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Re: Multi-rant

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gareth danced around singing:

>Lesbians can refuse to wear lipstick if they want

I'm straight (er, mostly) and I don't wear lipstick, makeup, or any of that


>just as men can

>try to be not powerfull,

" Powerful " is not one of the many terms that comes to mind when I think of

men I've known.

> but its the fathers role (natural ability)

>to save and the mothers role (natural ability) to nurture.

Inaccurate when it comes to mammals, including our species. It has been

shown that male mammals can be just as nurturing as the females, if not

more; females in turn can be (and usually *are*) far more vicious than

males when it comes to defending others. A huge number in both genders,

meanwhile, are totally the opposite of the stereotypes. (In fact, the most

masculine men I've known -- guys totally full of testosterone to the point

they started going bald while still in their 20s -- were more nurturing

than *any* woman I've met.)

Also, just to point out the glaringly obvious, male does not mean " father "

and female does not mean " mother. "

DeGraf ~*~ http://www.sonic.net/mustang/moggy

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it may be necessary,

from time to time, to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.

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> gareth danced around singing:

> > > > Look, your, (my) disability is rated against NT's,

> > > > autistics are rated to themselves.

> > >

> > > I do not understand this sentence. What does it mean?

> >

> >Autistism is an incapcitation in the social world, aspergism is a

> >disibility in that world. autism is seperate from the social word.


> Social ability is just a tiny facet of autism/AS, however. Whether

I can

> socialize effectively in an NT way or not is, relatively speaking,

a moot

> point. I have hyper-sensitive senses so most of the world is


> to me, it is very tiring for me to make sense of speech or to speak


> response, I still have a body that effectively goes into sleep mode


> placed under fluorescent lights.


> I still have developmental traits that in any NT would have gone

away in

> early childhood. For example, I can't fully comprehend that people


> even when they're not physically with me. I have very strong

empathy, but

> it appears to have halted development when I was an infant, so

rather than

> understanding others have feelings, I experience/mirror them myself

> uncontrollably. I instinctively believe (on a literal level) what

I am

> told, however absurd, unless I turn on my logic function and


> *everything* that is said.


> All of that is rooted, as far as I can tell, to the fact that I am

> autistic. The stress of taking this body of mine out into the NT

world is

> enough to totally screw up my immune system so I can't even fight a


> cold on my own. The energy drain also causes my gastro system to


> totally stop digesting food -- causing animal-based foods (meats,


> products) to get stuck while plant-based ones (roughage) rush

> uncontrollably through -- plus the autism neurology itself tends


> incontinence in cases like mine. So I'd say I have a whole lot

more than a

> case of my social skills not matching those of the NT world -- my


> *body* doesn't match their system.

And your autistic, im aspergic. Thses things are different, according

to an informed source, apparently. Also according to the medical

criteria. So youve proved my point- thank you.


> >Providing is a function of man.


> Or a woman, if the man is too disabled by society's prejudice to

> provide. Particularly in today's world, where the primary

requirement for

> a job is a brain, rather than physical strength. Also,


> speaking, the " providing is a function of man " claim is an


> concept that only gained weight in recent centuries (particularly


> 1900s) and is not the natural order of things.

erm- yes it is. That is why, predominantly, women see more colours

than men. Men would go on a " smash and grab " raid into the

oppositions territory, to grab as many apples as possibe, say. Then,

when given to the women, they would sort them out into eatable and

not eatable, based on their texture and looks and so on. The man is

the external presence, bringing to the woman inside. Now todays world

has changed all these things, and family life is taking a severe

beating. You do the maths.


> > I dont give all this equality stuff

> >any weight.


> Why not?

Because its now based on people being the same. Equality is one

thing, but the way it is taken now is to mean that people are the

same. Equality means that people are worth just as much as each

other. But they are decidily not neccessarily, indeed not ever, the



> >Men provide, thats what men do.


> Could you back that up with some actual logic?


> > We provide space, love, money.


> So, on a logical level, why do you assume that females *can't*


> space love or money? (How does one provide space in the first

place? What

> is " space " ?)

Read the apple story. i dont expect you to roll over and accept what

im saying, but its true. Lesbian relationships are characterised by

intensity and ultimate communication. Man woman relationships are

characterised by the women complaining about the man not

communicating. This is called space. women can provide money,

sometimes they do. This is not what the average women is cut out for,

however. Women get broody a lot more than men. Some men want famlies

more than their partner- however, on average, men want " stuff "

(apples, shall we say) women want kids. Its a biological fact. Women

do give enormous amounts of love. In my haste, in the previous post,

perhaps i made it sound like they dont. i was wrong.


> >We provide ourselves in our way, like we are, women provide

> >themselves, in the way they are.


> What does this mean?

Men give space by not communicating all the time. We love women and

we give stuff and time to them. Women try their hardest to give their

emotions through communication to men. there is a defecit in the

middle, a relationship is all about that defecit. (whether the roles

are reversed or not)


> >Both are different. Or at least they

> >should be.


> Why should they be? Most people on the spectrum are very close

to " unisex "

> in their natural behavior/orientation. Most modern *people* are,

in fact

> -- now that the outdated and unnatural beliefs are falling away, a

lot of

> the younger generation is turning out to be quite unisex in a lot

of ways.

Well, they should be for me. I want a woman to be a woman. so i can

be a man. Like the ying and yang symbols.




> DeGraf ~*~ http://www.sonic.net/mustang/moggy

> Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it may be necessary,

> from time to time, to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black


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danced around singing:

>As far as lions go, lions are not a current possibility in the place

>where I live, and physical strength of the sort that men really do

>differ from women in usually, isn't usually the defining factor.

Additionally, now that you point it out, *no* human without a serious

weapon could stand against a pit of hungry lions. Male or female. Not

unless he/she happened to have an amazing innate skill to tame them, at

least. (Who knows, perhaps some people could do that.)

DeGraf ~*~ http://www.sonic.net/mustang/moggy

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> Lesbians can refuse to wear lipstick if they want,

Do you honestly think that self-sufficiency (in the eyes of American

society, anyway) is equivalent to " refusing to wear lipstick " ? If they

didn't work and provide in the way men traditionally are expected to,

they wouldn't be able to survive, since most don't marry a man to

provide for them.

> just as men can try to be not powerfull,

Men are, on average, more physically powerful. I wouldn't go so far as

to say mentally, except that society has been set up in a way that gives

them power to dominate (in the same way that it gives NTs power to


> but its the fathers role (natural ability)

> to save and the mothers role (natural ability) to nurture.

Strange, I know a *lot* of women whose natural abilities tend nothing

toward nurturing and a lot toward saving. (I have known a lot of people

-- male and female -- who have *both* abilities, yet you talk about them

as if they're mutually exclusive.)

I certainly have very little of " nurturing " about me. I had to be

forced under various threats to speak in a feminine manner, and I shed

that as fast as I could when I found out what had been done to me. I

have nothing *against* nurturing; it's just not my strong point, and

where I do it I've learned the steps by rote.

> We can all

> talk about some person we knew who lived to the grand old age of 102

> (or whatever) that smoked 40 ciggarettes a day, yet we all know that

> they kill us sooner on average. And so it is with men and women. One

> list does not make the world, nor does ten.

But there's a lot more than ten people who don't fit gender

stereotypes. Most people I've met don't, and many who do on the surface

have admitted they feel trapped by them.

As far as lions go, lions are not a current possibility in the place

where I live, and physical strength of the sort that men really do

differ from women in usually, isn't usually the defining factor.

However, when it comes to jumping in and pulling me out of situations

(if I even *need* pulling out), and fighting other people for me, it's

always been females who did so.

For instance, when I was in a locked ward and the staff were doing nasty

things to me, it wasn't the big muscular (and very traditional-masculine

in outlook) guy with a crush on me who tried to pull them off me. It

was a smallish teenage girl named Vanesa. And Vanesa and I gave them a

run for their money. The only person to ever manage to break the

windows in the place was a teenage female, too.

Maybe you've mainly seen women who've been conditioned to be

submissive. Which would be a shame.


" I need to urinate. You're in the way. " -, to Muskie

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> >Lesbians can refuse to wear lipstick if they want, just as men can

> >try to be not powerfull, .........


> makeup implies sexual orientation?

> anyway.... FYI gareth, you into the The Masculist Trinity?..... the

> Masculist Manifesto? :

> " Encouragement of the use of Facilitated Communication

(FC) for

> people with autism, four out of five of which are male. FC is


> banned in most places which effectively muzzles men with autism. "

> etc etc (http://www.geocities.com/qim/masculisttrinity.htm )


> or are you coming from somewhere completely different again?


> -jypsy

I checked out that site, never seen it before. Ive always been

interested in tom, now im even more interested. I am no longer

interested in acrrying on a discussion, as i beleive i have found

something more interesting than statung the bleeding obvious.

Oh, apart from what did you mean by coming from somewhere completely

different AGAIN

Gareth, with a nasty feeling i have taken some form of bait from a

steryotypical woman that remembers EVERYTHING, even out of context.

(bear in mind i dont know you Jypsy, it was just a signature line, ok)

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gareth danced around singing:

>with a nasty feeling i have taken some form of bait from a

>steryotypical woman that remembers EVERYTHING, even out of context.

So according to this, all people with a photographic/audiographic memory

would have to be stereotypical females..?

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gareth wrote:

> , your a man. Grab hold of your dick, and wave it around (its

> probably bigger than you think) its who you are. Stop trying to be

> both, that will not make you complete as a man. A

How-lee cow. I'm not sure if you're serious, but I am certainly not

defined by my genitalia, nor even the maleness that correlates with it.

>nd if your never

> complete as a man, youll never be complete, as thats what you are

> (gay or not)

My name's " Doug " , not " man " .


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> Gareth, with a nasty feeling i have taken some form of bait from a

> steryotypical woman that remembers EVERYTHING, even out of context.

Stereotypical autistic, anyway. Tony Attwood, while I don't especially

revere or even like his work, has mentioned this, as have others.


" One who cannot cast away a treasure at need is in fetters. " -J.R.R.


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> gareth danced around singing:

> >with a nasty feeling i have taken some form of bait from a

> >steryotypical woman that remembers EVERYTHING, even out of context.


> So according to this, all people with a photographic/audiographic


> would have to be stereotypical females..?

see- your doing it right now. see, i said what i did, knowing that i

was " crossing over the line " which is why i said steryotypical. I was

making a point. You however, do not know that you are doing anything

out of the ordinary, as the femenist view is the starting point

nowadays. I know what my masculinity is because it has been

sidelined, and become somewhat of a thorn in my side, in so much as

if i wasnt masculine i would have an easier time of it.

But you are now, in your head i assume, and certainly in your post,

expressing (to you) what appears a perfectly rational point, even

though you included my entire post in your reply. You just dont get

how far away from neutral you are. You express, in your eyes,

legitimate suprise that i didnt exclude photographic memories and

such from my (origionally short) reply to jypsy. This may be what you

would do, but not me, as a man. I say what i mean concisely. Yet

seemingly, you do not have the ability to understand what i am saying

as a man, as you are only used to receiving words in such a way as an

average woman would express them.

Now, a lot of the above is supposition, i accept, but it makes for

perfectly logical reasoning in light of our discussion leading to

this point.

BTW, what i could have said was " of course not " , but i am trying to

explain to you that i meant what i said, not what you think i said,

so i had to go into some detail here.

It really was just a somewhat witty comment, only it loses its

flavour somewhat when explained. Perhaps i would have been better

saying a " how many blondes does it take to change a light bulb " joke.

Then again, maybe not, it would have been taken all too seriously, im


Gareth, not even daring to put much of a signature line on this one

(DOH! i just have, run for cover lads!!)

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At 01:06 AM 8/9/2003 +0000, you wrote:

or are you coming from somewhere completely different again?

>Oh, apart from what did you mean by coming from somewhere completely

>different AGAIN


>Gareth, with a nasty feeling i have taken some form of bait from a

>steryotypical woman that remembers EVERYTHING, even out of context.


>(bear in mind i dont know you Jypsy, it was just a signature line, ok)

I *meant* --

or are you coming from somewhere completely different *than that*?

I do believe I just stated I am a bad writer

bad with words

and my memory sucks - it was good until MS got a good hold of it in the mid


no bait

no games

I only thought you might be interested

thought the Sh*t would fly from some other direction.....

ask Tom about me.....



Ooops....Wrong Planet! Syndrome

Autism Spectrum Resources



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> > , your a man. Grab hold of your dick, and wave it around (its

> > probably bigger than you think) its who you are. Stop trying to be

> > both, that will not make you complete as a man. A


> How-lee cow. I'm not sure if you're serious, but I am certainly not

> defined by my genitalia, nor even the maleness that correlates with



> >nd if your never

> > complete as a man, youll never be complete, as thats what you are

> > (gay or not)


> My name's " Doug " , not " man " .


> Doug

Your name is far more arbitary than your biological makeup. People

change their names and images far more than their sexes (and then

sometimes it is because they have the wrong bits for their genes,

through hormones)

People need to live up to what they are, not aim for a homogeonous

goup created by the false view of equality nowadays.


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> I *meant* --

> or are you coming from somewhere completely different *than that*?


> I do believe I just stated I am a bad writer

> bad with words

> and my memory sucks - it was good until MS got a good hold of it in

the mid

> 90's


> no bait

> no games

> I only thought you might be interested

> thought the Sh*t would fly from some other direction.....

> ask Tom about me.....


> -jypsy

I do lump people together sometimes, i feel genuine sadness that you

feel i am flinging S**t at you.



> ________________________________

> Ooops....Wrong Planet! Syndrome

> Autism Spectrum Resources

> www.PlanetAutism.com

> jypsy@i...

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gareth wrote:

> Your name is far more arbitary than your biological makeup. People

> change their names and images far more than their sexes (and then

> sometimes it is because they have the wrong bits for their genes,

> through hormones)


> People need to live up to what they are, not aim for a homogeonous

> goup created by the false view of equality nowadays.

My point is that I have many different traits, and the sum total of them

has the label " Doug " . Not all of them (perhaps not even the majority)

are related to the fact that I happen to be male. When I hear a

statement that " All men are like A " (A = some trait), about a third of

the time I'm not like A, and an additional third I know plenty of women

who are.

Feminism, to me, is about feeling free to be who and what you are,

without feeling constrained or guilty or less valid because what you

feel in your heart and mind doesn't always match the traditional

stereotype of behavior for someone of your gender.

Doug, tomorrow going to a pre-season picnic for his favorite sports

team, a *women's* team. I suppose by watching them play a sport I'm not

being properly dominant. Oh well.

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gareth danced around singing:

>People need to live up to what they are, not aim for a homogeonous

>goup created by the false view of equality nowadays.

What makes you think equality is false?

What about people that are (like me) *naturally* unisex?

How do you explain the drastically different behavior of men and women

across centuries and cultures within the same era, if everything is

hard-wired? In some countries/times, the masculine men kiss one another in

greeting while other times/places frown upon kissing by one or both

genders; in some places/times crying is considered an act of strength while

in others it is considered weak; the same goes for everything all the way

down to which gender carries a doll in childhood. If there were a

biologically fixed gender standard either way, then we would see uniformity

throughout the ages and cultures; however, historically and culturally

speaking, there is a marked *lack* of uniformity. Even now, despite having

a catchall phrase of " Western Civilization " there are obvious differences

not just from one nation to the next, but (as I have learned the hard way)

within regions of the same nation.

It sounds like a classic case of prejudice to me: you can't logically back

up any of your assertions, so you are just making pronouncements out of the

blue that make no sense. Might work for religious institutions, but

doesn't work well if analyzed with any real degree of logic or knowledge.

Have you become so helpless, so unempowered (dare I say " so emasculated " )

that you're totally incapable of even questioning what society has told

you, but must obediently follow pronouncements made in your childhood as if

you are still a little boy?

DeGraf ~~***~~ Moderator - AS-and-Proud-of-it

HFAutistic, born 1977 ~**~ AS Partner Parrish, born 1968


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At 09:49 PM 8/8/2003 -0400, you wrote:

>Feminism, to me, is about feeling free to be who and what you are,

>without feeling constrained or guilty or less valid because what you

>feel in your heart and mind doesn't always match the traditional

>stereotype of behavior for someone of your gender.

Feminism: 1:The theory of the political, economic and social equality of

the sexes. 2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests.


Ooops....Wrong Planet! Syndrome

Autism Spectrum Resources



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> if i wasnt masculine i would have an easier time of it.

That makes two of us, apparently.

Honestly, it would be easier for all involved if you weren't trying to

push *your* view of masculinity onto all men. Do you really think that

pushing non-traditionally-masculine men to be traditionally-masculine

helps any more than pushing in the other direction? I've never been

traditionally-feminine, and that's not exactly been easy either. Men

aren't homogenous. Women aren't homogenous. Deal with it.


" Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. "

-Philip K. Dick

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--- gareth wrote:


> Autistism is an incapcitation in the social world,

> aspergism is a

> disibility in that world. autism is seperate from

> the social word.

--------Oh great, more definitions....where did these

come from?



> Providing is a function of man. I dont give all this

> equality stuff

> any weight. I call my next door neighbour a nigger

> at times (to his

> face) and he's black. He **IS** black, and not just

> his skin. he's

> from Africa, and thats what he does, african stuff

> in a western

> world. Men provide, thats what men do. We provide

> space, love, money.

> We provide ourselves in our way, like we are, women

> provide

> themselves, in the way they are. Both are different.

> Or at least they

> should be.


> Gareth


--------What the fuck? You are really weird and rude




" Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to console. " --


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--- gareth wrote:


> , your a man. Grab hold of your dick, and wave

> it around (its

> probably bigger than you think) its who you are.

> Stop trying to be

> both, that will not make you complete as a man. And

> if your never

> complete as a man, youll never be complete, as thats

> what you are

> (gay or not)


> Gareth.


-----------Hey , I think you can keep your penis

in your pants and still 'be a man'.....

You contribute to 'the world' for the improvement

of humans, so that makes you a decent human also....if

this guy rates his value by his penis and his

paycheck, then he is in a sadder condition than all of

us combined.



" Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to console. " --


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--- gareth wrote:

> Ill leave the rest of your post, because you were

> expressing an

> opinion, without having a go at me. This is fine by

> me. Above,

> however, you seem to imply that i am so wrong, so as

> not to

> neccessitate a response. Well, for one, have you

> ever though that he

> might actually like being called a nigger?

--------I think I'll join your brand of thinking, and

start calling you an Asshole --- is that okay?

well, he

> does, it is an

> affermation of who he is. So dont come at me with

> all this

> (presumabely, as you thought you knew so much better

> than me) Black

> is no different than white shit. It is different. Of

> course, most

> blacks that we in the western world meet are

> westernized blacks, so

> you wouldnt know. But meet a black who is black in

> the heart,and

> there is a lot of difference.

--------Are you trying to tell us you are in the 'hip'

club by 'being able' to 'announce' you 'can' call your

black neighbor a nigger? If so, try to find some more

interesting hobbies.




> Gareth, Still going to call his next door neighbour

> a nigger if it

> comes up in conversation with him (yes, ive talked

> with him about

> race, and he's right beside me. He's the son of a

> diplomat, knows 7

> languages fluently, and many more adequately)

--------The problem is a lot of Africans have

prejudice against American blacks, and if you're

encouraging him in that, then you aren't being very

helpful, to anybody, anywhere.







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That is actually becoming my niche: most people can’t afford $90

to $120 an hour to fix their computers, so they end up buying new


That’s where I come in; I charge people $20 per hour to repair

their old computers and I sell them parts at cost. I’m making a

fortune at it, and so far it is word of mouth, but it brings in

an extra $20 every couple of weeks.


From: Logan

Today, people have become " disposable " . It is just like the

technology that made it so that it is cheaper to buy a new

appliance than repair an old one. There is simply not that much

work that needs to be done today, and having a " job " is something

that has been reserved for the beautiful NT elite.

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Louise Gainor danced around singing:

>That is actually becoming my niche: most people can’t afford $90

>to $120 an hour to fix their computers, so they end up buying new


>That’s where I come in; I charge people $20 per hour to repair

>their old computers and I sell them parts at cost. I’m making a

>fortune at it, and so far it is word of mouth, but it brings in

>an extra $20 every couple of weeks.

I'm envious, where do you live? I don't think I could charge half that

much and get clients these days, there are too many other people here

(Northern Bay Area California) with strong tech skills. :-/

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I have a 25-year work history, with only two breaks in it (one

for 10 months in 1998 and now since March of this year). The

problem is, I can’t do the job I originally set out for myself.

You can’t be just a computer technician/network technician

anymore repairing computers and network cabling and managing the

network server. Now I need to know how to program in C++ and

VBScript, be fluent in Linux and Unix, and know how to write

queries in both MS SQL and Oracle SQL. I also need to be able to

write technical manuals and train users (some are computer savvy;

most are illiterate). Oh, yes – I also have to run the Meridian

telephone system and troubleshoot and repair that!

I am unable to multitask that much. If I am interrupted in my

work, I have a hell of a time trying to regroup and get back to

what I was originally doing.

Sorry, I can’t do it! Right now I’m trying for Voc Rehab, but I

don’t know what kind of job to switch to!

As for the “man” thing…excuse me?!


From: gareth

NT elite my ass. Im aspergic, and ive got a job. Either you can


a job, or you cant. My opinion is, if you are not autistic, you


have a job. Look, your, (my) disability is rated against NT's,

autistics are rated to themselves. I have tried hard, yet have


had to go through so much as another aspergic i read about


who was conscripted. Just do it if you can people. DO it. Im


on your screen, i can afford my electricity, my home, my BT and


bills, my beer and food, my whatever, because i earn it. Do it,

especially if you are a man. Like it or not, our function as a

man is

to provide. Maybe im missing something here, if so, provide


else, and do it good.

Thats who we are. And remember, if we are on social security,

somebody else is paying for us. Providing a living is a


wheather we earn it or are given it- somebody earns it!

Its nothing personal, its the way it works. And it is life.


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Louise Gainor danced around singing:

>You can't be just a computer technician/network technician

>anymore repairing computers and network cabling and managing the

>network server. Now I need to know [cuts list]

From what I've heard from my AS partner trying to find another tech job

over the past couple of months, plus a number of articles I've read since

then on the subject, you also need to have really good social networking

skills these days. Most firms are evidently hiring almost entirely on

word-of-mouth or through professional organizations (basically social clubs

for techs?) so if you're not the sort that is constantly happily in contact

with a lot of other people, you're going to have a hard time. :-(

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> Providing is a function of man. I dont give all this equality

> stuff any weight. I call my next door neighbour a nigger at

> times (to his face) and he's black. He **IS** black, and not

> just his skin. he's from Africa, and thats what he does,

> african stuff in a western world. Men provide, thats what men

> do. We provide space, love, money. We provide ourselves in our

> way, like we are, women provide themselves, in the way they

> are. Both are different. Or at least they should be.


> Gareth


Excuse me for pointing it out, but your butt is showing.

(That's all I got, I'm still tired from dealing with another

outrageously ignorant " super-aspie " on another list.) 8<{)


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Guest guest

So, your saying that majority rules should apply to everyone, and

some people are just not the “norm”?

I am not the “norm” being that I am protective and will fight and

kill if necessary to protect and defend my loved ones, but that’s

actually a “mans job”?

I am not the “norm” because I can’t be with my children all day

or I would go completely insane, and their father is much better

at talking to them and reasoning with them, but that’s actually

the “woman’s job”?

How stupid of me, not being NT!!

Now….where’s that lion?


From: gareth

Other than that, i dont see your point. Women are different than


I have my strengths, despite where i grew up and western society


general trying to squash them deeming them to be inapropriate.


if you fall into a pit of lions , it will be a man (if any

around you are not to emasculated) that jumps down to break their


Lesbians can refuse to wear lipstick if they want, just as men


try to be not powerfull, but its the fathers role (natural


to save and the mothers role (natural ability) to nurture. We can


talk about some person we knew who lived to the grand old age of


(or whatever) that smoked 40 ciggarettes a day, yet we all know


they kill us sooner on average. And so it is with men and women.


list does not make the world, nor does ten.


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