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For those of you who are taking MSM, or have taken it in the past, can you

please tell me how many mg. a day you are/were taking? Sure would appreciate

it. Thanks!

Ann (TX)

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi, Yes you can take MSM with the antobiotics, since

MSM is a natural sulfer product that reduces

inflammation and pain. It is best to take it with

some food, and you can use from 1,00 to 4,00 mg per

day, depending on your need. We have found it to be

VERY helpful with JRA. Best wishes, D.

--- bondan <bondan@...> wrote:

> Hi all

> I've just purchased a bottle of msm. I,m not to sure

> about trying this, and I have a few questions. 1-

> Can you take this with AP? 2- at what dosage? 3-Do

> you take it with or without food? 4- Can it be taken

> the same time as taking the other meds.?

> Bonnie



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Hi Gloria,

Do you use a special kind? I used one from a health store and I don't think

it was an effective brand.



> Hi,

> Is MSM related to sulfa drugs such as azulfidine (sulfasalazine)? This

> drug really helped my arthritis for awhile after plaquinil began to lose

> its power over my arthritis.

> Thaks,

> Gloria

> _________________

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You may want to talk to the rheumy about your MTX dose. I worked up through

various amounts, starting at 5 MG then 7.5, 10, 15 and finally 20MG a week.

It took about 6-9 months to get to 20MG. It worked for me. My rheumy and I

added Celebrex about 8 months ago and that has done wonders for the tummy and

makes the morning wakeup and get out of bed routine much easier. I still

have pain, but not the blinding can't move type of pain that I had for years.

Fatigue is still a problem, but if I pace myself at least I can do a few

things. I have had PA since 1976, and I think I have had every med know to

man and beast. We all are different, but you may want to give MTX a longer

trial since you have not had any luck with other meds.

Bob in VA

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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 10/10/00 4:50:26 PM, ann.williams@... wrote:

<<I've got some olive leaf extract as well....brace

yourselves for a fortnight of whining as I hit die-off AGAIN!!!>>

****I've heard this about olive leaf extract. I'd try to look at the bright

side of that...... it MUST be strong, or it wouldn't be making you " herx " .

Personally, I'd like to meet up with something that is stronger than my

yeast!! So far, I think I am just arm-wrestling with them.... not KILLING

them. So I think I might look at the olive leaf extract. Going to see the

site you mentioned.


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On 18 Oct 00, at 3:28, AnagramAce@... wrote:

> Hey-- I'm real curious about MSM. I have the dust mite allergy too, so

> would you please keep us posted on your symptoms or lack thereof?

Hi Theresa. Sniffly again this morning, I'm afraid! I guess I can't

expect it to vanish all at once, though, and the itchy eyes, which

were always the worst symptom of my allergy, are dramatically

better still. Now if only it would do something about the candida

space-dust which is still floating around in my brain I'd be a happy,

happy bunny!

Ann :)


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Newbie, Jan, here, also tested very allergic to dust mites, also wake

up every morning to congestion and uncontrolable runny nose. Putting

my pillows throught the dryer before bed helps some, the heat kills

off dust mites. I have been on MSM at the suggestion of a naturopath

for about a week now, 6,000 mg per day, no noticable improvement yet.

I will be receiving immunotherapy from the ear, nose, throat allergy

docs, they promise relief, I hope, I pray!



> > Hey-- I'm real curious about MSM. I have the dust mite allergy

too, so

> > would you please keep us posted on your symptoms or lack thereof?


> Hi Theresa. Sniffly again this morning, I'm afraid! I guess I can't

> expect it to vanish all at once, though, and the itchy eyes, which

> were always the worst symptom of my allergy, are dramatically

> better still. Now if only it would do something about the candida

> space-dust which is still floating around in my brain I'd be a


> happy bunny!


> Ann :)




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Sorry, I'm a bit slow!! This MSM stuff sounds interesting, especially as

it's one of the few things we CAN get here in the UK!!!! Can someone please

give me a simple description of what it is, what it does and so forth?

Sorry to be a pain....

Love, beth


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  • 2 weeks later...

valerie i have been takinfg msm for several months now and i feel it has

helped me a lot . the powder appears to work faster and better than the pills

i take 1 tablespoon in am in 1 cup water and i tablespoon in evening in i cup

of water. you can start by taking 1/2 teaspoon in 1 cup of water in am and in

the pm /

.. i am also on methotrexate,celebrex and enbrel as i have severe arthritis my

skin is almost completely clear and i had p from head to toe [no more] i have

no side effects from since i have been taking the msm . i pesonally think its

worth a try . i get it from the vitamin shoppe [natural balance brand] it is

about 20. dollars for 8 ounces of powder. i have no side effects from

methotrexate while taking this msm . i can only say it worked for me i

noticed the effect in 2 weeks. i also take epo 1200 mg a day this is also a

big help i am doing better than i have in 12 years . it may work for you it

is a sulfer supplement and is worth a try. cathy from mass

[p. s. it has a bitter taste.]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't noticed any particular effect from taking MSM, except that my

allergies & asthma are much better and I went off my meds within 3 days. I take

5000 mg a day in 1000 mg pills throughout the day. Others may have a different



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On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 15:14:30 peter.j.lake wrote:

>I've been taking MSM for over 2 weeks now and it still doesn't seem to

>have had any effect yet. I'm wondering if I should keep taking it

>after I've finished this batch. What are other people's

>experiences with MSM: DOES it take a while to start working? (I am

>taking a reasonably high dose).








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It didn't do much for my candida, I have to admit, but MSM did

wonders for my allergies within a week. I think it depends where

your candida is - the Ph. changes will make it harder for candida to

live outside the digestive tract, but if your candida isn't systemic it

might not help much. Persevere with it - some people say it can

take 2 months or so to have a noticeable effect, and even if it

doesn't get rid of the candida it does all sorts of other good things,

improving the health of your skin, hair etc.



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Good point Ann, I almost forgot but my nails are much longer & stronger after

being on MSM for awhile. They had been splitting and peeling and breaking. Now

I have to file them down when they get TOO long. :)


it does all sorts of other good things,

>improving the health of your skin, hair etc.




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On 13 Nov 00, at 13:51, M C Cracraft wrote:

> Good point Ann, I almost forgot but my nails are much longer & stronger

> after being on MSM for awhile. T

Mine too - drives me nuts! I have to file them every 5 or 6 day snow,

and my hair's growing like mad as well!

Got a rotten cold today, which I think is a good thing. Usually,

when people around me have colds, I feel rotten for anything up to

3 weeks without any of the usual cold symptoms, as the virus jsut

lurks and my system sits back and lets it be. This time, my

immune system is actually fighting it - been feeling icky since

Thursday, so in a prverse sort of way, I was delighted to wake up

this morning with a runny nose and a sore throat!! :@)



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  • 2 months later...

I started taking Colustrum first and experienced Die Off symptoms

right away!!!! Then a week later I began taking MSM and I have to

tell you that I started getting a mild burning sensation where I used to

get pain in my joints, ear, behind eyes. I think I have fybromyalgia but

of course that is not diagnosed either. But all my muscle pain went away

in 2 weeks time. I was having awful time sleeping. I believe I may have

additional bacteria in my system as well as parasites, but I feel so much

better in 3 months than I have been in 3 year. MSM helped me to have

bowel movements also. Found white stuff stuck to it. :) It's working.

I came across this product called Homozon. Have taken it for 3 days.

Incredible energy it has given me and actually gives me a full bowel movement.

Not a little bitty one. This has to be added to the program, it sends oxygen

to your entire system. You feel it when you get your bowel movements.

I take 1 dose in the morning, if taken in the evening I may not sleep. I feel

like excersizeing and it feels good. Before my muscles would just fatigue and

I would get so out of breath it is useless!!!! It must be taken with distilled

water and real lemon juice. The acid the the lemon triggers the oxgen process.


Re: [candidiasis) 5-htp

Hi there

I was doing research about 5-htp a few months ago. I have been taking

it once in a while and it pretty good. I also take it with kava kava.

Here is little into link about it.


I also read an article about MSM -Methylsulfonylmethane and they say

that is helpful for candida. Is anybody using it?

As well I have been reading your posts about obsession with the

'perfect diet'. I had a problem with food before being diagnosed with

candida (too much binging on crap food) and sometimes the unrealistic

goals I place on myself to only eat what is on my 'clean diet' can

drive me crazy. I beat myself up if I had some fruit, and once you

have one thing, then why not a cookie.

what a battle. thanks for all the great info everyone


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Hi there

Here is a bit of info about MSM and it mentions molybdenum as well.



> Hi Trish,


> tells me you are getting headaches. It could be the MSM. MSM has

> the effect of rehydrating cells, but you need to drink plenty of water.

> At least 1 Litre on top of any tea, coffee or carbonated drinks.


> If you are drinking plenty of water then research as reported in Dr

> 's newsletter suggests that you may be deficient in molybdenum,

> this might be the case if you also react to many wines. 200 - 300

> micrograms daily is recommended. Up to 1000 mcg, twice daily may be

> needed by some.


> I have attached a message sent to the silver list by Bradley

> which talks about MSM and water use.


> BTW, I got headaches for a day or so after starting MSM. Let me know how

> you get on.


> On another matter, I have only received payment for 1 bottle of MSM thus

> far, which I am sure is just an oversight, but I would appreciate a

> cheque for the 2nd bottle at your earliest convenience.


> Kind Regards

> Ivan.



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Dear Marsha,

Without excessive " flogging of this horse " I will add a

comment about a useful adjunct to the use of MSM.. We have found that MSM

exhibits a profoundly positive effect on many " soft-tissue " insults (e.g.

bursitis) occuring in the immediate vicinity of articulating joints. In

some cases...involving older volunteers (65 and up), we discovered that 15

to 20 grams of MSM, administered over three equally-spaced intervals, during

the daylight hours, resulted in---sometimes REMARKABLE---improvement in pain

relief and joint mobility. Interestingly, this occurred in some instances

which were non-responsive to Gluscosamine and Chondroitin protocols. In ALL

cases copious water was ingested. There are differences of opinion---among

our staff---as to the exact physiological mechanism responsible.....probably

more than one

There is small doubt that MSM plays a critical role in the

body's water management reactions.....expecially when addressing cases of

" systemic drought " .

Furthermore, we have determined that the most insidious circumstance

encountered relating to general well-being (especially of adults) is the

condition of " sub-clinical " dehydration. This is a condition which

expresses without any clearly recognizeable symptoms becoming evident.

Unfortunately, the body compensates by an automatic instigation of its own

version of " drought management " . By the time " headaches " manifest as a

clinical condition, dehydration has progressed to serious proportions.

Our cross-sectional social/age population evaluations (conducted

in 1997) revealed " sub-clinical " dehydration to exist in 85% of ALL

populations-----(95%) in the over 65 bracket.

One interesting circumstance encountered was that----after the

conclusion of our several " hydration " protocol experiments, we administered

therapeutic quantities of water (approximately .75 ounces per lb. of body

mass) to 25 of the " control " subjects.....who had continued their previous

life-style, without interruption. Fifeteen of these individuals favorably

reconciled a rather diverse range of chronic afflictions (ranging from both

osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, to sciatica, migrane headaches, persistant

allergies, urinary complications and chronic backaches)----NO OTHER protocol

additions wer made. The striking characteristic (to us) was that these type

conditions are the LEAST likely to exhibit placebo-like resolution.

Our researches indicate that the single most powerful

influence on the general health of human beings appears to be the

consumption of copious quantities of UNCONTAMINATED drinking water.

It saddens me to be unable to visually demonstrate the great

importance of this simple " health-support " requirement.............to all of


However, I must be satisfied with the priviledge of imposing

upon your attention......for this time.

Sincerely, Bradley.

p.s. We found the most effective " maintenance " quantities of water....for

adult volunteers, to be in the range of .5 to .6 ounces per lb. of body

mass----ingested daily.

This will, usually, cause urinary urgency of a greater frequency than the

volunteer's historical experience (sometimes every 30 minutes >). As a

general rule, the more pronounced the urine color, odor and the

urgency.....the more pronounced the dehydration and systemic toxic insult


Marsha Hallett wrote:

> > However, MSM does, in fact, have the capability of GREATLY improving

> certain poration

> > characteristics of cells---especially for allowing improved water

> exchange.


> Is this why I pee like mad when I take MSM?? I guess it`s a good thing.

> Marsha

> PS, MSM really helps my elderly Pug with hip dysplasia and arthritis.


> --

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Methylsulfoxide, I believe. MSM by Dr. Morton is a book that should be read if you're going to take it. Ignore quackwatch on this one. Lot's of MD's are suggesting it for pain relief. It has the toxicity of water (unlike other NSAID's) and is usually just as effective.

Go to www.dogpile.com and type letters MSM into the blank space and press enter. That should give you more links than you want to follow through on.



what is MSM and what does it stand for and what is itused for ?

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  • 1 month later...
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MSM is NOT a 'sulfa' drug. Natural sulfer and SULFA are two different

things... MSM is GOOD for everyone.

When you see a dog chewing on grass outside? He's chewing off the natural

msm coating (natural sulfer) on the grass....



I have not tried MSM...I am allergic to sulfur and sulfa drugs. I talked to

several pharmacists about taking MSM. They told me with the reaction I get

from the sulfur/sulfa...they recommended that I probably wouldn't do well on


I have had the thyroid testing, etc. my nails are brittle and my hair is

loose...coming out in my brush everyday too...YIKES>

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HI there

My mother-in -law is also allergic to sulphur drugs and sulphates in

general. She can take MSM. Warning: when starting MSM make sure you start

with a small dose and build up, or you will get headaches etc.


> I have not tried MSM...I am allergic to sulfur and sulfa drugs. I talked


> several pharmacists about taking MSM. They told me with the reaction I get

> from the sulfur/sulfa...they recommended that I probably wouldn't do well


> it.


> I have had the thyroid testing, etc. my nails are brittle and my hair is

> loose...coming out in my brush everyday too...YIKES>




> Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to



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i buy it in powder at a feed store atll the time - 2 pounds for $27. and I capsulize it myself

100% pure MSM - been doing this for 4 years


MSMAlso, is it better to buy MSM in tablet or powder...I'm only finding tablet on internet Carol Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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> [Original Message]

> From: <Cis64@...>

> <candidiasis >

> Date: 4/1/01 3:47:04 PM

> Subject: MSM


> Also, is it better to buy MSM in tablet or powder...I'm only finding


> on internet


> Carol


--- rabbitbrain@...

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