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Re: What sets me off...

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I would agree. I recently read that as much as 40% of US citizens get some kind of goody from the government. It goes a long way though toward explaining the popularity of the Democrats and why even the Republicans are embracing socialism in order to get elected. This is completely unacceptable and will grind the economy to halt one day and maybe even crash it.

Now, some people do need the help, but it is nowhere near 40%, probably the number is well under 10%. The problem started with the New Deal by FDR. He was supposedly motivated by religion to use government to do good deeds and bestow "justice" to the masses. Imbecile. Jesus did preach compassion for the poor but He also preached "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach and man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." What socialism, which is what the New Deal and the later Great Society were, gives people a fish a day and that keeps them dependant for the long run. An honest government would be looking to get people back on their feet and taking care of themselves, at let private charities and churches make up most of the slack, like they used to before the New Deal.

Such a system would allow plenty of resources for those who really need the assistance, wether temporarily or permanently, at a much lower cost and lower taxes. Over 60% of the national budget goes to social programs, far more than goes to the military, which is a productive enterprise and vital function of the government, even if it is being misused currently.

There is a big difference between compassion and using government largess to buy lifetime voters, generations of them even.

In a message dated 5/11/2008 12:57:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, no_reply writes:

I am sorry about that Randy. It's just that I think the majority of the folks receiving these benefits are not in the same circumstances that you are for the same reasons. Life has taught me a lesson. I grew up driving through the poorer neighborhoods to get to Grandma's house near the Gold Coast, and I was told that new welfare programs would solve their problems. Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food.

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No problem.

In a message dated 5/11/2008 1:06:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, no_reply writes:

Sorry about the spelling folks. Not only am I rushed these days, but when there are topics that set me off, I can't spell very well and don't bother to proofread. I just rant. AdministratorWondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food.

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Its the same here. The public housing areas around here are the highest crime locations. Most of that is drug related, either the dealers killing each other or people stealing to get money to buy drugs. That or just plain old gang banging nonsense. I guess that is what happens when people have nothing to do all day. Idle hands being the devil's plaything and all that.

Too often, those who are receiving government assistance are busy working UNDER the table or dealing drugs or illegally obtained property. Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food.

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There was a time when I was in bad financial shape. That lasted for a number of years and is why I play it so conservative now.

As I have said, I own a business, but that doesn't mean I don't have financial problems. As I told a friend of mine once, having more money doesn't mean no more problems, it just means bigger ones and more of them. Right now I'm worried about fuel prices, low and stable timber prices, attempts to raise the property tax, land use restrictions, what changes may come to corporate and personal taxes in the next few years, in addition to the old standard worries of forest fires, bug infestations, storms and especially hurricanes, and let's not forget the ever growing list of ridiculous environmental restrictions. That's not even mentioning the loans and bank worries.

So everyone has a degree of financial difficulties and threats.

Thing is, Randy, MANY people here understand either because the individual himself or herself is under similar constraints or because the individual has previously been under similar constraints or because they truly understand without having experienced the financial dilemma that afflicts you at this point in time.Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food.

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" So anyone talking about " I won't pay taxes to help XYZ person or

program " or other threats to cut back services sets me off. Here in

California I get SEVERAL emails a day from fellow disability

advocates about various cutbacks to programs so that WE won't get

medical care or any assistance anymore as doctors bail out and

programs continue to close from funding cutbacks. The whole economy

is being dumped on the backs of the poor and the rich still live tax

free or nearly (I have an accounting degree and KNOW all the tax

deductions and creative accounting that reduces and eliminates the

taxes for those who can). "

I am sorry about that Randy. It's just that I think the majority of

the folks receiving these benefits are not in the same circumstances

that you are for the same reasons. Life has taught me a lesson. I

grew up driving through the poorer neighborhoods to get to Grandma's

house near the Gold Coast, and I was told that new welfare programs

would solve their problems.

Nearly forty years later, I know that I have been had, because nearly

all the kids in my school who were the most social and lest studious

are now the ones living in subsidized housing with a brood of kids

around them that is unbelievable. Whine whine whine is what they do.

The educational system betrayed them. And goodness knows no one will

accept you if all you for a job if all you have is a GED or high

school diploma and poor grades regardless. The mean old Republicans

in the government are cutting their funding.

For that particular segment of people, who were having a RIOT of a

time impeding my education as they whipped chalkboard erasers around

in class, floated paper airplanes out windows, gabbed excessively,

cheerled, played footbal in intermurals, whipped my ass with wet

towels in gym class, beat the crap out of me after school, smoked

cigarettes between classes, or toked or snorted up, or got preggers

with one or two kids before the age of sixteen through sexual

exploration gone wrong, or who had multiple arrests before they

became a legal adult...I am now supporting these people with my tax

dollars as they whine about what a rich Republican I am and how

unfair it is that they got to goof off all their lives while I tried

to study and work for a living amid their incessant foolery.

Those people can go take a dip in the lake and never leave it as far

as I am concerned.

But folks who find themselves in bad circumstances as the result of

circumstances beyond their control - a parylizing bullet wound during

war service, having a child with a disability, being born with a

disability which prohibits one from working...I am more than willing

to help. Heck Randy, maybe you haven't noticed but that is what the

Midnight In Chicago Project is for: To raise funds and awareness for

autism. To help autistics who may be less than capable of helping

themselves. And like you, I know how hard it is to raise funds. It's

like pulling teeth. We have record albums out there for people to

buy, greeting cards. Most peoiple buy them for the music and for the

artwork. Not to help autistics. Most people don't car.

I do. Raven does. Many people do.

" Leave me alone. "

Okay Randy.


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Sorry about the spelling folks. Not only am I rushed these days, but

when there are topics that set me off, I can't spell very well and

don't bother to proofread. I just rant.


" So anyone talking about " I won't pay taxes to help XYZ person or

program " or other threats to cut back services sets me off. Here in

California I get SEVERAL emails a day from fellow disability

advocates about various cutbacks to programs so that WE won't get

medical care or any assistance anymore as doctors bail out and

programs continue to close from funding cutbacks. The whole economy

is being dumped on the backs of the poor and the rich still live tax

free or nearly (I have an accounting degree and KNOW all the tax

deductions and creative accounting that reduces and eliminates the

taxes for those who can). "

I am sorry about that Randy. It's just that I think the majority of

the folks receiving these benefits are not in the same circumstances

that you are for the same reasons. Life has taught me a lesson. I

grew up driving through the poorer neighborhoods to get to Grandma's

house near the Gold Coast, and I was told that new welfare programs

would solve their problems.

Nearly forty years later, I know that I have been had, because nearly

all the kids in my school who were the most social and lest studious

are now the ones living in subsidized housing with a brood of kids

around them that is unbelievable. Whine whine whine is what they do.

The educational system betrayed them. And goodness knows no one will

accept you if all you for a job if all you have is a GED or high

school diploma and poor grades regardless. The mean old Republicans

in the government are cutting their funding.

For that particular segment of people, who were having a RIOT of a

time impeding my education as they whipped chalkboard erasers around

in class, floated paper airplanes out windows, gabbed excessively,

cheerled, played footbal in intermurals, whipped my ass with wet

towels in gym class, beat the crap out of me after school, smoked

cigarettes between classes, or toked or snorted up, or got preggers

with one or two kids before the age of sixteen through sexual

exploration gone wrong, or who had multiple arrests before they

became a legal adult...I am now supporting these people with my tax

dollars as they whine about what a rich Republican I am and how

unfair it is that they got to goof off all their lives while I tried

to study and work for a living amid their incessant foolery.

Those people can go take a dip in the lake and never leave it as far

as I am concerned.

But folks who find themselves in bad circumstances as the result of

circumstances beyond their control - a parylizing bullet wound during

war service, having a child with a disability, being born with a

disability which prohibits one from working...I am more than willing

to help. Heck Randy, maybe you haven't noticed but that is what the

Midnight In Chicago Project is for: To raise funds and awareness for

autism. To help autistics who may be less than capable of helping

themselves. And like you, I know how hard it is to raise funds. It's

like pulling teeth. We have record albums out there for people to

buy, greeting cards. Most peoiple buy them for the music and for the

artwork. Not to help autistics. Most people don't car.

I do. Raven does. Many people do.

" Leave me alone. "

Okay Randy.


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Randy wrote: " ... <snip> ... I have to let everyone know what these days sets off my anger so easily ... <snip> ... "

Thank you for doing so, Randy.Randy wrote: " ... <snip> ... I am under severe financial stress that I don't know how to describe to others so you folks would understand ... <snip> ... "

Thing is, Randy, MANY people here understand either because the individual himself or herself is under similar constraints or because the individual has previously been under similar constraints or because they truly understand without having experienced the financial dilemma that afflicts you at this point in time.Randy wrote: " ... <snip> ... I have had severe housing problems the last 5 years as well ... <snip> ... "

There are also people on this list who have had severe housing problems for a number of years along with financial challenges. Ergo, there are people who have responded to you and people who have not responded to you who are in situations not dissimilar to your own.Randy wrote: " ... <snip> ... So when ANYONE talks about what I should buy I get really upset ... <snip> ... "

Those who have offered you suggestions to help you resolve some of your difficulties and dilemmas have either gone through similar situations to what you are experiencing or are going through similar situations to what you are experiencing.

Aspies are problem solvers for the most part ergo when someone posts about how dire their circumstances happen to be, Aspies will offer solutions that may work in the individual's situation.

There is a world of difference between making suggestions -- which is what many have done here in this forum -- and telling someone what they should be doing. If the Aspies in this forum were to tell you what you should do, then they would also have to accept responsibility for you as an individual and none of the people who have responded to you in this forum have stated that they are willing to accept responsibility for you.

However, I have read many posts where people have made suggestions that would assist you in accepting responsibility for yourself thereby improving your current, and seemingly ongoing, circumstances.

Randy wrote: " ... <snip> ... ANYTHING talked about those circumstances sets me off as it is a threat andharassment. I was overloaded with all that the last 5 years and can't handle it anymore. Remember the phrase "the straw that broke the camels back"? ... <snip> ... "

I beg to differ with you on your claim that discussing subjects you have introduced into this forum yourself is a threat or harassment, Randy. Harassment implies systematic persecution by means of troubling an individual persistently or incessantly. None of that has happened in this forum.

No one here has threatened you either, Randy. There has been no direct of indirect attempt to endanger or harm you either by way of action or word.

I can believe that you feel overloaded and overwhelmed since you have consistently and repeatedly rejected all the suggestions made to you in good faith by the forum members who have made suggestions. You have diminished the very personal post made by mimi where she indicated to you that she indeed understands what a 'hard life' looks and feels like. She also tried to give you hope by showing you how she set about enriching her life.

I hope mimi doesn't mind me saying this but when mimi joined this group quite a while ago, she was going through some very devastatingly impossible things herself and had difficulty with the immediate circumstances of her life. She balked like crazy at some of the comments I made to her. However, mimi did not cut and run. Instead she allowed herself to be infuriated with many of my posts and then stood back and assessed what I had written.

The result is that mimi found her way through those dark, bleak times because she worked hard at finding more than one way out of those dark, bleak times. In other words, it wasn't anything *I* did that made mimi find those options but rather, it was mimi realizing that if she took back her power, she would be able to get to the other side of those circumstances.

Many of us in this forum have gone through relentless assaults from the world that interfere with our ability to cope on a daily basis and each of us has found ways to identify and implement a number of different strategies until the correct one for the individual was found and used successfully.

The straw that broke the camel's back seems to be the straw you bring to your own difficulties. Perhaps now is the time to collect all that straw and the camel and create something new and positive from all of that.

Randy wrote: " ... <snip> ... I have to leave these lists as I cannot handle anything said on the subjects and the Liposuction email keeps creeping up over and over ... <snip> ... "

Only you know your limits, Randy. I would like to point out however that we are not responsible for the Liposuction emails.

Randy wrote: " ... <snip> ... And I keep writing too much and need to overcome my OCPD (look it up, maybealso ADD/ADHD) ... <snip> ... "

There are other members of this forum who have ADD or ADHD and OCPD. To intimate that we have to look up these disorders in order to understand how much more complicated your life is than anyone else's in this forum is silly at best, in my opinion. Whenever my son has tried this attention-getting tactic I have told him to get over himself.

You're not the only person in the world with Autism and a myriad of other health issues. In fact, my 12-year-old son fits the profile of having a myriad of other health issues -- some related and some unrelated -- as well as Autism.

Now while it's true that ADD and ADHD and OCPD can seriously impact on an individual's life, it won't KILL the individual (albeit some of the behaviours might lead to the individual making poor decisions that might affect his or her life adversely). The most recent disability that my son has been diagnosed with KILLS 1 in 3 who are diagnosed with the disorder.

Would you like to know what my beautiful 12-year-old child is doing about it? He's living with it in the best sense of the word. He's LIVING instead of WAITING TO DIE. He's making plans for the future -- including his ongoing research for the University and/or College best suited to providing courses that fit into his perseverative interests.

Randy wrote: " ... <snip> ... and focus on getting a job somehow and handling finances and where my next meal will come from if any ... <snip> ... "

Here's something interesting to chew on. In Canada, 35% of people living in abject poverty are children living in single parent families (pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me). They haven't got a hope of getting a job in order to solve the problem of where their next meal if any will come.

Of those children living in abject poverty and who are from single parent families, most of those single parents are single parents because their marriages broke up due to one or more disabilities with one or more of the children of the marriage. In fact, where the divorce rate is currently 1 in 2 for marriages where there are no kids or where the kids have no identified diagnosis, the divorce rate for couples who deal where Autism is present in at least one child is a whopping 4 in 5.

Where the single custodial parent is dealing with a child with Special Needs, the ability to be appropriately employed -- either full time or part time -- is almost nil with high turn over in the number of jobs that parent has as he or she is fired for not being 'available' for the job.

YOU have the advantage of being an adult with an education even though you have disabilities. YOU have the advantage of being single with no dependents. YOU have the means by which to change your life if you choose to do so. Find ways to become resourceful and to advocate for youself. Learn how to maximize your skills, talents, abilities and education rather than refuse to LIVE life every day.

Randy wrote: " ... <snip> ... The final few days of the month I eat VERY little and loose weight as a result but also cannot do anything and don't get work done ... <snip> ... "

The final few days of the month you have nothing left to eat because you do not properly budget that month's food allotment that you have given yourself. You have an idea of how much food you can access within every 30 / 31 day period therefore budgetting that food appropriately so it lasts 30 / 31 days is just a matter of effort and self-control on your part.

With effort and self-control you would have food every single day in each month and you would lose weight in a healthy manner as well as have an alert mind with which to get work done.

Honestly, Randy ...

I am a patient and empathetic woman (I have been told many times by many people over the years) and I have to say that when you post in this way, I feel that existing in VICTIMHOOD is easier for you than LIVING life in the here and now.


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Victor wrote: " ... <snip> ... I only read one thread every day or so.

I ignore the rest. I saw someone on this forum use the term hyperfocus.

I think that describes me. If I read a thread, it gets stuck in my head

for hours ... <snip> ... That's why I don't post that often ...

<snip> ... "

Hello again, Victor. :-)

Everyone participates in these forums to the level of their abilities

and desire to participate. And I believe it's good when individuals

know what his or her limits are and sticks to those limits for the most

part. Only under extreme circumstances do I believe a person should

push himself or herself beyond his or her limits.

Take care and I'll keep my eye out for your next post.



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wrote: " ... <snip> .. Over 60% of the national budget goes

to social programs, far more than goes to the military, which is a

productive enterprise and vital function of the government, even if

it is being misused currently ... <snip> ... "

Here's what I know from personal observation (having acquaintances

and colleagues who have been directly and indirectly affected by

those on social programs).

Too often, those who are receiving government assistance are busy

working UNDER the table or dealing drugs or illegally obtained


This isn't done to get a few extra bucks in their pockets so they can

buy junior milk for breakfast or shoes for school. It's because they

have a skewed sense of entitlement that leads them to believe that

not only should they be allowed to keep the money they are making,

but the government and taxpayers OWE them even more money just


What I think would help the U.S. and Canada would be to round up all

the 'able bodied' people whose children do not have special needs and

who are currently receiving assistance and make them WORK for the

money the government gives them.

I have a roommate. I bust my butt every single day to generate

income for myself and my child. My roommate is on a form of social

assistance because of a diagnosed disability that allegedly keeps my

roommate from working. However this same roommate seems able to make

use of many skills, talents, abilities et al around the house for my

roommate's sole benefit that could easily transfer to a job that

would generate revenue for my roommate while taking into

considerationg the disability.

I am constantly trying to motivate my roommate to consider and then

undertake ways in which my roommate can generate income ... all to no




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" ... <snip> ... I have to leave these lists as I


> handle anything said on the subjects and the Liposuction email keeps

> creeping up over and over ... <snip> ... "


> Only you know your limits, Randy. I would like to point out however

> that we are not responsible for the Liposuction emails.


well said:-no one said he was fat he did. (if he wanted to be fat he

should not have said he hated his body) I was responding to his pai

of body image. (i wanted what he wanted not what was for me)


> Would you like to know what my beautiful 12-year-old child is doing

> about it? He's living with it in the best sense of the word. He's

> LIVING instead of WAITING TO DIE. He's making plans for the

future --

> including his ongoing research for the University and/or College


> suited to providing courses that fit into his perseverative


Mimi says--> what a wonderful trait! like mother like son like

boyfriend, sometimes I envy Cub his mother what if we all had parents

that encourage our creative thinking dreaming side

> Of those children living in abject poverty and who are from single

> parent families, most of those single parents are single parents


> their marriages broke up due to one or more disabilities with one or

> more of the children of the marriage. In fact, where the divorce


> is currently 1 in 2 for marriages where there are no kids or where


> kids have no identified diagnosis, the divorce rate for couples who


> where Autism is present in at least one child is a whopping 4 in 5.


> Where the single custodial parent is dealing with a child with


> Needs, the ability to be appropriately employed -- either full time


> part time -- is almost nil with high turn over in the number of jobs

> that parent has as he or she is fired for not being 'available' for


> job.



> Raven

> Co-Administrator


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-- In FAMSecretSociety , "miminm" wrote:

"In other words: if you are down I look preety good helping you and feeling good about me (says the empathetic friend) The aspie friend says ok think about A,B,C,D choose an option that fits and may work and then progress to stage 2 (what!! information one can use rather than wallowing endlessly) unheard of creul, inhuman! Must be something wrong with that person. (thank-fully there was they were aspie and wanted amethod for change!"

So many people quit the Family Forum because I am an Aspie friend to them instead of a sympathetic one.

Let's pretend you are an NT parent. You come across a forum entitled Fellowship of the Aspergian Miracle: Family Forum. A nice enough title. You are not sure what "Aspergian" means. Maybe something to do with...er...Asperger Syndrome??? You read on the front page:

"Your hosts:

Tom (Owner and Administrator) is the researcher and co-writer of the Midnight In Chicago autism spectrum podcasts.

Raven (Administrator) is the founder of Midnight In Chicago, a project that raises funds and awareness for autism. She is the creator and producer of the "Countdown to Midnight" CD."

Because you are an NT, you are too lazy to look up MIC and you also don't know what a podcast is, but you like music, and so you look up "Countdown to Midnight." You find the KC online review and discover that this is a really good album designed to raise funds for autim. So you go to Midnight In Chicago after all and see there is a link to podcasts. At the podcast link you have discovered that - zowie- over a thousand people have downloaded these podcasts. You think to yourself, "Gee whiz!" these two people must really be smaret.

Further net research reveals their podcasts have been linked to by Action for Autism India, Autism New Zealand, Autism Society of Canada, Autism Society of America (and some of their branches), Research Autism UK, irkedmagazine.com, and a few others. Plus Tony Attwood...whoever he is... (Even though you have ben circulating in the autism world online and with your local meet-up parental support group for six years now, Attwood's name never came up.) [ Such is the case with my mother.]

But yet another net search reveals that Attwood is one of the most respected autism researchers in the world. Funny you have never heard of him, but then you see he is Australian, and you realize that OF COURSE you haven't heard of him. Nobody who isn't American is important.

Well, this raises a red flag. If these people have to cite some unknown Australian person as linking to them, then they must be desparate indeed. Action for Autism India cannot be that important either. All those people are filthy and poor over there so who would respect them?

And even though New Zealand is a respectable European country wedged between Switzerland and Ireland, it is still only a small dinky European country. Canada up to the north is a big country though. You understand that landwise, it's bigger than the US be 18 million square miles or something like that, and therefore Canada has more people in it than the US, so you can expect that Autism Society of Canada is a respected organization. Autism Society of America you have heard of too - vaguely.

You don't know what Research Autism is, but you know that it is based in the UK and that "UK" is the abbreviation for "England." It seems funny to have such non-sequitor abbreviations, but then those English people don't call trucks and elevators by their proper terms either. And this gets you thinking. England's empire owns India, Australia, New Zealand, and (you are not sure about this) Canada. And so therefore, if Midnight In Chicago is associated with England, then it is associated with the British Empire and therefore by proxy the British Monarchy. So maybe Midnight In Chicago is respectable after all, even if they are British. Although the British Monarchy has fallen into disrepute lately, what with princess fergie getting killed off in that car crash. But you reflect that America made up with Britain after they tried to take us over in the Civil War of 1865, so there is no reason why you cannot trust Midnight In Chicago - which is a strange name for two Bristish people to name their fundraising charity. (Which leads you to suspect them again.)

Wanting to be a part of this excitement, you join the Family Forum...only to discover that no one is participating, and, scrolling through some of the previous posts, you find the administrators, Tom and Raven, are brutally trashing your personal hero, McCarthy, the world's foremost and premiere resource on autism. Further, you discover that Raven and disbelieve all the proven facts associated with autism, such as that autism are indigo children born from eggs laid by space aliens, and that autism can be caught from others who have it, and that autism can be cured through exorcism.

There is no sympathy here either. Don't these people understand that it is important that a son have his eardrums blasted out so that the rest of the family can watch TV at normal volume? (This actually happened - we had a mom quit because nobody in administration gave her sympathy, although many of the parents did, and quit when we yelled at this woman.)

Seeing that these two people - who have been acclaimed worldwide as autism experts and linked to for that reason - are cold crass individuals with no true knowledge of SCIENCE like McCarthy has put forth, you quit the forum, but not before cussing out the admins and firing off a few pointedly obscene private e-mails to them.

Story of my life.


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> I am constantly trying to motivate my roommate to consider and then

> undertake ways in which my roommate can generate income ... all to no

> avail.


> Raven

> Co-Administrator


I was just having a random thought that research labs should hook up

with aspies with those perseverative interests. that that association

should have the outcome of earning money over time. like a proving

ground that the intrest generates value. Like william and politics,

Tom and environmental law and Raven and Organization, singing media

law. Or any # of children and adults that have a special intrest that

makes them useful. You know like the aspie clearing house, or aspie

head hunters and that further there should be things like communication

is better by phone or e-mail or in a small lab setting. making those

people the most productive and effective (and revenue generating)

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> Seeing that these two people - who have been acclaimed worldwide as

> autism experts and linked to for that reason - are cold crass

> individuals with no true knowledge of SCIENCE like McCarthy


> put forth, you quit the forum, but not before cussing out the

admins and

> firing off a few pointedly obscene private e-mails to them.


> Story of my life.




> Administrator


um as I said why look for a pragmatic solution(read long term

benefit) when you can have sympathy (read boo owie, band-aid jenny


feel good is nice and all but change would be better. It seems like

our pathway is fraught with falling NT's err i mean rocks :)

Hey Tom, Raven, you guys must be really agile and smart hee hee

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Ahhhhhhh this got me thinking - do you find emotion affects cognitive

abilities negatively?

I certainly know that emotions have a negative impact on my cognitive

abilities, my communication seems to be the first thing to go - I

cannot think and feel at the same time generally. If I am very

stressed I lose the ability to communicate and at times can become

almost non verbal. Even the written ability is affected.


> Sorry about the spelling folks. Not only am I rushed these days,


> when there are topics that set me off, I can't spell very well and

> don't bother to proofread. I just rant.



> Administrator

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I experience the same thing to some extent. I can think and feel at

one time, but if I am really stressed I do essentially have a

cognitive shutdown.

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 3:27 AM, greebohere


> Ahhhhhhh this got me thinking - do you find emotion affects cognitive

> abilities negatively?


> I certainly know that emotions have a negative impact on my cognitive

> abilities, my communication seems to be the first thing to go - I

> cannot think and feel at the same time generally. If I am very

> stressed I lose the ability to communicate and at times can become

> almost non verbal. Even the written ability is affected.



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My ability to speak and communicate goes first. However, though

communication is vital, I think it ranks low on the cognitive scale.

Of larger importance is higher and abstract thinking, and I seldom

lose the ability to engage in them unless I am under very severe



Ahhhhhhh this got me thinking - do you find emotion affects cognitive

abilities negatively?

I certainly know that emotions have a negative impact on my cognitive

abilities, my communication seems to be the first thing to go - I

cannot think and feel at the same time generally. If I am very

stressed I lose the ability to communicate and at times can become

almost non verbal. Even the written ability is affected.

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" I experience the same thing to some extent. I can think and feel at

one time, but if I am really stressed I do essentially have a

cognitive shutdown. "

I find it is the little things that shut me down. I am home now and no

one in this house can sit still for more than five minutes at a time

but me. My sister is smashing up a plastic container for the recycle

bin and has been doing so for the last minute. Five minutes ago she

came to get her shoes which she left outside. Mom got up to refill a

glass of booze, and dad came downstairs to leave his glasses behind and

then when upstairs.

No one but me can remember to do things in a precise and efficient

order. People in this house can only do one thing at a time before

thinking of the next thing to do and thus everything takes three times

as long to get done.

And I gt annoyed in the meantime.


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I am quickly approaching critical mass myself these days as the

strains and pressures and stresses of outside factors outside my

control bear down on me like an 18-wheeler jack-knifing on a major

highway at rush hour.

<Raven reads that line and thinks to herself, " Oo, that's a really

accurate description! " >

As I am being torn limb from limb and as people who could have remain

static in their decisions, I feel myself shutting down ... not

unwilling to communicate, but finding it harder and harder to come

out from within myself in order to communicate.

I am quiet and shy by nature. It takes a lot for me to be outspoken,

even with people who have known me for quite some time. will

attest to this quietness and shyness. Because of this, I think it's

harder for others to actually tell the difference between being in my

bubble and being quiet and shy.

But it happens. It's happening now. I rarely post to the forums but

force myself to come here to post because these forums are important

to me as are the people in these forums.

End of transmission.



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> I am quickly approaching critical mass myself these days as the

> strains and pressures and stresses of outside factors outside my

> control bear down on me like an 18-wheeler jack-knifing on a major

> highway at rush hour.


> <Raven reads that line and thinks to herself, " Oo, that's a really

> accurate description! " >

I have typed, backspaced, typed, and backspaced about ten times before

writing. What words to say when my heart is so torn for your situation?

Just know that I am thinking of you and cub daily and care deeply.


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Things like that bother me, too. I get after my mother about folding the paper bags from the grocery because she takes so long about and make a ton of noise. It takes me practically no time because I look at the bag, turn it the way I want it and have an idea of where I need to push and fold it first to do a quick job of it. Yesterday when I was planting the bulb, I dug all the holes first and then went back and planted the bulbs. That saved the steps of putting down the tool then picking it up again at each bulb. It didn't take more than 10 minutes to put in maybe 20 bulbs plus 2 other plants. My mother was surprised at how little time it took, but then I don't like doing yard work and it was hot out, so I wanted it done as quickly as possible.

I can't tell you how many times my mother has left things upstairs and fussed about having to go back and get them. Usually this is the cordless telephone, which I tell her to keep with her since she has trouble getting out of chairs. Still, she doesn't and I sometimes have to go get it when she gets a phone call. Very annoying.

A few years ago, she was trying to move some books from one room to another at school. She was taking like two or three books by hand from room to room. What I did was to take the TV off the AV cart and load the cart with all 30 or so of the books and haul that into the other room, unload it, reload it with the books from that room and take it back. There were two other teachers down there and all of them were surprised at my solution and said they would not have thought of doing that. To me it just made perfect sense. But then if I actually am going to do a job like that, I like to do it as quickly as possible and get it over with so I can do something more interesting.

In a message dated 5/26/2008 9:37:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, no_reply writes:

I find it is the little things that shut me down. I am home now and no one in this house can sit still for more than five minutes at a time but me. My sister is smashing up a plastic container for the recycle bin and has been doing so for the last minute.Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

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Things like that bother me, too. I get after my mother about folding the paper bags from the grocery because she takes so long about and make a ton of noise. It takes me practically no time because I look at the bag, turn it the way I want it and have an idea of where I need to push and fold it first to do a quick job of it. Yesterday when I was planting the bulb, I dug all the holes first and then went back and planted the bulbs. That saved the steps of putting down the tool then picking it up again at each bulb. It didn't take more than 10 minutes to put in maybe 20 bulbs plus 2 other plants. My mother was surprised at how little time it took, but then I don't like doing yard work and it was hot out, so I wanted it done as quickly as possible.

I can't tell you how many times my mother has left things upstairs and fussed about having to go back and get them. Usually this is the cordless telephone, which I tell her to keep with her since she has trouble getting out of chairs. Still, she doesn't and I sometimes have to go get it when she gets a phone call. Very annoying.

A few years ago, she was trying to move some books from one room to another at school. She was taking like two or three books by hand from room to room. What I did was to take the TV off the AV cart and load the cart with all 30 or so of the books and haul that into the other room, unload it, reload it with the books from that room and take it back. There were two other teachers down there and all of them were surprised at my solution and said they would not have thought of doing that. To me it just made perfect sense. But then if I actually am going to do a job like that, I like to do it as quickly as possible and get it over with so I can do something more interesting.

In a message dated 5/26/2008 9:37:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, no_reply writes:

I find it is the little things that shut me down. I am home now and no one in this house can sit still for more than five minutes at a time but me. My sister is smashing up a plastic container for the recycle bin and has been doing so for the last minute.Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

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> Ahhhhhhh this got me thinking - do you find emotion affects cognitive

> abilities negatively?




I cannot speak when I am angry. I can't make the words come out

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That's a good way to put it. That is why my room is rather messy and some organization projects are lagging. I see them as an annoyance and something that is a distraction. Have to do it one of these days though. Besides, I need to get the AC in the window because its been really hot down here lately and it is going to get hotter.

In a message dated 5/28/2008 12:50:02 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, no_reply writes:

I regard menial tasks as "interference" with my routine, so I too devise methods to get things done quickly, thereby making less work for myself while getting more done in a faster amount of time. NTs, I have noticed, do not seem to want to push themselves as hard.Your mother's colleagues remind me of the ones I trained with when studying to become a teacher.Administrator Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

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" What I did was to take the TV off the AV cart and load the cart with

all 30 or so of the books and haul that into the other room, unload

it, reload it with the books from that room and take it back. There

were two other teachers down there and all of them were surprised at

my solution and said they would not have thought of doing that. To me

it just made perfect sense. But then if I actually am going to do a

job like that, I like to do it as quickly as possible and get it over

with so I can do something more interesting. "

I regard menial tasks as " interference " with my routine, so I too

devise methods to get things done quickly, thereby making less work

for myself while getting more done in a faster amount of time. NTs, I

have noticed, do not seem to want to push themselves as hard.

Your mother's colleagues remind me of the ones I trained with when

studying to become a teacher.


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I know the " shut down " mode all too well, Raven, as I've been going

there myself very frequently as of late. My Dad seems to be doing

worse again. (As you may remember he has end-stage Alzheimers...we

thought he was going to die about 1 month before 's major

crisis...then he stabilized and went into crisis. As of late

my dad is less able to eat/swallow and is sleeping much more. I do

think his days are numbered and I wonder how much more I can take in

terms of crises.) Anyway, when you go to that dark place, please

try to remember that we are all here for you....


> I am quickly approaching critical mass myself these days as the

> strains and pressures and stresses of outside factors outside my

> control bear down on me like an 18-wheeler jack-knifing on a major

> highway at rush hour.


> <Raven reads that line and thinks to herself, " Oo, that's a really

> accurate description! " >


> As I am being torn limb from limb and as people who could have


> static in their decisions, I feel myself shutting down ... not

> unwilling to communicate, but finding it harder and harder to come

> out from within myself in order to communicate.


> I am quiet and shy by nature. It takes a lot for me to be


> even with people who have known me for quite some time.


> attest to this quietness and shyness. Because of this, I think


> harder for others to actually tell the difference between being in


> bubble and being quiet and shy.


> But it happens. It's happening now. I rarely post to the forums


> force myself to come here to post because these forums are


> to me as are the people in these forums.


> End of transmission.


> Raven

> Co-Administrator


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