eat in the house and let us know about health and nutrition, but she also encouraged us to be our own people and form our own ideas. I am not going to lie and say that I have never eaten junk food, because I have, and still do occasionally. But there was never the rebellion element in it for me or for my sisters. She must have done something right since the three of us that no longer live at home still practice macrobiotics rather successfully if I must say so. wrote: Hi Amy I would also like to add that children need to be children and innocence is a marvellous thing. I think constantly telling a child about food can set them up for many issues regarding eating and foods later on in life and also creates an internal anxiety and pressure. Sometimes it is wonderful to just eat a dessert and not worry about calories, fat, energy - just to enjoy for enjoyments sake - to relish the taste, to feel relaxed, to share with friends - how healing. Children need to feel free to run, get dirty, hug trees, shout, smell flowers, eat snails (as an experiment - lol), get covered in paint, pee outside etc - actually many adults could learn a great deal from doing that too. Once again I feel that example is very powerful - children learn most from what their parents do on

a daily basis and not what they say - they are like little sponges soaking up everything that goes on. Many years later you can be amazed at how they mirror your actions. Laughter is also so important. My kids often tease me that certain dishes are my 'cure all' for any problems they have - greens seem to high on that list and are recommended for so many different things. Funny how they are the least popular item on the dinner table and guess who ends up eating the most - Mum!!!! Children need to experience for themselves and of course they also need to learn boundaries. This subtle balance is a work in progress for all parents. I do think we need to trust our children and give them the appropriate freedom for their development. I see so many children who rebel because their parents were way too strict and fearful and then of course there are the ones who have no self discipline because they were given too much freedom. On the subject of words.

You feel that the way you talk to your children is correct and you are being open and honest. I don't speak to my children in that way but encourage open discussion and avoid talking about the nutritional content in food but focus more on energy and how foods make you feel. Am I right? Are you wrong? - who is to judge. We all see life from our experience and that is wonderful - we are all unique yet all together - who would want to be a stepford wife. Life is a huge paradox and at the same time it is perfect. Have a beautiful Tuesday Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now! > >Hi Amy,

> >We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure >parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your >point and would like to also express my approach which is different in the >interest of sharing ideas and exploring options. > >Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for >themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be >coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out, >discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola >(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that >the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that >neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their >own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do >not

really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system. > >I think our world is already too dominated by so called facts and concepts. >They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them >and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made >concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles >imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I >would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved >to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of >discovery than provide my conclusions. > >It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today >rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and >riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, >Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to

leave room for interpretation and >the space to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if >fact. > >We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that >fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using >concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be >seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important >for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality >of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to >take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s belief >system. > >I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and >effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by >their insights. > >Best wishes, >

>Simon > > >On 20/3/07 16:21, "amycall45" <amycall45hotmail> wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> Wister, >> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words >> like "circumcision", "abortion", "medicating".. rather than just >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc.. >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved >> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do, >> you're being judgemental. >> >> When my children say, "Mom!! The kids across the street are "salting a >>

slug! Can we have some salt?", I reply, "What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it, >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that >> what you meant?" Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, "No. I >> don't want to." >> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of >> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from >> evolving. >> >> I can think of few

things more healthy for our well-being than always >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party. >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, "Mommy, can I have some >> Coke?" I got down to her level and whispered, "You mean, you want the >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.." Even my four year old knows >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them >> their food and say things like, "Here ya go girls! I've got some >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and >> here's some beans, with

protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you >> poo! ;).." They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent >> choices when I'm not with them. >> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always >> being completely honest with them about everything. This young >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words. >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm >> doing, "I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm

feeling weak, >> etc." or "I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit >> and was behaving selfishly." >> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call >> it so. >> >> amy >> >> >> > > Brown Waxman www.celebrate4health.com www.bebabywise.com infocelebrate4health

Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debatein the Yahoo! Answers Food Drink Q&A.

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Guest guest

Hello. I am 's daughter and Simon's niece. I have been reading everyones posting for a while and enjoy the discussions immensely. I am 22 years old and have been macrobiotic my whole life. Currently I live on my own, work and go to school full time, but I still mange to make time to cook my brown rice, veggies and miso soup. That is because I think that it is very important to eat a healthy balanced diet. I am very fortunate to have been raised by a mother that emphasized the importance of healthy eating and found the time to prepare delicious home cooked meals every day for my sisters and I. (How I miss and wish I had not taken for granted all of those free amazing meals now that I have to do it on my own!) My family is very close and we have always had an open door policy where we can talk about anything and everything. My mother has always encouraged free thinking and for all of us to learn important life lessons on our own and to form our own decisions about life

and diet. She let us know that sugar, dairy and meat and not ideal foods for optimum health, and we never had those foods in our house, but we were allowed ice cream or maybe pizza on a special occasions. I think that obsession or excess of any kind can very dangerous, weather it is with something everyone knows is harmful to the body like alcohol, or in regards to obsessing about healthy eating it can be very damaging mentally. Eating disorders are rampant these days, especially among young girls and women. Believe me I know. I think that when you instill into a child's head to always watch what they are eating, and to feel guilt if they have a craving or want to try different foods then you are setting them up for some problems later in life in regard to food. Don't get me wrong I am the strongest advocate for nutritious healthy meals, and I am constantly cooking for my friends out here and encouraging them to go for grains and veggies instead of cheeseburgers and soda;

however, I also think that it is very important not to be too strict and let it become an obsession. I think that the best approach is how my mother did it. She kept the food that she though we should eat in the house and let us know about health and nutrition, but she also encouraged us to be our own people and form our own ideas. I am not going to lie and say that I have never eaten junk food, because I have, and still do occasionally. But there was never the rebellion element in it for me or for my sisters. She must have done something right since the three of us that no longer live at home still practice macrobiotics rather successfully if I must say so. wrote: Hi Amy I would also like to add that children need to be children and innocence is a marvellous thing. I think constantly telling a child about food can set them up for many issues regarding eating and foods later on in life and also creates an internal anxiety and pressure. Sometimes it is wonderful to just eat a dessert and not worry about calories, fat, energy - just to enjoy for enjoyments sake - to relish the taste, to feel relaxed, to share with friends - how healing. Children need to feel free to run, get dirty, hug trees, shout, smell flowers, eat snails (as an experiment - lol), get covered in paint, pee outside etc - actually many adults could learn a great deal from doing that too. Once again I feel that example is very powerful - children learn most from what their parents do on

a daily basis and not what they say - they are like little sponges soaking up everything that goes on. Many years later you can be amazed at how they mirror your actions. Laughter is also so important. My kids often tease me that certain dishes are my 'cure all' for any problems they have - greens seem to high on that list and are recommended for so many different things. Funny how they are the least popular item on the dinner table and guess who ends up eating the most - Mum!!!! Children need to experience for themselves and of course they also need to learn boundaries. This subtle balance is a work in progress for all parents. I do think we need to trust our children and give them the appropriate freedom for their development. I see so many children who rebel because their parents were way too strict and fearful and then of course there are the ones who have no self discipline because they were given too much freedom. On the subject of words.

You feel that the way you talk to your children is correct and you are being open and honest. I don't speak to my children in that way but encourage open discussion and avoid talking about the nutritional content in food but focus more on energy and how foods make you feel. Am I right? Are you wrong? - who is to judge. We all see life from our experience and that is wonderful - we are all unique yet all together - who would want to be a stepford wife. Life is a huge paradox and at the same time it is perfect. Have a beautiful Tuesday Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now! > >Hi Amy,

> >We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure >parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your >point and would like to also express my approach which is different in the >interest of sharing ideas and exploring options. > >Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for >themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be >coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out, >discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola >(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that >the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that >neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their >own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do >not

really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system. > >I think our world is already too dominated by so called facts and concepts. >They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them >and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made >concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles >imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I >would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved >to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of >discovery than provide my conclusions. > >It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today >rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and >riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, >Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to

leave room for interpretation and >the space to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if >fact. > >We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that >fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using >concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be >seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important >for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality >of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to >take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s belief >system. > >I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and >effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by >their insights. > >Best wishes, >

>Simon > > >On 20/3/07 16:21, "amycall45" <amycall45hotmail> wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> Wister, >> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words >> like "circumcision", "abortion", "medicating".. rather than just >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc.. >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved >> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do, >> you're being judgemental. >> >> When my children say, "Mom!! The kids across the street are "salting a >>

slug! Can we have some salt?", I reply, "What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it, >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that >> what you meant?" Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, "No. I >> don't want to." >> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of >> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from >> evolving. >> >> I can think of few

things more healthy for our well-being than always >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party. >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, "Mommy, can I have some >> Coke?" I got down to her level and whispered, "You mean, you want the >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.." Even my four year old knows >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them >> their food and say things like, "Here ya go girls! I've got some >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and >> here's some beans, with

protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you >> poo! ;).." They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent >> choices when I'm not with them. >> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always >> being completely honest with them about everything. This young >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words. >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm >> doing, "I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm

feeling weak, >> etc." or "I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit >> and was behaving selfishly." >> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call >> it so. >> >> amy >> >> >> > > Brown Waxman www.celebrate4health.com www.bebabywise.com infocelebrate4health

Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debatein the Yahoo! Answers Food Drink Q&A.

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Guest guest

Hello. I am 's daughter and Simon's niece. I have been reading everyones posting for a while and enjoy the discussions immensely. I am 22 years old and have been macrobiotic my whole life. Currently I live on my own, work and go to school full time, but I still mange to make time to cook my brown rice, veggies and miso soup. That is because I think that it is very important to eat a healthy balanced diet. I am very fortunate to have been raised by a mother that emphasized the importance of healthy eating and found the time to prepare delicious home cooked meals every day for my sisters and I. (How I miss and wish I had not taken for granted all of those free amazing meals now that I have to do it on my own!) My family is very close and we have always had an open door policy where we can talk about anything and everything. My mother has always encouraged free thinking and for all of us to learn important life lessons on our own and to form our own decisions about life

and diet. She let us know that sugar, dairy and meat and not ideal foods for optimum health, and we never had those foods in our house, but we were allowed ice cream or maybe pizza on a special occasions. I think that obsession or excess of any kind can very dangerous, weather it is with something everyone knows is harmful to the body like alcohol, or in regards to obsessing about healthy eating it can be very damaging mentally. Eating disorders are rampant these days, especially among young girls and women. Believe me I know. I think that when you instill into a child's head to always watch what they are eating, and to feel guilt if they have a craving or want to try different foods then you are setting them up for some problems later in life in regard to food. Don't get me wrong I am the strongest advocate for nutritious healthy meals, and I am constantly cooking for my friends out here and encouraging them to go for grains and veggies instead of cheeseburgers and soda;

however, I also think that it is very important not to be too strict and let it become an obsession. I think that the best approach is how my mother did it. She kept the food that she though we should eat in the house and let us know about health and nutrition, but she also encouraged us to be our own people and form our own ideas. I am not going to lie and say that I have never eaten junk food, because I have, and still do occasionally. But there was never the rebellion element in it for me or for my sisters. She must have done something right since the three of us that no longer live at home still practice macrobiotics rather successfully if I must say so. wrote: Hi Amy I would also like to add that children need to be children and innocence is a marvellous thing. I think constantly telling a child about food can set them up for many issues regarding eating and foods later on in life and also creates an internal anxiety and pressure. Sometimes it is wonderful to just eat a dessert and not worry about calories, fat, energy - just to enjoy for enjoyments sake - to relish the taste, to feel relaxed, to share with friends - how healing. Children need to feel free to run, get dirty, hug trees, shout, smell flowers, eat snails (as an experiment - lol), get covered in paint, pee outside etc - actually many adults could learn a great deal from doing that too. Once again I feel that example is very powerful - children learn most from what their parents do on

a daily basis and not what they say - they are like little sponges soaking up everything that goes on. Many years later you can be amazed at how they mirror your actions. Laughter is also so important. My kids often tease me that certain dishes are my 'cure all' for any problems they have - greens seem to high on that list and are recommended for so many different things. Funny how they are the least popular item on the dinner table and guess who ends up eating the most - Mum!!!! Children need to experience for themselves and of course they also need to learn boundaries. This subtle balance is a work in progress for all parents. I do think we need to trust our children and give them the appropriate freedom for their development. I see so many children who rebel because their parents were way too strict and fearful and then of course there are the ones who have no self discipline because they were given too much freedom. On the subject of words.

You feel that the way you talk to your children is correct and you are being open and honest. I don't speak to my children in that way but encourage open discussion and avoid talking about the nutritional content in food but focus more on energy and how foods make you feel. Am I right? Are you wrong? - who is to judge. We all see life from our experience and that is wonderful - we are all unique yet all together - who would want to be a stepford wife. Life is a huge paradox and at the same time it is perfect. Have a beautiful Tuesday Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now! > >Hi Amy,

> >We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure >parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your >point and would like to also express my approach which is different in the >interest of sharing ideas and exploring options. > >Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for >themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be >coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out, >discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola >(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that >the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that >neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their >own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do >not

really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system. > >I think our world is already too dominated by so called facts and concepts. >They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them >and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made >concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles >imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I >would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved >to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of >discovery than provide my conclusions. > >It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today >rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and >riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, >Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to

leave room for interpretation and >the space to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if >fact. > >We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that >fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using >concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be >seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important >for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality >of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to >take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s belief >system. > >I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and >effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by >their insights. > >Best wishes, >

>Simon > > >On 20/3/07 16:21, "amycall45" <amycall45hotmail> wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> Wister, >> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words >> like "circumcision", "abortion", "medicating".. rather than just >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc.. >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved >> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do, >> you're being judgemental. >> >> When my children say, "Mom!! The kids across the street are "salting a >>

slug! Can we have some salt?", I reply, "What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it, >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that >> what you meant?" Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, "No. I >> don't want to." >> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of >> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from >> evolving. >> >> I can think of few

things more healthy for our well-being than always >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party. >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, "Mommy, can I have some >> Coke?" I got down to her level and whispered, "You mean, you want the >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.." Even my four year old knows >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them >> their food and say things like, "Here ya go girls! I've got some >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and >> here's some beans, with

protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you >> poo! ;).." They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent >> choices when I'm not with them. >> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always >> being completely honest with them about everything. This young >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words. >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm >> doing, "I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm

feeling weak, >> etc." or "I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit >> and was behaving selfishly." >> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call >> it so. >> >> amy >> >> >> > > Brown Waxman www.celebrate4health.com www.bebabywise.com infocelebrate4health

Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debatein the Yahoo! Answers Food Drink Q&A.

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Great to hear from you Madeline.

I hope all is going well and thank you for such an enlightening message. It is so much more authentic to hear straight from you than us parents trying to voice what we think our children feel or even worse what we think is best for them! Somehow I can’t imagine or the rest of the gang ever writing anything here!



Hello. I am 's daughter and Simon's niece. I have been reading everyones posting for a while and enjoy the discussions immensely. I am 22 years old and have been macrobiotic my whole life. Currently I live on my own, work and go to school full time, but I still mange to make time to cook my brown rice, veggies and miso soup. That is because I think that it is very important to eat a healthy balanced diet. I am very fortunate to have been raised by a mother that emphasized the importance of healthy eating and found the time to prepare delicious home cooked meals every day for my sisters and I. (How I miss and wish I had not taken for granted all of those free amazing meals now that I have to do it on my own!) My family is very close and we have always had an open door policy where we can talk about anything and everything. My mother has always encouraged free thinking and for all of us to learn important life lessons on our own and to form our own decision! s about life and diet. She let us know that sugar, dairy and meat and not ideal foods for optimum health, and we never had those foods in our house, but we were allowed ice cream or maybe pizza on a special occasions. I think that obsession or excess of any kind can very dangerous, weather it is with something everyone knows is harmful to the body like alcohol, or in regards to obsessing about healthy eating it can be very damaging mentally. Eating disorders are rampant these days, especially among young girls and women. Believe me I know. I think that when you instill into a child's head to always watch what they are eating, and to feel guilt if they have a craving or want to try different foods then you are setting them up for some problems later in life in regard to food. Don't get me wrong I am the strongest advocate for nutritious healthy meals, and I am constantly cooking for my friends out here and encouraging them to go for grains and veggies instead of cheeseburgers and soda; however, I also think that it is very important not to be too strict and let it become an obsession. I think that the best approach is how my mother did it. She kept the food that she though we should eat in the house and let us know about health and nutrition, but she also encouraged us to be our own people and form our own ideas. I am not going to lie and say that I have never eaten junk food, because I have, and still do occasionally. But there was never the rebellion element in it for me or for my sisters. She must have done something right since the three of us that no longer live at home still practice macrobiotics rather successfully if I must say so.


Hi Amy

I would also like to add that children need to be children and innocence is a marve! llous thing. I think constantly telling a child about food can set them up for many issues regarding eating and foods later on in life and also creates an internal anxiety and pressure. Sometimes it is wonderful to just eat a dessert and not worry about calories, fat, energy - just to enjoy for enjoyments sake - to relish the taste, to feel relaxed, to share with friends - how healing. Children need to feel free to run, get dirty, hug trees, shout, smell flowers, eat snails (as an experiment - lol), get covered in paint, pee outside etc - actually many adults could learn a great deal from doing that too.

Once again I feel that example is very powerful - children learn most from what their parents do on a daily basis and not what they say - they are like little sponges soaking up everything that goes on. Many years later you can be amazed at how they mirror your actions.

Laughter is also so important. My kids often tease me that certain dishes are my 'cure all' for any problems they have - greens seem to high on that list and are recommended for so many different things. Funny how they are the least popular item on the dinner table and guess who ends up eating the most - Mum!!!!

Children need to experience for themselves and of course they also need to learn boundaries. This subtle balance is a work in progress for all parents. I do think we need to trust our children and give them the appropriate freedom for their development. I see so many children who rebel because their parents were way too strict and fearful and then of course there are the ones who have no self discipline because they were given too much freedom.

On the subject of words. You feel that the way you talk to your children is correct and you are being open and honest. I don't speak to my children in that way but encourage open discussion and avoid talking about the nutritional content in food but focus more on energy and how foods make you feel. Am I right? Are you wrong? - who is to judge. We all see life from our experience and that is wonderful - we are all unique yet all together - who would want to be a stepford wife. Life is a huge paradox and at the same time it is perfect.

Have a beautiful Tuesday

Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now!


>Hi Amy,


>We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure

>parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your

>point and would like to also express my approach which is different in the

>interest of sharing ideas and exploring options.


>Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for

>themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be

>coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out,

>discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola

>(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that

>the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that

>neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their

>own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do

>not really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system.


>I think our world is already too dominated by so called facts and concepts.

>They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them

>and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made

>concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles

>imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I

>would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved

>to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of

>discovery than provide my conclusions.


>It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today

>rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and

>riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha,

>Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to leave room for interpretation and

>the space to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if



>We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that

>fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using

>concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be

>seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important

>for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality

>of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to

>take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s belief



>I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and

>effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by

>their insights.


>Best wishes,





>On 20/3/07 16:21, " amycall45 " <amycall45@... <mailto:amycall45%40hotmail.com> > wrote:






>> Wister,


>> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

>> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

>> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

>> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

>> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

>> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

>> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

>> you're being judgemental.


>> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street are " salting a

>> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The

>> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it,

>> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

>> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

>> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

>> don't want to. "


>> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful

>> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

>> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

>> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with

>> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

>> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

>> evolving.


>> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always

>> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves

>> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

>> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For

>> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

>> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

>> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want the

>> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

>> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

>> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

>> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

>> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and

>> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep

>> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

>> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details

>> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

>> choices when I'm not with them.


>> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

>> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

>> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us

>> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

>> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

>> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy

>> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

>> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak,

>> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit

>> and was behaving selfishly. "


>> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want

>> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

>> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it

>> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

>> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call

>> it so.


>> amy






Brown Waxman



info@... <mailto:info%40celebrate4health.com>

Food fight? <http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask & sid=396545367> Enjoy some healthy debate

in the Yahoo! Answers Food Drink Q. <http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask & sid=396545367>

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Hi Ma

As you know I am your extremely proud mother and I just read your email to

Natasha (13 year old sister) who was very impressed but now wants to get on the

computer herself - lol!!

We miss your wonderful cooking too - Madeline is a master in the kitchen

especially with Portuguese style cooking.

Can't wait to see you.

Lots of love Mum

Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been

avoiding until now!

> >

> >Hi Amy,

> >

> >We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure

> >parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your

> >point and would like to also express my approach which is different in the

> >interest of sharing ideas and exploring options.

> >

> >Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for

> >themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be

> >coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out,

> >discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola

> >(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that

> >the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that

> >neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their

> >own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do

> >not really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system.

> >

> >I think our world is already too dominated by so called facts and concepts.

> >They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them

> >and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made

> >concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles

> >imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I

> >would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved

> >to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of

> >discovery than provide my conclusions.

> >

> >It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today

> >rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and

> >riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha,

> >Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to leave room for interpretation and

> >the space to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if

> >fact.

> >

> >We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that

> >fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using

> >concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be

> >seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important

> >for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality

> >of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to

> >take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s


> >system.

> >

> >I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and

> >effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by

> >their insights.

> >

> >Best wishes,

> >

> >Simon

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Wister,

> >>

> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

> >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

> >> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

> >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

> >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

> >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

> >> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

> >> you're being judgemental.

> >>

> >> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street are " salting a

> >> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The

> >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it,

> >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

> >> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

> >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

> >> don't want to. "

> >>

> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful

> >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

> >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

> >> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with

> >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

> >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

> >> evolving.

> >>

> >> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always

> >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves

> >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

> >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For

> >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

> >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

> >> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want the

> >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

> >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

> >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

> >> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

> >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and

> >> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep

> >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

> >> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details

> >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

> >> choices when I'm not with them.

> >>

> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

> >> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

> >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us

> >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

> >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

> >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy

> >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

> >> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak,

> >> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit

> >> and was behaving selfishly. "

> >>

> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want

> >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

> >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because it

> >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

> >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call

> >> it so.

> >>

> >> amy

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >


> Brown Waxman

> www.celebrate4health.com

> www.bebabywise.com

> info@...







>Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

>in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q & A.

Brown Waxman




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Guest guest

Madeline, Hi, love your name, that is my daughter's name, also, middle. I love what you wrote, I know that success is one of those words that has many definitions, many facets and layers, but I desire to say this and hope you will receive it, this is how I spell SUCCESS! This simply blesses me beyond measure. Let's hear for it for the Waxman family! Mira Magee"Simon G. Brown" wrote: Great to hear from you Madeline.I hope all is going well and thank you for such an enlightening message. It is so much more authentic to hear straight from you than us parents trying to voice what we think our children feel or even worse what we think is best for them! Somehow I can’t imagine or the rest of the gang ever writing anything here!Love,SimonOn 20/3/07 22:25, "Madeline Waxman" <maddiew117> wrote: Hello. I am 's daughter and Simon's niece. I have been reading everyones posting for a while and enjoy the discussions immensely. I am 22 years old and have been macrobiotic my whole life. Currently I live on my own, work and go to school full time, but I still mange to make time to cook my

brown rice, veggies and miso soup. That is because I think that it is very important to eat a healthy balanced diet. I am very fortunate to have been raised by a mother that emphasized the importance of healthy eating and found the time to prepare delicious home cooked meals every day for my sisters and I. (How I miss and wish I had not taken for granted all of those free amazing meals now that I have to do it on my own!) My family is very close and we have always had an open door policy where we can talk about anything and everything. My mother has always encouraged free thinking and for all of us to learn important life lessons on our own and to form our own decision! s about life and diet. She let us know that sugar, dairy and meat and not ideal foods for optimum health, and we never had those foods in our house, but we were allowed ice cream or maybe pizza on a special occasions. I think that obsession or excess of any kind can very dangerous, weather it is with

something everyone knows is harmful to the body like alcohol, or in regards to obsessing about healthy eating it can be very damaging mentally. Eating disorders are rampant these days, especially among young girls and women. Believe me I know. I think that when you instill into a child's head to always watch what they are eating, and to feel guilt if they have a craving or want to try different foods then you are setting them up for some problems later in life in regard to food. Don't get me wrong I am the strongest advocate for nutritious healthy meals, and I am constantly cooking for my friends out here and encouraging them to go for grains and veggies instead of cheeseburgers and soda; however, I also think that it is very important not to be too strict and let it become an obsession. I think that the best approach is how my mother did it. She kept the food that she though we should eat in the house and let us know about health and nutrition, but she also encouraged us

to be our own people and form our own ideas. I am not going to lie and say that I have never eaten junk food, because I have, and still do occasionally. But there was never the rebellion element in it for me or for my sisters. She must have done something right since the three of us that no longer live at home still practice macrobiotics rather successfully if I must say so. <mel528earthlink (DOT) net> wrote: Hi Amy I would also like to add that children need to be children and innocence is a marve! llous thing. I think constantly telling a child about food can set them up for many issues regarding eating and foods later on in life and also creates

an internal anxiety and pressure. Sometimes it is wonderful to just eat a dessert and not worry about calories, fat, energy - just to enjoy for enjoyments sake - to relish the taste, to feel relaxed, to share with friends - how healing. Children need to feel free to run, get dirty, hug trees, shout, smell flowers, eat snails (as an experiment - lol), get covered in paint, pee outside etc - actually many adults could learn a great deal from doing that too. Once again I feel that example is very powerful - children learn most from what their parents do on a daily basis and not what they say - they are like little sponges soaking up everything that goes on. Many years later you can be amazed at how they mirror your actions. Laughter is also so important. My kids often tease me that certain dishes are my 'cure all' for any problems they have - greens seem to high on that list and are recommended for so many different things. Funny how

they are the least popular item on the dinner table and guess who ends up eating the most - Mum!!!! Children need to experience for themselves and of course they also need to learn boundaries. This subtle balance is a work in progress for all parents. I do think we need to trust our children and give them the appropriate freedom for their development. I see so many children who rebel because their parents were way too strict and fearful and then of course there are the ones who have no self discipline because they were given too much freedom. On the subject of words. You feel that the way you talk to your children is correct and you are being open and honest. I don't speak to my children in that way but encourage open discussion and avoid talking about the nutritional content in food but focus more on energy and how foods make you feel. Am I right? Are you wrong? - who is to judge. We all see life from our experience and that is

wonderful - we are all unique yet all together - who would want to be a stepford wife. Life is a huge paradox and at the same time it is perfect. Have a beautiful Tuesday Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now! > >Hi Amy, > >We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure >parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your >point

and would like to also express my approach which is different in the >interest of sharing ideas and exploring options. > >Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for >themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be >coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out, >discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola >(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that >the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that >neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their >own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do >not really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system. > >I think our world is already too

dominated by so called facts and concepts. >They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them >and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made >concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles >imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I >would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved >to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of >discovery than provide my conclusions. > >It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today >rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and >riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, >Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to leave room for interpretation and >the space

to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if >fact. > >We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that >fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using >concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be >seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important >for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality >of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to >take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s belief >system. > >I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and >effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by >their insights. > >Best

wishes, > >Simon > > >On 20/3/07 16:21, "amycall45" <amycall45hotmail <mailto:amycall45%40hotmail.com> > wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> Wister, >> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words >> like "circumcision", "abortion", "medicating".. rather than just >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc.. >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved >> in the actions say that when

you just say what it IS that they do, >> you're being judgemental. >> >> When my children say, "Mom!! The kids across the street are "salting a >> slug! Can we have some salt?", I reply, "What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it, >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that >> what you meant?" Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, "No. I >> don't want to." >> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of >> thinking.

Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from >> evolving. >> >> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party. >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, "Mommy, can I have some >> Coke?" I got down to her level and whispered, "You mean, you want the >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't

think that's the best >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.." Even my four year old knows >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them >> their food and say things like, "Here ya go girls! I've got some >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and >> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you >> poo! ;).." They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent >> choices when I'm not with them. >> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always >> being completely honest with them about everything. This

young >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words. >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm >> doing, "I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak, >> etc." or "I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit >> and was behaving selfishly." >> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because

it >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call >> it so. >> >> amy >> >> >> > > Brown Waxman www.celebrate4health.com www.bebabywise.com infocelebrate4health <mailto:info%40celebrate4health.com> Food fight? <http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask & sid=396545367> Enjoy some healthy debatein the Yahoo! Answers Food Drink Q. <http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask & sid=396545367> Through

gardening, we feel whole as we make our personal work of art upon our land.- Moir Messervy, The Inward Gardenhttp://www.myspace.com/homegrownsouthernstyle

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Guest guest

Madeline, Hi, love your name, that is my daughter's name, also, middle. I love what you wrote, I know that success is one of those words that has many definitions, many facets and layers, but I desire to say this and hope you will receive it, this is how I spell SUCCESS! This simply blesses me beyond measure. Let's hear for it for the Waxman family! Mira Magee"Simon G. Brown" wrote: Great to hear from you Madeline.I hope all is going well and thank you for such an enlightening message. It is so much more authentic to hear straight from you than us parents trying to voice what we think our children feel or even worse what we think is best for them! Somehow I can’t imagine or the rest of the gang ever writing anything here!Love,SimonOn 20/3/07 22:25, "Madeline Waxman" <maddiew117> wrote: Hello. I am 's daughter and Simon's niece. I have been reading everyones posting for a while and enjoy the discussions immensely. I am 22 years old and have been macrobiotic my whole life. Currently I live on my own, work and go to school full time, but I still mange to make time to cook my

brown rice, veggies and miso soup. That is because I think that it is very important to eat a healthy balanced diet. I am very fortunate to have been raised by a mother that emphasized the importance of healthy eating and found the time to prepare delicious home cooked meals every day for my sisters and I. (How I miss and wish I had not taken for granted all of those free amazing meals now that I have to do it on my own!) My family is very close and we have always had an open door policy where we can talk about anything and everything. My mother has always encouraged free thinking and for all of us to learn important life lessons on our own and to form our own decision! s about life and diet. She let us know that sugar, dairy and meat and not ideal foods for optimum health, and we never had those foods in our house, but we were allowed ice cream or maybe pizza on a special occasions. I think that obsession or excess of any kind can very dangerous, weather it is with

something everyone knows is harmful to the body like alcohol, or in regards to obsessing about healthy eating it can be very damaging mentally. Eating disorders are rampant these days, especially among young girls and women. Believe me I know. I think that when you instill into a child's head to always watch what they are eating, and to feel guilt if they have a craving or want to try different foods then you are setting them up for some problems later in life in regard to food. Don't get me wrong I am the strongest advocate for nutritious healthy meals, and I am constantly cooking for my friends out here and encouraging them to go for grains and veggies instead of cheeseburgers and soda; however, I also think that it is very important not to be too strict and let it become an obsession. I think that the best approach is how my mother did it. She kept the food that she though we should eat in the house and let us know about health and nutrition, but she also encouraged us

to be our own people and form our own ideas. I am not going to lie and say that I have never eaten junk food, because I have, and still do occasionally. But there was never the rebellion element in it for me or for my sisters. She must have done something right since the three of us that no longer live at home still practice macrobiotics rather successfully if I must say so. <mel528earthlink (DOT) net> wrote: Hi Amy I would also like to add that children need to be children and innocence is a marve! llous thing. I think constantly telling a child about food can set them up for many issues regarding eating and foods later on in life and also creates

an internal anxiety and pressure. Sometimes it is wonderful to just eat a dessert and not worry about calories, fat, energy - just to enjoy for enjoyments sake - to relish the taste, to feel relaxed, to share with friends - how healing. Children need to feel free to run, get dirty, hug trees, shout, smell flowers, eat snails (as an experiment - lol), get covered in paint, pee outside etc - actually many adults could learn a great deal from doing that too. Once again I feel that example is very powerful - children learn most from what their parents do on a daily basis and not what they say - they are like little sponges soaking up everything that goes on. Many years later you can be amazed at how they mirror your actions. Laughter is also so important. My kids often tease me that certain dishes are my 'cure all' for any problems they have - greens seem to high on that list and are recommended for so many different things. Funny how

they are the least popular item on the dinner table and guess who ends up eating the most - Mum!!!! Children need to experience for themselves and of course they also need to learn boundaries. This subtle balance is a work in progress for all parents. I do think we need to trust our children and give them the appropriate freedom for their development. I see so many children who rebel because their parents were way too strict and fearful and then of course there are the ones who have no self discipline because they were given too much freedom. On the subject of words. You feel that the way you talk to your children is correct and you are being open and honest. I don't speak to my children in that way but encourage open discussion and avoid talking about the nutritional content in food but focus more on energy and how foods make you feel. Am I right? Are you wrong? - who is to judge. We all see life from our experience and that is

wonderful - we are all unique yet all together - who would want to be a stepford wife. Life is a huge paradox and at the same time it is perfect. Have a beautiful Tuesday Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now! > >Hi Amy, > >We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure >parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your >point

and would like to also express my approach which is different in the >interest of sharing ideas and exploring options. > >Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for >themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be >coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out, >discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola >(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that >the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that >neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their >own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do >not really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system. > >I think our world is already too

dominated by so called facts and concepts. >They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them >and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made >concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles >imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I >would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved >to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of >discovery than provide my conclusions. > >It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today >rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and >riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, >Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to leave room for interpretation and >the space

to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if >fact. > >We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that >fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using >concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be >seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important >for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality >of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to >take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s belief >system. > >I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and >effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by >their insights. > >Best

wishes, > >Simon > > >On 20/3/07 16:21, "amycall45" <amycall45hotmail <mailto:amycall45%40hotmail.com> > wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> Wister, >> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words >> like "circumcision", "abortion", "medicating".. rather than just >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc.. >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved >> in the actions say that when

you just say what it IS that they do, >> you're being judgemental. >> >> When my children say, "Mom!! The kids across the street are "salting a >> slug! Can we have some salt?", I reply, "What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it, >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that >> what you meant?" Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, "No. I >> don't want to." >> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of >> thinking.

Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from >> evolving. >> >> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party. >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, "Mommy, can I have some >> Coke?" I got down to her level and whispered, "You mean, you want the >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't

think that's the best >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.." Even my four year old knows >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them >> their food and say things like, "Here ya go girls! I've got some >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and >> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you >> poo! ;).." They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent >> choices when I'm not with them. >> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always >> being completely honest with them about everything. This

young >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words. >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm >> doing, "I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak, >> etc." or "I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit >> and was behaving selfishly." >> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because

it >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call >> it so. >> >> amy >> >> >> > > Brown Waxman www.celebrate4health.com www.bebabywise.com infocelebrate4health <mailto:info%40celebrate4health.com> Food fight? <http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask & sid=396545367> Enjoy some healthy debatein the Yahoo! Answers Food Drink Q. <http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask & sid=396545367> Through

gardening, we feel whole as we make our personal work of art upon our land.- Moir Messervy, The Inward Gardenhttp://www.myspace.com/homegrownsouthernstyle

Never miss an email again!Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out.

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Guest guest

Madeline, Hi, love your name, that is my daughter's name, also, middle. I love what you wrote, I know that success is one of those words that has many definitions, many facets and layers, but I desire to say this and hope you will receive it, this is how I spell SUCCESS! This simply blesses me beyond measure. Let's hear for it for the Waxman family! Mira Magee"Simon G. Brown" wrote: Great to hear from you Madeline.I hope all is going well and thank you for such an enlightening message. It is so much more authentic to hear straight from you than us parents trying to voice what we think our children feel or even worse what we think is best for them! Somehow I can’t imagine or the rest of the gang ever writing anything here!Love,SimonOn 20/3/07 22:25, "Madeline Waxman" <maddiew117> wrote: Hello. I am 's daughter and Simon's niece. I have been reading everyones posting for a while and enjoy the discussions immensely. I am 22 years old and have been macrobiotic my whole life. Currently I live on my own, work and go to school full time, but I still mange to make time to cook my

brown rice, veggies and miso soup. That is because I think that it is very important to eat a healthy balanced diet. I am very fortunate to have been raised by a mother that emphasized the importance of healthy eating and found the time to prepare delicious home cooked meals every day for my sisters and I. (How I miss and wish I had not taken for granted all of those free amazing meals now that I have to do it on my own!) My family is very close and we have always had an open door policy where we can talk about anything and everything. My mother has always encouraged free thinking and for all of us to learn important life lessons on our own and to form our own decision! s about life and diet. She let us know that sugar, dairy and meat and not ideal foods for optimum health, and we never had those foods in our house, but we were allowed ice cream or maybe pizza on a special occasions. I think that obsession or excess of any kind can very dangerous, weather it is with

something everyone knows is harmful to the body like alcohol, or in regards to obsessing about healthy eating it can be very damaging mentally. Eating disorders are rampant these days, especially among young girls and women. Believe me I know. I think that when you instill into a child's head to always watch what they are eating, and to feel guilt if they have a craving or want to try different foods then you are setting them up for some problems later in life in regard to food. Don't get me wrong I am the strongest advocate for nutritious healthy meals, and I am constantly cooking for my friends out here and encouraging them to go for grains and veggies instead of cheeseburgers and soda; however, I also think that it is very important not to be too strict and let it become an obsession. I think that the best approach is how my mother did it. She kept the food that she though we should eat in the house and let us know about health and nutrition, but she also encouraged us

to be our own people and form our own ideas. I am not going to lie and say that I have never eaten junk food, because I have, and still do occasionally. But there was never the rebellion element in it for me or for my sisters. She must have done something right since the three of us that no longer live at home still practice macrobiotics rather successfully if I must say so. <mel528earthlink (DOT) net> wrote: Hi Amy I would also like to add that children need to be children and innocence is a marve! llous thing. I think constantly telling a child about food can set them up for many issues regarding eating and foods later on in life and also creates

an internal anxiety and pressure. Sometimes it is wonderful to just eat a dessert and not worry about calories, fat, energy - just to enjoy for enjoyments sake - to relish the taste, to feel relaxed, to share with friends - how healing. Children need to feel free to run, get dirty, hug trees, shout, smell flowers, eat snails (as an experiment - lol), get covered in paint, pee outside etc - actually many adults could learn a great deal from doing that too. Once again I feel that example is very powerful - children learn most from what their parents do on a daily basis and not what they say - they are like little sponges soaking up everything that goes on. Many years later you can be amazed at how they mirror your actions. Laughter is also so important. My kids often tease me that certain dishes are my 'cure all' for any problems they have - greens seem to high on that list and are recommended for so many different things. Funny how

they are the least popular item on the dinner table and guess who ends up eating the most - Mum!!!! Children need to experience for themselves and of course they also need to learn boundaries. This subtle balance is a work in progress for all parents. I do think we need to trust our children and give them the appropriate freedom for their development. I see so many children who rebel because their parents were way too strict and fearful and then of course there are the ones who have no self discipline because they were given too much freedom. On the subject of words. You feel that the way you talk to your children is correct and you are being open and honest. I don't speak to my children in that way but encourage open discussion and avoid talking about the nutritional content in food but focus more on energy and how foods make you feel. Am I right? Are you wrong? - who is to judge. We all see life from our experience and that is

wonderful - we are all unique yet all together - who would want to be a stepford wife. Life is a huge paradox and at the same time it is perfect. Have a beautiful Tuesday Re: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now! > >Hi Amy, > >We all bring up are children how we feel is best and in most cases I am sure >parents only have the best interests of their children. I understand your >point

and would like to also express my approach which is different in the >interest of sharing ideas and exploring options. > >Personally I have always tried to bring my children up to think for >themselves. Rather than tell them how it is, which will inevitably be >coloured by my own preferences, I encourage them to research, try out, >discover and form their own opinions even if this means trying the coca cola >(depending on the age ­ certainly older than four) for themselves so that >the learning becomes part of their own experience. Although they know that >neither of us eats meat we have always encouraged them to try and make their >own choices. So far two have tried meat and two not. The two that tried do >not really like it and noticed the effect on their digestive system. > >I think our world is already too

dominated by so called facts and concepts. >They get enough of this at school. As a balance I do like to challenge them >and ask the Œwhat if questions¹ and step outside the world of man made >concepts. It is possible that too much Œtelling it like it is¹ stifles >imagination, creativity and originality if the child accepts any of it. I >would hate the idea that any of my children or anyone else became enslaved >to my ideas and am much happier to guide and help in the process of >discovery than provide my conclusions. > >It is interesting that the great teachers we still quote and study today >rarely said anything as it is but tended to use parables, stories and >riddles to make a point. Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, >Bodhidharma, Dalai Lamas......seemed to leave room for interpretation and >the space

to make their teachings our own rather than spell it out as if >fact. > >We have discussed this before but I have not found one man made concept that >fits reality, there always seem to be exceptions and teaching or using >concepts including any of the macrobiotic ones like yin and yang need to be >seen more as an idea and certainly not a truth. To me it would be important >for children to be able to see through the concepts and trust in the reality >of their feelings, develop his or her own intuition and feel empowered to >take their own journey through life without relying on other people¹s belief >system. > >I am not sure where this journey take us and it can require more time and >effort but we do have some amazing discussions and I am often amazed by >their insights. > >Best

wishes, > >Simon > > >On 20/3/07 16:21, "amycall45" <amycall45hotmail <mailto:amycall45%40hotmail.com> > wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> Wister, >> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words >> like "circumcision", "abortion", "medicating".. rather than just >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc.. >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved >> in the actions say that when

you just say what it IS that they do, >> you're being judgemental. >> >> When my children say, "Mom!! The kids across the street are "salting a >> slug! Can we have some salt?", I reply, "What? ..OH!! You MEAN, 'The >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing it, >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that >> what you meant?" Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, "No. I >> don't want to." >> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very powerful >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of >> thinking.

Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable with >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from >> evolving. >> >> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than always >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge ourselves >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it. For >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party. >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, "Mommy, can I have some >> Coke?" I got down to her level and whispered, "You mean, you want the >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't

think that's the best >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.." Even my four year old knows >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them >> their food and say things like, "Here ya go girls! I've got some >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs, and >> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to keep >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you >> poo! ;).." They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and details >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent >> choices when I'm not with them. >> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always >> being completely honest with them about everything. This

young >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move us >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words. >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do unhealthy >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm >> doing, "I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling weak, >> etc." or "I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the Spirit >> and was behaving selfishly." >> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We want >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because

it >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to call >> it so. >> >> amy >> >> >> > > Brown Waxman www.celebrate4health.com www.bebabywise.com infocelebrate4health <mailto:info%40celebrate4health.com> Food fight? <http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask & sid=396545367> Enjoy some healthy debatein the Yahoo! Answers Food Drink Q. <http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask & sid=396545367> Through

gardening, we feel whole as we make our personal work of art upon our land.- Moir Messervy, The Inward Gardenhttp://www.myspace.com/homegrownsouthernstyle

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I KNOW people around me think I'm nuts, I know they think how I'm

raising Marlie and the decisions I make for her future are

ridiculous. These are also the people that feel diet has nothing to

do with illness, etc. I don't really care what others think as I

have to be the one confident in my decisions for MY daughter's

future. I just had this discussion with my brother the other day,

instead of fighting with my family I've told him I refuse to defend

my child rearing ways. I just kept repeating it every time he

said " but what about........... " . It worked and I can sleep at

night. If I didn't have a man half way around the world to speak to

keeping me up half the night I'd sleep a lot better. ;)

UK time difference is so much better than 14 hours!!!! LOL

The difference between what others may view about my decisions and my

points on circ are that I am not causing my daughter physical pain by

slicing of part of her genetalia without any numbing agent.




> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I know plenty of happy, contented, peaceful Jewish men who appear


> > have wonderful family relationships

> >

> > You must be kidding I don't know ANY happy contented, peaceful


> > men!

> >

> > Actually I do prefer vaginal birth b/c it's much healthier for the

> > proper development of the lungs.

> > Birth is something you can't prevent, circ can be. If you look

at it

> > from a religious point why would G-d put foreskin there for us to

> > remove as if he has faulted?

> >

> > I don't see anything wrong with having absolutes, having


> > and having goals.

> >

> > Actually I was a counselor at a domestic violence shelter for many

> > years and statistically the most violent were Jewish men. The

> > largest profession? Police.

> >

> > I never said anything about helping only my country that was


> > else. I don't feel I belong to one country, one universe

> > perhaps........ BUT I do feel if we look the other way and

just 'let

> > it be' the world doesn't change for the better. If women didn't


> > a stink 80 some odd years ago we wouldn't have the right to

vote. If

> > Parks didn't refuse to get up from her seat the blacks would

> > still be sitting in the back of the bus.............

> >

> > I love you dearly but too tired to banter

> >

> > Reg

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Guest guest


I KNOW people around me think I'm nuts, I know they think how I'm

raising Marlie and the decisions I make for her future are

ridiculous. These are also the people that feel diet has nothing to

do with illness, etc. I don't really care what others think as I

have to be the one confident in my decisions for MY daughter's

future. I just had this discussion with my brother the other day,

instead of fighting with my family I've told him I refuse to defend

my child rearing ways. I just kept repeating it every time he

said " but what about........... " . It worked and I can sleep at

night. If I didn't have a man half way around the world to speak to

keeping me up half the night I'd sleep a lot better. ;)

UK time difference is so much better than 14 hours!!!! LOL

The difference between what others may view about my decisions and my

points on circ are that I am not causing my daughter physical pain by

slicing of part of her genetalia without any numbing agent.




> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I know plenty of happy, contented, peaceful Jewish men who appear


> > have wonderful family relationships

> >

> > You must be kidding I don't know ANY happy contented, peaceful


> > men!

> >

> > Actually I do prefer vaginal birth b/c it's much healthier for the

> > proper development of the lungs.

> > Birth is something you can't prevent, circ can be. If you look

at it

> > from a religious point why would G-d put foreskin there for us to

> > remove as if he has faulted?

> >

> > I don't see anything wrong with having absolutes, having


> > and having goals.

> >

> > Actually I was a counselor at a domestic violence shelter for many

> > years and statistically the most violent were Jewish men. The

> > largest profession? Police.

> >

> > I never said anything about helping only my country that was


> > else. I don't feel I belong to one country, one universe

> > perhaps........ BUT I do feel if we look the other way and

just 'let

> > it be' the world doesn't change for the better. If women didn't


> > a stink 80 some odd years ago we wouldn't have the right to

vote. If

> > Parks didn't refuse to get up from her seat the blacks would

> > still be sitting in the back of the bus.............

> >

> > I love you dearly but too tired to banter

> >

> > Reg

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Guest guest

If my legs weren't hurting you'd get a standing ovation.



> Wister,


> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

> you're being judgemental.


> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street

are " salting a

> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You

MEAN, 'The

> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing


> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

> don't want to. "


> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very


> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable


> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

> evolving.


> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than


> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge


> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it.


> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want


> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs,


> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to


> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and


> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

> choices when I'm not with them.


> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move


> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do


> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling


> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the


> and was behaving selfishly. "


> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We


> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because


> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to


> it so.


> amy


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Guest guest

If my legs weren't hurting you'd get a standing ovation.



> Wister,


> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

> you're being judgemental.


> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street

are " salting a

> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You

MEAN, 'The

> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing


> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

> don't want to. "


> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very


> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable


> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

> evolving.


> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than


> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge


> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it.


> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want


> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs,


> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to


> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and


> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

> choices when I'm not with them.


> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move


> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do


> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling


> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the


> and was behaving selfishly. "


> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We


> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because


> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to


> it so.


> amy


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Guest guest

If my legs weren't hurting you'd get a standing ovation.



> Wister,


> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say something

> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind words

> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and sucking

> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned, etc..

> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people involved

> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they do,

> you're being judgemental.


> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street

are " salting a

> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You

MEAN, 'The

> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and torturing


> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is that

> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of those

> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and saying, " No. I

> don't want to. "


> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very


> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber, reevaluate

> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and comfortable


> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

> evolving.


> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than


> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge


> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest about

> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love it.


> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a party.

> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have some

> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you want


> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the best

> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old knows

> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass them

> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got some

> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and germs,


> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water, to


> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help you

> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and


> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

> choices when I'm not with them.


> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by always

> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help move


> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open with

> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense words.

> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do


> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what I'm

> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling


> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the


> and was behaving selfishly. "


> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying. We


> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics, yin and

> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives, because


> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of where

> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean to


> it so.


> amy


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Guest guest

I'm so happy to hear this man has found happiness and didn't allow

his past prevent him from having a wonderful present and future.

> >

> > I know plenty of happy, contented, peaceful Jewish men who appear


> > have wonderful family relationships

> >

> > You must be kidding I don't know ANY happy contented, peaceful


> > men!

> >

> > Actually I do prefer vaginal birth b/c it's much healthier for


> > proper development of the lungs.

> > Birth is something you can't prevent, circ can be. If you look

at it

> > from a religious point why would G-d put foreskin there for us to

> > remove as if he has faulted?

> >

> > I don't see anything wrong with having absolutes, having


> > and having goals.

> >

> > Actually I was a counselor at a domestic violence shelter for


> > years and statistically the most violent were Jewish men. The

> > largest profession? Police.

> >

> > I never said anything about helping only my country that was


> > else. I don't feel I belong to one country, one universe

> > perhaps........ BUT I do feel if we look the other way and

just 'let

> > it be' the world doesn't change for the better. If women didn't


> > a stink 80 some odd years ago we wouldn't have the right to

vote. If

> > Parks didn't refuse to get up from her seat the blacks would

> > still be sitting in the back of the bus.............

> >

> > I love you dearly but too tired to banter

> >

> > Reg

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Guest guest

I'm so happy to hear this man has found happiness and didn't allow

his past prevent him from having a wonderful present and future.

> >

> > I know plenty of happy, contented, peaceful Jewish men who appear


> > have wonderful family relationships

> >

> > You must be kidding I don't know ANY happy contented, peaceful


> > men!

> >

> > Actually I do prefer vaginal birth b/c it's much healthier for


> > proper development of the lungs.

> > Birth is something you can't prevent, circ can be. If you look

at it

> > from a religious point why would G-d put foreskin there for us to

> > remove as if he has faulted?

> >

> > I don't see anything wrong with having absolutes, having


> > and having goals.

> >

> > Actually I was a counselor at a domestic violence shelter for


> > years and statistically the most violent were Jewish men. The

> > largest profession? Police.

> >

> > I never said anything about helping only my country that was


> > else. I don't feel I belong to one country, one universe

> > perhaps........ BUT I do feel if we look the other way and

just 'let

> > it be' the world doesn't change for the better. If women didn't


> > a stink 80 some odd years ago we wouldn't have the right to

vote. If

> > Parks didn't refuse to get up from her seat the blacks would

> > still be sitting in the back of the bus.............

> >

> > I love you dearly but too tired to banter

> >

> > Reg

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what did you pay her? KIDDING.

How sweet and thank you for your response, it's always great to hear

storied from one who has grown up in this lifestyle.

One comment on the eating disorder thing, it's more about control and

starving oneself is like " I can do it, I am stronger than the food "

more so than my mother wouldn't let me have ice cream so here watch

me inhale 10 gallons..........

Overweight children are so because of the disposible society,

convenience food, lack of physical activity and sitting in front of

the tv while eating. Foods are loaded with sugar, oil, salt and in

large quantities.


> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Wister,

> >>

> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say


> >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind


> >> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

> >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and


> >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned,


> >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people


> >> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they


> >> you're being judgemental.

> >>

> >> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street

are " salting a

> >> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You

MEAN, 'The

> >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and

torturing it,

> >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is


> >> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of


> >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and

saying, " No. I

> >> don't want to. "

> >>

> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very


> >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber,


> >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

> >> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and

comfortable with

> >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

> >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

> >> evolving.

> >>

> >> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than


> >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge


> >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest


> >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love

it. For

> >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a


> >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have


> >> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you

want the

> >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the


> >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old


> >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass


> >> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got


> >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and

germs, and

> >> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water,

to keep

> >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help


> >> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and


> >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

> >> choices when I'm not with them.

> >>

> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by


> >> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

> >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help

move us

> >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open


> >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense


> >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do


> >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what


> >> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling


> >> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the


> >> and was behaving selfishly. "

> >>

> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying.

We want

> >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics,

yin and

> >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives,

because it

> >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of


> >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean

to call

> >> it so.

> >>

> >> amy

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >


> Brown Waxman

> www.celebrate4health.com

> www.bebabywise.com

> info@...






> ---------------------------------

> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q & A.


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Guest guest

what did you pay her? KIDDING.

How sweet and thank you for your response, it's always great to hear

storied from one who has grown up in this lifestyle.

One comment on the eating disorder thing, it's more about control and

starving oneself is like " I can do it, I am stronger than the food "

more so than my mother wouldn't let me have ice cream so here watch

me inhale 10 gallons..........

Overweight children are so because of the disposible society,

convenience food, lack of physical activity and sitting in front of

the tv while eating. Foods are loaded with sugar, oil, salt and in

large quantities.


> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Wister,

> >>

> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say


> >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind


> >> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

> >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and


> >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned,


> >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people


> >> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they


> >> you're being judgemental.

> >>

> >> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street

are " salting a

> >> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You

MEAN, 'The

> >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and

torturing it,

> >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is


> >> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of


> >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and

saying, " No. I

> >> don't want to. "

> >>

> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very


> >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber,


> >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

> >> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and

comfortable with

> >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

> >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

> >> evolving.

> >>

> >> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than


> >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge


> >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest


> >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love

it. For

> >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a


> >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have


> >> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you

want the

> >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the


> >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old


> >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass


> >> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got


> >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and

germs, and

> >> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water,

to keep

> >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help


> >> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and


> >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

> >> choices when I'm not with them.

> >>

> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by


> >> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

> >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help

move us

> >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open


> >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense


> >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do


> >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what


> >> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling


> >> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the


> >> and was behaving selfishly. "

> >>

> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying.

We want

> >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics,

yin and

> >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives,

because it

> >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of


> >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean

to call

> >> it so.

> >>

> >> amy

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >


> Brown Waxman

> www.celebrate4health.com

> www.bebabywise.com

> info@...






> ---------------------------------

> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q & A.


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Guest guest

what did you pay her? KIDDING.

How sweet and thank you for your response, it's always great to hear

storied from one who has grown up in this lifestyle.

One comment on the eating disorder thing, it's more about control and

starving oneself is like " I can do it, I am stronger than the food "

more so than my mother wouldn't let me have ice cream so here watch

me inhale 10 gallons..........

Overweight children are so because of the disposible society,

convenience food, lack of physical activity and sitting in front of

the tv while eating. Foods are loaded with sugar, oil, salt and in

large quantities.


> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Wister,

> >>

> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say


> >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe behind


> >> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather than just

> >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing and


> >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them stoned,


> >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the people


> >> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that they


> >> you're being judgemental.

> >>

> >> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street

are " salting a

> >> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You

MEAN, 'The

> >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and

torturing it,

> >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as well?' Is


> >> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance of


> >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and

saying, " No. I

> >> don't want to. "

> >>

> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is very


> >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber,


> >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded level of

> >> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and

comfortable with

> >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis and

> >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us from

> >> evolving.

> >>

> >> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being than


> >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us judge


> >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly honest


> >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they love

it. For

> >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at a


> >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I have


> >> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean, you

want the

> >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's the


> >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year old


> >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I pass


> >> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've got


> >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and

germs, and

> >> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure water,

to keep

> >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to help


> >> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth and


> >> about everything and it helps them to make educated/intelligent

> >> choices when I'm not with them.

> >>

> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open by


> >> being completely honest with them about everything. This young

> >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will help

move us

> >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be open


> >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political nonsense


> >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I do


> >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly what


> >> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm feeling


> >> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to the


> >> and was behaving selfishly. "

> >>

> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm saying.

We want

> >> the generations to come to use the concepts of macrobiotics,

yin and

> >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their lives,

because it

> >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful of


> >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being mean

to call

> >> it so.

> >>

> >> amy

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >


> Brown Waxman

> www.celebrate4health.com

> www.bebabywise.com

> info@...






> ---------------------------------

> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q & A.


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Guest guest

That's is why we're lucky to have her here. Maybe she should get the

ipod this month? ???


> >>> >

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >> Wister,

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >> You'll have to get used to people being upset when you say


> >>>> >> IS what it IS. We're in a world where people feel safe

behind words

> >>>> >> like " circumcision " , " abortion " , " medicating " .. rather

than just

> >>>> >> saying what it is. Mutilating, altering, etc.. Killing

and sucking

> >>>> >> out life, etc. Drugging our children and getting them

stoned, etc..

> >>>> >> Why don't we just call a spade a spade? Because the

people involved

> >>>> >> in the actions say that when you just say what it IS that

they do,

> >>>> >> you're being judgemental.

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >> When my children say, " Mom!! The kids across the street

are " salting a

> >>>> >> slug! Can we have some salt? " , I reply, " What? ..OH!! You

MEAN, 'The

> >>>> >> kids across the street are pouring salt onto a slug and

torturing it,

> >>>> >> and causing pain and suffering? Can I torture it as

well?' Is that

> >>>> >> what you meant? " Their eyes open wide(see the importance

of those

> >>>> >> words), and they are suddenly shaking their heads and

saying, " No. I

> >>>> >> don't want to. "

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >> Truth is truth and saying exactly what something IS, is

very powerful

> >>>> >> and helps people to Awaken and pull out of their slumber,


> >>>> >> their actions and bring themselves to a Higher Minded

level of

> >>>> >> thinking. Constantly trying to make people cozy and

comfortable with

> >>>> >> side-stepping words keeps everyone in a state of hypnosis


> >>>> >> stagnance. Complacency is a dangerous thing, and keeps us


> >>>> >> evolving.

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >> I can think of few things more healthy for our well-being

than always

> >>>> >> stating the facts exactly as they are, and then let us

judge ourselves

> >>>> >> according to the Truths. I insist on being blatantly

honest about

> >>>> >> every single issue with my kids. The girls tell me they

love it. For

> >>>> >> example, ..My four year old reached for some Coca-cola at

a party.

> >>>> >> She wanted me to pour it for her, pleading, " Mommy, can I

have some

> >>>> >> Coke? " I got down to her level and whispered, " You mean,

you want the

> >>>> >> drink with the chemicals and drugs? I don't think that's

the best

> >>>> >> thing for your beautiful body, hon.. " Even my four year

old knows

> >>>> >> what drugs and chemicals are, because when I feed them, I

pass them

> >>>> >> their food and say things like, " Here ya go girls! I've

got some

> >>>> >> fruit for you, with Vit. C, to help you fight off cold and

germs, and

> >>>> >> here's some beans, with protein, etc. Here's your pure

water, to keep

> >>>> >> you hydrated, ..here's your cereal, with lots of fiber to

help you

> >>>> >> poo! ;).. " They're absolutely thrilled to know the Truth

and details

> >>>> >> about everything and it helps them to make


> >>>> >> choices when I'm not with them.

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >> I'd encourage everyone to keep your children's Eyes Open

by always

> >>>> >> being completely honest with them about everything. This


> >>>> >> generation is so advanced and ready for Truth. They will

help move us

> >>>> >> forward at lightning speed if we do our part and simply be

open with

> >>>> >> them. Don't drug them. Don't give them political

nonsense words.

> >>>> >> Don't white-wash even the mistakes you make. Even when I

do unhealthy

> >>>> >> things or make poor choices, I tell them that is exactly

what I'm

> >>>> >> doing, " I'm making a poor choice right now, because I'm

feeling weak,

> >>>> >> etc. " or " I did this or that, because I wasn't tuned in to

the Spirit

> >>>> >> and was behaving selfishly. "

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >> I hope most can understand the importance of what I'm

saying. We want

> >>>> >> the generations to come to use the concepts of

macrobiotics, yin and

> >>>> >> yang, and spirituality through every aspect of their

lives, because it

> >>>> >> will make them healthy and FREE. We need to be respectful

of where

> >>>> >> others stand, but, a spade is a spade and it isn't being

mean to call

> >>>> >> it so.

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >> amy

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >>

> >>>> >>

> >>> >

> >>> >

> >>

> >> Brown Waxman

> >> www.celebrate4health.com

> >> www.bebabywise.com

> >> info@... <mailto:info%40celebrate4health.com>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Food fight?

> >



> > wMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?

link=ask & sid=396545367

> > > Enjoy some healthy debate

> > in the Yahoo! Answers Food Drink Q.

> >



> > wMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?

link=ask & sid=396545367

> > >

> >

> >


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