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Sounds lucky, indeed. Now, if only I could meet somebody like that

someday. :-)

> Yup thats my hubby. I am a very sypathetic and afectionate person so I

> overwhelm him alot. When we got Corbins diagnosis I was prepared for

it and I

> handled it well but he broke down in tears, when i tried to hug him

he pushed

> me away and left the office. I am used to it so I just went on with the

> conversation with the Doc as if it didn't happen. But the Doc looked

a bit

> shocked. He is deffinatly lucky to have an understanding wife. He

is hard to

> love.


> Angie~

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My email is coming in flaky. Could you send me the link please?

The more research I do aboutAS for my boys the more I am convinced that I have it. I already know I have SID, but I fit into the criteria for AS almost like a glove. Kinda scary in a way because I am trying to help my son deal with it and I don't know how to deal with it myself.

I'm sooooo absant minded, I THOUGHT I saved it but now i can't find it. :(

Angie~attachment parenting, breastfeeding, baby wearing, co-seeping, gentle disaplining, non circing, non vaxxing, homebirthing, will be home schooling, natural healthcare useing, cloth diapering, enviromentally consious, stay at mom mommy to: Corbin 12.29.99 and - 4.17.02 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/APofHouston http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HoustonHomeBirthSupport

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I can relate the dance situation. My son went to a spring dance in Feb. He wanted to go so badly and we went out and got him new clothes and everything. I knew something was up because he kept pulling on his fingers the whole time we were out.

The time came and his dad took him because I had the flu. Zach never even made it inside the building. He froze in the parkinglot and did breakdown. It was too much for him to handle.


Excuse Me While I Go Raise Tomorrow's Future.

Re: Question

Hehe, lets see.. went to one dance in 7th grade, hated it, went toanother with a friend from youth group in 9th grade, also hated it. Didn't feel like I was missing anything there. Actually almosttotally broke down at that dance in 9th grade, too many people, toomuch going on... left really early without telling even the person Ihad come with, just had to get out of there.Sports, there's lots of private sports things, myself not toointerested though I did do karate for a short time.Dating.. uhm, never been on a date. I don't know. I have somedefinite problems in that area, heh. Working on it. Don't needschool to meet girls, though. :-)I'd really suggest looking at that link I gave, and saving it for yourson to read later when he's older. It really shows he's not missingmuch. :-) People with AS would tend to be in the group it describes.> LOL. I agree, public schools suck. I hated Jr high and high schooland faked > sick at least 3 times a week, EVERY week. Not sure why other than itSUCKED. > Your right about homeschool groups. They are pretty organized andactive > around here (Texas). Also there are boy scouts, sports, karate(which I love) > music, ext ext. My concern about home school comes with jr high andhigh > school comes. School dances, dateing, home comming, studentcouncile, sports > teams ext. I wonder if they would like all that even though hubbyand I hated > it all.> > Angie~

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My email is coming in flaky. Could you send me the link please?

The more research I do aboutAS for my boys the more I am convinced that I have it. I already know I have SID, but I fit into the criteria for AS almost like a glove. Kinda scary in a way because I am trying to help my son deal with it and I don't know how to deal with it myself.


Excuse Me While I Go Raise Tomorrow's Future.

Re: Re: Question

I'd really suggest looking at that link I gave, and saving it for yourson to read later when he's older. It really shows he's not missingmuch. :-) People with AS would tend to be in the group it describes.Ya know, you sound like my hubby. He was diagnosed with ADD but I'm starting to think maybe he's AS. He hates groups, thay make him postal, he hates dances, he hates people in general if there are too many (or too loud-like me), he hates to be snuggled or patted on the shoulder or consoled in anyway, very akward with girls (though he's a hottie) luckily I am agressive and sought him out. Can't handle alot of noises, to many questions, to much movement..... WOW, I never really thought of it before now but it all makes since. How do I tell a 25 yr old he may be AS? Sorry, I just started thinking out loud there, you don't have to answer that. LOL.Anyways, I will deffiantly look at that link and save it for Corbin. Thanks,Angie~

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Dear Mike:

I really like reading about AS from your first-hand perspective. It

gives me the push to explain everything to my own daughter. I want to

second your recommendation to that paulgraham.com/nerds.html. It's a

long read but very well worth it. It's not only about high school, its a

lot about life in general. Something to save for your kids when they go

to junior high/high school. To me, it makes a case for homeschooling or

alternative schooling, but I don't think it ever mentions it.


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I would always welcome your opinions.


Mom of two autistic boys!


Would y'all be interested in the opinions of a 16 year old with AS, oris this strictly for parents? :-)

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Missed this earlier. The link I put was


> My email is coming in flaky. Could you send me the link please?

> The more research I do aboutAS for my boys the more I am convinced

that I have it. I already know I have SID, but I fit into the criteria

for AS almost like a glove. Kinda scary in a way because I am trying

to help my son deal with it and I don't know how to deal with it




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  • 4 months later...
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Its a special education website. is an attorney that deals with SPED cases. www.reedmartin.com (there is a weekly chat, plus a yahoo group, and newsletter)

There is also www.wrightslaw.com which also has special education stuff on it.

There is another yahoo group called IEP_Guide that has tons of info.


----Original Message-----From: laha1960@... Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 9:13 PMTo: autism-aspergers Subject: questionIn a message dated 7/19/03 12:55:12 AM Central Daylight Time, autism-aspergers writes:

Do you visit ? If you don't you really should - lol. What is this?THanks in ILhttp://my.tupperware.com/Adcock

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  • 3 weeks later...

LOL about the stranger story!

Oh yes, my 14 year old has always has very sensitive ears. She hears anything! She cannot stand some noises...and startles so easily whenever there is a sudden loud noise. She hates it when I click my fingernails, hum, or anything like that. Yet she loves to have the TV/radio on extremely loud....I think it helps her 'become one' with the TV or radio. A tape player or CD walkman has helped us immensely. She uses her headphones every day when she rides the bus to school and also when we're in the car when she needs to 'escape.' They are invaluable.



Good Morning Everyone,First of all I have to say I nearly fainted yesterday when I was out with my son. I have had the problem of him always talking to strangers whereever we went telling them our life story.Yesterday we went grocery shopping (which is always dreaful when I take Logan.) and a lady spoke to him and told him what a good helper he was for me. Well all the lecturing had finally sunk in as he told her don't talk to me you're a stranger. You can just imagine how pleased I was with him. I praised him but at the same time explained to him that he needed to be more polite about it next time.I tried to explain to the lady but she told me no need to explain that he was right and that I have taught him well. Needless to say I was grateful that she appreciated what I was trying to accomplish with him and I was just delighted with Logan. Yippee!!!Now my question is do any of your children have super sensitive hearing. The past few days my son has been asking me do you hear that? I listen and nothing. I then ask him what it sounds like and he explains but I still can't hear it. He also asked me to make it stop. He woke my husband up last night telling him that he could hear that noise again.Not sure what to do here or how to appease him. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.Have a great day everyone!! Thanks for being here when I need someone to talk to and celebrate the small accomplishments. You will never realize how much this group means to me.LOL in Ajax_________________________________________________________________The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

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Hi ,

I've snipped your mail to the hearing bit. There are two answers to this.

(aren't there always!)

Certainly my older daughter(9) had sensitive hearing when she was younger.

It isn't as bad now but she had certain things she couldnt' stand the sound

of when she was little - things like vaccuum cleaners and hairdryers.

The other side to it is that children have a wider range of hearing than

adults. As you get older you lose the ability to hear higher frequencies. If

you test a 5 yr old they can hear things a 10 yrs old can't and the 10 yr

old can hear thngs a 15 yrs old can't. It's a really good experiment to do

in school (I'm a science teacher). It also explains why older people have

problems making out certain words when people speak to them - the high

frequency sounds which help you determine which consonants are being said

disappear and you are left with a low frequency rumbling jigsaw of sounds.



> Now my question is do any of your children have super sensitive hearing.

> The past few days my son has been asking me do you hear that? I

> listen and

> nothing. I then ask him what it sounds like and he explains but I still

> can't hear it. He also asked me to make it stop. He woke my husband up

> last night telling him that he could hear that noise again.



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Louie always had super hearing. The sound of the little wheels inside

the rewind mechanism on the VCR drove him absolutely nuts. So, about a

year ago, his caregivers finally got approval for AIT (Audio Integration

Training). He went through the whole course, and now those little

sounds don't bother him any more. This might be something for you to

think about. I'll tell yuh whut, it works!

Annie, who loves ya annie@...


No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those

who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth. -- Southey

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Thanks Annie,

I will look into that. Appreciate the input, we have gone through so much

when it comes to his ears that I don't want to relive that nightmare.

in Ajax


>Reply-To: autism-aspergers

>To: autism-aspergers

>Subject: Re: Question

>Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 10:47:10 -0600


>Louie always had super hearing. The sound of the little wheels inside

>the rewind mechanism on the VCR drove him absolutely nuts. So, about a

>year ago, his caregivers finally got approval for AIT (Audio Integration

>Training). He went through the whole course, and now those little

>sounds don't bother him any more. This might be something for you to

>think about. I'll tell yuh whut, it works!


>Annie, who loves ya annie@...


>No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those

>who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth. -- Southey


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My daughter used to hate loud sounds/noises/yelling. She used to run into

her room when we vacuumed. She still doesn't like yelling, but she'll crank

up the sound on the TV or boombox, but I think that's more of a teenage

thing (she's 15) than anything else.



Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and

women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with

your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give

them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant a them a sense

of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our

Lord. Amen.


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My daughter used to hate loud sounds/noises/yelling. She used to run into

her room when we vacuumed. She still doesn't like yelling, but she'll crank

up the sound on the TV or boombox, but I think that's more of a teenage

thing (she's 15) than anything else.



Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and

women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with

your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give

them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant a them a sense

of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our

Lord. Amen.


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How wonderful that your son got it!!!

My son at 18 months old got tubes in his ears. The ENT doctor did a hearing test to determine if he had suffered any hearing loss due to having ear infections. He did the old fashion test, in the booth with the dings. My son of course failed and I was told he suffered hearing loss.

His pediatrician at the time thought this guy was a nut. He KNEW my son could hear. So, he set up an appointment with the local audiology lab at the University. They use a computer and an ear peice that actually measures the response of the ear drum to sound. They use it now on babies and smaller children to determine 100% if they actually are deaf. Well, he passed the hearing test. The tester said he actually could hear tones most humans cant. So at that point I KNEW that some of his crying was from noises he could hear and the rest of us couldnt.

Later down the road, the school district was observing him and he was talking about this noise. They freaked out and thought that since they couldnt hear the noise that he was hearing things. So the school psych called me and explained this to me and told me they thought he had schizophrenia. I sat there for about ..oh 2 seconds and just started laughing. The school psych got serious and said how could you be laughing this is serious. I said, lady the only person that has schizophrenia is you and hung up the phone.

I told his private psychologist and she just started laughing. She doesnt trust or care for the schools jesters. Nor does anyone at the center he goes to. They are very quick to make judgements about children and their suspected problems.

Anyway, he went back to school and he said it again. This time he became very upset about it. During his "rage" he blurted out "just make that lady over there shut the movie off, the tape player is making too much noise." He could actually hear the tape player playing the tape and it was bugging him. The school jester called me back and updated me and apologized for making such a quick judgement about my son.

Im sure that you have tried to identify the noise.. I have always had either a fan or a cd with repeating relaxing sounds on to drown out the other noises. It has helped cut down on the "unknown" tantrums.

Anyway, sorry I rambled on and on..



Good Morning Everyone,First of all I have to say I nearly fainted yesterday when I was out with my son. I have had the problem of him always talking to strangers whereever we went telling them our life story.Yesterday we went grocery shopping (which is always dreaful when I take Logan.) and a lady spoke to him and told him what a good helper he was for me. Well all the lecturing had finally sunk in as he told her don't talk to me you're a stranger. You can just imagine how pleased I was with him. I praised him but at the same time explained to him that he needed to be more polite about it next time.I tried to explain to the lady but she told me no need to explain that he was right and that I have taught him well. Needless to say I was grateful that she appreciated what I was trying to accomplish with him and I was just delighted with Logan. Yippee!!!Now my question is do any of your children have super sensitive hearing. The past few days my son has been asking me do you hear that? I listen and nothing. I then ask him what it sounds like and he explains but I still can't hear it. He also asked me to make it stop. He woke my husband up last night telling him that he could hear that noise again.Not sure what to do here or how to appease him. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.Have a great day everyone!! Thanks for being here when I need someone to talk to and celebrate the small accomplishments. You will never realize how much this group means to me.LOL in Ajax

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Hey TK,

No need to apologize for rambling. I think I have the same situation as you

that he can hear something that my husband and I can't.

I will figure it out eventually, thank for the laugh. Don't you love it when

they get it wrong (the school know it alls that is.)

Have a great night I am signing off as I am going home from work shortly.

in Ajax


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Sometimes there are funny consequences of my son's sensitive ears.

Every time I try to sneak into the pantry and have a marshmellow I

hear from across the room, " Mom, can I have a marshmellow too? "

His typically developing older brother wore earmuffs in order to

flush the toilet at preschool. Only the industrial toilets bothered



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We did the AIT with our son to counter these problems. We went for 10 days straight twice a day for 30 min each time. This is another program of AIT which involves a much longer time period but can be mostly done at home. the two target different aspects so research it to see what can help your child the most.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Where can i go to get an immunization waiver?


The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!

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Where can i go to get an immunization waiver?


The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!

Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!

Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!

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I got mine from my Chiropractor. I have it if you want me to fax it to you.

I have used it for my sons school, and no one bats an eyelash at me.

Re: question

> Where can i go to get an immunization waiver?


> ________________________________________________________________

> The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!

> Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!

> Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!





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I got mine from my Chiropractor. I have it if you want me to fax it to you.

I have used it for my sons school, and no one bats an eyelash at me.

Re: question

> Where can i go to get an immunization waiver?


> ________________________________________________________________

> The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!

> Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!

> Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!





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  • 3 months later...
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I think its a great idea!!


I am considering starting a non-profit organization for families with special needs children. The purpose of this organization would be to allow for these families to have a break by being given

a day out, say to something like Six Flags, or Stone Mountain Park with all expenses paid. The concept would be similar to the Make a Wish Foundation, except the services are for people with special needs instead of children who are physically ill. I have talked to a respite center for those who want a break away with just their spouse or other children. The reason I am considering doing this is because I have a daughter who has autism, and with all her therapy, doctors cost, etc... (about $50,000 a year) their is very little left over for any sort of "get away fun".

Anyway, I was wondering if this is truly a need for others as well. Do you think this could help your family, or do you really need more help in other areas such as paying for therapy? I would really appreciate your comments. I am in the beginning stages of looking into forming an organization and grant writing. I want to be sure this is something that would be beneficial first. Any comments are welcome. Thanks

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  • 8 months later...

In a message dated 1/17/2005 11:38:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,

hudaarafeh@... writes:

Hi,What is " cold turkey " ?

Stopping immediately without tapering off. Many meds it's better and

recommended and necessary to taper off, and get off the med gradually, rather


immediately, which is 'cold turkey'. How it came to be called such, I don't


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