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Re: Multi-rant

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Thank you! My mother supported our family; my father didn’t work.

All four of my sisters support their families; their husbands

stay at home with the kids. I support my family (when I can find

a job!), and my husband stays home with the kids. My brother

works, cleans the house, cooks, takes care of getting the kids to

school and his wife shops.

I think who is the breadwinner is a matter of culture, which is

why we get so offended when someone else tries to tell us how to

live our lives. No, I would rather not be getting food stamps or

unemployment, but I have to have a roof over my head and

groceries on the table, so I need to rely on Q. Taxpayer for

a while. I refuse to feel guilty when I really have no other

control over my financial situation right now.



My parents both worked (my mother more than my father), both took


of the kids (my father better than my mother), both cooked, both


both did household chores, and so forth. And in that realm I'm


they did, because being at home with my mother all the time would


been much worse than getting to spend time with both my parents,


my father was way easier to deal with.

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> PS

> Klein said:

> >Your opinion is wrong.

> asked:

> I can't help being tempted to ask:

> can I use this one as a quote on my

> blog or my .sig file? I like it.

> this is good

> thanx for pointing it out

How about " You couldn't be more wrong

if your butt was on backwards. "

I didn't make it up, I heard it on TV,

but it's appropriate here.


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Rewrite that! I am NOT making a fortune at it! (can’t type again

today, dangit!


RE: Multi-rant

That is actually becoming my niche: most people can’t afford $90

to $120 an hour to fix their computers, so they end up buying new


That’s where I come in; I charge people $20 per hour to repair

their old computers and I sell them parts at cost. I’m making a

fortune at it, and so far it is word of mouth, but it brings in

an extra $20 every couple of weeks.


From: Logan

Today, people have become " disposable " . It is just like the

technology that made it so that it is cheaper to buy a new

appliance than repair an old one. There is simply not that much

work that needs to be done today, and having a " job " is something

that has been reserved for the beautiful NT elite.

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I live in Ohio, but I got the idea from a friend of my sister who

lives in Hawaii. She did the same thing there, but she tailored

her services to small businesses. I would try that, but I don’t

have all of my certs yet.


From: DeGraf

Louise Gainor danced around singing:

>That is actually becoming my niche: most people can’t afford $90

>to $120 an hour to fix their computers, so they end up buying



>That’s where I come in; I charge people $20 per hour to repair

>their old computers and I sell them parts at cost. I’m <insert

NOT>making a

>fortune at it, and so far it is word of mouth, but it brings in

>an extra $20 every couple of weeks.

I'm envious, where do you live? I don't think I could charge

half that

much and get clients these days, there are too many other people


(Northern Bay Area California) with strong tech skills. :-/

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Clay danced around singing:

>(That's all I got, I'm still tired from dealing with another

>outrageously ignorant " super-aspie " on another list.) 8<{)

Uh oh, which one? (Curious whether it's a list I've given up on in

exasperation, or one I haven't found yet!)

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That’s exactly the problem here. It’s who you know, and I don’t

know anybody, and have no idea how to meet anyone in a tech

hiring position.


RE: Multi-rant

Louise Gainor danced around singing:

>You can't be just a computer technician/network technician

>anymore repairing computers and network cabling and managing the

>network server. Now I need to know [cuts list]

From what I've heard from my AS partner trying to find another

tech job

over the past couple of months, plus a number of articles I've

read since

then on the subject, you also need to have really good social


skills these days. Most firms are evidently hiring almost

entirely on

word-of-mouth or through professional organizations (basically

social clubs

for techs?) so if you're not the sort that is constantly happily

in contact

with a lot of other people, you're going to have a hard time.


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Hi Gareth,

I believe that Men and Women are wired differently and that is not a

sexist statement but a scientific fact.

It is true that despite Men being able to physically deal with

problems and thats the way they solve them. IE Someone calls them

something to their face!!! Women on the other hand are far more

capable of making a person suffer without resorting to punching them.

Women are very good at manipulating situations. They are very good

at planning etc. Diplomatically solving situations and that is why

they are perfect at planning their revenge. You know the saying of

Hell Hath No Fury etc....

Women are good at finding out information and Men just do not care

about that. For instance I saw a survey on TV where they proved that

if you ask a Man how his day was at work he will say OK I went into

the Office did some paperwork etc. If you ask a Woman she will

eloborate and tell you who she met and what she did and oh such and

such had a party or she had to have her cat put to sleep etc. She in

other words in willing to use a lot more words to describe her day.

Thats why sometimes Women get frustrated when a Man doesn't open up.

Now some but not all Aspie Men can act like Women and thus will open

up a lot more. But because of this they leave themselves wide open.

I have been guilty in the past of telling people too much and then

them using it against me. I did not know why they did it, but now I

do. It was because they could. For instance it is not always the

right time to tell anyone you have AS. Many did not know what AS is

and a lot of people when they hear Autism they think of Rain Man, so

its best to keep quiet if things are going smoothly.

Anyway back to Women. Women are very good at getting information

they want out of their partners. They are very good at being

diplomatic in the Family. For instance if the Father has a row with

the Son, well the Mother can quite easily calm the situation down, or

try to. Women because they are the ones that give birth have a high

tolerance to pain and that is not just pain when it comes to

physical, but also emotional.

Also Women are the perfect bullies. When I was bullied in the Office

I knew where I stood with the blokes and dealt with them accordingly.

But with the Women it was covert and behind the scenes so that

nobody knew what was going on. Little comments or gestures. Such as

it being somebody's Birthday and them having enough slices for

everyone in the office, but oh dear I am sorry not enough cake for

you . Or they would go out for a meal at dinner time and

exclude me. Or Gail would touch my leg when I was on the phone to an

important client and it would be me who would get into trouble as the

CLient would complain that I was not professional enough.

In Gails case a short skirt and fluttering eyelashes at the Boss

meant she got away with murder. She would take long cigarette breaks

and mess around in the Office whilst everyone else had to work hard.

She would choose her victim, which happened to be me and then flirt

with them and make them feel uncomfy. The thing is that goes on a

lot more than you would think and its to do with Groups or people.

The larger the office the less likehood of there being a Gail

Situation. As the Balance of Men and Women in the Office Grows then

so does that attitudes and tolerance of people. When another Man

started in the Office the Sexual Harassment and comments stopped.

But by then I had a Nervous Breakdown.

Now those Women did not have to resort to punching or hitting me.

They used devious means to hurt me. Making me an outcast from their

group and using me as a source of amusement.

Today Society has gone the opposite way to the sexist way Women were

portraid in the 70s. Now we have endless adverts making Men out to

be thick and brainless zombies who do nothing better than drink beer

like Al Bundy or Homer Simpson. So many adverts that make Men out to

be the people who do nothing around the home etc. Adverts that if

they were the other way around would provoke national outrage.

A leading Feminist has actually said that there should be Mens Lib

now as really Women have a lot more rights than Men in the Workplace.

Yes it is true that they still have yet to earn as much.

Its also true that the new generation of Women are not like the old

sort that used to just wait to be asked out on a Date. Many now do

not care and will go across and ask a Man out or openly flirt with


What we now have is a new generation of rules that frowns on Women

who want to break them and dare I say it stay at home and look after

the kids. Those kind of Women are mocked by others that work. My

fiend Melody constantly gets quips off her Mom and Sister about how

they Work and still bring up the kids. Should she not have the right

to stay at home and nurture her family???? Or should we say that all

Women should work. Lets look at the facts. If Women work then they

have to pay for Child Care if the child is a tot and that costs a lot

of Money. If she is lucky the company will have its own built in

Daycare system for Employees. But if not then that can cause major


Anyway this has gone off on a Tangent. But I firmly believe that

evolution has given Men and Women certain skills, so they are equal

but different and it will always remain so.


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Chemer danced around singing:

>I believe that Men and Women are wired differently and that is not a

>sexist statement but a scientific fact.

One huge problem with everything you just said is that women with autism

can't do about 90% of what you talked about, and by *definition* --

literally -- men with autism do in fact highly value information in the

form of perseverative interests.

So while perhaps your beliefs stand up if you're talking about NTs, they

don't suit the autistic spectrum at all. Which means that, once again, it

is a case of NTs having one wiring and ACs having another entirely.

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Clay wrote:

That's all I got, I'm still tired from dealing with another

outrageously ignorant " super-aspie " on another list.) 8<{)

What is a " super-aspie? "


Re: Multi-rant

> Providing is a function of man. I dont give all this equality

> stuff any weight. I call my next door neighbour a nigger at

> times (to his face) and he's black. He **IS** black, and not

> just his skin. he's from Africa, and thats what he does,

> african stuff in a western world. Men provide, thats what men

> do. We provide space, love, money. We provide ourselves in our

> way, like we are, women provide themselves, in the way they

> are. Both are different. Or at least they should be.


> Gareth


Excuse me for pointing it out, but your butt is showing.

(That's all I got, I'm still tired from dealing with another

outrageously ignorant " super-aspie " on another list.) 8<{)


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Jane Meyerding danced around singing:

> >gareth danced around singing:

> >>People need to live up to what they are, not aim for a homogeonous

> >>goup created by the false view of equality nowadays.


> wrote:

> >What makes you think equality is false?


>...In the recent past

>of this (U.S. and much of " Western " ) society, there

>was a push for greater gender equality. That didn't

>and doesn't mean " gender sameness, " it means making

>sure all people (regardless of gender) have equal

>________ (equal opportunity, equal pay for equal

>work, equal justice under the law, etc.).

I agree with you. I was wondering why Gareth feels equality is a " false

view " as that (along with all of his misogynistic comments) suggests he is

against what people like you and I are in favor of. I can't question his

logic until I know what it actually is.

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>Thank you! My mother supported our family; my father didn’t work.

>All four of my sisters support their families; their husbands

>stay at home with the kids. I support my family (when I can find

>a job!), and my husband stays home with the kids. My brother

>works, cleans the house, cooks, takes care of getting the kids to

>school and his wife shops.


Same here I myself due to Gail and others in the past had to go on

Stress Related Illness. I am only just recovering and luckily Mom

has not had any sign of the Cancer Returning, touch wood.

It appears to me that I find it increasingly harder to go to parties

run by my family and talk to them. I feel I need to mention about

going back to work etc. Yes you are right. My cousin Vikki is

supported by her boyfriend Matt, but nobody cares about that. Yet

everyone looks at me cause supports me.

Like your Brother I do the cooking and cleaning and sadly we have no

kids, becaue of gyno problems with . But we are happy and


In the UK you do have lots of options that I think the USA would do

well to implement. After 6 months on Standard Unemployment you have

to take a Scheme that is designed to get you back into work called

" New Deal " this Scheme will find you work and not only that for the

first 6 months pay you 60 pounds or 120 dollars a week ontop of your

wages to get you back on your feet with rent payments etc. As the

Government realises that people find it hard to come off benefits

with certain debts.

Another thing I firmly believe in is that College should be free to

the masses not just the privaledged few. I do not understand the

Governments in other countries that make people pay amazing fees to

get their kids sent to College. Here Education is Free, but

University you do have to pay for. However there are grants

available and low rates of interest, some as low as 3%

I think its highly important that the Governments realise that

Education is the key to getting people into work and paying Taxes.

After all a little investment by the Government would create a lot of

wealth in just a few years time. People who earn more pay more Tax

that is a fact. I think its common sense therefore for a slight

increase in the working Mans TAX to pay for Students to get Educated

from Poor Families.

In the UK we also have a European Drive for the whole of Europe to be

IT Literate by 2012. So if you want to take any Scheme that is IT

Related it is funded by Europe. The exams are paid for as is the

Tuition. People can laugh in the USA about this, but it has actually

worked. People made redundant from jobs are finding new ones in IT.

We are not talking people who got high marks at School either. Some

did not pass anything at School and had worked in Factories. When

the Factories closed down then they had to find other work and the

only work they could find was to retrain in the use of Computers.

Without Europe and certain Schemes this would of been impossible and

they would of been on the Scrap Heap.

I have never understood the attitude of the Government in the USA. I

am not bashing the USA and I have ancestors and friends who live

there. What I am saying is that people need to eat and they need to

get back on their feet. But thee doesn't seem to be a safety net

that stops them having to go on the streets.

Here you get housing benefit and council tax benefit. That means

that you rent is paid if you are unemployed. It is paid fully by the

Council, but if you are private they will only pay 400 dollars a

month towards you rent.

We do not get food stamps. We do however get money that is deposited

into the bank. My money is not means tested. Therefore whatever

earns or saves doesn't effect my Money. I get 140 dollars a

week and picks up 400 dollars a week.

So I suppose in the end you probably get the same. If your rent is

not paid you do get food stamps etc. Here they also have a scheme

for single mothers. But that has been abused by Teen Mothers who

have seen an easy way to get a nice house and get away from their


But there doesn't appear to be schemes to get people back into

Education and that is not a problem for the short term. But if it

carries on in America then their will be a Brain Drain and that means

that less and less people will be able to fill the vital jobs that

are needed. Such as Forensic Medicine. Networking and IT Related

Jobs. Doctors and Nurses etc.


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Jeanette danced around singing:

>Clay wrote:

>>That's all I got, I'm still tired from dealing with another

>>outrageously ignorant " super-aspie " on another list.) 8<{)


>What is a " super-aspie? "

I'm going to guess -- I think it's a derivative of the term " super-crip "

which is somebody with a disability that feels he is inferior to 'normal'

people and thus dedicates himself to tackling all kinds of obstacles to

feel like people respect him for his amazing deeds. Super-crips (or in

this case super-aspies) also typically show disdain for those that can't or

won't do the same things, and very often speak out against accommodating

the disabled -- in both cases reflecting what they fear average people feel

about them.

DeGraf ~*~ http://www.sonic.net/mustang/moggy

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On the subject of Networking that is very true. I was offered a Job

but had a meltdown about it as it was in another country but was

paying big money. However I only was offered this once in a lifetime

job, because I found I cliqued with a Man whose Son did the hiring

and firing for a big Networking and IT Company. So he got on with me

and put a word in for me with his Son and volla.

I understand all about fitting in. At least we have IT Agencies here

where you can try your hand at different places and try and get you

face to fit.

At one time Computers were a Geeks World. Now more and more NTs are

realising how much money computers can pay so they are training up to

go into those fields. So no longer can the Aspie feel safe and just

get on with Programming or whatever, its all become about Socialising

again and going to the right School and playing golf with the Boss

after work. If you have ever seen Bewitched you will understand.

Larry Tate gets on with Darren cause he does what he wants to do.

Invited him over to his house for a meal etc. His job is also his

life and his career.

I have no doubt in my mind that I am going to need help to go back to

work. I will need help to answer the Telephone or even to Socialise

with groups of people. Its not going to be easy. Even in Factories

you have to be very sociable now. In the old days you had to just

get on with your job and no time for chatting. But now even there

you have to have people skills.

Now on Job Applications they all put MUST HAVE INTERPERSONAL SKILLS,

MUST BE ABLE TO WORK AS PART OF A TEAM. In other words you have to

be not on the spectrum. It discriminates against Aspies, but what

can we do???

If the job description said " MUST NOT BE BLIND " " MUST BE ABLE TO

WALK " Again there would be an outcry as that would be against people

with those disabilities. But when it comes to AS I do not think many

companies understand. Even traditional Aspie ones where all they had

to do was input Data or Network and Progam Computers. Even those now

require ability to work in groups.

Take care,


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Somebody get a shovel!!!

> Hi Gareth,


> I believe that Men and Women are wired differently and that is not


> sexist statement but a scientific fact.


> It is true that despite Men being able to physically deal with

> problems and thats the way they solve them. IE Someone calls them

> something to their face!!! Women on the other hand are far more

> capable of making a person suffer without resorting to punching


> Women are very good at manipulating situations. They are very


> at planning etc. Diplomatically solving situations and that is why

> they are perfect at planning their revenge. You know the saying of

> Hell Hath No Fury etc....


> Women are good at finding out information and Men just do not care

> about that. For instance I saw a survey on TV where they proved


> if you ask a Man how his day was at work he will say OK I went into

> the Office did some paperwork etc. If you ask a Woman she will

> eloborate and tell you who she met and what she did and oh such and

> such had a party or she had to have her cat put to sleep etc. She


> other words in willing to use a lot more words to describe her


> Thats why sometimes Women get frustrated when a Man doesn't open up.


> Now some but not all Aspie Men can act like Women and thus will


> up a lot more. But because of this they leave themselves wide


> I have been guilty in the past of telling people too much and then

> them using it against me. I did not know why they did it, but now


> do. It was because they could. For instance it is not always the

> right time to tell anyone you have AS. Many did not know what AS


> and a lot of people when they hear Autism they think of Rain Man,


> its best to keep quiet if things are going smoothly.


> Anyway back to Women. Women are very good at getting information

> they want out of their partners. They are very good at being

> diplomatic in the Family. For instance if the Father has a row


> the Son, well the Mother can quite easily calm the situation down,


> try to. Women because they are the ones that give birth have a


> tolerance to pain and that is not just pain when it comes to

> physical, but also emotional.


> Also Women are the perfect bullies. When I was bullied in the


> I knew where I stood with the blokes and dealt with them


> But with the Women it was covert and behind the scenes so that

> nobody knew what was going on. Little comments or gestures. Such


> it being somebody's Birthday and them having enough slices for

> everyone in the office, but oh dear I am sorry not enough cake for

> you . Or they would go out for a meal at dinner time and

> exclude me. Or Gail would touch my leg when I was on the phone to


> important client and it would be me who would get into trouble as


> CLient would complain that I was not professional enough.


> In Gails case a short skirt and fluttering eyelashes at the Boss

> meant she got away with murder. She would take long cigarette


> and mess around in the Office whilst everyone else had to work


> She would choose her victim, which happened to be me and then flirt

> with them and make them feel uncomfy. The thing is that goes on a

> lot more than you would think and its to do with Groups or people.

> The larger the office the less likehood of there being a Gail

> Situation. As the Balance of Men and Women in the Office Grows


> so does that attitudes and tolerance of people. When another Man

> started in the Office the Sexual Harassment and comments stopped.

> But by then I had a Nervous Breakdown.


> Now those Women did not have to resort to punching or hitting me.

> They used devious means to hurt me. Making me an outcast from


> group and using me as a source of amusement.


> Today Society has gone the opposite way to the sexist way Women


> portraid in the 70s. Now we have endless adverts making Men out to

> be thick and brainless zombies who do nothing better than drink


> like Al Bundy or Homer Simpson. So many adverts that make Men out


> be the people who do nothing around the home etc. Adverts that if

> they were the other way around would provoke national outrage.


> A leading Feminist has actually said that there should be Mens Lib

> now as really Women have a lot more rights than Men in the


> Yes it is true that they still have yet to earn as much.


> Its also true that the new generation of Women are not like the old

> sort that used to just wait to be asked out on a Date. Many now do

> not care and will go across and ask a Man out or openly flirt with

> them.


> What we now have is a new generation of rules that frowns on Women

> who want to break them and dare I say it stay at home and look


> the kids. Those kind of Women are mocked by others that work. My

> fiend Melody constantly gets quips off her Mom and Sister about how

> they Work and still bring up the kids. Should she not have the


> to stay at home and nurture her family???? Or should we say that


> Women should work. Lets look at the facts. If Women work then


> have to pay for Child Care if the child is a tot and that costs a


> of Money. If she is lucky the company will have its own built in

> Daycare system for Employees. But if not then that can cause major

> problems.


> Anyway this has gone off on a Tangent. But I firmly believe that

> evolution has given Men and Women certain skills, so they are equal

> but different and it will always remain so.


> Steve

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On the subject of building computers for people I usually end up

letting them off after a sob story etc. I am getting stronger but I

once worked on someone's computer for 4 hours and he gave me 20

dollars. Even then I had to prise the money out of his hand as he

did not think it was worth the cash.

Its a mute point here. Many people have smaller shops now that can

fix a computer for 30 pounds or put things in for 30. The difference

is they can offer guarantees on the parts and labour. Thus if

anything goes wrong within 6 months they will fix it or replace free

of charge.

Now nobody knows my skills. I taught myself to build computers and

saved myself lots of money. The old ones I gave to my Parents etc.

But now I can't be bothered. Recently I bought a laptop worth 1500

dollars. I took out a 600 dollar insurance policy new for old

nomatter how long I have it. If the Screen goes they will not

replace it they will just give me a new Laptop. Now we all know that

computer technology is getting cheaper and the specs higher. So if

they replace my Samsung V25 the next one will be V26-29 etc. They

will replace my laptop to the same value. A 1500 pound laptop today

would probably be very high spec tomorrow. Probably with twice the

processing speed and twice the memory. My cover is to do with

anything. If the CD Drive goes through wear and tear or if the thing

blows up for no reason. Providing I am not at fault they will

replace it with a new one. I back up all my Data onto the CD RW so

no problems. Also it has 2 USB Ports and firewire that allow me to

attach virtually any device I like. External Hard Drives and DVD

Writers and Printers.

Not so long ago I used to laugh at people that payed insurance on

their computers. But now it makes sense. I would not have a bulky

desktop for love or money now. is very pleased with the way

the place looks, she said the computers took up half of our house.

So everyone is happy. In fact I would say the laptop is twice the

spec of my custom built PC with the exception of the 160 gig hard

drive that I can buy for 200 dollars external and the DVD Rewriter

that is around 400 dollars external. So really if I buy the external

ones next year I will be back up to spec.


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>gareth danced around singing:

>>People need to live up to what they are, not aim for a homogeonous

>>goup created by the false view of equality nowadays.


>What makes you think equality is false?

Equality usually is a politically expressed cultural

decision that all are entitled to equal __________

(equal opportunity, equal pay for equal work, equal

justice under the law). The reason we need equality

is because we aren't all the same. In the recent past

of this (U.S. and much of " Western " ) society, there

was a push for greater gender equality. That didn't

and doesn't mean " gender sameness, " it means making

sure all people (regardless of gender) have equal

________ (equal opportunity, equal pay for equal

work, equal justice under the law, etc.).

Sameness and differentness exist within gender

boundaries and across gencer boudaries, within

ethnic boundaries and across ethnic boundaries,

within age boundaries and across age boundaries,

and so on for every category imaginable.


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> >

> > Autistism is an incapcitation in the social world,

> > aspergism is a

> > disibility in that world. autism is seperate from

> > the social word.


> --------Oh great, more definitions....where did these

> come from?

That is my interpretation, a 2 line summing up of differences.


> >

> >

> > Providing is a function of man. I dont give all this

> > equality stuff

> > any weight. I call my next door neighbour a nigger

> > at times (to his

> > face) and he's black. He **IS** black, and not just

> > his skin. he's

> > from Africa, and thats what he does, african stuff

> > in a western

> > world. Men provide, thats what men do. We provide

> > space, love, money.

> > We provide ourselves in our way, like we are, women

> > provide

> > themselves, in the way they are. Both are different.

> > Or at least they

> > should be.

> >

> > Gareth

> >

> --------What the fuck? You are really weird and rude

> here....

Your the one who swore. Im wierd because im speaking a view that most

people dont speak, therefore i appear wierd to the majority


> Nanne


> =====


> " Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to

console. " -- Seurat

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> >

> > , your a man. Grab hold of your dick, and wave

> > it around (its

> > probably bigger than you think) its who you are.

> > Stop trying to be

> > both, that will not make you complete as a man. And

> > if your never

> > complete as a man, youll never be complete, as thats

> > what you are

> > (gay or not)

> >

> > Gareth.

> >

> -----------Hey , I think you can keep your penis

> in your pants and still 'be a man'.....

> You contribute to 'the world' for the improvement

> of humans, so that makes you a decent human also....if

> this guy rates his value by his penis and his

> paycheck, then he is in a sadder condition than all of

> us combined.


> Nanne

Its a part of who i am. I air on the side of manliness because thats

who i am. If you think that makes me sad then you have a problem with

the majority of men in this world.



> =====


> " Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to

console. " -- Seurat

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> > Ill leave the rest of your post, because you were

> > expressing an

> > opinion, without having a go at me. This is fine by

> > me. Above,

> > however, you seem to imply that i am so wrong, so as

> > not to

> > neccessitate a response. Well, for one, have you

> > ever though that he

> > might actually like being called a nigger?


> --------I think I'll join your brand of thinking, and

> start calling you an Asshole --- is that okay?

I am not an asshole in my veiw, so its hardly the same.


> well, he

> > does, it is an

> > affermation of who he is. So dont come at me with

> > all this

> > (presumabely, as you thought you knew so much better

> > than me) Black

> > is no different than white shit. It is different. Of

> > course, most

> > blacks that we in the western world meet are

> > westernized blacks, so

> > you wouldnt know. But meet a black who is black in

> > the heart,and

> > there is a lot of difference.


> --------Are you trying to tell us you are in the 'hip'

> club by 'being able' to 'announce' you 'can' call your

> black neighbor a nigger? If so, try to find some more

> interesting hobbies.

Im trying to tell you what i told you. I dont give much thought

wether its hip or not, thats just incidental. I have a problem with

people who are something or do something just because they are

expected to. So does he. Well, he just thinks they are small people.

> >

> .

> >

> > Gareth, Still going to call his next door neighbour

> > a nigger if it

> > comes up in conversation with him (yes, ive talked

> > with him about

> > race, and he's right beside me. He's the son of a

> > diplomat, knows 7

> > languages fluently, and many more adequately)


> --------The problem is a lot of Africans have

> prejudice against American blacks, and if you're

> encouraging him in that, then you aren't being very

> helpful, to anybody, anywhere.

What?!?! LOL!! what are you saying? how does that relate to anything?

were in england for starters.



> Nanne


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> So, your saying that majority rules should apply to everyone, and

> some people are just not the " norm " ?

Femenism is the much more accepted way of thinking now, thus if i

were to proclaim that everyone is the same, then i would be in vogue,

people would nod and agree without thinking about it, mostly. That is

the opposite of what i am saying however, which is that a mans heart

leads him to a different place than a womens. I refuse to allow

steryotyping of us all into similar humans, a homogeonous good as i

like to call it, without challenging it.


> I am not the " norm " being that I am protective and will fight and

> kill if necessary to protect and defend my loved ones, but that's

> actually a " mans job " ?

> I am not the " norm " because I can't be with my children all day

> or I would go completely insane, and their father is much better

> at talking to them and reasoning with them, but that's actually

> the " woman's job " ?


Whether you are the norm or not is irrelevant, i will fight for your

right to be whatever you want. I tend to side with the underdog,

which is why i am fighting for my masculinity in all this, for mens

masculinity to have a right to exist. People tell me much that i am a

strong man because i am in touch with my femenine side. Well, i am.

Im still a man in my heart though, which gave me the chance for

qualities i am very proud of.

> How stupid of me, not being NT!!

Why? theres nothing wrong with who you are now


> Now….where's that lion?

The lion is the rain when i give you my coat, the emty purse when i

pay for your taxi. The lion is the door that is closed, and the man

who barges past you.

If that seems sexist then im sorry for whover dislikes it, the

interplay beetween man and women is a beautifull thing, and should

not be " equalised " out of existance.

Oh, and the lion is in africa, and i would not stand by while a woman

was attacked by one, i meant it quite literally.

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> Wow Clay have I been promoted to Super Status I am so touched I


> cry now LOL.


****sarcasm mode on*****

Maybe we'll get to meet the queen man :-), who knows. The sky's the

limit now, you know........

****Sarcasm mode off****


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> Anyway this has gone off on a Tangent. But I firmly believe that

> evolution has given Men and Women certain skills, so they are equal

> but different and it will always remain so.


> Steve

Quite right, too. Its stating the bleeding obvious, but it needs to

be done a lot more than it is now, as its not the fashionable thing

to say.


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> >What makes you think equality is false?


> Equality usually is a politically expressed cultural

> decision that all are entitled to equal __________

> (equal opportunity, equal pay for equal work, equal

> justice under the law). The reason we need equality

> is because we aren't all the same. In the recent past

> of this (U.S. and much of " Western " ) society, there

> was a push for greater gender equality. That didn't

> and doesn't mean " gender sameness, " it means making

> sure all people (regardless of gender) have equal

> ________ (equal opportunity, equal pay for equal

> work, equal justice under the law, etc.).


> Sameness and differentness exist within gender

> boundaries and across gencer boudaries, within

> ethnic boundaries and across ethnic boundaries,

> within age boundaries and across age boundaries,

> and so on for every category imaginable.


> Jane

Equality is false as it is taken to mean something different to what

the word actually means. As most people have been arguing in the

previous posts, it is now taken to mean in a nutshell " theres no

difference3 beetween men and women "

Thats not what equality is, but what equality now stands for is false.


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