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At 07:57 14.03.99 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi Dusan,


>My name is Armand and I have been reading a lot about you on your site

>and also on the E-Group cancer list. The reason I am writing to you is

>because I am totaly confused. There seems to be so much stuff out there

>that states it can cure cancer and other conditions. I have not been

>told for sure yet but my G.P. thinks I might have Bone Cancer he saw

>some activities in my X-Rays.I know that you are not out there to make a

>buck from people that are sick that is why I am writing to you. If I

>have Bone cancer what is my best natural chance for a cure?

>What is your opinion on these products; Natural Biber called " MCP " ,

> " lactorin " suppose to be found in mother's milk. " Glycoalkaloids "

>cream from plants extract to cure skin conditions including skin cancer.

> " Anti- Homocysteine formula " suppose to unclog arteries. Vitamin P25

>prevent heart attacks. Have you ever heard of vitamin O it is suppose to

>be oxygen in a capsule? Finally do you recommend sweet grass for anyone?


>This letter is very long, so if you do not respond I will understand.


>Thank you



Hello Armand,

It is only our body that can cure cancer.

It is our body that is producing cancer.

One of the reason why our body produces cancer is: to ballance high

toxicity inside body and to isolate toxic substances in only one or few

places, to save the reast of the body.

Exactly that place where tumor happen can be " choosen " by many different

reasons: your thoughts, injury, chronic infection, radiation, deficiency of

one special nutrient, exposure to some special toxin, and many other ....

Few examples:

[ Everyone knows that lung cancer happen more often between those who smoke


It is usually chronic infection of the prostate that happen before prostate


Many tumors of internal organs have been linked to the geopatogen radiation

under the place where person sleep.

Mamograms is increasing chances of the breast cancer.

Radiation treatment of the breast cancer is increasing risk of ezophageal

cancer. ]

But those things are not the only cause of cancer. They may be just a trigger.

According to the science:

The first phase of tumor development is initiation. It occurs when cell's

genetic makeup get altered , enabling it to divide more freely than it


DNA can be damaged by :

-Chemicals ( carcinogens - there is more than 100 known carcinogens today,

lectins, and any other nutrient in imbalance. Many of them are in our air,

food, water , cosmetics, and other products that we are using every day)



-Free radical reactions that are started by an oxygen molecule may damage DNA

I would add:

-Lack of right nutrients

-Many others


I believe that DNA change occure totally under the " will " of our body,

after one or few or all of these causes are already there.

Our body is almost always chooseng the least harmfull ways of ballancing


Person who gets cancer, should be happy , because, if he/she did not

develope a cancer, he/she would be already dead of heart ot kidney failure,

or something elese.

Malignant tumor can keep much more toxins then any normal cell of our body.

Say thanks to your tumor for saving your life. I am not kidding !

But once you get it, your body is giving to you the last worning !

If you do not understand that last worning, you may die.

It takes long time to develope malignant tumor, and through this time you

get a lot of different wornings.

All those wornings are there to tell you that things are not as good as you


Most cancer starts insaide Bowel.

If bowel is full of mucus and parasites, even if you are eating good foods,

your body gets only the small part of nutrients and a lot of toxins.

Essential nutrients, good digestion and absorbtion, oxygen, movement,

attitude, ... help detoxify body, and help build healthy body.

I think that you understand now that there is no only one thing that is The

Cure for cancer , but it is possible that someone (lucky one) cure his

cancer by just adding some product into his everyday diet, and by changing

his attitude.

But that does not mean that he or she will stay cancer free next 20 years.

If you want to cure cancer, and not get it again, then remove the causes

and work on your health.

Here are some top causes of the bone cancer:

Mercury (From Amalgam, Cosmetics, water, other sources)

Nickel (From Golden crowns (teeth), metal you come in contact,water,

others )

Pesticides (Foods, water)

Hormones ( Non-organic Meat, Milk and milk products !!!!! , Eggs, Fish)


Antibiotics (Non organic foods)

Deficiency of essential minerals because of overconsumption of refined

foods (refined salt, sugar, oils, flours, ....)

Vitamins deficiency

Essential fatty acids deficiency

Deficiency of other essential nutrients.

and all the others including intestinal parasites.

I have seen that most common in diet of the people with bone cancer is

overconsumption of sugar and non-organic milk products (homogenised,

pateurised, and full of hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, toxins ).

They usually ate it from the early childhood.

Cancer can be always traced back to the childhood, birth, or even back to

the parents.

Also, most of people I sow have had more then 4 teeth with dental metal.


Do this to cure cancer:

Cleanse mucus and parasites from your bowel :

Ultimate cleanse will work in 10 days, juice fasting with parasite killing

herbs can work in one month or longer, Dr.Schilze program will work in two

weeks, ...

Consider starting to cleanse your teeth.

Keep on juices, teas, Dr.Budwig diet, wheat or barley grass, seaweed tea,

and avoid foods that are not good for your blod type.

Choose your own supplements !!!!

Most of those you stated should be good, suppose they are produced without


Most of them will probably help you.

I have never used those brands, and i do not know much about them.

I would recommend also Colloidal minerals, seawed, essiac tea, appricot

pits, fish and animal cartilage, CoQ10, protease, probiotics, Homeostatic

Soil Organisms, digestive enzymes ...

Cleanse gallstones from your liver and gallbladder.

Keep your environment clean.

Your whole family should do parasite, bowel and gallstones cleanse.

If you have a pet, (dog, cat ) do not keep him in the house.

Never kiss your pats.

Parasites are an important cause of cancer!

Be active.

Drink a lot of clean water.

Never again eat sugar, refined salt, margarine , fried foods, refined oils

or other foods that kill.

Learn what is causing cancer, and you will know how to cure yourself.

Ask always more then two people, when you do not know what to choose !!!

Dusan Stojkovic


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  • 1 year later...

Oranges and grapefruits are citrus fruits and as such contain citric

ACID which when taken in large amounts is probably not too kind to those

that have esophageal or gastric problems. Grapes contain tannic acid.

While on the whole fruits are pretty healthy foods .. I would think

overindulgence seemingly could cause some harm to those of us who have

health challenges,

Don`t forget also that fruits and thier juices contain not insignificant

amounts of alcohol.


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In a message dated 1/27/01 10:57:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, gefox@... writes:

Imuran does not necessarily CAUSE cancer and taking it long term

doesn`t mean you will get it. What happens is that because it is an

immunosupressant it increases the risk of allowing some form of cancer

to develop. This is true of all immunos., and if one read the warnings

and side-effect literature that accompanies them this fact is so listed.

Thanks, Jerry. I misunderstood the information I read, which was very general. I appreciate your good clarification.


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Very well stated, easily undertsood. Thank You!

Leona AIH & Hypo-Thyroid

[ ] cancer

> Imuran does not necessarily CAUSE cancer and taking it long term

> doesn`t mean you will get it. What happens is that because it is an

> immunosupressant it increases the risk of allowing some form of cancer

> to develop. This is true of all immunos., and if one read the warnings

> and side-effect literature that accompanies them this fact is so listed.

> The most common type of cancer tthat may develop is skin cancer

> (melenoma) and it is wise to limit your exposure to the sun while on

> such medications. Each of us have certain abnormal cells that would

> become cancerous if it weren`t for our immune system gobbling them up. I

> take an immuno.--- Prograf---- and because of my weakened immune system

> I`ve developed multiple myeloma--- cancer of the bone marrow. The

> percentage of those developing some sort of cancer this way is

> relatively small and when the risk is weighed against the alternative it

> is a pretty good trade off. Also note that taking such drugs doesn`t

> mean LIVER cancer as these meds. suppress the whole immune system not a

> specific target.

> Please try not to worry about those things that you can`t control and

> that will probably never happen. A positive attitude, laughter, and

> prayer are more powerful medicines.

> Love and serenity

> Jerry





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  • 3 weeks later...

mog (((( again soft hugs and prayer)))) ...

you know i think the issue of the 'cancer' thing is bigger than just candida - its an ACIDIC environment. Candida 'thrives' in an acidic environment and so does cancer.

Did you know that cancer will not grow at ALL in alkalinity?? I thought that was interesting... before they ever came out with radiation/chemotherapy - that was how they dealt with cancer - by treating the body and correcting the acidic state and making it alkaline.

I do check my PH every day. I have a saliva ph strip that I use and I can see where i'm at. At my sickest in the last few years my ph was at about 4 - it should be between 6 or 7 on this tester. Healthy children are almost always at 7 ...

Anyway - i'm sure you knew this already... but just wanted to share it for others... and help us all to realize that YES this is a BIG thing.

my prayers are with you...and yours


Re: Mog-natural progesteroneThanks everyone. i have taken pro-gest creme before but my hormones are supposed to be ok. i still believe it is the parasites. i go to the cleveland clinic tuesday & hopefully he will give me something to get these parasites out, than i'll deal with the cancer. My gen. surgeon (cancer) said we would do radiation for 5-6 weeks, he wants to check the lympth nodes & i do know the left arm pit has been tender and sore at times so i know he will want to go in there and remove them, i go see a Dr. tomorrow for a cyst i have in my left arterie in the neck. so i don't think all of this sounds good, but if i'm going down so is the parasites! LOL! i have to think of a new name for my book i'm writing, it was supposed to be " The Yeast Prevails " but now........ i'm thinking " 2 easy steps to Cancer " ! (Yeast, Parasites = Cancer) i will get this finished for sure! it's been in the making for 4 years. i just couldn't finish it till the yeast was all gone! I don't mean to scare the rest of you that your going to get cancer, this is me! we need Dr's to reconize this for as bad as it is! This could be the cure for cancer if only a Dr. would connect the 2...i knew this could happen!! but still no one to help! so maybe my book will open a few ears and eyes! hopefully, i'll take a day at a time, and God will be with me, strength & guide me. Enought of the blubbering! LOL! Gods Blessings to everyone. hope your feeling better Ann! how's the die-off? talk to you later, got church tonight! Mog Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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That sounds interesting. What are these Ph strips? Where do you obtain them from - a chemist perhaps?

Keep up the good info , it's fantastic.

Love .

Re: Mog-natural progesteroneThanks everyone. i have taken pro-gest creme before but my hormones are supposed to be ok. i still believe it is the parasites. i go to the cleveland clinic tuesday & hopefully he will give me something to get these parasites out, than i'll deal with the cancer. My gen. surgeon (cancer) said we would do radiation for 5-6 weeks, he wants to check the lympth nodes & i do know the left arm pit has been tender and sore at times so i know he will want to go in there and remove them, i go see a Dr. tomorrow for a cyst i have in my left arterie in the neck. so i don't think all of this sounds good, but if i'm going down so is the parasites! LOL! i have to think of a new name for my book i'm writing, it was supposed to be "The Yeast Prevails" but now........ i'm thinking " 2 easy steps to Cancer"! (Yeast, Parasites = Cancer) i will get this finished for sure! it's been in the making for 4 years. i just couldn't finish it till the yeast was all gone! I don't mean to scare the rest of you that your going to get cancer, this is me! we need Dr's to reconize this for as bad as it is! This could be the cure for cancer if only a Dr. would connect the 2...i knew this could happen!! but still no one to help! so maybe my book will open a few ears and eyes! hopefully, i'll take a day at a time, and God will be with me, strength & guide me. Enought of the blubbering! LOL! Gods Blessings to everyone. hope your feeling better Ann! how's the die-off? talk to you later, got church tonight! Mog Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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boy.... mog... i do believe it involves *more* than this.

It involves a whole change of diet ... (of course I don't know exactly what you are doing now... so i'll just list some things - that you may be already doing...)

ok acidity would be: processed foods,,,, white flour products,,, colas (diet or otherwise - ANY is a no-no).... desserts/cookies/candies ... mostly eating meals from 'packaged' things....alcohol.... etc.

ok... an alkaline diet would be really the opposite of the above. You would have to get really serious at this time - and I mean RADICAL about doing this all the way... ok - vegies - lots of them - and juicing them too - do you have a juicer???? A good one is well worth it and there are great juicing books on the market to make all sorts of juices.. we are pretty boring and stick to things like carrot, cucumber, spinach, celery , etc. in our juices. Vegies are better than juices from fruit - esp. if you have a candida problem. The meats you eat should be lean - and probably fish and white meats would be better than red meats. Beans, legumes, and nuts that are unprocessed would be excellent. Don't make ANY meals out of packaged products - make things from SCRATCH. So you know exactly what is in it. IF you make a soup - start your 'starter' broth with pure good water... and work from there... these things will all make a huge difference.

DRINK LOTS of pure water. I add a mineral pack to mine so that my distilled water has minerals. I have been doing that for about 4 years... but I can hardly say enough about WATER. It is VITAL.

OK - RE THE PH STRIPS FOR ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED - and Mog you should have these too so you can check yourself and see where you are at on them. I just did myself this a.m. and I'm back down to 6.0 and i have 'been' lately at 6.5-7.0 which is pretty " healthy " (of all things!!!)

The thing is ... years ago when we were involved in a multi level marketing thing we bought a whole bunch of these... now I don't know HOW i can go about finding WHERE the company got these because the only address on the PH strips are in N.Y> and it is the manufacturer. Others have tried to find them - and if you go to a hobby shop or something you will find strips - but they are not for SALIVA. THat is what these are... But I found a whole 'stash' of them in little bags - I guess at one time about 5 years ago I thought I was going to be meeting a lot of people and giving them these or something :o) and i didnt.... so if anyone does not mind sending me their regular mail address - i will be happy to mail you these PH strips with the card that lists the colors and how it works to test yourself. Please ignore any prompt you may see on them to any Multi level group " pushing you to join " ... that is not my intention at all.... we are no longer even with that group...

phew.... sorry about this looonggg rambling letter!!! my email address is dwmcphail@... if you want to send me your addresses....

blessings to all today


Re: Cancer: No i don't know a lot about acid althou i can take a fresh lemon for spasms & at one time my Dr. said i had an acid system. what would you recommend? could i take lemons thru out the day say maybe 3 & check out what foods have the most acid in them? i appreciate this very much! Mog Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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: No i don't know a lot about acid althou i can take a fresh lemon for spasms & at one time my Dr. said i had an acid system. what would you recommend? could i take lemons thru out the day say maybe 3 & check out what foods have the most acid in them? i appreciate this very much! Mog

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> Thank you for your input! but lemons are ok to take right? the meats i do are fine, veggies, soups i make. processed packages & meats i avoid, i have a juicer. can't do carrots i overdosed on a glass one day, but don't mind the juicing bit. taste quite good, don't eat fruit! i do have a sweet now and than which i can quit! water i drink lots of along with sel;tzer water, no sugar, so salt, does have bicarbinate in it.my down fall is coffee!!! which i have quit before so won't be difficult now. don't drink! white flour now and than. when my candida was at its worse i had reflux! & H-Bactor Pylori which it liked an acidity stomach. Well...... you have really helped me a lot! i appreciate it, i have 3 Dr. appointment this week, i still want to get rid of these parasites, i really feel better knowing what some of my alter. options are! Thanks everyone! talk to you later! Mog

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Mog - there is a certain 'remedy' for cancer that my husband reminded me of... i've been trying to get a hold of a person who would know of an internet site on it all day... and finally got my answer!

So - if you have time you should go to this site and read about this incredible stuff - its not multi-level marketing or anything - its just a remedy that the native indians used to use... and many people have used it for tumors, and various kinds of cancer and it has done wonders...

For some reason, when I was on the site - the pictures, etc. are not coming in quickly at all. I don't know if its just my computer, or if maybe the owner of the site is working on the site or what - but I hope that this comes up on your screen for you. Anyway, here it is:


let me know if you can or can't get in to it, ok?


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mog - I surely am not one sounding (hopefully!!!) like i know it all at all... but i have been told by my husband here that when you put it on the tumor you keep applying the salve and keep it covered - you must do this until it is drawn all the way out. You cannot let it close - the salve needs to stay onit to pull it out.

My hubby wants to know who you are working with on it?? do you have someone who understands who sold it to you?

where do you live - are you in the u.s.

i'm sorry if all this wearies you - if it does then just please don't be concerned with answering this post at all - it will not offend me in the least.



Re: Cancer: Thanks, i have can-x and i tried using it to pull the tumor out also, it wanted to close & heal so after 3 days i let it close. i am supposed to take the can-x pills and ultra parex now for the parasites, but i'm going to the infectious diseases Dr. tomorrow & i hope he can help quicker! i got up to 10 pills of the can-x & than i got flu like symptoms really bad! i couldn't breathe & my Int. Dr. told me to back up. it is powerful stuff! so is the creme, i rubbed that where the parasites are & it did nothing but numb them. i was the one who got sick , it's always me, they survive! that is a good site. i went to the Dr. today about my neck arterie mass, he suggests it is only 50-60%closed, i go back in 6 months. i'll write tomorrow about the Cleveland Clinic & my cancer Dr. it's been a busy day, i spend all day phoning my family & telling them, thats a chore, you gotta make sure you don't forget anyone! now i can concentrate on treatment! have a good night everyone & God's Blessings Mog Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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: Thanks, i have can-x and i tried using it to pull the tumor out also, it wanted to close & heal so after 3 days i let it close. i am supposed to take the can-x pills and ultra parex now for the parasites, but i'm going to the infectious diseases Dr. tomorrow & i hope he can help quicker! i got up to 10 pills of the can-x & than i got flu like symptoms really bad! i couldn't breathe & my Int. Dr. told me to back up. it is powerful stuff! so is the creme, i rubbed that where the parasites are & it did nothing but numb them. i was the one who got sick , it's always me, they survive! that is a good site. i went to the Dr. today about my neck arterie mass, he suggests it is only 50-60%closed, i go back in 6 months. i'll write tomorrow about the Cleveland Clinic & my cancer Dr. it's been a busy day, i spend all day phoning my family & telling them, thats a chore, you gotta make sure you don't forget anyone! now i can concentrate on treatment! have a good night everyone & God's Blessings Mog

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, i did keep it bandaged with vaseline for 12 hours, than re applied it &

leave it on for 12morehrs. i did this for 12 hr. i did this a total of 3 days, they said to keep the hole opened i might have to prick it, i let iot go i was afraid i might infect it worse. my internet Dr. told me it could be done, read & follow instructuion, i've had it taken out already. Mog

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

>>Just a quick up date on my Cancer. i am going this morning for my

first Chemo

treatment. If i'm able i will write tonight!  Thanks for the support,



I will keep you in my prayers.

Pearl (NY)

Country Living at it's finest


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Thanks, I came thru the treatment well, took 3 1/2 hours. next time should be only 1 hr.

I am a little groggy from the nausus (sp) pills. they told me to take them for the first 48 hours weather i felt sick or not every 4 hours. So i hope i don't get side effects. I'm sucking on Lemon Drops for the taste in my mouth (they reccommend) use toothpaste with Baking soda, any brand. rinse my mouth with warm water and B. soda after each meal so i don't get the sores, use a soft toothbrush & a new one every month! Thank you everyone for your prayers! i don't go to the Cancer site to much because i like everyone here! Thanks Mogdrmom

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MOG - LOVE YOU and will hold you up in prayer

Grace and Peace


Re: CancerThanks, I came thru the treatment well, took 3 1/2 hours. next time should be only 1 hr. I am a little groggy from the nausus (sp) pills. they told me to take them for the first 48 hours weather i felt sick or not every 4 hours. So i hope i don't get side effects. I'm sucking on Lemon Drops for the taste in my mouth (they reccommend) use toothpaste with Baking soda, any brand. rinse my mouth with warm water and B. soda after each meal so i don't get the sores, use a soft toothbrush & a new one every month! Thank you everyone for your prayers! i don't go to the Cancer site to much because i like everyone here! Thanks Mogdrmom Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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Thank you : the first night went well! i slept 7 hours. i will have my protein shake this morning with good vitamins and extra flora. Everyone have a nice day. I'm Thankful for each day i can talk to the Lord. & my prayers are with each and every one of you for your diagianois (sp) and treatments. Love to all! Mog

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...


Your questions can not be answered as you present them. It is

unfortunate that your brother was given an apparent date to die on. More

important than any 21-day-program is the complete extirpation of that

two-week count down. Determine that today is the day that he is going to

start doing everything to get well, and start counting upwards. Plow right

through those two weeks and go for a full life.

Please give the list complete details of his cancer and details of his

intended therapy. Vitamin K which is found in green leafy vegetables can be

helpful in slowing the bleeding.

[ ] Cancer

> Hi,

> My name is India Lang.My brother has cancer has went

> threw chemo & radation.Now he has been giving two

> weeks to live.

> I have a question about the 21 day plan.My brother has

> bleeding tumors.My question is when we start this

> program tomorrow.When the tumors open up for them to

> start shrinking will they start bleeding again?They

> have stopped bleeding for now.He also has a blood clot

> will this affect the blood clot?

> If someone has any advice please let me know?

> Thanks,

> India


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V Gammill,

My brother has testicular cancer but he has tumors in

his stomach bladder,lungs & the brain.He had 6 weeks

of chemo & 25 days of radiation.The doctors said after

his treatment that the tumors were shrinking.

This was three weeks after his last chemo (last

Tuesday).They also did blood test the same day they

told him that & said his hormone level was at 25.The

following Monday he took another blood test & they

called him on Thursday & his hormone level was at

900.The doctor tolded him that the treatment had

failed.Hopefully this is helpful so that you can

answer my question.



- V Gammill <ygammil1@...> wrote:

> India,

> Your questions can not be answered as you

> present them. It is

> unfortunate that your brother was given an apparent

> date to die on. More

> important than any 21-day-program is the complete

> extirpation of that

> two-week count down. Determine that today is the

> day that he is going to

> start doing everything to get well, and start

> counting upwards. Plow right

> through those two weeks and go for a full life.

> Please give the list complete details of his

> cancer and details of his

> intended therapy. Vitamin K which is found in green

> leafy vegetables can be

> helpful in slowing the bleeding.




> [ ] Cancer



> > Hi,

> > My name is India Lang.My brother has cancer has

> went

> > threw chemo & radation.Now he has been giving two

> > weeks to live.

> > I have a question about the 21 day plan.My brother

> has

> > bleeding tumors.My question is when we start this

> > program tomorrow.When the tumors open up for them

> to

> > start shrinking will they start bleeding

> again?They

> > have stopped bleeding for now.He also has a blood

> clot

> > will this affect the blood clot?

> > If someone has any advice please let me know?

> > Thanks,

> > India

> >





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