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Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now!

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Full of piss and vinegar!!! I LOVE IT

Thanks so much for your post, I can almost hear you ranting.


PS agree with you 100%


> >

> > So what do you think?

> > What is your opinion/feelings on circumcision?

> > Does it matter either way?

> > I've read all the pros and cons.

> > I think I now need to hear from real people!

> >

> >


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Full of piss and vinegar!!! I LOVE IT

Thanks so much for your post, I can almost hear you ranting.


PS agree with you 100%


> >

> > So what do you think?

> > What is your opinion/feelings on circumcision?

> > Does it matter either way?

> > I've read all the pros and cons.

> > I think I now need to hear from real people!

> >

> >


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Full of piss and vinegar!!! I LOVE IT

Thanks so much for your post, I can almost hear you ranting.


PS agree with you 100%


> >

> > So what do you think?

> > What is your opinion/feelings on circumcision?

> > Does it matter either way?

> > I've read all the pros and cons.

> > I think I now need to hear from real people!

> >

> >


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why do you think you're not not highly intelligent? don't sound like

a dummy to me.............



> Thank you for this. There is a lot of confusion in our world.


> are people who, if told that " God " loves bloody child sacrifices,


> wants them to put their own children on an alter and kill them,


> do it, just to prove how loyal they are. You could tell them " God "

> wants you to kill anyone who is Asian, for example, and they'd do

it a

> hearbeat, without even thinking for a second, " If God wants this,


> kind of a God is He?? ..and why do I so blindly follow? "


> In my N.D. exp., I found that we are in a world of opposites. Much


> what people think is good is not. Much of what people think is


> is truly white. An Awakening has to happen in order to See. The

> Germans were not bad people, ..just very blind. They fell in love

> with Hitler, because he was " the Boss " . The guy in charge, who made

> them feel good about themselves. They did whatever he told them to

> do, blindly.


> Many Christians have no problem with the idea that if someone is a

> near Saint their entire lives, giving their heart and soul to


> others and making the world a better place, but don't believe in

> " Jesus " , ..they'll still be tortured and burned in a fiery pit


> " Hell " for eternities. And many of them are perfectly content with

> the notion that one can say they believe in " Jesus " , but act like

> complete terds all their lives, and be glorified in " Heaven " ,


> This wasn't at all the Truth of what I Saw on the Other Side. It


> so much more logical and made so much more sense, it was beyond

> beautiful and more than perfect. The closest thing I could find to

> those truths, when I came back, was Buddhism and Gnosticism. Yet,


> doesn't call himSelf a Buddhist or Gnostic, either.


> I am interested in Macrobiotics because I was told I would find

> answers here. I am very interested in the Yin and Yang concepts,

> because this is also very much like what I Saw on the Other Side


> the Universal Laws were presented to me. Cause and effect, etc.


> I went through " Judgement " too, by the way, and did not

feel " Judged "

> at all, ..but rather loved and made to completely understand how I'd

> touched and effected others all my life. I was made to understand

> even my " enemies " , and came back not wanting to " Judge "

anyone, ..but

> just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of the

> Truth. I'm not sure how to do that yet, because I don't want to be


> Teacher, and I don't believe that kind of Freedom is something you


> just give. We all Have it, already. We just don't all use it. I'm

> also not highly intelligent. And of course, I still have so much to

> learn, it's crazy!!


> For those of you who were able to read all the way through my

> ramblings, ..thank you.


> Peace,

> amy---

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Guest guest

why do you think you're not not highly intelligent? don't sound like

a dummy to me.............



> Thank you for this. There is a lot of confusion in our world.


> are people who, if told that " God " loves bloody child sacrifices,


> wants them to put their own children on an alter and kill them,


> do it, just to prove how loyal they are. You could tell them " God "

> wants you to kill anyone who is Asian, for example, and they'd do

it a

> hearbeat, without even thinking for a second, " If God wants this,


> kind of a God is He?? ..and why do I so blindly follow? "


> In my N.D. exp., I found that we are in a world of opposites. Much


> what people think is good is not. Much of what people think is


> is truly white. An Awakening has to happen in order to See. The

> Germans were not bad people, ..just very blind. They fell in love

> with Hitler, because he was " the Boss " . The guy in charge, who made

> them feel good about themselves. They did whatever he told them to

> do, blindly.


> Many Christians have no problem with the idea that if someone is a

> near Saint their entire lives, giving their heart and soul to


> others and making the world a better place, but don't believe in

> " Jesus " , ..they'll still be tortured and burned in a fiery pit


> " Hell " for eternities. And many of them are perfectly content with

> the notion that one can say they believe in " Jesus " , but act like

> complete terds all their lives, and be glorified in " Heaven " ,


> This wasn't at all the Truth of what I Saw on the Other Side. It


> so much more logical and made so much more sense, it was beyond

> beautiful and more than perfect. The closest thing I could find to

> those truths, when I came back, was Buddhism and Gnosticism. Yet,


> doesn't call himSelf a Buddhist or Gnostic, either.


> I am interested in Macrobiotics because I was told I would find

> answers here. I am very interested in the Yin and Yang concepts,

> because this is also very much like what I Saw on the Other Side


> the Universal Laws were presented to me. Cause and effect, etc.


> I went through " Judgement " too, by the way, and did not

feel " Judged "

> at all, ..but rather loved and made to completely understand how I'd

> touched and effected others all my life. I was made to understand

> even my " enemies " , and came back not wanting to " Judge "

anyone, ..but

> just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of the

> Truth. I'm not sure how to do that yet, because I don't want to be


> Teacher, and I don't believe that kind of Freedom is something you


> just give. We all Have it, already. We just don't all use it. I'm

> also not highly intelligent. And of course, I still have so much to

> learn, it's crazy!!


> For those of you who were able to read all the way through my

> ramblings, ..thank you.


> Peace,

> amy---

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Guest guest

why do you think you're not not highly intelligent? don't sound like

a dummy to me.............



> Thank you for this. There is a lot of confusion in our world.


> are people who, if told that " God " loves bloody child sacrifices,


> wants them to put their own children on an alter and kill them,


> do it, just to prove how loyal they are. You could tell them " God "

> wants you to kill anyone who is Asian, for example, and they'd do

it a

> hearbeat, without even thinking for a second, " If God wants this,


> kind of a God is He?? ..and why do I so blindly follow? "


> In my N.D. exp., I found that we are in a world of opposites. Much


> what people think is good is not. Much of what people think is


> is truly white. An Awakening has to happen in order to See. The

> Germans were not bad people, ..just very blind. They fell in love

> with Hitler, because he was " the Boss " . The guy in charge, who made

> them feel good about themselves. They did whatever he told them to

> do, blindly.


> Many Christians have no problem with the idea that if someone is a

> near Saint their entire lives, giving their heart and soul to


> others and making the world a better place, but don't believe in

> " Jesus " , ..they'll still be tortured and burned in a fiery pit


> " Hell " for eternities. And many of them are perfectly content with

> the notion that one can say they believe in " Jesus " , but act like

> complete terds all their lives, and be glorified in " Heaven " ,


> This wasn't at all the Truth of what I Saw on the Other Side. It


> so much more logical and made so much more sense, it was beyond

> beautiful and more than perfect. The closest thing I could find to

> those truths, when I came back, was Buddhism and Gnosticism. Yet,


> doesn't call himSelf a Buddhist or Gnostic, either.


> I am interested in Macrobiotics because I was told I would find

> answers here. I am very interested in the Yin and Yang concepts,

> because this is also very much like what I Saw on the Other Side


> the Universal Laws were presented to me. Cause and effect, etc.


> I went through " Judgement " too, by the way, and did not

feel " Judged "

> at all, ..but rather loved and made to completely understand how I'd

> touched and effected others all my life. I was made to understand

> even my " enemies " , and came back not wanting to " Judge "

anyone, ..but

> just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of the

> Truth. I'm not sure how to do that yet, because I don't want to be


> Teacher, and I don't believe that kind of Freedom is something you


> just give. We all Have it, already. We just don't all use it. I'm

> also not highly intelligent. And of course, I still have so much to

> learn, it's crazy!!


> For those of you who were able to read all the way through my

> ramblings, ..thank you.


> Peace,

> amy---

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Guest guest

Why????????? the same reason that people are concerned about having

designer jeans and fancy cars...........

Really important stuff in life.

This really is a sick world.


> Why would male circumcision be any less barbaric than female and


> loving higher

> being would request such an absurd, unnecessary and brutal act on a

> helpless infant, but more so

> why in the world would humans believe that what Nature put in place

> with good reason need to be removed? No animal in nature has such a

> need to have their foreskin removed EVER.

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Guest guest

Why????????? the same reason that people are concerned about having

designer jeans and fancy cars...........

Really important stuff in life.

This really is a sick world.


> Why would male circumcision be any less barbaric than female and


> loving higher

> being would request such an absurd, unnecessary and brutal act on a

> helpless infant, but more so

> why in the world would humans believe that what Nature put in place

> with good reason need to be removed? No animal in nature has such a

> need to have their foreskin removed EVER.

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Guest guest

Why????????? the same reason that people are concerned about having

designer jeans and fancy cars...........

Really important stuff in life.

This really is a sick world.


> Why would male circumcision be any less barbaric than female and


> loving higher

> being would request such an absurd, unnecessary and brutal act on a

> helpless infant, but more so

> why in the world would humans believe that what Nature put in place

> with good reason need to be removed? No animal in nature has such a

> need to have their foreskin removed EVER.

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I don't think this is a good place to put my thoughts re religion - already felt pretty bombarded but even so I feel a need to respond - and please know nothing even in religion is so clear cut - that's partly why I do love it, there's a lot of questioning and lots and lots of debating - but yes, there is a bottom line - certain aspects which are clear that that is part of what makes us Jewish - the circumcision is written such that it is a sign of our covenant with G-d (btw, I have no problems how others write His name, it's just something I have taken upon myself), as is the Sabbath - also we have rules, some of which has many explanations and bring us to a deeper understanding, and some which we accept, yes on faith, that do not have explanations other than yes it is commanded and this is based on yes that we accept there is a Higher Power that understands the world better than we do. I've posted before when I wrote about the Secret, that I find it

humbling to believe there is a wiser and higher power in this world. But in no way does that mean it is for others to also believe as I do. But , there is another facet that is pretty important - having kids changes alot in what goes on in your relationship - especially if there are disagreements - if I had to do over again, I would try harder to at least listen (and respect) how my husband feels towards alot of the child raising - we had many many arguments over differences of opinions that were important ones - I have to admit I think my kids came out pretty good, still I wish we hadn't had so many arguments, which I know effected them not well. Don't know if it's realistic to expect to be in sync on everything, still so important to at least both feel they can hear the other. btw, also you should know, just because I had my son circumcised, it doesn't mean it was easy - in fact all the mothers I know usually don't stay in the

room - another point, there is no ONE factor in your child's life that will determine everything - it's the accumulation of everything, and the very bottom line that your child will feel your love - even with any mistakes you may make - which we all do, we are human!! and lastly, my dear, are you relaxing!!!!! Love KlaraLemoine wrote: Yes, the Biblical

reason has been confirmed medically. On the 8th day Vitamin K, (for blood clotting) kicks in. Though in the Bible (sorry to those who don't want to hear/read this) it doesn't say that is the reason turns out G-d knows best for us eh? Vitamin K is the highest on the 8th day. " ...become the change you envision." Lemoine From: VeganMacrobiotics [mailto:VeganMacrobiotics ] On Behalf Of Klara LeVineSent: March 15, 2007 11:27 PMTo: VeganMacrobiotics Subject: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now! so glad I"m Jewish - it's all decided - 8 days ONLY if boy is healthy - and only done by an expert "mohel" who does only that - I trust that there are good reasons - I'm sorry I don't have all that knowledge. I'm sure there must be sites

on it. getting close, huh?? KlaraLemoine <sonialemoineshaw (DOT) ca> wrote: I forgot one other question to my post. If IF getting a boy circumcised at what age is best??? First day (oh I think that would be extra terrible! Poor thing would be thinking please put me back in the womb where I was safe!), 1 week, 8 The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Be a PS3 game guru.Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.

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I don't think this is a good place to put my thoughts re religion - already felt pretty bombarded but even so I feel a need to respond - and please know nothing even in religion is so clear cut - that's partly why I do love it, there's a lot of questioning and lots and lots of debating - but yes, there is a bottom line - certain aspects which are clear that that is part of what makes us Jewish - the circumcision is written such that it is a sign of our covenant with G-d (btw, I have no problems how others write His name, it's just something I have taken upon myself), as is the Sabbath - also we have rules, some of which has many explanations and bring us to a deeper understanding, and some which we accept, yes on faith, that do not have explanations other than yes it is commanded and this is based on yes that we accept there is a Higher Power that understands the world better than we do. I've posted before when I wrote about the Secret, that I find it

humbling to believe there is a wiser and higher power in this world. But in no way does that mean it is for others to also believe as I do. But , there is another facet that is pretty important - having kids changes alot in what goes on in your relationship - especially if there are disagreements - if I had to do over again, I would try harder to at least listen (and respect) how my husband feels towards alot of the child raising - we had many many arguments over differences of opinions that were important ones - I have to admit I think my kids came out pretty good, still I wish we hadn't had so many arguments, which I know effected them not well. Don't know if it's realistic to expect to be in sync on everything, still so important to at least both feel they can hear the other. btw, also you should know, just because I had my son circumcised, it doesn't mean it was easy - in fact all the mothers I know usually don't stay in the

room - another point, there is no ONE factor in your child's life that will determine everything - it's the accumulation of everything, and the very bottom line that your child will feel your love - even with any mistakes you may make - which we all do, we are human!! and lastly, my dear, are you relaxing!!!!! Love KlaraLemoine wrote: Yes, the Biblical

reason has been confirmed medically. On the 8th day Vitamin K, (for blood clotting) kicks in. Though in the Bible (sorry to those who don't want to hear/read this) it doesn't say that is the reason turns out G-d knows best for us eh? Vitamin K is the highest on the 8th day. " ...become the change you envision." Lemoine From: VeganMacrobiotics [mailto:VeganMacrobiotics ] On Behalf Of Klara LeVineSent: March 15, 2007 11:27 PMTo: VeganMacrobiotics Subject: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now! so glad I"m Jewish - it's all decided - 8 days ONLY if boy is healthy - and only done by an expert "mohel" who does only that - I trust that there are good reasons - I'm sorry I don't have all that knowledge. I'm sure there must be sites

on it. getting close, huh?? KlaraLemoine <sonialemoineshaw (DOT) ca> wrote: I forgot one other question to my post. If IF getting a boy circumcised at what age is best??? First day (oh I think that would be extra terrible! Poor thing would be thinking please put me back in the womb where I was safe!), 1 week, 8 The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Be a PS3 game guru.Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.

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I don't think this is a good place to put my thoughts re religion - already felt pretty bombarded but even so I feel a need to respond - and please know nothing even in religion is so clear cut - that's partly why I do love it, there's a lot of questioning and lots and lots of debating - but yes, there is a bottom line - certain aspects which are clear that that is part of what makes us Jewish - the circumcision is written such that it is a sign of our covenant with G-d (btw, I have no problems how others write His name, it's just something I have taken upon myself), as is the Sabbath - also we have rules, some of which has many explanations and bring us to a deeper understanding, and some which we accept, yes on faith, that do not have explanations other than yes it is commanded and this is based on yes that we accept there is a Higher Power that understands the world better than we do. I've posted before when I wrote about the Secret, that I find it

humbling to believe there is a wiser and higher power in this world. But in no way does that mean it is for others to also believe as I do. But , there is another facet that is pretty important - having kids changes alot in what goes on in your relationship - especially if there are disagreements - if I had to do over again, I would try harder to at least listen (and respect) how my husband feels towards alot of the child raising - we had many many arguments over differences of opinions that were important ones - I have to admit I think my kids came out pretty good, still I wish we hadn't had so many arguments, which I know effected them not well. Don't know if it's realistic to expect to be in sync on everything, still so important to at least both feel they can hear the other. btw, also you should know, just because I had my son circumcised, it doesn't mean it was easy - in fact all the mothers I know usually don't stay in the

room - another point, there is no ONE factor in your child's life that will determine everything - it's the accumulation of everything, and the very bottom line that your child will feel your love - even with any mistakes you may make - which we all do, we are human!! and lastly, my dear, are you relaxing!!!!! Love KlaraLemoine wrote: Yes, the Biblical

reason has been confirmed medically. On the 8th day Vitamin K, (for blood clotting) kicks in. Though in the Bible (sorry to those who don't want to hear/read this) it doesn't say that is the reason turns out G-d knows best for us eh? Vitamin K is the highest on the 8th day. " ...become the change you envision." Lemoine From: VeganMacrobiotics [mailto:VeganMacrobiotics ] On Behalf Of Klara LeVineSent: March 15, 2007 11:27 PMTo: VeganMacrobiotics Subject: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've been avoiding until now! so glad I"m Jewish - it's all decided - 8 days ONLY if boy is healthy - and only done by an expert "mohel" who does only that - I trust that there are good reasons - I'm sorry I don't have all that knowledge. I'm sure there must be sites

on it. getting close, huh?? KlaraLemoine <sonialemoineshaw (DOT) ca> wrote: I forgot one other question to my post. If IF getting a boy circumcised at what age is best??? First day (oh I think that would be extra terrible! Poor thing would be thinking please put me back in the womb where I was safe!), 1 week, 8 The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Be a PS3 game guru.Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.

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No it hasn't. This is a myth perpetuated by the AMA and only, I say ONLY in this country. There is, to date, no reason to circumcise (medically) aside from a closed foreskin and especially without anesthetic. None. Yes, the Biblical reason has been confirmed medically

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No it hasn't. This is a myth perpetuated by the AMA and only, I say ONLY in this country. There is, to date, no reason to circumcise (medically) aside from a closed foreskin and especially without anesthetic. None. Yes, the Biblical reason has been confirmed medically

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No it hasn't. This is a myth perpetuated by the AMA and only, I say ONLY in this country. There is, to date, no reason to circumcise (medically) aside from a closed foreskin and especially without anesthetic. None. Yes, the Biblical reason has been confirmed medically

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It really is. To make it worse, the misinformation, mostly by those wanting to profit, is rampant.People attempt to justify anything. My opinion is that as mothers, we aren't fathers. We are the nurturers and understand our babies more than fathers. Sorry if this offends some, but when men sprout breasts, are able to nurse and/or carry a baby to term, I'll hush. We need to defend our children. It isn't always going to be equal in a marriage. When it comes to things such as genital mutilation, which is what circumcision of either gender is, we need to take a stand. It's an act of violence, it's abuse, and it needs to stop in this country. What's wrong with people? How can they turn away and remain in the dark ages? I wouldn't stand for anyone, including my husband, to cut off a finger of my infant, so why would I allow him to cut off the skin from my son's penis? CRAZY! It's definitely a US thing. Though it is done in other countries, here it's rampant. Outrageous , unnatural.  and it's child abuse. I don't care what the "reason". There's nothing wrong with religion until it justifies abuse, rape, incest, or murder. There is NO justification for any of those things ever and in my logical mind, it's very clear that no God would ever condone such a thing, but man and his ego certainly does. Hence, where religious writings are born... written by men, for men, to control.There is nothing compassionate or loving about cutting an infant.Why????????? the same reason that people are concerned about having designer jeans and fancy cars...........Really important stuff in life.This really is a sick world.

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It really is. To make it worse, the misinformation, mostly by those wanting to profit, is rampant.People attempt to justify anything. My opinion is that as mothers, we aren't fathers. We are the nurturers and understand our babies more than fathers. Sorry if this offends some, but when men sprout breasts, are able to nurse and/or carry a baby to term, I'll hush. We need to defend our children. It isn't always going to be equal in a marriage. When it comes to things such as genital mutilation, which is what circumcision of either gender is, we need to take a stand. It's an act of violence, it's abuse, and it needs to stop in this country. What's wrong with people? How can they turn away and remain in the dark ages? I wouldn't stand for anyone, including my husband, to cut off a finger of my infant, so why would I allow him to cut off the skin from my son's penis? CRAZY! It's definitely a US thing. Though it is done in other countries, here it's rampant. Outrageous , unnatural.  and it's child abuse. I don't care what the "reason". There's nothing wrong with religion until it justifies abuse, rape, incest, or murder. There is NO justification for any of those things ever and in my logical mind, it's very clear that no God would ever condone such a thing, but man and his ego certainly does. Hence, where religious writings are born... written by men, for men, to control.There is nothing compassionate or loving about cutting an infant.Why????????? the same reason that people are concerned about having designer jeans and fancy cars...........Really important stuff in life.This really is a sick world.

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It really is. To make it worse, the misinformation, mostly by those wanting to profit, is rampant.People attempt to justify anything. My opinion is that as mothers, we aren't fathers. We are the nurturers and understand our babies more than fathers. Sorry if this offends some, but when men sprout breasts, are able to nurse and/or carry a baby to term, I'll hush. We need to defend our children. It isn't always going to be equal in a marriage. When it comes to things such as genital mutilation, which is what circumcision of either gender is, we need to take a stand. It's an act of violence, it's abuse, and it needs to stop in this country. What's wrong with people? How can they turn away and remain in the dark ages? I wouldn't stand for anyone, including my husband, to cut off a finger of my infant, so why would I allow him to cut off the skin from my son's penis? CRAZY! It's definitely a US thing. Though it is done in other countries, here it's rampant. Outrageous , unnatural.  and it's child abuse. I don't care what the "reason". There's nothing wrong with religion until it justifies abuse, rape, incest, or murder. There is NO justification for any of those things ever and in my logical mind, it's very clear that no God would ever condone such a thing, but man and his ego certainly does. Hence, where religious writings are born... written by men, for men, to control.There is nothing compassionate or loving about cutting an infant.Why????????? the same reason that people are concerned about having designer jeans and fancy cars...........Really important stuff in life.This really is a sick world.

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I understand Amy - there are many kinds of intelligence - I appreciate yours, the one with experience - I'd love to know more about it if you are willing to share. Klarapurpleveg wrote: why do you think you're not not highly intelligent? don't sound like a dummy to me.............Reggie>>

Thank you for this. There is a lot of confusion in our world. There> are people who, if told that "God" loves bloody child sacrifices, and> wants them to put their own children on an alter and kill them, they'd> do it, just to prove how loyal they are. You could tell them "God"> wants you to kill anyone who is Asian, for example, and they'd do it a> hearbeat, without even thinking for a second, "If God wants this, what> kind of a God is He?? ..and why do I so blindly follow?" > > In my N.D. exp., I found that we are in a world of opposites. Much of> what people think is good is not. Much of what people think is black,> is truly white. An Awakening has to happen in order to See. The> Germans were not bad people, ..just very blind. They fell in love> with Hitler, because he was "the Boss". The guy in charge, who made> them feel good about themselves. They

did whatever he told them to> do, blindly. > > Many Christians have no problem with the idea that if someone is a> near Saint their entire lives, giving their heart and soul to serving> others and making the world a better place, but don't believe in> "Jesus", ..they'll still be tortured and burned in a fiery pit called> "Hell" for eternities. And many of them are perfectly content with> the notion that one can say they believe in "Jesus", but act like> complete terds all their lives, and be glorified in "Heaven", forever.> This wasn't at all the Truth of what I Saw on the Other Side. It was> so much more logical and made so much more sense, it was beyond> beautiful and more than perfect. The closest thing I could find to> those truths, when I came back, was Buddhism and Gnosticism. Yet, God> doesn't call himSelf a Buddhist or Gnostic, either. >

> I am interested in Macrobiotics because I was told I would find> answers here. I am very interested in the Yin and Yang concepts,> because this is also very much like what I Saw on the Other Side when> the Universal Laws were presented to me. Cause and effect, etc. > > I went through "Judgement" too, by the way, and did not feel "Judged"> at all, ..but rather loved and made to completely understand how I'd> touched and effected others all my life. I was made to understand> even my "enemies", and came back not wanting to "Judge" anyone, ..but> just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of the> Truth. I'm not sure how to do that yet, because I don't want to be a> Teacher, and I don't believe that kind of Freedom is something you can> just give. We all Have it, already. We just don't all use it. I'm> also not highly intelligent. And of

course, I still have so much to> learn, it's crazy!!> > For those of you who were able to read all the way through my> ramblings, ..thank you.> > Peace,> amy---

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I understand Amy - there are many kinds of intelligence - I appreciate yours, the one with experience - I'd love to know more about it if you are willing to share. Klarapurpleveg wrote: why do you think you're not not highly intelligent? don't sound like a dummy to me.............Reggie>>

Thank you for this. There is a lot of confusion in our world. There> are people who, if told that "God" loves bloody child sacrifices, and> wants them to put their own children on an alter and kill them, they'd> do it, just to prove how loyal they are. You could tell them "God"> wants you to kill anyone who is Asian, for example, and they'd do it a> hearbeat, without even thinking for a second, "If God wants this, what> kind of a God is He?? ..and why do I so blindly follow?" > > In my N.D. exp., I found that we are in a world of opposites. Much of> what people think is good is not. Much of what people think is black,> is truly white. An Awakening has to happen in order to See. The> Germans were not bad people, ..just very blind. They fell in love> with Hitler, because he was "the Boss". The guy in charge, who made> them feel good about themselves. They

did whatever he told them to> do, blindly. > > Many Christians have no problem with the idea that if someone is a> near Saint their entire lives, giving their heart and soul to serving> others and making the world a better place, but don't believe in> "Jesus", ..they'll still be tortured and burned in a fiery pit called> "Hell" for eternities. And many of them are perfectly content with> the notion that one can say they believe in "Jesus", but act like> complete terds all their lives, and be glorified in "Heaven", forever.> This wasn't at all the Truth of what I Saw on the Other Side. It was> so much more logical and made so much more sense, it was beyond> beautiful and more than perfect. The closest thing I could find to> those truths, when I came back, was Buddhism and Gnosticism. Yet, God> doesn't call himSelf a Buddhist or Gnostic, either. >

> I am interested in Macrobiotics because I was told I would find> answers here. I am very interested in the Yin and Yang concepts,> because this is also very much like what I Saw on the Other Side when> the Universal Laws were presented to me. Cause and effect, etc. > > I went through "Judgement" too, by the way, and did not feel "Judged"> at all, ..but rather loved and made to completely understand how I'd> touched and effected others all my life. I was made to understand> even my "enemies", and came back not wanting to "Judge" anyone, ..but> just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of the> Truth. I'm not sure how to do that yet, because I don't want to be a> Teacher, and I don't believe that kind of Freedom is something you can> just give. We all Have it, already. We just don't all use it. I'm> also not highly intelligent. And of

course, I still have so much to> learn, it's crazy!!> > For those of you who were able to read all the way through my> ramblings, ..thank you.> > Peace,> amy---

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Amy, I think this is a beautiful thought, thanks, "I was made to understand even my "enemies", and came back not wanting to "Judge" anyone, ..but just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of the Truth."Klara LeVine wrote: I understand Amy - there are many kinds of intelligence - I appreciate yours, the one with experience - I'd love to know more about it if you are willing to share. Klarapurpleveg <purpleveg> wrote: why do you think you're not not highly intelligent? don't sound like a dummy to me.............Reggie>> Thank you for this. There is a lot of confusion in our world. There> are people who, if told that "God" loves bloody child sacrifices, and> wants them to put their own children on an alter and kill them, they'd> do it, just to prove how loyal they are. You could tell them "God"> wants you to kill anyone who is Asian, for example, and they'd do it a> hearbeat, without even thinking for a second, "If God wants this, what> kind of a God is He?? ..and why do I so blindly follow?" > > In my N.D.

exp., I found that we are in a world of opposites. Much of> what people think is good is not. Much of what people think is black,> is truly white. An Awakening has to happen in order to See. The> Germans were not bad people, ..just very blind. They fell in love> with Hitler, because he was "the Boss". The guy in charge, who made> them feel good about themselves. They did whatever he told them to> do, blindly. > > Many Christians have no problem with the idea that if someone is a> near Saint their entire lives, giving their heart and soul to serving> others and making the world a better place, but don't believe in> "Jesus", ..they'll still be tortured and burned in a fiery pit called> "Hell" for eternities. And many of them are perfectly content with> the notion that one can say they believe in "Jesus", but act like> complete terds all their lives, and be

glorified in "Heaven", forever.> This wasn't at all the Truth of what I Saw on the Other Side. It was> so much more logical and made so much more sense, it was beyond> beautiful and more than perfect. The closest thing I could find to> those truths, when I came back, was Buddhism and Gnosticism. Yet, God> doesn't call himSelf a Buddhist or Gnostic, either. > > I am interested in Macrobiotics because I was told I would find> answers here. I am very interested in the Yin and Yang concepts,> because this is also very much like what I Saw on the Other Side when> the Universal Laws were presented to me. Cause and effect, etc. > > I went through "Judgement" too, by the way, and did not feel "Judged"> at all, ..but rather loved and made to completely understand how I'd> touched and effected others all my life. I was made to understand> even my "enemies",

and came back not wanting to "Judge" anyone, ..but> just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of the> Truth. I'm not sure how to do that yet, because I don't want to be a> Teacher, and I don't believe that kind of Freedom is something you can> just give. We all Have it, already. We just don't all use it. I'm> also not highly intelligent. And of course, I still have so much to> learn, it's crazy!!> > For those of you who were able to read all the way through my> ramblings, ..thank you.> > Peace,> amy--- TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV. Through gardening, we feel whole as we make our personal work of art upon our land.- Moir Messervy, The Inward Gardenhttp://www.myspace.com/homegrownsouthernstyle

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Amy, I think this is a beautiful thought, thanks, "I was made to understand even my "enemies", and came back not wanting to "Judge" anyone, ..but just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of the Truth."Klara LeVine wrote: I understand Amy - there are many kinds of intelligence - I appreciate yours, the one with experience - I'd love to know more about it if you are willing to share. Klarapurpleveg <purpleveg> wrote: why do you think you're not not highly intelligent? don't sound like a dummy to me.............Reggie>> Thank you for this. There is a lot of confusion in our world. There> are people who, if told that "God" loves bloody child sacrifices, and> wants them to put their own children on an alter and kill them, they'd> do it, just to prove how loyal they are. You could tell them "God"> wants you to kill anyone who is Asian, for example, and they'd do it a> hearbeat, without even thinking for a second, "If God wants this, what> kind of a God is He?? ..and why do I so blindly follow?" > > In my N.D.

exp., I found that we are in a world of opposites. Much of> what people think is good is not. Much of what people think is black,> is truly white. An Awakening has to happen in order to See. The> Germans were not bad people, ..just very blind. They fell in love> with Hitler, because he was "the Boss". The guy in charge, who made> them feel good about themselves. They did whatever he told them to> do, blindly. > > Many Christians have no problem with the idea that if someone is a> near Saint their entire lives, giving their heart and soul to serving> others and making the world a better place, but don't believe in> "Jesus", ..they'll still be tortured and burned in a fiery pit called> "Hell" for eternities. And many of them are perfectly content with> the notion that one can say they believe in "Jesus", but act like> complete terds all their lives, and be

glorified in "Heaven", forever.> This wasn't at all the Truth of what I Saw on the Other Side. It was> so much more logical and made so much more sense, it was beyond> beautiful and more than perfect. The closest thing I could find to> those truths, when I came back, was Buddhism and Gnosticism. Yet, God> doesn't call himSelf a Buddhist or Gnostic, either. > > I am interested in Macrobiotics because I was told I would find> answers here. I am very interested in the Yin and Yang concepts,> because this is also very much like what I Saw on the Other Side when> the Universal Laws were presented to me. Cause and effect, etc. > > I went through "Judgement" too, by the way, and did not feel "Judged"> at all, ..but rather loved and made to completely understand how I'd> touched and effected others all my life. I was made to understand> even my "enemies",

and came back not wanting to "Judge" anyone, ..but> just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of the> Truth. I'm not sure how to do that yet, because I don't want to be a> Teacher, and I don't believe that kind of Freedom is something you can> just give. We all Have it, already. We just don't all use it. I'm> also not highly intelligent. And of course, I still have so much to> learn, it's crazy!!> > For those of you who were able to read all the way through my> ramblings, ..thank you.> > Peace,> amy--- TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV. Through gardening, we feel whole as we make our personal work of art upon our land.- Moir Messervy, The Inward Gardenhttp://www.myspace.com/homegrownsouthernstyle

Looking for earth-friendly autos? Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.

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Klara, I hear you, totally! Very good! Hey, let's all relax! Blessings!Klara LeVine wrote: I don't think this is a good place to put my thoughts re religion - already felt pretty bombarded but even so I feel a need to respond - and please know nothing even in religion is so clear cut - that's partly why I do love it, there's a lot of questioning and lots and lots of debating - but yes, there is a bottom line - certain aspects which are clear that that is part of what

makes us Jewish - the circumcision is written such that it is a sign of our covenant with G-d (btw, I have no problems how others write His name, it's just something I have taken upon myself), as is the Sabbath - also we have rules, some of which has many explanations and bring us to a deeper understanding, and some which we accept, yes on faith, that do not have explanations other than yes it is commanded and this is based on yes that we accept there is a Higher Power that understands the world better than we do. I've posted before when I wrote about the Secret, that I find it humbling to believe there is a wiser and higher power in this world. But in no way does that mean it is for others to also believe as I do. But , there is another facet that is pretty important - having kids changes alot in what goes on in your relationship - especially if there are disagreements - if I had to do over again, I would try harder to at least listen

(and respect) how my husband feels towards alot of the child raising - we had many many arguments over differences of opinions that were important ones - I have to admit I think my kids came out pretty good, still I wish we hadn't had so many arguments, which I know effected them not well. Don't know if it's realistic to expect to be in sync on everything, still so important to at least both feel they can hear the other. btw, also you should know, just because I had my son circumcised, it doesn't mean it was easy - in fact all the mothers I know usually don't stay in the room - another point, there is no ONE factor in your child's life that will determine everything - it's the accumulation of everything, and the very bottom line that your child will feel your love - even with any mistakes you may make - which we all do, we are human!! and lastly, my dear, are you relaxing!!!!! Love KlaraLemoine <sonialemoineshaw (DOT) ca> wrote: Yes, the Biblical reason has been confirmed medically. On the 8th day Vitamin K, (for blood clotting) kicks in. Though in the Bible (sorry to those who don't want to hear/read this) it doesn't say that is the reason turns out G-d knows best for us eh? Vitamin K is the highest on the 8th day. " ...become the change you envision." Lemoine From: VeganMacrobiotics [mailto:VeganMacrobiotics ] On Behalf Of Klara LeVineSent: March 15, 2007 11:27 PMTo: VeganMacrobiotics Subject: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've

been avoiding until now! so glad I"m Jewish - it's all decided - 8 days ONLY if boy is healthy - and only done by an expert "mohel" who does only that - I trust that there are good reasons - I'm sorry I don't have all that knowledge. I'm sure there must be sites on it. getting close, huh?? KlaraLemoine <sonialemoineshaw (DOT) ca> wrote: I forgot one other question to my post. If IF getting a boy circumcised at what age is best??? First day (oh I think that would be extra terrible! Poor thing would be thinking

please put me back in the womb where I was safe!), 1 week, 8 The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing. Be a PS3 game guru.Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games. Through gardening, we feel whole as we make our personal work of art upon our land.- Moir Messervy, The Inward Gardenhttp://www.myspace.com/homegrownsouthernstyle

TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

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Klara, I hear you, totally! Very good! Hey, let's all relax! Blessings!Klara LeVine wrote: I don't think this is a good place to put my thoughts re religion - already felt pretty bombarded but even so I feel a need to respond - and please know nothing even in religion is so clear cut - that's partly why I do love it, there's a lot of questioning and lots and lots of debating - but yes, there is a bottom line - certain aspects which are clear that that is part of what

makes us Jewish - the circumcision is written such that it is a sign of our covenant with G-d (btw, I have no problems how others write His name, it's just something I have taken upon myself), as is the Sabbath - also we have rules, some of which has many explanations and bring us to a deeper understanding, and some which we accept, yes on faith, that do not have explanations other than yes it is commanded and this is based on yes that we accept there is a Higher Power that understands the world better than we do. I've posted before when I wrote about the Secret, that I find it humbling to believe there is a wiser and higher power in this world. But in no way does that mean it is for others to also believe as I do. But , there is another facet that is pretty important - having kids changes alot in what goes on in your relationship - especially if there are disagreements - if I had to do over again, I would try harder to at least listen

(and respect) how my husband feels towards alot of the child raising - we had many many arguments over differences of opinions that were important ones - I have to admit I think my kids came out pretty good, still I wish we hadn't had so many arguments, which I know effected them not well. Don't know if it's realistic to expect to be in sync on everything, still so important to at least both feel they can hear the other. btw, also you should know, just because I had my son circumcised, it doesn't mean it was easy - in fact all the mothers I know usually don't stay in the room - another point, there is no ONE factor in your child's life that will determine everything - it's the accumulation of everything, and the very bottom line that your child will feel your love - even with any mistakes you may make - which we all do, we are human!! and lastly, my dear, are you relaxing!!!!! Love KlaraLemoine <sonialemoineshaw (DOT) ca> wrote: Yes, the Biblical reason has been confirmed medically. On the 8th day Vitamin K, (for blood clotting) kicks in. Though in the Bible (sorry to those who don't want to hear/read this) it doesn't say that is the reason turns out G-d knows best for us eh? Vitamin K is the highest on the 8th day. " ...become the change you envision." Lemoine From: VeganMacrobiotics [mailto:VeganMacrobiotics ] On Behalf Of Klara LeVineSent: March 15, 2007 11:27 PMTo: VeganMacrobiotics Subject: Re: Here it is ...the topic I've

been avoiding until now! so glad I"m Jewish - it's all decided - 8 days ONLY if boy is healthy - and only done by an expert "mohel" who does only that - I trust that there are good reasons - I'm sorry I don't have all that knowledge. I'm sure there must be sites on it. getting close, huh?? KlaraLemoine <sonialemoineshaw (DOT) ca> wrote: I forgot one other question to my post. If IF getting a boy circumcised at what age is best??? First day (oh I think that would be extra terrible! Poor thing would be thinking

please put me back in the womb where I was safe!), 1 week, 8 The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing. Be a PS3 game guru.Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games. Through gardening, we feel whole as we make our personal work of art upon our land.- Moir Messervy, The Inward Gardenhttp://www.myspace.com/homegrownsouthernstyle

TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

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Amy, I think this is a beautiful thought, thanks, " I was made to

understand even my " enemies " , and came back not wanting to " Judge "

anyone,...but just wishing I could help give people the very freeing

beauty of the Truth. "

> >

> > Thank you for this. There is a lot of confusion in our world.

> There

> > are people who, if told that " God " loves bloody child sacrifices,

> and

> > wants them to put their own children on an alter and kill them,

> they'd

> > do it, just to prove how loyal they are. You could tell them " God "

> > wants you to kill anyone who is Asian, for example, and they'd do

> it a

> > hearbeat, without even thinking for a second, " If God wants this,

> what

> > kind of a God is He?? ..and why do I so blindly follow? "

> >

> > In my N.D. exp., I found that we are in a world of opposites.


> of

> > what people think is good is not. Much of what people think is

> black,

> > is truly white. An Awakening has to happen in order to See. The

> > Germans were not bad people, ..just very blind. They fell in love

> > with Hitler, because he was " the Boss " . The guy in charge, who


> > them feel good about themselves. They did whatever he told them to

> > do, blindly.

> >

> > Many Christians have no problem with the idea that if someone is a

> > near Saint their entire lives, giving their heart and soul to

> serving

> > others and making the world a better place, but don't believe in

> > " Jesus " , ..they'll still be tortured and burned in a fiery pit

> called

> > " Hell " for eternities. And many of them are perfectly content with

> > the notion that one can say they believe in " Jesus " , but act like

> > complete terds all their lives, and be glorified in " Heaven " ,

> forever.

> > This wasn't at all the Truth of what I Saw on the Other Side. It

> was

> > so much more logical and made so much more sense, it was beyond

> > beautiful and more than perfect. The closest thing I could find to

> > those truths, when I came back, was Buddhism and Gnosticism. Yet,

> God

> > doesn't call himSelf a Buddhist or Gnostic, either.

> >

> > I am interested in Macrobiotics because I was told I would find

> > answers here. I am very interested in the Yin and Yang concepts,

> > because this is also very much like what I Saw on the Other Side

> when

> > the Universal Laws were presented to me. Cause and effect, etc.

> >

> > I went through " Judgement " too, by the way, and did not

> feel " Judged "

> > at all, ..but rather loved and made to completely understand how


> > touched and effected others all my life. I was made to understand

> > even my " enemies " , and came back not wanting to " Judge "

> anyone, ..but

> > just wishing I could help give people the very freeing beauty of


> > Truth. I'm not sure how to do that yet, because I don't want to


> a

> > Teacher, and I don't believe that kind of Freedom is something


> can

> > just give. We all Have it, already. We just don't all use it. I'm

> > also not highly intelligent. And of course, I still have so much


> > learn, it's crazy!!

> >

> > For those of you who were able to read all the way through my

> > ramblings, ..thank you.

> >

> > Peace,

> > amy---







> ---------------------------------

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