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Re: Help! Sex problem!

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I for one- appreciated that stepped in. I answered the question trying to stay on the topic.When someone doesn't hear "stop you're hurting me" it's abusive.Not only did she keep doing it- she got worse and blamed it on Jesus.I don't care WHAT the topic is.... But stop means stop- respect and dignity should be afforded.What was a very real topic- triggered me deeply- by the time she was done (is she even done?) with her rants and attacking.As a child I was molested. Adults viewed it as sexual not violence- the church we were in (assembly of god- born again) handles the situation because my rapist was a member- so they handles it the Lords way- prayed- sought his wisdom- and since my step uncle was my first- we were instructed to date- me? 7th grader..... Him? Second year in marines-All that religious lines that don't even line up with scripture had me triggered and an emotional mess again- I had to stop responding because - well- I've found that when someone can't hear please stop- they are emotional or spiritual rapists and don't care about your pain.The issue was so NOT about sexual choice- and did not have to become so abusive to others here...Thankyou -Sent from my iPhone

Lora, Funny you say that because a few have emailed me privately for instructions!! Good luck with your son and his approaching puberty. I have a son who will be ten before I know it and already has acne and his head turns when he sees a girl that isn't dressed appropriately! It shall be a challenge! So far he keeps his hands out of his pants (except to adjust his underwear). To: autism-aspergers Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 11:32 PM Subject: RE: Help! Sex problem!

I kept out of this for as long as I could, because and were doing a good job of handling the "problem". But it just kept going and going, and I was very interested in the original topic. It's so sad that a discussion that is very relevant to many of our children has turned into something religious. I have a son who just turned 12 and is rapidly approaching puberty. I'm sure I'll be asking for advice about how to handle certain issues that might arise at some point, and I want to get good sound advice not have it veer off course to religion. This group has provided a lot of useful tips and support, so I generally overlook the messages that I disagree with, or that I find mildly offensive. , I'm glad you kept your sense of humor here, and found a silver lining (figuring out how to block one person). You might need to share those

instructions with others. :) LoraTo: autism-aspergers From: srt12780@...Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 19:30:39 -0700Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

Thanks to you, Carol.....I have finally figured out how to block messages from one particular person. Even when several ask you to stop you keep going....even in this email. Graham has NOTHING to do with Autism. I should just delete your posts/ ignore them, but after reading this CRAP, it unnerves me (how ignorant and insensitive people can be) and at least now you've unnerved me enough that I finally (after months of wanting to) looked up help menus and figured out how to block you so I'm not unnerved by you again. Thank GOD for help menus!!

To: autism-aspergers Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 10:16 PM Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

I won’t share anymore. You are right though this is evangelism. Like Graham and his son have preached for decades. And many other evangelists. They just say it how it is and is offensive to some and quite wonderful to others who are looking for a way out of the burden to sin in their lives. I am direct and really don’t see anything wrong with being direct. People just need to hear it directly I think and no beating about the bush that Jesus said He was the way, the truth, and the life and no man cometh to the father accept through me.

I do hope people think about what is said to them directly from the Gospel and not judge the person who is only delivering the Good News to them! But then Jesus said the world would hate us because He is in us.

I have never been able to understand why people hate Jesus and hate Christians. I think there has to be a whole lot of lying and deceiving going on, and people calling themselves Christians who actually are not truly.

I just hope people will read the Bible and began to seek in their hearts the truth of God through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus really does love us all!

If anybody is getting hate out of what I say and especially those who have known me for a long time on this list something has to be wrong with them, for they have no evidence to back up their claims that I am hateful and mean and judgmental. It is just so wrong.


From: Riley

Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 6:58 PM

To: autism-aspergers

Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

CarolynI am not judging your motives, but the sharing was out of place here. One problem is that we all have religious languages that we have learnt, and find them clear and easy. But others don't. If you will forgive me for being blunt, you seem to speak a 'deep' form of evangelical Christianese, and many of us do not respond well to that, even if we actually agree with what is being said. You may want to ponder (but not discuss on here) the thought that how you say things can often lead to people not hearing what you really want to say. This is not the place to just throw in your own beliefs about religiously contentious issues, no matter what your motives for doing so are. This is not a place for arguing religion, so if you know people will either argue with, or be offended by, your belief, don't say it. I have three younger sisters and two children. I don't buy the argument that the person who brings up a contentious issue is not guilty of causing an argument (just saying what they think), but only the ones who argue with it. Don't post any more on this subject.

I know better than to argue about this on here . But just thought I would take the opportunity to share a view held by millions of Christians throughout the world, and it is not a bad view at all, not judgmental, not condemning, but rather gives a way of hope for salvation and for deliverance from sin. I do not like the way it has been watered down and changed and distorted, and yes I know there are dozens of different views and was stating my own clearly with no ambivalence or debate.

Guess we will all find out one day in the end which view was correct. I know I preach Jesus Christ out of real true love for people and a true desire to help in their lives here on earth, and offer them life for all eternity. There is coming a huge revival in the years to come so the world will hear much much more of Christians preaching the truth, to give everybody a chance to choose.

Think about it anyway, don’t make up your mind too quickly without really giving faith in God and in Christ a chance in your life!

Thanks for letting me share, God has helped me raise my son and he is 47 years old now, and I have joy and peace and strength, like I am sure I could never have attained any other way except through Jesus and His love and compassion for me. And He is the same towards everybody. He doesn’t condemn but He saves, is why He died on the cross, to save us all from sin.


From: Riley

Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 4:02 PM

To: autism-aspergers

Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

CarolynPlease refrain from "Christians believe" reports. There are a number of denominations who not only accept homosexuality, but actually will ordain homosexuals as priests/pastors - and even as bishops - and believe the Bible supports their position. Whatever you believe, you will find millions of Christians who agree with you, and millions of Christians who won't. A little humility about being sure they are right wouldn't hurt either side. All I will say on the issue is that all is not as simple as many believe. Having a degree in theology and social science, I think I am qualified to make that observation. What you believe is up to you, but please think about how you say it before going public. And this is not the place to warn or preach.

It may come as a surprise to some of you that not all of us condone this. As a Christian I do not condone it but go by the Bible. I am sorry it upsets so many people these days, but the Bible does still call it sin and an abomination to God. I don’t hate anybody in fact I think I love them because I am willing to put my neck on the chopping block and warn them. If they do not repent and turn from this sin they will go to Hell. Jesus Christ is the only one who can save a person from this kind of bondage.

So there I have said it, if you want to hate me go ahead. I have warned you out of love. There are millions of Christians in this world who believe the same way, so hate us all if you want to, while you preach against hate.

Kind of confusing.

We love you! Jesus loves you! He died to save you!

Just saying.


From: Jane

Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 10:46 AM

To: autism-aspergers

Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

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I agree. How many times and how many people and on how many occasions does someone need to be asked politely to stop? We should be able to remain in the group without being harassed by her ethnocentric ideals about religion. I was simply just really annoyed by her ignorance but please know we empathize with your personal situation! To: "autism-aspergers " <autism-aspergers > Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:15 PM Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

I for one- appreciated that stepped in. I answered the question trying to stay on the topic.When someone doesn't hear "stop you're hurting me" it's abusive.Not only did she keep doing it- she got worse and blamed it on Jesus.I don't care WHAT the topic is.... But stop means stop- respect and dignity should be afforded.What was a very real topic- triggered me deeply- by the time she was done (is she even done?) with her rants and attacking.As a child I was molested. Adults viewed it as sexual not violence- the church we were in (assembly of god- born again) handles the situation because my rapist was a member- so they handles it the Lords way- prayed- sought his wisdom- and since my step uncle was my first- we were instructed to date- me? 7th grader..... Him? Second year in

marines-All that religious lines that don't even line up with scripture had me triggered and an emotional mess again- I had to stop responding because - well- I've found that when someone can't hear please stop- they are emotional or spiritual rapists and don't care about your pain.The issue was so NOT about sexual choice- and did not have to become so abusive to others here...Thankyou -Sent from my iPhone

Lora, Funny you say that because a few have emailed me privately for instructions!! Good luck with your son and his approaching puberty. I have a son who will be ten before I know it and already has acne and his head turns when he sees a girl that isn't dressed appropriately! It shall be a challenge! So far he keeps his hands out of his pants (except to adjust his underwear). To: autism-aspergers Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 11:32 PM Subject: RE: Help! Sex problem!

I kept out of this for as long as I could, because and were doing a good job of handling the "problem". But it just kept going and going, and I was very interested in the original topic. It's so sad that a discussion that is very relevant to many of our children has turned into something religious. I have a son who just turned 12 and is rapidly approaching puberty. I'm sure I'll be asking for advice about how to handle certain issues that might arise at some point, and I want to get good sound advice not have it veer off course to religion. This group has provided a lot of useful tips and support, so I generally overlook the messages that I disagree with, or that I find mildly offensive. , I'm glad you kept your sense of humor here, and found a silver lining (figuring out how to block one person). You might need to share those

instructions with others. :) LoraTo: autism-aspergers From: srt12780@...Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 19:30:39 -0700Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

Thanks to you, Carol.....I have finally figured out how to block messages from one particular person. Even when several ask you to stop you keep going....even in this email. Graham has NOTHING to do with Autism. I should just delete your posts/ ignore them, but after reading this CRAP, it unnerves me (how ignorant and insensitive people can be) and at least now you've unnerved me enough that I finally (after months of wanting to) looked up help menus and figured out how to block you so I'm not unnerved by you again. Thank GOD for help menus!!

To: autism-aspergers Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 10:16 PM Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

I won’t share anymore. You are right though this is evangelism. Like Graham and his son have preached for decades. And many other evangelists. They just say it how it is and is offensive to some and quite wonderful to others who are looking for a way out of the burden to sin in their lives. I am direct and really don’t see anything wrong with being direct. People just need to hear it directly I think and no beating about the bush that Jesus said He was the way, the truth, and the life and no man cometh to the father accept through me.

I do hope people think about what is said to them directly from the Gospel and not judge the person who is only delivering the Good News to them! But then Jesus said the world would hate us because He is in us.

I have never been able to understand why people hate Jesus and hate Christians. I think there has to be a whole lot of lying and deceiving going on, and people calling themselves Christians who actually are not truly.

I just hope people will read the Bible and began to seek in their hearts the truth of God through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus really does love us all!

If anybody is getting hate out of what I say and especially those who have known me for a long time on this list something has to be wrong with them, for they have no evidence to back up their claims that I am hateful and mean and judgmental. It is just so wrong.


From: Riley

Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 6:58 PM

To: autism-aspergers

Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

CarolynI am not judging your motives, but the sharing was out of place here. One problem is that we all have religious languages that we have learnt, and find them clear and easy. But others don't. If you will forgive me for being blunt, you seem to speak a 'deep' form of evangelical Christianese, and many of us do not respond well to that, even if we actually agree with what is being said. You may want to ponder (but not discuss on here) the thought that how you say things can often lead to people not hearing what you really want to say. This is not the place to just throw in your own beliefs about religiously contentious issues, no matter what your motives for doing so are. This is not a place for arguing religion, so if you know people will either argue with, or be offended by, your belief, don't say it. I have three younger sisters and two children. I don't buy the argument that the person who brings up a contentious issue is not guilty of causing an argument (just saying what they think), but only the ones who argue with it. Don't post any more on this subject.

I know better than to argue about this on here . But just thought I would take the opportunity to share a view held by millions of Christians throughout the world, and it is not a bad view at all, not judgmental, not condemning, but rather gives a way of hope for salvation and for deliverance from sin. I do not like the way it has been watered down and changed and distorted, and yes I know there are dozens of different views and was stating my own clearly with no ambivalence or debate.

Guess we will all find out one day in the end which view was correct. I know I preach Jesus Christ out of real true love for people and a true desire to help in their lives here on earth, and offer them life for all eternity. There is coming a huge revival in the years to come so the world will hear much much more of Christians preaching the truth, to give everybody a chance to choose.

Think about it anyway, don’t make up your mind too quickly without really giving faith in God and in Christ a chance in your life!

Thanks for letting me share, God has helped me raise my son and he is 47 years old now, and I have joy and peace and strength, like I am sure I could never have attained any other way except through Jesus and His love and compassion for me. And He is the same towards everybody. He doesn’t condemn but He saves, is why He died on the cross, to save us all from sin.


From: Riley

Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 4:02 PM

To: autism-aspergers

Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

CarolynPlease refrain from "Christians believe" reports. There are a number of denominations who not only accept homosexuality, but actually will ordain homosexuals as priests/pastors - and even as bishops - and believe the Bible supports their position. Whatever you believe, you will find millions of Christians who agree with you, and millions of Christians who won't. A little humility about being sure they are right wouldn't hurt either side. All I will say on the issue is that all is not as simple as many believe. Having a degree in theology and social science, I think I am qualified to make that observation. What you believe is up to you, but please think about how you say it before going public. And this is not the place to warn or preach.

It may come as a surprise to some of you that not all of us condone this. As a Christian I do not condone it but go by the Bible. I am sorry it upsets so many people these days, but the Bible does still call it sin and an abomination to God. I don’t hate anybody in fact I think I love them because I am willing to put my neck on the chopping block and warn them. If they do not repent and turn from this sin they will go to Hell. Jesus Christ is the only one who can save a person from this kind of bondage.

So there I have said it, if you want to hate me go ahead. I have warned you out of love. There are millions of Christians in this world who believe the same way, so hate us all if you want to, while you preach against hate.

Kind of confusing.

We love you! Jesus loves you! He died to save you!

Just saying.


From: Jane

Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 10:46 AM

To: autism-aspergers

Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

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I think we should move on from this issue.  I believe everyone had

good intentions, no matter how it may have come across on the

screen.  We all respond from where we are, and sometimes we are in

different places where actually hearing each other and responding

positively is close to impossible.  In those cases, it is better

that the discussion not continue.  This is one of those, so if

anyone feels compelled to reply to anyone, please do it off-line.



I for one- appreciated that stepped in. 

I answered the question trying to stay on the topic.

When someone doesn't hear "stop you're hurting me" it's


Not only did she keep doing it- she got worse and

blamed it on Jesus.

I don't care WHAT the topic is.... But stop means stop-

respect and dignity should be afforded.

What was a very real topic- triggered me deeply- by the

time she was done (is she even done?) with her rants and


As a child I was molested. Adults viewed it as sexual

not violence- the church we were in (assembly of god- born

again) handles the situation because my rapist was a

member- so they handles it the Lords way- prayed- sought

his wisdom- and since my step uncle was my first- we were

instructed to date- me? 7th grader..... Him? Second year

in marines-

All that religious lines that don't even line up with

scripture had me triggered and an emotional mess again- 

I had to stop responding because - well- I've found

that when someone can't hear please stop- they are

emotional or spiritual rapists and don't care about your


The issue was so NOT about sexual choice- and did not

have to become so abusive to others here...

Thankyou -

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Please please please remove me from this list.Thank you. To: autism-aspergers Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 7:11 PM Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

I think we should move on from this issue. I believe everyone had

good intentions, no matter how it may have come across on the

screen. We all respond from where we are, and sometimes we are in

different places where actually hearing each other and responding

positively is close to impossible. In those cases, it is better

that the discussion not continue. This is one of those, so if

anyone feels compelled to reply to anyone, please do it off-line.


I for one- appreciated that stepped in.

I answered the question trying to stay on the topic.

When someone doesn't hear "stop you're hurting me" it's


Not only did she keep doing it- she got worse and

blamed it on Jesus.

I don't care WHAT the topic is.... But stop means stop-

respect and dignity should be afforded.

What was a very real topic- triggered me deeply- by the

time she was done (is she even done?) with her rants and


As a child I was molested. Adults viewed it as sexual

not violence- the church we were in (assembly of god- born

again) handles the situation because my rapist was a

member- so they handles it the Lords way- prayed- sought

his wisdom- and since my step uncle was my first- we were

instructed to date- me? 7th grader..... Him? Second year

in marines-

All that religious lines that don't even line up with

scripture had me triggered and an emotional mess again-

I had to stop responding because - well- I've found

that when someone can't hear please stop- they are

emotional or spiritual rapists and don't care about your


The issue was so NOT about sexual choice- and did not

have to become so abusive to others here...

Thankyou -

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Me too.Sent from my iPhone

Please please please remove me from this list.Thank you. To: autism-aspergers Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 7:11 PM Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

I think we should move on from this issue. I believe everyone had

good intentions, no matter how it may have come across on the

screen. We all respond from where we are, and sometimes we are in

different places where actually hearing each other and responding

positively is close to impossible. In those cases, it is better

that the discussion not continue. This is one of those, so if

anyone feels compelled to reply to anyone, please do it off-line.


I for one- appreciated that stepped in.

I answered the question trying to stay on the topic.

When someone doesn't hear "stop you're hurting me" it's


Not only did she keep doing it- she got worse and

blamed it on Jesus.

I don't care WHAT the topic is.... But stop means stop-

respect and dignity should be afforded.

What was a very real topic- triggered me deeply- by the

time she was done (is she even done?) with her rants and


As a child I was molested. Adults viewed it as sexual

not violence- the church we were in (assembly of god- born

again) handles the situation because my rapist was a

member- so they handles it the Lords way- prayed- sought

his wisdom- and since my step uncle was my first- we were

instructed to date- me? 7th grader..... Him? Second year

in marines-

All that religious lines that don't even line up with

scripture had me triggered and an emotional mess again-

I had to stop responding because - well- I've found

that when someone can't hear please stop- they are

emotional or spiritual rapists and don't care about your


The issue was so NOT about sexual choice- and did not

have to become so abusive to others here...

Thankyou -

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I hope neither of you leave over this. But if you want to do so, scroll to the bottom of the message and click " unsubscribe. " tt


Me too.Sent from my iPhone


Please please please remove me from this list.Thank you.

To: autism-aspergers

Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 7:11 PM Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!


I think we should move on from this issue.  I believe everyone had

good intentions, no matter how it may have come across on the

screen.  We all respond from where we are, and sometimes we are in

different places where actually hearing each other and responding

positively is close to impossible.  In those cases, it is better

that the discussion not continue.  This is one of those, so if

anyone feels compelled to reply to anyone, please do it off-line.



I for one- appreciated that stepped in. 

I answered the question trying to stay on the topic.

When someone doesn't hear " stop you're hurting me " it's


Not only did she keep doing it- she got worse and

blamed it on Jesus.

I don't care WHAT the topic is.... But stop means stop-

respect and dignity should be afforded.

What was a very real topic- triggered me deeply- by the

time she was done (is she even done?) with her rants and


As a child I was molested. Adults viewed it as sexual

not violence- the church we were in (assembly of god- born

again) handles the situation because my rapist was a

member- so they handles it the Lords way- prayed- sought

his wisdom- and since my step uncle was my first- we were

instructed to date- me? 7th grader..... Him? Second year

in marines-

All that religious lines that don't even line up with

scripture had me triggered and an emotional mess again- 

I had to stop responding because - well- I've found

that when someone can't hear please stop- they are

emotional or spiritual rapists and don't care about your


The issue was so NOT about sexual choice- and did not

have to become so abusive to others here...

Thankyou -

-- Terri D. Eagen-TorkkoFull-time feminist event planner, freelance editor, 24/7 bonus mom

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I tried after all this started and it doesn't seem to have worked. I will try again. I hate to be a quitter, but I really dont need this acrimony. Take care, all.

I hope neither of you leave over this. But if you want to do so, scroll to the bottom of the message and click "unsubscribe."tt

Me too.Sent from my iPhone

Please please please remove me from this list.Thank you.

To: autism-aspergers

Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 7:11 PM Subject: Re: Help! Sex problem!

I think we should move on from this issue. I believe everyone had

good intentions, no matter how it may have come across on the

screen. We all respond from where we are, and sometimes we are in

different places where actually hearing each other and responding

positively is close to impossible. In those cases, it is better

that the discussion not continue. This is one of those, so if

anyone feels compelled to reply to anyone, please do it off-line.


I for one- appreciated that stepped in.

I answered the question trying to stay on the topic.

When someone doesn't hear "stop you're hurting me" it's


Not only did she keep doing it- she got worse and

blamed it on Jesus.

I don't care WHAT the topic is.... But stop means stop-

respect and dignity should be afforded.

What was a very real topic- triggered me deeply- by the

time she was done (is she even done?) with her rants and


As a child I was molested. Adults viewed it as sexual

not violence- the church we were in (assembly of god- born

again) handles the situation because my rapist was a

member- so they handles it the Lords way- prayed- sought

his wisdom- and since my step uncle was my first- we were

instructed to date- me? 7th grader..... Him? Second year

in marines-

All that religious lines that don't even line up with

scripture had me triggered and an emotional mess again-

I had to stop responding because - well- I've found

that when someone can't hear please stop- they are

emotional or spiritual rapists and don't care about your


The issue was so NOT about sexual choice- and did not

have to become so abusive to others here...

Thankyou -

-- Terri D. Eagen-TorkkoFull-time feminist event planner, freelance editor, 24/7 bonus mom

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It usually passes fairly quickly.  Putting people on moderation

usually ensures that.  But I don't sit here watching what is

happening 24/7, so sometimes it takes a little while.

If anyone has contact with the group owner, a couple of more

moderators would be a good idea.  I am sleeping while most members

are active, so having someone who can respond immediately would be



I tried after all this started and it doesn't seem to

have worked. I will try again. 

I hate to be a quitter, but I really dont need this


Take care, all. 

On May 8, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Terri Eagen-Torkko



I hope neither of you leave over this. But if you

want to do so, scroll to the bottom of the message

and click "unsubscribe."


On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 8:05

PM, Jane



Me too.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 8, 2012, at 7:33 PM, Joy



Please please please

remove me from this list.

Thank you.




Tuesday, May 8, 2012

7:11 PM



Help! Sex problem!


I think we

should move on from

this issue.  I

believe everyone had

good intentions, no

matter how it may

have come across on

the screen.  We all

respond from where

we are, and

sometimes we are in

different places

where actually

hearing each other

and responding

positively is close

to impossible.  In

those cases, it is

better that the

discussion not

continue.  This is

one of those, so if

anyone feels

compelled to reply

to anyone, please do

it off-line.


On 9/05/2012 2:15

AM, Jane wrote:


I for one-

appreciated that



I answered

the question

trying to stay

on the topic.

When someone

doesn't hear

"stop you're

hurting me" it's


Not only did

she keep doing

it- she got

worse and blamed

it on Jesus.

I don't care

WHAT the topic

is.... But stop

means stop-

respect and

dignity should

be afforded.

What was a

very real topic-

triggered me

deeply- by the

time she was

done (is she

even done?) with

her rants and


As a child I

was molested.

Adults viewed it

as sexual not

violence- the

church we were

in (assembly of

god- born again)

handles the


because my

rapist was a

member- so they

handles it the

Lords way-

prayed- sought

his wisdom- and

since my step

uncle was my

first- we were

instructed to

date- me? 7th

grader..... Him?

Second year in


All that

religious lines

that don't even

line up with

scripture had me

triggered and an

emotional mess


I had to stop


because - well-

I've found that

when someone

can't hear

please stop-

they are

emotional or


rapists and

don't care about

your pain.

The issue was

so NOT about

sexual choice-

and did not have

to become so

abusive to

others here...




Terri D. Eagen-Torkko

Full-time feminist event planner, freelance editor,

24/7 bonus mom

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Both of my Austic sons do this.  One is 7 and one is 18 now.  I asked them why and they said because sometimes it feels weird down there and they are just compelled to do it to stop the weird feeling. Since Autism is very Neurological in nature, that area has MANY nerve endings that " tingle " or give off an odd feeling that makes the brain think it needs attention, so the person gives the necessary stimulation to relieve the sensation.  I am no expert but I deal with being on the inside of what goes one neurologically, the tingling sensations throughout the body that always seem to be in overdrive, especially at the most inopportune time.

Ashton (Aspie mom with 2 Autistic sons)


Hello everybody.


I need your help and input here! My daughter just took her son to school this morning and then she called me quite upset because the counselor there reported to my daughter that my grandson has been playing a lot with his private parts at school. Well he does it here too and we tell him to stop it. He enjoys fondling himself and wears sweat pants all the time because he hates jeans and belts so can easily get his hands in his pants. I think he is doing it as a self stimulation and it has nothing to do with anything sexual really. He is 7 years old and in 2nd grade. Also he likes to do things to get a rise out of adults, such as he will say bad cuss words but when I tell him to stop he stops.


Well evidentially they have been talking to him at school quite a bit and have been coaching him on what they think might be happening with leading questions about his older brother who is 11. And evidentially my grandson said that his older brother calls him a girl. Well they tease and fight all the time and say all sorts of things to each other. Don’t all brothers do that I wonder!


It took me awhile to “get it” as my daughter was talking today, and it finally came to me that that stupid school thinks that my older grandson is performing some sort of sexual act upon his younger brother and that is why he is calling him a girl!!


Aaaaa! There are many lesbians there at school and not that this is a bad thing, but we are NOT of that orientation and so it took us awhile to get what they were getting at!


The school counselor today said she is going to have to report it to the department of child services. And my daughter does not know what to do because her child has autism and says and does all sorts of inappropriate things!


Can any of you relate to this and tell us what you did? Please?


Maybe some examples written out from you guys I can print out and she can take them to the school counselor there to see examples of how this was handled in other. She has a masters degree in special ed with a specialty in autism she says.


Thank you,

Carolyn a very concerned grandma right now in Oregon

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