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From: "sunrose101@..." <sunrose101@...>Autism and Aspergers Treatment Sent: Friday, April 3, 2009 4:04:54 PMSubject: Re: New to the group

Welcome. I've an adult daughter Hugh, only she's not yet interested in email! And yes, Pamela is. Francine New to the group

Hello Everyone

I am new to the group and so glad I found this group and was accepted. We have a 7 yr old boy, Bobby, who has recently been diagnosised. We have been dealing with sensory integration issues since almost birth with him. He was first referred to Birth to 3 because he wasn't talking, which I figured had to do with him having 2 older sisters. He started to attend group speech 2 times a week and they started to see what we were seeing.....sensitiv ities to touch, sound, and social issues. So they worked OT with him for sound and touch and he seemed to be doing really well. When he turned 3 and transitioned from birth to 3 into the Public school system they saw no reason for OT and very little reason for most of his interventions. After many failed attempts we pulled him out of k3 and did therapy here. He attended the same school for K4 and K5 they felt he was fine and dropped his IEP. We changed schools this year and well things

blew......He is having alot of social issues, rigid with his routine, aggressive behaviors since he isn't able to communicate his needs, hard time with sounds. So luckily we have an angel of a teacher who got the school psychologist involved ASAP. We are going through the IEP process and we are going thru Neuropsychology for a medical approach also. At school they are using headphones with music for him, a special area for just him to help regulate, the psychologist works with him 2 times a week. We are relieved someone is helping him but are so in need of help with behaviors and sensory issues in home. Currently we have a yoga ball that he bounces on and it helps....... we have "The out of sync child" which has been my guide book!! So any ideas would be great!! Oh and also I am making him a weighted lap pad.

I am 34 yrs old and we have 3 wonderful kids. 2 Girls who are 12 and 10 and Bobby who is 7. Me and my husband have been married for 13 yrs and we live in Milwaukee Wi.

I look forward to getting to know everyone and learning lots!! Love Beth

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Nan it is nice to meet you. I have a lot of trouble seeing today that is one of my many problems along with fibro, arthitis, seizures, parks, unknown type of body jerks and I have been having mini strokes for over 2 yrs. about 30 in all. and a hole string of other ills. Over 65 is not old I'm 58 pushing 59. So you are very welcome and we are a bunch of great people even if I do say so myself. This is the 1st group that I clicked with.   from Kansas   LMay   LYL ask


Hello,I am Nan and lets just say for now that I am over 65.  I do not know if I am in the right place or not.  I know that for years I have been ill with one thing or another and now I am having mini strokes.  I have Fibromyalgia and some days can barely move however I am able to hide it from others by staying home or just sit and knit.  I have just started having mini strokes and have a lot of problems walking.  Is this the place for me or is there another group anyone knows of that might be a good support group for me?

Thank you,


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hi Nan,

Welcome to the group! I'm Ling, with neuralgia and diabetes, for 10+ years... I guess if you are looking for a support group that cares - lets you vent and there are people who care and will listen, then this is the right place. This is one of the groups I am most attached to... Our group is made up of people from all walks of life, with different medical conditions, but we all bind because we know how it feels when we don't feel as well as others.

Feel free to share and vent, ok?


Sent: Wednesday, 12 August 2009 9:33:48Subject: Re: New to the group

Hi Nan it is nice to meet you. I have a lot of trouble seeing today that is one of my many problems along with fibro, arthitis, seizures, parks, unknown type of body jerks and I have been having mini strokes for over 2 yrs. about 30 in all. and a hole string of other ills. Over 65 is not old I'm 58 pushing 59. So you are very welcome and we are a bunch of great people even if I do say so myself. This is the 1st group that I clicked with. from Kansas LMay LYL ask

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Wetherbee <miniechat (DOT) com> wrote:

Hello,I am Nan and lets just say for now that I am over 65. I do not know if I am in the right place or not. I know that for years I have been ill with one thing or another and now I am having mini strokes. I have Fibromyalgia and some days can barely move however I am able to hide it from others by staying home or just sit and knit. I have just started having mini strokes and have a lot of problems walking. Is this the place for me or is there another group anyone knows of that might be a good support group for me?Thank you,


New Email names for you!

Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.

Hurry before someone else does!

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Welcome to the group. this group is for any one who is dealing with an ilness or

long term condition. I hope things get better for you best of luck



> Hello,

> I am Nan and lets just say for now that I am over 65. I do not know if I am

in the right place or not. I know that for years I have been ill with one thing

or another and now I am having mini strokes. I have Fibromyalgia and some days

can barely move however I am able to hide it from others by staying home or just

sit and knit. I have just started having mini strokes and have a lot of

problems walking. Is this the place for me or is there another group anyone

knows of that might be a good support group for me?

> Thank you,


> Nan


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Welcome to the group. this group is for any one who is dealing with an ilness or

long term condition. I hope things get better for you best of luck



> Hello,

> I am Nan and lets just say for now that I am over 65. I do not know if I am

in the right place or not. I know that for years I have been ill with one thing

or another and now I am having mini strokes. I have Fibromyalgia and some days

can barely move however I am able to hide it from others by staying home or just

sit and knit. I have just started having mini strokes and have a lot of

problems walking. Is this the place for me or is there another group anyone

knows of that might be a good support group for me?

> Thank you,


> Nan


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  • 2 weeks later...


Many of us here have known some of the issues you describe. The body

changes seen with HIV treatment, especially from the " bad old days, "

are horrible and depressing.

I would suggest that you go back through the archives, and look at

things that others here have done to correct facial lipoatrophy.

There are ways to help. I have been very happy with results from

medical grade silicone, and there are others here who have had good

results from other products.

Hope this list can help you.


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Welcome to the group Angel. I have had facial wasting for the past several years. I keep getting facial filler injected into my face every six mo's or so. The one that works best for me is Sculptra, and if you go to their website they have a patients assistance program. My body has some lumpy fatty deposits in strange areas from the drugs and being poz for so long too. Sometimes it's bothersome and hard to live with, making me feel unnatractive. But, we do find the inner strength to cope with all of this don't we? Sounds like you're doing so well on your exercise regimen. That's alot of bike riding, and the weights too! Maybe if you get some Sculptra, you'll feel some new confidence to rejoin the gym.

take care,


New to the Group

Hi everyone and thank you for accepting me to the group.

I would like to tell you a bit about myself:

I am a male , HIV positive for the last 18 years. Apart from drugs' side effects I have not had any HIV related illness. I was introduced to an HIV regime just after seroconverting in 1991. My HIV specialist monitors my status closely, I visit him every three months. At the moment my Viral Load is undetectable and has been this way for the last 6 or 7 years.

My main problem is lipodistrophy caused by some of the medications I am on. I have had lipo for the last 9 or 10 years, I developed Rhino Hump at the base of my neck, and face waste, 4 years ago I had the hump surgically removed (it hasn't come back) and my face pumped with some of the fat from the hump, I know it does not sound very nice. I was very happy with the results. My face has gone down again in the last year or so, which creates stress for me as I work in an office and people are forever concerned about my appearance. My family, friends and work colleagues do not know I am positive, and I am running out of reasons as to why the changes in my phisical appearance, especially my face.

I love exercising, but I have stopped going to the gym as I have lost my confidence and I hate to see my reflection on mirrors, specially my face, I am always concerned about the way people may look at me. Just another cause of stress. I do enjoy cycling, from home to work every day altogether 90 minutes to 2hrs per day. I have set up a bench and weights in one of the rooms at home so I don't have to go to a gym.

My social life is very limited and I would like to share and learn more about HIV and other people that can uderstand a bit more about what I am going through.

Thank you


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Welcome to the group Angel. I have had facial wasting for the past several years. I keep getting facial filler injected into my face every six mo's or so. The one that works best for me is Sculptra, and if you go to their website they have a patients assistance program. My body has some lumpy fatty deposits in strange areas from the drugs and being poz for so long too. Sometimes it's bothersome and hard to live with, making me feel unnatractive. But, we do find the inner strength to cope with all of this don't we? Sounds like you're doing so well on your exercise regimen. That's alot of bike riding, and the weights too! Maybe if you get some Sculptra, you'll feel some new confidence to rejoin the gym.

take care,


New to the Group

Hi everyone and thank you for accepting me to the group.

I would like to tell you a bit about myself:

I am a male , HIV positive for the last 18 years. Apart from drugs' side effects I have not had any HIV related illness. I was introduced to an HIV regime just after seroconverting in 1991. My HIV specialist monitors my status closely, I visit him every three months. At the moment my Viral Load is undetectable and has been this way for the last 6 or 7 years.

My main problem is lipodistrophy caused by some of the medications I am on. I have had lipo for the last 9 or 10 years, I developed Rhino Hump at the base of my neck, and face waste, 4 years ago I had the hump surgically removed (it hasn't come back) and my face pumped with some of the fat from the hump, I know it does not sound very nice. I was very happy with the results. My face has gone down again in the last year or so, which creates stress for me as I work in an office and people are forever concerned about my appearance. My family, friends and work colleagues do not know I am positive, and I am running out of reasons as to why the changes in my phisical appearance, especially my face.

I love exercising, but I have stopped going to the gym as I have lost my confidence and I hate to see my reflection on mirrors, specially my face, I am always concerned about the way people may look at me. Just another cause of stress. I do enjoy cycling, from home to work every day altogether 90 minutes to 2hrs per day. I have set up a bench and weights in one of the rooms at home so I don't have to go to a gym.

My social life is very limited and I would like to share and learn more about HIV and other people that can uderstand a bit more about what I am going through.

Thank you


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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy &  Welcome Debi!!  What a great gift to give yourself (the iPod & a

committment to great health) - nothing like a surgery or heart to heart with

your doc to kinda shake you up and to get you back on the path!!

I've listened to most podcasts 2 or 3 times as I find I hear different 'things'

each time -- also on 's web site, there are transcripts for the later

podcasts and I find that reading what she's said also helps to intergrate those

patterns into my thoughts & actions (I'm not always the best learner in hearing

mode, so it's nice to have sight involved!).

I look forward to your comments, questions & conversations!




From: bradsgirl_1974 <>


Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 4:30:08 AM

Subject: New to the Group


Hi I'm new to the group & not sure where to start. I bought myself an IPod for

my birthday & found IOWL & started listening to it from the 1st podcast. I have

it on in my car, while I do the dishes, mow the grass, exercise, you name it,

I'm listening to it. I've been keeping a journal on the Livestrong application

also tracking my food & exercise. My IPod is my new best friend & diet partner.

Opps, maybe I shouldn't have said diet, my best friend & health coach to a new &

improved me.

Anyhow I'm a 55yr old grandma & am going from a size 22 to a 12 in this

journey(effortlessl y & having fun while I do it). My husband & I are pretty

active & I want to be able to keep up with him & play with the grandchildren(

not be sitting in a rocking chair). I had knee surgery last year & it was a real

eye opener for me. I don't like sitting around. I like hiking, kayaking & biking

& want to be out doing those things again.

So where do I start here? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks, Debi

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Howdy &  Welcome Debi!!  What a great gift to give yourself (the iPod & a

committment to great health) - nothing like a surgery or heart to heart with

your doc to kinda shake you up and to get you back on the path!!

I've listened to most podcasts 2 or 3 times as I find I hear different 'things'

each time -- also on 's web site, there are transcripts for the later

podcasts and I find that reading what she's said also helps to intergrate those

patterns into my thoughts & actions (I'm not always the best learner in hearing

mode, so it's nice to have sight involved!).

I look forward to your comments, questions & conversations!




From: bradsgirl_1974 <>


Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 4:30:08 AM

Subject: New to the Group


Hi I'm new to the group & not sure where to start. I bought myself an IPod for

my birthday & found IOWL & started listening to it from the 1st podcast. I have

it on in my car, while I do the dishes, mow the grass, exercise, you name it,

I'm listening to it. I've been keeping a journal on the Livestrong application

also tracking my food & exercise. My IPod is my new best friend & diet partner.

Opps, maybe I shouldn't have said diet, my best friend & health coach to a new &

improved me.

Anyhow I'm a 55yr old grandma & am going from a size 22 to a 12 in this

journey(effortlessl y & having fun while I do it). My husband & I are pretty

active & I want to be able to keep up with him & play with the grandchildren(

not be sitting in a rocking chair). I had knee surgery last year & it was a real

eye opener for me. I don't like sitting around. I like hiking, kayaking & biking

& want to be out doing those things again.

So where do I start here? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks, Debi

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> Hi I'm new to the group & not sure where to start. I bought myself an IPod

for my birthday & found IOWL & started listening to it from the 1st podcast. I

have it on in my car, while I do the dishes, mow the grass, exercise, you name

it, I'm listening to it. I've been keeping a journal on the Livestrong

application also tracking my food & exercise. My IPod is my new best friend &

diet partner. Opps, maybe I shouldn't have said diet, my best friend & health

coach to a new & improved me.


> Anyhow I'm a 55yr old grandma & am going from a size 22 to a 12 in this

journey(effortlessly & having fun while I do it). My husband & I are pretty

active & I want to be able to keep up with him & play with the grandchildren(not

be sitting in a rocking chair). I had knee surgery last year & it was a real

eye opener for me. I don't like sitting around. I like hiking, kayaking &

biking & want to be out doing those things again.


> So where do I start here? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks, Debi



I just saw your post and I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Sue and I am

a 54 year old (just had a birthday last week) I have been listening to the IOWL

podcasts via itunes for a couple of weeks. I also had knee surgery in March 08

and it certainly was a godsend in disguise. I have since then lost 40 lbs. and

I have gone from a 22 to a 16. I am recently retired (due to my knee pain I

found that I could no longer do my job as a pre school teacher) But I am feeling

well now and I am looking forward to leading an active life. I am also a nana to

my 2 beautiful grand daughters. Unfortunately I dont have any words of wisdom

because I am pretty new. I just felt that we seemed to have alot in common.

Take Care


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Hi Debi, Sue, Colleen and everyone,

I've been listening to IOWL now for about 2-3 weeks and I am very happy

to join this Group. I thought replying to this thread seems like

a good place to introduce myself.

I am 49 (for 11 more days) and live in the Bay Area. So many years of

yo-yo diets, and so little hope --until now. Starting out with good

intentions then backsliding to the habits.

A few things are happening in my life to coincide with what I believe

this IOWL breakthrough to be:

* I'm going to turn 50 in a week and a half. That is got to be the

biggest B-Day EVER! I can't believe it is happening. It changes my

self-concept. (I know it's just a number --but it's a BIG number!)

* I started meditating every day 2 months ago. I am bringing

mindfulness into my life in a way that I think really compliments

's philosophy.

* I am going on vacation next week (spending my 50th in New York City)

and will be faced with the biggest trigger: eating out. Instead of

seeing this as an excuse to backslide, I will see it as an opportunity

to learn and observe (and enjoy myself in a new way).

* I am getting into excercise. I now actually like going to the gym.


* I'm listening to IOWL. I'm now on #15. I LOVE the " naturally

slender " way of eating, Kaizen and Self-correcting. I do feel that I

have far to go. But the mindfulness just brings me back to this moment.

* And now I am joining you all on this journey. I look forward to

communicating with and supporting each other.

in the Bay Area

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Hi Debi, Sue, Colleen and everyone,

I've been listening to IOWL now for about 2-3 weeks and I am very happy

to join this Group. I thought replying to this thread seems like

a good place to introduce myself.

I am 49 (for 11 more days) and live in the Bay Area. So many years of

yo-yo diets, and so little hope --until now. Starting out with good

intentions then backsliding to the habits.

A few things are happening in my life to coincide with what I believe

this IOWL breakthrough to be:

* I'm going to turn 50 in a week and a half. That is got to be the

biggest B-Day EVER! I can't believe it is happening. It changes my

self-concept. (I know it's just a number --but it's a BIG number!)

* I started meditating every day 2 months ago. I am bringing

mindfulness into my life in a way that I think really compliments

's philosophy.

* I am going on vacation next week (spending my 50th in New York City)

and will be faced with the biggest trigger: eating out. Instead of

seeing this as an excuse to backslide, I will see it as an opportunity

to learn and observe (and enjoy myself in a new way).

* I am getting into excercise. I now actually like going to the gym.


* I'm listening to IOWL. I'm now on #15. I LOVE the " naturally

slender " way of eating, Kaizen and Self-correcting. I do feel that I

have far to go. But the mindfulness just brings me back to this moment.

* And now I am joining you all on this journey. I look forward to

communicating with and supporting each other.

in the Bay Area

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Hi in Bay Area,

First of all happy early birthday! Yes 50 is a big one....but it does get


I also live in the bay area....North Bay. I wonder how many more of us their

are? Do you know if is still in San Francisco? I have heard some

references to that on the podcasts. I saw her on " View from the Bay " one day.

No reason for asking, just curious.

I really enjoy listening to the podcasts. I usually listen during my workout

and then again at bedtime. Her voice is so soothing.




> Hi Debi, Sue, Colleen and everyone,


> I've been listening to IOWL now for about 2-3 weeks and I am very happy

> to join this Group. I thought replying to this thread seems like

> a good place to introduce myself.


> I am 49 (for 11 more days) and live in the Bay Area. So many years of

> yo-yo diets, and so little hope --until now. Starting out with good

> intentions then backsliding to the habits.


> A few things are happening in my life to coincide with what I believe

> this IOWL breakthrough to be:

> * I'm going to turn 50 in a week and a half. That is got to be the

> biggest B-Day EVER! I can't believe it is happening. It changes my

> self-concept. (I know it's just a number --but it's a BIG number!)

> * I started meditating every day 2 months ago. I am bringing

> mindfulness into my life in a way that I think really compliments

> 's philosophy.

> * I am going on vacation next week (spending my 50th in New York City)

> and will be faced with the biggest trigger: eating out. Instead of

> seeing this as an excuse to backslide, I will see it as an opportunity

> to learn and observe (and enjoy myself in a new way).

> * I am getting into excercise. I now actually like going to the gym.


> * I'm listening to IOWL. I'm now on #15. I LOVE the " naturally

> slender " way of eating, Kaizen and Self-correcting. I do feel that I

> have far to go. But the mindfulness just brings me back to this moment.

> * And now I am joining you all on this journey. I look forward to

> communicating with and supporting each other.



> in the Bay Area


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sue, Sorry it took me 9 days to write you back. I'm in NYC on vacation this

week, and last week I worked extra hard to get ready... so finally... back to

IOWL group message board.

I do believe that is still somewhere in the Bay Area. I met Bratton

about 6 weeks ago at a " Tweet-Up " on the Penninsula. is the CEO of

Personal Life Media and runs a great PodCast called Dishy Mix.

Also, THANKS for the words of encouragement on turning 50. I am ready!




> Hi in Bay Area,

> First of all happy early birthday! Yes 50 is a big one....but it does get


> I also live in the bay area....North Bay. I wonder how many more of us their

are? Do you know if is still in San Francisco? I have heard some

references to that on the podcasts. I saw her on " View from the Bay " one day.

No reason for asking, just curious.

> I really enjoy listening to the podcasts. I usually listen during my workout

and then again at bedtime. Her voice is so soothing.


> Sue

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome, !

So glad you are here and posting.

Have a wonderful weekend.


New to the group

> Hi my name is . This is the first time I have ever blogged. As

> put it I have always thought of myself as a " lone ranger " . I have been

> listening to IOWL podcasts for a while and love them! But I have found

> that I can't do this alone. I have definitely felt a shift in my thoughts

> about eating, but have a difficult time when my life is full of stress (

> which is always) This causes drinking more wine which leads to choosing

> the wrong foods. I really need help in dealing with stress and learning to

> relax. The pod casts help but my stress gets the best of me. I was

> wondering if anyone else has this problem. I'm 45 years old with 3

> kids,husband and a dog. I work full time. I found these pod casts because

> I was looking for something that was permanent. I always knew that it

> wasn't about the food, so when I found these pod casts it was a perfect

> fit. Sorry if this post is kinda scattered I am kinda nervous about

> letting my feelings out.

> Hopefully, I will get better at blogging as time goes on!


> Thanks for being here and I appreciate any support on my journey.




> ------------------------------------


> Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights

> reserved.

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Guest guest

Welcome, !

So glad you are here and posting.

Have a wonderful weekend.


New to the group

> Hi my name is . This is the first time I have ever blogged. As

> put it I have always thought of myself as a " lone ranger " . I have been

> listening to IOWL podcasts for a while and love them! But I have found

> that I can't do this alone. I have definitely felt a shift in my thoughts

> about eating, but have a difficult time when my life is full of stress (

> which is always) This causes drinking more wine which leads to choosing

> the wrong foods. I really need help in dealing with stress and learning to

> relax. The pod casts help but my stress gets the best of me. I was

> wondering if anyone else has this problem. I'm 45 years old with 3

> kids,husband and a dog. I work full time. I found these pod casts because

> I was looking for something that was permanent. I always knew that it

> wasn't about the food, so when I found these pod casts it was a perfect

> fit. Sorry if this post is kinda scattered I am kinda nervous about

> letting my feelings out.

> Hopefully, I will get better at blogging as time goes on!


> Thanks for being here and I appreciate any support on my journey.




> ------------------------------------


> Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights

> reserved.

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Guest guest

Welcome , you're in the right place! This is a very supportive group of

people. There is no need to do this alone. We reach out and help one another.

I'm really happy that you've found 's podcasts. If you give them a chance

I think you'll find that they help in every area of life, they certainly have

helped me in weight loss and in every aspect of my life! I not only am

'releasing' weight, I am more active, happier and even my relationship with dh

has improved.

Keep on posting! Susie


> Hi my name is . This is the first time I have ever blogged. As put

it I have always thought of myself as a " lone ranger " . I have been listening to

IOWL podcasts for a while and love them! But I have found that I can't do this

alone. I have definitely felt a shift in my thoughts about eating, but have a

difficult time when my life is full of stress ( which is always) This causes

drinking more wine which leads to choosing the wrong foods. I really need help

in dealing with stress and learning to relax. The pod casts help but my stress

gets the best of me. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I'm 45

years old with 3 kids,husband and a dog. I work full time. I found these pod

casts because I was looking for something that was permanent. I always knew that

it wasn't about the food, so when I found these pod casts it was a perfect fit.

Sorry if this post is kinda scattered I am kinda nervous about letting my

feelings out.

> Hopefully, I will get better at blogging as time goes on!


> Thanks for being here and I appreciate any support on my journey.


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Guest guest

Welcome , you're in the right place! This is a very supportive group of

people. There is no need to do this alone. We reach out and help one another.

I'm really happy that you've found 's podcasts. If you give them a chance

I think you'll find that they help in every area of life, they certainly have

helped me in weight loss and in every aspect of my life! I not only am

'releasing' weight, I am more active, happier and even my relationship with dh

has improved.

Keep on posting! Susie


> Hi my name is . This is the first time I have ever blogged. As put

it I have always thought of myself as a " lone ranger " . I have been listening to

IOWL podcasts for a while and love them! But I have found that I can't do this

alone. I have definitely felt a shift in my thoughts about eating, but have a

difficult time when my life is full of stress ( which is always) This causes

drinking more wine which leads to choosing the wrong foods. I really need help

in dealing with stress and learning to relax. The pod casts help but my stress

gets the best of me. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I'm 45

years old with 3 kids,husband and a dog. I work full time. I found these pod

casts because I was looking for something that was permanent. I always knew that

it wasn't about the food, so when I found these pod casts it was a perfect fit.

Sorry if this post is kinda scattered I am kinda nervous about letting my

feelings out.

> Hopefully, I will get better at blogging as time goes on!


> Thanks for being here and I appreciate any support on my journey.


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Guest guest

Hi , I'm Caren & I'm new too. I think we have a lot in common: I'm 49

married with 3 kids, 2 cats & a dog. I have loads of stress, too. Which episode

are you up to? Are you doing the workbook? Have a great weekend.



> Hi my name is . This is the first time I have ever blogged. As put

it I have always thought of myself as a " lone ranger " . I have been listening to

IOWL podcasts for a while and love them! But I have found that I can't do this

alone. I have definitely felt a shift in my thoughts about eating, but have a

difficult time when my life is full of stress ( which is always) This causes

drinking more wine which leads to choosing the wrong foods. I really need help

in dealing with stress and learning to relax. The pod casts help but my stress

gets the best of me. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I'm 45

years old with 3 kids,husband and a dog. I work full time. I found these pod

casts because I was looking for something that was permanent. I always knew that

it wasn't about the food, so when I found these pod casts it was a perfect fit.

Sorry if this post is kinda scattered I am kinda nervous about letting my

feelings out.

> Hopefully, I will get better at blogging as time goes on!


> Thanks for being here and I appreciate any support on my journey.


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Hi , I'm Caren & I'm new too. I think we have a lot in common: I'm 49

married with 3 kids, 2 cats & a dog. I have loads of stress, too. Which episode

are you up to? Are you doing the workbook? Have a great weekend.



> Hi my name is . This is the first time I have ever blogged. As put

it I have always thought of myself as a " lone ranger " . I have been listening to

IOWL podcasts for a while and love them! But I have found that I can't do this

alone. I have definitely felt a shift in my thoughts about eating, but have a

difficult time when my life is full of stress ( which is always) This causes

drinking more wine which leads to choosing the wrong foods. I really need help

in dealing with stress and learning to relax. The pod casts help but my stress

gets the best of me. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I'm 45

years old with 3 kids,husband and a dog. I work full time. I found these pod

casts because I was looking for something that was permanent. I always knew that

it wasn't about the food, so when I found these pod casts it was a perfect fit.

Sorry if this post is kinda scattered I am kinda nervous about letting my

feelings out.

> Hopefully, I will get better at blogging as time goes on!


> Thanks for being here and I appreciate any support on my journey.


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Hello and welcome!


I think that a lot of us on this weightl loss journey have stress and comfort

ourselves or refuel our bodies with too much of the wrong foods or with alcohol

or with both.  And I think that one of the aspects that most of us are working

on is how to destress without using food.


I am definitely working on this aspect right now and have been since early

December. How to get through a stressful, tiring day or situation without using

food for comfort. How do we work full time  and then come home to what

equates to another work day (cook, clean, shop, telephone parents, run kids

around, check on hw, feed dog etc etc etc). There is only so much that the body

and mind can take before it starts begging for time out and as said in one

of her podcasts, a lot of us use food/alcohol to numb the pain/exhaustion.


I too have noticed a change in my eating lately and that in itself is for me a

great accomplishment. As said in one of her latest posting (as always

excellent observation!) the more ingrained our habits are the more " challenging "

it will be to change them. In other words, the longer we have been doing sth the

more challenging it will be to change it.


So what will you do to recharge today??? You have already seen a change

and that's great! We are here to help each other so keep posting.



From: kellyperry40 <kellyperry40@...>

Subject: New to the group


Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 8:32 PM


Hi my name is . This is the first time I have ever blogged. As put it

I have always thought of myself as a " lone ranger " . I have been listening to IOWL

podcasts for a while and love them! But I have found that I can't do this alone.

I have definitely felt a shift in my thoughts about eating, but have a difficult

time when my life is full of stress ( which is always) This causes drinking more

wine which leads to choosing the wrong foods. I really need help in dealing with

stress and learning to relax. The pod casts help but my stress gets the best of

me. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I'm 45 years old with 3

kids,husband and a dog. I work full time. I found these pod casts because I was

looking for something that was permanent. I always knew that it wasn't about the

food, so when I found these pod casts it was a perfect fit. Sorry if this post

is kinda scattered I am kinda nervous about letting my feelings out.

Hopefully, I will get better at blogging as time goes on!

Thanks for being here and I appreciate any support on my journey.

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Guest guest

Hello and welcome!


I think that a lot of us on this weightl loss journey have stress and comfort

ourselves or refuel our bodies with too much of the wrong foods or with alcohol

or with both.  And I think that one of the aspects that most of us are working

on is how to destress without using food.


I am definitely working on this aspect right now and have been since early

December. How to get through a stressful, tiring day or situation without using

food for comfort. How do we work full time  and then come home to what

equates to another work day (cook, clean, shop, telephone parents, run kids

around, check on hw, feed dog etc etc etc). There is only so much that the body

and mind can take before it starts begging for time out and as said in one

of her podcasts, a lot of us use food/alcohol to numb the pain/exhaustion.


I too have noticed a change in my eating lately and that in itself is for me a

great accomplishment. As said in one of her latest posting (as always

excellent observation!) the more ingrained our habits are the more " challenging "

it will be to change them. In other words, the longer we have been doing sth the

more challenging it will be to change it.


So what will you do to recharge today??? You have already seen a change

and that's great! We are here to help each other so keep posting.



From: kellyperry40 <kellyperry40@...>

Subject: New to the group


Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 8:32 PM


Hi my name is . This is the first time I have ever blogged. As put it

I have always thought of myself as a " lone ranger " . I have been listening to IOWL

podcasts for a while and love them! But I have found that I can't do this alone.

I have definitely felt a shift in my thoughts about eating, but have a difficult

time when my life is full of stress ( which is always) This causes drinking more

wine which leads to choosing the wrong foods. I really need help in dealing with

stress and learning to relax. The pod casts help but my stress gets the best of

me. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I'm 45 years old with 3

kids,husband and a dog. I work full time. I found these pod casts because I was

looking for something that was permanent. I always knew that it wasn't about the

food, so when I found these pod casts it was a perfect fit. Sorry if this post

is kinda scattered I am kinda nervous about letting my feelings out.

Hopefully, I will get better at blogging as time goes on!

Thanks for being here and I appreciate any support on my journey.

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I am up to pod cast 61, but I am going back to the beginning again because this

time I going to use a journal to most out of the pod casts. I want to get the

workbook and the guided journeys too. I think it would really help me break

through the road blocks that I continue to put up which hinders any success. How

do you manager your stress?

Have a great weekend too!

> >

> > Hi my name is . This is the first time I have ever blogged. As

put it I have always thought of myself as a " lone ranger " . I have been listening

to IOWL podcasts for a while and love them! But I have found that I can't do

this alone. I have definitely felt a shift in my thoughts about eating, but have

a difficult time when my life is full of stress ( which is always) This causes

drinking more wine which leads to choosing the wrong foods. I really need help

in dealing with stress and learning to relax. The pod casts help but my stress

gets the best of me. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I'm 45

years old with 3 kids,husband and a dog. I work full time. I found these pod

casts because I was looking for something that was permanent. I always knew that

it wasn't about the food, so when I found these pod casts it was a perfect fit.

Sorry if this post is kinda scattered I am kinda nervous about letting my

feelings out.

> > Hopefully, I will get better at blogging as time goes on!

> >

> > Thanks for being here and I appreciate any support on my journey.

> >


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