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Intro and Question

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Hi Heidi

We don't do vaccines anymore for my 2 NT's or my ASD son and haven't since

Sam was Dx at 2.4 years. There is just too much crap in them even if they

take out the Mercury. I have no faith in those that make the decisions or

Medics for that matter (that wouldn't include Dr McCandless of course!)

Mandi in UK (No mans land for smart medics)

Mum to Sam 5.5, Joe 7 and Tom 8

> Hi, my name is Heidi and I have a 3 month old daughter. I noticed a

> significant change in my health following vaccinations at age 25 and

> began my research then. Of course now that I have a child I'm scared

> to give her vaccines, especially at this young age. My heart goes

> out to each and every person out there that has either been

> personally affected or has children or other family members who have

> been affected.


> My question to you is What are you doing now in regards to

> vaccinations for your healthy children or children that to date seem

> to be unaffected by vaccines to date. Are you using a modified

> vaccine schedule, no vaccines, waivers, etc?


> Kudos to all of you for doing research and doing anything and

> everything to try to detoxify yourselves and your children.

> Heidi


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Dr. Cave's " What Your Doctor Might Not Have Told You About

Vaccines " has a lot of good information to help you to decide if and when

you are going to vaccinate your child.

I wish I would have read her book before my children were born. Then I could

have made a much more informed decision as to what my children need. I can

better assess their potential health risks than the folks at the CDC.


> Hi, my name is Heidi and I have a 3 month old daughter. I noticed a

> significant change in my health following vaccinations at age 25 and

> began my research then. Of course now that I have a child I'm scared

> to give her vaccines, especially at this young age. My heart goes

> out to each and every person out there that has either been

> personally affected or has children or other family members who have

> been affected.


> My question to you is What are you doing now in regards to

> vaccinations for your healthy children or children that to date seem

> to be unaffected by vaccines to date. Are you using a modified

> vaccine schedule, no vaccines, waivers, etc?


> Kudos to all of you for doing research and doing anything and

> everything to try to detoxify yourselves and your children.

> Heidi

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Hello Heidi,

I was going to recommend the Cave book, but someone else already

did :)

You might also find the group " vaccinations " helpful--- it is

a group.

best wishes,


> Hi, my name is Heidi and I have a 3 month old daughter. I noticed a

> significant change in my health following vaccinations at age 25 and

> began my research then. Of course now that I have a child I'm scared

> to give her vaccines, especially at this young age. My heart goes

> out to each and every person out there that has either been

> personally affected or has children or other family members who have

> been affected.


> My question to you is What are you doing now in regards to

> vaccinations for your healthy children or children that to date seem

> to be unaffected by vaccines to date. Are you using a modified

> vaccine schedule, no vaccines, waivers, etc?


> Kudos to all of you for doing research and doing anything and

> everything to try to detoxify yourselves and your children.

> Heidi

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Hello Heidi,

I was going to recommend the Cave book, but someone else already

did :)

You might also find the group " vaccinations " helpful--- it is

a group.

best wishes,


> Hi, my name is Heidi and I have a 3 month old daughter. I noticed a

> significant change in my health following vaccinations at age 25 and

> began my research then. Of course now that I have a child I'm scared

> to give her vaccines, especially at this young age. My heart goes

> out to each and every person out there that has either been

> personally affected or has children or other family members who have

> been affected.


> My question to you is What are you doing now in regards to

> vaccinations for your healthy children or children that to date seem

> to be unaffected by vaccines to date. Are you using a modified

> vaccine schedule, no vaccines, waivers, etc?


> Kudos to all of you for doing research and doing anything and

> everything to try to detoxify yourselves and your children.

> Heidi

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Well, I'm exhausted just reading about all your kids! I'm glad

enzymes have made things easier. My son is nine, diagnosed

Asperger's. We are forever grateful for Dr. H. for coming out with

his enzymes because my son was also able to go off the diet and

participate in more social things without it being a big battle or

with him being distressed over being singled out. We tried SerenAid,

but it only helped sometimes with some " infractions " . Sometimes when

we used it, the infraction was a disaster, so we really stuck with

the diet. My husband used to say, " The whole thing with Asperger's

is socialization and then we have to do this diet, which takes away

from the socialization. " So, we were thrilled to have enzymes which

allowed an easier social life. Yes, people with diabetes and celiac

do not have a choice on food matters, but we are so very happy and

thankful we DO have a choice.

I will send you that file. Keep us posted on eveything.

I'm not sure about your dairy/phenol question. For applesauce, No-

Fenol may help. For dairy, Peptizyde for the casein, No-Fenol for

the phenols.

> Hello,

> I am also new to this site and very interested in the file on

mixing enzymes with foods to get it into non-swallowers. We have an

11 yob dx Aspergers. He suffers from OCD and terrible rages/ impulse

control problems. He was GFCF for over a year with great results.

However, the more socialable he became, the more difficult it was to

moniter the diet. The infractions were miserable. We started on HNI

products about 6mos ago and weaned from the diet. He eats regularly

now and takes Pep, Prime & No Fenol before each meal and snack. He

swallows the enzymes fine. We are now 2 wks off Serequel and doing

well. We really noticed the anger and rages linked more to the gluten

and the enzymes were what mattered, not the med. He is still on

Prozac for the OCD as we have never noticed the diet to help that for

him. But I am so glad he can take only that with the enzymes now. In

Dec, we see his DAN Dr and will get checked for yeast.

> The non-swallower is our 4 year old boy. We have him on pep and No

Fenol now too. He was a bit hyper and emotional (not quite the same

as big brother, but still rough at times) and we decided to give it a

try. He is doing great too. Has really calmed down. I have been

giving him the enzymes in a bit of yogurt or applesauce, but one is

dairy, the other phenol, so I don't know if that is ok. Ways to give

it easier at church and grandma's would help too. BTW, since this is

abit of an introduction, we also have a 9 year old daughter and a 2

year old boy (also on No Fenol) and another boy on the way. I look

forward to learning a bit more form you all.

> Laurie




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--- In , " AnnieN " <y789_2000@y...>



> So I'm a real klutz and you all seem extremely knowledgeable!


> And my question was, reading about brain fog, how can you tell


> fillings are leaking, and what do you do if you can't afford to


> them replaced? (i've had several replaced, over time, but there


> still a few there!)


> Thanks very much--I'm very happy to have found a place where


> knows about NT!

I have read that bioavailable forms of sulphur will bind to heavy

metals and allow it to be excreted from the body. MSM and Alpha

Lipoic Acid/ALA both contain this type of sulphur. There are others

I'm sure. Malic Acid is also supposed to help excrete heavy metals.


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I myself am looking into this issue and so far I have been warned not to

take such foods/supplements until 3 months after all the mercury

fillings are removed. And then to do so carefully following a protocol.

(i've had several replaced, over time, but there


> still a few there!)


> Thanks very much--I'm very happy to have found a place where


> knows about NT!

I have read that bioavailable forms of sulphur will bind to heavy

metals and allow it to be excreted from the body. MSM and Alpha

Lipoic Acid/ALA both contain this type of sulphur. There are others

I'm sure. Malic Acid is also supposed to help excrete heavy metals.


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> RE: Re: Intro and question



>I myself am looking into this issue and so far I have been warned not to

>take such foods/supplements until 3 months after all the mercury

>fillings are removed. And then to do so carefully following a protocol.

, that only goes for ALA. You can take DMSA within a few days after

amalgams are removed, then add ALA at about the 3 month mark. The rationale,

as far as I understand it, is that you don't want to redistribute mercury TO

the brain, which I believe can happen with ALA since it binds mercury and

can cross the BBB (DMSA doesn't cross the BBB in any measurable amount from

what I've read). So, you can start chelating with other agents like DMSA

which will remove mercury from other tissue. I don't recally WHY Andy says

to wait 3 months to start ALA, but I think it has to do with how much

mercury is still in other tissue at that time and trying to prevent it from

getting redistributed to the brain.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



" The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times. " --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics




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> Re: Intro and question



>--- In , " AnnieN " <y789_2000@y...>



>> So I'm a real klutz and you all seem extremely knowledgeable!


>> And my question was, reading about brain fog, how can you tell


>> fillings are leaking, and what do you do if you can't afford to


>> them replaced? (i've had several replaced, over time, but there


>> still a few there!)

There's not a lot you can do other than to try and prevent the mercury from

doing as much damage as it would if you didn't take preventative measures.

MUCH of the damage mercury causes is through oxidation, so you can combat

this damage by taking high doses of antioxidants. I'm pretty sure that's

what caused my own symptoms go away while I still have my amalgams.

>I have read that bioavailable forms of sulphur will bind to heavy

>metals and allow it to be excreted from the body. MSM and Alpha

>Lipoic Acid/ALA both contain this type of sulphur. There are others

>I'm sure. Malic Acid is also supposed to help excrete heavy metals.



Some do and some don't. ALA is a chelator, but I'm not aware of any other

sulphur compound that actually REMOVES mercury from the body. AFAIK, they

all *mobilize* mercury, but most don't actually *remove* it. Which means it

could do more harm than good to take sulphur compounds while you still have


Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics




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With the cod liver oil and liver, you'd have to keep an eye on how much vit. A

you are getting, especially if you are ttc or pregnant again. Also, with all the

fish and seafood, you'd want to be sure they do not have high levels of mercury.

I would question the milk. It is often considered necessary to drink milk when

one is pregnant/nursing. Do cows (naturally) drink the milk of another species

to help their offspring's bones and to produce milk? Of course not - they eat

green grass. Of course, if you are going to drink milk it would be best to

choose raw, but I think it should be thought of as an option for those of us

hooked on dairy because that's how we were brought up, rather than a necessity.




Intro and Question

Darn, somehow my second post got through twice and my first post

didn't get through at all.

So like I was saying :-), hi, I'm , living in the lovely Bronx,

NY, with dh and 2.5-yo dd Grace. I have been mildly interested

in WAP for a few months -- esp. insofar as it has struck me as an

intuitive approach to the generally confusing topic of nutrition --

and have been trying to make some changes to my diet (which had

previously become very skewed by my sugar addiction). I just

finished reading *Nutrition and Physical Degeneration*, and am

feeling motivated to make a more concerted effort, particularly now

that my fertility is returning full-force while I continue to nurse

dd. I am still waiting to borrow *Nourishing Traditions*, though,

which might answer my question. But I'll throw it out anyway:

Can anyone comment on the Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Women at

http://www.westonaprice.org/children/dietformothers.html? I was a

bit taken aback by the bewildering variety of animal products to be

eaten every day (e.g. beef or lamb, oily fish, fresh seafood, liver,

and several eggs?! Ok, so that is a *slight* exaggeration :-D). It

seems to cover a lot more bases than any of the diets P. describes

in *Nutrition...*. Is this with an eye to the difficulties of soil

depletion and factory farming? Or for some other reason? If any of

you have tried to follow these guidelines, did you make any

(practically motivated) adjustments? For example, I am wondering if

I would do better to put our limited food budget toward buying a

smaller quantity/variety of high quality (organic or free range)



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Welcome !

I live in Brooklyn and if you want a source for raw grassfed dairy, email me

offlist at jc137@.... I think the diet on the WAP website does take

into account that many of us coming into this way of eating are quite

deficient in many ways because of the reasons you list. AFAIK your

nutritional needs during pregnancy and (even more so) lactation are the

highest you will ever experience--so good doses of fat and protein are

essential. You are building another body, for heavens sake!

Intro and Question

I was a

> bit taken aback by the bewildering variety of animal products to be

> eaten every day (e.g. beef or lamb, oily fish, fresh seafood, liver,

> and several eggs?! Ok, so that is a *slight* exaggeration :-D). It

> seems to cover a lot more bases than any of the diets P. describes

> in *Nutrition...*. Is this with an eye to the difficulties of soil

> depletion and factory farming?

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My son bolts or " elopes " when he isn't getting the attention and/or

supports that he needs. When his services were ramped up in school and he

made friends, he stopped this behavior. I believe it is often related to

anxiety and/or boredom. In my son's case, he had a verbally abusive teacher

who was singling him out and exposing him the ridicule of other students.

Needless to say, he was moved from this classroom.

My son has climbed trees and refused to come down. And he has cerebral

palsy, so this takes some skill on his part.


mom of Sasha, nearly 8

At 02:47 AM 6/28/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi. I joined the group. I have an 8 yr old child with

>Aspergers. Just got the diagnosis this year. He's an only child, so

>it's just me and him.


>The problem I'm having is that he doesn't stay where he's supposed to

>be. For example, he's in daycare this summer. I got a call from the

>owner today for the second time within the last month saying they just

>can't keep up with him. He keeps hiding. He just disappears and they

>can't find him. I have tried explaining to him the dangers that he

>could be putting himself in when he does this. But he says he forgets.

>Anybody have a similar problem with their kid? Any suggestions would

>be very helpful.










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Dana <dnw_enterprises@...> wrote:

Hi. I joined the group. I have an 8 yr old child with

Aspergers. Just got the diagnosis this year. He's an only child, so

it's just me and him.

The problem I'm having is that he doesn't stay where he's supposed to

be. For example, he's in daycare this summer. I got a call from the

owner today for the second time within the last month saying they just

can't keep up with him. He keeps hiding. He just disappears and they

can't find him. I have tried explaining to him the dangers that he

could be putting himself in when he does this. But he says he forgets.

Anybody have a similar problem with their kid? Any suggestions would

be very helpful.



I don't know how to help you regarding day care. Except to find one that

handles special needs. I have a wanderer who is 8 yo and he still walks off all

the time. I just have to realize that and know where he is all the time. He

used to have an aide for class trips as well. This past year, he went with the

teacher at all times and still managed to wander.

You might try finding a day care that has a fenced in area. Also you can

investigate why he is wandering and attempt to work on it that way. For

instance, if he is wandering because he is bored, find things that are more

interesting for him to do. Make him a schedule for while he is at day care so

he has something concrete to follow and also interesting activities to change to

from time to time (also preventing boredom.) And then also the people in charge

have to know that they have to watch him more closely.

Roxanna ô¿ô

Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.


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Hi , I'm also new to this group and haven't introduced myself

yet, but I thought I'd welcome you and take a stab at your question.

I just went to a mercury free dentist to see about having my (one)

amalgam removed, as well as two crowns. At that point, a month ago,

I was still breastfeeding our younger daughter. The dentist said

that he cannot proceed with removal of amalgams until I stop

breatfeeding. With the removal of amalgams, there can be some

residual mercury that can enter your system, hence your milk as

well. So, it's a tough call, particularly as your daughter is so

young. Perhaps others on this list can give you better advice. As

research says, " breast is best " , but if it's tainted with mercury,

well....I think there are mercury vapor tests that you can have done

to see how much is actually being released from your amalgams. Don't

know if others on list have had this done....I hope this helps! -


> Hi, I'm (35) and I have 2 children. My ds is a little over

> 3years, and my dd is 8 months. Both are still nursing.

> My ds is almost fully vaxed and our dd is not vaxed at all. I,

> unfortunately, am fully vaxed.

> When I was pregnant with my dd, I always had a feeling she would


> some sort of problem, down's or autism. Thank the dear Lord, she


> neither. But because of my mother's intuition, I'm still worried


> there are things I need to do and avoid. While I was pregnant with

> her, I did get a flu vaccine. This was before my epiphany about

> vaxing.I've recently put both kids back on probiotics as well as

> myself. (My dd has never had normal poos. They have always been


> awful smelling! Despite her being exclusively breastfed)

> Anyway-My question is this. I have a head full of metal

> fillings/caps. (Thanks to my misplaced trust in a dentist who told


> mercury problems were all hogwash) I haven't been back to a dentist

> since having all that work done which was almost 10 years ago.


> I had to go in because of pain, and now am facing another root


> on a tooth that has an amalgam filling. What do I need to do to

> lessen the likelihood of getting all that into my bloodstream and

> subsequently into my children's via breastfeeding? I eventually


> to get all the fillings out of my head, but dont' see a time in the

> near future where I won't be nursing/pregnant. (we do plan on


> at least 1 more child, if not 2) Any suggestions?

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Thanks Olivia, for your reply. A quick side question-do silver crowns

have mercury in them also? If so, I am so screwed! And I guess I'm

screwing my kids up too. This is just a no-win situation!

Another question-if anyone could tell me...would there be a point in

chelating either of my children (if the need is there) while they are

still breastfeeding? I know there's no point in doing it to myself,

as I have a mouth-full of this d@#$m metal.

I'm unsure about the endodontist I'll be going to next week, whether

he's metal free or not.

I'm very scared now.

> > Hi, I'm (35) and I have 2 children. My ds is a little


> > 3years, and my dd is 8 months. Both are still nursing.

> > My ds is almost fully vaxed and our dd is not vaxed at all. I,

> > unfortunately, am fully vaxed.

> > When I was pregnant with my dd, I always had a feeling she would

> have

> > some sort of problem, down's or autism. Thank the dear Lord, she

> has

> > neither. But because of my mother's intuition, I'm still worried

> that

> > there are things I need to do and avoid. While I was pregnant


> > her, I did get a flu vaccine. This was before my epiphany about

> > vaxing.I've recently put both kids back on probiotics as well as

> > myself. (My dd has never had normal poos. They have always been

> just

> > awful smelling! Despite her being exclusively breastfed)

> > Anyway-My question is this. I have a head full of metal

> > fillings/caps. (Thanks to my misplaced trust in a dentist who


> me

> > mercury problems were all hogwash) I haven't been back to a


> > since having all that work done which was almost 10 years ago.

> Well,

> > I had to go in because of pain, and now am facing another root

> canal

> > on a tooth that has an amalgam filling. What do I need to do to

> > lessen the likelihood of getting all that into my bloodstream and

> > subsequently into my children's via breastfeeding? I eventually

> want

> > to get all the fillings out of my head, but dont' see a time in


> > near future where I won't be nursing/pregnant. (we do plan on

> having

> > at least 1 more child, if not 2) Any suggestions?

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The crowns can have amalgam under them. My husband had all his fillings

replaced shortly after we found out about this nightmare. The dentist took

the crowns off in one piece (if possible); some had amalgam under them and

some didn't.


[ ] Re: Intro and question

> Thanks Olivia, for your reply. A quick side question-do silver crowns

> have mercury in them also? If so, I am so screwed! And I guess I'm

> screwing my kids up too. This is just a no-win situation!

> Another question-if anyone could tell me...would there be a point in

> chelating either of my children (if the need is there) while they are

> still breastfeeding? I know there's no point in doing it to myself,

> as I have a mouth-full of this d@#$m metal.

> I'm unsure about the endodontist I'll be going to next week, whether

> he's metal free or not.

> I'm very scared now.





>> > Hi, I'm (35) and I have 2 children. My ds is a little

> over

>> > 3years, and my dd is 8 months. Both are still nursing.

>> > My ds is almost fully vaxed and our dd is not vaxed at all. I,

>> > unfortunately, am fully vaxed.

>> > When I was pregnant with my dd, I always had a feeling she would

>> have

>> > some sort of problem, down's or autism. Thank the dear Lord, she

>> has

>> > neither. But because of my mother's intuition, I'm still worried

>> that

>> > there are things I need to do and avoid. While I was pregnant

> with

>> > her, I did get a flu vaccine. This was before my epiphany about

>> > vaxing.I've recently put both kids back on probiotics as well as

>> > myself. (My dd has never had normal poos. They have always been

>> just

>> > awful smelling! Despite her being exclusively breastfed)

>> > Anyway-My question is this. I have a head full of metal

>> > fillings/caps. (Thanks to my misplaced trust in a dentist who

> told

>> me

>> > mercury problems were all hogwash) I haven't been back to a

> dentist

>> > since having all that work done which was almost 10 years ago.

>> Well,

>> > I had to go in because of pain, and now am facing another root

>> canal

>> > on a tooth that has an amalgam filling. What do I need to do to

>> > lessen the likelihood of getting all that into my bloodstream and

>> > subsequently into my children's via breastfeeding? I eventually

>> want

>> > to get all the fillings out of my head, but dont' see a time in

> the

>> > near future where I won't be nursing/pregnant. (we do plan on

>> having

>> > at least 1 more child, if not 2) Any suggestions?






> =======================================================


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The crowns are generally stainless steel and probably contain some nickel. Call

and find out if the endodontist is mercury-free and consider canceling the appt

and finding another if this one uses mercury.



Thanks Olivia, for your reply. A quick side question-do silver crowns <BR>

have mercury in them also? If so, I am so screwed! And I guess I'm <BR>

screwing my kids up too. This is just a no-win situation!<BR>

Another question-if anyone could tell me...would there be a point in <BR>

chelating either of my children (if the need is there) while they are <BR>

still breastfeeding? I know there's no point in doing it to myself, <BR>

as I have a mouth-full of this d@#$m metal.<BR>

I'm unsure about the endodontist I'll be going to next week, whether <BR>

he's metal free or not. <BR>

I'm very scared now. <BR>





> > Hi, I'm (35) and I have 2 children. My ds is a little <BR>

over <BR>

> > 3years, and my dd is 8 months. Both are still nursing.<BR>

> > My ds is almost fully vaxed and our dd is not vaxed at all. I, <BR>

> > unfortunately, am fully vaxed. <BR>

> > When I was pregnant with my dd, I always had a feeling she would <BR>

> have <BR>

> > some sort of problem, down's or autism. Thank the dear Lord, she <BR>

> has <BR>

> > neither. But because of my mother's intuition, I'm still worried <BR>

> that <BR>

> > there are things I need to do and avoid. While I was pregnant <BR>

with <BR>

> > her, I did get a flu vaccine. This was before my epiphany about <BR>

> > vaxing.I've recently put both kids back on probiotics as well as <BR>

> > myself. (My dd has never had normal poos. They have always been <BR>

> just <BR>

> > awful smelling! Despite her being exclusively breastfed) <BR>

> > Anyway-My question is this. I have a head full of metal <BR>

> > fillings/caps. (Thanks to my misplaced trust in a dentist who <BR>

told <BR>

> me <BR>

> > mercury problems were all hogwash) I haven't been back to a <BR>

dentist <BR>

> > since having all that work done which was almost 10 years ago. <BR>

> Well, <BR>

> > I had to go in because of pain, and now am facing another root <BR>

> canal <BR>

> > on a tooth that has an amalgam filling. What do I need to do to <BR>

> > lessen the likelihood of getting all that into my bloodstream and <BR>

> > subsequently into my children's via breastfeeding? I eventually <BR>

> want <BR>

> > to get all the fillings out of my head, but dont' see a time in <BR>

the <BR>

> > near future where I won't be nursing/pregnant. (we do plan on <BR>

> having <BR>

> > at least 1 more child, if not 2) Any suggestions?<BR>




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I know this may sound strange, but have you tried giving it to him in his mouth

straight from a syringe? My daughter was very picky about taking the fish oils,

and eventually kept sniffing all foods to see if I had added it to her. I

decided one day to just give it to her directly, to explain it was yucky but she

need it (I said this more for my sake than hers cause I don't know how much she

understood at the time), and chased it with a special tiny treat.

Just another idea...


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Try it in orange juice -- shake it really well or if he's really

picky use a blender. You can also start with Nordic Naturals

Children's DHA -- they are pea sized little strawberry flavored cod

liver oil. In time, you'll want to increase the EPA ratio with

EPAxtra or ProEPA, but even though the CLO isn't perfect -- it's a

start. They are so small lots of kids think they are yummy.


> Hello,

> I am new on the list. My son is 21mos old, and is being watched


> apraxia. We have been trying to start him on fish oil (ProEFA).


> can't get it in him! I've heard this is common, so I was hoping

> someone might share some tips they've used.


> I've tried squeezing oil from the capsule into applesauce (all

> flavors), yogurt (all flavors), pudding (here again, all


> I've tried it in peanut butter, icecream, chocolate syrup, hummus,

> juices, and sandwiches. The ProEFA is a strong lemon taste, and


> picks up on the slightest hint of lemon. I did cook it into


> eggs this morning and it was successful. But my son's dietician


> not to cook the fish oil because it loses it's potency. Any


> Suggestions?


> Thank you!



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I know this may sound strange, but have you tried giving it to him in his mouth

straight from a syringe? My daughter was very picky about taking the fish oils,

and eventually kept sniffing all foods to see if I had added it to her. I

decided one day to just give it to her directly, to explain it was yucky but she

need it (I said this more for my sake than hers cause I don't know how much she

understood at the time), and chased it with a special tiny treat.

Just another idea...


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Try it in orange juice -- shake it really well or if he's really

picky use a blender. You can also start with Nordic Naturals

Children's DHA -- they are pea sized little strawberry flavored cod

liver oil. In time, you'll want to increase the EPA ratio with

EPAxtra or ProEPA, but even though the CLO isn't perfect -- it's a

start. They are so small lots of kids think they are yummy.


> Hello,

> I am new on the list. My son is 21mos old, and is being watched


> apraxia. We have been trying to start him on fish oil (ProEFA).


> can't get it in him! I've heard this is common, so I was hoping

> someone might share some tips they've used.


> I've tried squeezing oil from the capsule into applesauce (all

> flavors), yogurt (all flavors), pudding (here again, all


> I've tried it in peanut butter, icecream, chocolate syrup, hummus,

> juices, and sandwiches. The ProEFA is a strong lemon taste, and


> picks up on the slightest hint of lemon. I did cook it into


> eggs this morning and it was successful. But my son's dietician


> not to cook the fish oil because it loses it's potency. Any


> Suggestions?


> Thank you!



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Another idea – I buy my son a liquid vitamin called Childs Life

Multivitamin. It is really sweet and is orange flavored. It hides the

oils…depending on how many you are giving…



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Vargas

Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 8:19 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: intro and question

I know this may sound strange, but have you tried giving it to him in his

mouth straight from a syringe? My daughter was very picky about taking the

fish oils, and eventually kept sniffing all foods to see if I had added it

to her. I decided one day to just give it to her directly, to explain it was

yucky but she need it (I said this more for my sake than hers cause I don't

know how much she understood at the time), and chased it with a special tiny


Just another idea...


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Another idea – I buy my son a liquid vitamin called Childs Life

Multivitamin. It is really sweet and is orange flavored. It hides the

oils…depending on how many you are giving…



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Vargas

Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 8:19 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: intro and question

I know this may sound strange, but have you tried giving it to him in his

mouth straight from a syringe? My daughter was very picky about taking the

fish oils, and eventually kept sniffing all foods to see if I had added it

to her. I decided one day to just give it to her directly, to explain it was

yucky but she need it (I said this more for my sake than hers cause I don't

know how much she understood at the time), and chased it with a special tiny


Just another idea...


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Thank you all for your suggestions!

Today I gave it to him on a teaspoon. Eventually it was successful

immediately followed by his oatmeal. Hopefully tomorrow the " straight

up with a chaser " approach will work again! If not, we'll try another


Thanks again,

oh--we used to literally double his diapers rather than use the

diaper doublers. It worked.

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Thank you all for your suggestions!

Today I gave it to him on a teaspoon. Eventually it was successful

immediately followed by his oatmeal. Hopefully tomorrow the " straight

up with a chaser " approach will work again! If not, we'll try another


Thanks again,

oh--we used to literally double his diapers rather than use the

diaper doublers. It worked.

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