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Sharon, thanks for the welcome. I'm sorry that the TX didn't help you, a lot of

2a's have success with it. I don't blame you for waiting until something better

comes along. I hope I get to know you all better in time.

Gosh, if I couldn't keep a sense of humor about life, I would have been crazy

years ago! I think most of us could say the same.


Re: New here

Hi Marilyn.

I am Sharon, 62 and with genotype 2a for 36 years. Had a hysterectomy with

lots of bleeding and had transfusion just before the actual surgery. GOT HEPC.

I have had treatment once and relapsed. I started treatment again about 6 weeks

ago and just could not hang in there. I got so terribly depressed and red blood

counts started to fall, my doc took me off and I was relieved. I don't have bad

liver damage and my liver enzymes are normal, so I will just wait for the silver

bullet that is supposed to be in clinical trials now. LOL

You sound like you have a sense of humor and that is a MAGIC bullet for this



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anne, thank you too, for the welcome! I have been fighting with doctors for

years - I've learned that medicine is much more art than it is science, and I've

learned that a lot of doctors work on their own agendas. I hate to sound jaded,

but I've been down that road too many times.

I was born with a congenital defect on my right leg. I finally found out after

all these years that it is something called Klipple-Trenaunay Syndrome. They

call it " syndrome " when they don't know what the heck to do with it. I guess

only 300 - 500 people on this earth have it at any given time. It's been

documented in people for over 100 years, but since it's an " orphan " thing,

nobody cares or tries to look for decent treatment for it. All my life, doctors

have called it " too many veins " that don't circulate properly and clot. I was

lucky that I just have it in surface veins (as far as I know), and not

internally. I've had doctors give me radiation therapy, lots of surgery, and

had doctors suggest shooting sugar (?) into my veins, and even had one who

wanted to amputate! Ummmmm, I kinda like having all my body parts, and the leg

works just fine, thankyouverymuch! So I've learned that I have to hold the

medical community's feet to the fire and make them prove *everything* to me

before I agree to anything.

No, I'm not going to go away. It's just that I feel so incredibly lucky to have

found such a wonderful group of people that I'm afraid I might keep babbling,

and I don't want to wear out my welcome!


Re: New here


Good on you for getting out there and doing such research for your own

information. What is it with doctors who think their patients should blindly go

where they're told to????? Makes no sense to me! We are all individuals, even

though you're all dealing with the same diagnosis, and you will all respond

differently to different therapys/ treatments. Are doctors so dumb they haven't

worked that out yet? People must have thorough information. How else can they

make informed decisions?

Oh, and don't " go away " now will you, you're a valuable member of our team




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Awww, thanks, sweetie! Can't wait to know you better, too.


Re: New here

Thank you Marilyn. Each time I get the pitty-pot attitude warmed up, some one

comes along and shows me what strength and adversity are really about. Glad to

know you and indeed, hope to know you better.

Sharon in WA

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I agree, Sharon, especially when it's much harder to spread sexually than HIV,

and has 1/2 the incidence of being transmitted in utero as HIV (which is a very

small rate). Good God, when I first got my diagnosis, I thought, OMG, I've had

this since I've been 10 or 12, did I give it to my son and daughter, and what

about my 5 grandchildren? That's what really freaked me out.

I had my second husband get tested - we've been married 26 years and never

thought about protection. He is fine. I was widowed at a young age, not a sad

story, though, more of a liberation. When all of this hit me at the beginning,

I was so worried that I unleashed something on a bunch of wonderful people that

I loved with all my heart. My husband is such a wonderful man, and it would

have broken my heart if I would have infected him. And my children and

grandchildren, I can't even wrap my mind around that!

I am soooo thankful that I had the internet when I got my diagnosis. I learned

so much from people who were " living with " and not " dying from " Hep C. It makes

me nuts that there isn't more media attention given to Hep C - there are so many

more of us dealing with this than people with HIV or breast cancer, not to take

anything away from those people. But it's still thought to be a disease brought

on by unsafe sex or needle use - and who cares about those people anyway?

I just wish there was a way to give a " face " to all of us for the general

public. And I certainly don't want anyone to think I am pointing fingers at

anyone who shared needles, or got this through unsafe sex. We all did really

stupid things when we were young. That doesn't mean any one of us deserved Hep

C, or that others of us were innocent victims. It's just the luck of the draw

that we get in our lifetimes.

See, I told you all if I came out of lurkdom that I would babble! I can't

believe my fortune that I have found such a loving group! Somehow, I feel like

I have " come home " .


Re: New here

That's a really unfair and untrue statement. I get really mad when I hear it

also. It just shows the further ignorance of the medical establishment, lumping

every thing into one group.


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Dear Dave, thats a good article. You are right to say educate

yourself. I'm sorry you had to go thru all the GP's and other

hucksters. I hope you have now learned that there are many great Hep

docs out there and how to find them. Most of them are in teaching

hospitals. I have a GP also. He doesn't know jack about HCV but I

don't expect him to. . I teach him about the HCV when it relates to

some other condition. I also have a gastro in the junction and the

big kahuna is in Denver. It's my responsibility to make sure they

are all on the same page, have all the current tests on me and

communicate. WE have to take that responsibility and not expect

anyone else to do it......ric In

Hepatitis_C_Central , " divinelightproductions "

<divinelightproductions@y...> wrote:

> Check out an article I just wrote about my own experiences with

> Doctors and put out for the world to read. If you ladies would like

> to do the same thing I can help make it happen. Check out it.

> www.hopeforhepc.org


> It's called Lessons Learned from Doctors

> Dave




> > > Marilyn,

> > >

> > > Good on you for getting out there and doing such research for

> your

> > own information. What is it with doctors who think their


> > should blindly go where they're told to????? Makes no sense to

> me!

> > We are all individuals, even though you're all dealing with the

> same

> > diagnosis, and you will all respond differently to different

> > therapys/ treatments. Are doctors so dumb they haven't worked

> that

> > out yet? People must have thorough information. How else can

> they

> > make informed decisions?

> > >

> > > Oh, and don't " go away " now will you, you're a valuable member

> of

> > our team now!

> > >

> > > Love

> > > anne

> > > Re: New here

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I *swear* I saw dollar bills with wings on them flying around

> his

> > head! I *know* he was getting a kickback from Roche. I had

> the " Be

> > in Charge " nurse from Roche saying I should order the TX drugs

> from

> > her, I had my insurance company saying I should order the drugs

> from

> > them, and I had my hepatologist saying I should order the drugs

> from

> > him. Something was going on here!

> > >

> > > The doctor told me I shouldn't put any faith in people I met

> on

> > the internet. Duhhhhh.......aren't we the people living with


> > disease? He told me the studies I found were old and outdated.


> > asked him about Pegasys, and he said it was such a lame rumor and

> > wouldn't be on the market for at least 4 years - funny, it was


> > there 2 weeks later! Sheesh, when I got home from that doctor's

> > visit, I went on the internet and found a study (since watered

> down)

> > put out by the NIH that very day - which said that genotypes 1

> aren't

> > good responders to the TX, and woo, hoo, for women, the younger

> girls

> > are when they contract it, the less likely they will ever need

> > treatment! Well, I was 10 or 12 when I got the transfusions both

> > times, and I was 54 when I got the diagnosis. I've been lucky so

> > far, but may just be on borrowed time.

> > >

> > > Marilyn (who is going to go away now!)

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dave, great article! You covered just about everything. The one thing I wish I

could get out there is for the people who have not yet gotten a diagnosis. I

guess there is no real way to reach them.

I had a doctor from 1992 to 1999 who was extremely confused by my high ALT and

AST levels. They fluctuated like crazy. He asked me how much I drank, and I

told him truthfully, between 1 - 3 glasses of wine when we went out to dinner

on Saturday night. He told me to stop drinking totally for two months and then

come in to have my blood tested again (this was in 1999). I did, and when I had

the next test done, my ALT and AST was higher than ever. That's when he accused

me of being a closet drunk, and said alcoholics never tell the truth anyway! I

was soooo pissed off! He wanted me to have an ultrasound of my liver because he

was convinced it was big as a balloon, so I did. My ultrasound was just fine,

so much so that the technician doing it made some bad comments about him.

I went to see him for my diagnosis one last time. Again, he made some comments

about alcoholism - very touchy subject with me because my first husband was an

awful alcoholic, and I spent years in AlAnon to try to deal with it. You would

have thought that in that 7 years, he *might* just have heard of something

called Hepatitis C?

I went postal on him and told him I wasn't a closet anything, but he was a lousy

diagnostician! Last time I went to him. I decided to only go to woman doctors

after that, because my experience has been that they tend to listen to their

patients more. Not a very valid reason, but it served me well. I also decided

to look for a doctor affiliated with a teaching hospital, good move. My first

doctor took me seriously - I came armed with all my tests. She kept looking for

porphyria cutanea tarda, much the same symptoms as Hep C, and kept coming up

short. She got transferred to another facility, and by luck, I was assigned to

my current doctor whose two best friends were just diagnosed with Hep C, that's

why she asked me to be tested.

She doesn't even pretend to know everything, and apologized for sending me to

the rotten hepatologist who pushed treatment. Even though I wasn't on

treatment, I went to the Liver Foundation support group meetings for a number of

months, and through the people there, found my current hepatologist.

He's not happy that I'm not willing to go for treatment, but he respects my

decisions why I am not at this time. He's just happy that I am keeping current

with the condition of my health, and having him monitor it. I respect a doctor

who respects me and understands that I have the intelligence to make my own



Re: New here

Check out an article I just wrote about my own experiences with

Doctors and put out for the world to read. If you ladies would like

to do the same thing I can help make it happen. Check out it.


It's called Lessons Learned from Doctors


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Janet, I am just so glad to have found all of you! I loved reading your posts

about the hot fudge, I would have done that, too! There is no problem in life

that can't be solved by chocolate! (Hmmmmm, have you tried Snickers Popables?)

I know what you mean about the listers. I am on a dog list - I have Flat Coated

Retrievers, a breed nobody has ever heard about. The breed club has a national

specialty every year and we all get together. I have to say, to a person, the

people on that list are *exactly* like they are online.

I feel so at home here, I'm so looking forward to getting to know all of you



Re: New here

Hee Hee,

Yah baby, I run this place with a iron fist!!! Just joking.

In fact alot of the people don't even realize that I am one of the owners. I

am pretty quiet for the most part, letting the members help one another and try

not to lead the conversations on the board. Because for the most part, to have

over 500 members this group just makes it easy to moderate. Some of the members

are really protective of one another, and I love them dearly.

You will find out that I am the crazy one of the bunch, I am the hot fudge

lady, with a wacky sense of humor. Hey, if you can't have fun then what is life

about. Besides I am on treatment right now, so I consider Laughter as the best

medicine. Sure is healing for me. Specially when them nasty side effects keep me

up running half the night. But even thern I approach that with a sense of humor.

Like the Poot scoot boggie, Hee Hee

Or hanging over the singing sweet uck songs.

My husband thinks I am a nut, and he is so right I am. But he is also proud of

me. He was afraid for me to start treatment again because well the last time was

pretty rough. But you know it wasn't so rough that I couldn't finish it. I am

stubborn that way. If I start something then I will finish it if it kills me.

Fortunately so far I have been lucky, Still here to fight another day.

I am very protective of my member here. I consider them all a part of my

family. Yeah believe it or not. I am even still close with Members that have

decided to leave us for whatever reasons. It is just that I become so close to

everyone here by sharing my story and hearing theirs. We become so intertwined

in our lifes that well it takes on that family feel.

For the most part you will find, that I am the class clown that sometimes gets

serious, Doug is our strong and wise silent type. He is a wonderful friend.

And anne our mother figure who is like a tiger when it comes to the

members here.

And it is funny although Doug, anne and I have never met in real life, we

seem to all gel so well when it comes to making decisions for the group.

So yeah I love this group too, every single member here. Believe me, I

remember each and everyone of the names.

Isn't that a trip, I can forget how to spell names, but I remember all the

names of the group members here that post.

Believe it or not I am sadden when someone decides to leave also. But I figure

that we were not meeting a need that had at the time. Or we did meet their needs

and they moved on.

Now I am rambling. LOL



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Welcome to the group, Kim!

We have a wide array of experiences here. Activity seems to ebb and

flow--much like our jobs do. :)


[OBnurses] New Here

Hi, I am new to your group and thought I would introduce myself. My name is

Kim and have been an RN for nearly 10 years now with the majority of my time

spent in womens care. We recently moved to sdale, Arizona from

Albuqueruqe, New Mexico after having my daughter last September. I am

currently not working but sure do miss it. I plan to go back to work this

fall when my daughter turns a year old. My last job was in a high risk

center which I loved but since having a baby myself I think some of my views

on childbirth have changed. I was hoping that there may be other nurses

here that are from the Phoenix area and could give me some tips on which

hospitals are good to work in and which to stay away from. I look forward to

getting to know you all. Thanks for letting me be a part of your group.


Welcome to the OBnurses list!

You have the freedom to change your membership settings at any time you

choose. Go to the Yahoogroups Home Page at www.yahoogroups.com and sign in

with your e mail address and the password you used to subscribe to this

list. You will then see a list of all Onelist lists you are subscribed to.

You can then easily choose the settings you would like--unsubscribe, digest,

or Web-only.

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  • 2 months later...


Welcome to group here

I finished treatment 2 weeks ago done the 24 week interferon/ribavirin

Cleared at 4 months. Sides were awful. I managed to get through it with the

support group here

The choice is yours to do treatment again

We will support you here whatever your decision you make

Take care

Best to you




Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page

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Hi Pat,

I did the combo treatment with the Peg intron and rebetrol, while I didn't clear

then, killed a bunch of them virus buggers. Did the whole 48 weeks. was a


Then Doctor suggested I try the Pegasy and co-Pegasy. I am current doing that.

And I am undetectable as of this moment. I am also type 1a. So that makes us

related via the virus. Hi Bro!!!

I was a corpsman in the Navy(Desert Storm Vet)therefore the nickname Doc , and a

nurse for 25 plus years. Pegasy treatment is not as harsh as the Peg-intron

side effects. Some things are the same. Ya still get tired. Take a power nap,

will restore you alot.

But all in all it is not as bad as the Peg-intron.

One thing I have found is keeping a good mental attitude has helped me alot.

Positive thoughts are my manta.

Glad you found us.



Hi all,

My name is and I have hepatitis c, type 1A. I am a Vietnam vet

and think I got this as a medic over there in 1971. I did regular

combo back in 2000 but failed. Have been offered new Peg TX but I

had severe sides with first TX and I am quite reluctant.

It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hepatitis_C_Central/

Happy Posting

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Hi Pat,

I did the combo treatment with the Peg intron and rebetrol, while I didn't clear

then, killed a bunch of them virus buggers. Did the whole 48 weeks. was a


Then Doctor suggested I try the Pegasy and co-Pegasy. I am current doing that.

And I am undetectable as of this moment. I am also type 1a. So that makes us

related via the virus. Hi Bro!!!

I was a corpsman in the Navy(Desert Storm Vet)therefore the nickname Doc , and a

nurse for 25 plus years. Pegasy treatment is not as harsh as the Peg-intron

side effects. Some things are the same. Ya still get tired. Take a power nap,

will restore you alot.

But all in all it is not as bad as the Peg-intron.

One thing I have found is keeping a good mental attitude has helped me alot.

Positive thoughts are my manta.

Glad you found us.



Hi all,

My name is and I have hepatitis c, type 1A. I am a Vietnam vet

and think I got this as a medic over there in 1971. I did regular

combo back in 2000 but failed. Have been offered new Peg TX but I

had severe sides with first TX and I am quite reluctant.

It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hepatitis_C_Central/

Happy Posting

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Hi Pat,

I did the combo treatment with the Peg intron and rebetrol, while I didn't clear

then, killed a bunch of them virus buggers. Did the whole 48 weeks. was a


Then Doctor suggested I try the Pegasy and co-Pegasy. I am current doing that.

And I am undetectable as of this moment. I am also type 1a. So that makes us

related via the virus. Hi Bro!!!

I was a corpsman in the Navy(Desert Storm Vet)therefore the nickname Doc , and a

nurse for 25 plus years. Pegasy treatment is not as harsh as the Peg-intron

side effects. Some things are the same. Ya still get tired. Take a power nap,

will restore you alot.

But all in all it is not as bad as the Peg-intron.

One thing I have found is keeping a good mental attitude has helped me alot.

Positive thoughts are my manta.

Glad you found us.



Hi all,

My name is and I have hepatitis c, type 1A. I am a Vietnam vet

and think I got this as a medic over there in 1971. I did regular

combo back in 2000 but failed. Have been offered new Peg TX but I

had severe sides with first TX and I am quite reluctant.

It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hepatitis_C_Central/

Happy Posting

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  • 1 year later...


> Hello,


> I'm new to the list. I've heard about kombucha for awhile now and

I'm wanting to give it a try making some. I was wondering about

getting a starter. I see that some people will send them free for the

shipping costs and some companies sell them. I like the idea of just

paying shipping since we don't have much $$ but it is a reliable way

to get a good starter? I'd like to maybe hear from a couple of people

who bought theirs this way and how it went.

> Thanks,

> JennMarie = )




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> Hello,


> I'm new to the list. I've heard about kombucha for awhile now and

I'm wanting to give it a try making some. I was wondering about

getting a starter. I see that some people will send them free for the

shipping costs and some companies sell them. I like the idea of just

paying shipping since we don't have much $$ but it is a reliable way

to get a good starter? I'd like to maybe hear from a couple of people

who bought theirs this way and how it went.

> Thanks,

> JennMarie = )




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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Congratulations !!! This journey has been a true awakening and

breakthrough for me! Your on your way to feeling much more energetic and happier

from deep down inside, while continuing to see yourself as a naturally slender

person. This feeling is a major key in the positive outcome you will see,

especially when the pounds start melting off like a miracle happening right

before your eyes and to top it off, it's easy, cause your not constantly

thinking about what NOT TO DO, but how to replace that negative phrase with the

good things you want to do instead!! We just don't give ourselves enough

credit, and it's time to change that!! s has helped me in a big

way. I started listening to her podcast in mid June and since then, I've lost

18 pounds!!

Keep up the great work !!!


-- Original Message ----

To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:00:32 PM

Subject: new here

Hello everyone,

Ok, I can't say this is the first time I've joined an online

group....Nope, can't say that.

I can't say it's the first time I've written an " I'm new here to the

group " kind of thing.

I can't say I haven't tried and I can't say I haven't studied,

listened, purchased, ran from, ran toward, speculated, contemplated

and investigated something new---especially when it comes to weight loss.

I can't say I haven't said " I'll lose weight " and I can't say I

haven't spent a great deal of money on various attempts including, but

not excluded to: cabbage soup, weight watchers online, the solutuion,

diet center, bob greene, fit or fat, multiple gym memberships, walking

a marathon and never losing an ounce, ediets....etc, etc, etc.....I've

done all these things and more....something' s just not working for me

to get to where I think I need and desire to be.

Many things I cannot say.

However, having said a few things about " cannot " I now say what I CAN:

I can listen to the podcasts, and when says that the very fact

that I've once again found an avenue of possible change, or that there

is something that triggered the downloading of all her podcasts.... I'm

inspired that I may finally be on to something. This may be the very

moment, the very divinely placed information I've been looking for in

all my searches, all my attempts, all the moments of " why can't I lose

weight? "

I can enter here and share. I can open up about this journey and I

can trust in a process I don't yet know completely.

I would like to lose about 30 pounds, I've been where I am for a while

now and have stabilized, meaning I'm not eating too little/moving too

much for loss of any weight, and I'm not eating too much/moving too

little to gain weight...Interestin g when I think of it.

I've always known internally that there is a mind/body/soul connection

in everything we do, every action we take, every second of every

day....I just haven't been able to connect " dots " of wholeness in a

way that enables me to be naturally thin. I would like to get off

some blood pressure medications and come to a place where I feel

invigorated to be active and feel the most " alive " that I can.

's approach invites me to participate, and I want to be a part of

a group to journey with about this.

Thanks for letting me share,

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hi, ...Please know that our group is one of the most peaceful group around. It truly doesn't not get any better than this group. We work really hard to keep it in-fighting free. I belong to other blogs, groups etc, and for the most part this is a VERY peaceful and loving group...I'm sad that you saw the vary RARE ugly side of our group. As you know there are hot topics out there...the problem was not the opinion but rather the tone of the opinion...the character assassination. The lady who began the "work" is now gone, she is not a member any longer.

WELCOME to you. I'm e, mom to girl 5 1/2, and 27 months (ASD)...There are those here who are traveling right along with you as far as age, as well as mommy's who have the wisdom that only time, trial and error can give.

Blessings to you and your precious family. We are here for you. Post and post often :)


To: AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 7:17:54 PMSubject: new here

HI,My name is and my son will be 4 in May and has autism. He was diagnosed at 2 1/2. I have been reading you guys for a few days and I was a little skeptical to share but it seems like things have calmed down some. is non verbal but used to have some words until about 18 to 20 months. Things around here have finally started looking better. We were having major problems with biting but it seemed to have slown down. About 6 weeks ago he bit my 6 yr old NT daughter on the face very very bad. Poor little girl handeled this pretty good seeing she had to go to school and the kids were saying many things to her. We haven't had any serious biting since then. He chews on everything in the house. We have given him chewy tubes but he'll still bite and chew everything. I believe alot of it is sensory.The biting really started when we took access away from him from taking off

his pull up. He would rip it open with his teeth and chew on the gel balls. We finally started putting feety pj's on him backwards under his clothes to stop this. He was also a poo smearer so we finally stopped that. When I change him I give him like 5 minutes naked time and then he wraps himself in his satin comforter. He definitely has problems with touching himself.I joined this group because as you know all the behaviors our kids have can be overwhelming. I just wanted to say hi and I look foward joining in discussions with you.

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Hi ,


I'm , mom to (hence the email addy) whos 10 1/2. dx at

around 3.

Fell free to post or vent or question, whatever you need to do.

We're in this together.


> HI,

> My name is and my son will be 4 in May and has

> autism. He was diagnosed at 2 1/2. I have been reading you guys


> a few days and I was a little skeptical to share but it seems like

> things have calmed down some.


> is non verbal but used to have some words until about 18


> 20 months. Things around here have finally started looking


> We were having major problems with biting but it seemed to have


> down. About 6 weeks ago he bit my 6 yr old NT daughter on the face

> very very bad. Poor little girl handeled this pretty good seeing


> had to go to school and the kids were saying many things to her.


> haven't had any serious biting since then. He chews on everything


> the house. We have given him chewy tubes but he'll still bite and

> chew everything. I believe alot of it is sensory.


> The biting really started when we took access away from him from

> taking off his pull up. He would rip it open with his teeth and


> on the gel balls. We finally started putting feety pj's on him

> backwards under his clothes to stop this. He was also a poo


> so we finally stopped that. When I change him I give him like 5

> minutes naked time and then he wraps himself in his satin


> He definitely has problems with touching himself.


> I joined this group because as you know all the behaviors our


> have can be overwhelming. I just wanted to say hi and I look


> joining in discussions with you.




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Hi ,

Welcome to the group, we are usually a very positive,helpful group and very rarely do things get like early this weekend. My son is 8 and he has always been a chewer not a biter (on people) but he will chew on anything at certain times and then it goes away. I have found that it is when his teeth are coming in. When he got his 5 year molars he chewed constantly and now that his permanent teeth are coming in he is chewing his shirt sleeves (easy fix, just give him short sleeves!) maybe the chewy tubes aren't hard enough for him, always wanted to chew on harder things and we did try many. For awhile we used the hard plastic straws, a sippy cup with a hard spout, a toothbrush, anything hard he wanted to bite on to relieve the pressure. They do make teethers for babies that vibrate as well had a star that vibrated when he bit on it but we did have to replace it a few times since it wasn't made to withstand

older kids with teeth. also did some poo smearing and I found he was just trying to get it off his butt. He wasn't actually playing with it, he would just take it off his butt and then it was in his hands and he didn't know what to do with it so he would wipe it all over everything to get it off his hands. We started showing him that when he had poo on his hands we wash them in the sink. It worked right away for him since he was just looking to get rid of it. We started only changing his pull ups in the bathroom and then we would say " Oh look you have poop on your hands, yuck lets wash them"( yes, I actually put a little smear of poo on his hand). I hope this is at least of some help, glad to have you on the group, Kellie

To: AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 7:17:54 PMSubject: new here

HI,My name is and my son will be 4 in May and has autism. He was diagnosed at 2 1/2. I have been reading you guys for a few days and I was a little skeptical to share but it seems like things have calmed down some. is non verbal but used to have some words until about 18 to 20 months. Things around here have finally started looking better. We were having major problems with biting but it seemed to have slown down. About 6 weeks ago he bit my 6 yr old NT daughter on the face very very bad. Poor little girl handeled this pretty good seeing she had to go to school and the kids were saying many things to her. We haven't had any serious biting since then. He chews on everything in the house. We have given him chewy tubes but he'll still bite and chew everything. I believe alot of it is sensory.The biting really started when we took access away from him from taking off

his pull up. He would rip it open with his teeth and chew on the gel balls. We finally started putting feety pj's on him backwards under his clothes to stop this. He was also a poo smearer so we finally stopped that. When I change him I give him like 5 minutes naked time and then he wraps himself in his satin comforter. He definitely has problems with touching himself.I joined this group because as you know all the behaviors our kids have can be overwhelming. I just wanted to say hi and I look foward joining in discussions with you.

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> HI,

> My name is and my son will be 4 in May and has

> autism. He was diagnosed at 2 1/2. I have been reading you guys for

> a few days and I was a little skeptical to share but it seems like

> things have calmed down some.


> is non verbal but used to have some words until about 18 to

> 20 months. Things around here have finally started looking better.

> We were having major problems with biting but it seemed to have slown

> down. About 6 weeks ago he bit my 6 yr old NT daughter on the face

> very very bad. Poor little girl handeled this pretty good seeing she

> had to go to school and the kids were saying many things to her. We

> haven't had any serious biting since then. He chews on everything in

> the house. We have given him chewy tubes but he'll still bite and

> chew everything. I believe alot of it is sensory.


> The biting really started when we took access away from him from

> taking off his pull up. He would rip it open with his teeth and chew

> on the gel balls. We finally started putting feety pj's on him

> backwards under his clothes to stop this. He was also a poo smearer

> so we finally stopped that. When I change him I give him like 5

> minutes naked time and then he wraps himself in his satin comforter.

> He definitely has problems with touching himself.


> I joined this group because as you know all the behaviors our kids

> have can be overwhelming. I just wanted to say hi and I look foward

> joining in discussions with you.




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